r/EntitledParents | "KAREN, GET OUT OF MY CAR!"

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it's about time you showed up I've been waiting on you for over an hour lady I'm not a taxi get out of my car are slash entitled parents our first story will be reading today this is not a taxi from user ghosts seven five seven nine Oh ex after that rude customer doesn't know what's coming for him from user BS remover after that entitled mom gets mad at me when staff asks her to move because I'm injured from user pocket bear company and then we'll be wrapping up with don't touch me please another story from user BS remover thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the are slash mister reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day this is not a taxi hey mister reddit and re army I'm still new to Reddit and haven't worked out all the bugs yet so go easy on me this story was a long time ago and happened to my dad our cast we've got my dad we've got my awesome mom we've got entitled Karen it was awesome mom's co-worker on a typical weekday evening awesome mom would finish work at the nursing home and dad would always be there waiting to pick her up dad drove an old black Oddie a D and it had been in need of a car wash and had seen its fair share of miles coincidentally local taxi companies in the area had similar looking black cars around the same age and condition with the exception of the big bold bright yellow sign saying taxi on the roof and large advertising plastered on the sides which is a bit of a giveaway awesome mom had been working at the nursing home a few years and most of the staff knew dad and what his car looked like most of the other staff didn't have their own car and usually called the local taxi companies to pick them up at the same spot dad usually parked and honk their horns twice to announce their arrival so dad is parked waiting for awesome mom as usual when he gets a text from awesome mom saying that she'd be five minutes late and just to wait for her five minutes come and go and still no awesome mom dad is a little impatient and honked the horn a couple of times it was at this moment he knew he messed up a few seconds later entitled Caryn walked out of the main door and right up to the passenger side door of dad's car and got in about time you got here take me to the place Karen's Nest what the heck are you doing in my car get out this is not a taxi just shut up and drive I've had a very long day and don't need any of your stupid BS get out of my car this is not a taxi I booked this taxi so take me home now for the last time this is not a taxi how dare you talk to me like that I'll have you a license suspended and make sure nobody else in my workplace hires your company again I'm here to pick up my wife who you work with does the name awesome mom ring a bell and that empty head of yours she can't have this taxi I called for it besides her husband always picks her up so stop lying and take me home just a small side note dad is a man who has a very little tolerance for BS and was shouting at this point on but I can't make the font any bigger to show just how loud he was bearing in mind he used to be a drill sergeant for the Royal Air Force I am her husband and I'm picking her up and for further details I am NOT a taxi driver entitled Karen now having the fear of the almighty forced into the vast empty cavern that was her brain started looking around the car looking at the dashboard and then said ladies you won't meet her I don't have a meter because this is not a taxi this went on for a while until awesome mom walked out the main door and opened the passenger door to see her co-workers set in her seat mom says oh hello entitled Karen why are you sitting in my seat talking to my husband just as she said that a taxi pulls into the carpark and honked his horn the look on Karen's face was worth a thousand words as she sheepishly climbed out of the car and shuffled over to the actual taxi as awesome mom got into the car she could hear Karen shouting again this time at the actual cab driver why you ask because the taxi wasn't hers thanks for reading and feel free to put this on YouTube and edit as you wish and yes you can roast me for poor grammar next we've got rude customer doesn't know what's coming for him this happened at my previous job I used to work for a cellphone company this particular company doesn't provide prepaid lines in store you have to call and they will send the customer our way to pick the chip for the system to work we have rude customer we also have entitled dad and we have here o co-worker and me as o P please someone tell me why in so many stories me is o P o it stands for original poster the one who started with the red rude customer and entitled dad both should be somewhere between 37 to 58 and thinking bad language is a required trait to be defined as a man came to the store rejected an employee's assistance then the younger checked every possible phone and took pigs showing the tongue baking his nose and making faces which later we have to delete while the father said on a bench to rest once he finished clowning around comes to me which by that time I'm finishing with a customer and as soon as I look at him they started this brand my friend said this company sucks and it has the worst service me thinking and you are here because I respond I'm sorry that you heard that however that issue happened two years ago we've improved a lot since I'm forced to say this every time because it's true and was a dent in the company's history oh really he scoffed and grinned and if I get a line of service with you and is as useless as I've been told are you going to refund me yes sir you're right we are giving our customers the right to try our services for an entire month before deciding to stay or choose another company after that period if you decide to leave we'll reimburse you for the total cost of the transaction okay I'll give it a try but I'm not getting one of your phones with your tricky contracts I want a prepaid service Oh for that you'll have to call customer service because the prepaid option is something we cannot provide in store however I can help you by checking your phone and seeing if it's compatible with our network so now you're going to make me feel that my phone is not good enough this is the latest Samsung I'm not buying another me getting annoyed but still trying to deliver the best service no sir you said your phone came from X company they operate on a different network and cut the krub because you're getting me confused I know this is something you like to do to convince me and I already said I'll try let's start the process but sir you said you wanted a prepaid service and that's something we can't do in store look I'm getting tired if you're telling me what is why and I've lost my patience it seems you're incapable to do a simple task you need to do some training to be able to work with customers excuse me he said it in the same rude tone to another co-worker it was going to get a phone on the back of the store while I shrug and took the brick stance arms crossed not moving not talking I need you to help me because him he points at me doesn't know his job co-workers seemed to be listening to the conversation because his face didn't look pleased coworker says I'm very busy at the moment but I'll do my best to help this is how you should treat a customer see he said looking at me while pointing at him so I need you to open a prepaid line for me and please do it quick because your coworker made me lose my time co-worker says actually my coworker was right we cannot nor have the means to open a prepaid account this is a call in service option Oh someone was putting rude customer in his rightful place which goes against the golden rule of the customer has always right even when he's wrong I thought here comes the crapstorm brute customer scoffs like he just heard a bad joke then seeking support Todd did you hear what they cannot open a prepaid account for me what kinda crap is that co-worker turns to entitled dad the same kind of crap I was talking about rude customer entitled dad and me stared at co-worker wide open eyes everyone's jaw touching the floor but there was no way rude customer would stay defeated he was enjoying his victory against me and he will subdue that rebel of an employee at the spot rude customer said while staring daggers at co-worker well but now I'm not living till I get what I came for or call customer service now I want my prepaid line now coworker without losing his cool then you have to call them sir no I'm saying you have to pick making the phone sign the phone and make the dang call to get my line coworker says no you mimicking rude customer have to pick up your phone and call them your danger if you want that service and have a nice day coworker then turned his back on them and went to the task he was busy with before being interrupted rude was speechless but once he recovered from the surprise he started shouting at him to the tune of if bad is the service worse are the employees and similar crap I was holding my laugh because I never thought someone in customer service would reply that way later on and free from clients we were laughing like crazy while repeating the story for our amusement and co-worker told me don't be afraid to lose a job if you have to put an entitled jerk like him in his place you're here to sell phones not put up with these people's crap you lose a job look for another job simple next we've got entitled mom gets mad at me when staff asks her to move because I'm injured hey mr. reddit longtime lurker from your channel and maintenance just to post something I enjoy your videos very much and asked you keep up the amazing work oh blicket sorry i'm on mobile so sorry for formatting English is my first language but I know sometimes I just get stuff wrong be kind when you point out errors please now let's get into this shall we so this happened over this past weekend we went down to Orlando Florida to celebrate my and my brother's birthday since there within a week of each other it was me my brother my mom and my daughter with therefore this so Saturday was his birthday so he chose typhoon lagoon as our hangout for the day unfortunately while at the park I managed to slip and slam my already recovering from a previous injury knee into the ground so I had a sleeve with an ice pack on for the last few hours now the weather was supposed to stay clear but not long after I managed to injure myself it began to rain so of course I'm hobbling along keeping track of my daughter in the crowd with my mom as we look for my brother and head for the gift shop for some cover turns out a lot of other people had the same idea at this point I was rotating the ice pack from the cold side to the well-padded side that I couldn't feel the ice since it was easier than carrying the wrapped bag and dealing with a toddler inside there's two benches just two small benches so a lot of people were sitting on the floor or in displays of merch on one of those benches is two children both on phones next to a single small backpack my mom asked them nicely if she and I could sit there and they politely said no they were waiting on their parents so we said in amongst the towel display near them I had difficulty due to my knee but we managed my brother left at some point and returned with ice cream and while eating it is where it all starts I'll try to write the dialogue best I can from memory but may not be 100% correct cast will be me my mom entitled mom and employee employee walks over as I'm cleaning my daughter up since she's making a mess like toddlers do with ice cream ma'am you need to move we don't want you to make a mess of our towels me right sorry but I need some help to get up due to my knee as I said this my brother grabbed my daughter and went off somewhere else with her huge help since that was the main point of the issue employee didn't seem to understand ma'am I need you to move so you don't make a mess yes I don't but I need a hand I cannot get up alone i motion to my knee with the sleeve and icepack mom says I'll need help up as well my back is bad and it was difficult to get down here in the first place employee looks around and realizes there is a bench within three feet of us looks at the family since the parents had now joined the kids excuse me can you let this lady sit please she needs to move entitled mom says I'm sorry seeming genuinely confused can your family sit elsewhere this lady had knee surgery I never said that and needs the bench to sit my family is already here can't you just do something else your Disney for goodness sakes don't you have extra chairs or something for these situations at this point I wasn't paying much attention as I was trying to get another employee to simply give me a hand so I could stand once I was standing I realized the parents were both getting mad because they were being asked to move when I never asked that during this she of course demanded a manager miss it's fine I can find somewhere else employee says no we'll find you something ma'am well we aren't moving I never asked you to I just wanted help up and I'm up now some more was said but I don't recall what eventually they just rolled the display I was set on a few feet over since it was blocking some stair steps to a dressing room and just let me sit there entitled mom went on for several minutes afterwards about it's BS why should we move for her when we sat here first they should have chairs or something for disabled people I just tried to finish my icecream quietly and ignored them after entitled mom walked away somewhere employee returned with the requested manager and the dad told them where to find entitled mom sorry it's anticlimactic but in the moment I was just really confused and hating the confrontation this turned out way longer than I originally planned sorry for that if this manages to make it into a video please send the link thanks for reading this y'all and our final story of the day don't touch me please I tried to tag this as /i don't work here but I don't know how so please understand intentionally I changed the words to ease the reading process as I said before I'm in English this happened a few days ago I work for you company in person customer service but when I'm out with the uniform no one can tell where I work so can I speak to your manager doesn't work with me I'll explain our dress code only requires us to wear the t-shirts with the logo the color and size of the logo changes with the t-shirt and we can choose which pants and shoes we'd like to wear formal jeans or sport regardless of color but I like formal attire so that day I wore black pants and hat with the black t-shirt the story I finished my shift and went to a craft store to get some hoops for my mother she loves doing embroidery and the old ones broke since I don't know the country I used the GPS to guide me being my first time there and having no rush I wonder around the store looking at everything and sometimes rearranging items with the right price tags because I don't understand why most of the time customers wander around the place taking things and placing them elsewhere instead of returning them to their place or giving it to an employee at the cashier because that's their job anyway eventually I found the hoops and was looking for the different sizes and quality closing them to check if there were gaps along the ring and in the meantime I received a friends call with more than five bamboo hoops hanging in my arms and facing the aisle I start talking about my day and what I'll do once I get out so while I'm talking I heard an excuse me sweetie on the background and thought someone wanted to enter the aisle so I move aside and kept talking thinking for sure they won't go their merry way ten seconds later the same voice changed to a Karen tone and said hey sweetie will you please put that stupid phone aside and assist me me facing her excuse me you should pay attention when customers need help before letting them waste time trying to find what they need now put all that down and tell me where I can find beads to put in my daughter's dress their pearl color small me still frozen by that argument I realized she doesn't know I don't work here and I went and made a bigger mistake interrupting a Karen oh please one second you'll have to excuse me but don't you see I'm talking how dare you interrupt a customer you should wait till I finish to help now shut your Yap and move it because I don't have all day usually when people tend to treat me like that I do not move nor reply till they go away yelling at me and so I told my friend on the phone who was listening and asking don't worry talk later but the phone in my pocket and stood there oops still in my arms she will listen what I have to say or she'll rot in front of me obviously Karen pointed outside the aisle for me to guide her but I crossed my arms hoops in the same place and boy she didn't like that a bit I think I told you what to do are you stupid deaf or both i smirk and said I think both and I pushed the wrong button now listen to me and listen well you waste of nature it's clear that you couldn't achieve more in your life and that's why you're working here if you want to keep paying for that hole that you crawl out of every morning to work here and make customers look at your dumb face all day I suggest you move and move fast and get me what I asked for or I'll have your job and any job you apply for after this you're going to learn to lower your head before trying to upset someone who's above you now move and now she goes and extends the hand to grab me by the sleeve I'm steaming and my ears fuming for that speech and I saw the hand approaching me I had it don't even try to touch me you piece of crap I said that stepping back to prevent her from grabbing the sleeve you're so messed up if you think I'm letting you push me around I'm not your husband so keep your hands to yourself then I lowered my arms and gather half of the hoops in each hand and said try again and I'll make you eat this bamboo hoop like the panda bear you are seeing that she shut up for a moment I continued my rant I tried to tell you in a polite way I don't work here but it seems that when you open your mouth you close your ears like a seal and it should be that way because you look like one now scram before I break everything I can reach in your head she took two steps back I think she always made things go her way and I just crushed her dreams all of a sudden two crocodile tears appeared in her eyes and while sobbing she started looking left and right for an employee and told me in a low but menacing tone you work here and you're not getting away with this I'm not stopping till I get your job and make sure you don't get hired again anywhere oh so that's how powerful you are please stop and get lost you clown if you were that powerful you shouldn't even be here you're just a pain in the neck with a heartbeat and a huge entitlement problem get out of my sight finally one of the two employees appeared too late excuse me what seems to be the problem Oh unit the manager I need this employee of yours to be fired me and the girl looked at each other and I understood aside from the green apron with the name of the store embroidered in it I could be easily mistaken if it wasn't for the small logo of my company over the pocket and on the right sleeve I'm sorry lady I know it's confusing but he doesn't work here so that's how you want to play I said the first time and I'll repeat ah you the manager if not where is he I'm not moving till this employee gets what's coming to him employee he says lady I know it looks like he's one of us but he wears no apron and please look at the logo on his shirt Karen tries to get closer to me trying to read but I cover in part of the logo with the hoops while keeping distance just to trigger her Karen tells me playing funny now let's see how long this will last you're not getting away with this you work here and you will swallow your pride in front of me look who's talking you think you own the moon I'll be at the cashier and please looking at the employee keep this lunatic away from me I left Karen Banting about me being a jerk more menaces about getting my job and telling the board girl they need to look for better employees before picking up a first trash that comes rolling through the door finally I left that store with my hoops and a headache I really don't want to find that lady again and congrats to our Regenerist of the day the Raven go star egg theater geek and Jennifer become tomorrow's Regenerist by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 152,725
Rating: 4.8487692 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: PXeovZuabvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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