r/Entitledparents "KAREN GOES TO DENNYS!"

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our food was ice-cold when she brought them out what are you going to do to fix this bar slash entitled parents our first story will be reading today my entitled mom has a meltdown on Denney staff and manages to get meals comped from user mrs. cannon nine till after that why are you helping other kids and not being a personal coach to my son from user illiquid lemons and then we'll be wrapping up with entitled mom almost detained by guards from user lady Red Lake thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notification so you don't miss a thing my entitled mom has a meltdown on Denney staff and manages to get meals comped hello mr. reddit today I'm talking about my entitled mom I've been listening to you while I've been in recovery healing from double hip and knee surgery it's a long story about that that includes medical negligence from my entitled mom but that will be a different post if anyone wants to hear about that well I wish you the best in your recovery my friend obligatory on mobile and blah blah blah I don't care about formatting but if there are spelling errors please let me know David long didn't read in the title background this was like ten years ago when I was a teenager I grew up being mentally and emotionally abused by this woman my whole life where my grandparents ended up taking custody of me until they passed away I still have my grandfather but he is 86 years old now and my mother kind of swindled me into living with her again because I never got a chance to grow up with my younger brother and sister who are 5 to 6 years younger than me and I have more stories from this crazy lady but this one sticks out to me the most and since I grew up with her always managing to find out if I spoke poorly of her she had find out and I would get punished and she had tried to correct my memories anyways on to this story our cast we've got entitled mom we've got the super sweet Deni server and we've got the Denny's manager other characters were my dad little brother little sister and me but we all didn't say much during this exchange mostly because I was super embarrassed and felt sorry for the Denny's workers since I usually dealt with moms screaming so there's five people in our party will be important for later our story my great-aunt had passed away and they were having a big funeral slash family reunion we were traveling from Nevada to California for it and once we made it to the outskirts of the town we were traveling till my dad stopped at this Denny's so he could eat before we got to our motel this place was packed and like every table was full but we got seated and drinks served promptly the server took our orders and everything seemed normal the food was taking a while to arrive and my mother was starting to get upset by loudly complaining about the wait and the server was running around to every table in the restaurant she brought out our food and most of it was cold like it was sitting on the Food Warmer for a while at that point my mother was furious this happened ten years ago so my memory of the exact dialogue may not be 100% I mostly recall the outcome excuse me our meals are ice-cold I want your manager now server looking like a deer in the headlights oh okay it will be a little bit since she's in the kitchen can I do any manager now the surfer takes off and the whole time my mother is very colorfully still complaining to us about it and my dad just has a look of I'm just the driver I'm not involved and the children were just quietly picking at the food in front of us after a while the manager does come out and the following conversation ensues I'm excluding the bad words so use your imagination hello I'm sorry about the wait our food was ice-cold when she brought them out what are you going to do to fix this I'm so sorry about that you see we are very short-staffed tonight I'm the only manager and only one in the kitchen and she is my only server and the restaurant is packed I apologize for your meals being cold I could remake them fresh for you now you need to teach your waitstaff better that she should bring out the food to the proper tables as they come out of the kitchen it's not my fault that you are short-staffed I will not be paying for this garbage and corporate will be hearing from me and I used to work in the restaurant industry I should know I do apologize ma'am a listen I'll comp your meals and I apologize again clearly she was just trying to get my mom to shut up and get us out there as quickly as possible and I don't blame her and during this whole ordeal the server was looking like she was going to cry after a few minutes since most of the dining room was starting to clear out the manager came over to us with a voided receipt again I apologize for the weight and everything but I had my whole staff not show up tonight and the server is new I just spoke with her about this and again I apologize yeah you better and you good come over here I don't recall what she said except that she was basically trying to tell her how to do her a job and throwing around that I should know I worked in a restaurant after this horrible ordeal we got into the car and left and my mother started congratulating herself for getting five meals comped and Denny's and almost broke her arm patting herself on the back like I said I have more stories that involve my entitled mom so let me know if you guys would like to hear some I even have some stories where she exercises her Karen S on me also thanks for reading next we've got why are you helping other kids and not being a personal coach to my son first post here so bear with me I play inline hockey just means skating on wheels not ice at a very competitive level and have been playing since I was five I'm 15 as of now I've played in multiple national and even worldwide tournaments so you could say I'm decent at the sport my local rink located within a multi-sport facility hosts a learn to play session once a week for a six week period before the youth season begins this practice has two hours the first is new beginners and the second hour is for those who already know the basics and are looking to further advance their skills knock the rust off my coach runs these practices and once in a while if I have enough down time I'll come out and try to help out as an assistant if need be I'm not great as a coach but I can help kids with mechanics set up drills demo whatever is needed cast we've got me we've got entitled parent we've got normal kid he was about seven to eight we've got coach we've got my mom who is also of a youth league president and we've got the rink manager so it's the second week with about twenty minutes until the first practice begins and entitled parent comes in to talk to mom about what she needs to do to rent gear payments etc as her and kid missed the first week of practices this isn't a big deal and mom says that it isn't a big issue keep in mind that entitled parent doesn't know mom is the league president yet entitled parent doesn't appear to be a Karen yet not rude non Karen hair not searching for a manager although she looked a little irate overall average person practice starts and he struggles to keep up with the rest of the group I try to give him a bit of encouragement but he stops to try to hear what I'm saying his mom starts yelling at him to get moving as well as at me for making him stop when he just got going mom comes over and quietly tells her to leave the kids be and trust the coaches are doing the right thing the next drill was a stick handling drill which basically means moving and controlling the puck with your stick I give a demo and then the drill starts again nice kids struggles but this was only the second time the kids were doing this so they are all obviously struggling me and coach are going around helping them out giving them advice nice kid is still struggling so I go over and try to help him out I can hear entitled parent muttering something under her breath rather loudly but I'm not paying attention to her nice kid listens to what I said and continues and they go off helping others nice kid is still struggling but stick handling is a difficult skill and requires practice to learn there is a water break after the drill and I head out to use the bathroom entitled Barron gives me a glare as I go on by and I wonder what she is thinking on my way back she taps me on the shoulder and the conversation goes like this why are you not helping my son I'm sorry you need to help him out more he is new and can't play as well as the others and is still struggling and clearly needs more help I'm sorry if you think that a bus stick handling is a difficult skill and there are other kids that need help me and coach are doing our best to help them learn I continue on my way with entitled parent giving me a mad eye the next drill goes on and nice kid still struggles and coach notices and goes over to help him coach gives a quick fix and moves on I am actively involved in running this drill so I can't focus on helping anyone unless it's something that requires my specific urgent attention entitled parent keep saying stuff to other parents about our lack of attention to my son and how we are so inconsiderate and rude for not helping him out even something about how we are discriminating against him another water break happens and as I sit down Karen walks down to the bench with a fire in her eye only a manager can suffice she grabs my bicep and shuffles me off the bench why are you still not helping my son I was involved in the drill I can't stop the drill just to help out your kid but you should have he needs all the help he can get and if you need to stop a drill to give him advice you should I'm not going to stop an entire drill only to give one kid a piece of advice besides coach was over there helping him and others once they got back in line entitled parent now starts to raise her voice hoping to get attention from parents to join her cause so you're not willing to help the kid in need out what kind of a coach are you to not help a kid out when he needs help I am willing to help him out should they need help however in that drill I was in no position to do so and stopping a drill so that I can explain what coach would tell him once nice kid got back in line would be a waste of time entitled parent looked flustered and goes back to sit down and another drill begins as I head back on the rink during this drill I would pull over some kids to help them in a one-on-one environment I didn't have enough time to help nice kid and this infuriated her only in the way an overpriced item could upset a Karen you still aren't helping my son do you know how rude you all being to refuse an adult's wishes like this I'm sorry but I don't have time to help everyone out I'm not trying to blow him off but there isn't enough time to help everyone in a one-on-one setting entitled mom now beginning to yell boo crap didn't have enough time you helped three other kids oh you had to do was choose nice kid over anyone else but no you just have to be a self-centered jerk and not help my son how does coach even let you coach by now mom had noticed the commotion and has come over what is going on here entitled parent says something to the effect of this jack is being kind and considerate and helping out others instead of dipping in through my selfish wishes and only helping my precious kid well your child is not the only one here and two coaches have to spread out over everyone to make sure everyone learns what to do I'm sure he isn't trying to ignore your kid how stupid are you it's obvious to anyone that he is discriminating against my child and should not be allowed to coach in fact entitled parents ultimate mistake I'm friends with the president of the league and can get him banned remember the important part yeah that's strange considering I'm the president and I don't know you at all entitled parent looked exactly like surprised Pikachu and glares in horror as she realized she is indeed totally done for mom calls the rink manager notifying him of the situation and rink manager calls the facility manager the facility manager serves untitled parent a one month's a pension from entering the facility and a one-year ban from the Youth League now the league costs $150 to play in and the rental gear she got cost $100 to use she ended up in her tantrum throwing the gear into a trash can outside which had filled up with rain from the previous night she had to completely replace the gear which cost $400 so her stupidity cost her $550 100 from the league payment and the rest from damages nice kid apologizes to me and mom when she left and I told him it was okay and to understand that's not how to handle a situation they said yeah and went on his not so merry way next we've got entitled mom almost detained by guards first time posting longtime lurker on the You Tube channel please be gentle while pointing my mistakes since English is not my first language but there's always place for improvement too long didn't read at the bottom our cast we've got my mom the entitled one my dad not entitled in this story my brother not in this story but he's mentioned and we've got the guard and we've got me happened a few years ago some details might be blurry story we arrived delayed at the part where the military parade was held during that parade the new recruits were supposed to pledge to the country and my brother was one of them also we really wanted to see him marching since he was proud with the marching he had until then so on to the story in that Park before you could get to the place where the parade was held they also displayed some cars tanks equipment equipped personnel etc my mom wanting to annoy me and my dad wanted pictures with everything we didn't know how to get to the exact place where relatives were supposed to stay and as I mentioned we were late there was a straight pass to there but it had a helicopter parked and also it was with a lot of military guards irrelevant later starting at 5:00 a.m. I was enduring my mom's shenanigans and was quite frustrated since I wanted to catch a good spot to take some pictures and videos so while my mom was posing with a guy in camouflage and fully equipped I hear the military orchestra starting to sing and also marching mom do you hear that they're rehearsing or they started what I won't get to see my child marching insert classic mister read it re here even though she didn't and off she goes on the straight path with the helicopter and the guards my dad starts running too I was a bit surprised and lagged so I went off after them to when I realized that one of the guards was preparing to tackle my mother I wanted to see that but she encountered another one that simply stood in front of her and didn't let her pass my father stopped to catch his breath he is really fat and I started to hear mom let me through let me through my son is there oh you're his family we have the right to see him marching screaming while trying to climb the guard I think my mom is short like 1.5 meters 4.9 feet tall and thin I started running faster reach and grab my mother I'm a bit taller than her and placed myself between the annoyed guard now and my mom my dad comes to the rescue and drags our Abed back sorry about her can you please tell us how to get to the place where the relatives of the new recruits are supposed to be for the parade Guard somehow relieved that I removed my mother that was still screaming and making a scene almost starting to cry at that point this will be the fifth time she cried today and it's barely noon sure thing go back take a left then you will see a path that goes upwards on the hill but keep her in her place where she won't be allowed through security the president is coming today - in my head I was dying of embarrassment because he started to look at me with a bit of pity which is understandable due to the way my mother was acting thank you very much have a good day and I'm really sorry then I grabbed my moms and dads hand and both dragged her and I was screaming this is not the path come with me since I was sure that if I talked with a normal tone she wouldn't have heard me since she was still screaming she stopped screaming after she saw the upwards path because she started running again and my father after her I stood behind for a bit ashamed because of her behavior and hoping the guards would not remember my brother's name since at a point she screamed it she saw that I was behind and ran to me even though i gestured her to go before me but still she came where I was please go I want to be alone for a bit see I wait for you your father doesn't wait for you please go please go I really want to be left alone now but why I am your mother I even came back to you hope that counts I'm going to sit in a good place to take photos since it's clear now that you don't care about your mother off she goes the joke was on her since I got a better place and actually had the chance to get pictures PS she acted up since she woke up and I didn't want the story to be too long I have other short stories so if you'd like to hear about more shenanigans or how a day is with her I will oblige and congrats to our regionals of the day a random user in here hijo hailey and Timberwolf 4 to 9 become tomorrow's free generals by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 56,533
Rating: 4.8373332 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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