r/Entitledparents "KAREN TAKES MY CAT!"

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this tax is not yours she belongs to entitled kid and you're not getting her back Oh / intended parents our first story we'll be reading today she kept stealing my son's cat cops were called from user me GU yan after that entitled mom tries to take my brand-new $150 bowling ball because I was doing well and then expects free lessons when I say no I am a bowling noob and a kid by the way from user generic teenage named after that a long walk because of a walker from user Jade kitten paw and then we'll be wrapping up with I'm not allowed to go to an amusement park just because I wouldn't make my mom food from user al andrea pen thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day she kept stealing my son's cat cops were called hi mr. reddit I listen to your YouTube videos and finally have something to add this happened a few days ago so the arguments are still fresh in my mind I'm on mobile but I type quite badly anywhere so I'm making no apologies it is long button I think worth the read our cast we've got me I'm the father I'm super dad I'm the lover of all animals we've got my son he's my good son he's a cat lover we've got the cute kitten who is the victim we've got the bad family which includes the entitled mom she's the cat thief we've got their dad who's a felon [ __ ] he has no lines just part of the story we've got entitled daughter and son fairly interchangeable and we've got entitled grandma the enabler first the backstory my family and I he used to live in a house in a horrible neighborhood but we were luckily next to the cat lady who is extremely sweet and the reason why one of the sweetest amazing kittens came into our lives cute kitten cute kitten is half Maine [ __ ] so she has all the patterns and personality without being twice as big as any other cat that was about 12 months ago and when we found cute kitten in our tree she was just a little young to have been weaned my then six-year-old son good son fell in love with cute kitten instantly and helped to clean cute kitten of all her fleas and such and fed and slept with cute kitten like a much older kid roughly seven months ago we moved from there into a much better neighborhood with only one downfall the family across the street bad family we soon found out were criminals we had signed a lease though so we had a year after the first few weeks the now full-grown cute kitten disappears we searched but couldn't find her nothing until about two weeks later I was sitting on the porch and I see the door across the street open and here comes the cat I thought it was weird but whatever cute kitten is back nothing else until about May cute kitten is pregnant by some local Tom then cute kitten disappears again we start the search again everyone is helping again nothing not a trace by now good son and entitled kid had become friends and constantly hung out they had all played in each other's house and entitled kid played with cute kitten and everyone was excited about the new kittens so they knew cute kitten and were quite familiar with her about three weeks into the cute kitten being missing entitled kids suddenly mentions that their cat had come back shortly after cute kitten disappeared hmmm I think so I go ask entitled mom if she seemed cute kitten no why would you think your cat is alikat not at all what I asked but I'm not going to search your nasty house the next day cute kitten is sitting on our front porch she had her kittens about two days later good son is ecstatic everyone is entitled kids are stoked all is forgiven bygones and all June rolls around entitled dad is in jail after being caught with things he shouldn't have had entitled mom is caught strung out so badly that she was unresponsive the entitled kids spent a few nights at our house to protect them they go back to their house and the cute kitten disappears again this time I take off the gloves walk across the street and demand the cat back now entitled mom shuts the door but entitled kid shows up about an hour later with cute cat who immediately runs in to feed her kittens now to the actual story told you this would be long it was last Monday I go out to call in cute kitten for the night and she doesn't come it was late so the next day I go first to entitled grandma and ask if she is seeing my cat she actually lives next door to the bad family she smiles and said no sorry however I saw one a few streets over it had been hit by a car I asked entitled kid they swore they knew nothing but cute kittens now older kittens were in the tree next door alone I go look we're entitled grandma said the dead cat was but the city had done street sweeping etc the night before I searched the entire neighborhood in fact Oh crud I thought in considerably less pleasant terms how do I tell good son that cute kitten is dead we sat down on the porch with our entire family brought out ice-cream and told them the news many pints were emptied many tears shed a week goes by entitled dad gets several years in prison entitled mom misses a meeting with her counselor they come to a CPS check and she is subsequently ordered to do 90 days of in hospital rehab starting within 30 days the kids are going to be sent to entitled grandmas as soon as she checks in their landlord immediately evict them all the entitled mom throws a multi-day yard sale to sell off as much as she can including all of entitled kids stuff on Sunday the entitled kid came over I'm inside cooking but I can hear them talking entitled kid says to good son guess what we got our kid in back and she's going to have kittens I lean out around front the kitchen it's a tiny house and say hey entitled kid or what kitten they immediately scatter I finished cooking eat and go across to bad families house entitled mom is on the front lawn and I haven't said anything when I see cute kitten come out and lay down in the lawn I look up and without skipping a beat entitled mom literally yells that's not your cat I walk up to the kid feel her head cute kitten had been in a knock-down drag-out fight about a month before she had to scar bumps on her head and a long scar on her lip that was still healing sure enough all three are there and the one on her lip is infected cute kitten starts towards our house sees her kitten and starts printing yeah entitled mom that is Goodson's cat you know it is I know it is I walk up and pick up cute kitten when entitled kid comes up don't do that you're scaring him I picked up cute kitten and turned to entitled kid few things one it's a she to this is cute kitten you've been to our house three entitled mom keeps stealing her I then turned and started towards my house thinking it was over here comes entitled grandma what is going on here entitled grandma yelled I called over good son and with tears streaming down his face cute kitten you're alive he said as he rushed into our house I then turned to entitled grandma seemed so much red it may have been a deep shade of crimson your daughter stole Goodson's cat again I was so done I didn't care then you told me cute kitten was dead good Sun was now red-faced that's entitled kids cat we got him for them a year ago and he disappeared over about a year ago where did you supposedly get cute kitten listen closely she is cute kitten cute kitten wasn't even born over a year ago we moved here from our previous town seven months ago with cute kitten you have all seen her entitled kid has played in our house when entitled mom was away so don't give me this entitled grandma wasn't backing down entitled kids were never over at your house I had them at my house the whole time she blustered and that is entitled kids cat I'll show you pitches she pulled out her phone and showed me pictures all dated from The Times cute kitten had been missing previously yeah those are all clearly of cute kitten she squinted at her phone look at this one from last summer she smirked and showed me a picture of a cat like I said cute kitten is half Maine [ __ ] and has a dark almost black and dark brown stripes this cat in the pitcher was tan light tan and brown those aren't the same cats and if I have to come and get cute kitten again I'll get a restraining order because you broke Goodson's heart telling us cute kitten was dead while entitled mom lures the cat in with treats its BS she now got the holier-than-thou stands what are you going to do tell the cops someone is treating your cat well and feeding it I was just plain mad now I was hot standing in the middle of the road and just ready to go inside and welcome cute kitten home you think you are so religious how about this thou shalt not bear false witness or better thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Goods livestock or possessions I turned and started to walk away she suddenly screamed at my back you are breaking entitle kids hot now your daughter stole our cat repeatedly entitled kids heart was broken by you telling her cute kitten was her cat we are done I'm going to go inside superglue her collar shut and get a crate for her and her kittens really tilt just locking an outdoor cat away entitled grandma said smugly no real a dull wouldn't be stealing your neighbor's cat forcing them to hide their cats away real adults wouldn't tell their neighbors their pets were dead I walked away leaving entitled grandma gulping like a goldfish now it's over right Oh No read the title I had to flee to cute kitten and put medication on her lip again I was getting everyone in bed when the standard police knock came from my door I opened it and said yes officer he sighed this lady pointing behind him to entitled mom and entitled grandma said you stole her cat he held up a picture of the brown and tan cat could you get it I showed him cute kitten laying on the rug playing with her kittens this is my cat I waved my hand the officer took a few looks between cute kitten and the pitcher yeah this cat isn't here before you go entitled mom is a known criminal or her husband just went to prison and she had her kids taken away you may want to consider a more reputable source in the future the cop site again I'm just here for the cat who clearly isn't here if you'll excuse me I have to have a chat with entitled mom and entitled grandma I shut the door and locked it I've since shut all the windows and doors and good son is very careful not to let the cats out so that's it mr. reddit if this is worth your time please send me the youtube link that's all next we've got entitled mom tries to take my brand-new $150 bowling ball because I was doing well and then expects free lessons when I say no I'm a bowling noob and a kid by the way so just recently I got into bowling it's just fun I also recently got my own ball made to fit my hand it is made of a specific material to hook more and it cost $150 so the other day I was on fire for me personally and compared to most casual bowlers but in terms of other people who Bowl regularly I was doing alright just saying I had bowled a 150 to 136 125 and 185 which is my best game ever and my first four games and there was a family of like 5 to 6 2 parents a girl who was like 6 another girl who was like 9 and a boy was around 13 when it all happened now whenever someone points and asks oh how can I do better you are doing really well I'm being super humble right now I know I am always glad to give advice to help out curl your hand back do this on your approach aim the ball here and release this way that kind of thing the bowling balls the house gives you are made of plastic and don't hook the balls the pros use are made of resin or urethane and those grip the lane so they hook the ball I had bought is made of resin I had bowled my 185 when it all happened we've got entitled kid one who's six and titled kid to who's nine and titled kid three is 13 we've got entitled mom we've got chill dad the manager and me and so it begins entitled kid three wow you are really good at that things I just got into bowling it's just practice entitled kid one and three can you show us how to do that entitle kid two didn't really care yeah sure grab the balls you are using and come over here this is one entitled mom comes in Oh Don since you have been doing so well with your ball can they use that sorry I just got that ball and I would rather not have strangers touch it plus it's 14 pounds that's way too heavy for them and it's drilled perfectly to fit my hand so it won't even fit them oh don't worry about that they will do fine go grab the balls sweetie no it's my ball I'm happy to give pointers but they aren't touching my ball oh come on you can clearly afford another one just give it to them no it's not happening I just bought this ball and it won't even fit them fine get along kids I'll pick you up in an hour after your lesson what why do you think I'm giving them a lesson and how much would you pay chill dad says honey stop leave the kid alone and let's enjoy the rest of our day entitled mom whispers shush honey I know how to deal with jerks like this well I figured since you wouldn't give them the ball you would give them a lesson and you offered anyway no I offered to give them like one or two pointers that is very different than a lesson entitled mom's voice starting to raise listen here kid my kids dream to be in the PBA one day entitled kid one in three were wearing NBA jerseys and Chicago Bulls socks so you will give them this lesson oh do you want to crush a Chad's dreams no I don't want to do that I'm just new to bowling your oldest kid is only two years younger than me and you won't pay me heck no I'm not giving them a lesson or my bowling ball and give us the bowling ball you owe us you are making my children jealous then the kids start to cry and the dad is trying to calm them down entitled mom proceeds to walk over to the ball return pick up my ball and put it in my ball bag while walking away manager me and the manager at the bowling alley or chill since I am there all the time I know his name but I'm not gonna say it for obvious reasons manager says ma'am you need to return that kids ball now this isn't his ball this is my ball and he is trying to steal it no it's his ball he's in here all the time with it I know it's his give it back or I will call the police fine but I want a full refund No then I just won't pay it's a postpay system you gave us your card number and we charge you for the games even if you leave without coming up to us thanks for ruining our day you little jerk this is your last chance with my kids lessons or I will keep your ball I won't be doing either fine say goodbye to your ball security security comes in and takes the ball from the entitled mom she freaks out and the family gets banned and I get five free games manager apologizes thanks for reading edit a commenter pointed out that the kids aren't entitled and he was right but the kids were chill next up we've got a long walk because of a walker hi guys I've been a fan for a good while now but this is my first post I'm not too confident in my ability to relay the story very well and apologize if the rather long monologue portion gets a bit much but I tried my best to transcribe the entire thing word-for-word also my vision isn't great so please forgive any typos or misspellings onto this story itself one evening after dialysis my boyfriend and I had gone out to a restaurant we are fond of bear in mind we are on a fixed income and me being Hindi capped and barely able to walk have a lot of medical bills so going out is a rare treat for us which made the encounter that much more unwelcome while we were trying to forget about some bad news we had gotten that day as well cast we've got me we've got boyfriend we've got entitled lady and host of the restaurant we had finished our meal and I had to make a stop at the ladies room so boyfriend went to pay and pull the car to the front of the building to make things easier for me since I'm normally in a wheelchair or using a walker at that time I was rather unsteady on the Walker I was using now sadly I'm reduced to just the wheelchair as I'm no longer able to even stand up I come out of the bathroom and he has left the car running at the doors so he can come and assist me to walk to the car we get just to the doors the kind hosts holding the doors with a usual have a good evening as boyfriend precedes me ever so slightly out the door with me wobbling like I'm about to fall over when we hear the magic sound him stomping up clearly able to see me with my walker as I'm exiting the door excuse me boyfriend looking blank uh yeah can I help you how dare you block the doors like this how inconsiderate honestly young people think they can just park anywhere my husband had to park over there points to an idling car not two feet in front of our car which equates about a maximum of 20 extra steps there in mind both entitled lady and her husband are totally able-bodied people to go in and get out takeout orders boyfriend gestures at me now standing beside him with my Walker sorry ma'am but I had to run in to help her get outside she would fall if I didn't help her to the car entitled lady looks at me with disdain spotting several needle marks and some bruising on my left upper arm it's not my fault if your junkie girlfriend gets hurt she shouldn't be doing drugs I'm rather annoyed but still polite ma'am I'm no junkie these needle marks are from the needles necessary to administer dialysis via the fistula created here I'm a renal patient on dialysis entitled lady says snot le liya you are far too young to be a renewed passion what are you 20 or so you must be a junky and trying to hide it you probably don't even need that walker you're just too lazy and fat note I'm normally 100% non-confrontational but this lady has just thrown my which switch not that I care about your opinion as it has no real bearing on my life and I neither know you or expect to see you again on top of that I'm not here to blaze you nor do I owe you any explanation of something that is none of your business but apparently you feel the need to stick that over large beak of yours in but yes I am a renal patient and no I'm 34 years old my kidney shut down due to my diabetes and a bad reaction to medication I was given for it I spent three days a week with two giant needles in my arm for four hours having my blood pumped out of me and through a machine to clean it and remove excess fluid then pumped back into me so I have very low tolerance for idiots like you who see marks and assume things when I'm literally fighting to stay alive while I wait for a kidney transplant and if that isn't enough to make you shut up and quit harping because your poor husband had to ten or fifteen extra feet to get your food which is likely now cold since you decided to spend twenty minutes being a total cow when you could be home now eating then I sincerely apologize that my safety was put before your convenience by now a massive crowd had formed an entitled lady realizes most everyone is glaring at her and she isn't likely to get much sympathy so does what all bullies do giving a hefty little sniff of I'm better than you and walks off with her overly large nose in the air while her husband who is standing by their cat with their food rolls his eyes at his harpy of a wife apparently used to this from her he mouths a silent apology as entitled lady attempts to make what she thinks is a dramatic exit to maintain her dignity I guess not paying attention to where she's going she ends up walking smack into her still open passenger side door and landing on her rump with a rather startled and dazed look on her face everyone is now laughing at this harpy getting smacked down by Karma right then and there causing her to get even more upset her face turning the deepest shade of purple I've ever seen and looking like she's about to go total eruption mode when her husband grabs her arm and firmly leads her to the car making her sit down and shut up before giving us all an expression of sorry about her he climbs into the car and they pull out before she decides to get a second wind and come gripe about some other imagined offense while my boyfriend and I are done with a drama and he assists me into the car and we go home still shaking our heads in disbelief how some people can be so picky that they'll cause a fuss over having to park one spot over and our final story of the day I'm not allowed to go to an amusement park just because I wouldn't make my mom food hi mr. reddit this is my first time posting to your wall and second time posting to Reddit I'm sorry if I have any spelling mistakes or any grammar errors English is my first language and I'm on mobile here is the cast we've got me we've got petty mom we've got sister and we've got annoying cousin and that's about it so this is happening right now tomorrow we have a big day and we're going to an amusement park to ride the tallest ride in my state named the Steel Curtain if anyone wants to see it for themselves I'm pretty excited because the whole year I've been waiting for this ride to open up my mom is pretty too so it's pretty late into the night right now it's 12:45 a.m. as I'm typing it and I just got out the shower I heard my sister called my name and I walked in her room we sleep in separate rooms I sleep on my mom's floor and she has her own room the conversation goes as followed sister says quietly can you make me some noodles me with bad hearing you want me to make you some juice what juice packets do we have annoying cousin she asked can you make her some noodles I'm not even going downstairs I'm going in the room to lay down and go to sleep sister says he was just about to go downstairs to go make some juice no I asked what juice packets do we have I didn't say that I was going downstairs to make juice after a moment it went quiet and I decided to go back in the room to go to sleep that's when petty mom called me back into the room Opie me obviously tired what come here me not wanting to make her mad walks back in my sister's room and looked at her my petty mom says can you get beef noodles from in the room and make me some I'm looking at her in disbelief as I know that she heard what I said about not wanting to go downstairs mom I just said I don't want to go downstairs I just want to go in the room and lay down we both stared at each other and she said something that made my blood boil since you don't want to go downstairs and make me some you're not going tomorrow I just stared at her for a second as I was processing what I just heard and the words blur it out of my mouth see this is why you are petty I walked out of the room and she said something but I didn't hear it now I'm just sitting on the bed typing this I hope you all enjoyed and I'll edit this until y'all if I'm allowed to go tomorrow or not edit so we all didn't get a chance to go to the amusement park because it started to rain really bad like a big storm and the amusement park closes when this happens they was all bummed out while I was happy but a little bummed out as well and congrats to our regionals of the day a damn gaming WR girly eight-six Timberwolf 4 to 9 and Chrissy UD become tomorrow's regionals by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 60,726
Rating: 4.8714767 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: MXfdxWm_62w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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