r/Entitledparents "KAREN GOES TO THE GYM!"

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mommy I want his water bottle it's my son your water bottle how far slash entitled parents our first story will be reading today how to get me to hate the gym I won't take entitled moms money for a water bottle from user mr. with ear edit after that surely that no kids vu doesn't include my kid after that entitled parent thinks dog hurt her kid from user rooster blue 7 - and then we'll be wrapping up with entitled brat won't move and gets a face full of manure then accidentally get entitled mother from user Jedi hack 1 thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the are slash mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day how to get me to hate the gym I won't take entitled mom's money for a water bottle I've been stalking this subreddit for a bit because I really didn't know how people got into these messes but now I get it so we have a cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got entitled kids 1 & 2 we've got the employee the manager and the gym goer context so I'm 16 and my mother has been going to a certain gym about five years now and about two months ago I started tagging along she goes to her Zumba class for an hour and I do whatever the gym recently went under a mega renovation that added a Kids Zone and most people leave their kids there this matters along with the Kids Zone they added a half-hour circuit you can do full of equipment for a full body workout another important detail is that I carry two hydro flasks one is for water and the other is for water mixed with a weight loss tablet the weight-loss tablet one is a bright blue gradient to white and then red with a star graphic I got a few months back from an event for our school so I'm at the circuit it's around 6:45 p.m. and I'm on the elliptical an entitled mom is two machines down on another machine entitled kid is sitting on the couch next to the circuit on entitled mom's iPhone XS max he's chillin and eyeing my gradient hydro flask I don't blame him I love my bottle eventually entitled mom gets off the circuit and heads to entitled kid I was still going listening to the Gus and Eddie podcast excuse me yes ma'am my son was just wondering where you bought that bottle oh I got it a few months ago at an event the bottle has custom made at this point I hear entitled kid wine in the background he really wants this water bottle oh well my son really wants the bottle I'll pay you 20 bucks oh I'm sorry but I can't sell it it's one-of-a-kind and I personally really like it how about 30 I'm sorry but I'm not planning on selling it look my son really wants that bottle for himself how much do you want I really appreciate the offer but I really can't sell it at this point entitled mom got a little flustered an entitled kid was starting to get a pouty face you already have to I know that you're a heavy kid but you really don't need to in her defense I'm 6 foot 2 and 300 pounds at this point entitled mom softly placed her hand on the bottle I stepped a little closer to her in the bottle entitled kid was still in the back pouty as ever understand that my son isn't going to stop complaining about this until he gets one just make his day and let him have your water bottle this is where I messed up with my words in general I try to stay respectful with adults as of my large stature I tend to quickly attract negative attention I was trying to avoid conflict and was intent on walking away into the restroom with my bottle ma'am that's an issue with you and your parenting style I would really appreciate if you would just let me be you are stepping way out of bounds you have no idea a situation at home all our finances if my son that bottle entitled mom's soft hold of my bottle turned into a snatch as she turns back and gives entitled kid the bottle entitled kids pouty face disappears and he giggles at my dumbfounded face he twists off the cap and puts his whole mouth on the rim taking a big gulp of my mango flavored weight-loss water his face immediately recoils and he spits out the water and yells in disgust he tosses my bottle down onto the floor this attracts the attention of a few gym goers as the bottle clings on the floor emptying out the yellow tinted water I audibly snicker at him freaking out while I feel is well justified entitled mom doesn't think so thus with the attention of a few gym goers she begins to speak louder are you laughing at my son's pain my angel is choking and you're just standing there laughing you're awful leave me alone and she grabs her son and my bottle and storms off her son's still holding the cap as he cried at this point I really wanted to grab her and drag her to an employee but I would definitely be stopped by the people around me so I opted to run ahead of her and get to the employee at the front desk first meanwhile one gym goer was on the side watching everything employee is everything okay I heard a bottle drop over by the circuit no that woman is trying to steal my water bottle and she's leaving the gym entitled mom tries to ignore employee as she powered walks by employee steps out of her desk and stands in front of entitled mom employee coaxes entitled mom over to the desk where I'm standing employee says so Opie tell me what happened this woman attempted to steal my water bottle after I told her several times that I did not want to give it to her or sell it to her that's not true my son had it in his chair with him when he tried to take it and he spilt it all over the floor I tried to leave but he blocked me and ran over to you her voice sounded panicked and scared so naturally the employee believed her sir you need to leave this woman alone she clearly owns the bottle I will not hesitate to call security I didn't say anything I just nodded quietly I didn't want to cause more of a scene that had already happened as entitled mom walked away the gym goer just stepped by me in front of the desk he was an older gentleman and spoke in an intense tone ma'am I can account for him I saw the entire thing she stole the bottle it says entitled mom now flustered as ever turned back and yelled child leave me and my son alone isn't there security cameras here employee says yes but only manager has access would you like me to call him yes please as entitled mom goes on her phone angrily and titled kid now crying harder and harder I think gym goer for his help and God blessed this man for saving my skin manager shows up hi employee informed me what happened I checked the security tapes and ma'am that is his water bottle please return it immediately or we will call security finally entitled mom returns my bottle reluctantly but entitled kid still has my cap hidden away somewhere I really don't care anymore I'm just happy I have the bottle and the bottle cap I don't know it wasn't told me what about your son I just got him out of the kids zone he doesn't have anything the manager knew she was lying and gave a stern look thus entitled mom left promptly but not before entitled kid dropped my cap on the floor I could imagine at this point entitled mom was so equally tired as me that she heard it fall but just kept walking finally I had my bottle back and I thanked the employee and manager and shook gym goers hand after my mother came out of her class I had to explain everything to her and she heard it from the manager since I'm a minor they asked her if she wanted to do anything about it and she said no I went back to this circuit grabbed my stuff and my other hydro flask and left hopefully I don't see her again next we've got surely that no kids rule doesn't include my kid this story happened in the context of wedding planning so I wasn't sure if it belongs here but a member of my family definitely qualified as an entitled parent at that time so I figured I'd share this with you after my partner and I got engaged we found a great venue in a beautiful part of the city My partner grew up in and set our hearts on it we booked a day to have the wedding there a little over a year away there was a fairly strict limit on how many guests we could invite max 78 since the dinner hall at this venue was quite small but that was fine with us however when we began writing the guest list it became clear quite quickly that we would need to put some rules in place to be comfortably inside the guests limit a lot of our cousins have children about 10 kids in total across all of them which would have inflated the guest list very quickly so we decided on a no kids rule I should mention as well that in the country where we live it is not at all unusual to have a kids free wedding button as I was about to find out some people are not okay with this I mentioned the no kids rule to several family members before sending out any official save the dates or invites so they would be aware enter a member of my family the entitled parent of this story entitled parent had son who was about six months old at the time and was apparently mortified that we could have such a rule it would mean that they would have to be separated from their kid it would be eighteen months old by the time the wedding came around for all of a number of hours and clearly we were horrendous humans for even considering asking that of them so I get a phone call from another family member asking whether the no kids rule really applied to all kids and asking if we could make an exception for entitled parent because she was very upset at this stage entitled parent couldn't even be bothered to talk to us directly instead they moaned to others in the family and seemed to paint us out to be pretty grim people I explained that this was impossible due to how many kids there were in the family and that we were not willing to remove ten of our closest adult friends and family to make space for our cousin's kids after a two-hour phone call involving me repeating myself several times that we were not going to make an exception for entitled parents kid and listening to threats of family members not coming if we don't make an exception things calmed down and went quiet for a while we sent out the save the dates by email about ten months before the wedding to make sure everyone had time to sort their travel plans since for my family this would be a destination wedding the day after the emails were sent I get a text from entitled parent which read did you just forget to send me an email while you just being presumptuous because I have a kid I was taken aback by this because I thought it had already been sorted out and explained after some more rude texts I sent entitled parent a screenshot of the email I had in fact sent to them including the time stamp for evidence all they said was well what is the age limit anyway no apology just trying to pick a fight I ignored the message things went quiet again until the invites went out lo and behold I get more messages from entitled parent here's a paraphrased version of the things that were said across several conversations with both entitled parent and a few other family members who seemed to think that my partner and I were in the wrong all just lumped in under entitled parent for brevity are you've really not going to make any exceptions I don't want to leave my baby at home why can't the kid's father take care of him while you come to the ceremony because we both want to come and bring our baby why can't we because there's a limit on how many guests we can have but infants surely don't take up any room what's your problem they still take up a seat and how would we explain it to the other parents who have made child care arrangements or chosen not to come because of the know kids are all if they all know other kids coming then there is space for my kid that isn't how any of this works isn't there any part of the event where kids are welcome I'm ignoring the blatant attempt at emotional manipulation no find it we won't come okay not the most exciting entitled parents story of all time I know but it caused a lot of angst between a few members of my family and my partner and I all of our other family members with children either outright said that they wouldn't be able to come because of the rule or may child care arrangements it was only this one entitled parent who made a fuss and dragged other family members into it My partner and I believe that it is one hundred percent each individual's choice whether they want to attend a wedding or not and we are not offended that entitled parent and some other family members decided not to come and instead want to stay at home with their kids what we didn't appreciate was the unnecessary moaning and general entitled behavior that was thrown our way entitled parents kid really is lovely and sweet having now met them a few times and things are fine between us and my family now but it felt tense and unnecessarily upsetting for far too long all over something as simple as yes the no kids rule includes your kids next we've got entitled parent thinks dog heard her kid hey mr. reddit I love watching your videos every day this is my first time posting a story like this so sorry if my editing or grammar is bad this happened last week but I wanted to wait till everything was settled before telling the story also sorry if it's a bit long our cast we've got me we've got sumo no lines but he is in the story we've got a good kid we've got entitled mom we've got the actual criminal and the cop so I'm on my usual walk with my dog sumo he is a Samoyed and most see him as a bit too hyper but that's only because he is a big fluff ball that's still young he just turned 2 as we go along I hear a good screeching and look around a bit confused sumo goes nuts hearing it too sadly I am a petite lady so he breaks free while thrashing around I panic and chase him sumo no bad dog he went into an open yard and I was hesitant to follow but I assumed he was just after whoever was screaming I go up the drive carefully yelling hello I'm just after my dog then I see this kid who's maybe 5 or 6 thrashing in this massive man's arms the kids the one screeching I had no clue who this man was or why this kid was acting like this I decide to just ignore it and go to su mall he is barking and trying to get the kid I look around baffled as I grab his leash and try my best to drag the dog off sorry about this sir no stranger he is stranger I freeze and stare at this man as he moves back my dog barking and trying to get back to the kid the man says don't listen to him he just mad I won't let him pet your dog I squint a bit as we could hear the screams for a good minute before he was screaming before my dog got here though well that's because he dropped his ice cream he made me drop it stranger danger I sighed a bit and stood there awkwardly I have met some very jerky kids that would do stuff like this but at the time this didn't feel right look it's okay to let him down my dog's big but he is friendly I don't think so he is gonna be punished for throwing a fit now get out of my yard the strange man moved back from me again if I bothered him so much why not just go inside the house look I don't know you or this kid but if you are only holding him because of my dog then put him down the man froze and the gate kept screaming loudly how neighbors didn't come out I will never know the man then went to sprint off get still in his arms I stare a bit shocked and let the dog I have go knowing he can catch up faster than me sumo jumped and knocked the man to his side get this dog off me the kid kicks the man hard and he finally lets go the kid bolts to his house and I don't blame him I stare at the man absolutely livid what the heck is wrong with you why the heck were you in this yard who the heck are you each question I gave got louder and louder soon I hear a car pull up and hear what I thought was a worried parent but I soon find out it's an entitled one what the heck are you both doing in my yard get that filthy mutt out of here I am allergic allergic I can't do that he's keeping this man here then I don't care about that man I want you and your mud out of my yard now lady please that guy was messing with your kid my baby you that man and your mud hurt my baby No only him before I can explain two cop cars pull up I stare baffled and even entitled mom looks over to them Oh what the heck I didn't call you cop says a neighbor did miss they said they heard your kid yelling I sigh to been glad neighbors had done something but the fact they waited so long sad oh thank goodness this man here is dangerous yes and so is her filthy mutt get it out of my yard now lady for the last time my dog didn't hurt your kid he saved him a filthy mutt saved my baby nonsense get them out out the cop says ma'am please calm down he moved my dog off the man and cuffed him then he went to cuff me sorry miss but since she is the homeowner we have to believe her story but I didn't do anything just as they begin to move me away the kid bolts back out wait she didn't do anything the cop paused and the mom glared at the kid sweetie the grown-ups are talking go back inside no that lady and her dog he stopped the bad man she must have told you to say that the filthy mutts dangerous it attacked this man after all the cops looked at each other and the cop that cuffed me told me to wait for about five minutes he went to neighbors and asked them both said all they saw was my dog jump on the man in the yard when the cop told the mom this I still want to charge her for trespassing she shouldn't have been in my yard seriously lady if my dog hadn't ran back here your kid would have been in trouble yeah she helped me mami I don't care get out of my yard and you back inside the kid just did they're crossing his arms the cop that had me side look miss we understand you're upset but what if we just ticket her fine whatever just get out she then picked up her kid and you next time listen to mummy and don't go outside without a grown up ever again okay mommy bye nice lady bye mud I wondered what kind of parent leaves a kid alone then gets mad they decide to go outside I also wanted to be mad he called my dog a mutt but it was pretty cute I then got the ticket from the cops just before she closed herself in to her house sorry about that some people are just ungrateful you can take your dog just be more careful some jerks would make sure your dog got put down for attacking the creep it pinned trust me I have seen it I stared in shock and nodded I had never been so grateful to be put in handcuffs he quickly undid them and cut them away thanks officer but um what about the fine do I really have to pay it I didn't put a fine amount and just wrote it for show head on home while we finish things off here and so I did then the entitled mom came to apologize but only because her precious baby kept asking her to he was there too and gave me a hug she said I could come by anytime just know dogs ice rug dab it and told her it was fine I was just glad he was safe and our final story of the day entitled brat won't move gives a face full of manure Benton accidentally got entitled mom hello mister read it I had been watching your video since mid-may now my cousin gave me permission to post this as it involves both of us not on mobile English is my native language grammar not so good as Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons would say me fail English that's impossible let's start off with a little background my uncle was a farmer and raised pigs sometime in the late 90s my aunt and uncle divorced it was quick and my cousin stayed with his dad my uncle now my uncle dated several women over the few years some were nice some not sell but this one woman and two kids both were entitled one boy and one girl one male and one female the three of them gave us no end of troubles every time we were working on the farm he would go on to marry the woman in 2006 why I don't know but on with the story for the cast we have the ha forget it we all know the names by now this happened in the summer of 2004 the two of us wanted to go fishing so we got the bright idea to go out to the farm and hit several places where we knew would be worms and crickets sue us we were cheap back then just being 22 so we head on out to the farm mind you it's early like 5:00 a.m. for my uncle cousin and myself this is nothing new due to our jobs not necessarily dealing with working on the farm my uncle was happy to see us though he knew we were coming over so by the time we get there it's nearly 7:30 boys I could use some help he said Oh cousin said and just raised an eyebrow yeah I'm going to move several Sal's and their piglets from the rearing chambers to a new stall on the other side of the farm the chamber needs to be cleaned help and I'll throw in $50 each we are in we both said at the same time the move took an hour a half a bottle of aspirin between the three of us due to the high-pitched squeals of pigs when you move them via a small trailer with that done my uncle goes off to do something near the house while I wait for my cousin to show up with a tractor and a manure spreader so he shows up and we get to work shoveling not halfway through the brat shows her face uh you two stink she said really my cousin asked sniffing his pits I'm not surprised it's a hot day no you smell like poo she said something else but I'm keeping this clean really i drawl doubt you won't catch me in there cleaning that stuff well if you don't move you're going to be wearing it I said you wouldn't dare he would I don't believe it uncle won't allow it she said please move if you don't he's going to throw that full shovel of crap on you cousin stated she folded her arms and smirked at us so I shared a look with my cousin with a shrug of his shoulders I rear back the shovel making it look like I was going to drop the load back on the ground nope I flung it out the door and all over the bread it went all over her it was in her hair it was at this time that she let out a blood-curdling scream and ran off should have listened I said cousin only sighed several minutes later entitled mom shows up we didn't know it as she had approached the same door her daughter did and got a surprise when my cousin threw another shovel full of it out we stood there surprised she came out of nowhere and was in the process of saying something but was now throwing up I assumed from the smell but I suspect some may have gotten into her mouth then tries to run off but was dry heaving along the way we were done with a chamber around 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. and spread everything around an unused area as big manure is too acidic for crops so we drop off the spreader in the shed and head off to find my uncle who was trying so hard to maintain a stern face but was failing he was more amused than anything what happened with Brad and mom he asked so we told him the truth it was at this point he lost it and started laughing hard you know your dad would have done the same thing he told me he's right my dad would have both of us got the $50 plus another 50 for teaching the two entitled jerks a lesson on farming especially when poo is being flung both have left us alone every time we worked the farm up until a year stay in do see and my uncle's death in 2014 edit we did go fishing and had a nice fish fry for dinner that night edit to birthing and rearing chambers were like maybe four to five hundred yards from the house and congrats to our regionals of the day the beyblade master Jesse da fennec fox paranoia and Kacie cat5 become tomorrow's reed generals by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 113,846
Rating: 4.8629923 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: Wav3lhGvuIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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