r/entitledparents "GIVE THAT $1500 CUSTOM BUILT BIKE TO MY SON!"

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mommy I want to ride the bike nice bike you got there let my son ride it lady this is a $1500 custom-built bike I don't let strangers ride it this bike belongs to me slash dad's our first story we'll be reading today entitled mom tries to steal my bike for entitled kid gets in trouble with law enforcement from user Jay a CT printing after that entitled lady calls me an it and gets away with it but I get some revenge from user Ryan my dude after that how I learned my former friend was an entitled deadbeat leech from user true madness and then we'll be wrapping up with entitled teacher and deputy principal refused to allow me to drop subject in school because they wanted me in the class even though I disliked the students and teacher from user hot rod two seven one for the win thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled mom tries to steal my bike for entitled kid gets in trouble with the law back story I'm in my mid 30s and have a very bad back with nerve damage that causes immense pain because of this I cannot ride conventional bicycles with my wife and two daughters without severe - debilitating pain to let me ride with them I built myself a tadpole recumbent trike if you do not know what those are it's a tricycle with two wheels in the front used for steering and one in the back for propulsion it's it's really low to the ground and you ride in a reclined position using just your legs to pedal so no strain on the back with this recumbent I can ride for hours and be virtually pain-free cast we've got Opie my humble self we've got entitled mam typical Karen we've got entitled kid and we've got our officer story one day about two months ago I was riding with my family and we decided to stop by the grocery store at the end of our ride the store is only about ten blocks from our house so we decided to pick up things for dinner on the bicycles instead of riding home and firing up my big truck to drive back the ten blocks the only problem is that there were five bikes in our group and only one bike lock with us no problem I'm sitting on a recliner I sent everyone in the store while I set with the bikes and the shade of a tree outside I've done this many times before and my interesting trike never fails to get the attention of other shoppers I've had some really great conversations with people who didn't know anything like it existed today was no exception until this typical Karen came out of the store with entitled kid Intel the moment entitled kid sees my recumbent he starts pulling his mom's hand and dragging her over to me now entitled kid looks to be about ten and was just over four feet tall this will be important later here is what follows man look at this cool bike I want to ride it that is an interesting bike Opie my son wants to ride that bike I'm sorry ma'am this is a custom recumbent built to fit me I didn't ask what it is I want you to let my son try it out again I'm sorry ma'am but first it is built for someone over two feet taller than your son so he couldn't ride it without hurting himself and second it was custom-built and is far too valuable for me to let strangers are risk damaging it ma make him let me ride see what you did you made my little angel cry litem and you let him ride it now I don't care that you say he won't fit it looks to me like he will and I'm his mother so it's up to me not you she then turns to her kid and says go ahead honey at this point I'm tired of attempting to be polite I get between the kid and my bike don't even try it leave me alone and don't even think about touching my property or I will call the law on you I'll just tell them that this is my son's bike and that you stole it from him and get you arrested I pulled out my phone and speed dial the non-emergency number for the local police department I have them on speed dial because my oldest daughters and police explorers and I know every officer by first name the officer who answers is in charge of our Explorer post so when he answers I say officer I'm having a problem here at the grocery store could you or another officer please head down for a second he says he's on his way and hangs up entitled mom an officer is on the way entitled kid dodges around me and flops down in the seat of my recomand he's grinning like a fool even though he has to stretch his legs as far as he can and slide down almost off of the sea just to reach the pedals ma'am your son is sitting on my private property without my permission please remove him now no he has every right to sit there and you are going to be in so much trouble when the officer gets here I'm going to have you arrested and my son will have a new bike about this time officer pulls up about 20 yards away from us he steps out of his cruiser walks over her and says Opie what seems to be the problem all the while looking sideways at entitled mom an entitled kid this lady entitled mom cuts me off this be he is trying to steal my son's bike I need to get my son in his bike home immediately please deal with him while we leave you are saying that Opie stole your son's bike where's the bike and can you prove it I'm standing there stunned until I see officer turned towards me and wink now I know that he has already read the situation and is going to have fun with this so I just stand there silent I caught him and when I confronted him he got off my son's bike and now my son is sitting on it again please arrest him and let us leave I've got groceries that are getting warm and my ice cream is going to melt oh so this interesting thing is your son's bike got it what is this thing anyway it's called a recurrent it's a custom bike now can we go a recurrent well I've never heard of those where do you get something like that what's with those the questions he tried to steal my son's bike take care of him do your job I'm on entitled kid follow me we are going home at this point entitled Karon attempts to peddle the recumbent and is having a hard time I'm used to riding it so I don't downshift when I stop and it was in high gear okay ma'am but that is enough get your son off of Opie's recumbent and step over to my patrol car we need to have a talk it looks like you just attempted to steal a $1,500 custom bike from Opie here no it's my son's bike that's interesting because I remember when Opie was putting it together over two years ago and I've ridden it several times as he lives three blocks away from me now please show me your ID why do you need my ID I'm not showing you anything you need to show me your ID because you just attempted to steal someone's property if you do not he will be arrested entitled kid gets off my bike and bursts into tears crying and screaming about how he wanted the bike and the mean cop needs to leave his mommy alone Opie I'll take care of this you have a good day and remember that your daughter has an explorer meeting Thursday night it was Sunday my family had just come out of the store as the officer leads them over to his cruiser we all get on our bikes and head home with me telling them what had happened that Thursday I had a talk with officer he let me know that she stopped being rude and belligerent at his cruiser and he kept her there for about 20 minutes while he ran her ID and described what she had done and could have happened if I'd pressed charges by the time she was done entitled kid wasn't the only one crying he ended up just giving her a verbal warning but by the time he was done the carton of ice cream in her shopping bag had melted and leaked all over her and the parking lot next we've got entitled lady calls me and it and gets away with it but I get some revenge howdy I'm a new subscriber and I figured this story would give you some anger fuel I've posted it before but my friend recently reminded me of some details so I figured I would post it again here with the full story also she isn't as entitled as she is just a bully who thought she could get away with it but I think it still fits here correct me if I'm wrong to start I'm on mobile so sorry if the formatting gets wonky and unfortunately this doesn't have the happiest ending but I do get my own revenge in the end cast we've got hick entitled mother we've got me we've got my BFF we've got the jerk manager and we've got entitled mom's family her son and her mom not really a part of the story but they looked remorseful through all of this and now but the story began so I used to work at a popular fast-food chain let's call it wack Donald's with my BFF let me start this off by saying we are both trends and back then we had higher pitched voices but very masculine figures so most people just didn't use pronouns when speaking with us at this time we had only been working for wack Donald's for about a month and a half and so far everything was as you would expect it to be the regular crappy customer who only got a little upset when we messed something up most people in our town are old so they would regularly frequent this wack Donald's they knew we were kind of new so they gave us some slack one day me and BFF were on the two front registers it was lunch peak so there was about 12 groups of people waiting in our lobby to either be served or to get their order taken so far all of the orders we took had gotten to them with nothing wrong at all everything was going smoothly until I see entitled mom and her family walk in already I can tell that she's in a nasty mood and will probably cause some issues she is a very large woman with a full-on mullet lumberjack clothes black teeth and sounds like she just came straight from the deep south I went to school with her son and he was relatively chill he was silent through this whole thing and so was his grandmother they get through the line and unfortunately come to my register I don't remember their order besides what entitled mom and gotten to triple cheeseburgers with no pickles I finished taking their order and I reread everything to them making sure to say no pickles on the two triples entitled mom pays and goes off to wait for their food finally things start to slow down a bit so I run to the back to get cups for the cup dispensers since we were running low as I'm walking back up I hear screaming as I get back up there I see that BFF looks like he wants to end hick she is screaming about wanting a manager and how ridiculous this all was there were two managers there at the time Turk manager and one of the nice managers unfortunately jerk manager was the one to come handle the situation I walk up to BFF and jerk manager and ask what's going on BFF was red in the face and yelled she called you an it I was just in shock and couldn't really say anything I had never been called an it before and even though I'm used to being called nasty names it really got to me jerk manager simply looks at BFF and tells him that she would handle this and asked entitled mom what happened she then repeats what she said word for word I ordered two triples with no pickles they are pickles on these sandwiches he see it it messed up my order jerk manager okay ma'am I'm sorry about this inconvenience we'll fix this right away I want a refund for these sandwiches I'm not paying for his crappy service of course ma'am we will get this sorted out at this point I'm literally standing behind my register in tears and BFF is ready to hop over the counter and take on this behemoth unfortunately jerk manager forced us to continue taking orders I was still crying as I took an elderly man's order and he was super nice to me he told me that if we would accept tips he would have given me the biggest tip for going through that I thanked him and started crying more now I bet y'all are wondering where is the justice in this this can't be it and he would be right we continued to work for this wack Donald's for five excruciating months and in this time I was the main person on grill BFF would frequently be upfront with the customers and whenever entitled mom would come in he would tell me what she had ordered I would do one of several things over salt her meat under solder meat burn the meat and I evens on her meet once I don't care how nasty it sounds you don't call someone in it and expect to get away with it I no longer work at wack Donald's I work at the far superior star docks and even though I still see entitled mom come through the drive-thru I don't treat her badly I am sickly sweet to her knowing full well that if I wanted I could accidentally spill her drink on her lap thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my story next we've got how I learned my former friend was an entitled deadbeat leech hey mr. reddit I'm back with another story now I originally posted this in our slash entitled people and I have edited for your standards and thought this is something that the fellow re army might like but if it's not your cup of tea that's fine too too long didn't read at the bottom I knew this guy from primary school let's call him David obvious fake name we got along well we would hang out chat the typical friends things but when his family moved away we lost contact with each other skipped forward many years and I am living by myself in my first rental unit a small one-bedroom this plays into the story and one day I was grabbing some food and I walk into David and I do mean walk into him I see him and he sees me it was like no time had passed we were back the chatting exchanging numbers catching up and we begin to hang out once again things are going great until it didn't I get a call from him and he is clearly upset as his mother which he was staying with was kicking him out he needed a place to crash so I offered my couch the deal was simple he would stay until he got his feet underneath him but until that time he would give me $50 a fortnight towards food he agreed to the terms and moved in the thing is the first month or so was going great he was paying on time get through himself kept his music to a reasonable level and would ask for small things and me trying to be a good host what at times get it he would even tell me a week in advance if he was going anywhere and would come back on the day he said he would we even went halves in a Playstation - yep this is how far back it was then things changed slowly he started paying less his music got louder slowly he starts to take over my place the weeks advance becomes days his requests turn from can i - i wonned then he stopped paying me altogether his music got so loud I got an official complaint from the real estate that I was renting through his walls became demands he stopped giving me advance just telling me hours before he would go and be gone longer than he claimed all while he's coming back with new clothes new shoes and stated he doesn't have any money but would give me gifts like a shirt of my favorite band that was too small for me but would fit him like a charm and Here I am paying for food for two paying electricity for two and he is not putting in a cent his mother and mine tried to convince me to get rid of him seeing what he was doing to me I defended him yes I'm an idiot I know the thing is he always played the victim the whole oh woe is me type you know the ones oh how I can't find a place oh how I can't find a job Oh nobody gets me nobody can understand just complaints and moans all day long while sitting on their butt listening to depressing music yep he was that time the final straw came around Christmas all this time my mother lived in a different town than I did and was going to spend Christmas by herself I was not going to let that happen so I planned to spend the Christmas week with her and for two months I was telling David about it reminding him making sure he got nothing planned for that week he would assure me that he had nothing every week I would do this reminding him and he would still give that each other jaw response three days before I need to go David tells me out of the blue that he's going the week to another town to spend it with his friends I was mad I've been telling you for weeks that I'm going to be out of town when did this happen last week and you didn't think to tell me until now David goes on his woe is me to her once again me grinding my teeth when are you going Thursday a day before I got a leave and when are you coming back Wednesday a day before I get back I just moan loudly fine here's my key my only key you better be back on Wednesday so help me yeah y'all the week with my mother went great and eventually I got back on Wednesday a day before I was meant to I go home door is locked okay he must be down the street or something I go to my real estate and ask for the spare key making some excuse the day comes and goes David is a no-show okay he must be away he does know I wouldn't be back until tomorrow so I guess he figured to stay longer Thursday no shell Friday no shell Saturday Sunday you get the idea a week goes by and still nothing two weeks still nothing three weeks and still nothing no calls no texts nothing I would have taken a smoke signal at the time I was done just done I took all his crap and just threw it out keeping all his more valuable thing says he still owed me money the next day I just put all his junk in the bin that was a good day the day after I put his stuff in the bin I wake up and go to the kitchen to have my coffee I turn and guess was on my couch sleeping David with a brand new dyed hairstyle new brand-name clothes new brand-name shoes and Mikey on the coffee table I took it back I was mad I went outside and called my mother asking for advice she tells me simply just let him know my mum is awesome I go back inside and he's awake and I let him have it where the heck were you no calls no texts nothing I just went off at him while he's just sitting there with that whole how dare you talk to me that way look which is only fueling the rage I had I just let it all out every little and major thing the lies the BS everything I laid it all on the table after I vented and had my say I asked if he has anything to say about himself he goes into his classic woe-is-me spill like I haven't heard that before I didn't have any credit you could have asked your friends to use their phone my battery died it's called a charger every excuse he gives I shoot it down hard they got nothing but excuses no apologies no form of taking any responsibilities nothing but the same crap I have heard a million times I just looked at him nothing but disgust and anger do you know I don't have to put up with you my friends have offered that I can stay with them for free good go be a leech on them in fact I give him a 20 I don't know why I just wanted him out here take this and just go fine I thought that would be the end of it god only knows how wrong I am about a couple weeks later I get a call from a mobile number that I didn't recognize so I answer it hello oh hi oh now he calls me listen I'm wondering if you could pay me out for the PlayStation um no how come does you owe me money okay Oh I hear you out and you send the PlayStation no you owe me money we do this for five minutes until I finally get another voice I guess David's friend his friend explained how David explained to them that he didn't owe me any money I explained the deal we had how he was nothing more than a leech and he would do the same to him too eventually we came to an agreement if they want the PlayStation David needs to do the following pay what he owed and pay me out he tells me that he will get back with me they never did in my mind he forfeit his ownership of it and it was mine I later sold it to get a ps3 with the power of hindsight David didn't ask about anything else not about his clothes not his stereo nothing just the PlayStation clearly I know where his mine site was months go by without a word and I come across his mother which we are still on good terms even to this day and I asked how things were going and what she tells me sickens me to the core and still does David got a girl pregnant and did a bolt and the girl had the kid and that David's mother hasn't met her first grandkid she eventually did thank God David tried to contact me twice no doubt trying to get into my good graces again he tried to do it with my sister I told her to block him he tried on the book of face I blocked him within seconds burn a bridge with me that thing is charcoal the last I heard of him as he was crashing on someone's place still blaming the world still being a worthless deadbeat waste of space what makes it bad is that after him I had a serious distrust to any of my friends of coming around or staying even for a night I was so guarded and so mistrusting because of one bad experience but time is a good healer and that wall has crumbled somewhat anyways I just needed this out there so thanks for everyone who read this far I will post any update if I hear anything else and our final story of the day entitled teacher and deputy principal refused to allow me to drop subject in school because they wanted me in the class even though I disliked the students and teacher heya mr. Reddit and RER me love the videos I'm a daily listener of them helps me to get up in the morning I even listen to them when I'm driving home from a good day out and I'm alone I'll try to remember dialogue as best I can also not sure if this is an entitled parents or person post if this ever gets put in a video you have my full permission also to long didn't read at the bottom and any grammar errors and mistakes at the bottom feel free to correct me in the comments below let's begin for some context the deputy principal and I have known each other since I was 12 to 13 year 7 so I was cool with him being my deputy at the school where I finished off my high school years but grade 11 was aware it went downhill real quick the entitled teacher of this tale started at school in 2013 I was in grade 9 the events happened in 2015 also keep in mind I'm Australian for the cast and players you have me you have the entitled teacher she was a pain in the neck and the deputy principal he was an alright man but I was annoyed at him for a while after this but Knifer gave him he's involved later on every Friday we would have this class called sport lifestyle and Recreation studies and of course I didn't like sport or anything of that nature but I was forced to do it along with all the other peers in the class who are all jerks and I disliked every single one of them but the worst of all was we had a kid who technically wasn't part of the class come in and join he wasn't entitled or anything we just had a few run-ins I left the class for a few minutes for some air and to regather my thoughts and have a drink of water I returned and here's entitled teacher ready to have a go at me hot rod get over here I want to talk to you this had better be good you need to let me know where you're going from now on or you will get in trouble I tell myself yeah yeah I know darn well I dislike you in this class why can't I drop it a few weeks later we get notified that we would be attending a trip to learn more about sports and I think it was windsurfing surfing or go-karting or something to that effect I of course hated it because of entitle teacher and didn't want to go because of her so they had the opportunity to drop a subject for the HSC year I of course wanted to drop this subject and one called community and Family Studies si AFS for short but no I was allowed to drop CA FS but not this one I was furious I stopped attending the class but was forced into the deputy principal's office over this deputy principal says hot rod do you want to know why I've called you here me just over this schools antics and I started getting angry yeah I have a solid idea about this it's entitled teacher and her antics about not allowing me to drop the class which I hate so much yup allow me to get the entitled teacher so we can talk this out entitled teacher all fake sympathetic to me why do you want to drop this class and what are you going to do me I want to drop this class because to be honest you and the kids treat me like absolute dirt and I'm just done I want out and especially the way you've treated me over the years I'm done with it all now unfortunately I didn't drop the class and the teacher was harder on me ever since this whole ordeal and that's my story of having a run-in with an entitled teacher thanks for reading and have a great day and congrats to our regenerative the day Joseph Jennifer Sansa and random country gamer become tomorrow's read generals by dropping as many reasons can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 81,915
Rating: 4.7934461 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: 4pVOUliJM24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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