r/entitledparents "KAREN GOES TO THE PET SHOP!"

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I want you to deliver his workout equipment on Saturday that's when I can be at the house to let you in I'm not a store lady and I don't do deliveries how dare you I am a paying customer no you aren't our first story we'll be reading today life as a pet store worker from user a l16 gaming after that entitled mom tries to have me arrested for throwing away my own property from user mister not unhappy after that that movie is full girls stop playing dumb from user Black Mamba Jamba and then we'll be finishing up with entitled an uneducated mother and grandmother don't get books from user ghosts seven five seven nine Oh eggs thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the power slash mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day life as a pet store worker hey guys long time lurker first time reddit poster so please bear with me for any structural mistakes okay just got enough karma to post this as well first off the generics I'm not on mobile and English is my first language however I suck at spelling so please bear with my mistakes so I'm from the UK and as the title mentions I work in a large pet store chain UK readers will know the one within this chain we get a lot of stuck up and titled and just downright rude people come through our doors as you could imagine as four entitled parents they tend to hang around the animals for the free petting zoo so I've had a few entitled parents come to me in the years I have been there these are just my two favorite ones I have encountered general cast so won't take more of your time to explain it whilst helping a customer with collar and leads for their dog I get a slight tug on my top and when I turn around there is entitled parent and her kids I don't think much of it at first so I try to be polite as usual excuse me can my kids hold a rabbit please sure however I'm just with this customer at the moment if you don't mind waiting a minute I can come help you otherwise if you head to the till a colleague our term for staff member will come help you quicker you know the line is too long for me to wait and I have been waiting for an hour I watched her walk in like five minutes ago I do not just come get one out now and go back to the gentleman I'm sorry ma'am we are not allowed to leave you alone with a bed I shouldn't be too long so please bear with me at this point I knew she was angry and after reading these posts for months on end I thought to myself oh no here comes the screaming Banshee what took me by surprise is that she only really huffed mumbled teenages these days all just lazy I was 20 at the time and stormed out dragging her kids away after she left the gentleman I was helping before turns to me and said and makes me laugh whenever I think about this story someone is obviously having that time of the month right now I chuckle carry on with a gentleman and help him leave with a smile of a few years I have worked for the pet store I spend a lot of time with fish I'm very passionate about fish and try to learn everything I can from books videos and just other people one thing we pride ourselves on is our process of selling fish during this process fish tanks have to be set up for at least three days and be treated with tap safe before any fish can go into the tank and we also have to make sure that the tank is big enough for the fish that is wanted as well so on this particular day I was cleaning our tanks in store general algae cleaning and gravel siphoning when I have two ladies and their kids walk up to me the conversation is the following excuse me hi there can I help you finally I've been here for five minutes and you have been ignoring me literally just walked up to the fish tanks I'm sorry how can I help can I have four of these points to our small pond goldfish okay how big is your tank it's this one pulls out a cocktail fishbowl uh no I am very blunt when it comes to fish and I am respected for it in store by customers as well what why not well for starters that isn't a fish tank I yes it is it says so on the label see no it's a cocktail glass called a fish bowl you can get them at clubs full of drain for like 15 pounds secondly even if it was it does not have a filter so you have no way of keeping the water clean thirdly has posted all around the fish section you need the tank set up for at least three days beforehand and finally the fish in question are pond goldfish they can grow to be around 40 centimeters in length and you want four in that who cares about that they are only fish they only live for like two years anyway just get us to then actually eye care and fish if kept in correct condition can live up to 20 years sometimes even more so you are not getting any well look what you've done you've made my kid cry no the kid was fast asleep so in no way would have been crying your kid is fast asleep ma'am he definitely is not crying well you all gonna make him cry when we get home and he realizes he has no fish well maybe you should have got a tank a few days ago and got some fish today after this she stormed off I carried on until my manager came up to me and said that a lady has complained about me and wanted to know why I explained the whole thing and he just chuckled and said maybe next time be a bit more polite oh well edit thanks guys for the positive feedback this post exploded quicker than I thought to those asking about the store I'm in and just for basic legal reasons I won't specify the store name etc I hope you guys understand next we've got entitled mom tries to have me arrested for throwing away my own property first a little backstory I recently moved across the country back to warmer climates it is very expensive to move furniture 2,000 miles so a lot of stuff is cheaper to buy new as I was separating my personal and sentimental belongings from what I was going to replace I had a brilliant idea I decided to offer the stuff I wasn't taking with me for free online as most of the items were still in good condition I'd rather my old furniture and assorted items go to charities and people who could use them instead of the landfill my only condition was that the person taking something had to pick up and transport any item themselves the first item I posted was my pull-up tower with vkr it had some minor wear and tear but it was still in overall great condition it was then that I encountered be dreaded and mom thankfully I only posted a newly created email account along with my tower as my contact info to limit my exposure to potential threats in this case an irate Karen no name no address just the town so people could access travel for pick up our cast we've got me we've got entitled mom mother completely detached from reality we've got the innocent kid it was a college student soon after posting that my pull-up tower was available for free I was contacted by innocent kid after an email correspondence I suggested we talk on the phone and gave him my cell number he called to discuss getting the tower innocent kid hi I emailed you about the pull-up tower I just started college at the state university in your town and some friends and I are renting a house near campus I think we could really use the equipment to save money by having it instead of a gym membership me college is expensive so I completely understand smart move on looking for ways to save money I'd be happy to let you have it you'll need to partially disassemble and reassemble it to get it through doorways nothing crazy just a couple of screws and bolts it's surprisingly lightweight at 75 pounds and easy to move although I do recommend a van or something for large transport when do you think you can come pick it up probably next month sorry I'm moving in a couple of weeks so I need it gone before then if you can come sooner it's yours otherwise I'll have to give it to the next person let me call my mom to borrow her car this weekend it's a big SUV and I should be able to swing by in a day or two great that's when everything started to go horribly wrong it was clear from what transpired next that whoever coined the phrase no good deed goes unpunished had clearly met this entitled mom I get a phone call innocent kids phone so I answer hello you can deliver my son's Tower on Saturday at 10 a.m. what who are you I'm the customer are you stupid or something I want you to deliver his workout equipment on Saturday that's when I can be at the house to let you in I'm very busy you know I'm not a storm lady and I don't do deliveries what how did you I am a paying customer no you aren't the tower is free I'm moving and giving it away that's no excuse for treating a customer like this I want to speak to your manager I can have you fired over this as she continued to scream nonsense at me the image of the stereotypical Karen haircut and popped into my mind I don't know whether she had one but I'm guessing she did I could practically see the haircut in my mind while she ranted her son seemed so nice and polite so I'm wondering if he was adopted or there was a mixup in the hospital then her next comment snaps me back to attention if you don't deliver it on Saturday I'll take my business elsewhere fine by me click later on innocent kid emailed me to apologize for his mother like I said it was nice so I'm guessing maybe he takes after his father he said he still wanted the tower and I told him he could still have it it called me to get my interest in directions and that's when entitled mom reappeared so what time works for you I have some meetings earlier in the day but I can meet you after 5 p.m. I'm in the northern part of town and we'll text you the address when I get oh it's you again I hope you've learned how to be respectful to your customers she must have snatched the phone from his hand because I could hear him protesting in the background again you are not a customer it's free well that's no way to run a business but I expect nothing less from an idiot whatever can you put him back on not until we get something straightened out like what if my son is going to pick up and assemble this himself you need to compensate him that's the polite thing to do five hundred dollars sounds fair first I'm not paying you to give your son something for free second the item didn't even cost half that when it was still new so no and no but my son is a smart college student with a bright future his time is very valuable so is mine not as much as my sons so $500 should be fine besides as a college student he could use the money why are you being so selfish how is a free pull-up tower being selfish also what is the warranty on the product in case it breaks no money no warranty it's free and as is I need your company and warranty info in case it breaks and my son hurts himself so I know who to sue lazy people not the word she used like you don't make quality products I'm not a company I don't work for the manufacturer I didn't make it I'm just moving and giving it away what why are you trying to give my son gifts then are you some kind of creep I should call the cops on you right now and I'll tell them about the money you still owe me I can have you arrested I don't have time to deal with a lunatic off her meds forget it I'll just throw it out - click I ignore the rest of her calls texts nasty voicemails that came throughout the day threats of suing me demanding a refund and claims that I was after her baby continued just bizarre so glad I didn't post my address or name in the ad I threw out the pull-up tower and considered the matter over and I was wrong Sunday morning rolls around and my phone rings it's early and I was still sleeping so I didn't check my caller ID before answering hello I was only half awake and yawning where were you yesterday I waited at the house all day for you to show up and deliver the tower this is unacceptable I'll have you fired over this what leave me alone crazy lady I'll accept your apology if you deliver it today and you need to give me a full refund for the cost of the item being this late I shouldn't have to pay you for it you didn't pay anything it was mine and I threw the tower away what I'm calling the cops on you how dare you throw away my stuff you're gonna be arrested the tower was mine to do with as I saw fit I paid for it and I have the receipt to prove it I had every right to throw it out you're going to pay for bitterly the cost of a new tower oh I'm taking you to court I'll have you arrested for stealing and fraud go ahead and try the tower belonged to me I have the receipt I also have insane voicemails threats and texts from you you have nothing you'll be arrested for filing a false police report threats stalking and probably more although you probably have a good shot at an insanity defense I hung up and didn't pick up after that she kept calling but it didn't matter as I was getting a new number soon when I moved after one Karen I took down my ads and made arrangements with a local charity run by a nearby church to pick up anything they wanted for the poor they weren't professional movers so some of the heavier stuff had to be taken by a trash service her son emailed me again to apologize for his lunatic mother I told him that he did nothing wrong and had nothing to apologize for I said I was sorry he missed out on a free pull-up tower and wished him the best of luck in school next we've got that movie is for girls stop play dumb hello then lurking on the channel for a while and finally opted to add my ingredients to the gumbo still new to read it as a whole and like the mobile layout more than PC it's amazing what you can remember the best moments of your life often ingrained in your memory in this case my best memory was from third grade the cast will be me dumb third grader the bully is a fifth grader Miss Powell my third-grade teacher she has a gentle voice entitled parent don't remember her name she was sassy and nanny an entitled parent of my own who was cranky so back story I was raised by a single mother who happened to be military when she got stationed in Maryland she convinced one of her older friends like grandma old to be signed on as a spouse in Virginia where I continued my elementary schooling nanny as I learned to call her what's nice but took no nonsense growing up in school she'd always tell me ask lots of questions and would get mad if I ever uttered I don't know eventually this got upgraded to stop playing dumb you're smarter than this I raised your the only thing I was really allowed to watch was PBS and Disney movies the main one I watched being Mulan of all the same as I remembered it was near the finale when Shan Yu and Mulan were on the rooftop first she kicked him in the face and kicked lo knocking him on his back this is important for later come third grade I had made a ton of bullies one that loved to push me down during PE I was playing one of the games there's this pole with a cone on the top and holes at the bottom and depending on which hole at left through determined your points well curse my luck one of my tosses bounced off the rim and went backwards of course my eyes were glued to the ball so when I got pushed down it was more of a shock surprising no one here it was the bully what surprised me was what happened next watch it you little Jack before I could comprehend what was happening I swung one of my legs behind him making him fall like a sack of potatoes I immediately got up and ran but as he was screaming and chasing me I was laughing like a hyena I did it I actually did it I wasn't sure when he stopped chasing me but eventually we were all called back in from PE the teacher told me not to get on the bus and that my godmother and the bully's mother had been called what followed was a conference in the classroom seeing that his mother was a bean bowl of a woman in high heels all I remember thinking was whoa she's huge Miss Powell says I'm certain you're all aware of why you were called here yes II wait what did you say it was well I guess it would be better if Opie described it go on Opie I got to act out my favorite part from Mulan Oh seriously movie is for girls remember how I said nanny is no-nonsense that often leads her to get very confrontation I'll write up an entitled parents face nanny says and what's wrong with the girl movies huh what does your brat watch The Simpsons South Park that was back when those shows were very taboo sit down please now Opie what was in the scene you did when the bad guy was about to beat up Mulan she kicked him in the leg and made him fall down to the before I could continue I was slapped so hard I fell to the tile of the floor how'd you do that tooth like clockwork I kicked her as well in the back ankle making her fall as well like mother like son I suppose I could feel nanny glaring daggers at me as I tried to reduce laughter into a small snicker Miss Powell says entitled parent please you're not allowed to harm a student and Opie you know that's wrong right my nanny says don't bother telling him that he definitely knows he is just playing dumb now normally I'd leave it at that but then I remembered her telling me to ask a lot of questions so began the petty revenge I use an entitled kid voice it is why miss Powell says why why dopey I got pushed down and I kicked him down once so why I tilt my head for good measure um it just is Opie and why is that Miss Powell by that point she was stunned I guess she wasn't used to the school's rules being questioned and titled parent wasn't has moved shut up you little jerk and go watch some boy movies from now on oh okay what movies where can I get them but why are they boy movies and not for girls her face was getting red unfortunately I couldn't enjoy it for long before I felt a bony hand on my shoulder pulling me up nanny says stop asking so many questions but you told me to nanny by that point the teacher called off the conference since it was a hung jury we were both suspended him for a week and me for a day nanny was not happy I wish I could say she was hoisted by her own petard a but truth is I got the belt it hurt to sit for about a week you have my consent mr. ready to make a video on it hope you all enjoyed my first reddit post childhood reminisce and looking for advice like bold italics etc and our final story of the day entitled an uneducated mother and grandmother don't get books hi mr. reddit this is my first time posting and I really suck at spelling so please forgive me back in 2002 I was just out of high school and got my first job working at the local multiplex as an usher my job was to clean each theater after each showing and to take tickets and show customers to their seats and answer any questions they had while I stood at the door during the summer holidays when the schools were out we did a special promotion every Wednesday called bookworm Wednesday which was set up to help combat child illiteracy the idea goes as follows a child would read a book of any kind and would then write a small book report on it nothing big just the title name of the author and a little about the story there was no word limit or any rules the further kind of thing you read you could have read a pamphlet for all we cared it really didn't matter just as long as you have something to hand in to the box office in exchange for free movie tickets for the child and a harren for selected films said films were always kids movies like Shrek or Ice Age and for further clarification this promotion was for 12 and under our cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got entitled granny it's 9:00 a.m. and I'm starting my shift as usual I did my tasks for a typical opening morning restocking and toilet paper in the bathrooms helping the snack guys at the refreshment stand with the popcorn that was made last week and shoveled into trash bags and being reused for the third time that week not kidding every cinema does this and unlocking the doors to let the first customers in the cashier was selling tickets to the first customers while I'm standing at my door ready to tear tickets and direct people to their screen everything was fine as I'm greeting young mothers and their kids as they're walking over to their screen everything was great until they showed up an older looking lady in her mid to late 50s and her failed daughter who was in her 20s no sign of a kid under 12 they walk in and walked straight past the box office and directly to me trying to walk past without showing a ticket I blocked their path excuse me ladies but you can't pass without paying for a ticket don't need one it's free no miss it isn't you have to pay like everyone else no I don't it says there that it's free she says all pointing at one of the promo posters no miss that's for kids and they have to read a book to get free tickets for our bookworm Wednesday promotion entitled grandma says well she's my child and she read a book before me rolling my eyes at the stupidity of that statement only to be interrupted my entitled daughter wait a minute do you mean to tell me that I have to read a book about a worm clearly I was dealing with a superior intelligence what who said anything about a book about a worm you did just now voices started to raise and my patient started to wear thin I then try in vain to explain that the word bookworm was a generic term to describe a person who reads clearly not these two and once again entitled daughter says so I've got to read a book about a worm I'm 25 and you want me to read a book about a worm once again I'm telling you this is a promotion for kids I've told you she's my kid so give us the free tickets at the end of my row and my last nerve stepped on I just come out and say it the promotion is for kids my shouting giving them a jolt of brain power I continue my rant as you've mentioned many times you're 25 although it is clear you have the IQ of a twelve-year-old taken back by what I said they backed away and we're about to leave and then said something that nearly made me want to run over to them and beat them with the ropes from the partitions they both said well why didn't you say it was for kids to begin with they were really that dumb thanks for reading and mr.reddy feel free to put this on YouTube and edit as you see fit and congrats to our regionals of the day Josie Timberwolf 4 to 9 Chrissie UD Merrick and semi potato all become tomorrow as Regenerist by dropping as many reads as you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 47,400
Rating: 4.8708711 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: Vv96c-eEeEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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