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Hey what are you doing with my laptop the internet won't work give that back to me my son needs his games and videos he will use your laptop and you will fix the internet for him our first story will be reading today battleground laptop valet vs. a mom and bread from user unknown black hand after that it was all going according to plan until from user or qui Lea's after that entitlement extravaganza from user movie theater cat guy thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories every single day battleground laptop valet versus a mom and Brad I work as a valet between a couple hospitals in my city at different entrances some of which are slow very slow given where the entrance is what the weather is like and even the holidays can have a factor in this so if it's a nice day out and people aren't in a hurry they're more likely to park their own car if it's raining out more people are likely to utilize my service and if they see me running out in the rain to get their vehicle they're more likely to tip so ring brings the money in this event happened when I was working an entrance that averages five cars on a Wednesday and three cars if I'm lucky on a Friday in an eight-hour shift yeah when you spend that long at a podium you have to make up your own fun so I'm allowed to bring in books to read on occasion I'll bring in a sketchpad wrist weights to work out and my writing laptop to work on my stories aspiring novelist on this day I had my writing laptop with me an IBM ThinkPad t-43 it originally ran on Windows XP but was upgraded to Windows 7 by a previous owner and was likely manufactured back in 2005 this laptop can't even get on the Internet thanks to being 14 years old and has essentially aged into a digital typewriter why do I even use it well I considered it theft proof said laptop was charging at an outlet in the vestibule I was sitting in while I was working on reading the book I also brought the laptop is sitting out in the open in a corner under a phone that has a direct line to the security office this little detail will be important later in comes this mother with her kid probably eight at most but I don't care I immediately judge this lady for the coach clone handbag big sunglasses and for her kid holding a tablet of some sort I'm judging the mother because I'm suspecting that she's a screen parent and to back this up I rarely see kids holding gadgets when they come in and this hospital isn't a general doctor's office cast we've got unknown me we've got grunt inna entitled parent and goblin her bread hello in a Walmart greeter style grin Tina and the Goblin sit on the bench next to my seat we're just waiting for daddy case shouldn't be long whatever I get back to my book but it isn't easy now that the Goblin has opened up some sort of game I don't remember what and I don't care of course if grunt inna gave a care about the games noises I wouldn't be here no she's playing around on her phone hey kid will you turn the game down please I'm trying to focus on my book this little jerk looks me straight in the eyes and turns the volume up giving me a snotty grin I could have sworn that I saw a brief smirk on Tina's face I asked the Goblin to turn down the game again but he just blows me off I turned to grant ena and asked her to have Goblin turned down the game it's fine I'm frustrated but keeping it together ma'am this is my workplace it's slow right now I just want to read my book in peace until the next car rolls up otherwise why don't you sit in the lobby or there's more comfortable chairs Bren Tina then pulls out a pair of headphones for her Goblin I can now read time goes by and these people are still on the bench just tuning out the world waiting for daddy then to my amusement the goblins tablet runs out of battery my tablet's dead grunty nough seems to look slightly troubled our goblins distraction has failed him and now she may actually have to be a parent I'm turned away smirking hoping that maybe they all get out of my vestibule then grunt ena sees the laptop plugged into the wall can he use that laptop since no one's using it no it's mine and it's charging please otherwise my sweet goblin is going to be bored and I can't spare my phone right now lady I have several hours left and sitting in this spot and chasing cars so don't come complaining to me about his boredom I said no if he's bored there's a gift shop just around the corner across from the cafeteria there are coloring books and crayons in there and I'm pretty sure that you can get a book in crayons for under five bucks our goblin is starting to get antsy already apparently patience didn't exist in their household he's not going to want that he needs it's games and videos I really can't help you there I believe the gift shop also sells standard decks of cards where you can play go fish with him and other types of echt he bucks if he doesn't want those either then he'll just have to be bored then to my rotten luck a Buick sedan rolls up in my calling card area a spot where cars roll up that signals a potential client and Buicks in my area seem to love my service I grab a pen and slip to write the driver in and sure enough they want me to park their vehicle I quickly take care of them and find a spot for their vehicle before I go sprinting back to my entrance at full speed because I left grunt ena and the Goblin alone with my riding laptop as soon as I get in grunt ena is in my face what's wrong with the Internet I look off to the side and see the goblin with my laptop fed up I brush past grunt ena grab the laptop by the base and give it a sharp yank away from the Goblin easily pulling it away from him and I quickly lock the laptop in the cabinet of my podium along with the keys from the car I parked give that back my son needs to play it I walk over to the phone on the wall and pick it up the phone immediately rings the Security office when asked to say what I wanted hey we have a situation grunty Ninh looks confused after all I didn't push any buttons to dial a number I just returned to my seat while gran Tina Unleashed at me what was that about just get the internet working and give it to my Goblin in my commanding voice lady you and your spawn do not have permission to use my property therefore you have no right to it furthermore that laptop is literally twice the age of your kid it's not but a digital typewriter now with a few seek and find games eventually the security guard comes over and I go ah hey this lady is trying to make me hand over my property I sit back and watch with a smug a security guard escorts her out of the building a bit later a guy comes in and says to me my wife and son were supposed to be here I described grunt ena and Goblin and he confirms aa security booted them from the building after they tried to steal something if you're visiting the volunteers at the desk in the lobby we'll be happy to escort you next we've got it was all going according to plan until so not really an entitled parents but more of an entitled guys story this just happened sorry about formatting I have no excuses so I work for a tech support line for one of the major Internet service providers out there in the world not gonna say which one or which support line I work for either cast of characters we've got me obvious original poster we've got tier rep from the lower level who does things that fall into fixing the internet and we've got nice lady she's the nice woman on the phone and her entitled husband so here's how it went down me thank you for calling ISP tech line my name is Opie how can I help you today hi my name is nice lady I'm calling today because I can't get on the Internet Oh No how long has it been a few days what happened to cause this nice lady explains the back story of how the modem went kaput so she went out and bought a new one hooked it up and were unable to activate it they were getting the same message that the old one gave about it not being activated even after it was activated multiple times okay this sounds bad let me get up your account and we'll go from there from there I brought up her account and checked the self activation tool as that's the only way I can see if I can activate yup definitely a problem hold on just a moment while I a tear on the line I called over to tear tear thank you for calling is B this is dear may I have Oh obviously realizing it's a call from an internal line Who am I speaking with high-tier this is Oh P over in tech IOP so what's going on well nice lady just called in she can't seem to get onto the Internet I explained the full background with some dramatic flair thrown in oh that's bad you can transfer her in me hitting the conference button actually she's conferenced in now I'm gonna hang with and help if I can say hello nice lady so from here we start the basic processes sending a signal via tears tools restarting the modem and then we talk about the next steps tear was supposed to refer to me when all was said and done with their script I politely informed dear but I couldn't help with that at all and that's when the trouble started I agree with nice lady here we need a tech out to check the lines and signal in case that's the issue if it is the issue great but the tech could also check the equipment and determine if that's the issue as well which I doubt holds on I'll have to get supervisor approval tier puts us on the phone and there's dead silence for Abed tier comes back okay I've got supervisor approval let's get the date and time set with this date and time be good entitled husband in the background all I want to check out darl we ignore him nice lady yes but are there any sooner slots not that I can see I can try to set you with an emergency note entitled the husband still in background I am tired of this give me your name and identification number no I'm going to sue tier says sir he gets interrupted entitled husband's still in the background your worthless piece of what I said I want your a man-dog day number ah nice lady settle down hon we'll get it scheduled I'm tired of these during this back and forth between nice lady tear and entitled husband I set their silent a bit stunned and just thinking he does realize it's all recorded right tear places us on hold again a nice lady can be heard talking to her husband I will take care of it go away or we're not gonna get anything dear comes back okay so the earliest I can get now is Monday that won't do and titled husband and I work from home and live in a smart house can you get us anything sooner give me a moment yes I can get the original time slot still I will put on the note thank you and I'm sorry about my husband tear gives they're closing and nice lady hangs up me not realizing it's hung up is there anything else we can do for you today I think she hung up oh well I can't believe you took that like a champ you stayed calm and cool throughout no I'm shaking and need a break now I messed up part way through and lost that early slide you're still a champ good job Thanks I said my usual closing to the tira agent basically saying thanks and telling them not to work too hard and ended my call next we've got entitlement extravaganza I apologize first post to Reddit ever and I'm a huge fan of the YouTube channel be nice please on mobile English is my third language storytime the other night at work we were hit by a blast when two or more sold-out or nearly sold-out screens start in relatively short secession so we have around 100 to 160 customers trying to get tickets and concessions all at the same time we are maybe five minutes into the blast when an entitled carrot appears with her husband her daughter daughter's boyfriend and her three smaller kids karen orders two large sodas two white wines two beers two large popcorns four juice pouches two hot dogs two pizzas and about 10 different candies no biggie this is all standard fare for a group that size we are kidding everything together and carrying hands over her credit card first road bump hit comes when we card her and her husband for their drinks which she didn't like when her husband admits he doesn't have ID on him I have my employees stop pouring their drinks Karen doesn't like this and claims the drinks are just for her now we go through the song and dance of thee your husband ordered them and you ordered the white wine I can't serve this to you under California law because I know it's for him she gets heated but eventually relents with only a mild screech at this point she's holding up the concessions line I'm trying to get her through but she keeps trying to add changes to her order more butter cheese sauce on the hot dogs extra free toppings on the pizzas changing which sodas she wanted etc I'm annoyed with her the massive line formed up behind her as annoyed with her that's when her credit card gets declined and all heck breaks loose karen goes ballistic on my cashier and i try to interrupt her tirade but she's target locked on this innocent seventeen-year-old who's doing her best at her first job and following procedures Karen's family decides at this point to start grabbing all the stuff we have finished preparing from the counter and walking away her daughter's boyfriend quickly separates himself from the pack seeing where this is going I tell Karen and her husband I'll need an alternative form of payment from them they demand to speak to the manager I inform them I am the manager on duty Karen refuses to accept the fact that my word is final and demands I give her this cornucopia of movie-theater delights for free because he all staff was rude me despite me having witnessed the entire encounter and having seen Karen was the rude one and that my staff did nothing wrong Karen's husband then gets upset because I'm making eyes at his wife when in truth I'm wondering how stupid this lady is to think I'm going to give in to her crap he starts threatening me which causes one of my other employees to sneekly get into the dishwasher room and dial the local police it is at this point that Karen and her brood sans daughter's boyfriend all start screeching for their items while my staffers are trying to clear the line that's formed through only one station full on entitled meltdowns out of the three boys and the daughter not to mention senseless screaming from Karen herself at this point my Asperger's sensitivity to shrill sounds is kicking in hard and I am about to go ballistic back at them with a full-on drill instructor mode as it's been athlean aimed by one of my friends my staff is scrambling to keep the line moving one of their brats starts going to the bathroom on the tile by the water fountain police arrive at this point an approach asking what the problem is this is when the real insanity begins husband says I threatened them and had taken their money but wasn't giving them what they ordered I can't even get my side out without Karen screeching like a Barnell every other syllable I utter I take a piece of paper from the counter and a pen from my pocket while Karen and crew are hurtling around ridiculous accusation after ridiculous accusation I write down that I am the current manager on duty I'm trespassing the lot of them and I am more than willing to show the cops the CCTV with audio my Lobby has to back up my side I slip the cop the piece of paper trying to keep my cool and defuse the entitlement long story short my staff at least 30 odd customers the CCTV and the daughter's boyfriend all back my end of the store and the entitlement parade is removed from the property facing charges of trespassing and disturbing the peace suffice it to say CPS also ended up involved from what I heard this morning and I do believe that the parents are getting what they deserve you've got permission to use this in a video and joy and congrats to our regionals of the day Jessi spider sir all OMG TV and Nicktoons 1219 become tomorrow's Regenerist by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 57,524
Rating: 4.9008045 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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