r/EntitledParents Entitled Mom DEMANDS I Buy Her GOURMET Cat Food!

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mom freaks out after I tell her I an intern living by myself can't really afford to buy gourmet cat food every month for her from user self-indulgent kid all after that entitled guy claims to work at my bar ends up getting tazed from user to ton tone after that entitled dad shamed by restaurant hostess from user in JP and then we'll be wrapping up with entitled father almost attacked me over assured from user fad Samurai 92 thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the are slash mister reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories every single day mom freaks out after I tell her I an intern living by myself can't really afford to buy gourmet cat food every month for her some background info and drama for y'all my mother has been at least for as long as I've been alive on a cycle of employment and unemployment and she kind of believes no job is good enough for her so she's always quitting I have referred to her as a narcissist for therapists and they have agreed but it doesn't feel really appropriate to stick a personality disorder label to her like that anyway this on-off employment status has created a really rough and unstable childhood for me financially however as far as I remember I was a pretty happy kid with some issues of course but happy my mom was basically my hero as I grew older however I learned how money is earned how much things cost and the like the comfy bubble my mom had created eventually burst mom always tried to maintain a very high standard of living despite her frequent unemployment status and she's been successful for the most part by bar money from relatives then eventually from me when I was old enough to work because she can't even have a credit card or take a loan because she owes a fortune to the bank's borrowing because she usually never gives the money back of course so about high standards of living she always wanted the best stuff and she thinks expensive is better so yeah always the most expensive soap toothpaste shampoo toilet paper food products in general rent etc she has two cats and recently she got a job last year it lasted six months and asked for me to use my credit card to buy cat food for her since she has no credit so the pet food she buys for the cats is approximately fifty dollars I don't know about other countries but where I live Latin America that's really expensive it's some gourmet cat food organic even has blueberries in it but ok she had a job and I never complained she paid me back and things were fine as for myself I'm a grad student control engineering major 22 living by myself and currently on an internship on a pretty big company which pays me almost $350 a month that's a little more than average for engineering internships but I still don't lead a super comfortable life as the cost of living in my city is unusually high rent is about $200 I live on a rented bedroom located on a shady neighborhood and eat frozen lasagna every day so yeah I started working when I was 16 in order to try and pay rent and all of that expensive stuff for my mom when we used to live together since she would rarely be employed and when I suggested her to take simpler jobs such as cleaning cashier jobs maybe fast food she would go absolutely nuts scream at me and verbally abuse me in the worst ways possible so yeah I've given up on that she will only take roles such as manager well high status jobs you know she thinks other jobs are for people who beneath her and humiliating I still remember when I got my first paycheck and we basically had nothing to eat at home other than instant ramen so I withdrew all my money and told her let's buy groceries she bought Nutella a huge bucket of ice cream and a box of chocolates then took me to McDonald's that made me realize she had a really poor sense of priorities after turning 20 I decided that was too much for me but I deserved better so I moved out mom for the most part was supportive you know as much as she could I could eventually sense she was really bitter about losing her cash cow that was two years ago a year ago she decided to leave this city because she couldn't find a job and go live closer to her relatives again there are jobs here just not the ones she wanted when she moved she immediately got a job my uncle arranged for her that was her last job the one which lasted six months currently she is not paying rent because she is living in an apartment my uncle owns and she is probably living off some other uncle or aunt's money because she definitely has no savings never had she doesn't have any possessions she could sell either very tough situation and I've always been really worried about her button I've been going to therapy and I'm trying to detach myself from this reality that causes me so much suffering and focus on my own life because I have a lot on my plate already I'm a student and I barely make enough to live dude also I really doubt the food last three months it's seven kilograms for two cats that means about 40 grams a day for each so what that's starvation dude now I wonder if she's starving the cats in order not to lower her standards I'm still a little shaken because even though I did nothing wrong it feels bad to read stuff like that from your own mom she really feels entitled to a lot of stuff I feel bad for her living like that the worst part is knowing she'll never change edit I've seen some recurring questions and would like to address them mom does refer to the cat says being brought home by me well I told her I really wanted to adopt a kitty when I was 12 we looked at adoption ads and got our first kitty then three months later we adopted another one she was the one who signed the adoption papers I understand that I have some moral responsibility for bringing it up on the first place but well I was 12 she was the one who made the decision anyway when she moved out of town I paid two airplane tickets for the cats yeah when you take your pets with you on an airplane you kinda have to pay for an airplane ticket for them plus some other stuff she kind of freaked out about the possibility of being separated from them and hinted at possibly ending her life if they didn't come with her since my mom is kind of crazy I took it seriously I don't mind helping with their expenses I just wish I could choose stuff that fits my budget but apparently for Mom that's too much to ask for when I first made this post I had no idea of the price of rent around the world and how crazy different it can be i legit thought that by converting my currency to u.s. dollars it would be fine and everyone would understand I've seen some people saying they paid $2,000 a month what's the heck well turns out you have to consider wages purchasing power etc next we've got entitled guy claims to work at my bar ends up getting tased backstory I used to be a bouncer in a small town Midwest bar for about four years and while I have a wealth of entitled jerk stories this one is my favorite caste we've got the door guy me we've got the huge guy we've got big fellas girlfriend and we've got DJ the drunk jerk star of the show let's begin so it was a pretty smooth Thursday night not too busy not too slow I'm working the door and clearing empties from nearby tables when this mountain of a man comes up to me with a woman about half his size and tall enter huge guy and big fellas girlfriend and in a booming voice huge guy says hey door guy we got a problem me thinking well this can't be good yeah what's up his girlfriend there's this guy over there and well it came up to our table and at first he was nice so we were talking and stuff but now he's getting pretty creepy and started grabbing me huge guy I made it clear he needs to stop but now he's doing the same thing to another table end points across the bar I looked to where his pointing and see a man who was easily in his late 40s at a table with three women who are half his age his arm around one and all three looking very uncomfortable saying this I decide it's definitely time to go on the clock and get involved huge guy and his girlfriend are regulars so I asked them to watch the door for me and I make my way over to the table just in time to catch DJ saying something too inappropriate to post here let's just say he was talking about a party but none of the women looked interested in going to and this is where the story begins I stopped about five feet from the table and say hey man I need to talk to you quick come here DJ looking very annoyed gets up from the table and walks up to me and you can see the relief wash over the poor girls DJ what can't you see I'm busy me well man you're making a lot of people uncomfortable I'm gonna need you to find your own table and leave folks alone that's bull do you know who I am me thinking well this is gonna end well not a clue but you can either leave them alone or you're leaving those are the options you can't kick me out I'm the gambling manager of this bar if you bug me again I'll get you fired I know John three things you should know bar is allowed to sell pull-tabs as long as the proceeds go to charity - there's nine employees we were a tight-knit group who regularly hung out and he wasn't one of them and three the bar was called John's place not real name John is the owners dog back to this story me I don't really care who you are those are the options you choose or I'll choose for you forget you I'll leave will not want me still calm that's not how this works out now DJ while jabbing a sausage finger into my chest you're flipping fire jerk I'm not going anywhere I'm a manager you can't kick me out need getting pretty fed up dude don't touch me you can either walk out or I can carry you out your choice if you touch me again I'm gonna ruin you at this time my patients pretty much ran out so I cut him off by putting him in a headlock and dragging him out the door and placing him firmly on the sidewalk and going back to my post you'd think this is where the story ends but oh no entitlement was strong with this one ten minutes go by and who do I see sneaking into the bar that's right DJ at this point DJ is trespassing so I pull out my phone and call the cops give them a quick rundown and then I go and grab DJ again who had already latched on to another woman and dragged him outside to wait for the cops while outside DJ is throwing a temper tantrum that would put any toddler to shame cops arrived in about two minutes small town DJ seen the cops decides to pull out his phone and starts filming like he's the victim here so the cop comes to me and I tell him what was up and that he was removed before and came back and that I needed a no trespass order essentially banning him from the bar and if he ever came back he would get arrested so cop steps up and tells DJ what's going on and that he needs to leave DJ still refuses so the cop begins to do his job cop sir can I see your ID no I didn't do anything I'm the gambling manager cop is he me nope cop takes a deep breath and asks again sir give me your ID DJ now shoving the camera in the cops face while talking in a condescending voice am I being detained cop leans directly into the camera yes now on DJ somehow is in total surprise for what cop trespassing and drunk and disorderly I'm not trespassing he's lying he attacked me arrest him sir you were told to leave and you're still on their property that's trespassing DJ looking down realizes he's still on the bars patio and takes a quick step out of the gate DJ smugly not anymore now you can't arrest me all while still filming by this time a few more cops showed up and they are clearly done with the situation and out comes the cuffs at this point DJ decides to go for broke and starts trying to fight the cops all while screaming about how important he is and how he's going to get them fired - I will say he put up a decent fight for about five seconds then I heard it the pop tick tick tick tick tick DJ rode the lightning and went down like a sack of potatoes cops slammed the cuffs on him and off he goes I go back to my post and have a good laugh and finished the night it turns out DJ worked for the pull-tab company as a delivery boy and it was against company policy to drink at any of their customers establishments he also thanks to his own cell phone video got charged with assaulting a police officer as for me after a milk-bone and some belly rubs John decided to let me keep my job he's the goodest boy next we've got entitled dad shamed by restaurant hostess so this happened a few years ago but reading other's stories got me thinking about the entitled parents I've come across over the years and there's been a few I lived and worked in a ritzy beach tourist town most my life made up of people who work there and people who vacation there the tourists were basically all entitled parents but this one is by far the most stubborn I encountered but had the most satisfied feeling when he walked away backstory one of the summers I was hostessing at a rather pricey and popular restaurant the kind of place that you need a reservation for especially on weekends this night I was working with two of the owners and the manager our cast we've got owner one an elderly woman who just likes greeting her guests and we've got owner - we've got manager we've got the hostess me we've got entitled dead an older but not elderly man and we've got embarrassed adult daughter so here we go it's a Saturday night at the height of the season about 6 p.m. so just about to get hit with our non-stop completely full reservation blog over the next few hours we don't have any tables available for walk-ins the only tables that are empty are reserved for their upcoming reservations so I'm at the hostess station in front with owner one and manager and walks in titled dead and embarrassed daughter manager welcome to our restaurant what was the name of your reservation entitled dad we don't have one manager oh I'm sorry sir unfortunately we are completely booked tonight the next open table won't be available for about two and a half hours entitled dad scoffs what do you mean you don't have a table I count ten empty ones right in there manager smiles understandingly sir those tables are reserved the guests will be showing up soon well how soon we can eat quick that won't be possible I'm sorry sir embarrassed daughter dad it's fine I thought this might happen we should have called we will next time let's go to another restaurant no this is ridiculous they're biessing me I want to talk to the owner at this point owner one went to get owner to owner one would rather not deal with this nonsense no one can blame her she's paid her dues so owner 2 comes out owner - hi there what seems to be the problem here this man keeps telling me he doesn't have any tables available for two hours that's crazy I see empty tables most annoying line to a hostess owner - hmm let me look at the reservations and tables here manager and I both try not to snicker owner 2 is a back of the house manager he doesn't know much about seating charts but he's appeasing the man I'm sorry sir looks like the next table won't be available for another two and a half hours fine if that's really the case then we'll wait I'll stand right here the whole time I know it won't be two hours embarrass daughter come on can we please go somewhere else no I'm proving a point they won't fill up like they claim they will embarrass daughter makes separated fine dad you stay I'm leaving as she left he was a little shocked but not enough to follow her so we took his name and he proceeded to stand in our small entry way as people poured in we were full within 20 minutes but this stubborn entitled dad held his ground it was going to stay wait and glare at us he kept mumbling to himself and every now and then you'd hear make my point we turned countless other families away in that time and every single one understood behind the scene his owner - and manager were stressing that if and when he eventually got a table he was going to get worse just out of spite so they were trying to think of ways to get him to leave without outright throwing him out for no reason after about 90 minutes manager was sick of this guy's presence and went back to talk to owner - again our next reservation wouldn't be for another 20 minutes I was at the stand now entitled dad walked up to me I guess he thought and going after the manager and owner didn't work so maybe he could kill the ditzy hostess how much longer me giving my best customer service smile only about 30 minutes sir and titled dad snorts and rolls his eyes sure that got me I couldn't hold it in any longer I had a lot of feelings about what he was doing but not ones he was expecting so in my sweetest voice sir that woman you came in with she was your daughter entitled dad proudly yes she is I dropped my smile and purposely let myself look confused and upset in all honesty I genuinely was I'm sorry sir it's just I lost my dad when I was a little girl I would have loved the chance to have a father-daughter dinner with him to see you just throw that away to prove a point as heartbreaking I can't imagine how your daughter must feel you guys they shook him I wasn't expecting that he didn't say anything just looked ashamed stood there for a minute then turned around and walked out my eyes literally went wide as I turned to look at owner one it was giving the same luck I thought I was in trouble for a second but then she started laughing and told me that's how you do it that's how you put him in their place manager and owner too should have seen that it was incredibly satisfying and even though we didn't get one for his awful behavior I hope he apologized to his daughter and our final story of the day entitled father almost attacked me over a shirt I'm 26 now and I still remember this vividly also this is my first post ever so please correct any mistakes obligatory I'm on mobile etc etc our cast we've got entitled dad we've got me make a man's ear Lal and we've got embarrassed kids they didn't say anything just looked sorry for how their father acted one time I worked at a retail store that had a lot of merchandise and various knickknacks next to the store was a tea shop and on the other side was a stuffed animal store I worked at this place for a few years and I absolutely loved my job so I was very cordial with all the guests and all the customers and I did everything to the best of my ability now there was one moment that I will never forget because it was the scariest moment of my entire life scarier than the time I went on a rollercoaster for the first time scarier than all the times I've walked in the dark by myself because I'm terrified of the dark this was a terrifying time now I had just gotten the money into my till because I was working swing shift we were just now changing cashiers this plays an important part in this story now be aware this was in 2014 so I do not remember everything word-for-word I will do my best to be as accurate as possible the entitled father came to my register me hello sir if you give me one second I will be right with you entitled dad no I'm not going to wait they told me the same thing over at the other registers I'm sorry sir but we just started to change shifts and it takes us a minute to get everything set up I don't care this is what the other people told me and I'm tired of it I'm sorry I will hurry as fast as I can I hurried to get the change out while my hands were shaking meanwhile entitled dad kept yelling do you know that the average man is a 2x2 3xl and you have none in stock how are you not going to have the most common size in stock now I know for certain the average man is not a 2 X or a 3 X but that's besides the point I thought to myself if it was a common shirt size why in the heck does it shock you that it sold out I did not say this out loud but boy was I yelling it in my head I apologized to him and asked if I could call a different store in the area to see if they had any shirts in that size now they of course didn't want to do this it was a hot day and he was rather cheesed now he bought whatever items he was getting for his kids who looked positively embarrassed by this they could have been no older than 12 and 10 now when we were taught to count money it was always told that we have to count it four times to make sure that it's correct we counted twice to ourselves out loud and then we counted twice in front of the guests to make sure they know that it was the correct amount of change most people were okay with this and had no problems whatsoever because they knew I was just doing my job this entitled individual this entitled father didn't care one bit now usually I have a little bit of banter between me and the customer or the guests that's in my queue and usually they joke around and they playfully say hurry up and count the money you know I need to get out of here but it was a complete joke and they wanted me to do my job to the best of my abilities the entitled father in this story had that same banter about him I was looking down trying to count his money to the best of my ability and he said hurry and I laughed and said okay sir just give me one second no I'm serious hurry up and give me my change now I looked up at his face he was wearing black sunglasses and a Hawaiian print swimsuit and he said I'm serious he squared up in front of me as if he was going to tackle me if it wasn't for the desk in between me I would have been in serious trouble now I'm not a small dude I'm a fairly large individual but this man was also a good size and I also didn't like confrontation his kids looked positively mortified at their father's behavior they looked like they wanted to be anywhere but here the kids gave me a look as if to say I'm sorry for this and meanwhile I'm trying hard not to cry this man got his change and walked off I immediately called security and told them what happened because I felt threatened I was crying and I was upset and my manager told me to go to the back office and cool off actually told me to go to an outside bench that set next to a security station slash police station that was in the area for that particular place I knew all of the security guards and all of the police officers and they knew I was a very good employee and I was a very kind person it made them so mad that this happened I was trying to calm down and I was having a panic attack I forget whether or not they sent me to the places medical facility all I know from that experience was that was the first time I had ever been threatened and almost attacked from anyone that wasn't my family because brother's fight all the time being mortified the security calmed me down my supervisors calmed me down and I was I believe able to go home early they at least gave me the option to I'm not sure if I took it the security guards asked me about what the man looked like and I told them I gave them as detailed of a description as I possibly could and they went to look for him I'm not sure what happened to the entitled father but it was something that I will never forget I never want that type of interaction with a person again I'm a very friendly and very outgoing person and I try my best to make people feel comfortable when they're around me my only problem is if that man is acting like this to an adult imagine how he treats his kids those kids were more mature than he was and that at the end of the day is what's really sad I want to say it's been several years and I'm able to laugh at this now it's still something that I will never forget but at the same time it's rather funny that this man got all worked up over a stupid t-shirt that he could have gotten anywhere else in the area and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day robust white wolf sherry love and own car become tomorrow's Regenerist by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 89,484
Rating: 4.8596144 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: qGlb3MOCvYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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