r/Entitledparents KAREN EMPTIED MY SAFE!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today my karen's sister took money from our safe after that karen had a reservation for the fourth floor at a three-floor hotel and after that don't send emails outside of work sure now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen does not get to take anyone else's money joke's on you read it boy i've got a credit card so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from rented every single day my karen sister took money from our safe my little sister who's 16 has had her fair share of behavior issues throughout the past few years she doesn't keep up with school lies and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety along with everyone else in our family since the beginning of this year her behavior has gotten worse she's been frequently lying and doctoring stories as well as getting in trouble with the law in and out of the house with zero consequences a few weeks ago she had called me and told me along with everyone else in the family that she had bought me tickets to my favorite artist concert in the fall i obviously questioned it and kept telling her not to lie to me but she insisted it was true so i got very excited two weeks later i noticed that she kept buying very expensive items such as a computer new shoes makeup more electronics etc but i figured it was because she got a new job and was making better money for the more expensive items like the computer she told me it was a gift from a family member for her birthday which was the week prior she even went as far as to fake a phone call with said family member to thank them for such a wonderful gift while she was having the time of her life i was on a completely different path a week before her birthday my car's engine blew i should note that i'm a college student who works minimum wage and it would have been out of my price range to even try to afford a new engine so the car got towed i was devastated my parents and my grandma decided to help me by getting me some money together about six thousand dollars and giving it to me to buy a new car about a week after i noticed my sister was buying these expensive products i finally found my dream car my parents and i went to grab the money from our safe to go and buy the car when we realized about three thousand dollars was missing from the envelopes we put together my dad immediately checked my little sister's bank account to find a 1200 deposit via atm that week we also found receipts from purchases that she made with the remaining cash when we confronted my sister she said she didn't know why she took the money i was and still am devastated that my own blood would steal from me but my parents more so my dad whose sister did the same thing wants me to forgive her because she's apologized for it i told him no way and that she has yet to apologize to me and that i have no intentions on having her in my life when she's acting like this my dad says she's going through a tough time and needs our help so am i the jerk update i want to add that as soon as my parents found out we took her to return as much as we could they were also devastated well who do you agree with op or their dad please let us know dad press charges on her daughter or not what she's done is just horrible karen had a reservation for the fourth floor at a three-floor hotel several years ago i worked front desk at a privately owned hotel non-chain that had been a days inn five years prior the only way to book a reservation was to talk to the front desk staff no online reservations no third party reservations about fifty percent of our rooms were sold to walk-ins one holiday weekend we are booked full our elderly elevator is having some trouble with all the traffic and spooking guests so i close it up and call for a repairman but it's 10 o'clock at night so i'm not expecting anybody until the next morning all of our guests are checked in our accessibility rooms are on the same floor as the lobby so i'll just help out anyone with their luggage if they have more and put up a sign saying so in walks a woman i don't recognize from check-in she plops a piece of paper in front of me and then goes and gets lots of luggage the paper shows her with a reservation at days in at this address for tonight for a tenth of the price we were selling before being fully booked she comes back to the desk likely thinking that i've been checking her in all this time i regret to inform you that we do not accept third party reservations we are unfortunately already booked for the night i have a reservation it's right there i paid good money for it ma'am i believe you unfortunately you are not in our system because we don't take third party reservations they sold it to you fraudulently you are just trying to steal my money i have a confirmation number right there i handed it to you yes ma'am you handed me a reservation to a days inn we are a different hotel gesturing to a sign all of the signage inside and outside the building is correct also this is for a fourth floor room we only have three floors i stayed at this days inn last year on the fourth floor this argument continues for a while with me keeping my cool informing her that we are booked all of our rooms are full me insisting that we don't have a fourth floor not days in don't take third party reservations etc eventually she screams at me that i am going to take her to the room on the fourth floor that she paid for right now i don't respond i just stare at her with a blank face until she slaps the desk and screams now again i don't mind making a room key but i do grab my huge key ring and we both load ourselves up with our excessive luggage and climb the stairs once we get to the third floor i gesture to the third floor sign and tell her it is the third floor i then use my maintenance key to unlock the door to the maintenance stairs which are not lit and she trudges up behind me not saying anything i open the door to the tarred roof and walk outside and here is the fourth floor i hope it is as nice as the last time you stayed here i drop her luggage and go down the stairs back to the front desk honestly had she been nicer to me i would have tried to help her get a room at a different hotel and submit documentation to try and get her a refund or charge back from the third party but since she started screaming at me i left her in her luggage on the roof plus she insisted she had stayed on the fourth floor so that's what she got edit there was an option at the bottom of the stairs to go straight outside instead of coming by the front desk i didn't see her again and she wasn't there when i went to lock the roof back up on my midnight rounds i'm going to make a couple of clarifications for people concerned about her safety this was a flat roof with a four foot facade slash wall around the outside it was not open to the public due to it being a tar roof instead of finished but i took breaks and walked up there occasionally speaking of hotels what was the last hotel you stayed at please let us know best western all day bruh don't send emails outside of work sure backstory some of our field agents in my company were taken off the road on full pay during lockdown but expected to be available for retraining etc in anticipation of a return to work at the beginning of last month i started scheduling training for agents to return to the field before lockdown these agents worked an 11 to 7 shift and i usually worked business hours there were times i'd be around from 7 am or doing something at nine in the evening though and generally would respond to an email if i felt it warranted one at the time during lockdown and retraining agents were asked to be available during business hours instead for these trainings and not their usual shift everyone seemed happy enough to do this upon request one agent who can be a serial complainer at the best of times started whining that he was getting emails outside of his work times such as around 9 or 10 am instead of 11am now i usually send invites to training etc or handouts whenever i get a free second which could be around 8am or 8pm depending on if i'm tied up in training sessions or meetings no agent is obligated to check and or respond to anything outside of their work hours however it's more so it's in their inbox when they log on a team's invite went out about 9 am for a training exercise 2 days later as i wanted to keep scheduling ahead of myself and give the guys as much notice as i could serial complainer went to hr and said he has a right to disconnect hr explained that he was under no obligation to read or reply to any of these emails as his shifts were 11am to 7pm remember the shift is actually 11am but all agents were happy to work to a different schedule during training and finish at 5pm instead hr requested that this agent not receive emails outside of their contracted hours due to their complaint and right to disconnect i said sure no problem cue malicious compliance i sent an email out at 9pm two days later with some new information about some of the products that was due to be added the next day this had only come via the client about an hour before agents were all now back to the 11am shift and i wanted to have the information as soon as possible as i had al booked for the next day i had left serial complainer out as per his request and had scheduled his email to send at 11 am serial complainer then sent an email to me after receiving the email whining that he hadn't been given adequate notice of the new information my out of office was on as i was al serial complainer then called my work mobile and left a voicemail asking me to run through the product set with him i didn't have my work phone on as you know al i was then sent another email from him where he stated he was not informed of the products the same time as his colleagues and was being put at a disadvantage and complained that i was unavailable to explain what he needed to know which was unacceptable i saw this email the next day after i returned from al and i replied at 11 am stating that i am not obliged to respond to emails outside my work hours under the right to disconnect and cc'd hr i then emailed hr separately and brought up that serial complainer was suffering from a case of the old double standards everyone but serial complainer receives emails outside of work hours now and every time serial complainer sends one outside of someone else's work hours they don't respond until their shift starts we all have i may send this email at a time that is convenience for me please note you are not obliged to respond outside of work hours serial complainer is not happy but rules are rules edit al means annual leave slash paid holidays have you ever had a co-worker who complained about everything if so what did you do about it please let us know sure we can reschedule that class so this is a fun bit of malicious compliance that shows why i love my new job after being on the receiving end of more accidents than i like i switched careers to working as a driver's ed teacher i'm fairly easygoing but there is one aspect of any job i have that is a bottom line my time is my time if i'm off the clock for any reason that i don't work so if your class is scheduled for 5 45 and you show up at 5 30 when i start my break i'm not going to do anything most parents understand that after the scare of kids that don't understand not stopping on train tracks that you go counterclockwise through roundabouts seriously he jumped the curb to turn the wrong direction through it and one panic inducing moment where a student nearly went the wrong way down a highway rural area so no on or off ramps just a road that crossed it i need my brakes to de-stress if they show up early and i say i'm on break they nod and wait most of the time very seldom we get people that feel they have a right to demand i start a class early this is one of those first it should be noted i don't have a uniform or badge so aside from roof topper on the training car nothing says i work for the driving school i had just settled down in my own car and was about to bite into my sub two of my past students work at subway and will discount my meals when a woman knocks on my window i open my door and step out food still in hand the following occurs karen are you issa we wanted to start this class early me i'm sorry i'm on lunch right now his lesson starts in 30 minutes well we need to start earlier he needs to be home early for dinner so he can't be out that late me i'm sorry but when you scheduled the class the schedule was fixed so that i could have the necessary break and lunch times well then reschedule this class and have your stupid lunch later me miss it's my lunch break i'm not being paid for this time and i need to be on the clock and scheduled to teach under state law not really but sometimes saying it's a legal requirement slows the entitlement train i don't care teach him now oh wow that's a bright light bulb over my head let's play with this me okay i can reschedule today's class just let me call the office and get that arranged for you i grab my phone and dial the admin i deal with most of the time cat is great she will let me know when parents and students cancel she clears my schedule when i need her to take the car in for maintenance and she doesn't like her teachers being bossed around by customers after all they need us more than we need them just to make it easier i put the phone on speaker me hey cat joe's mom karen is here and wants to reschedule his lesson today cat when does she want to move it to karen i want him to start right now me so yeah i was thinking just cancel the 4 30 to 6 30 class and give me another at 4 10. karen why the heck is this taking so long cat are you sure you want to do this ma'am yes you idiot please stop shouting my phone is on speaker she can hear you perfectly fine cat okay i've canceled the original class and rescheduled it to start in two minutes we'll note this in your records please remember there's a fifty dollar fee for canceling within 24 hours have a good day and she hung up while i tried not to grin as karen realized she had just been charged double the cost of a lesson to have it start 20 minutes early and if she doesn't pay then we can withhold the certificate her son needs to take his driver's test for his part the kid is actually pretty good one of those students where we are mainly just going through the motions of driver's ed to appease the almighty bmv dmv and he's glad he gets to spend a couple of hours every few days driving without having to listen to his mother nagging him tourist demands a manager who speaks an understandable language to them first of all the people that haven't read my stories yet i'm a polyglot i speak polish english german and spanish i was born in poland and currently live in spain onto the story back in the days when i used to work as the head waiter in a restaurant slash bar in spain and in the absence of my boss or manager i was in charge this happened in the middle of the week during a pretty slow day a middle-aged couple sat down at one of the tables outside and already seeing them through the window i could see they weren't locals once i came closer i heard them speaking polish but started to speak english to me and asked for a card in english to which i obliged i don't always talk to foreign customers in their language if i know it i can tell from the start how they will behave and their attitude and i could tell that they were heading to the more entitled karen and kyle types of customers boy was i spot on they've been talking pretty loudly at their table making fun of the other clients and in generally being rude all in polish of course after a few minutes they waved me down i asked if they were ready to order to which they replied that they don't understand the card and need me to explain it to them as the restaurant was basically empty i tried to explain everything that they wanted to know still in english though after like five minutes of explaining half of the card they told me they can't understand me and want someone who speaks clear english or even better polish besides my colleague at the bar i was the only waiter so i tried to explain to them but they cut me off and demanded someone who speaks their language or clear english i smiled told them i will see if i can bring someone over who can help them out better and win in before going in i heard them talk crap about me saying how stupid someone can be not to be able to explain a menu i took my sweet sweet time inside with the ac on i talked for a minute or two with my colleague at the bar went to the kitchen and had a snack and a laugh with the cooks eventually i came out again and they weren't happy as soon as they saw me they care inside and said with a dumb smile to her husband slash boyfriend in polish look the idiot is coming back with the best forget you smile i could manage to bring to my face i looked straight at them and said in pure beautiful and clear polish good afternoon how can i help you as to be expected they went pale white in a second still smiling at them i asked if they wanted me to explain the menu to them after the initial shock the man looked at me and asked angrily why didn't you tell us you speak polish to which i calmly and with a smile replied you never asked this answer apparently was a wrong one and he got real angry with me red in the face he was a few centimeters from mine when he stood up fun fact i'm tall 189 centimeters or six foot two inches this guy was at least 30 centimeters about 12 inches shorter than me which meant he had to look up at me i want to speak to your manager and he better speak coherent english i smiled even more of course sir i will call him immediately and went in you know where this is going after a minute or two i came out with the brightest grin in my life they looked at me dumbfounded while in the best and cleanest version of my american english i was forcibly taught back in school said hello i am the manager how can i help you let me tell you that they flipped out while i calmly stood there waiting for them to calm down they never did they packed their crap and left after they left i even paid their bill which was one whole euro for a water bottle i could handle such loss in my finances they left me a nasty review on facebook which was quickly explained and answered by me saying next time make sure your waiter speaks your language the review was taken down after a couple of hours edit wow thank you so much for the likes and awards i didn't expect this to blow up so much there are many comments i can't answer all of them anymore but i do read them thank you so much once again do you speak any other languages besides english if so which ones please let us know hablo espanol muy bien quiero hablar conto gerende entitled bro parks in disabled ramp space at posh restaurant spoiler alert he ends up being humiliated this happened two years ago so before lockdown when i went out with a group of friends at a very posh restaurant in town for a birthday celebration for a friend who uses a wheelchair important for sorry later the restaurant itself had only recently been awarded its first michelin star and reservations had to be made months in advance for our area this was the most posh restaurant around dress code multi-course menu minor local celebs in regular attendance the works and we were very excited to be there for our friend's birthday the birthday boy was turning 70-something yikes am i a bad friend that i forget and lives with multiple sclerosis so he uses a powered chair and has a fancy van with a little robotic mechanism that picks up his chair and him with it for him leaving the house at all is a painful ordeal but when it was this restaurant it was worth it the dining room was all seated roughly at the same time and dinner's many courses were certainly worthy of that michelin star or more a true feast as we began to leave and got out of the front door we could all see that the restaurant small parking lot was quite full and in the no parking zone slash loading ramp of the disabled spot my friend's van was parked in was a brand new souped up hot rod parked literally inches from the van sliding door so there was no way that he could get in my friend was in tears and worried he's sensitive and quiet and so am i generally until you hurt someone i love i marched back inside the restaurant and yelled at the top of my lungs to the assembled restaurant who parked illegally in a disabled loading zone everyone looked up but nobody moved i yelled again who parked blocking a disabled ramp someone in a wheelchair is now blocked in the police are on their way to tow your car everyone began exchanging murmurs and glances and finally a young jerk brill got up from his table where a beautifully dressed woman sat his mortified date he ran out with his keys but said loudly enough for people to hear they told me it was okay i couldn't park my car in just any spot my friend's wheelchair had by now also motored into the restaurant's front door and his quiet voice spoke up loudly enough for everyone to hear it's never okay you were very wrong the jerk moved his car and meekly squeaked a half-hearted apology but it was clear to everyone any good will with his date had evaporated as it had with everyone else at the restaurant we didn't end up actually calling the cops but we got nice justice from watching this entitled fool be humiliated so soundly am i the jerk for taking things that i bought when i moved out i 24 male have been living with my roommate joe 24 male for two years we both agreed when we moved in together that this was a temporary arrangement and we would move out after we raised money and set our sights on new houses not too long after we moved in i bought a few nice new things for our communal kitchen they aren't necessary an extra toaster with more slots a mixer for baking some nicer plates and bowls than we had etc but they were nice to have i guess i wasn't clear enough because apparently joe assumed that those things would be shared for a while two weeks ago joe and i decided that we would move into a different place together still most likely temporary if we find something better it has basically two separate houses combined into one the thing to note is that we have our own small kitchens since the house was made for people living completely separately there is also a communal area that has places to put appliances in things well i decided to take the things that i bought into my own kitchen we had decided beforehand that our own rooms were our own and we couldn't just use each other's belongings when joe saw that the toaster and stuff weren't in the communal area he was confused and a little upset he assumed that we would keep sharing them since he hadn't thought of a reason not to i think it's more convenient for me to have my own things in my own rooms and they aren't necessary things anyway i told him that but he didn't listen i don't see why i'm obligated to share the things that i bought with my own money i also don't see why it's my fault that joe assumed he could always use my things joe's girlfriend called me yesterday to complain and said that i'm being unnecessarily mean and i should just share i didn't appreciate being talked to like a toddler sharing is caring read it am i the jerk well what do you think is opie the jerk or is joe please let us know you don't have to let him use your things i'd probably let him though i mean why not am i the jerk for telling my daughter we're having financial problems i 36 female adopted my niece haley who's 8 when she was 14 months old haley is beautiful kind and smart and is the best thing that's ever happened to me i own my own restaurant and the shutdowns affected us but i rent out a few houses and apartments so i still had an income and my best friend amy 36 female and her daughter grace who's seven moved in with us in january because she wanted to go back to school and wanted to save money this arrangement was perfect because with her school schedule and my work schedule one of us was always home with the girls and we rarely had to pay for child care now between my restaurant the rent from the houses and apartments and some investments haley and i were pretty comfortable there was recently a fire at my restaurant and we're going to be out of business for a while on top of that one of my apartments flooded and the repairs aren't cheap haley walked in while amy and i were talking about our financial situation and budgeting she asked what we were doing and i said that amy and i were trying to find ways that we could save money she asked why we were doing that and i told her that with the fire and the flood money's tight right now and told her that we'll be okay in a few months she asked a few questions and offered to sell some of her toys and set up a lemonade stand to help out i explained that this is between the grown-ups and that we just won't be able to go toy shopping or go out to eat too often and we may have to postpone our trip to disneyland she said okay and went back to her room the second haley left amy laid into me for telling haley about my financial situation and said that she's too young to know these things in my opinion telling an eight-year-old mommy's not making that much money right now so we can't go out to eat or get new toys that much everything's gonna be back to normal in a few months isn't going to scar them for life am i the jerk for telling my daughter that we're having financial problems well what do you think is o.p the jerk or not please let us know i wouldn't tell an eight-year-old these things but i don't think it makes you a jerk entitled karen pushes me out of my electric cart so this just happened at my local grocery store and i'm still fuming over it for reference i have a hereditary connective tissue disorder heds that makes my tendons ligaments skin some veins and other connective tissue very loose and stretchy this causes chronic pain frequent dislocations hyperextensions and generally loose joints i also have a degenerative disc disease that makes my heart race every time i'm standing and can eventually cause me to pass out if i'm standing for too long i can walk but i have to use a cane when i do because i can't walk very well for very long my knees don't like to support my body weight and i can very easily dislocate a knee or a hip if i step ever so slightly wrong or happen to trip over anything because of this i tend to use my wheelchair for longer outings thankfully my local grocery store has those electric carts that customers can ride around in the store so i don't have to go to the trouble of hauling my wheelchair out of the car and can just use one of those so i'm in the store doing some grocery shopping minding my own business i wasn't even really paying attention to the people around me because i just wanted to get what i needed and get out one of these items i needed happened to be on the top shelf so i got up out of my electric cart to get it off the shelf the next thing i know this karen loses it because those cards are for people who need them not kids who just want to take them for a joy ride i should add here that if you didn't know me or you've never seen me attempt to walk there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with me other than the way i walk i look perfectly healthy to the casual observer now i get this kind of thing all the time when i'm using one of the story's electric carts so i just rolled my eyes and told her that i do need it and started to move along to get the rest of my shopping done surprise surprise that wasn't the end of it the next thing i know this lady's hands are on my shoulders and she gives me a hefty shove and pushed me so hard i fell out of my cart now i'm just sitting there on the floor stunned while this lady yells at me in between generally incoherent ramblings about stupid college kids thankfully at this point my boyfriend came back from grabbing milk he rounded the corner into the aisle and saw what was going on and from the look on his face i'm surprised he didn't deck her the subsequent argument went something like this boyfriend excuse me what the heck do you think you're doing karen this little brat thinks it's okay to steal cards from disabled folks boyfriend he is disabled you idiot karen i saw him get up to reach for something he's obviously faking it boyfriend you thick jerk you think just because he can stand means he doesn't need a card and you think that gives you the right to assault him what the heck is wrong with you boyfriend then proceeds to ask me if i want to call the cops lady starts freaking out over the possibility of actual charges and i guess the commotion was enough that at this point one of the store's managers decided to get involved he sees me still on the floor asks what's going on and when my boyfriend explained what had happened also asked me if i wanted to call the authorities at this point i had had enough was pretty shaken up and on the verge of crying which i don't like to do in public and just wanted to go home at the end of all this the store manager copped my groceries banned karen from the store and told me he would make sure that all the other stores from the chain that were in the area did too i've had people give me the side eye or go so far as to chide me for using the story electric cards before but i have never had anyone put their hands on me until now it makes me so mad because this lady literally just saw me stand up to reach something and apparently that was reason enough for her to feel the need to physically remove me from the mobility aid i was using now like i said to the casual observer i don't look disabled unless you saw me walking or saw me dislocate something you probably wouldn't know there was anything wrong with me it just makes me so angry because people ought to know that invisible illnesses exist and not all disabilities can be outwardly seen also just because someone can stand up doesn't mean they don't need a wheelchair it's not like only people who are paralyzed have the right to use one and even if i was just a stupid college kid taking an electric cart for a spin that still doesn't give someone the right to push me out of it if you think i shouldn't be using it go get a manager or something or better yet mind your own business and finish your own shopping i shouldn't have to explain my disability to everyone who sees me using a mobility aid that happens a lot even when i'm just using my cane random strangers will ask me what happened or how i got hurt my go-to answer slash shutdown for that is now i was born and i especially shouldn't have to fear for my physical safety every time i need to go grocery shopping anyway sorry if this was long-winded or ranty it was infuriating please come watch this video next you're gonna love it and join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video or to have us make a video for you head over to our fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 39,141
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: TqG3MjuFfEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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