r/Entitledparents “ENTITLED PARENTS STORIES EP 61"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents am i the jerk for not letting karen's family use my wifi anymore i'm 26 male and my internet is pretty bad let me start off by saying it only works for one device i got the cheapest plan because i started some online classes and i was only going to use it for that my neighbors have a 13 year old son whose school is doing everything online before his class started they asked me if he could use my wifi for his school during the day since i'm at work and my classes aren't until later on i said yeah and then the problem started the first week i was having trouble logging into my classes and my laptop was being very slow i checked my wifi and it was connected so i didn't see the problem i assumed maybe the neighbors were still connected and i went next door turns out my neighbors were using it to watch netflix on their tablet and they apologized these incidents kept on happening on weekends when i would try to work on homework or submit assignments my internet would be super slow and i'd have to walk over and ask them to stop using it every single time they'd act like they forgot they were using my wifi and they said it wouldn't happen again a few times i told them i was going to change my password because this was only supposed to be so their son could take his classes not for them to watch movies or for their son to play video games online they always swore that they wouldn't do it again but then the same thing would happen the last draw for me was on friday i got home early from work because there was an assignment that needed to be submitted by five the assignment was mostly finished i just needed to do some last minute edits and then submit it when i got home the stupid wi-fi was lagging again and i got so angry my time was wasted going next door knocking for like 20 minutes because they weren't answering the door and telling them to stop using my wi-fi because i had work to do they apologized for the millionth time because they didn't realize i was home early anyways my assignment was not submitted by five so i lost a few points not a lot but i was still upset about that that was it for me and i changed my wifi password went to my neighbors and told them their son was gonna have to find another way to access his classes by monday they tried pleading with me because he needs the internet for his classes but i already gave them too many chances they came to my door on monday after work and they asked if i had changed my mind my neighbor said they had to drop their son off at his friend's house for his class and they said it was better for him to be at home i told them i'm not letting them use it again since they're only going to take advantage of it and i've already given them too many chances his wife wasn't happy with this and she said i'm ruining her son's education before they left was i the jerk for that if they had just been using my wifi for their kids school we wouldn't have had any problems but they kept taking advantage and i don't know how else to make them stop would you let your neighbors use your wi-fi if they asked to and why or why not please let us know i always use my neighbor's wifi good thing none of them have a password set the time i got a karen arrested and banned from all walmarts note walmart employees wear dark blue shirts and khaki bottoms i was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and jean caprice but i was wearing my company lanyard id my last name it supervisor at the company i was born with poliosis it was spotty at first but i'm 21 and almost all of my hair is white and i keep my hair real short because it gets in the way way too much i was browsing the aisles wanting to enjoy my day off tomorrow from work at my company and i wanted an almost spa day i go to the lotions and i reached to grab one i believed i would like and as soon as i touch it a crash on the other side of the shelves causes several bottles of lotion to come crashing down on me i was relatively fine except for a bottle that hit my temple not so pain relieving after all i chuckled to myself because it was how i was raised i go over to the other side and see if everyone was alright and everyone was apparently a kid took his parents cart and was running down the other side and accidentally hooked a hard left crashing into the shelves his parents come to check him they say apologies and they scold him he looked like he was about ten i laugh it off saying how i will survive being attacked by lotion i say i'm op and i tell the kid to be a bit more careful and we fist bump they laugh and say sorry again and continue shopping i walk back to my cart and start picking up the bottles and place them in their designated areas i keep up on social media enough to know what's trending i read stories like these but never thought i could live it i'm almost finished putting the bottles back and i hear it the unmistakable warning noise of a wild karen i look over my shoulder and there she is the biggest threat to employees and managers all over the world she has a look on her face like someone just farted as soon as she sees me she stomps her foot and i get images of a bull ready to charge i brace myself me um hello do you need something karen it's about time you noticed me i've been standing here forever now that you're done stalking that shelf you need to help me with my list i stand there shocked and confused i regained myself me i'm sorry ma'am but i don't work here there was an axe she cuts me off don't you lie to me i know you work here you're just being lazy and don't want to well too bad you either help me or i will have you fired she all but yells in my face i stagger back a little now i'm not an outwardly confrontational person but i will defend myself i speak calmly me no i will not i just told you i do not work here and i will not be helping you i work at my company she's having none of it she turns red and starts yelling in my face and demands that i help her when i go to step away again she grabs my arm near my elbow and swings me into the lotion shelf where some bottles fall again and a broken roll back tag cuts me in a desperate attempt to get away from her i push her and she falls down karen how dare you put your hands on me i want your manager now before i could respond the parents and the kid came rushing over after being a couple of miles away and recognized my voice from earlier at this time karen and i are both on the floor she's holding her arms and i'm holding my neck the parents instantly come to me and ask if i'm alright and send the kid to go fetch an actual employee not a minute later the kid comes back with two employees one comes to assist me and the other to karen who by the way is screaming and fake crying saying she'll sue me and the store and demands to talk to someone in charge by now this has formed a large crowd around the area and a couple of employees are trying to clear them away cops have been in the area and were there the manager and police goes over to karen first and asked her what happened karen i was going to ask for help when your employee assaulted me and tells me to buzz off i tried to defend myself this time karen is cut off by the parents parent one she karen is lying we heard everything she was demanding that ob help her with her list karen still demands i be fired and that she wants to press charges the police tell the parents to be quiet and come over to me and put handcuffs on me and start reading me my rights i begin to panic i've never been in trouble with the law before karen has a smug smirk now thinking that she's won my saving grace is the manager manager to karen ma'am she doesn't work here to the officer before you do that we should review the cctv and see what really happened at this point it's a little fuzzy because i started a full panic attack and it causes an asthma attack i'm wheezing and shaking i try to point to my bag and parent one instantly goes in and finds my inhaler all the while people were asking if i was okay and karen was screaming that i was faking and should be arrested by the time i was calm enough to be more aware of what's going on around me parent one tells me that the police and manager looked at the footage of our aisle and confirmed karen was the one who assaulted me first and when no one was looking she tried to make a run for it only to have the kid push a card at her and make her fall face first into the floor of course he was scalded in front of everyone but i know that he was rewarded later an ambulance was called and looked me over and they said i was okay but should see a doctor the officer apologized and asked if i wanted to press charges i of course said yes a couple of days later i'm back at walmart and i run into parent two and the kid they tell me how after i left to the hospital that karen was arrested and put on a ban list nationwide with her name and pitcher i took her to court and she paid for my hospital visit and for emotional damage she ended up in jail for two to three years for her previous issues the manager also caught where i was clipped in the head from the lotion and he gave me 350 in gift cards and a card where i can get one item a month for under 50 bucks for free as an apology for everything i said it was too much but after the upper management saw what happened they believed that i was too much of a valuable customer to let this slide i think it's so i continue to use that walmart instead of other stores in the area i also get a week paid off from work who knew one karen can do so much speaking of walmart have you ever seen a karen in a walmart and if so how did it go please let us know and i prefer target would i be the jerk for suing my neighbor for filming me and posting it i 22 male i'm a professional dancer i'm visiting my parents for a few weeks and they have a small training room for me in the basement so i was there trained some stuff for the upcoming show beginning when restrictions let it begin and later that day i scrolled through instagram on instagram i've seen that my neighbor who's 20 filmed me and posted it onto her story it was not a short clip it was a whole bunch of stuff about three minutes worth of clips i texted her and told her to please delete the clips and she said the dancing was really good and that she would not delete it as many of her followers over 8 000 love it and she offered me to put a shout out into her story what the heck i got a private instagram account with 54 followers and do not care so first of all i don't even know her we added on instagram after a short chat and never talked again i live 500 miles away the thing is now that i feel violated in my privacy i mean i have no problem with getting seen or filmed but not at home and for me an even more important fact on the video there's some tricks and steps and effects that should not be seen until the great live reveal on stage i'm thinking about suing her for this as i do not feel comfortable with getting my private stuff posted would i be the jerk update i reached out to her again and told her that we will sue her she just brushed it off saying that the story will be gone in two hours anyways so just forget it i screen recorded the whole story plus the direct messages and reported it to instagram who have not done anything yet i had a zoom call with my crew and our manager after that the manager told me we will sue her as some of the routines etc are likely to be stolen i don't know what to expect from that whole thing but yeah at least she might take a lesson from it i guess our lawyers have done pretty good jobs so far thanks for all the answers bless you guys for real edit after reading some of the answers i have no evidence that she was in our garden while filming between the road and the window is a garden which is about 5 meters bright she either zoomed straight into the window with a perfect angle and filmed it that way which i doubt or she went into the garden which makes more sense as the quality of the recording was pretty good and stable the window is pretty small as well and for those wondering i live in austria and as far as i know you are not allowed to post footage online without consent of the people portrayed if the focus is on the landscape and there are people passing by it it's discussable but she explicitly filmed me on my training session nothing else it really creeps me out that someone watched me this whole time and i didn't realize i'm looking forward to returning to my city and training in my studio again edit 2. i will post an update in a few days this blew up overnight and i will try to read through everything and answer open questions so far and again thank you for all of your answers and ideas i really appreciate all of you would you sue your neighbor if they recorded you and posted it online please let us know i'll sue my name before anything i can to be honest customer asks me to perform thousands of dollars worth of unpaid investigative journalism to sell or a scarf some retail stores cater to high touch customers more than others the house of retail that i found myself working for most recently sells things that range from cheap run-of-the-mill in-house brands to gucci and prada and the like it also prides itself on its customer service and a deep unwavering and absolute way the customers that i had while working here definitely weren't the worst but the retail fantasy that we offered did seem to draw in some particularly interesting people with particular quirks that definitely don't surface the same way in other stores something about the expectation of superlative service draws something out in them case in point this woman at this point in time i'm often the only person in the accessories department and have taken up a sort of unpaid untitled manager role she approaches me gentle and unassuming and holding one of the house brand scarves she has some questions about it i happen to love scarves and at this point had actually dedicated a substantial amount of my personal time into educating myself on the fabrics used specifically wool and cashmere really boring if you don't care and really interesting only if you're a scarf nerd in the freezing climate she happens to ask questions about exactly these things it's midwinter and the cashmere is flying off the shelves ironically like some type of hotcake and i'm honestly kind of overjoyed to have actual in-depth answers to offer her at first very quickly it becomes clear that she's seeking deeper knowledge more specific knowledge she keeps talking veering off into her own lifelong experiences with cashmere and her own passionate morals surrounding the subject of the ethical sustainable harvesting of it beginning to sound more and more like someone beating around the bush and i think oh no something's happening here then she looks me dead in the eyes smiles at me for the first time in our conversation and tells me that she'd be really appreciative if i did some research for her i feel distinct unease i tentatively give her an okay without a beat she begins the list first she'd like to know where we as a company source our cashmere from i inform her that this isn't common knowledge any information past a ply number is very rarely stated and only by very expensive brands and that i definitely have to contact someone much much higher up on the chain of command to get that information she's okay with this this by itself is incredibly daunting reminder i'm a sales clerk on commission making near minimum wage and i'm doubting that even regional managers would have this type of knowledge i'd have to not only cross multiple company departments blind but magically find the exact contract within that department who deals with this type of thing i don't even know what any behind the scenes departments are named this is a tall order but we're not done yet oh no her hunger is deeper than a mere source location she'd also like to know if we harvest our cashmere in an eco-friendly way she'd like to know if we outsource it to a third-party company and regardless of who's doing it she'd like to know if they rotate the pastures that the goats graze in a real issue as the appetite of mass bred cashmere goats can be destructive to local ecosystems on that note she would also like me to find out if they keep the number of goats involved low to avoid that problem i informed her weekly that this would be even harder to find out understatement i haven't found a single brand three thousand dollar sweaters or not that share any of this information she's okay with this and is fine with waiting a week or two her generous estimation while i do my digging on this for her by this point i'd started a list on paper and she gives me her email to jot down as well trying to be genial i let her know that these are fantastic questions because on their own they are and that i'd love to know the answers myself because i really would and i'll do my best to find out what i can she nods sagely okay great and immediately she walks away i stare after her the basic look of it thank you ringing in the air and know quietly deep in my heart that even if the broken promise comes back to bite me in the bud she can do her own research the month after is when everything started to shut down it did not come around to bite me in the butt what would you tell a customer if they asked you to look all this up for them would you do it or not please let us know i don't see what the big deal is when i schooled the school district i'm from a medium-sized texas town i started school early in life and was able to skip several grades without much effort so when i entered high school i was much younger than my peers it didn't help i was short as a starting junior high student had a baby face with a social maturity to match i was lucky to find an outlet in computers practicing system security exploits and doing things with software while mid 90s most people were just using their new dell to use icq and yahoo messenger while watching total request live on mtv in high school computer classes were absolutely stifling to me with clueless teachers trying to explain powerpoint while they quickly tried to teach themselves this led to me being extremely bored in class doing things like setting up land games with other kids in class to pass the time or changing grades of students up or down depending if they were a bully or a friend and unfortunately i had no friends the teacher after catching several students playing doom and quake learned it was me bypassing their weak windows 95 security by the guilty students throwing me under the bus principles were seen parent conferences were requested and the verdict after a long conference was i should be used to help the school handle its computer network and do free i.t work they offered to allow me to exempt from the lame elective classes and spend half my day helping brain dead teachers figure out how to use the recycle bin and remove flying toaster screen savers this was preferable to being in regular classes with normies who only caused me anxiety and the fact they blackmailed me by threatening to call spa software publishers association when it was found out that i was doing things i shouldn't have been doing i truly believed my hands were tied all this bs should have been serious red flags but again i was young naive and eager to get out of trouble honestly i really enjoyed the work since most days i was in a small attic that was used for storage until a teacher placed a work order and was able to do pet projects near the end of my junior year i was tasked to build a database and distribute to teachers new mind blowing fast pentium 90 with a blistering fast 16 megs of ram computers that were purchased during a large school renovation this is fairly important i took it serious with getting a barcode machine signatures of each teacher as they received the computers etc i was informed that the teachers were being allowed to take the computers home over summer to learn how to use them i didn't care they weren't mine and assumed that they were smart enough to realize i kept great records upon reflection now i question if they put me in that position and hopes that i would fail not sure what i am 100 sure of is out of something like 60 computers that left the school only 14 came back the front office acted full-blown rare about the situation i never had any issues with teachers prior years but once i started mentioning to the administration that i could easily let them know which teachers still had a pc things changed i was told to stick with minding my own business and to not make a big deal news was spread to the school during the renovations purchased one hundred thousand dollars worth of chalkboards just for the teachers to complain about wanting dry erase boards so the school district wasted another sixty thousand to build a warehouse to house the chalkboards versus sending the chalkboards back there was going to be an emergency bond hearing to procure more money for the dry erase boards and they plan to tack on money to buy another round of pcs for the teachers who already stole computers for their homes i find out the time of the school board meeting and went to it i didn't know the rules of the meeting so when they started talking about the need for more computers i try to interject but get promptly removed from the meeting and told not to return ever again literally the next day i had teachers of each class misgrading my work trumping up claims of being disruptive to get me out of class and passive aggressive antics like forcing me to spend the entire class out of the room if i came 30 seconds late to class causing me to not know the knowledge for tests it became so bad i went from making a's and b's in advanced classes to getting f's for the same efforts i was earning a's and it was seriously affecting my ability to possibly graduate i was mad all i did was try to do what was honest and right just to be met with strife from the school conspirators i decided to go to a city council meeting and try to let people know what was happening but it seemed they were warned and ready since when i went to speak i was booted out a little research taught me the city council and school board were working in conjunction to perform their dirty dealings not to be held back by a school filled with a bunch of live laugh love basic jerk teachers and administrators i noticed it was an election year and i started going to local political meet and greets with folks looking to take certain city council seats i enjoyed when the local news cameras were there because they were usually air said questioning about the missing computers unbeknownst to me several city council members up for re-election had hands in this cookie jar i was now completely failing school because of salty teachers and the only thing saving me is threats for my parents that i would be back in the same classes with the same teachers because they were so great for op this actually had teachers reverse their petty grading just so they wouldn't have to deal with me again a few weeks before the election i spent my afternoons going door to door reminding what property taxpayers money is actually going to i had entire neighborhoods ready to grab pitchforks this all culminated when over half the city council including popular incumbents lost their seats and several investigations for misuse of funds several computers started magically appearing at the school from time to time from fearful teachers but they removed the barcodes making it completely impossible to determine whose pc it was the idea that these people are molding the minds of the youth was terrifying to me i barely got out of high school my gpa was now trash and my college choices were out the window that's a small price to pay since at the end several people were arrested many lost their jobs and most who did had to flee the city since they couldn't save face forget them they got theirs [Music] am i the jerk for not staying at work even though i was scheduled to be off for the afternoon so with everything that's been going on they've been low censusing people at my work which basically means some people go home early slash arrive later in the day and they don't get paid for those missing hours thankfully they take turns with low census so it's not the same person every time yesterday it was my turn to be low census for the afternoon and i was actually looking forward to it i had some phone calls i needed to make and i needed to study for a huge upcoming test so this was the perfect opportunity to work on that however when i got into work that morning i saw that i had been scheduled for the whole day despite the fact that i was supposed to be off in the afternoon puzzled i asked my boss what was going on and she explained that one of my co-workers called in sick so they needed me to stay this bugged me because they didn't inform me of it at all no phone call email or anything i had to find out by checking the schedule the morning i came in here's where i might be the jerk i explained to my boss that i had already made plans for the afternoon and couldn't stay she got all huffy with me and in addition to trying to guilt-trip me into stain she said we weren't allowed to make plans on low census days for that reason in the end i still got to go home early but i checked my union contract because i was curious and lo and behold it states that we aren't required to be on standby for low census days what's more if we are on standby we're entitled to receiving standby pay which is about 1.5 times our regular hourly wage my co-workers had similarly been annoyed when i told them what our boss had said to me so i shared this information with them and they'll be more than likely to inform our boss of this clause edit wow you guys i leave for a couple of hours to go to a doctor's appointment only to come back to a flooded inbox i'd like to thank everyone who commented and offered judgment and support i'm very tenderhearted and i don't like it when people are mad at me so it gives me comfort in knowing that i didn't do anything wrong i actually have a meeting with my management tomorrow that's for a completely different crap show of a story to be brief basically management tried to write me up for failure to improve on feedback but they completely botched the process and didn't follow the proper protocol at all so hr threw it out i don't doubt for a second that they might try to start the process again tomorrow and i wouldn't be shocked if this came up during the meeting if it does i'll just mention the union clause and leave it at that i consulted with my father on what's due tomorrow and he advised me to go in with a level head and if they start talking like they want to pursue punishment shut it down immediately by requesting a union representative legally once a union representative has been requested management can't continue with the meeting he also advised me that if i do and they continue with the meeting in spite of it don't say anything let them dig their own grave and the second i get out of there contact high management and tell her what happened and possibly even my union depending on how things go this woman not only actually knows my dad and is on relatively friendly terms with him but in simple terms she's also basically the boss of my supervisor and my administrator and she's essentially in charge of how the whole facility is run and determines whether or not we get to stay open during what's going on not the kind of person you want to have mad at you she's very fair and kind and she's actually the one i contacted when they tried to write me up and she investigated everything on my behalf and was the one to tell management that they couldn't do this because of this she's already ticked at my supervisor and my administrator for how they handle things and the poor girl will probably have an aneurysm if they pull something like this tomorrow especially since she already talked to my supervisor about how she handled things with all of this in mind now i'm actually kind of excited to see how this meeting will go tomorrow because if management messes up again it will not go well for them i'll update this post again tomorrow when i get home from work with how everything went edit two who's out here giving me awards on my stupid post about my workplace gripes seriously y'all are too kind seven dollars for a sandwich i want to see a manager it finally happened i witnessed my first karen boyfriend and i went to the local mini market to get some pizza dough thankfully there's not much of a line so we get on and wait our turn suddenly we see slash here this lady henceforth known as karen unfortunately she doesn't have the haircut go off on this poor cashier girl complaining about the sandwich from the deli i'm guessing she didn't know the price until it was rung up because suddenly we hear seven dollars are you kidding my boyfriend and i look at each other like oh god karen i want to see a manager this is ridiculous the cashier goes and comes back with a manager within two seconds it's a small store i gotta give credit this guy doesn't back down karen is complaining about the price of the sandwich and manager is explaining that the weight of the meat in the sandwich equals the price she is not having it karen i can get it for much cheaper at the deli down the street in my head i'm like then why are you here karen i'm still gonna buy it but just look at it this isn't much meat manager i'm sorry you don't like our prices but that's how much it is with the weight of the meat cheese and spread karen but that's far too high let me show you the sandwich manager miss if you open the container you have to buy it i'll still pay for it but i'm never coming here again lady proceeds to open the container and show him the contents of the sandwich manager there's plenty of meat and cheese karen but not worth seven dollars manager i don't make the prices i'm sorry miss manager rolls his eyes and leaves this lady is now berating this cashier who has nothing to do with the pricing my first job when i was 17 was as a cashier for a supermarket so i immediately empathized with the girl there's so much you want to say but can't because you have to keep that customer service smile in order to get that paycheck the other cashier calls for me and boyfriend to ring us up then i hear this ridiculousness karen what's happened to the people who used to own this place they never would have priced it like this cashier i'm not sure i was hired after new ownership took over even so they no longer own this store karen i'm going to make a complaint this is ridiculous seven dollars for a tiny sandwich okay so i've been to the store many many times the sandwiches aren't big but there's a decent amount of meat in there and it depends on what kind of sandwich you get at this point i've had enough and so has boyfriend we don't want to make a scene and i'm not very good with confrontation boyfriend and i leave the exit is right where karen and the cashier are we get to exit and just before we leave i shout bye karen karen turns her head to look at me with bewildered eyes i walk off boyfriend looks at this lady with an annoyed slash disapproving look it may have been a bit cowardly but i'm still kind of proud of it especially when i heard one of the cashiers let out a laugh boyfriend and i laugh all the way back to the car i don't know what happened after we left but from the look at that lady's face i think she realized just how she looked not very dramatic no cops no rants just an entitled lady complaining about a sandwich oh and boyfriend and i made an awesome pizza speaking of sandwiches where's your favorite place to get sandwiches from i used to go to this place called schlotzki's back in the day they were really good i prefer panera bread my jason's deli is a close second and tidal not tried to steal from available so a few years back i moved out of the family home and bought my own home nice little place i could call my own and do my own crazy ideas that i couldn't really get away with naturally i had given my parents a spare key just in case there was an emergency or i forgot to return something now after a while of living on my own and saving a few quid here and there i managed to get my gaming room slash nerd cave all set up me and my old man built a custom desk so i could have my xbox my computer and my switch it's not a fancy setup like i've seen online but i love it even more that the desk is mine there are a few wobbly cuts paint's not dried like i thought it would but it's perfect to me so naturally after finishing it and testing it making sure that things were in reach when i sat down i had to show off so a few pictures were taken and shared online because the internet is mainly for bragging and showing off i had a message from my aunt saying that as i'm an adult i shouldn't be playing silly games and that i should give her kids the switch naturally i said no but i promised if i got bored with it i will message her off spring the first chance to buy it i don't think she approved as she left me on red that all happened at the start of the year but then everything started and i thought nothing more of it now after most of the year being on furlough restrictions are easing off and i'm back at the office working the other day i get a phone call from my mom she's at my place with my auntie to pick up the switch i had promised to my cousins now i had let a friend of mine borrow it because him and his wife were thinking about one and wanted to try it i told my mom just wait i'm finishing in a few minutes and i'll be there i get home and sure enough i see mum's car and auntie's car i burst through the door and made mom and auntie jump me looking at my aunt what do you think you're doing here and i'm here for that switch you said i could have it me i said if i get rid of it i'll sell it to you mom you told me you bought it off of him me well it ain't here and well i'll take the other thing i started walking to her before mom calmed me down me get out now and i never want to see your face here if i do i'm phoning the police ant quickly left and mum started apologizing to me and told me how ant said she bought it off of me but it said that we were struggling to organize a time for her to pick it up i looked at her and all i could say was i want my spare key back now i'm being bombarded by my sister and brother about how i made mum cry but i asked them how would you like it if mom was going through your stuff and giving away your expensive crap speaking of switch what's better the xbox or the switch please let us know neither pc gaming for the win am i the jerk for telling my brother to move out when he objected to me having a baby i'm 26 female and seven months pregnant the dad won't be involved but i have a girlfriend who will be there was no cheating my brother is 20 and he's staying with me while he attends uni he's heading into his final year where he'll be writing his dissertation i own this three-bedroom 1.5 bathroom flat with a mortgage the deal is that while my brother stays here dad pays the mortgage and i cover the expenses both of which are about 500 pounds a month i told my brother about the baby a couple of months ago he just sort of said okay and had no strong reaction good or bad i felt it was a little underwhelming but didn't question it a few hours later he asked if he can still stay here when the baby comes and i said of course he can and that was it about a month after that he asked me about my child care plans i outlined my fairly comprehensive plan he said that's good because he's not helping out i said i didn't expect him to then two nights ago i finished up the nursery in the spare bedroom though the baby probably won't be in there for at least a few months after the birth brother asked me what the nursery at my girlfriend's place looks like and i responded that my girlfriend doesn't have a nursery at her place my brother asked if that meant the baby would be here every night i said that i'm the mother of course the baby will be here with me my brother then went off on me saying i should have made that clearer because this is going to mess up his studies evidently he thought that as i spent about half my time at my girlfriend's place this would continue and me and the baby would also spend half our time at my girlfriend's place post-birth i explained that as i am the birth mother and i'm the one with enough space for the baby the baby will be staying here every night my brother then said that's unreasonable he's doing his dissertation how do i expect him to sleep with a screaming baby in the flat function on the daily or bring girls back to the flat he then said that i should move out because i'm the one moving a baby in never mind that i literally own the flat at this point i told him that this is my flat and he could either stop being a brat and leave or he could move out but i'm not leaving my flat and i'm not going to listen to him complain about free accommodation he then told me to buzz off and went to bed i saw him this morning and he looked at me like he was waiting for something but said nothing so i kept quiet dad has since texted me saying that my brother told him everything and while i was in the right for most of the conversation i lost the high ground when i called him a brat told him to buzz off and rub the free accommodation in his face and i should apologize for what i said am i the jerk if yes i'll apologize well who do you think is the jerk op or her brother please let us know i think uniboy needs to find somewhere else to write his dissertation so my hair isn't acceptable let's see about that this takes place in the early 2000s i was working in a video slash dvd rental store at the time and was only a couple of weeks into the job but was enjoying my time there at the store was me two managers other guy working the register and the regional manager for the area i've always liked having a splash of color in my hair and it had never been an issue with employment until this instant at the time i had my natural brunette hair short and spiked up with a blue patch at the front which happened to be the same shade as our employee shirts which pleased me one day a few weeks into the job the regional manager walked in a woman with a chip on her shoulder the size of her ego she did her checks on how the store was running etc and was talking to me as i was the newest employee there making sure i knew what i was doing and stuff as she finishes up she says offhand to me by the way you'll have to take that color out of your hair i want it gone before my next visit this surprised me as i'd read the employee handbook to make sure i was following all uniform guidelines and made sure it wasn't an issue with the two shop managers so i asked her why i had to change my hair she instantly got huffy and puffed out her chest and said because i told you to are you questioning me me no i was just wondering what guidelines i've broken as i've read the employee and uniform regulations and didn't see anything about hair color in there and want to be sure i haven't missed something regional manager because i told you so and it's an unnatural hair color you'll have to get rid of it that annoyed me as i've never liked having to do something just because so i told her well other guy at the register has bleached tips manager one dyes her hair blonde and manager too has maroon hair none of those are their natural colors so i don't understand why i'm getting singled out regional manager did not like this and since she couldn't give me an answer just repeat it because i'm your boss and i told you so and if you don't want to change your hair you can leave i will be a next week and i want that color gone so i said i understand i'll fix it no worries but just to be clear so i'm in keeping with your guidelines other guy manager 1 and manager 2 have acceptable color and styles to which she said yes and i asked and is my hairstyle okay did you want me to cut it a certain way or anything or is it just the color she started getting annoyed again and said you can keep it like that just get rid of the color so i confirmed that i would have it sorted before she came in next week which seemed to satisfy the beast and she walked off in a cloud of smugness at having laid down her law as soon as she was out of the door i told the shop managers what i was going to do and they laughed but said they'd have my back when she came in again so my blue patch of hair had to go no problem colored tips dyed blonde hair and maroon hair like the other staff had were all hunky-dory so that weekend i did all three to be on the safe side i bleached all my hair near transparent blonde with maroon tips spiked up in my usual style as apparently that wasn't an issue well turns out that that's not what the regional manager had in mind well surprise she came in the next week and lost it took me in the back with the two shop managers shouting about how i was blatantly ignoring her and that she was going to see to it that i was fired i acted innocent and surprised and said that i had checked with her that this would be okay before she left my hairstyle was fine colored tips on the other guy was fine and she had confirmed that the maroon hair the shop manager had was fine she was not backing down and assured me she would report me to the head office for my disrespecting original manager like that she stormed out of the shop on her merry way so again i told the two shop managers what i was going to do which was get in touch with the head office's hr department myself as i was following all written company regulations as well as the regional manager's arbitrary rules and she seemed to be discriminating against me personally for whatever reason and i would be pursuing unfair dismissal as there was no reason to fire me i was good at my job and got on well with all the customers and staff it was only the regional manager out to get me so i did just that emailed the head office's hr saying what had happened and the two shop managers also emailed on my behalf backing up that i was following all guidelines including the ones the regional manager made up and that i was a model employee for them anyways but i liked them and they would attest that i was being singled out and harassed by the regional manager if i got dismissed because of this the next day the shop managers called me in to say that hr had been in touch and that of course i wasn't going to be fired and there is no company guidelines for things like hair color and not to worry at all about it have my hair any way i wanted once it wasn't unkempt awesome that's all i wanted happy ending now let's do this super duper happy ending couple weeks later the new regional manager walked in to introduce themselves turns out i wasn't the only one having issues with the regional manager being on a power trip after they had several complaints from staff and managers in different stores throughout the area she was demoted to a regular store manager i was the straw that broke their back it seems have you ever had a manager single you out for something if so what did you do about it please let us know i'm singling you out right now for forgetting to smash that like button don't be like that bruh am i the jerk for telling my bro that he can only have my secret recipes if he pays me for them so my brother is a tech whiz he developed an app for his daughter who just started kindergarten it's customized for her addresses her by her name that sort of thing to help her with her sight words and counting this is not something he's planning to sell or anything it was just a fun little project anyway during a zoom chat a little while ago he had nice show off all of the fun new skills she's learned thanks to his app i was like that's amazing and asked if he could share it with me so i could get my own daughter using it she'll be in kindergarten next year he initially said no because it was customized for nice i asked how hard it would be to modify but he said that's not the point he said if i wanted a custom built app i'd have to pay for it when i asked how much he sent me a quote suffice to say it was way more than i had expected i asked if instead of making all the changes for me could he just send me the source code so i could figure out how to customize it for my daughter on my own time i'd never share it or sell it he again told me no saying it wasn't fair to ask him to hand over the end result of his hard work without appropriate compensation fine fair i accepted this and didn't bring it up again fast forward to a couple of weekends ago we were having a socially distanced potluck at my parents house my mom asked for me to bring two specific dishes a main and a dessert which are kind of family favorites that i have made for many gatherings in the past these are both recipes i've spent years perfecting and including gradient slash techniques that aren't found in any of the generic recipes i found online anyways sister-in-law was raving about my dishes saying she even tried to recreate them at home the last time she had had them but couldn't get it to come out right bro then asked if i would email him my specific recipes here's where bro thinks i became the jerk i said i'd have to work out how much they were worth when he asked what i meant i said it's not fair to ask me to hand over the end result of my hard work without appropriate compensation well he got mad and started calling me petty and saying the two situations are entirely different i said i don't see how a recipe is just a way to program food to taste a specific way he just kept insisting it was different eventually sister-in-law convinced him that it wasn't worth it but things were a bit tense between us for the rest of the day and he's been really short with me ever since every time we talk he makes some kind of comment about it he likes to be right the last time we spoke he brought up that source code is copyrightable but recipes aren't which proves it's different i just said all the more reason not to share them then but i'm beginning to wonder is it different am i the jerk here well who do you think is the jerk ob or his brother please let us know i just want to know what those recipes were sounded really good karen threatens to call the police for a pet hotel keeping her dog from her i work at a dog hotel that caters to wealthier clientele and since i'm a canine caretaker i feed slash walk slash train slash give medicines to the dogs and don't deal so much with people which i'm very grateful for still there are times when i bring a dog to clients who then turn out to be entitled karens or kins not much fun when they act stuck up and arrogant right well here's a story about the night shift yesterday at work that gets interesting i was taking a poodle mix named curly out for a walk and i got a call on milwaukee saying that curly's owner was waiting to pick him up it's hotel policy to take the dogs out to go before they've returned to their owners this entitled karen didn't get the memo so when i passed in the hall with curly heading outside she was shrieking so loudly that i could hear her through two closed door hallway sections and the hotel each hall is blocked by doors so if a dog escapes one of the sweet rooms they'll still be partially contained anyway curly did his business and we were headed to the lobby and to karen her conversation was recorded on security cameras so our conversation went like this karen i want my dog give me my fur baby come here curly karen storms into the building even though no one's allowed in without a mask or permission which of course she had neither karen curly my baby boy receptionist ma'am you can't be in here the canine caretakers take your dog outside to you shut up and give me my dog receptionist do you have a leash it's hotel policy the dogs can't go without no i don't have a leech give yours to me referring to me me i'm sorry ma'am but this is my leash if you'd like a leash i'll get you one of our spares no i want yours ma'am please don't yell i'd hate to have curly feel anxious and give me your leash i'm sorry no fine then i'll just take my dog and go don't expect me to do business with you again me gives curly to karen me realizing my mistake ma'am it's hotel policy that we can't let dogs leave here without a leash or harness i'd still be happy to get you a spare if you'd like karen just give me my dog i don't have time for this bull or for you b me getting sarcastic but curly as a boy ma'am how can he be the bee i knew i could have gotten fired over this but it was a worth it comment karen if you don't give me my dog then i'll sue you for keeping him from me this is illegal i'll have you in court by now one of my co-workers was running to karen and me with one of our spare leashes and gave it to her she yelled at her several times but left and swore never to do business with us again we have karen's and ken's like this all the time who say they'll never come back to the pet hotel again after the karen left my manager came up to me and told me i had some courage then this morning he texted me and said that karen came back with curly because she had to go to the city and curly couldn't go with her all she requested in colorful terms was that i know what i did yes karen i know what i did followed hotel policy and dealt with an entitled karen i hope to never see again i know i will have to eventually but today's my day off so i'm enjoying it speaking of dogs do any of you have a dog and if so what kind please let us know my poodle is better than yours am i the jerk for telling my wife i won't give her an allowance every month me male 23 and my wife female 22 got married two months ago she moved 100 miles away from her family and friends to live with me in my city we live in a three bedroom new build home with a nice spacious garden my wife currently has no job since she left hers to live with me she's been having a very hard time finding a job since everything that's been going on i work full time and earn 3 000 pounds a month i also rent out a property of my father's which covers our rent for our new home i pay for the groceries and anything the house needs she covers the car insurance wi-fi and her own bills with her savings i must say my wife is a very good stay-at-home wife she cooks very nice meals and bakes these amazing cakes for me every few days she makes me pancakes in the mornings as hers are honestly the best i've ever had and she makes sure my lunch is packed and dinner is on the table when i get home also the house is spotless last night she expressed to me how she was running low on her savings i cover literally everything so i'm not too sure what she spends her money on anyways she told me she would like 100 pounds a month so she can use it for her creams she applies at night or just so she can get her nails done and use it to feel nice i told her i won't be giving her any allowance and if she needs anything like her nails done or her creams to just ask me instead and i'll transfer her the amount she got into a mood because i said no but i reminded her how i'm the one who's covering everything anyways and how i don't even want her to work because she doesn't need to am i the jerk for refusing her request because she did get into a mood the entire evening and acted just off well what do you think is opi a jerk or not please let us know bruh am i the jerk for being upset about my boyfriend's mom kicking me out because i cried in front of his family my boyfriend who's 23 and i whom 21 have been together for three years now i've been aware for a while that his mom doesn't like me and has had her concerns as she puts it about our relationship i'm not entirely sure why and my boyfriend doesn't understand why either currently my boyfriend is living at home with his parents and i'm doing the same as we both graduated college in may and are working on moving out he invited me to come over labor day weekend to spend time with him his family which consists of his mom dad sister and brother-in-law spent most of the day teasing me and making fun of me over almost anything i said or did like they wanted to go outside and throw frisbee and i have horrible aim so they kept mocking me his dad even threw a frisbee from a position where i couldn't see him with the intention of hitting me with it because they knew i wasn't paying attention i didn't think it was funny but i played along then before dinner they decided to play a game it's a card game and there are ways to get people out in the game early on and they can't play again until the next round his family thought it would be funny to mess with me the entire game i was targeted to the point where i was the only one with no points and i barely even got to play during every round even when it would make more strategic sense to play on someone else who was close to winning they would play on me one of his family members even said that it was fun to watch me lose they were also making fun of me for any mistake in the game i made when i played only a few times before at that point it was getting to me and after i made another mistake and they all started laughing at me i started crying because i was embarrassed and then excused myself when my boyfriend came to talk to me he told me that his mom wanted me to leave because she wasn't going to deal with this she also told him that he should break up with me because i'm too sensitive and if i can't take a joke i can't be part of their family i explained to him why i was upset and he understood but he couldn't go against his mom i cried for a while and grabbed my things but before i left i went to go apologize to his mom for making a scene his mom told me she thinks i'm bad for him i'm weak she can't ever see me as a mother or a wife and i ruin everything when i'm around i even asked his mom what i had done to make her feel that way about me but she couldn't answer the question i didn't know what to say so i just stayed quiet and left when she was done my boyfriend then told me he needs a few days to think about things because he wants to be with someone who perfectly meshes with his family like his brother-in-law i'm devastated and i feel like it's my fault for getting upset but i also feel like his mom's reaction crossed a line so reddit am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk ob or her boyfriend's mom please let us know i think the boyfriend is the biggest jerk of them all how you gonna let your mama treat her like that bruh i made my boss retire and took her lab equipment as a trophy i'm a second year graduate student going for a phd in biochemistry as such i'm simultaneously both a student and government employee working for my university as a researcher the way my program is laid out you take a general course for the first semester then rotate into three or more labs doing work for and learning techniques from the professors running said labs for a few months before moving on after your third rotation in a lab you're allowed to join the lab permanently as you work on your thesis project as far as my circumstances went i didn't like my first lab everyone had a thick chinese accent that made it hard to really hear what the professor slash lab techs were saying although they were great people the second lab didn't have funding to pay me as a grad student leaving me with my third rotation lab i opted to join that lab as the project seemed extremely interesting and was in neuroscience meaning i would be able to learn techniques others in my program would not and i was very interested by that prospect about a week after joining the head of the biochemistry department reached out to me apparently the older students i know had gone to him with concerns about the professor i would be working with so he started digging apparently the neuro and molecular medicine programs no longer allow her to take graduate students from their programs at all because she was known for having fits throwing tantrums throwing things and being an all-around jerk in general i later found out that she was read the riot act on multiple occasions and tried to deny maternity leave to a pregnant student from one of the programs which later blacklisted her because she couldn't understand why a student who was about 28 at the time would get pregnant just to give you some context for her demeanor i was concerned by the rumors but it seemed to be a stark contrast to the person i was working with boy was i wrong about that i was told to watch out and keep the department in the loop fast forward a few months and progress has slowed to a crawl the project i had been working on turned out to be wrong and the preliminary data was done by an undergraduate student who upon revisiting the lab couldn't replicate her own results because she messed up her data a bit to seem better so she could get out of the lab faster fast forward again and communication between my boss and i have broken down every email i receive has text and bold italicized and underlying font to get it clearly across that she was talking down to me she no longer offers me help stating that she doesn't have time for me but whenever something goes wrong or doesn't work i'd be asked why didn't you ask for help she was hypocritical or self-contradicting on most points however it best suited her at the time i found myself walking much more quickly past her office to avoid eye contact and the hour and a half long lectures slash rants that would normally follow worked later hours to enjoy the peace and quiet of night one project i was working on involved injecting lentivirus an hiv-based agent used essentially as a molecular syringe to get cells to express whatever dna we wanted them to into the brains of mice which were either a disease model or a control model i won't go into detail here but essentially i had to do practice runs before we spent thousands of dollars on disease model mice and ultra pure lentivirus these practices were carried out flawlessly and i showed my boss exactly where i had injected the mice again i won't go into the details however every time i showed her where i had injected the practice solution which was fluorescent she would say that's not the region of the brain you're supposed to be injecting i want the ca1 region of the hippocampus unbeknownst to me this jerk had no idea what that region of the brain looked like and was looking for the wrong part of the brain she worked in the nero department gave me the coordinates to inject into this region herself and worked alongside labs that specialized in this after we had well exceeded the amount of practice surgeries permitted in her grant i realized that she was an idiot and showed her a mouse atlas highlighting the area of the brain to be injected and showed her a side-by-side image comparison to my real injections furthermore the atlas had coordinates that showed you that my injections were as accurate as possible after a bit of stammering she brought me outside and pointed to a poster on the wall i wanted you to do this injection why didn't you inject this she was pointing at a different further forward region of the brain i showed her the coordinates she herself had provided me with for the surgery and told her because you didn't tell me to by this point we had one week until the actual surgeries were to be done in a panic my boss told me to do a practice run with brand new coordinates this was crappy because it took me a week just to find out if the coordinates worked or not and if they didn't i wouldn't be able to test any corrections before the surgery additionally she had apparently put off mandatory veterinary training and demanded that i do the new coordinate surgery in front of a vet who if he had a problem with my techniques be it with the animal or with sterility of my tools would not allow me to do the surgery and would effectively end my project while this wouldn't normally be a problem my crappy boss was using a neighboring labs equipment which i had no way of cleaning or sterilizing prior to the surgery everything rested on the other lab through some miracle everything in the surgery suite was up to standards filters had just been replaced the place had just been swept trash removed and the equipment was recently autoclaved i got a pass from the vet on my technique but was told that i couldn't do the surgery for safety reasons i would have to do it in a more controlled environment with more personal protective gear if i was using lentivirus which again was impossible since we were borrowing another lab's equipment which couldn't be moved after some discussion i'm told by my boss to just throw on a respirator and do the surgery anyways the day of the surgery comes i'm ready i anesthetize knock out two of the mice and start the surgery about half an hour into the surgery i noticed that they've both stopped breathing this had never happened before i grabbed the neighboring lab staff to help and they tried to resuscitate the mice with an adapted form of cpr but it was no use they were gone after 30 practice mice injected this way ended up just fine these expensive mice had died i would just like to point out that i have never before nor have i since lost an animal during surgery there's one thing i haven't mentioned yet these mice were supposed to be anesthetized with a drug mixture injection but since my boss never got the license to obtain that mixture she disobeyed her approved protocol and had us use other means of anesthetizing the mice it turns out that this particular line of mice was exceptionally fragile and wouldn't be able to live under our method of anesthesia however we were collaborating with another lab which was doing half of the surgeries for us this lab had the license to obtain and use the mixture those mice survived due to the disparity between their success and our failure i'm pointed out is the problem despite my arguments fast forward a few months and my boss and i both arrive at the conclusion that neither of us wants me there anymore i go to the head of the biochemistry department and tell the bio kim head about my decision he asks me what happened and i said it just didn't work out i was still trying to just drop it and let the whole thing just slip into the past however it turns out my boss had been angrily writing him behind my back for months about everything that she didn't like he was extremely tired of it i was outraged by the fact that instead of talking with me about these things like an adult she went behind my back to my department head but what really upset me is that she was also apparently spreading lies about me to the head of my department hoping she could get me kicked out of the graduate school so her reputation wouldn't get tarnished further and she would continue to take students from my department after this essay of exposition cue the revenge the head of the biochemistry department just set me down told me that he would give me a list of grievances levied against me by my boss and asked me to address them in a formal letter which would be sent in to a governing committee which would deliberate on what course of action the department should take with me leaving the lab the letter included lies that i would have to disprove this was easily done and i was able to cite witnesses as well blamed me for the deaths of the expensive animals and wasting the lentivirus and several other points i took my time writing a rebuttal letter after approximately 24 pages i was satisfied with my work i outlined how the premise for my project was based on falsified data how my boss ignored her iacuc approved surgery protocol for convenience which actually led to the deaths of the animals appended with an email from the veterinarian regarding this to support my claim how my boss unnecessarily used animals for training surgeries beyond three times the allowed amount in her protocol solely because she couldn't even identify the region she wanted me to inject how she would constantly harass threaten and demean me with witnesses from the neighboring labs cited how she would constantly forget even talking to me about things and claimed that i was lying about things she witnessed i honestly think she had alzheimer's but the neighboring lab thinks it's a form of traumatic brain injury i even included a note to ehs the safety department about the breach and safety protocol regarding use of lentivirus without proper air flow control and without proper personal protective equipment every single documented safety violation protocol violation harassment or threat was included in my letter i didn't hear back from the head of the department but word got around fast through the department even though it was supposed to be secret the professor was blacklisted from the university as a whole and could no longer take on students from any program meaning she could only hire lab techs and post docs additionally the only other person in her lab who basically carried the lab and knew everything just left today with that the lab has officially been retired my old boss is no longer with the university and i even got to enjoy going through her lab equipment to appropriate for my new lab since it was all technically property of the university it was the greatest feeling of satisfaction i've ever had and takes advantage of my grandparents to steal our house she gets put in her place backstory my dad has an older sister who will call entitled ant and always even as a kid my grandparents treated her like an angel and treated my dad like crap for example when my dad was in college he wore clothes that had holes that were about three inches wide and the tradition in china is that you get a brand new set of clothes in the new year his mom told him that they were going to get him a brand new coat for the winter and my dad got really excited a few days before new year's though his parents said that they can't get him a coat the coat they were going to get him cost 1 000 yuan 143 us dollars but can you guess where that money went and title dance boyfriend how can you treat your son like that here's something worse the coat they gave the boyfriend was 2 000 yuan you could have just split the dang money so they both could have had coats the second my dad was out of college he started working his butt off he was able to give his parents money every year even when they treated him like crap later finding out that every year all that money goes to entitled and but that's a different story you get the gist my dad treats his parents really well and all that effort equals nothing or it goes straight to entitled ant story for some reason they hated my dad mom me and my siblings this happened a few years ago when my mom was giving birth to my brother i didn't realize how bad this story was until a few years ago because i didn't understand so i was born in beijing my mom was somehow able to foresee that prices and houses were going to go up in there so she and my dad worked hard to buy as many houses as they could however there is a limit to how many houses you can buy in beijing but my mom was able to find a loophole she bought the houses with her own money but put the house under someone else's name she bought a house and put the house under my dad's mom's name my mom paid for all the renovation important later fast forward about four years my mom was pregnant with my brother there's a law in china that says no having more than one baby so they came to the u.s to legally have the baby this is where entitled ant saw her chance she took advantage of my parents absence to manipulate my grandparents telling them to put the house my mom bought four years ago under entitled aunts husband obviously my grandparents caved in really easily and transferred it luckily my mom's brother i didn't know was able to find that they had transferred it now we were still in the us so we weren't able to deal with this immediately my parents called their lawyers to have a court summon for entitled end she took her time and waited for the last warning to finally come into court she brought my grandparents along too according to my uncle she was smirking the entire time waiting for the trial to begin thinking that our side of the court can't really prove it while low-key insulting our side of the family i don't know how to translate this but she said things like my brother has always been naughty he probably also passed it down to his kids too or my brother was such a coward he didn't even want to come because he knew i would win then came the sweet revenge the court first asked entitled aunt to talk she said that the house was bought by my grandmother and was then given to her husband obviously with no proof then my uncle with the lawyers took out a record clearly stating that my mother purchased this house with her own money i wish i could have seen entitled anne's face but my uncle described it as a dark green and maybe a little purple too the judge then asked entitled aunt if this was true the judge stated that if she was to lie she would end up with much worse than just giving the house back surprisingly she still stood her ground and claimed that the house was indeed her husband's who got the house from grandmother and paid for renovations that's when she messed up my uncle and the lawyers triumphantly took out another paper saying that my mother paid for all of the renovations clearly not my aunt's husband and that's when she broke down she started crying screaming in an undecipherable language she was then taken in jail for about one to two years i forgot but wow she deserved it that got a load off my chest this annoyed me for the longest time my mom also told me a lot of other stories about entitled aunt and my grandparents and they're pretty dang triggering have you ever had an ant that you just couldn't stand if so what was wrong with them please let us know oh my nieces and nephews love me skip on a high school senior tradition how about a double serving of malicious compliance instead this isn't my story but it happened to some high school classmates of mine in the late 90s unfortunately i wasn't smart enough to be a part of it the ap calculus class teacher had a tradition that held up for at least a decade where if you brought your college acceptance letter you'd be invited to his breakfast club essentially instead of taking the math final exam for the year he'd provide transportation to the local ihop buy everyone breakfast and shoot the breeze together the gesture was a popular and welcome one after all these were the brightest kids in the school the top 10 percent including the valedictorian and the salutatorian the captain of the debate team and others taking a final exam when they were already assured their places in ivy league schools was a pointless formality after all the year this story happened however there was a new teacher who made a big deal about how unfair the breakfast club was funnily enough her name was karen the school's vice principal came in and told the class that they would stay in the school with everyone else and take the final exam or they'd face in-school suspension the ap calculus teacher had his hands tied so on the day of the test a friday the whole class came in and took their test which consisted of a single question what's your name the students looked up to see a crap-eating grin on the teacher's face and they quickly caught on everyone filled in their papers submitted them and then they went off to ihop perfect test scores for everyone by the time the weekend was over the whole school knew the story and karen must have complained to the vice principal one more because he came in and gave in-school suspension tickets to the entire class it was truly an odd site to see the school's geniuses file into the iss room only to find their ap calc teacher who had volunteered for monitor duties or swapped with a normal monitor or something and he had brought bags of bagels cream cheese white fish spread and butter for everyone serving suspension that day mr buckley you're a legend speaking of in-school suspension did you ever get suspended for anything and if so what was it please let us know am i the jerk for tweaking my roommate's mom's recipe which led to my roommate having a meltdown i've been living with my roommate for the past year we're not friends by any means but we do get along well she's vegan and i suspect she might have ocd but i've never questioned her we've had a few problems here and there but overall we respect each other and get along well i met her mother once when she came to visit long before all of this started one day she made this amazing vegan lasagna for her daughter and she saved me a plate too it tasted amazing especially the sauce i asked her for the recipe and she gladly gave it to me i tried that recipe once before and it tasted very close to the original i saved some from my roommate and she was also impressed then all this craziness started and both of us were stuck in the state and haven't visited our family in months few weeks ago my boyfriend wanted to have a date night at my place i decided to cook for him i cooked the chicken lasagna i used my roommate's mother's recipe for the sauce and i also changed the substitutes i used ricotta and mozzarella instead of cashew cream i used parmesan cheese instead of vegan parmesan we were almost done with a dinner when roommate came home she said she wouldn't be home until much later she immediately recognized the smell and then said please please please tell me you saved me a plate that smells amazing i told her i didn't make extra because it wasn't vegan and she wouldn't eat it boy that was the wrong thing to say she screamed at me about how much of a jerk i was and how wrong it was for me to use her mother's recipe in a way that she won't even be able to touch she told me it was cruel of me to do this especially because of how homesick she was she also told me it was disgusting that i turned a vegan recipe into something immoral like this and i don't mean that she yelled she screamed at the top of her lungs and i think she might have started throwing things around soon then my boyfriend got upset and asked her to please be respectful and to calm down he told her that it was no big deal and recipes get tweaked all the time this agitated her more and she started pulling her own hair painfully at this point i just asked him to go to my room and try to calm her down this also didn't help she kept pulling her hair more and was looking around wildly in the end she went to her room and slammed the door i could hear all sorts of noise from her room like crying throwing stuff etc i thought of talking to her but i didn't exactly know how to handle this so i just went into my room my boyfriend thinks she was way out of line my roommate obviously thinks that i'm being cruel to her for no reason i am terribly conflicted and i don't know if i overstepped am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk op or her roommate please let us know i just want some of that lasagna bruh sounds so good yeah my mother forced me to ride a horse i got hurt my mother is not a good person and when thinking of ways to describe her a few names come to mind annie wilkes from misery and margaret white from cary just to name a few stephen king depicted my mother quite nicely in those books my younger sister was my mom's golden child she lived up to all of my mother dearest's high expectations and liked doing everything that our mom did like riding horses i was never interested in doing any of it probably because of her poor treatment towards me for most of my childhood my mom and dad had separated when i was very young but they were civil around each other for the benefit of me and my siblings at this point my dad and family members on my dad's side didn't know the things my mom did to me and my brother i can remember this day so vividly we were visiting my aunt and her husband my dad's sister who lived on a farm they were all interested in riding horses but knew that i wasn't which was never an issue to them my mother on the other hand wasn't so understanding my sister five at the time was riding around on a pony with my uncle walking beside her and i was sitting on the veranda watching her my brother had walked off down the driveway a few hours before this so he was nowhere in sight while sitting and watching my mother walked up to me my dad was with my aunt on the other side of the farm mom why won't you come and ride with your sister me because i don't want to mom don't be a spoiled brat get up off your lazy butt now me mom you know i don't like riding horses and i'm not good at it please don't make me mom getting visibly angry get up now you lazy little jerk she grabbed me and pulled me hard and fast off of the chair i fell down and screamed out in pain stop my wrist mom stop biga sook and get up my wrist hurt so bad and began to throb in pain but whenever i said something about it mom just accused me of faking it to get out of doing things she walked me over to where my dad and aunt were her dragging me by my wrist and when we got there my dad noticed i was crying dad what's wrong are you okay mom she's fine she wants to ride a horse me no i don't i was cut off yes you do you want to ride the big horse don't you all of my objections were ignored by my mom and she made my dad help me onto a horse the big horse was a clydesdale anyone who knows about horses will know that a clydesdale is far too big for an average inexperienced horse rider let alone an eight-year-old and this horse was easily spooked so having a new person on his back that didn't know what they were doing was enough to spook him he jerked forward quickly and knocked me off i landed in the grass with my hands taking most of the impact which made the pain in my wrist even more the impact wasn't hard enough to break it but it was already broken before i'd gotten onto the horse my mom came rushing over to me to see if i was okay mom doing her best fake concerned mother act oh you poor thing are you okay let me help you up me my wrist it hurts mom oh no you must have broken it when you fell dad took me to the hospital and it was broken when i told dad what she had done he didn't believe me not because he was a neglectful parent but because he saw me fall onto my hands so he put two and two together most of my cries for help as a kid fell on deaf ears i spent the next eight weeks with my wrists in a cast which made school hard as i couldn't hold a pen it was my right wrist and i'm right handed i want to say that this is the worst thing my mother has ever done but i'm sad to say it isn't i'm no longer in contact with her and my life is better without her in it edit there seems to be a misunderstanding about my father enabling her so i wanted to clarify he didn't know what she was like back then my mother was very good at covering her tracks and making what she did look like accidents it wasn't until many years after this that he began to see who she really was in case you're wondering my sister and i are really close now and i hold no resentment towards her for being the favorite child she hates her as much as i do now and isn't in contact with her either karen is angry that we aren't mind readers like the other store my place of work a grocery superstore has a drive up option available for customer use it's extremely user friendly all you do is add the items you want to your cart place the order decide if you would like it to be taken out to your car or if you'd like to pick it up in the store and wait for a confirmation email once we've put together your order it also includes a handy feature to let us know when you're on your way to the store and then when you have arrived and our handheld devices give us alerts for that countless people let us know that they are on their way only a few seconds before they arrive to which you can hear a shout from a disgruntled employee in the back room quickly trying to pull together their order from the places scattered around the storage space but while annoying that is manageable and understandable especially for first-time users of the system however a particular woman that visited me today took that mildly inconvenient scenario tossed it out the window and then drew up plans for something indefinitely worse i'm running the front for customer service which doubles as where people can pick up their orders for in-store placements when this older woman storms up to me not very unusual so i just try to smile with my eyes because yes some people have stated that our workers are unfriendly due to their forced customer service smiles being hidden behind a mask and ask how i can help her i was waiting for my order to be brought out to me for 20 minutes she all but screams at me not exactly common but nobody had been out in that area for a while due to a lull in our drive up orders occasionally we'll get a new user that is unfamiliar with the system but we're usually out in the drive up area often enough to see that someone that we have no notification for is there and go see if we can help them work the app thinking that that is the situation i apologize i'm really sorry ma'am i say genuinely sorry for this woman who must have been fiddling with her phone for a while trying to get the app to work i even pulled out my device to check and make sure i hadn't missed anything but sure enough there were no current drive ups waiting to be fulfilled it doesn't look like we have any orders right now so maybe you accidentally forgot to tell us you were coming it's not your fault first time users sometimes have difficulty and that's when this conversation went from understandable to crazy we've got me and the karen karen i'm not a first time user i've used this service hundreds of times and never have i seen such unprofessionalism and rudeness me checking my device to ensure i'm really not just missing her order i'm sorry to hear that ma'am however we never got a confirmation that you were coming so i confirmation why the heck would i need to confirm anything i place the order i come to the store you bring me out what i ordered that's how it works you shouldn't be working here if i know how your service works better than you you should have known i was there me of course ma'am however in order to be able to take out your order to you we need to know when you've arrived so within the app there's this handy dandy little thing you press karen now back to screaming what this is stupid whenever i come to other stores they always just bring it out to me what you guys are just too stupid to do the same me just wanting the conversation to be over i'm sorry if i can just see your confirmation email i can get your order from the back confirmation email what the heck just get my order from the back god it's like kids these days can't do a darn thing me ma'am we'll send you a confirmation email once we've put together your order so that we can verify that it is you picking it up and not somebody else look i just ordered this stuff a few minutes before driving all the way out here just look at the top of the orders and i'm sure that it's mine it's not that hard just get me what i bought it was obvious she had never gotten a confirmation email and it was even more obvious that she didn't read the message at the bottom of every order saying that we required 30 minutes to two hours to complete said order this isn't a matter of us being lazy or slow the number of orders placed and items needing to be gathered labeled and sorted correctly in the back rooms require that time frame i hate to say that i had dropped my customer service voice at that point but was still trying to be decently polite when attempting to explain that we aren't super human mind readers and that we need time to get our items together as well as a notice of when she'd be heading to the store but no i couldn't have at least the slightest bit of closure in explaining that in the simplest of terms to her with the final complaint of how stupid we all were and how she'd be leaving a bad review and how i'd be fired within a week she cut off my explanations and stormed off back to wherever she had come from this isn't the worst customer interaction i've had by far but i honestly don't understand any bit of the logic she was trying to convince me of the process seems really simple to me but who knows maybe i'm the entitled one for thinking that everyone should understand it or at least be willing to listen maybe there really is some story out there that can just read her mind to find out when she's arriving gather her order within the time frame she's allotted and be out there waiting to put it in her car without any sort of confirmation of her id come right back to the office don't mind if i do i was working at yet another soulless call center through years of bad ideas alcohol and generally getting punched in the face i had a broken tooth that was no longer serviceable i could no longer adhere that over-the-counter tooth cement to it let it dry and pretend i didn't notice it it hurt my face was swollen i'm pretty sure my breath was fetted i was trying to move from slacker to adult so i made an appointment to get it pulled i was salary regularly worked weird schedules but still gave heads up to the brand new shiny directory in hr goon and my supervisor that i was going in for an emergency tooth removal and would be gone for part of the day my boss no worries or concerns he knew i would come in for whatever whenever the new director not so much she didn't like me because somebody told her i wasn't nice you can go on your lunch to do whatever you want but come right back to the office this wasn't going to happen she wasn't in my chain of command and i only told her out of courtesy my boss knew i was out she could be mad this all changed while i sat in that not too comfy chair already stabbed in the gums a half dozen times to numb it up the nice front counter lady came in to tell me i didn't have dental insurance i laughed explained of course i did and validated all of my information she asked to speak to me alone apparently my company had charged me for my insurance but never paid the insurance company even better the company had done this for every employee on this plan for a while oh well i have the cash pay for the procedure right then a little over an hour later a small bit of my beard is missing from clamps catching in it stitches in my gums they had cut and tooth gone i'm ready to go back to work and ask some questions after all they wanted me to come right back right i don't even clean up i leave the blood all over my shirt there's a little bruising on my face from an oh crap moment when part of the tooth broke more while extracting i walk right into the nice hr person's office and hand him my receipt i explain what happened he calls the director in and starts making calls her why are you here looking like that go clean up me you said come right back her you're a health hazard me if only i had dental insurance eh of course we have insurance why would you walk in here like that me you said come right back this circular exchange lasted about 10 minutes hr dude needed me to make copies of the receipts i walked to the furthest possible printers making sure enough people saw me they asked what was up i told everyone what was going on with the insurance email started calls started people were very unimpressed i got back to the hr office he's ready to make sure i get reimbursed on the next check payback for the insurance i've paid that i don't have insurance for him okay well go ahead and head out you can use my door out don't tell anyone about what's going on me too late i've told at least 10 people director why would you do that me well you did tell me to come right back we all got reimbursed company put out a big apology memo bought pizza because that's what call centers do and hr guy did a lot of butt kissing am i the jerk for telling my girlfriend to leave after she flushed down my allergy pills i 26 male have a chronic respiratory system disease asthma i have an allergic reaction to certain foods my doctor advised me to keep away from these types of foods due to the effect of worsening my condition my girlfriend who's 23 keeps cooking trigger foods that are full of dairy and does not seem to understand how my diet works even when i show her we had argued about this topic a lot last night when i came home for dinner i found out that she used some of the ingredients that i was allergic to i told her i wasn't going to eat dinner she blew up got mad at me and called me picky and hard to please she said that i don't appreciate her cooking and that she was tired of me complaining about her dishes i didn't want to engage in the argument but she started yelling at me telling me to eat because she wasn't going to throw away the food and that a single meal won't hurt i told her no and i went to make myself some salad she then tried to mock me in my illness and said that since i didn't want to eat her food because of allergies then i should just stop taking my allergy pills i called her ridiculous and that's when she lost it and ran to my room got my allergy tablets and flushed them down the toilet i saw what she was doing but i wasn't able to yell at her to stop thinking i don't want to have an asthma attack i told her to leave because she was causing me stress and i ended up going outside to get some fresh air she got her stuff and left crying i called her brother and told him everything he said it was good that i kicked her out but i feel bad for her because i understand her frustration but i can't control it i had to get new allergy tablets and asked my doctor to give me another copy of my diet so hopefully i could show it to her and she might be able to cook without putting the restricted ingredients in she isn't responding and is blaming me for what happened i admit that i was harsh but she was being unreasonable speaking of allergies are there any foods you're allergic to and if so what are they please let us know that's not how this works lady a few years ago i had this lady come in asking about her layaway she asked me if she only wanted a few pieces out of her layaway if she had to get the whole layaway out or if she could just get those few pieces i told her it was all or none of it and whatever she didn't get she's getting the money back for she said okay and continue to shop around for a bit now one thing to note was this was at the height of springtime for allergy sufferers i have really bad allergies and honestly this day i was riding the struggle bus of being at work you could tell i wasn't at 100 and that all i wanted to do was go home and sleep anyways so she comes up to the counter to get her layaway out she picks out the two pieces she wants to keep and tells my co-worker she wanted to return the other four pieces co-worker returns the four pieces she didn't want and gives her the money back the woman tells her she didn't give her enough back my co-worker looks at her confused and the following conversation takes place we've got co-worker we've got me and we've got the customer co-worker yes ma'am i gave you back the price of each item as it states on your receipt karen no you didn't i had six pieces in my layaway you still owe me for the other two pieces co-worker no ma'am you kept those two pieces so you don't get the money back for them karen let me speak with your manager me what's going on co-worker she wants her money back for her layaway she had six pieces in the layaway she paid for the full layaway only way to get her pieces out at the time we ran off a very outdated system and returned four of the six pieces see she shows me the receipts me ma'am the math is correct the register isn't going to mess up something like that you started with six items decided that you wanted to return four items and keep two items which are in your bag you can't get money back for the full layaway unless you return the two items you kept karen you want understanding me yes i am it's simple math i grab her four items she didn't want and pulled the other two out of the bags and set them on top of her bag now you started out with these six items right yes and they totaled to this amount you decided not to get these four items so you returned them for i add up the amount that's right okay so why would you think we owe you for these two items you're keeping you don't get it she walks away and leaves husband grabs her bag and shrugs like he's over it while apologizing and saying he'll talk to her our store phone rings a few minutes later and it's her she then proceeded to tell me she wants to talk this out like mature adults because she doesn't want to call corporate and complain she said she felt like i didn't care that we ripped her off and that i didn't want to be there and i was very condescending towards her i stopped her and said i wasn't condescending and said she didn't understand it all and that she can't get items for free which is what she was telling me she wanted i told her i'm sorry if it seemed like i didn't want to be there because i really didn't as i did not feel good due to allergies i told her i really wanted to be home sleeping because i was having a bad allergy attack that day but i couldn't get anyone to come into work for me i told her i didn't appreciate the fact that she couldn't understand the simple math problem and to have her husband explain it to her better since he clearly understood what we were saying i proceeded to tell her to feel free to call my district manager and blah blah blah number because i would be calling her as soon as this conversation was over and informing her of the issue district manager was called and i explained the situation district manager could tell just by talking to me on the phone that i didn't feel good i had worked for her for a few years by this point i faxed her the receipt information so she could look at it the lady called her 30 minutes later and district manager told her the exact same thing district manager called me after this conversation and tells me to go home and to get some rest once so and so from another store gets there in 15 minutes got screamed at today by karen over an avocado i'm full of bitter fury so if you're a vindictive person you may enjoy this little backstory i work for a gourmet burger place everyone who works during this has seen the inner jerkness of the general public grow and grow we've been slammed and understaffed because three-fourth of our staff decided to quit when this all went down and every 10 minutes our phone rings with some dumb jerk asking are you guys open what time do you close tonight can i order random thing not currently offered first of all google answers every question you ask just google the restaurant our menu is on the website our website is on google so anyways after having the phone ring with the same crap every five to ten minutes at least and often having three or four calls come in at the exact same time my phone customer service voice is slipping i'm not rude but i don't have the patience anymore to be all chipper and peppy over the phone today i get a call from a guest let's call her jerk so jerk calls and asks to order i politely direct jerk to the online ordering platform because it will let you know what our new menu is and we've been very busy so it will help us get your order out more quickly jerk says she can't put blue cheese on her burger i tell jerk i'm sorry ma'am we don't have blue cheese right now anything you can't find online we don't have jerk says well i wanted guacamole on my burger but that button isn't there either quick separate thought guacamole and avocado are two different things i've worked as a server for years you give somebody avocado when they ask for guacamole and a crappy person will not hesitate to mess up your day with their poor social etiquette so anyways i begin to say to jerk we actually don't sell guacamole ma'am we did for a while but only for one month as a special but we do not have avocado i only get as far as ma'am so she cuts me off and says i've seen burgers with guacamole or avocado or whatever that stuff is called so i responded to her completely ignoring that i was interrupted because what else is new oh avocado yes ma'am we do have that if you don't see that online it's an issue i'm so sorry i'll go ahead and take your order once again cutting me off she says why would you split hairs between avocado and guacamole are you stupid i respond well guacamole and avocado aren't technically the same thing and third interruption in a row this jerk screams at the top of her lungs through the phone don't you be a jerk to me i say for the first time not trying to hide my irritation don't yell at me i've done nothing to deserve that she yells some more about how they're the same thing i explain if you asked for guacamole and i gave you avocado and you were upset by it it could cause me to get an unnecessary uncomfortable situation and then showing her truly undeniable stupidity and lack of self-awareness she retorts what are you talking about who would get upset with someone over avocado at this point my voice is flat and clearly upset but i'm still not being snarky or rude just abrupt i retort people yell at food service workers about all kinds of things karen says clearly you've had a hard day i respond it was fine until a minute ago what can i get you the rest of her ordering process she's very quiet and much more respectful i hope i broke her i hope that realizing how mean she was she broke down crying i hope her husband leaves her and her kids don't call just to be clear i don't actually have a legitimate problem with people calling and asking what time we close or if we're open i know times are crazy it just gets kind of annoying due to how often it happens but i just wanted to get my frustrations off my chest karen the counselor gets me in trouble for reading a book when i was a kid i went to camp over the summers but they were never camps i enjoyed i went to at least four or five different camps and i had problems with all of them i wasn't a troubled kid or anything but the other kids would bully me non-stop for being the weird kid but i don't want to get into all of that it triggers me there was a camp that was for girls only being one who loves nature and all things outdoorsy i thought i could go to the camp and make some real friends didn't happen i was there for a few weeks and the days got steadily worse i wasn't allowed to go hiking weird right and i wasn't allowed in the pool without being cleared to go swimming i've never been a good swimmer so the pool didn't interest me anyway i wasn't allowed to go canoeing in the lake either because i needed a boating buddy and no one wanted to associate with the weird girl so all in all the camp sucked the camp was a day camp so my parents picked me up after work and brought me home but over dinner i'd always be crying and begging my parents to pull me out of there i know my parents didn't like sending me to that camp but i was of the young age where i couldn't be on my own for eight hours of the day so that camp was the best option at the time anyway on to the story sorry for all the backstory i had to explain all of this one day at camp i was sitting by myself and reading a book when one of the counselors one of the many karens here came up to me she asked me why i was reading and when i said i like reading she said there's more to life than books i told her that i know that but reading is happiness to me counselor karen told me that it was my turn to choose an activity for all the girls in our group i politely told her to give the choice to someone else because all i wanted to do was to be left alone with my book and my defense it was a really good book counselor karen told me i had to choose because it was part of the camp rules i said again that i didn't want to play a game but in a choice between reading or hanging out with mean girls i would choose the books every single time how mean of you to say i remember counselor karen screeching she ripped my book out of my hands and said that i had a choice between hanging out at the camp or reporting to the head counselor for punishment i asked what that punishment was and when counselor karen told me i'd have to leave the camp i smiled and said thank you she marched me right to the main office and told the head counselor i was being difficult for her and it wasn't appreciated the head counselor gave me a lecture on being social and that being anti-social is not approved of at the camp i got sarcastic and said that i guess she had to send me home early that not coming back to the camp would be their punishment and my reward the head counselor called my mom and dad and said i was being difficult to handle and mean to other people i didn't get a chance to defend myself and explain myself to my parents but as i was in the room during the phone call my parents called the head counselor out on their bs and promised me i'd never have to go back i felt a wave of relief that my parents believed me over what the counselors at the camp were saying and felt overjoyed that i never had to go back there again what was funniest about the whole situation i think was that i had to wait in the head counselor's office until my parents picked me up so i spent that short time reading my book in peace counselor karen came into the office to check up on me and make sure i was behaving myself and was totally fuming that i was reading and not hanging out with the other girls at the camp after i left that day permanently my parents congratulated me on how calm i was about the whole situation and for the rest of that summer i was able to stay home and read to my heart's content and on the weekends my dad would take me hiking and my mom would take me to the bookstore that summer was awesome but then i had to go to another camp summers later and those stories will be saved for another day to this day i'm still surprised how i got in trouble for reading a book how is reading a book a bad thing speaking of reading do any of you like to read and if so what do you like to read please let us know i prefer listening so let's get on with the next story reddit boy am i the jerk for telling my girlfriend she's no longer welcome at my house i thirty male live with my best buddy mark who's also thirty we decided two years ago we were sick of paying high rent costs and having bad roommates so we pooled our money together to put a deposit down on a house it's a good arrangement as we both have our own separate spaces it's cheaper paying a mortgage as we do everything jointly we've also been best friends for over 20 years and enjoy living together it's also important to note that i'm straight and mark is not but this has never bothered me and it doesn't impact how i see him mark is single after a breakup right now and i've been seeing hannah was seeing her for about a year i told her right from the start about my living arrangements so in case she ever came to my house she knew mark lived there too it never seemed to be an issue until mark and his boyfriend broke up and hannah's attitude changed she started making comments saying that she was uncomfortable with him around me and that he was making eyes at me a lot i told her she was being ridiculous so did mark and we both laughed at the idea of being into each other we're complete opposites and are more like brothers and it weirds us out that hannah is making comments i've told hannah multiple times to stop as this is mark's house too and i won't have him feeling crappy anna just keeps ramping it up and her comments are getting worse to a point she even said he wanted to make a move on me i finally snapped i told her that just because he likes guys doesn't automatically mean that he wants to get with me and her attitude is disgusting she said she was joking and i said it didn't feel like a joke i told her if you seriously can't change your attitude and treat mark like a person then you're not welcome here anymore you're 30 act like it get out hannah has been calling me a jerk for treating her like a child and some of her friends have messaged me saying i'm being too harsh i'm asking for judgment as i may be the jerk for being too firm and not trying to talk to her about why she is speaking about mark this way instead of downright refusing to let her be near him update i have come to the conclusion hannah and i are no more thank you for your comments well what do you think is opie the jerk or not please let us know i think hannah might be a little insecure to be honest this playground is for my kid only i was on the swings of my country club with my sister one day just talking and having a good time i was seven and my sister was around six so anyway here's the cast we've got entitled mom entitled kid we've got my mom my sister the country club employee and me entitled mom and entitled kid walk up entitled mom my angel says you won't let him on the swings is this true me scared no remember i'm seven and i'm not used to having angry karen's coming out of nowhere and yelling at me entitled mom how dare you call my angel a liar he told me so and he never lies me still scared almost shaking i'm sorry but i didn't say he couldn't go on the swings entitled mom where is your mother i need to tell her how rude you were to me and my son this was the oldest trick in the book i pointed at the nearest lady and said her as fast as possible and booked it for my real mom my mom seeing us running over what happened me and my sister some lady started yelling at us for no reason my sister didn't talk during the initial karen attack because she was on the verge of tears remember i was seven and she was six my mom where is she i need to go talk to her me over there i point my mom walks over to entitled mom who's now in a lawn chair hey were my kids being disrespectful to you entitled mom yes they were not letting my kid go on the swings mom oh i'm sorry but i saw what happened and i did not see your kid say anything to mine and they don't say he did either are you calling my son a liar how dare you entitled kid starts running in the background i take notice and realize what he's doing he's running directly towards the swings me being the petty little seven-year-old that i was took off running trying to save our swings my sister soon realized too and started running we beat him there by a second and he jumped right on my swing anyway with me on it i pushed him off and the following ensues entitled kid jumps up to the tower next to the swings with a handful of wood chips from the floor off the ground he throws them at my sister and i entitled mom then comes running over with my mom close behind entitled mom you hurt my baby you little my mom they're just kids watch your mouth yes my mom was that kind of parent entitled mom well they heard him and i will not stand by while you let your kids make all of their own decisions on their own they are rude and hurtful and should have never been allowed to come here keep in mind that this is a members only club and you need a friend to be there already to sponsor you so it's hard to get into entitled mom grabs my arm and throws me off the swings nearly to the ground employee has seen the whole thing ma'am i'm going to need to ask you to leave this family alone or you will be asked to leave your kid threw wood chips all over these kids here and they did nothing wrong it was them pointing at us they were going to attack us they pushed my baby off the swings and they were going to attack me employee ma'am i'm going to need to ask you to leave no it was those little monsters now entitled mom grabs her kids and leaves finally sorry i don't know where a specific item is go ahead call the manager earlier this year i was in my local grocery store i just got off work so i was wearing a white dress shirt dress pants and a tie here i am minding my own business looking for taco makes when a woman who's about 30 comes up to me the lady asks me what aisle pancake mix is in so i told her i think it's an aisle five lady walks away no thank you no nothing about five minutes later i'm getting something from the top shelf for my wife who's standing next to me when the lady comes up to me again looking annoyed this time she goes it wasn't in aisle five i went down there and it wasn't there i ended up finding it in aisle six i responded sorry meanwhile my wife is looking super confused the lady goes on to ask if there was a washroom she could use i tell her sorry i don't think the bathroom is for public use but she interrupts me i have to use the washroom this is ridiculous you won't even let paying customers use the washroom i demand to speak to your manager immediately at this point i am now annoyed my response sure but honestly i don't think she'll care what you have to say about the store's washroom policy by this time the lady's husband and the store manager have walked up lady raises her voice you jerk i demand to speak to the manager now her husband looking horrified quickly interjects honey he doesn't work here i look her dead in the eye yeah i totally don't work here i was trying to be helpful do you still want me to call the manager her husband answered no it's fine sorry as i'm walking away i hear the lady say to the store manager he has a serious attitude problem you are just going to let him talk to customers like that to which he responded sorry ma'am he's not an employee he does not work here he is another shopper as we're walking to the checkout lane my wife goes why do people always think you work in the stores when we go shopping the next day at work for good measure i informed my manager that i had a customer complaint about my attitude and for not knowing what aisle pancake mix was on at the grocery store she laughed am i the jerk for telling my partner to tone down their attitude and show me some respect and gratitude before having our kid eight weeks old we agreed that i would be the working parent and my partner would stay home we made this decision for various reasons but we were one hundred percent in agreement before trying to conceive i'm now back at work 50 at home and 50 in the office i work 10 hour days plus 3 hours of total commuting on the days i'm in the office in the morning i wake up get myself ready change the baby dress the baby feed the baby i will try and get the baby to go back to sleep before starting work but this doesn't always happen when i work from home i will take the baby during the day when i'm able to keep an eye on her and work simultaneously after work i look after the baby for one to two hours so my partner can have some time to themselves then we do bath time together and i give the baby her final bottle and put her to bed after which i also sleep during the week partner does all the night wakings and on the weekend i handle them i do all the house admin i buy all the groceries and do a majority of the cooking laundry and dishes are split evenly my partner handles all of the other cleaning to provide some additional context partner recently convinced me to lend 300 to brother-in-law who hasn't paid it back and knowing him he most likely won't it won't bankrupt us but we really could have used that money this month i guess it had been a tough night last night i slept in a separate room to get some solid sleep because my partner was snappy with me saying something like just come take her and get out when i went to get the baby so i took kiddo did our usual routine and then started work from home my day started with a call during which i put kiddo back in my partner's room and once again i got snapped at isn't it your job to put her back to sleep before bringing her in here i couldn't the baby didn't want to sleep after my first call i had no more planned for a couple of hours so i took kiddo back at around 10 am i had more calls planned so i took the baby to my partner and promised that i would come back later in the afternoon so they could take a longer nap if they wanted i then went to make a bottle to save my partner having to get out of bed as i passed the bottle to my partner to feed baby i got a what the heck took you so long so i eventually snapped and said i get it you're tired but this is what you signed up for when you agreed to be a stay-at-home parent am i not working my butt off to provide for this family and to make up for the money which you wanted to give your brother so tone down your attitude and show me some respect and gratitude i didn't yell but i was very stern i also stormed out of the room and since then have just been working was i the jerk to respond this way eta my partner has not said anything to me since the incident and is quite clearly angry about my outburst so i'm concerned i overstepped with my comments edit two i realized i didn't include the genders but i am the mother in this situation partner is baby's dad do you know where the instant potatoes are for context i was in my local wegmans supermarket best grocery stores ever and the uniform is khakis and some bright colored polo with logos and name tags i'm wearing light blue shorts an electric blue shirt and a fanny pack across my chest kinda didn't look like an employee at all anywho more context i'm using their in-store scan app for faster checkout and it makes my phone bleep loudly so i could understand navigating through mask life by sound i might resemble an employee or at least instacart shopper i'm in the asian cuisine aisle looking for rice an older lady with a post-it note in her hand and no smartphone to be seen hey excuse me i'm in here shopping for a friend and she wants instant potatoes and i've never bought them and have no idea where to look for them can you help me figure out where they are me already on my phone in their lookup app looking for the specific rice my fiance wanted um i know they're nearby hang on let me check search and find yeah they're over in aisle 21b just a couple over from here as i said this i turned and she saw the logo on my shirt that's clearly 30-something never grew up and decidedly not employed lady oh dear i'm so sorry i thought you worked here you're so kind to help me anyway even though you didn't have to me yeah well i had my phone out and the app open anyway figured might as well save you from trying to chase down an employee lady look at you getting some good karma in things and wanders off to go grab her friend the instant potatoes edit after seeing more than three queries as to what instant potatoes are presumably by non-americans instant potatoes are basically potatoes that get cooked then dehydrated then ground or shredded down into flakes put in a box shipped to a store or you who would amazon this though and then you boil water and throw some of the flaky powder into the boiling water adding butter to make them more palatable they resemble the color and consistency of laundry soap powder it's a purely american innovation from back when american lifestyles precluded having enough time to peel boil strain and then mash potatoes by hand speaking of potatoes do you like potatoes or not please let us know he loaded baked potatoes for the win i'm the owner he is my son quick intro this is a funny story that happened to me a few years ago my parents are the founders of a resort and a chairman of the board of directors i have sat in a few of the meetings so everyone knows that i'm the boss's son i got homeschooled so the majority of my friends are basically senior staffs and people in the board pretty sad huh cast we've got me noah i look a lot younger than my age and being 5'7 doesn't help we've got my dad and mom we've got my fiance julia my sister emma manager jack and the crazy lady karen i was on vacation with my fiance julia and my sister emma i julia and emma were staying at my dad's resort for a week or two because we were visiting my mother as we entered the resort i noticed the parking lot was packed it was midsummer and saw a few cars roaming around looking for parking spots my family has a few private parking spots and i noticed that his car wasn't here but my mother's car was as i walked over to the reception most of the staff know who i am one of the staff working saw me and walked over to greet me there were quite a few people in line waiting to check in ma'am your mom is currently in a meeting would you like me to bring your luggage to your room yeah thanks julia kept the bag that had our swimming clothes in it some time later after a bit of swimming we went to the restaurant to eat lunch i had put on a blue shirt and was still in my gray swimming trunks the clothing looked similar to the uniform that the waiters were wearing they were almost identical except the only difference was that i didn't have the word staff on it this will come in handy later while we were chatting in the restaurant i heard some lady say hey you rather rudely from somewhere behind me i first thought it was just someone trying to get the attention of a waiter so i continued chatting eating with julie and emma as i was chugging down some ginger ale after regretting trying my sister-in-law's food which she purposely did not tell me was pretty spicy she knows i don't handle spicy food well and probably never will can anyone else relate someone suddenly roughly grabbed my shoulder from behind me and i almost choked on my soda spitting it all over my sister straight up karma i gotta say ew gross was emma's response while my fiance stood straight up and was about to ask me if i was alright but here comes you know who karen interrupting my sweet fiance babe are you a i've been trying to get your attention for a while now karen yelled out me being someone who doesn't get mad that easily looked up and asked her politely do you need anything ma'am why are you eating with the guests and not doing your stupid job karen said i caught on pretty quickly and knew that she thought i was staff from what i was wearing but i was getting a little annoyed from how much she was yelling at me while she was a foot away from me ma'am i don't work i tried saying shut up i am a vip here karen continued yelling i continued to talk calmly to miss loudmouth while raising my voice a bit excuse me i don't work here slap don't you use that tone with me brat as she slapped me her long nails cut into my cheek my sister immediately started to call our mother to come the manager was walking over when he heard karen yelling but then broke into a run and hurried over when he saw karen slap ma'am noah you all right jack had said jack was someone who had worked for the resort for a few years so he was pretty casual with me my fiance had put a piece of napkin on my cheek to stop the bleeding are you the manager i want this staff fired he is unprofessional i don't know why you hired an idiot karen pointed at me and spoke as if she was the owner ma'am he doesn't work here jack started explaining you're trying to cover him i want you fired as well i never knew someone's face could get as read as a tomato until that day i saw my mother running over with two security guards and when she saw my fiance holding the napkin against my face and karen yelling at me i thought she was going to explode as she rushed over to me my sister had informed our mother about what had happened and what karen was doing my mother almost yelled what on earth happened guards arrest her what do you mean arrest me who are you to do that karen was struggling in the guard's hands i am the owner you dare to slap my son my god the face karen made when she heard those lines i won't ever forget it she was as white as snow while her eyes and mouth were wide open after she was taken away some of the other customers started clapping my mother ran up to me to see my face she spoiled me when i was younger and was always defensive of me as if she was a mother protecting her cub she was the one who had me do homeschooling after she was told i was getting bullied in primary in middle school after we had taken care of the cut on my face which i ended up needing stitches for no worries the scar faded my mother told me that karen had been charged and would be spending the following month in jail can i get up wait a minute this won't be long but i hope you enjoy but first understand this i live in north carolina and there's a lot of commercial area i'm talking gas station next to gas station next to gas station the amount of businesses smashed so close together is amazing now to the story at the time i'm 14 and like any other 14 year old they get sucky retail or fast food jobs i was working at a mcdonald's that leads to a highway so there's a lot of passing traffic across is a grocery store and a gas station it was an all-in-one traffic packed two-lane road you could get gas walk over for a burger then head to the store for ice cream it was awesome one day during my lunch i decided to head to the grocery store across the road and grab a bottle of water and a burrito while i was searching for that holy burrito i heard the worst thing you could hear in a grocery store a throat clearing i thought to myself some poor employee was about to be harassed then i heard it again i turned around me yes karen where are all the tomatoes they're over there i pointed good go fetch some foamy um what now i'm wearing a red shirt black jeans and a vest with the mcdonald's logo you heard me give me some tomatoes you do work here after all uh no i don't and even if i did i doubt anyone would bring you your precious tomatoes she started to track down a manager i found and paid for my items and went back across the street and you will never guess what happened next well it is a karen you probably do i was on the drive through and not even five minutes later i heard that same voice me hello welcome to mcdonald's how can i help you i said in a joyful manner hoping she would catch on nope karen can i get this burger me here's the price pull to the first window karen looks at me surprised pikachu face but you work over me here's the price please she hands me the cash and goes to the next window i rushed to the next window because i could not let this opportunity pass i tell the dude at the other window to let me do this by now i have a crowd me i smirk here you go have a nice day she's annoyed and spins her tires out of the lot funny part is she forgot her burger and never came back for it speaking of mcdonald's mcdonald's or wendy's please let us know have you ever dipped wendy's fries in a frosty yes man can't spell his own name i own a small screen printing and embroidery shop and part of our services are setting up online pop-up stores for schools and organizations to order their merch and for fundraising it's pretty cool software and i can customize lots of things i have a disclaimer in three different places one of which you have to click to close before you can submit your order it says this please take a moment to double check sizes colors quantities and any personalization on your order we only offer refunds after goods have been printed in case of manufacturer defect not user error if you need to alter or cancel your order before it is printed please call us at this number or email us here this is important info for the conversation below for context we've got me and we've got crazy man me thank you for calling our shop how can i help you customer yeah i just got my order for our team store and a name is misspelled on the back of my hoodie me i'm sorry about that sir if you could give me your order number i can look up your order and see what happened he gives me the order number i look up the order and see the hoodie in question me i see here the hoodie in question could you please tell me the correct spelling d-u-s-s-e-l-g-o-r-f not real name but it's a good example me well i see on your order that you entered d-u-s-e-l-d-o-r-f so that is what was printed yeah i know you spelled it wrong me sir that is the information you had to key in when you placed your order i did not type that you did i cannot change or add anything to an order on my end except for refunds so how does the refund work do you send another one or something me no sir we will not be issuing a replacement or refund as we fulfilled the order as it was placed we only give refunds in case of manufacturer defect well it was defective the name was spelled wrong i think i know how to spell my own name it doesn't matter if i typed it wrong in that one place the name is all over the receipt how did you not check there this is your fault and i want it replaced me sir our software pulls all the personalizations into a spreadsheet and all we see is style number color size and personalization options it does not show order numbers or who the items belong to we match them up with receipts and packaging after personalization has been done we do not have time to cross-reference every personalization with every invoice before decorating that's why we put the disclaimer to double check your order before submitting it so you're telling me that all i can do now is try to peel this name off or just lose the money me yes well i won't be doing business with you ever again your customer service is terrible me thank you and have a great day the funny thing is the ball team this store is for has a contract with us so everyone on the team has to order from us i hope he has luck trying to get one of the other parents to order anything else for him because he's never doing business with us again but they're the same brand so for far too long i worked retail and for most of it i sold electronics back then electronics in a brick and mortar store was much more competitive than it is now price matching was serious business and a lot of people shopped around for the best possible prices even if that discount cost them more in gas than driving around store to store our price match policy was better than most if a bit more strict about the requirements because we gave an extra 10 percent of the difference off the purchase honestly the same tv was the same price just about everywhere and the biggest price difference was usually around fifty dollars for a one thousand dollar tv if there was a significant difference it was because they were different tvs enter our customer she and her friend had an ad from wally world down the street not sure if it's changed in recent years but they never carried the higher-end tvs being who they are they usually stuck to carrying bargain tvs and their high-end stuff was mid-range for most other stores something i and all my co-workers in the department knew the customer didn't ask for any help until she was ready to buy she looked at each tv on our wall one by one and compared each picture of a certain brand finally she called for help and i answered the call she had decided on a pretty decent tv pretty sure it was the one i always recommended as best bang for your buck if you wanted something of real quality but didn't need to spend an ungodly amount to have the latest and greatest i checked stock and gave her the total and that was when she pulled out their ad with such a happy and smug look on her face and proclaimed that she was price matching for a few hundred dollars less than what we had it in my head i already knew she was wrong there was never such a big difference on the same tv there just wasn't enough margin in electronics for such a thing i asked for the ad and immediately see it's a different tv it was a lower resolution and even lacked smart features for streaming which was still relatively new back then on tvs i informed her that this is not the same tv her but it's the same brand me but it's a different model but it's the same size but worse features but they're both this brand she couldn't get it her friend wasn't any help finally i tried my go-to comparison when people just didn't get technology cars people usually understand the basics of cars even if they don't get the basics of built-in wi-fi on tvs or screen resolution me would you expect a focus or a mustang to cost the same just because they are both ford her friend got it the customer buying the tv thought it was complete and exceptionally stinky bs she refused to believe the same brand tv could come in different priced versions i was kind of dumbfounded by it all in the end her friend convinced her to go buy the other one we had the tv in the ad but frankly it wasn't worth dealing with her i was happy to see them go and thankful her friend was there or else the customer would have probably fought with management over it karen demands i buy her plane tickets i married my wife at least 12 years ago she has a 16 year old daughter anna from her previous relationship and we have a seven-year-old son as well from pretty much the beginning of our relationship anna and i have never gotten along i don't know how to emphasize that it is not because of a lack of trying she just does not like me when she was young she was just scared of me and afraid i'd tear their family apart nowadays it's more of a neutral dislike rather than strong antipathy so i suppose that's progress elise is a stay-at-home mother so she relies on me for income as a result i pay for everything for anna food clothes volleyball fees field trips i take an interest in her hobbies i go to her games i'm not saying i'm perfect but i try my hardest to be the best step-father i can be but it's so hard always giving me kurt 1 word responses always having to have an attitude she just does things to get a rise out of me staying out late freaking of booze always trying to sneak boys in typical rebellious stuff but i always let her know i love her and i'm there for her in hopes of her crap head teenager phase passing the opposite is true for her biological father she adores him can't tell you why he never goes to her games always makes excuses for why he doesn't want to see her he forgot her birthday last month and she cried herself to sleep well anyways friday i came to her room to check her phone and read her messages not a permanent thing but she's been caught sneaking out twice in the last month so this is her punishment i ask for the phone she says no i'm tired of you checking my crap leave me alone i tell her i'm not asking again and she just goes just buzz off already you're not my real dad you never have been stop acting like you can tell me what to do before getting up and slamming the door like i said guys i'm tired tired of the blatant disrespect of being the verbal punching bag while still providing more for her than anyone else in her family we haven't really talked since until this morning during breakfast she asked me if i could pay for her plane tickets so she could go see her boyfriend cross state like i said her mom doesn't work and her dad is a jerk so i normally would be the one to cough up the money not this time i responded go ask your real dad i could tell that she was hurt tears swelled up from her face and she excused herself from the table my wife took me aside later and said my comment was extremely disrespectful i said if anything's disrespectful it's her treating me like a doormat and a credit card and i will no longer tolerate this treatment in my house i told her we don't have to be friends but if she can at least be cordial to me or respect my position as an authority figure she can find someone else to pay for her non-essentials am i the jerk edit and to add more context my wife is a saint she does stick up for me when anna says something rude or snarky she just said stooping to her level was inappropriate but she's a wonderful mom and tries her best well what do you think is opie a jerk for saying that to anna or did he have every right to please let us know and it reminds me of myself when i was younger and titled mom thinks her kid shouldn't have to pick up after their dog my significant other and i were renting a ground floor unit at a really nice apartment complex i wouldn't say it was a luxury apartment or anything but our ground floor unit had a little patio off the back that led out into a really nice courtyard area with hammocks a walking path outdoor fireplace seating etc a lot of people walk their dogs out there or let their kids play out in the grass including us we have a one-year-old kane corso we got her when we've been living in the unit for about two and a half months and she was only eight weeks at the time she's a really good dog and we trained her well we could let her out to go body and she'd come right back even if there were distractions people and other dogs out we always stood on the patio and watched her anyways because our pet agreement said we couldn't leave our dog unintended then we'd go pick up her poop right away also part of the pet agreement as i'm sure it's standard at most apartment complexes we kept the small step trash can outside specifically for her doggy bags because we didn't want to throw them away inside and only outside trash cans were on the other side of the building which i agree is super dumb it really was a small trash can like the kind you'd tuck into the bathroom between the toilet and the wall we also had our little bags hanging on our patio door handle for easy access so we didn't have to hunt for them every time we needed them entitled mom and her entitled kid moved in on a ground floor in our building two units down from us no biggie we ran into her one day carrying our groceries and my significant other held open the door for her she seemed kind of caring-ish but was polite and her kid who was probably around 10 or 11 didn't look up from his phone whatever that's pretty typical of kids these days they also had a dog a little black and white fluffy thing super cute but not trained very well don't know what kind of dog but it was much smaller than our already giant puppy after about two weeks or so we realized that there was dog poo in the grass right off of our patio we found out the hard way because my boyfriend stepped in it the first time luckily he wasn't barefoot it was clearly not from our dog as one we always picked up her poo right after she went and two they were very obviously from a small dog not our 70 pound puppy we'd been in the apartment about seven to eight months at that point and had never had an issue with this so we figured it was entitled mom's little dog i wrote her a polite note that basically was like hey neighbor we noticed that some of your dogs doo-doo aren't being picked up and are right off of our patio per the pet agreement we all have to sign we all need to be picking up after our dogs each time they go i'm sure it was an accident and you just didn't notice so if you could make sure to do that going forward we'd appreciate it your neighbor and unit number blank she wasn't home so i slipped it under the door and went back to my apartment a couple hours later entitled bomb is banging on my door and gets really angry with me insists that it couldn't have been her dog and how dare i assume i felt really bad and i apologized immediately said i didn't mean to offend her and it must have been from someone else she told me never to bother her with crap like this again and stormed off i was like okay not three days later i was sitting on my patio with a book enjoying the cool weather when i see their little dog run out of their back door no one with it and it comes over to me i said hello to the pup because i love pups and then it went to the bathroom right off my patio ran back home and scratched the door to be let in i saw entitled kids slide the door open enough to let the dog in and then he closed it again without coming outside to pick up after the dog i was annoyed because here i saw it with my own eyes that it was their dog and no one was even watching it when it went outside so i grabbed the bag picked it up wrote another less polite note about entitled mom's kid neglecting to watch the dog or coming to pick up after it and dropped the bag and the note on their patio right by the door then went back to my reading entitled mom was quicker to come by this time and stomped right up to me waving the note around then stated that her kid was just a kid and probably just forgot to check i said i didn't care her kid was old enough to stand outside for three minutes and come pick up the dog's mess she said well there's no bags or trash cans on this side of the building and she didn't feel comfortable making her kid walk all the way around the building for that the next part is my own fault in hindsight i suggested she put a trash can like mine on her patio and leave their own bags handy like we do for our dog she eyed our stuff puffed some more rolled her eyes refused to do anything about it and walked off at this point i was super annoyed i stalked my patio door for the next couple of days as much as i could just waiting and sure enough on day two in the evening when i was about to give up i see the puppy run outside towards my patio i whipped out my phone took some pictures of the dog outside alone not allowed and the dog going to the bathroom and then took another photo an hour later of the mess still there and time stamped all of them then i sent an email to the apartment office people who were always pretty nice and they responded quickly that they would give entitled mom a warning about it and sure enough entitled mom comes back again to get mad and yell at me about how petty i was to report them to the office and now they had a 150 fine for not picking up their dog's mess it's worth noting that these finds were rare in order for the office to find someone for dog poo they had to have proof that it was that specific tenant's dog and that it wasn't picked up hence the photos i'd taken and time stamped i told her that i had tried to be nice about it with her twice before and it was her own fault at that point for not abiding by the terms of the pet agreement we all had to sign everybody who had a dog at least she went off about how she's a single mom and she works during the day and her precious baby can't be expected to pick up after their dog i told her that a 10 11 year old was plenty old enough to pick up after a dog and that if they weren't responsible enough then maybe the kid shouldn't be letting the dog out at all and she should be the one to do it and maybe whoever is home with him should be looking after it she got angry told me i had no idea how to be a single mom that her mom stays with him during the day and shouldn't be expected to look after her kid and her dog and she stomped off again i expected to hear some more about it but i didn't the ironic part is i am a single mom my kid isn't my significant others and i raised him alone for two and a half years before i met my significant other so yes i do know how hard it is and i live 1000 miles from my closest family so i never even had the luxury of being able to have my mom watch my kid over the next couple of weeks we didn't find any more dog poo off of our patio but we did notice our bags were depleting and our trash can was filling up way more quickly than usual i had my suspicions and wanted to test it we had recently bought some small security cameras for inside of our apartment for different reasons and i had my boyfriend set one up outside on the patio we faced it where i could see our door and trash can but didn't point to the rest of the courtyard or other people's units we respect privacy around here sure enough the same evening my boyfriend set it up i see entitled kid walk onto our patio take a bag walk out a frame and then come back to throw it in our trash can okay now i'm upset but also not trying to fight this lady or a kid so i moved the bags to the inside door handle it's a glass door so you can still see them but we always lock our sliding door next morning i hear someone knocking on the back patio door and i go to see entitled kids standing there looking annoyed i didn't open the door i just spoke loudly enough to ask what did he need he demanded a bag for his dog's mess i said i'm sorry but these are our bags for our dog and they weren't free for anyone else to use them the apartment provides bags at a dispenser near the trash can on the other side of the building the kid started demanding a bag saying his mom told him he could use ours slapping his hands on the glass a few times trying to scare me yes i'm terrified of a 10 year old and finally screaming at me that he's telling his mother on me i said fine go ahead i'll tell her the same thing sure enough a few minutes later entitled mom is standing on my patio also demanding a bag for her dog i denied her a bag and asked her to please step off of my patio as she was making me feel unsafe and uncomfortable my significant other wasn't home she told me i was a bratty kid i'm 24 and she demanded i let her use my bags as i had already told her she could before i said no i told you to get some yourself and do what i do keep them close by and put your own trash can on your own patio not use the bags i buy with my own money for my own dog and then fill up my tiny trash can i pointed out that she could use a plastic shopping bag if she didn't want to buy her own bags or she could use the bags the complex provided on the other side of the building she kept going off on me and i finally told her if she didn't leave my patio i'd call the police as she was harassing me the apartment office was closed on sundays and of course it was on a sunday she acted like she was going to call my bluff but then my boyfriend got home and walked up behind me to ask what was going on and she ended up dragging her kid away again leaving the dog's mess and the grass off of my patio so when she was gone i took another time-stamped picture of it downloaded the footage from the security camera of her kids stealing my bags and throwing them in the trash can and the footage from them that morning yelling at me and demanding my bags and my denying them and emailed all of it to the apartment management i told them that she made me feel unsafe and uncomfortable in my own home that she and her kid felt entitled to come onto my patio and take my belongings i also went outside picked up her dog's mess looked in the trash can on my patio and pulled out the bags with her dog's mess there were significantly smaller than my dog's mess as i'm sure any dog owners could tell the difference i went and opened all the bags and dumped them straight on her patio right outside the door on monday i heard back from the office lady who said she would take care of it by friday there was a moving truck an entitled mom and her entitled kid were moving out pretty sure they were evicted after talking to some of our other much friendlier neighbors it turns out we weren't the only ones who had been complaining about her they had only lived in the complex for like two to three months before they made so many enemies that they were kicked out sometimes i think i should feel bad for playing a part in them getting evicted but honestly i can't bring myself to feel guilty about it not my fault she's a lazy entitled jerk who couldn't even be asked to get a shopping bag to pick up her dog's mess i never heard from her about the dog's mess i dropped on her patio but i like to think she stepped in it without looking and knew better than to come complaining to me about it sorry not sorry also i'm sure they were given more than a week to vacate as those are the tenancy laws here but she packed up and left like a bat out of heck guess she didn't want to stay somewhere she was clearly seen as an enemy speaking of dog messes do you pick up after your dog when you take them on a walk or not please let us know of course not it's pretty much free fertilizer to be honest karen traps herself in a changing room after getting mad at me this happened a long time ago before the craziness started my mom and i were at a walmart shopping for stuff possibly some groceries too my mom finds a shirt and wants to go try it on so we head to the changing room i'm waiting for her to try on the shirt and just looking at my phone while keeping an eye on our card mom hey dragon crystal can you get a larger size this one's a bit tight so i get up and go find a bigger size for her after i find it and hand it to my mom i go back to where i was sitting when i hear excuse me i look up and i see karen standing in a different changing room holding up a shirt or some kind of clothing karen here get me a different size it's too small for me me um sorry but i don't work here karen well you helped the other woman why wouldn't you help me i was dressed in all black not the walmart uniform i helped her because she's my mom and i don't have to help you if i don't feel like it besides i don't even know where you got that from karen if i got this from over there points in a random direction it's not that hard to find it's right in the opening so be nice and go get it for me now me sorry but i was told to watch the card and stay here in case something happens to our stuff but you can change back and get it yourself karen angrily huffs and slams the door shut hard she might have slammed it too hard because i noticed the door to my mom's changing room shook a bit a few minutes later my mom comes out wondering what happened and what all the yelling was about i explain everything to her as we walk away she puts the shirt back because she couldn't find one that fit her but as we're leaving i recall hearing a rattling behind us so i stopped looked around and even waited a bit for the rattling to start again mom notices i stopped is something wrong me still looking around i thought i heard something rattling mom maybe it was the cartwheel since a lot of these wheels tend to rattle loudly and get squeaky after a while let's hurry we've been here much longer than we should have and your dad might get mad so we just walk away where i eventually spot an actual employee and let her know about karen needing help which she responded with thanks i'll head over and see what she needs my mom and i head over to the grocery section grab a few items before heading to the checkout area while we were waiting in line we hear over the pa system um can we get maintenance over to the changing rooms we seem to have a bit of a problem over here we start laughing over the call we can only assume what the problem could be since we haven't seen karen leave the rooms cashier rings up our stuff and we head home for the evening not wanting to hear what happened since karen might accuse me of not helping her and possibly claim that i trapped her in the changing room then again that rattling i heard when we were leaving the area could have been karen trying to open the door but since my mom was in a hurry we saved ourselves from karen's full wrath neighbor thinks she can get me banned from my workplace i 18 female have always lived in the same house in the countryside with the same neighbors a rich family with two daughters at least eight years older than me when i was a kid i think things were going quite okay but as the years passed they started to respect us less and less and would often get into fights with my parents because of their attitude and noise they're basically the worst neighbors you can think of i don't remember exactly when but i was about 8 years old when they even stopped saying hello to me or even replying when i greeted them they basically stopped acknowledging my existence and i remember it hurting me a lot now we could have complained about them when they stepped out of line but we knew they had way more money and power than us and that if they wanted to get us into trouble they could it came to a close call once when my father snapped at one of the daughters a few years ago let's call her julie she's the entitled person in this story now julie and i have one common passion horses and of course we ended up at the same writing center which is surprising because i would have expected her to choose a more classy and prestigious stable i've been going there since i was 11 but haven't seen her much because we didn't go there on the same days at the beginning of 2020 her horse passed away so she stopped coming but in the summer she came back and asked if there was any horse she could buy i think she's now a part owner of a lovely mare in the meantime i had started working at the stable on the weekends and got to know pretty much all of the regular writers and owners that frequent it the manager of the center knows me well and he lets me take care of one of his horses as if he were my own so i've been going to the stables every day after school as well and therefore i see julie a lot the funny thing is she's tried so hard to ignore me for the past 10 years that she doesn't know what i look like anymore and therefore hasn't recognized me at all she just thinks i'm a simple horse girl and not the person who has been living next to her for 18 years i haven't said anything to anyone about it because i don't want to cause trouble what happens next at home has nothing to do with the writing center while we don't really talk to each other we at least say hi and the regular have a nice ride and such as everyone does where i live but i think she put the pieces together a few weeks ago because she began giving me dirty looks at the stables again i don't really know what i did to her except merely existing but for some reason she wants to cause my family trouble and began talking crap about me now i like to think i'm pretty well liked among the regulars here and have no problems with anyone i've heard from a few friends that julie has been talking about me so i just admitted that she was indeed my neighbor and that our families didn't get along well but that i never wanted to bring our personal problems to the writing center obviously she doesn't hold the same views as me at first i didn't pay it any attention but then she started talking to my boss the stable's owner about me he was the one telling me about it but he didn't go into the details apparently she's been asking things like is she even qualified and she's not very polite she's been causing problems with the horse owners which is utter bs if you ask me and basically pressuring him into firing me well that obviously didn't happen because my boss is not someone you can manipulate like that and he saw right through her crap he warned her that if he ever heard one more bad word about me he would banner from the writing center i didn't really go over the details in the post on why my neighbors don't like us but i do know the reason of the animosity basically my neighbors are the kind of people who expect everyone to kneel before them and that they can get away with everything because they have money and powerful work positions when my parents moved into our house they played really nice inviting them for dinner and giving them their old baby and kids stuff because my mother was pregnant at the time but my parents had understood from the beginning that there was nothing generous and honest about them and their nice acts it was a way to get you on their side to buy you if you will so they could get away with more crap so they soon started pushing the limits of what a respectable neighbor would do always making noise always being extremely loud having gardeners and or construction workers working for them on sundays which is illegal in my country because you're not supposed to make noise on sunday organizing barbecues every evening with karazhan which made an awful thick smoke that invaded our garden and would get inside our house because of them we can never enjoy a single day of peaceful rest we can never be outside without hearing their loud voices we can never have a window open without their cigarette smoke getting inside we can never sleep peacefully because they have to go outside in the middle of the night very loudly often very drunkenly i remember my father once asking them to tone it down at midnight on a sunday while they were having a party outside because i was small and had school in the morning they didn't tone it down and the next day my parents received a letter asking to meet up to discuss then when my parents went to talk with them the neighbors basically said that my father had been in the wrong for that and that they were keeping them from living their life things like that kept happening over and over they even had the audacity to complain when we had family over and my young cousins were playing in the garden rather loudly the one time that my father snapped at the daughter was because she kept yelling for nothing i swear they can't speak without screaming it's the worst thing she complained to her parents about it she was at least 23 at the time and they tried calling my mom at work to say my father was out of line so yeah they basically hate my family for existing they're genuinely the worst people i know i'm actually so angry after writing this i want to cry about it i truly believe they wasted a good part of our lives my parents bought this house in the calm countryside with a nice garden and lots of place to relax outside and they never got to enjoy it the number of times we couldn't sleep because of them the number of times my mom was stressed out and crying because of them i'm so angry i can't wait to move out so my parents can go live somewhere else as well have you ever had neighbors that you just couldn't stand if so what did they do wrong please let us know my neighbor still won't let me use his wifi i'm going to make him regret it i talked back to a customer today and it felt amazing so i had this real grumpy real picky real old guy come in today he says what he wants i pull out the bread and he tells me he wants it cut in two halves i ask if he wants it cut into two six inchers or no cut the top half from the bottom half completely he interrupts before i can finish asking my question so i do for anyone reading who hasn't worked at subway our bread knives are by design too short to cut the bread completely in half we're supposed to cut through most of the bread called a wedge cut so i have to cut the entire way around the bread as soon as i do he yells like actually raised his voice stop you're tearing up the bread so i separate the bread as best i can and very carefully cut what i need to with only the very tip of my knife so his bread is finally cut to his liking i ask if he wants it toasted and he says yes so i start putting on his ham no no no he again raises his voice to tell me that he only wants the bread toasted so i toast just his two separate halves of bread like he wants then he stops his yelling for a while but still managed to criticize everything his cheese was to overlapping slightly i was spilling too much lettuce the tomatoes i chose weren't good enough for him his onions weren't spread out enough he wanted me to lift up the meat to place the sauces right on the bread then i finally closed his sub kinda awkward when it's in two separate pieces by the way maybe we do the wedge cut for a reason cut the sandwich in half the proper way this time and go to wrap it when he raises his voice again yelling look what you've done you've cut the paper along with my sandwich so i found out being yelled at four times was my limit and i snapped i told him something like i've been trying to do my best with your difficult requests this whole time man and it does not matter at all if your deli paper is cut because your sandwich gets wrapped in something else anyway i don't know if you've noticed but there are other people behind you waiting for food so i have to work fast and you've just been difficult and rude the whole time i then quickly bagged a sandwich pushed it towards him and started ringing him up while he just stood there for a few seconds and just started to make me feel bad about it until he just turns around and leaves yelling on his way that he will never be back to our subway i hope he was telling the truth speaking of subway what's your favorite sandwich at subway please let us know sweet onion chicken teriyaki for the win bruh this idiot bought a bag of two-year-old popcorn this just happened today i work in a candy store with a popcorn section the store opened at 9 00 am i wasn't scheduled until 11 a.m it took me until 3 30 p.m to even realize this i was ringing out a lady and she asked about our popcorn sizes it went as followed we've got the lady and me me hello ma'am what can i do for you today lady i want some cheddar cheese popcorn me okay no problem what size what are your sizes i point to the shelf above me with our displayed sized popcorn bags me well we have the large bag only for butter for three dollars we have the large flavored for 6.95 and we have uh i'm sorry ma'am i'm a little cut off guard we did have a display bag for our regular size she laughs at my confusion and we finish the transaction two minutes later my boss walks by and i call him me hey um tell me i point to the display shelf did someone really come in and steal our display bag i can't hold my laughter i've never seen him look so confused as he sees the bag missing and he just keeps saying that is nasty me that bag is two years old i'm practically on the floor laughing at this point and i tell everybody not long after i tell my co-worker who works in the front and has been here since opening co-worker oh my god that is disgust wait was it cheddar cheese popcorn in that bag me yeah co-worker oh my god i sold it to him so here's what apparently happened some guy came into our popcorn section and instead of asking for help he decided to grab our display bag that i guess he assumed was fresh even though it was cold and has the price written on it and faded sharpie then he went to my co-worker and handed her the bag facing the other way so she didn't see the writing and paid four dollars for it i've been laughing since this happened and i'm waiting for this guy to call our store and complain about his stale expired cheddar two-year-old popcorn doordash sucks this happened a couple of days ago but i'm finally feeling cranky enough to vent about it my job is open for sit down and we do take out for pickup only you call us i take your order i ring it in you come pay me and i hand you your food we were not on any kind of dash any type of eating that could be uber nothing we found out that someone or the app itself put our restaurant on the app by themselves with food we didn't have available and incorrect prices so someone calls in an order i enter it and to everyone's surprise a dasher shows up they pay me with their card doordash card and of course leave no tip it dawns on me that the dashers are getting orders sent to them somehow and then calling it in themselves i have no idea what the heck this loophole was but i was sick of being stiffed on 100 plus orders especially after the owner of the pub said we aren't on doordash so a few days ago this happens again i tell him we aren't on doordash and i have no idea how he got this order but don't do it again he asks how long the food will be so i tell him five to ten minutes still he gets super mad and says cancel it cancel the order and storms out so i tell kitchen not to make it i void the order go on with my life 25 minutes later a new dasher shows up i'm confused as i have no orders he shows me the cancelled order i tell him no you guys cancelled it the customer no the very angry jerk who left here almost 30 minutes ago i tell him we don't have the order anymore the food isn't and won't be ready and they leave i open doordash and see our restaurant on there even though we shouldn't be i show the owner of the place and in two minutes we are removed from the site as we should have been the entire time literally the most annoying thing i've dealt with and 75 of my customers are creepy old dudes [Music] edit i do not have any hate for dashers i've never been rude to a delivery driver and i have no clue how the app slash company works sorry i know we all get paid like crap and rely on our tips to get by i simply wanted to vent about an experience i had if i was a jerk to everyone for no reason i wouldn't be in customer service so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 64,744
Rating: 4.8549786 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: cySuOB0igac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 44sec (9224 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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