r/entitledparents - Karen and the ladder

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this happened one week ago and Monday my worst day in over five years I'm a locksmith by trade and the job requires me to be up on ladders fixing doors and locks and whatever else is broken on a door I was working on the main entrance tool to a large secondhand store sometimes I have to block off an entry way to fix a door and if I do I always try and find another option for customers to enter and exit the building I opened an emergency exit door off to the right maybe 10 feet away of where I was working to make sure there was a door they could use I'm working away minding my own business upon my ladder listening to my audio book on my Bluetooth headset when entitled Karen and child walk towards me Karen excuse me I need to get in the store me well this entry is out of order right now Bert IH Karen I need a now you can't block the door me yes well if you let me finish what I was saying Karen you need to move out of my way me getting annoyed there is a door over there you can go in there Karen no this is Plaza me no angry look stop bothering me and go over there this is when Karen takes things to the next level and by the next level I mean she get arrested Karen had none of my yelling at her she grabs her son by the wrist who has been standing by saying nothing and tries to climb under my ladder while him on it a large purse caught on the side rung of my ladder and pulled it over sending me my tools and the motor of a handicapped operator I was working on smashing to the ground I fell on my shoulder breaking my collarbone and dislocating my shoulder the motor hit the ground and shattered in the ladder fell on her and her son a cashier who saw the whole thing through the window rushed over to see if I was okay I said no something is broken a bit in shock call the police and an abundance there raiven the police take statements and I tell them I want to press charges before I was loaded up in the ambulance and taken to the hospital the kid's father came to get the kid who was not hurt thankfully and she was taken away in Hancock no word yet on a court date or anything since then I've been off work in pain all Bakula's Karen wanted some secondhand crab yes you saw that correctly they took their five to six year old daughter to see rated-r movie with blood and violence but ignoring that for now let's just get this story over with I walk into the theatre with my boyfriend and immediately I can hear this kid being as loud as physically possible okay whatever as long as she isn't making noise during the movie I don't give a crap movie starts all is fine for about two minutes until this kid is talking loudly everybody a ignored it for a while deciding to just try and focus on the movie and it worked for a little bit at least I look over about an hour into the movie and this goddamn kid scared the crap out of me she's standing there right beside me waving her finger in my face and making noise what the f who lets ur kid wander around in a theater kids parents refused to get her but I eventually was left alone again as the dabber grudgingly got up and yelled at her to come back once again this kid is being as loud as can be finally someone has enough you can hear a royally pissed off guy sitting somewhere behind us shouts seriously the whole effing movie get that kid out of here they didn't leave refused to actually but I guess they realized that nobody in that theatre was on their side and they made their daughter shut the hell up i know i sholde said something but i didn't want to be that a-hole who disturbs her movie especially considering I wanted to watch it funnily enough I saw them out in the parking lot afterwards and they were talking on the phone and completely ignoring the kid honestly feel bad for her having to be raised by such airhead parents I work at the service desk of a large well-known big box and we're a lumber store on this day I look up to see in EM with four high school-aged girls all on their phones looking pretty disinterested they walk up to my register and ask for a store manager we are asked to feel these type of questions to see if it's just something we can take care of ourselves and not bother the moths me sure I can do that what is this regarding the mom slightly elbows one of the girls forward who hands me a letter which is a request for donations to the high school which we get about three times a day I immediately say oh Dan as our manager who handles donation requests he is not here today but I would be happy to deliver this to him when he arrives and have him call you this response normally gets a thank you and then the person leaves but not this group inside ëismí oh I see so you're saying we can't see a manager me of course you can I would be happy to call a manager but all donation requests go to down would you like me to call another manager to speak to you and to speak to me me as she points to the girls I can see she's working herself up to making a scene I pick up the phone to call a manager to get myself out of this the phone is busy as I'm holding the receiver to Maya the mother leaves in screeching M I'm trying to teach my daughter how to stand up for herself while she is requesting donations do you understand that I'm empowering my daughter to deal with confidence destroyers like you now her daughter to this point has not said a word to me the mother was the one speaking and in charge of this little interaction those girls could have cared less about speaking to a manager as a matter of fact the girl is just standing there and now her blank stare has changed to complete embarrassment at her mother and her eyes start to fill with tears I have been nothing but kind and by-the-book so this in storage was pretty shocking M and now my daughter is crying how dare you yes you had done call me and they charged out the door one of the girls makes eye contact with me and you could tell she was mortified I can only imagine how many times that poor girl has witnessed these type of things from her mother I am sure the mother believes being a pissed-off person will get her what she wants and in fact she's teaching her daughter and her friends to be abusive bullets who believe everyone's out to get them so you have to get them first the next day I handed our manager the donation request without saying a word [Music] hallo again so I have a few more stories from my time as an active lopper but I feel this one is perfect for Ed so let me give you a little background on how I paid to attend single event LARP works after we fill the spaces available usually first-come first-serve through the payment of a deposit the ref team comes together and starts working on characters we get the players to fill in a survey for us about their character preferences anything we need to avoid any personality traits I'd like to have gender whether they have an in-game relationship etc some people give us lots of detail others are just happy to tell us what we should avoid now usually we are familiar with a lot of the players participating so we have an idea of what they play well what they best suit etcetera like you don't shove an incredibly shy person into a big commanding leadership role unless they specifically request it down the line the players then receive a good six to eight character backstory written by a member of the ref team I can't tell you how awesome it is to have come up to you on release day and be like holy crap dude I love my character anyway the LARP in question for this story was this really cool really tense weekend event focused around a group of freedom fighters in an unspecified Civil War type scenario as the group planned a big attack they had to deal with drama within the group as well as a slowly intensifying assault from an unknown unseen supernatural enemy to the ref team surprise one of the players who signed up was a freshman we shall call entitled moneybags undergrad or EMU this event took place in the second semester so in you had been had been in the college roller playing society where 90% of our players came from for a semester he had never shown any interest in the laughs events run by the society but he had been fairly active in the tablet op side of things anyway EMU signs up in person as most of the refs attended society meetings and we were like okay cool someone new he didn't put much on his character survey like barely anything if we are being honest and his own like specific request was that he have a role where he had a lot to do as I was the only writer who vaguely knew him he played in one of the tablet op campaigns I was running for the society I was assigned EMU as one of my characters to write in shorty Mews character was the radio operator was the player party it was a decently important role and the radio started off as broken at the start of the event meaning he would have to spend some time fixing it I also knew from my table top game and from speaking the DMS of the other games he was in that he had a tendency to be immature and mess around a little bit and besides this was his first lap ever by his own account so we didn't want to thrust him into anything too major so in the end I make this really cool character he's a little cocky a bit of a joker but he respects the chain of command I figured this would allow him to play the slightly immature character he seemed to prefer playing and tablet op games without it ruining the experience of others besides everything we were using as inspiration Hylian predator assault on precinct 13 etc had that junky cocky character it was just fitting for the genre of the game so release date about two months before the game comes around in the players I had been assigned four of the sixteen loved their characters even EMU seemed happy enough but that night I get home from my bartending job to find an email dear mr. Roth I am led to believe that you are the one to speak to about this acting event my son is involved in I would like to know as to why my son has been relegated to some super floss minor role when he says he asked for the lead please rectify this immediately or we shall be demanding a refund mrs. emus mother in all my years of running games had never received anything like this sure people had asked for minor tweaks to their character usually because they felt they would struggle to tackle the role given to them or they just waned some small details changed em or I just want to butt in here and ask why you didn't just give this boy the main role I've read enough entitled parent stories to know that that is not what you did either preemptive comment section resident I'm not sure how you got in here but let me address your question while I have you there are two reasons why this story will not seem you take on a starring role in the lab firstly the leader of the freedom fighters was being played by a plant someone we had placed in the play a party without the knowledge of the other players basically a deep-cover NPC this was because they were going to be the first to die to the mysterious entity attack the freedom fighters just to add a little more chaos secondly Amin was a complete unknown no one had seen him lock and by his own admission he had never done this before we tended to reserve leadership roles to known LARPers just so the role wouldn't be undermined it sucks I know but we have to consider the enjoyment level of 16 players and most of the time try to avoid a veteran play usurping the leadership tropes from an inexperienced player in a home I reached out to EMU and asked if we could meet up for coffee that weekend to talk this over he says okay and a few days later I meet him on campus however the dude shows up with his F I'm mom turns out she's visiting for the weekend and is at this meeting to make sure I don't bully her kid or whatever me ie mu so I'll get right to it I just wanted to sit down with you and see what we can do to make your character better for you I was sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy what I written for you he knew no it's just I dunno it seemed a little boring Amiens mom my son is such a talented actor he deserves the lead me just straight up ignoring the mom what was boring about it EMU I dunno I just don't want to be sat by a radio or game while everyone else does cool stuff completely understanding where he is coming from because I felt that way in my first laughs as a player well honestly that's just who you are at the start of the game remember this thing runs Friday to Sunday and you know it isn't just going to stick to the pitch we gave you and besides radio operator is going to be a really vital role in the scenario of the game I get how you feel I haven't loved some of the characters I've been given but the thing you have to do is just play the role get involved you're only going be sat by a radio or game if you choose to sit by a radio or game don't worry there are going to be things for you to do in that role and you will 100% be able to interact with the main story and all the last EMU oh okay yeah I guess I was being a little short-sighted enews mom don't apologize to this bully baby you to me will not just sweet-talk your way into keeping my son in this awful role he knew mom it's fine he means mom no I paid a lot of money for you to do this and I will get my money's worth I start to try and explain about we didn't want to overwhelm her son in his first ever lab how he didn't give us a lot of stuff to work with and how since everyone is paying the same there is no inherent advantage to any one character of course she cuts me off he means mom I don't want to hear it make my son the star or we shall be demanding a refund me one I won't and two it's not refundable and your son knew that when he signed up he means mom then I'll sue he knew mom please Amiens long no he knew we are going I'll see you in court young man me I look forward to hearing from your lawyers Amiens mom drags her son out of the coffee shop screeching about how she's going to sue yadda-yadda-yadda at the next Society meeting EMU or are the reformed entitled moneybags undergrad after I took the time to explain why he wasn't just going to be made a lead character in his first-ever lab apologized for his mom and said that she probably wasn't going to sue apparently she just said that a lot because it got her free stuff now and then I didn't get suit and he went on to really enjoy the game as I had said the radio operator was a pretty vital role and even he got to die a big hero's death as he sealed himself in a room with the traitor and some of the monsters that had been attacking the party I'm an upholsterer which if you don't know means I fix seats and make covers for seats mainly car seats for example if the fabric on your driver's seat has ripped open I can make an fit a cover for it but that costs time and money two concepts that entitled parents apparently don't understand this only happened about an hour ago so it's pretty fresh in my mind M entitled monster mother and entitled dip crap daughter me vault hunter I got a call this morning around 8 a.m. a women saying she'll see me at 5:10 p.m. ok fair enough I finish here at 6 and call 4:30 p.m. she shows up with another car behind her I was just finishing up my second job so asked her to wait a few moments which she spent standing around me with her arms crossed sighing at me I got it finished took my payment and let the guy leave with his car I then called her in and she shouted her daughter over and then it began M I want a cover made for the seats in her car me what car is it what year M are you stupid it's right outside me it's no good to me Venice and it's Sur make of car and I don't know what year me what's the license plate say e d+ e m i don't know i went and looked at it 2019 I didn't have the patent for it seeing as it was so new me I don't have the patterns for that car it's new and I only have the patterns for the version before this one M I don't care make the covers for her make a car me that would take me roughly a week and I'd need to have the car and the keys to make the patterns M no you don't need the keys me how am I going to unlock like it and you're not having my keys me then I can't do anything for you miss sorry I began to walk to my desk as my phone was bussing away when M started clicking at me to get my attention this is one of the most annoying things to do M hey dip crap are you going to start making daughters named seat covers already me not unless you are going to give me the keys to it and about a week to make patterns and covers M you don't need the keys you'll steal the car and sell it me what makes you think I'd be so stupid Miss M if you're going to make covers for free you'll obviously sell it to make some money me and what makes you think my services are free M you told me they're free on the phone me no I didn't M well how much are they going to cost me roughly money quite a bit of it to M wallet but that's too much me that's the price I've given you because I need to make patterns for them M my daughter can't afford that say you'll do them for free for her me no I won't M but she's my daughter me and I'm the upholsterer which is a profession that like many others requires payment for usage M but me are you giving me the keys or not because I don't have time for this and don't rlk term imom like t hearty me I was talking to you both M how dare you me last chance M you can't treat me like this I am me interrupting her bullcrap I'm finished with this conversation please leave or I will call the police to remove you both from this premises and your vehicles will be towed and move whether alone M hashe an amount of words I couldn't process within the three seconds before I got my phone out and began to dial 999 number me this off M I'm calling the police I hear her nattering into her phone and she storms off with her even trailing behind her so far no police I'll update this post if anything happens that is of interest thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting like that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: PerStories
Views: 64,901
Rating: 4.8654332 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, funny, entitledparents, Karen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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