r/NuclearRevenge - Bullies getting nuked

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good afternoon folks i hope you're hungry for some juicy stories and joy ronnie was a serial cheater throughout high school but he was more than that he was manipulative he would blow through relationships typically four at a time they would only ever last a week to a couple months before the girls would catch him cheating he'd proceed to leak their nudes or spill their secrets and move on to a new demographic of women he was charismatic and scapegoated his problems onto his dying father it didn't matter anyhow he would destroy the victim's reputation until they weren't trusted anyways despite this i was in love i was his side peace through it all morally i knew it was wrong but i had never been in love before besides he wasn't lying to me like the other girls he was honest about the fact he was cheating i was special i stuck it out two years later and he's fallen in love with me too or so i thought he vowed to give up cheating even gave up porn just to have me love him back i accepted it we planned to marry he was always so smart about his manipulation when friends blocked me randomly or called me abusive i thought it was just a misunderstanding when people began to become aware of deep personal secrets i thought maybe i had slipped up during a conversation no one ever told me ronnie had called me abusive a cheater or a liar i never knew he accused me of being the things he secretly was he would insult me late at night before bed and then claim he didn't remember in the morning he would slip sly comments into our talks just enough to make me doubt myself but never question him he was a master at gaslighting until i hated myself and only wanted to please him i was head over heels in love despite all of it he would casually slap me never when i was upset but when i said things he didn't like he would slap me across the face and i would be too shocked to speak he followed it up by laughing and playing it off as okay to do or a joke so i wouldn't fight back if i expressed it was wrong or told anyone he said i was misunderstanding a playful tap halfway through our relationship i followed work to another state and maintained a ldr with him it was my dream i wanted so badly to stay but after eight months i gave up my home my pets and my job to move a thousand miles across the country to live with him again i had literally nothing and was absolutely penniless three months after this i caught him cheating he had asked a girl on a date via an all-twitter account i was hurt but ultimately it wasn't so bad so i forgave him the seat of doubt was already planted however two months later i snooped through his phone and noticed he had several reddit accounts saved to chrome i vaguely recalled he used reddit to view porn before and i got a bad feeling in my stomach i began guessing his common email password combos i got five hits total they were more than i expected i figured maybe he was lying about not watching porn which is not a big deal to me but for six months he had been using these accounts to cheat on me using hookup and porn subreddits i confronted him he screamed telling me he had already apologized to me for cheating a few months ago and i needed to quit making him sad that he had already said sorry and i wasn't going to get anything else he explained that he had continued to cheat because he feared i would leave and he wanted a second option i spent a week and a half sobbing i had nothing but this man and i had never been good enough for him i was destroyed he screamed at me nearly every day telling me my crying was annoying that my depression made him uncomfortable telling my friends i was guilt tripping him over something that didn't happen finally i snapped i had wasted all of my high school and early adult years with a man who did nothing but walk on me i went back to reddit and counted every person he had flirted with or exchanged messages with i began to voice record every conversation screenshot every text next i downloaded tinder and bumble for every girl he cheated on me with i freaked a guy behind his back when we went out with friends i began to act more and more sad and slowly dropped in conversation how ronnie had been yelling at me the night before and that it had upset me i began to vent to his friends and show them every screenshot then i emailed his mother his grandparents and his work voice recordings of him screaming at me i asked his boss if his company supported domestic violence i cried to his mother and she held me as i vented my frustrations explaining how she had been cheated on by ronnie's father ronnie began to scapegoat again he told me he was sick in the head and his depression was causing him to act like that i knew he was attempting to gaslight me when we were young i was so in love with him that i saved almost every photo and text he had sent me to a one drive i found all the times he had admitted to leaking nudes cheating and ruining girls lives i got in contact with each of the girls making one big group chat and sending them every bit of evidence i could find these were then posted all over facebook he had dreams of getting into politics i joined every political group in our area and pretended to be interested in joining i befriended the members and casually dropped into conversation how ronnie had cheated on me and verbally abused me and ruined other people's lives they would inquire more i would vent and show them the mountain of evidence i had collected ronnie was still unaware i had done it he spent the night screaming and crying about how no one liked him and he wasn't sure why he had lost his job his friends and family wouldn't speak to him he was being publicly shamed on social media and his political group had ousted him i finally dropped it onto him that i had done it and i was leaving during all this i had secretly removed what little money i had from his bank account and contacted distant relatives and asked for a place to stay i was leaving he didn't have anything left to abuse or manipulate i don't have a solid ending for this i just wanted to say frick you ronnie i wasted my youth being abused and i won't stand for it anymore let me start this one out by saying that i fully intended to seek revenge on the person in this story but the aftershock of the eventual confrontation is what led to the aforementioned consequences rather than by my direct actions i work in the uk for a large technology company doing software support i'm part of a team that has members all over the world i've been in this job for around 10 years and other than the major issues i've had with this guy i truly enjoy my job when i started with the company i wouldn't say that i was green i had about seven years industry experience under my belt i was definitely inexperienced with the company but the job that i had been hired to do used technologies that i was more than comfortable with the point i'm trying to convey here is that i wasn't completely oblivious to all of the applications supported by our company everyone in my team around 30 of us was very nice and was very keen to help except for shane shane is probably what you term as the team guru about five years from retirement part of the office furniture metaphorically as we are all home workers he'd been with the company for nearly 40 years everyone labeled shane is the only guy to go to when you were truly in a bind when i was initially starting out i did indeed find that shane was highly knowledgeable and more often than not have the answers to whatever obscure questions you might have things were great and our team ticked over nicely i got to know the rest of the team well over phone over time too and my best friend was a woman named mel she was of a similar age and experience level to shane and in my opinion was just as knowledgeable as him one day mel and i were on a brief call chatting about a work issue when we got to shooting the breeze for a while we talked about ourselves and also the team i'd said that i hadn't met anyone face to face yet and that was when she told me she'd once met shane in person a couple of years ago they are both based in the u.s i'm in the uk and both got invited to a tech conference in new york she told me that he has serious health issues due to his weight around 450 pounds and when he was home was often on oxygen and medication his plan was to ride things out until he was able to take early retirement so that he didn't need to worry about paying for his medical insurance anymore that sounded like a reasonable enough plan to me and we were soon talking about something else the issue started about two years into my tenure with the company we started moving in a new direction with what applications we were going to be offering to customers and towards that end we were trained in a bunch of new stuff i saw this as a great opportunity and equalizer if no one on our team had any experience with this new software then i would be on equal footing with everyone this went really well for me and i put a lot of time and effort into learning as much as possible shane didn't show much interest in the new stuff he still continued to spend most of his time with the legacy tools in team meetings you could clearly tell he was getting pissed off that his status as a guru was gradually becoming more and more meaningless this wasn't anything personal we work in software you have to adapt in order to remain competitive as time went on it was becoming clear to the team how much work i was putting in and i was well on the way to becoming the go to guy for the new software during this time shane would start sniping at me for anything he could plausibly manage for example if i was late to a team meeting because a customer call over ran he'd make sure to interrupt whatever was being said to comment something like oh look op has bothered to grace us with his presence even though he'd been guilty of the same in the past things like email chains too almost anything i sent out that included him and our boss on an email he would reply with some unrelated complaint or observation complete irrelevant to what was actually being discussed one day mel called me and asked me what my beef with shane was i truthfully told her that i had no beef at all with him and he just seemed to have it in for me she said that if she managed to find anything out she'd let me know things continued like this for a couple of years i continued to be the go-to guy and he continued to try and discredit me and generally paint me in as battle light as possible one day we had a major incident one that literally could have cost the company millions in sla fines if it was not solved quickly our manager split us into teams to troubleshoot specific areas and she paired me up with shane i wasn't happy about it but whatever i was a professional we got on a call and started working through the issue as our call progressed it was becoming abundantly clear why he didn't like me he knew nothing about the new application he hadn't done any work on it at all everything i asked him to check he needed hand-holding even for the most basic of tasks eventually i just shared my screen and said for him to watch me i went into the guts of the system threw so many logs explaining to him what i was doing the whole time and eventually found the problem was with a recent patch we had installed at this point he dropped from the call i didn't think anything of this at the time we use skype for business and it can be flaky so i just continued what i was doing our process was not to roll back any changes until it had been approved by the senior manager as i was the one responsible for deploying slash rolling back patches made some notes about what we needed to do and then rejoined the main call i wasn't worried at all because bad patches happened every so often they just didn't usually have this level of impact as soon as i did i got absolutely destroyed by the incident manager apparently shane had returned to the group call and informed everyone present that the outage was caused by an error that i had made in the deployment process and that shane had told me what the correct fix was and i had refused to implement it then and there i was furious he had accurately told them the cause of the problem because it was me who literally demonstrated to him how to find it i had even foolishly mentioned to him what i thought would fix the problem because of how long he'd been with the company compared to me only our immediate team knew the truth about who was really the better skilled person in this situation his historical reputation still carried a lot of weight with people who didn't work day to day with him because this incident was so major over 100 people were on this call several of them two or three levels of management above our team he made me out to be a reckless incompetent idiot and he was believed despite my manager's protestations i was disciplined and given a verbal warning he meanwhile was congratulated for steering the company away from a potential disaster and given a commendation i was so angry and a while later mel gave me a call apparently shane had been bragging to her about putting that smart donkey punk in his place she was shocked and asked him what he was talking about his real beef was that he thought i had disrespected him by trying to take over his role as go to guy for the new software that wasn't my intention at all i didn't see it as my fault that he was too damn lazy to do the work again i lamented with mel that she should have recorded the call she laughed and said that skype shows when you're recording a call and he'd never have spilled his guts while being recorded i immediately had a brain wave i decided that i would confront shane one on one i pinged him on skype and said that i wanted to talk he responded with a smiley and just said sure i called him and let him know that i was recording this call and the skype notification popped up to let all participants know that this call was being recorded i went right for it and accused him of lying about the major incident and said that it seemed like he had a major beef with me as expected he lied and said that he was sorry that i felt like i had to react this way he said that he would need to talk to our boss about it i said wait one second and turned off the skype recorder i then said that skype isn't recording and that he knew exactly what he had done his mask slipped at this point and he said that he was perfectly in his rights to put me in my place he said that you need to respect the longer serving people in jobs like this and that he would do it again in a heartbeat i didn't hold back i called him a dinosaur who refused to move with the times and wanted to coast out his days here without doing any work he said that he was a couple of years away from retirement and he'd be damned if he was going to bust his butt for some shiny new software i said to him speaking of new software has he heard of obs of course he hadn't and i suggested he google it i then hung up on him not long after the messages started he was begging me not to use the secret recording that i had taken he said that if he gets fired he will lose his retirement package and his medical benefits i told him to go f himself and that he should have considered that before trying to get me fired i passed all of this onto the relevant channels before really giving it any thought things set in motion and sure enough a few weeks later after a company investigation he was fired i heard from mel that he had asked to take early retirement so as to keep his benefits but this was apparently rejected it all came out later that apparently he had significant debts and that he was counting on his retirement package to keep him financially afloat with no job and no package he had no money to pay for the medical treatment which he badly needed he was in no state to get himself a new job and his skills had stagnated so badly that he couldn't even get a new job online mel told me that he died about six months after this whole incident due to his ongoing health issues i felt conflicted about this for a while sharing that recording obviously contributed to his death but i don't know how bad i feel about it i am a young guy trying to build my career and he actively tried to destroy me i should maybe have held off when he pleaded for me not to reveal the truth but he was old enough and wise enough to not engage in the childish games he played if i'd known he'd be dead as a result of this i'd maybe have done things differently it's one that stays with me that's for sure i'm still at the company and i can tell you all that i will never treat a new employee the way he treated me so maybe the breaking of that cycle is the positive to come out of all this what did you think what would you have done differently share your opinions in the comments and if you enjoyed the stories slap that like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 2,299
Rating: 4.8275862 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: LlYaupIvI8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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