Doctors Share The Most Haunting Last Words From A Patient (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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medical workers have read it what were the most haunting last words you've heard from a patient a family friend had a very young niece that was dying from cancer her parents were there to comfort her in the final hours and one of the last things she asked was how do I die false start my uncle was born with Down syndrome he was 42 when he died but had the mind of a three ish year-old he could do things like brush his teeth dress himself etc but needed prompting and supervision by GMA his mother died in 1974 my uncle died in 1984 the night before he died he told all of us that mama came to see me last night my dad asked him if he had a dream about mama he said no she sat on my bed with me and told me she was coming to get me soon and take me home with her and not to be scared because it was all okay we dismissed it 24 hours later he was dead he died peacefully in his sleep thanks for the award I knew so I don't know what it means yet but a WW student sir are you in any pain patient the f ck kind of dumb bus question is that I just got f king stabbed f-ck yo I'm in pain he died within minutes thank you from a little old man with Stage four lung cancer he had no family so I stayed after my shift ended he just didn't want to die alone and I refused to let it happen done away but it still makes me cry when I think of it it it thank you for the golden kind words fellow redditors I very much appreciate it I was about five or six when my grandfather was on his deathbed the last thing he did was put his hand on my shoulder unsaid no wonder you never liked my spicy food and then he passed about 10 seconds later we were all super confused about three months later I almost died from suffocation after eating some salsa at the hospital I was diagnosed with the capsaicin allergy spicy food if this day it still creeps me out no one knew I was allergic before then and I didn't show any signs either it wasn't words but the most haunting death was a patient who was DNR through her and her family's wishes she was losing her battle and her family wasn't there she was getting frantic and looking around and half sitting up in bed and a nurse with more experience than me took her hand and calmly said it's okay you're not alone we're right here with you it's okay to leave the patient immediately calmed put her head back on the pillow and died I knew I wanted to be that nurse when I grew up how the hell did she know just what to do and say I've never forgotten that my pop died of lung cancer the last lucid thing he did was wake up just long enough to sing show me the way to go home I'm tired and I want to go to bed I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went right to my head it was really pretty amazing and freaky at the same time f ck cancer edit while my first gold thanks for the glitter and all the kind words my sincerest condolences to everyone who has lost someone to this horrible disease dad was over 80 and had smoked for a lot of his life I still miss him but he lived a long life and his time had come I've lost a couple of friends who are my age to cancer and those deaths are much harder to accept he was a foot soldier in World War two and he sang that song while marching through Germany I believe nurse in hospital caring for 40-ish man with brain tumor coming in and out of consciousness not to be resuscitated his sixteen-year-old daughter was crying on stop for 12 hours his wife who had been given a few months to prepare herself was calm and focused on her husband I had to routinely check his level of consciousness which involved talking to him in a loud voice response to auditory stimulation which I did not like to do so I asked his wife to do the loud voice part so the voice he will hear would be hers not mine and she did so without hesitation the only response we observed with her vocalization was that this by now profoundly unconscious patient took her hand to his lips and kissed it he stopped breathing very soon after that I'm haunted but not in a bad way I'm gonna f ck your lap old man who never attended his dialysis appointments a few hours later we had a fire reicht by his former room so despite not being all that worrying at the time he definitely was the only one that followed through one actually haunting us I was visiting my grandparents ad to leave town and go back to medical school and I told him I loved him and would see him later he told me he loved me too but now I won't he was right he died a week later of pneumonia I'm going home tonight so I won't see you tomorrow bye when I was training I had a guy go into a massive cardiac arrest we ended up working on him for over an hour and a half because we kept getting him back then losing him again he had wet himself during the arrest which is common it happens and he just kept apologizing for making a mess wasn't his last words but last words he said to me semicolon I am an EMT and we had a frequent patient almost once a week he was a huge dick but towards the end he turned into a sweet and appreciative man we were in his house which what ended up being out last day there he knew it I didn't he said can I just have a beer before we leave for the hospital I didn't let him have it I should have one of my co residents snuck a beer into the hospital for a nine nine year old kid he was clearly on the way out and said I'm sad I never got old enough to have a beer so my friend snuck one in and gave the kid like half of it he enjoyed it nor the very last words but I had a patient in her early twenties who was severely thrombocytopenic and bleeding profusely for days asked me if she was going to make it I had to look her in the eyes and tell her there is a good chance she wouldn't I thought she would bust into tears but no she just kind of sat back and accepted it I think she already knew she died shortly after I got off shift I'm an EMT I had a patients say I don't feel so good right before they drop dead of a massive heart attack it was just the matter-of-fact way they said it with wide eyes don't listen to my family they want to keep my around forever but I just want to die they won't let me edit having surgery tomorrow what the f ck am I doing here edit you are all super kind wonderful people and I will almost certainly not want any of you if I kick the bucket tomorrow edit to surgery went well I am home and resting for the record my not final words were as follows anesthesiologist were giving you the anesthesia now you'll be asleep in just a few seconds me stoned on the don't panic drug cocktail okay sweet dreams honey everyone else in operating room so I went under to the sound of laughter not a bad deal at all again thank you all for your kind words and encouragement xanax has entered the chat you tell that man to get out of here right now she screamed while starring behind me eyes sharp and focused on something me in the middle of the night while I was working the haunted Hall by myself all of the heebies and most of the jeebies I see the man in the corner again semicolon there was no one but she'd been seeing a dark man in the corner for days and asking about him toward the end this was all she talked about beside crying for her mother cancer can i smoke in here we were on an ambulance paramedic here I was transporting a cardiac patient and while we were both watching my EKG monitor he went into fib a lethal heart rhythm his heart stopped pumping blood effectively at that point but there was enough blood pressure for a few seconds of consciousness he looked at me and said but I don't see the light and went unconscious coded him shocked him a few times meds by the handful but he died hospice nurse iya had a patient who was experienced in terminal agitation with an expression of complete terror on his face he said help me they are coming to get me I work as a PA for a clinic so I'll never be involved in that situation but I know a friend who has been she is also a PA and was helping a guy who was terminally ill before he passed he asked her to not let his wife have his tea of course she listens and is sympathetic a day or so after he passed his ex-wife apparently shows up to the hospital with several kids saying she is in this guy's will long story short she was trying to take his tea not a medical worker but my friend's husband was dying from cancer he'd done lots of chemo and one surgery and overall his prognosis looked really good he'd gone through another surgery and he was due to be released from the hospital a couple days after this story takes place my friend had been with him and was going back home to sleep for the night just before she left his room he said I'm going to miss you my love and obviously she thinks nothing of it saying I'll miss you too I'll be back in the morning couple hours later he was gone as a pediatrician I don't hear a lot of last words what I can never forget is the inconsolable grief stricken cries of the parents when I tell them their child has passed away I'm a medical worker but this is just a personal story about when my dad passed he had pancreatic cancer and had a mild seizure the night before the doctor came in to assess him and asked him a few questions he couldn't remember what year it was his name nothing the doctor turned and pointed at me and said who's that full-stop my dad confidently replied that's my baby girl joel has no username he went silent after that coded a bit later and died the next day he couldn't remember anything but that I was his daughter and those were his last words nursing home most held early people are at ease as they get nearer and nearer to death but this old lady as she deteriorated over her last week or so would scream I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die really heartbreaking to see 4-year old told her mother I'm ready I still cry like a baby it's not words that want me it's the last few agonal breaths gasping and gurgling before they are gone I still remember the first patient I lost as we stood by as per patient family request haunting this is the same for me so my share of people died in Afghanistan and rarely can they speak to have last words just choking on blood it's how they look at you when they realize they can't talk a mix of confusion and fear still haunts me not a medical workup but I knew a guy from middle school who had a degenerative disease and he knew he'd die young it was New Year's even he'd just gotten out of the hospital for the third time in a few months so we were partying at his apartment somehow I ended up being the last person there with him and his girlfriend and we were pretty drunk and got to talking for a while about how great the party was how much nice it was to have friends like ours plans for the future all the sudden he said god I wish I had more time I always thought I'd have more time not his last words but they're the ones that stuck with me we weren't close by any stretch but I always wished he had more time too he was so friendly and kind the type of person who made you feel like their closest friend even if you wear a total stranger he was a good man and he deserved a longer life RN here we had a patient on our unit for a year almost he was so mean thought we were always hurting him when we tried caring for him every interaction was very unpleasant well I just had a bad breakup and was the world is ending depressed the day he died he was come and asked me if I was married which Street the time made me kind of sad so I just answered no I'm not and he just said you'll find someone and I know you aren't trying to hurt me it was so concise to the point and memorable for me honestly it was th my sweetest thing he could have said to me and given the scenario I would say was the sweetest thing anyone has said on his deathbed no formalities just telling me what he had always wanted to talk to me about I cried when I left his room and he passed away right at 7:00 p.m. when my shift ended so I got to be with him not a medic my friend's brother committed suicide he hung himself in his closet while she watched TV in the living room the last thing he said before going upstairs was I'm going to rest that weirded her out because he never spoke like that I'm an intern at a home for patients with Alzheimer's and have only been there for a few weeks the first patient to pass during my internship said Sahel in my coma a teenage girl who was having an asthma attack while she was at someone's else she wasn't supposed to be at my mom's gonna kill me she died at the hospital had a patient that kept coding but every time they came back they'd get crazy strong fight everyone and then stop saying the Lord's Prayer they'd trail off and code again another one snatched me by the arm and pleaded that they wanted to see their baby grow up 60 seconds later I was pumping away on their chest in my line of work I hear a lot of last words these two though surprisingly weren't the final last words I just thought they were and at the time it was a perfectly rational thought of last last words my favorites were always the I wants you to go away and leave me alone I'm going to sleep goodbye family members didn't pick up on that one but that patient in his eyes said it all edit not my patients but a friend of mine he had a patent with a triple-a abdominal aortic aneurysm yurei alters bulging and throbbing about ready to pop the pain is very severe and agonizing and if it does rupture the pain immediately goes away and feels so good but your chances of survival are pretty much non-existent even if you are prepped on the operating table when it ruptures anyways he had a fifteen-year-old with one and on the way to the hospital she looks at him and just says oh that feels so much better and died about 10 seconds later both my parents work ER so every time I say bye to anyone I laugh I tell them I love them in case those are my last words to them I don't feel sad or morbid about it it's just that so many people regret not telling their special people how special they are when they had the chances are n here I don't remember this guy's admitting diagnosis he wasn't assigned to me but my co-worker asked me to help start an IV on him he needed a unit of blood and his peripheral access had gone bad I placed a torniquet and was ready to stick then he looked at me and said I'm dying immediately went on sponsors it checks his pupils I watched one dilate and the other constrict we coded him never got him back as a former EMT I can't count the number of people who said or screamed I am dying in the back of the ambulance but I always could tell by the look in the eyes of the ones who really knew it and were not just panicking don't let my mom come in I don't want you to see me crying she was 16 it wasn't prepared for that got broke like glass I am NOT a medical worker but on the 28th of February of this year we had a bad ice storm in Oklahoma I had no choice but to go into work and I worked 45 miles from home the roads were awful and a solid sheet of ice I witnessed a car accident a double tractor-trailer semi versus a Ford Focus I had to stop because of it and I ran slid to her immediately my dad is a retired firefighter EMT and my mom is a nurse so I wanted to try to help if I could when I got to her she was hanging out of the driver's side window in the back of her head on one side was missing when I went to feel for a pulse on her wrist she grabbed me even though she was unconscious she was gurgling and wheezing I stayed and held her she died I listened to the gurgling and begged her to open her eyes and she wasn't alone that was the worst thing I heard her gurgling and death rattling sweet guy in his 20s with indica dices heart valve infection caused by IV drug abuse I was prepping him for his third open-heart surgery when he sat up look me in the eye and said I'm going to die I'll die he did not survive the surgery not a healthcare worker but my grandfather passed this week at 89 years old he was a very sharp sane man not senile or any dementia the two days leading to his passing he began to see things he told me do you see Michelangelo painting I said no he said he's painting invisible dust everything he paints disappears I hope the bathroom is still there he also told us he could see little men jumping from the fan blades it was really strange it sounded like he was tripping acid but obviously he wasn't he prayed over and over the knife before he passed we found him deceased in the morning : not in the medical field but when my grandmother was in the hospital with kidney failure and dementia I went to visit about a week before she passed after we heard the news and flew out the nurse informed us of an exchange they had had the night of how are you doing Mary Lee is there anything you want to do tomorrow oh no I believe I'm going to go see my mama tonight she died a few hours later
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 375,437
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, doctors, haunting last words, nurses, er
Id: uxWG0DCflK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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