r/entitledparents - EM wants WHAT? Why?

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in my town we have youth services in the summer and winter breaks basically it is lower priced teams activity groups or day trips for kids who can't go to camps because of their family's financial issues my neighbor M a mother of three who also lives off of a trust fund left by her late husband who didn't father her kids called them up one day about a decade ago I was in the youth services its office when the call came in the offices across the street from both of us and sort of heard inside later in the story M hello I'm calling about youth services is yes how can I be of assistance mmm on a fixed income and mother of three I was hoping you could recommend services for help is so sure can I take your name and ask what you may be looking for MN name redacted slash and I would like my house clean three times a week I also have a son who has autism and requires a specialist to come over daily if possible and I've been wanting a new back deck for my children so they can play outside more I assume this is all covered as in the taxpayer is sim saury we don't provide services like that we sponsor teams or group trips to kids and teams from families who can't afford private services and we do charge a reduced rate based off income M oh I'm sorry I thought these were services provided by kids and teams in town it's no no sorry for the confusion M well that said can you send over some teens to pull out mile deck and start building a new one that'd be a good start as my daughter has a birthday in two weeks and did like to have it completed by there is mom you don't understand we don't employ children to do work for town residents especially construction now on speakerphone and I recognize the voice and what good are you I've already promised my daughter a surprise for her birthday and my son has special needs did you hear me about that why can't you send a group over and at least get it started and how hard is it for some snot-nosed kid to hold a broom to clean my house it's mom we don't do that we can't provide one on-one special needs attention or your son we don't have children from poor income families clean houses and we certainly don't recommend teens build you a new deck because you promised your daughter I'm sorry we can't help you in this way and this is outrageous what are my taxes even paying for click this M complained about it for weeks I heard about it when I was washing my car and she asked me to wash hers as well to which I declined that's the problem with young people today they don't do anything and then spouted off this latest offense me / laughing hard I knew that was you do you think kids are going clean your house just because you pay taxes I pay taxes - do you see any kids helping me out for the experience she went inside slamming the door angrily so this happened just over a decade ago I was seven eight I don't remember anyways on mobile English is first and only language but I'm bad at it you already probably know the caste so I was at one of my best friend's birthday parties and we were having a great time we were at this large indoor facility that had a 23-story jungle gym thingie kind like the ones at the fast food places but way better and way bigger one thing that this place had was two different bull pits on the main floor with little kids and these plastic balls you can assume that there was some throwing of said balls and battles between different groups that said these battles had unspoken rules you only peg people who are involved and when a ceasefire is called you stock for the most part these rules are followed so me and my friends were running around having a good time we had been chillin in the larger bull pit for a while burying each other as was also common when a bull fight broke out between two other groups at first we stayed clear but after one group beat the other they decided to come at us this is very unusual as there was no discussion about it between the groups I know civil for little kids this is probably the best place to put that the bull fights are not limited to the bull beds they cover everywhere except for the area parents uh sitting anyways I was currently in the process of being buried when this group of kids probably around 12 13 and us around seven eight started a bull fight with us the biggest kid out of the group decided to do so by walking or wading through the Bulls up to me and pegging me in the face with three balls they were a hard plastic and from a short distance they hurt now even as a little kid I had them insert that I ain't no beach rather than crying to the parents that were watching us I was gonna get him back maybe not the best idea I had that I was a little kid he ran off and I scooped a bunch of bulls into my shirt you know how and started chasing him the play area was pretty complex and I didn't have the best hand-eye coordination yet so I ran out of balls without hittin him luckily because this happens often enough there are bulls everywhere he takes a wrong turn on the bottom level and hits a straightaway at this point I have filled back up on balls I start getting closer to him and drill him with the couple in the back from a long distance mind you so probably not that hard surprisingly he starts crying and runs off at that point I got back at him and was content with leaving it there me and my friends went back to playing in the bowl bit and see him and some of his friends on the other side of it he had his shirt lifted up and they were pelting him in the back with balls I didn't really think about what this could possibly mean when we were done and going to get lunch in the concessions we saw the kid with a woman I can only assume is his mom he started tearing up lifted up his shirt talked to his mom and pointed at me his mom came storming over to me and shouting about how she was going to beat me for hurting her child me and my friends just ran back into the play area after sticking our tongues at them really got her there and didn't see them again was I partly at fault probably did his mom even know what happened probably not let me know though cast em in titled mother akin titled kid about ten years old meet yours truly f friend so let's get started I was at the store shopping for everyday items like shampoo body wash and razors for shaving I was with my friend and has obese due to bad eating habits when he was younger we're both 23 and has soon to be 24 so after we were done shopping for the regular we had a few bucks to spend so we went to the candy island we were looking through four aces since that's both of our favorites as we were looking we saw a kid run by and our cart was an isle away from us since we didn't want to push it around with its bad tire the kid quickly grabs the cart and tries running but the Tom messes up and he runs into a wall being flung forward hitting his head against the cart we both run over to see if his okay and has crying so he runs off and we didn't think much more of it but out of nowhere we hear yelling em why did you beat my kid we were shocked for a second because we had no idea what she was talking about until we say the same crying kid Eck f we didn't bear your kid mom he ran off with our cart and slammed into a em stop playing my child would never steal your cart I was still shocked and wasn't really involved in it since I called and speak at the moment f mom please calm down it was an accident and your kid hit his head against the cart egg filling mommy the fat guy hit me and looked furious now and started yelling at my friend to lose some weight and to give us your money for compensation of beating my kid now my friend wasn't having this especially after the comments on his weight so he started yelling f get the hell out of my way or I will beat you just like I did your kid and looked pale and quickly walked away so we went to the self-checkout got our receipts checked and left short story X deals our cart and crashes em accuses us of child abuse and calls my friend fat he threatens her out of anger and we leave this just happened about an hour ago and I'm still wheezing over this cast me the one and only and M neighbor so I have a cat named enchilada and he loves to go outside on the back porch pool area he goes outside hunts for lizards Suns himself and usually comes back inside when he wants back inside he'll meow super loud well I guess a neighbor that lives directly behind us heard him today while she was outside in her pool because when I let enchilada out again he goes out like four to five times a day she was standing on her back porch facing me with a nasty look on her face me a.m. how are you today M I'm good say I heard your cat screaming earlier and I was just wanted to make sure it was okay me oh he's fine he just meows at us when he wants to go back inside M why do you let him out in the first place he's a house cat yes they don't go outside that's how they become feral me well he was feral when we got him we took him in after a friend of ours found him living under a house but he likes being outside M that can be considered abandonment you can't just leave him outside look he doesn't have a collar on him what if he gets out me okay well he has gotten loose once but came back promptly at feeding time so we know he'll come back where his foodies M I better not see this cat out again if I see him or hear him out here I will be taking him me I mean you can try we have cameras around the perimeter of our house and my fiance's father who lives in the house next to yours is a police officer so I welcome you to try and break on to our property m / walks back into her house told my Fink what happened and we couldn't stop laughing we do have a color for enchilada but he doesn't like it and it makes him look like he has five chins whenever he's laying down all open he is microchipped though also most of our neighbors know what enchilada looks like we've had block parties at our house and neighbors met the boys so even if he got out they'd bring him back to us if they saw him I'm not worried about him personally according to my fianc dad she's just a widowed busybody trying to keep herself busy I'll keep you updated if she tries anything thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: evzBP_t9ujI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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