I Trained My Cat To Put Out Fires

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I’m happy they’re still friends. I heard someone say that they had a falling out after Michael moved but I didn’t think that was true

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mushbrain2 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yeah I figured they were still friends but just didn’t make content together anymore. I mean Michael lives in LA, has commitments to OTV content, his twitch, and YouTube channels. William lives in Ventura County, and has his own commitments. Still it’s nice to have it confirmed that they’re still friends, and hopefully one day we’ll get another video with them together :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ritocitizen 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
in today's video i'm going to turn my cat into a firefighter this video is sponsored by amazon prime video for season two of the boys season one premiered last year and michael actually put me on to it and it is my favorite superhero show it is so violent there is a scene where they have a baby that shoots lasers out of its eyes and they cut like three two or three people in half with it they just explode blood everywhere it's amazing in this show the bad guys are bad the good guys are bad everyone's all messed up and twisted in the head i want to turn my cat into a superhero someone who's truly actually a hero people think they're a hero and they are a hero police no teachers no blood donors no soldiers no paramedics no firefighter yes yes yes in today's video i'm going to turn my cat into a firefighter oh i need a villain too um laser baby my cat's gonna fight the laser baby yeah you know what yep that's what i got that's that's what i'm going with i made a mistake it turns out it's much more difficult to train a cat than a dog and it's starting to make a lot of sense now because they haven't seen a whole lot of trained cats i want to train and press a big red button when he sees fire to activate some sort of suppression system or an alert but i can't even get him to do basic tricks sit sit roll over speak uh listen here you little troglodyte i do not negotiate with terrorists and right now you are terrorizing and jeopardizing this video i promised that i would train you how to put out fires and you are so far not doing any of the stuff i'm telling you to do i need you to help me do this you're pretty let me give you a little bit of background about my cat his name is jimmy neutron i paid five dollars for him and he's not exactly the sports car of cats he chews on my toes he claws at my feet you're hurting me you're hurting me this hurts he tries to escape he bullies the robot vacuum cleaner what are you doing why are you pulling the vacuum i haven't actually done this for a video but i'm going to try something new i'm going to buy a book and read it this clicker training book comes in at a whopping 81 pages and supposedly contains all the things you need to train your cat who writes an 81 page book about training cats but all that matters now is i am a certified cat psychologist and have the paperwork to prove it don't waste your money on a four-year degree the first thing i'm supposed to do train jimmy neutron to recognize the click from the clicker and associate it with a tree we're not trying to train him to do anything we just want him to associate click means food this is human food she'd be very excited right now click sure the book said to do this about five times oh no like he wants more how much jerky can i feed my cat before he explodes where are we at jimmy you recognize the clique means food so psychologically we can pay the cat immediately when he does the thing we want him to do is that right am i boring you are you falling asleep psychological subconscious stimulation otherwise known as step one we train the cat to associate food with a step two the cat exhibiting desired behavior results in a click step three automate the training with a robot we're gonna use a banana for this i'm gonna try to train him to sniff the banana [Music] you are being psychologically manipulated right now and you have literally no idea put on the counter and see what he does i can't believe how easy it is in 10 minutes i trained my cat to sniff bananas you are such a good kitty good morning jimmy neutron you know what time it is nope don't even think about it it's training time we've been training for about the past two days and things are going really well the banana is starting to get a little sad but he still recognizes it and he'll poke it i think we need to start training him to press this future william here about to save you a whole bunch of time the thing with training cats is getting them to sniff a banana easy getting them to do anything else that you actually want them to do is way more difficult you can only reward the cat for something it did on its own trying to get a cat to do new things good luck if you want to make a cat do something you have to start with something it already knows so how am i gonna get the cat to push the button step one get a piece of food hold it above the cat he will naturally reach for it with his paw step two hold the button and the food in your hand so when he reaches for it and touches the button you reward him slowly work the button down and continue training him until the button is on the ground he's gonna pat it in paw and bunch and try to swipe at the sides and swipe at the bottom but you don't reward the cat until it actually clicks the button and you just continue to reward this behavior over and over and over again and voila you have yourself a cat that will incessantly press a big red button in exchange for food insistently not it's very close to incest and says no nope nope step two step three automate the training with a robot welcome to the part of the video where william builds something stupid videos with this cat screw you we're gonna go look at something inside right now and i'm gonna show you that your pet exhibits a lot of behaviors and you've never taught them he's not exhibiting any weird behaviors right now but watch i said nothing i simply picked up the jar and when i open it he comes running because he thinks he's getting a treat i did not ever teach him to do that why in the world would i sit here and manually train my cat to do something when he clearly is capable of correlating these things on his own do you know what that means it is time to build a machine that trains my cat to press this button when he sees fire using all of these ingredients baby [Music] four four four this is definitely the worst idea i've ever had oh my god it works this is the best idea i've ever had come on in caretaker the lawyers need me to clarify that it's not actually a bomb how about this when he sees this he has to just come over hit the button right there and when you hit that button nothing happens well it's that's the program [Music] i'm writing i'm writing the program right now you really want to watch you want to see this you want to see where you want to watch this crap i mean how do what do i show you you want to see it okay look very exciting that was fun let's never look at the code again it's done there's four main components the button the treat dispenser electronics and flame system the treat dispenser works exactly like a gumball machine there's a magazine that rotates via a stepper motor and when the holes align the treat slides down the chute and exits the front the tree dispenser will only advance if you press the button when the flame is on if you press the button while the flame is off no tree is dispensed the flame is ignited by an arc lighter attached to a servo and the fuel source is camping gas with a servo on the valve a microprocessor controls everything and a relay board ignites the arc glider i don't normally do this but i want you to experience the frustration of spending weeks working on something from building to training and just exercising every last ounce of patience i have and this is what happens it's like he's forgotten about the button i i just this makes me want to cry [Music] but after 10 minutes of nothing jimmy neutron finally pulled through all the training all the work was finally paying okay and he was clicking the button and it looks like to me he's starting to correlate the flame being on meaning he can press the button i don't know how this cat can make me feel so hopeless and and excited at the same time it's honestly depressing oh my god [Music] here's a fun fact but you can't get mad at me it turns out it's much easier to train a cat if you don't feed it a whole lot i'm not saying you gotta starve the cat getting rid of the open bowl of kibble really improved his performance i would try to train him before feeding him so he'd be even more motivated and it really improved how well he responded to the training he's been training so hard that he fell asleep i have a lot of free time right now that the robot is set up to one second what chelsea what someone left the baby at the front door oh no oh no hey michael uh did you dump a baby on my doorstep swaddled in paper towels and duct tape yeah yeah baby maybe ladies and gentlemen i don't need it anymore i needed it like two weeks ago you can come pick it up ah okay you just keep it all right no i mean okay all right just keep the baby and keep the baby okay uh how's your video going i cannot wait i certainly i got so excited about the boy season two coming out on amazon prime video that i just made that laser baby and gave it to you what's the logical connection i could not say so the video is going well so i i'm not alive i'm not it's not real well i'm gonna leave the baby on the porch just come pick it up whatever hey i know this is scary and and you know sometimes life isn't fair uh being abandoned by a parent is not an enjoyable scenario but you really have to consider that you're a child a very young child and your father is also a very young child and nothing good comes from situations where a child is raising a child do not worry do not fear you will be very safe in this household we will take very good care of you you know what the next shot's gonna be go michael come pick your baby up i left it on the doorstep i'm gonna make my own baby oh gee how am i possibly gonna put lasers in the babies ah oh no i guess that makes it a little easier how are we going to put lasers in the eyes of this baby the same way you put lasers in the eye of any baby a drill just the same exact joke i bet you michael reeves as me i just know it uh this is awful turn the camera off oh from the eye and his throat all right now the next step you're going to want to stick the laser diodes into the baby's neck you'll notice earlier when you drilled out the baby's eyes he poked a small hole through both of the sides you're going to want to shove the batteries in and boom look at that you got yourself a cross-eyed baby they're pointing up and down how did that happen google gaga [Music] i present to you laser baby goo gaga i shoot laser beams out of my eyes and i'm gonna melt your house and the only thing that could stop me is a firefighter that's also a cat he's dead he hates you so much right now he's so bad you might be a famous actor on the boys from amazon prime video but you don't stand a chance against a real superhero when i'm done with you you'll be crying like hey wait for it a baby my house burned down once and i am not gonna let it happen again so i have prepared the ultimate test a miniature house fire simulation to confirm jimmy neutron is a trained firefighter our simulated house was made out of popsicle sticks by andy of how to make everything and our ignition source is laser baby i've reprogrammed the button to activate the fire truck pump which will douse the flames with a high pressure blast of water epic all jimmy neutron has to do is execute his training by pressing the button once he detects flames and to up the stakes i've attached scrotinger's hundred dollar bill if it's illegal to burn money it's definitely not real you're about to witness to a hundred dollar bill uh uh i have to have motivation to prove to people that like i tried really hard he's an idiot all right this is the part of the video where we pretend like the laser baby lit the house on fire ptsd jimmy neutron please put out the fire clock is going press the button press the button press the button bro you've got about a minute to press the button if he presses the button i will crap your pants [Music] he's not pressing the button william jimmy um [Music] the fire truck worked we're gonna let this bad boy on fire again sans caretaker a little bit less screaming i should have known better we're gonna do it again all right hit the button you know what to do you know what to do if he hits that button i actually will crap [Music] what is he doing he put his nose around the button why is he present [Music] i'm very proud to say that my cat jimmy neutron is officially a firefighter he pressed the button he put out the fire you can't prove that he was only pressing the button for food i don't have testicles but at least i'm a superhero thank you very much amazon for giving me the opportunity to train my cat to be a firefighter i wouldn't i wouldn't have been able to do it thank you to amazon for sponsoring this video remember season two of the boys drops september 4th and you still have plenty of time to watch season one before that happens and they've programmed a baby laser tag game for ios and android that you can download in the link in the description [Music] below
Channel: William Osman
Views: 1,499,754
Rating: 4.9615583 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, laser baby, the boys, amazon, train my cat, cat
Id: p2Xoi20u4J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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