Fooling The Internet With An Exploding Tesla

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/BikeCookie 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
good news everybody i have partnered with stereo and they're sponsoring this video stereo is a live podcasting app where i get to talk to you guys live last week caretaker and i went live on stereo and answered a ton of questions hey william i just had a quick question what type of engineer are you um i'm a i'm a bad engineer from when are you going to build a new laser cutter to why did you get evicted from the last house michael has the schedule of a raccoon we're going to go live again saturday the 13th at at 5 p.m we'll be talking about whatever questions you ask do you have any plans to rebuild the laser bra bro i've had plans to rebuild the laser for like three years but it's so much work find me at stereo dot com william osman the link is in the description and thank you again to stereo for sponsoring this video today on the william osmond channel we're going to blow up my friend's car he asked me very nicely to blow up his car for him and so i said okay to be perfectly clear it's a 1 18 scale die cast car fire it's to trick people on the internet it's really easy to trick people on the internet because they're idiots not you or me we're very smart very very intelligent we're talking people who think 49.99 is cheaper than 50 who believe viral video is like the eagle picking up the small child people who tried charging their phone after watching the video of a guy putting his iphone into a microwave i want to treat people too i want to trick them into thinking we blew up a real car and if we pick a nice car like a tesla they'll get really mad and when they get really mad it means we did a good job you know back with old movies they used to use scale models for demolition like in die hard or ghostbusters they built small scale versions of what they wanted to destroy because it's too expensive to destroy the real thing i want to do that for you uh hello could i get could i get an ice cream cone two ice cream cones plus i can't even afford to blow up a real tesla is it even legal to blow up a car why is the government telling me what i can and can't do with my life i thought this was america you want nuggy nuggy go get the nuggie before we start how about a very important safety message brought to you by mr bones you shouldn't follow anything you see in this video if you do this and and it goes wrong i told you not to do it you might end up looking like me i'm all bones i'm all bone how do you think i turned into bones i died i killed myself that sounds bad that sounds bad i didn't it wasn't on purpose i accidentally killed myself there's a couple of videos online that show you what happens if you play with explosives and hurt yourself and you should definitely go watch those because you will blow your hands off and there's videos of people blowing their hands off yes his wrists look like spaghetti his wrists just look like spaghetti i think that everybody should show their kids these videos you have no arms yeah that was that was a battle by accident that was different i'm gonna do a demonstration for you guys none of this is like safe but none of it really is also that dangerous he can be here as long as he wears his safety glasses here no okay very smart a little tiny pile of black powder and a flame nothing special nothing fantastic when you contain that small pile of black powder you get an explosion you get a pop like a firecracker all we have to do is figure out how do we blow up egg okay no i can't do that pyrotechnics to get any information i have to go buy a book i haven't read a book in 10 years i'm not a terrorist i'm a scientist i'm not going to do anything bad i just want to have fun i figured it out and i didn't need no stinking book i used my own brain power three neurons i need this [Music] i have created what i like to call pyrotechnic ignition source or pip connect the green wire to the gray wire connect the black wire to the gray wire we're going to need a bigger piss oh that smells like eggs the explosion is not anywhere big enough for the diecast car oh yeah this is the diecast car it cost 170 dollars we're gonna have to make something so much bigger to get this thing to actually pop after a whole lot of experimentation i present to you the full process and methodology for creating a significantly bigger piss the first thing you're going to need are some little [Music] one two we're gonna be using hot glue to hold everything together a little bit more hot glue and that is how you make a small pyrotechnic special effect fireball shooter we're gonna use a beaker to measure out a little bit of not gatorade three two one that was awesome the base blew up i was hoping the base would stay on we want to burst through to the fuel not for the fuel to go flying up so i think if we look at the ceiling let's not look at our failures let's only look at our success i'm gonna try to explain this without making a tutorial the black powder sits at the bottom of the container and the fuel above it when the powder ignites it propels the fuel upward atomizing it and igniting it creating a fireball i didn't animate the fireball because it's two in the morning this is my friend alex ernst mostly known for being friends with david dobrik and we're going to use his white tesla so this here is michael reeves friend we need to find model making materials to build the miniature set to make the car look good literally drive to the beach and put sand in it for three dollars you want to drive to the beach for three dollars no this isn't even enough we'd have to buy at least eight of these and apparently we also need to buy a pair of pants yeah you see a wild alex ernst shopping for pants i don't tell people what my pant size is it's recording take a video picture you put it on video which one did you pay more for the model one or the full-size one this one now we're gonna do is the first force perspective where alex interacts with this car so we need to make asphalt so we're gonna use sand paper we're gonna line it up like it's in the parking spot we're gonna put the camera down here and we just need to add enough asphalt to make it look like it's in the right spot so that's what i'm trying to do right now is oh god so if alex stands on this line kind of where the back door would be this whole thing works pretty well up until i start moving closer to the camera and then it just starts getting weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder now i'm like a giant and your brain really wants to convince itself that things are okay so we're going to take our fireball effect we're going to shove that into the back seat of the car and then we're gonna close the door i feel like i'm on the like doing bomb squad stuff but like i put the bomb there we have one two three four different charges we're gonna set off at the same time trunk frunk and then the underside of the car and then the fireball to blow everything out and uh i don't know this is it this is basically the best i think we can do in the time that we have with the abilities that we were given switching to high frame rate so we're doing 120 frames a second we're gonna hook the charges up three two one let's watch that back really quick i think that's gonna look really good oh that looks that looks pretty good though the roof is broken um the doors are all just singed and they popped open a little bit welcome to editing this is where i spend 90 of my day making youtube videos is in front of a computer looking at clips of all the science i did and trying to figure out how to put it together in the correct order in the right place and make the video good i just want to do science i don't have to do the editing and i don't even know if there's anyone who can help me edit because all the other youtubers they like even mark edit his own videos and i just sit for this computer all day editing sorry about that we filmed our explosion at 120 frames per second because when we slow it down it makes the physics feel bigger i'm gonna add a little bit of camera shake using some code i'm gonna add a white parking line in and the blinkers for when the horn is going off so a lot of people don't realize how important sound is but if you have a video that's low quality with good sound that's okay if you have a video that's is what the original audio sounds like for the explosion and this is what the new sound effects sound like we even went back and recorded the car alarm in the exact location so we could get it to sound right and now we're going to show you the video that we filmed to convince the internet that alex ernst became a millionaire and blew up his car celebration i'm a millionaire now guys and you know what happens when i'm a millionaire i can do crazy things like blow up my tesla model 3 because i can do that you need your safety glasses i need my safety glasses [Applause] take this take the white wire and the black wire in each hand do i do anything with this one no okay i can't believe they're letting me do the detonator of course they are i'm a millionaire i can do whatever i want just kidding so i'm gonna blow up my uh tesla model three and get a brand new one let me get the plaid one i think actually you're gonna be you're gonna pay for your own tesla this time yeah shut up fire the hell why is a stupid thing come up what stupid thing i feel like i'm doing tech support for my grandmother right now oh hello alex we have successfully fooled twitter all of your twitter followers are stupid and believe that we blew the car up jay schlatt i would have taken the car alex you actually did it why ian is an idiot too i was expecting some good editing when i saw the smoke and flame but it was real go to the next comment let's go you like right who even that's not even elon musk um i legit can't tell if this is a joke or not get more views giving it away to a poor person than blowing up a perfectly good car that is useless it's written on it's a written on tesla bought real cheap for theater this is me having a a stroke after reading the comment but rather than blow it up like most millionaires that doesn't happen but you could have given it away or better yet sold it and gave it to eight people i suspect you opened all the doors and turned on the alarm and if someone is inside with a flamethrower and smoke machine yeah that's exactly the kind of person that i was talking about at the beginning of the video whether this is real or fake or not this is why suddenly rich people lose all their money fast because they go and blow up cars this is my favorite one cute show your privilege during a pandemic i love these kind of comments i just love it why did you take it down not talking without a therapist i mean a lawyer one person that comments on this video can win this broken thing one man's trash is another man it's a burden it's just trash trash is a burden all right let's go let's get out of here it's cold and i'm hungry come here alex
Channel: William Osman
Views: 1,995,235
Rating: 4.9504504 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves
Id: NCqryyZEGCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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