Rehoboth 2018 (Day 1) with Dr. Abel Damina

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we have up 20:18 kings and priests [Music] [Music] so the powerful a man Wow what a night lift your head hands to heaven let's pray father we thank you for grace thank you for mercy and thank you that you have washed us saved us United us with you we cannot be separated you live in us we live in you and tonight we have access into all that is yours so I decree revelation knowledge forcefully in this place but in son yokes are destroyed nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer seized him and locked under we'll give the Lord a shout out and you can be seated in the heavenlies praise God alright let's get in the world Philemon chapter 1 verse number 6 Philemon chapter 1 verse number 6 brother Paul writes to Philemon and that later is actually beginning with a prayer and he says to Philemon that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you because you are in Christ the communication of of your faith becomes effectual by the acknowledging the word acknowledged is the word knowledge or no is just consistently by brother Paul in the above text when it was translated from the Greek the word acknowledged is the word epignosis epi GN OS is epignosis it means accurate precise exact it also means wholesome or comprehensive inside that the communication of your faith becomes effectual effective or productive when you come to a place of acknowledging the place of epignosis a place of accurate precise filled comprehensive inside of every good thing that is in you because you are in Christ the word communication is a Greek word Koinonia which means participation of fellowship so that the coen anya the participation or the fellowship of your faith becomes effectual productive impactful when you come to a place of acknowledging a place of epignosis a place of accurate precise exact revealed knowledge of every good thing that is in you because you are in Christ every good thing there's no button in the born-again believer every good thing that is in you because you are in Christ becomes effective when you come to a place of acknowledging brother Peter who said blessed be the God who has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge through the knowledge and somebody says well for the Democrats to follow please don't work on that prayer please and peace be multiplied through the knowledge the more you grow in the knowledge of Christ the modulus multiplies you don't wish for grace no you grow into him not just knowledge not just knowledge not just Bruno's Co epignosis they are two different things not just health knowledge not just sensual knowledge accurate knowledge revealed from the spirit of a man the greatest blessing God gave to man is revelation knowledge revealed knowledge you know kobata Nagaya Peter knew Jesus by head knowledge knowledge is limited yet knowledge cannot confront cancer yet knowledge cannot confront alsa why does he have the capacity and the capability and the potentiality to tamper with spiritual realities by you're not a product of head knowledge you're a product of the Spirit which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit is spirit soul since we must acknowledge every good thing that is in us in Christ since we must apply a precise knowledge accurate knowledge one of those good things is our priesthood in Christ kings and priests that's one of the good things that you must acknowledge you can't afford to casually approach the subject of your priesthood in Christ you can't afford it it can cost you a lot of loss so since it is a vital doctrinal matter now before something becomes a doctrinal matter it must have had this origin in Genesis as a seed it must be reflected in the types and shadows of the law it must be represented by the sons of David and it was at a place in the prophecy of the prophets and it must come in one of Jesus's parable as I see then it becomes a doctrine in the epistles so it must run through the thread of the scriptures why the scriptures form the basis for doctrine now remember the Bible is a book the Bible is where books is one book that carries with it a progressive revelation progressive revelation that takes up a body in the gospels and climaxes in the epistles it is one book the Old Testament is Jesus concealed the New Testament is Jesus revealed so you look at the Old Testament we are in glasses of the New Testament the Old Testament is mystery the Old Testament is Scripture the Old Testament is shadows and types the New Testament is the revelation the revelation of the Scriptures xàbia the Old Testament is mystery the Greek word Mysterio Mysterio means when it was communicated the people lack the capability the people of the apparatus with which to interpret so it was a mist to them but wasn't intended to be a mystery they could handle it such as you say you can't be I eat you know so because you you can't be I eat I have diluted it and I'm using I'm using you know measures to give you an idea so that when the time comes for you to be I it you will know I didn't hide this from you but you lack the faculties of comprehension so the Old Testament is Jesus concealed and the New Testament is Jesus revealed so to understand our priesthood we must go back to the Old Testament what was God's original mind for Israel in Exodus chapter 19 verse 4 the barakatuh please put it off for me God punished the devil Exodus chapter 19 verse number 4 Exodus chapter 19 verse number 4 you have seen what I did on to the Egyptians how I bore you on eagle's wings now from the law of Fez mention the first time the word priests appeared was in Genesis Melchizedek Genesis 14 as where it appeared with some Melchizedek a type of Christ in in Genesis because it must have is root in Genesis then in the law of Moses we see the word priests again appear here is because of time I'm moving away from Genesis 2 etc so we can move on so he says you have seen what I did on to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself next verse now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine next verse and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation that is gospel and everybody should be a priest everybody but if you follow this reading carefully when Moses brought the message to Israel Israel Hardware God said Moses told them wash your clothes clean up we are going to go and meet God all of us and together we shall hear God speak to us on their way to go hear God on the mountain when the pilots began to arrive with siren blaring the environment for the Almighty God to speak when Israel saw the movements and the shakin they took off they say Moses we don't want again you go he our God come and tell us out of unbelief out of unbelief they rejected the opposition in God so when Moses went up and heard that's why Moses now began to do like this with them because first of all when you invited you didn't come number two your hearts are hardened you are a people of no faith so even if I communicate the way God told me you can handle it so Moses diluted it instead of giving them revelation he gave them parables dark sayings for example he told them to build a tabernacle 46 years cap in touch we are knocking things 46 years it was Moses this way of communicating but since the kind hear words they have to use capping tasks to construct a house for 46 years when Jesus showed up he said that house not in his inside first of all God punished the devil after they finished building sir in Isaiah God now said we are is the house I talked to a beautiful 46 years in constructed building with a Holy of Holies for God to dwell we are is their house so I was studying Acts of the Apostles chapter 7 I discovered that what provoked the Jews highly to kill Stephen in except as a wanker who studied when Stephen was making his defense Stephen spoke and spoke Danny got your play Stephen said don't you know that the almighty does not live in a temple built it hands the most sacred thing we have you tell us nothing is inside the Quran do revelation so they were given symbols we don't need symbols we can do revelation am i teaching good here yeah we can handle revelation so when the writer of Hebrews was communicating to the Jews because the book of Hebrews was written to believe in Jews and non believing Jews to take them away from Moses and the practices and direct them to Christ because this people's hearts were with Moses Moses to them was God so if justice is not done in diverting them from Moses they were never surprised so the book of Hebrews was written and dedicated to bring the bolivian are not believing jews to a place where they have faith in christ that's why beginning from chapter 1 he says God who at sundry times and in divers manners speak to the father's by the prophets have in this last days so now he retires the prophets hath in these last days spoken to us in his song that she said the son is superior to the prophets the prophets were messengers all the Old Testament prophets were messengers all of them were running around so they kept saying don't say at the Lord don't say if the Lord does hear the Lord Jesus shows up verily verily I say he doesn't cut anybody because he is the one the prophets were cutting I don't if I'm talking to somebody here so when the writer of Hebrews was writing he retires the prophets and promotes the office of Christ what was telling the juices take your eyes away from the prophets look to Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration it was so instructive and so necessary because there was too much argument in Israel as to the audacity of Moses and the authority of the prophet Elijah superior to Christ why they saw when he was born why they saw when John the Baptist baptizing why they know his mother and father how can they believe that does God that's a constant Lisa you hear Jesus a Moses because of the hardness of your hat communicated the way he communicated but from the beginning is not so but when Moses saw your hats he couldn't help it so you have to do it the way you will handle it I don't even blame Jews Moses even Jesus even Jesus the people limited him so without a parable speaking not to them he said his people the hats across the eyes I mean the hazard or the eyes they have closed their ears they have closed nobody closed it for them unbelief unbelief us block the heart block their ears shut their eyes so seeing a see but is he not here in the will here but the we are in Tunde you know those guys in John chapter 8 when Jesus said the father he says father glorify me that the glory I had with you may then the father say I have glorified you I will glorify you again the Greek set it on that God was talking they were hearing Tunde you know there are some Christians like that you are preaching there hearing Tunde that's the only thing that will make a believer after hearing this kind of message to be looking for somebody to do him deliverance you are in Tana born-again is deliverance born-again is resurrection the dead Christ came inside you that was an end of discussion I feel a compulsion tonight if you catch him a flow shot I hear you but while you are in a hundred and fifty okay a hundred and fifty okay get a couple attorneys 30 I was teaching and there was like one guy in front of the church every time Coppola would preach and walk near the garden I shot a hundred and fifty dollars right so Copeland kept trying to hear what the man is Simba because he's preaching he couldn't come down so after the service he walked to the gun said excuse me you said 150 something is a Luther Kopila Valley 150 dollars right so Coppola you for the process excuse but this was it you Oh demanders you understand English the only English she understands is a hundred and fifty dollars right we have to find out what they say right but you are blessed he said blessed are your eyes for this see your ears for they hear somebody shot I have revelation Sara gavrila I have revelation I thought over here you are a Melisandre God wanted a kingdom of priests but because he couldn't achieve it fully in the Old Testament Jesus came we are four holy brethren the book of Hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 my Pickers of the heavenly calling consider Jesus the Apostle and high priest of our profession so Jesus came to establish a priesthood where all of us will be initiated into as priests so revelation now said he has made us kings and priests unto our God Zumaya we didn't become kings and priests is not an achievement he has made us is a function of grace so that I am a king and a priest is not what I looked for is what Christ's has delivered to me is what Christ has made out of me now I will run up on this note tonight to be a priest earful means you and God have right standing because the job of a priest was to approach God on behalf of people that cannot approach God that's why the priests must have right standing in order for his sacrifice to be accepted otherwise you will die so for you to be a priest Cabala for you to be a king on power God it means you have righteousness righteousness is the ability to stand before God without a sense of guilt condemnation inferiority complex or sin consciousness the ability to stand before God without guilt condemnation inferiority complex or sin consciousness righteousness is equality with God I am my father our righteousness is the believers Bill of Rights the believers Bill of Rights just like your fundamental human rights as in Nigeria as a believer there are rights that belong to us for example said to the rakshasas it shall be well kebaya for this shot in the fruit of the liberal ha and i will stop the devil if the fruit of your labor in this nigeria you will have this with two hands Tobiah cub I declare a declare today where it is not working for - it'll work for you somebody shot I am righteous let me show you something Romans chapter 3 verse 22 Romans 3:20 - please put it up I want the people to see Romans chapter 3 verse 22 hyah even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ please holier non-id justness by my dressing not righteousness by my conduct righteousness be void of works righteousness by the faith of Jesus Christ not even by my faith not even by my faith by the faith of Jesus Christ brother Paul see it is no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself so when he gave himself I became retros I'm coming back to Roman's 3 Romans chapter 4 verse 25 who was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification they are for being justified by faith we have summaries you have say I have say I have right now we are peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have access into this place we are in we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God we stand on grace grounds we stand on grace grounds and the righteous because I'm a good guy I'm righteous because I believe in him that justifies the ungodly righteousness devoid of walks so back to Romans chapter 3 verse 22 Romans 3:20 - by whom also so even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that requirement belief that's all unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference Jew Gentile alike nothing makes a Jewish man important than you nothing why God in Christ has broken down the middle wall of partition he has broken down that wall Hebrew the Jewish man and he drew the Gentile brought two of them together mix them out of them produce a born-again man so a born-again man is not a Jew he's not a Gentile is the new kind of humanity ayodhya the most dangerous man on the planet he's a man that is born again and knows what it means to be born again the Agia knows a guy the most dangerous man at Eva's all is a born again man who knows what it means to be born again many people born again you never know what it means to be born again Satan is just moving you around circumstances are just driving you around and the choir sang is ya know thinking you can to make decrease can't you make declarations can't you stand up and say it cannot happen and mean what you say because you know who you are and let me watch my TV broadcast she was diagnosed off-grid for cancer I'm in stage 4 cancer in Houston Texas she says she began to watch and began to hear who you are in Christ what you have in Christ what Christ is doing through you the reality of the message becomes early in our mind that the cancer lost reality what she was hearing became surreal that cancer and his pens became irrelevant after a while of listening the pens disappeared so she went back to Houston for tests she said the doctor scans camera Madame something is not right she said what is it they said come back tomorrow she came the next day they did tests it tells him madam we don't understand that something is not right she's nobody sir I said two more day of tests they did tests today for today to look at and said no trace all history of cancer in your system she said I'm not surprised what cannot be in Christ cannot be me if you cannot be sick I cannot be sick somebody shout I hear you somebody shout I am the righteousness of God in Christ seven me what is nothing Christ cannot be me a total yet powerfully man righteousness which is by faith of Jesus Christ by faith of Jesus Christ by the faith of Jesus Christ Romans chapter 4 what shall we say that Abraham our Father has found as pertaining to the flesh is if he is founded by walks he has we are not to glory but not before God but what saith it abraham believed God kebaya abraham believed God and it was accredited to him for righteousness Reina added unto his I work at not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness even as David described that the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed nothing that a blessed man is a man who does not have seen on his record now God looks at you and sees acquitted discharged no record against you yes sir that that you believe in him that justified the word ungodly is criminal you're a criminal condemned doomed then God walked in and said release him hold me in his place he stands discharged and acquitted Jesus wouldn't have borne my scene for me to be out he bought it I don't have it so that gives you light standing and allows your priesthood to find expression kebaya we are you walk before God and you say father I thank you that you hear me always you are not in doubt of anything you learn hands on the sickle say be healed you don't say how are you feeling because you know what you said has happened kebaya daba daba daba we are you spitting sand you they happen Jesus looks at a tree and say no man eat fruit of the he walked away it is Pittacus a master look he wasn't looking for its righteousness sin consciousness makes you play many times on this empty another prayer many many times you still look for one man of God that is very anointing to lay hands on you it's in consciousness when you have faith from the consciousness of sin and you're working in the brutality of righteousness sabato Baloo Tata reputable reggaeton Agha do you play to speak in tongues I says oh Souza Balaton together raccoon decor Otis Akira somebody shall Holly girls serve me I am righteous by the faith of Jesus I didn't hear em so righteousness is your bill of rights in righteousness thou shalt be established thou shalt be far from a pressure kappa yatta that no matter the commercial it will never come near you largest nests build a wall of Defense and immunizes you against oppression rather than being oppress you release the oppressed is righteousness so that's why you have the breastplate of righteousness the breastplate the job of a breastplate is to protect the heart when your heart is not protected condemnation will enter so righteousness protects the heart is that our word to righteousness and sin not Eden says seem not awake to righteousness it is the consciousness of righteousness that indicates scene and his consciousness the consciousness of who you are where you know you are nobody can tell you otherwise nobody defines you Christ defines you your true reflection and your true definition is Christ you a king and a priest on to our God I are not going to rain for some time you're in forever so what happens in Nigeria does not is not withstanding it's not about Nigeria not Nigeria it's about the fact that you have a priesthood that is established in Christ forever you reign with him somebody shot I reign with Christ certainly vary that I am the righteousness of God in Christ now stand on your feet I shot normal consciousness of sin I have the consciousness of righteousness in my DNA in my mind I am righteous by the faith of Jesus Christ as a priest I approach God without fear I have now received the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption I cry Abba Father I say King I rule in this world i decree things and they come to pass if you are aware we just talked about letter M and schedule it forever lift your right and let's pray tonight father everyone here in the son of my voice then has been harassed by the enemy Satan stop and get out in the name of Jesus sickness and disease melt out struggle stop frustration cease in the name of Jesus what was not working before receive resurrection come alive come alive come alive come alive doors are open for you it is written I have set before you an open door no man can shut that door that door that has been opened for you as this sadist concludes tonight walking to that door possess your possession welcome to my inheritance dominate your territory manifest your sonship manifest your priesthood manifest your rulership in the name of Jesus you bless me on the course you are kept by the power of God in Jesus precious name can i another amen on another final letter well if you believe in quiet clubs shalt rejoice celebrate celebrate celebrate [Music]
Channel: TREM VIC
Views: 55,754
Rating: 4.7305264 out of 5
Keywords: TREM, TREM VIC, Kings and Priests, Abel Damina, Rehoboth
Id: ej8vHe5E-tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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