Rehoboth 2018 (Day 2) with Dr. Abel Damina

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we have up 20:18 kings and priests [Music] [Music] if you will be the most blessed person tonight let your amen come like thunder please lift your right hands to heaven let's pray together father we rejoice we rejoice with gladness and we rejoice because we have access into this grace wherein we stand we stand in grace and we rejoice in the hope of glory thank you for your Ward that is available to us tonight and thank you for all Tron's that is flowing freely in this atmosphere revelation knowledge will be uninterrupted tonight but in some hooks are destroyed and nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise and glory for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer says a man locked on da well give Jesus the greatest shout in this building you can be seated in the heavenlies praise God all right are you ready for the word of God Philemon chapter 1 verse number 6 where we studied yesterday Philemon which of the 1 verse number 6 brother Paul wrote to Philemon that the communication of your faith may become effectual not Philippians Philemon chapter 1 verse 6 that the communication of your faith may becoming effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you because you are in Christ the word acknowledge is the word epignosis epignosis is exact accurate precise revealed knowledge Sobran appropriate for Philemon that that he will come to a place of exact knowledge a place of precise knowledge and we establishes to him that most of the prayers of the New Testament if not all the prayers of the New Testament where pray us for knowledge because God is not going to do anything anymore he has already done everything that you will do for you your job is to find out what he has already done for you that is why we said the Bible is one book that carries with it a progressive revelation from Genesis to Malachi that takes up a body in the ink on Matthew Mark Luke and John and climaxes in the epistles from Acts of the Apostles to Revelation so therefore because it is one book in has only one story and it has only one character everybody else is a pointer to the character all the prophets appoint us to the character Moses is a pointer to the character you'll find that every time the Bible talks about the Old Testament it refers to Moses Moses because Moses wrote Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy so when you hear Moses most of times is making reference to the first five books of the Bible so whether it is Moses or the prophets or the Psalms they are all pointers to the character the character is Christ that is right Jesus who said to the Jews if you had believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me he he wrote of me Moses who say a prophet like unto myself shall the Lord raise him shall you feel here and he says anyone that will not hear him will be destroyed that is Moses is saying if whatever Jesus says contradicts what I say put my owner said and take his own because he is the one you shall hear because I am here to be a witness of him Jesus himself who said such the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but the Scriptures don't give eternal life rather they are they which testify of me verse 40 but you will not come to me that you may have life so beyond the scriptures you must meet the passing of Christ so if you don't meet the person of Christ if all you have is a scripture you are in a religion because when you go beyond religion and meet Christ you are in a relationship so he says such the scriptures for the testify of me so we began establish the importance of knowledge brother Paul says since the day we heard of it we have no ceased to pray unto desire now you'll be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding brother Paul will pray that the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light that you may know what is the exceeding greatness of his riches to us us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at the right hand of Majesty on high knowledge knowledge knowledge now look at John chapter 20 verse 31 the Gospel of John chapter 20 verse 31 brother John were right in the Gospel of John 20:31 help me put it off I want everybody to see where I'm reading from John 20:31 he says what these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you might have life through his name what John is saying is the Gospels are written to bring you to a place of faith a place of believing that the mission of Matthew Mark Luke and John is to bring you to a place of faith where you believe and by believing you have life first John chapter 5 verse 13 the same writer first John chapter 5 verse number 13 first John the Epistle it says these things are written have I written unto you that believe the Gospels for you to believe the epistles unto you that have believed on the name of the Son of God that you may know that you may know the epistles are to bring us their place of knowledge the Gospels are to bring us the place of faith that you may believe but the epistles that you may know that you have I heard a man of God said that whenever you got you got born again God uses a pencil to write your name then when you sin he is the eraser to IRA's it God must be so jobless looking at how to be writing and IRA's in every day and I'm sure there must be a pencil manufacturing industry in heaven but I didn't see that in my Bible my Bible tells me that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life that life you receive is given to you eternally it is called eternal life it came out of eternal salvation that eternal life is a passing it's not it's not it's not where you can clean a right it's a passing eternal life first John chapter five verse twenty first John chapter five verse twenty first John chapter five verse twenty god punished the devil and we know somebody shout I know we know that the Son of God is come and hat and hats not we'll take note of the tenses and had given unto us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ who is Jesus Christ this is the true God who is the true God and eternal life so Jesus is eternal life so the day you receive be penalized is surpassing that and are you in surpassing eternal life is he passing the Batak Abba John chapter 17 verse 3 John 17 verse 3 John 17 verse 3 God punished the devil John 17 verse 3 this is life eternal this is life eternal that they might know thee the only through God so what is eternal life the only true God who is only true God and Jesus Christ this is life eternal that they may know you the only true God which is Jesus Christ whom you have sent so eternal life is a passive that's why a believer cannot miss the Rancho you can be sriracha gay but all about you are born of his bones you are flesh of his flesh when you came to church you didn't leave your leg at home when you came to church you didn't leave your hand at home you came with every part of your body your members of his body so how will he leave you behind he will leave you behind your benders of his body he's the head of the body and when the trumpet sounds the trumpet is coming for Christ in you so when Christ in you he has the sound of the trumpet as Christ in you is responding your body will change from mortality to immortality summary shot I have it analyzed right now in John chapter 10 verse 28 Jesus said I give unto you eternal life and you shall never perish you shall never perish neither shall any one be able to pluck you out of my hand my father that gave you to me is greater alone and nobody can pluck you out of my father son Hebrews 7:25 he is able to save to the other kebaya to the uttermost those who come to God by him when you receive Christ you receive it on a stamp of approval it is a work of grace it is a work of grace it is not by works of righteousness it is not by efforts it is the finished work of Christ that the believer has received haven't you seen in the shadow so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief because of unbelief but we that belief we have entered we are not going to enter they dare you believe the gospel you entered right now right now you are in you're not going to be in right now you're in you have the life of God you have the light of God you are seated where he is seated somebody shot I hear you so these are written in the epistles that you may know that you have eternal life and this life is in his own John chapter 5 he that has the son has life and has passed from death to life romance of the advanced you for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death verse 3 for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of God may be fulfilled in us not by us fulfilled in us not by us that the righteousness of God may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit brother policy and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the flesh but the righteousness which is the faith of Christ and be found in him but oppose him a prayer for Israel in romance of the 10 verse 1 is that they may be saved for IBM record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge Cabaye out when a man does not function within the parameters of knowledge he goes about establishing his own righteousness any man that is not functioning within the parameters of Revelation he thinks by effort and works he can qualify when you come to knowledge you resign when you resign you employ the finished work then the flesh work becomes your walk talking the summary here that's why the moment you believe you enter interest so pay attention the Gospels that you may believe in believe in you have life the epistles that you may know that you have it life so brother poni is that the communication the : Anja the participation of your faith may become effectual productive if impactful how by the accurate precise revealed comprehensive inside of every good thing that is in you because you are in Christ somebody shot I am in Christ the word in Christ is a post resurrection reality nobody was in Christ until after Jesus rose from the dead is a post resurrection in Christ that's why one of the hallmarks of the epistles is in him in Christ by whom by whom through whom in him with whom by whom through whom complete in him accepted in him together with him seated with him everything with him is no longer I is him and in him no condemnation there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in in Christ in Christ blessed in Christ accepted in Christ justified in Christ blessed in Christ righteous in Christ kings in Christ priests in Christ it's all because of the in Christ realities is all because of beaming Christ outside him we are nothing in him we're all things all things were made by him for him and they were made for his pleasure are we together here all things consist and exist by him for him without him nothing are we together here so the believer is in Christ it says a be Adam record they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge so what do they do they go about establishing their own righteousness then they say any of you that is justified by works Christ has become of non effect then he says you are falling from crease say you're falling from grace so knowledge knowledge knowledge very critical reveal knowledge not head knowledge epignosis accurate knowledge and we said the extent to which affair becomes effective will be repentant on your acknowledging your acknowledging determines your effectiveness it determines your results so therefore one of the things to acknowledge is our position as kings and priests now yesterday we travel from Genesis to Exodus where we saw that God's plan for man is that the totality of humanity will be a kingdom of priests unto God but Israel rejected that invitation so Moses became the mediator between them and God so Moses will hear from God when it comes to them he will look at them and see if they qualify to hear what he had so when he saw the hardness of their heart look at what Moses did he kept Christ to himself and gave them types and shadows so while there were a Romancing types and shadows Moses was with Christ he had revelation Moses knew Christ in the book of Hebrews 28 he says Moses esteeming the reproach of Christ he esteem he knew Christ if you if you observed Moses that guy was very very very very bold very bold he says to God father if your presence don't go with us don't Acosta God said my presence will go with you and I will give you rest after a while Moses say show me your glory I don't want your presence I don't want goose pimples I don't want falling under the power I want your glory the word glory is I want to see you I want to see your essence I want to see your very essence God said to God said to Moses Moses I will make my goodness pass Moses says fish God called it goodness he said I will hide you the word hide means I will shield you you will see me from afar meaning you will have details but you will see you have you will have an idea it's like being in a car that has a shield and when you look out you are seeing but you're not experiencing the fullness of what you're seeing that's what God told Moses why because what Moses was asking for was the incarnation of Christ find the Old Testament God I want to see you God say no no no Moses you can be I eat you can handle it because there is a time appointed for that manifestation Galatians 4:4 says but when the fullness of the time was sent God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law now we may receive the adoption of sons by Allah that means under the law you can't function in sonship you must be free from the law and accept adoption for you to enjoy sonship under the Lord your servants when you are free from the law you become a song because the law is sort of faith nobody under the law can function by feet for you to function and fit you must divorce the law and embrace the finished work of Christ are we together here you see the man that doeth them shall live by them because the law is not of faith but we have received the righteousness of faith therefore the righteousness of faith speaketh on this wise righteousness devoid of works so Moses asked to see the Incarnation God say you can bear it it's not your time but when the fullness of the time came God sent 40 song teamwork you will put it like this in festivity chapter 1 chapter 3 verse 16 without controversy great is the mystery of godliness the god is manifests in the flesh God is manifest does the mystery of godliness that God took on humanity for the sick of man to identify with mankind so that mankind can identify with God look at it he took my place I take his place so look at this because of You Jesus United with Satan in death identification because you are with Satan in that you are dead in sins and trespasses so if he came for you he must of necessity assume your state so he came into union with Satan in death and as he United with Satan in that Union he destroyed the power of Caesar so that you can unite with him in righteousness so now what you say I don't think I can be righteous what you are doing is you are cast him as passion on what crisis don't actually an insult because if he came low to identify with you in debt you also come high and identify with him in righteousness I will be together here tonight so that what he has becomes what you have pay attention I'm gonna show you something John of the fourteen vast John 14 verse 2 salata John 14 verse 2 in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you now he didn't say I am building houses even the English helps you to know that what many people think of this verse is not what it is first of all there are no mansions in a house just think I've ever seen mansions in a house not my son's in a city in a house and that is where some people will tell you in heaven your own house have not been built some people the ass declare in grass some people your house is at window level and some people they have no painted your mansion Jesus is busy building and they always die I'm going on completed buildings I don't know why somebody else to die to burn some completed buildings in heaven just traveled a little bit somewhere you will see houses that are not completed what Jesus also seen is in my father's house are dueling places not buildings dwelling places and I says when I go this Kareem is not the one that were waiting for this Kareem was the one that happened after he died because after he died and rose from the dead Mary held him he said hold me not back I have not have gone to my father your father my god your God but tell my brethren I have risen now he went to heaven daddy appeared before the Father with the blood the blood was accepted kebaya and on that day that he appeared in heaven was the day he was sworn in as a high priest because Jesus was two goods in one he was two goats in one if you remember the types and shadows two goats scapegoat sacrificial lamb the sacrificial lamb is killed the scapegoat is released with the sins of Israel so Jesus was too good when he walked away to Golgotha he was the scapegoat on the cross he was a sacrificial lamb when he died he died as the animal of sacrifice but on the third day when heroes héroes as a high priest so he was bought the goods and the high priest when he ascended he ascended to the right hand of majesty to present the blood when the father accepted the sacrifice the father looked at Jesus and said to Jesus according to the prophetic Psalm thou art fairer than the children of men grace is poured into your lips therefore I God that God has blessed me forever God that sword upon the Tai almost mighty with thy glory and the majesty and in your majesty right prosperously because of righteousness and meekness and truth and your right hand shall teach you terrible things in righteousness that learn or God is forever God was talking to Jesus the scepter of your kingdom is a right scepter download his righteousness and hid his wickedness therefore I God your God has anointed you that was the day Jesus became the high priest of the New Testament are we together here now the moment he became high priests of the New Testament he raised us up into his priesthood remember whatever he did was not for himself remember the bed was my bed the barrier was my birria the resurrection was my resurrection the ascension is my ascension the glorification is my glorification so when it became priests I was also a priest with him he accepted me into priests to redeem meaning I don't need a go-between to talk to the Father I don't need an angel to help I don't need mother Mary to talk for me in fact if Mary didn't get born again you go to hell if Mary didn't get born again she will go to hell because Mary got born again and on the day of Pentecost she was in the in the upper room praying so when the Holy Ghost came Mary spoke in tongues there's no partiality now if you celebrate the Mary carry Jesus for nine moons what a few that he lives in you forever [Applause] he lives in you forever I will live in you I will walk in you I will be a God you will be my sons and daughters your body is the house of the Holy Ghost somebody hearing me shout I hear you so you are accepted into the priesthood of Christ we are he is you are all right now that John chapter 14 when he now said when I return I will receive you to myself when he rose and his blood was accepted he came back an entire room without a window and a door and then they doubted he britta'd on them the Holy Ghost and and he began a forty day conference teaching them that was where he began to teach them in Luke chapter 24 he said to them these are the words which I speak unto you 2444 while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses in the prophets in the Psalms concerning me then openly they are understanding that they may understand the scriptures so it was in that Luke 24 conference that the disciples for the first time on the students creatures why because Jesus put all the facts of the Scriptures together so when they saw the entire scriptures put together as they passing their understanding open and they understood the scriptures for the first time because Jesus expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the word expounded in Luke 24 25 was the first time in the Greek Greek text of the Bible you will see the word expound it is a Greek word Harmonia ammonia means interpreted so that means the times the shadows the prophecies and the promises of the Old Testament were coded they required interpretation meaning they were not literal so it had to be interpreted so when Jesus showed up he are not the scriptures then when they saw it interpreted their eyes opened and they understood the Scriptures I win the house here so now so when Jesus rose and became the high priest General of the charge in his resurrection is resurrection it is called identification so that's why now Revelation tells us he has made us kings and priests unto our God and we shall reign with him forever I will to get up now watch this John 14:21 the Gospel of John chapter 14 verse number 20 God punished the devil and that day I'm telling you a few something I doubt there you shall know not you shall feel oh it's good to feel very good to feel good but as they ran beyond feeling is a realm of knowledge that day you shall know that we are I am the eye you may be also remember as a promise son I said add a day after I have fulfilled the building of mansions you shall know that I am in my father and he in me and I in you complete union there will be no difference between you father and me we will be we will be will be Guto lot oh I'm looking for English we will be we will be intertwined so that when you see me you will know you you will know me all of us when you see me you see when you see you see me we will be inside each other no separation Union in that day which day today so right now when I say father I thank you that you hear me always when the father looks he sees Jesus he doesn't see me because I'm in him he's in me we are one no more no less no inferior no superior we're into each other the reason why when you pray or not sure God answers it cause the reality of who you ask not don't own you your mind has not been renewed to see who you truly are your identity is in crisis you're mentally agitated but the moment the reality dawns on you when you say father the same way Jesus said father is the same way the father hears you please pay attention do you realize that Jesus never called the Father God all through his life on it he kept calling him father father the only time he called him God was on the cross my God my God why why did he call him God on the cross because they had separated Jesus had died spiritually and is spiritually dead man cannot call god father God is a creator of everybody but it's not the father of everybody he created all of us but for him to father you he must give back to you a man must be born again born again his spiritual birth or birth from above and it happens instant when you hear the gospel and believe the moment you believe the gospel BAM resurrection happens it's instant is not a process no no raising the dead is not a process when a dead man comes to life he comes alive so a man that is not born again is dead the moment he hears the gospel the power of Resurrection enters us when our policy if the spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell at will in your mortal body he shall heed juvinity shall revitalize his shock quicken he shall bring back to life your mortal body somebody shot I am born of God let me a shout it like you don't pay for rent you're born of God so Reggie issue uh that's your priesthood what he has you have that's your kingship that's your kingship is not a feeling he said knowing his priesthood is your priesthood brother Peter calls it royal priesthood royal priesthood is kingly priesthood royalty in priesthood that means a king in the root you a king in the wood we are priests gather so all priests in the wood at Kings royal priesthood put it off for me first Peter 2:5 a b-29 I want the stuff from FAFSA first Peter two five two five I'll get up to nine I want to show you protects so we can see context first Peter 2:5 bless your heart you also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house not a physical house that's why you don't depend on feelings because you are in spiritual house not a physical house okay a spiritual house an holy priesthood so right now as you're sitting here you're holy it's not based on an activity your holiness not because you pretty nice know because you breathe you know contrary to what many of us think holiness doesn't mean seamlessness that's not the meaning of holiness holiness means to be set apart that's why spoons were holy animals were holy as filthy as Israel where you call them holy nation so that you are holy doesn't mean you don't make mistakes you're holy means you have been called out and set apart by him so called out hold on to him called out of Darkness called unto Him you are not just called out to operate anyhow you are called out unto him for dolls he foreknew he predestinated does she predestinated he called okay does he called he justified does she justified he glorified so when he rose I rose when he ascended I ascended we are his glorified I'm glorified so every born-again believer is called nobody comes to me jesus said except I call him the reason why you are born again is because you've been called you had the call and your answer the answer to that call is regeneration every believer is regenerated it's not a feeling is there knowing if you follow your feelings you will be confused myself there are times I don't feel like a man I don't just feel anything it doesn't change the fact that if I take a woman's clothes and I put on now and I use a woman's wig on my head I'm still a man even if I put lipstick and attach some attachments here and there I'm still a man it doesn't change who I am the problem with many believers is that they are we are in lipstick and weak in the spirit and I mean in their bodies in their minds and they think that is who they are because they don't really know exactly who they are so their identity is in crisis shall we hide himself and the sinner saved by grace question are you a sinner or are you saved because if you're saved you're not a sinner if you're a sinner you are not saved it's confused identification in the big to feel humble but that's not human little stupidity ignorance that's denying who you are that is looking at the mirror and said that is not me I am a dog I can be that otherwise if you accept what Christ has don't have a cabel etana let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who taught it not robbery to be any quality with God but made himself of no reputation and became obedient to death even the death of the cross we are for God has highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow of things in heaven on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord so if Jesus is mine I've been equal with God occupies your mind you begin to function in the reality of who you are somebody shouts I hear you let that mind occupy you be filled with his thoughts cast down imagination bring every thought under subjection to the brilliance of Christ whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things question is paralysis just is it good is it lovely is it a good report then when it comes to your mind put it down when the devil tells you you will end in a wheelchair and it paints a picture of you in a wheelchair tell him it is you and your grandfather that will be on that wheelchair if you keep your mouth quiet Satan will rub rubbish on your head you must be proactive you are not to be so full your heart should be so saturated because it is out of the abundance of the heart when your heart is empty your mouth will be I do when your heart is full my heart is indicted a good matter as touching the key between my mouth is like the pen of a ready writer so when my heart is full of the museum's of my identity and the devil tells me you cannot before he lands you cannot ah I can do all things through Christ who strengthens that is functioning in royalty the function in royalty you must have shut mouth I give you a mouth and wisdom that's why enemies can resist knocking say somebody shout I hear you the righteousness of faith speak it on this wise sin not in your heart you shall go to heaven to bring Christ down but what saith it the word is nigh thee in your heart and in your mouth that is the Word of Faith which we preach that they will tell you cannot tell him shut up you cannot I can you don't keep quiet we live in a day where your mouth was very sharp you look at situations and it looks like he's getting dark you shot light be light babe you call it things that be not as though they well because even God quicken at the dead by calling the things that be not as though they were you function in the righteousness of faith not the righteousness of works you operate in the righteousness of faith so back to the spirit of the two verse 5 let me finish the reading before I close are you blessed tonight forgive me I'm too charged to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable than say Oh father please accept me you you and your sacrifices when you sing don't say father may it be accepted your songs are unacceptable sacrifice because of Christ and that is why you are lyrics your lyrics must align with the finish walk don't sing anything that is Antichrist don't open the floodgates of ever let what flood who closed it Church you know you did 40 days fasting then at the end they say five days of open heaven see witchcraft to see manipulation so after 40 days of fasting heaven will only open for five days and close again no we don't have closed heavens we don't have closed heavens when Jesus rose from the dead and went through the virgin sky he opened the heavens he went the same day and came back the same day the heavens are no more closed what took Daniel three weeks to get an answer Jesus worship went came back the same day the heavens are open before you call now Allah is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you acts so even when you are thinking his hearing why is he hearing while you are thinking because two of your intertwined that's why you must mind what you think because everyone you don't open about and say father when you think it is hearing he will do exceeding abundantly above all that you acts or think so that's why you think on these things think on these things things that appeal things that are just things that are honest things that are lovely things that are of good report things that are of virtue and things that are praiseworthy why because that becomes your acceptable sacrifice your acceptable sacrifice because you are a spiritual house and as a spiritual house you are the priest in the house and you are the king in the house somebody shout hallelujah put the next verse verse 6 now pay attention verse 6 first Peter 2:6 we are for also it is contained in the scripture okay behold I lay in Zion a chief Cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be ashamed David prophesied that next verse on to you Tia for that belief he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner 8 an external stumbling and a rock of offense even to damage stumble at the word being disobedient we are on to also they were appointed next verse but he but he they stumbled at the world but here they believed the world you are a chosen generation chosen in the midst of the crowd you are selected by your faith in the gospel royal priesthood and because of royalty you are holy somebody shot I'm holy sell me very not amaz holy as Jesus holy nation peculiar people a new kind of humanity that you should shew forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous that means you became a priest by being born again the moment you got born again you became a priest and a king gone to God look at the next verse verse 10 kebaya which in time past we are not a people but now the people of God which are not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy right now where you're seated you are sitting in the mercy of God somebody shout I hear you Hebrews chapter 2 verse 10 God punish the devil Hebrews chapter 2 verse number 10 I love the Word of God Hebrews 2:10 for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering next verse kebaya next verse for both he that santé fired and de who has sanctified are all of one for which cause he's not ashamed to call them brethren Jesus is a sent afire I am the sanctified when he sanctified me me and him we became the same we're all of one somebody shot were all of one for which cause he's not ashamed Jesus is not ashamed of you somebody says well you're a good person says well I'm not ashamed of you holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling we are particles a particle is one that has a part in something so we are particles of Jesus is calling what is the call of Jesus a priest after the order of melchizedek and we are partakers of that call so in his priesthood is the priesthood of the believer in the priesthood of Jesus is the priesthood of the believer what does the priest do number one he offers preyas so that's why we pray for kings for those in authority that they will come to salvation we pray and God answers because we are priests number two orders the priests to offer spiritual sacrifices worship songs words of confession declarations you know and then your offerings the money you bring is part of your sacrifice because your money is actually not coming as money it comes as the value it represents as worship because when you give money and somebody gets born again your money becomes a soul stop thinking of money in terms of material things think of money in terms of value in Kingdom expansion think of money in terms of value are we together here all this debate about beta don't be a gift I don't give type is tanginess looking for expression simple stinkiness looking for expression if you are born of God you know that 10% is kindergarten class God gave you all what is 10% believe us we don't talk about percentage we talk about generosity if God gives you all if you give up your salary it's not a big thing it's not a big thing you've not done anything special so it's not a matter 10% no 10% if we put under the law bulls and goats blood of animals we are giving 10% then you under the precious blood of Jesus you're also struggling for 10% how are you different something is fundamentally wrong with you I just spiritually or mentally first of all spiritually means you're not born again now mentally means you are born again by your luck understanding how in the house if you hurry say I hear you so you know when I began to teach our church that a born-again believer doesn't need to walk by percentage we walk in the spirit our finance is crushed people are not giving the spirit of stinkiness took hold of the people captivity came on the people to give became a problem so I was praying I'm telling God is as something I have said I shouldn't have said God said to me no you have only exposed the state of their hearts then God said to me they never gave to me before he said they give into their fear so when you show them that there is nothing to fear they stop giving because they were not giving to me if they were giving to me and they discover there's nothing to fear they will be happy and give but because they were not given to me they were given to fear when they saw that has nothing to fear they stopped giving does their true state does their true state so that means all these offerings they were giving was not to God there's no blessing for it because when you are preaching if you don't pay tight it will be tight if you don't be tight the virus will crush you you your car will not engine your children will be admitted in the hospital when you preach terror people have been tied to religiously every Sunday they were carried out in the loop in fact if you forget the remand you passed a tight tight tight I'm teaching I'm teaching I'm teaching when you know told them can i suspend the price no davara will come they say then there is no more need he said they never give to me they give to their fear then he said to me because they don't know me they don't know me because when you see Jesus money loses value no you can't see Christ and be struggling with money no I can show you examples in scripture when when when when Zack he owes the tax collector tax collector who cheats everybody he was on a tree with him to see Jesus Jesus worked as his sake calm down today this salvation is come to your house me the winterice house sat down does Greece Jesus the grace of God sat down with Zakir is Cena a tax collector he was eating with Zakir when it dawned on Zacchaeus that this is Jesus that you stood up nobody preached anybody I have cheated I will pay times for when you say Jesus money loses any believer that is struggling to give is far from Christ the natural thing that happens to you when you see Christ suddenly you your money your time your talent you want to worship Him remember there is the finished work of Christ there is the ongoing work of Christ and there is the unfinished work of Christ Christ didn't finish it all he finished it we are you and God are concerned he finished it but there is the ongoing work and one meeting here today is the ongoing work the Holy Ghost through the office of ministry is unveiling the world building you up bring a revelation that's the ongoing work renewing your mind revealing to you who you are sudden you the finished work so it becomes a reality in your day-to-day life that's the ongoing work but there is the unfinished work for example prayer Jesus didn't we finish prayer when he rose from the dead he told them to pray Apostle Peter semi Palsy praying with all prayer and supplication praying so that Christ finish doesn't make him stop rain so why do we pray prayer is the medium of exercising your authority on the edge if you don't pray even though you are in authority it is not exercised prayer dispenses the authority prayer unleashes your authority and brings natural situations under subjection secondly prayer brings you into union with God in your mind we are you and God can see eye to eye it depends your intimacy with God prayer it works you up to the reality that's what he the place in the spirit speak at not to men but unto God so beloved praying in the Holy Ghost lights up higher and higher like an edifice payer naked power available why because prayer is the medium of exercising authority if not the devil goes about seeking for whom he may devour if you don't stay in prayer you can get careless and you will strike you but player keeps you a lot it keeps you watchful it makes you more sensitive when you are prayerful you can pick signals you can pick signals and the moment you pick a signal you open fire let good dog attack ago dagger dagger Norman snake at all no take no chances the moment you sends a signal edibles Agha Agha Agha Agha Agha if I'm preaching can I yell shot I hear you so prayer is one of the unfinished work of Christ every believer must watch Quran - with prayer Jesus says Simon Simon Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not and when you are restored strengthen your brethren Jesus prayed all night all day he spent time in prayer even though he was a son of God you cannot do it a prayer don't let anybody tell you class has finished player say time we use your head and rub the ground priya is your medium of exercise your authority when you feel about doing one kanga body do one guy open fire hey bozo kaya hey Baba hey Roberta lay hands my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost don't take anything for granted that's number one number two evangelism it was after he rose that he said go into all the world and preach he didn't preach for you he left that one for us but how shall they preach except they be sent in sending money is required nobody's supposed to do crusade with our money Crusades cost preaching cost traveling cost I'm here today from Leo I didn't speak in tongues to get here I didn't go to the airport and rose again Mona Yong Yong - Jean de then they gave me ticket we counted naira then they give us ticket and I'm here now to move from one place to another with the gospel is money this conference that you are enjoying now is money one is going generator is running the cell is born in per second things are consumables are being consumed all kinds of things as were sitting here money is born in especially in a country like Nigeria where almost everything is not working so you have to make things work with money so the church needs money that's why one of the unfinished work of Christ is money giving giving if you don't give the gospel now go how can they hear without a preacher and I can be preacher preach except they be sent blessed are the feet of those who bring good tidings but you take money to do it in genus looking for expression and only a man without understanding will give expression to stinkiness when you see Jesus when you see Jesus you would give out I'll give you I wish I can have more to give because he that is forgiving much love that more when you realize what Christ has done for you when you realize the love he has given to you when you realize what he has done on the cross for you when you realize why you will have benefit for Christ what is money you will give and be looking forward to give brother policy.we as we have spent and we expect the Macedonian charge he said this they did not as we hoped but first of all they gave themselves to God and to us and then they give out of their deep poverty the people are in a poverty that is qualified by deep yet their liberality the liberality of the richest abounded the liberality of the richest in the depth of poverty abounded then enough so we know the grace of Allah Jesus how that he was rich yet for your sake he became poor that you treat poverty Multi rich what is the grace of Christ the grace of Christ is when I deprived myself to enrich others the grace of Christ is not accumulation is distribution that I deprived myself so somebody can be angry I give up my project so crew said can happen I give up a pleasure maybe I was to travel for holiday I consider the crusade I took my vacation money I gave to the conference that is grace grace is not gathering grace is distributing this is the ability to deny myself so others can be enriched so others can be reached so others can be blessed that's grace so grace is not I have grace I have gathered and I'm gathering know that's what grace that selfishness Chris is distribution in Melania is no one that has a million dollars in the bank in Melania is one whose life was touching million people it's not one that has got that money and a - Melania is a man when he looks around he sees lives all over that if not because of him they won't be smiling does a Melania he looks around the church you can point to one project two projects three projects for projects my money is in it and because of my giving see how breadwinner and drain the grace of God and join the comfort of God's Word my money is in this ministry that's why things are happening that is grace it's not that I have 15 cars I have grace you have spin genus and selfishness because even one car you have a many seats can you occupy how many seats can your bumbum occupy in that you're one car only one one small space the rest is left for flies and mosquitoes if they available even the one bed you have how many space can you sleep on you sleep just in one corner the rest is left for whatever is available to occupy so godliness with contentment is greatly having food and raiment let us deal with the content a man's life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possess what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul there is see the scattereth and yet increaseth the Reseda with all that modern hizmet and appended to poverty illiberal soul shall be made fat heat our courage himself also be water I feel like I'm preacher if you are hearing me shout I hear you every hold of tanginess is broken in this place it's broken in this place is broken in this place Oh Priya has a shot I am liberal I am a distributor of my resources for the kingdom assignment I didn't hear your MA stand up let's close that's all I've got for you tonight as kings and priests we must finish their own finish walk as kings and priests we must complete what Christ didn't complete we must lay down our resources in first John he said Christ laid down his life for us we ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren we ought to we ought to lay down our lives he has laid down his own life we ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren so when we give our money when we spend time in prayer when we get involved with evangelism we are completing the unfinished work and there is a reward for all of us our priesthood will be rewarded by Christ that we took our place in his finish walk to finish the unfinished work i decree tonight in this building as your ma will come like Tonga whatever was not walking around your life and started working right now barriers are broken barriers are broken obstacles are broken in the name of Jesus I think Leah today the spirit of liberality and generosity the love of God in your heart finds complete expression in the name of Jesus through you lives will be effected through you the gospel in advance through you the kingdom will expand through you guys focus on the earth shall be established as a priest you will fulfill your responsibilities as a king you will decrease decrease in the name of Jesus I thought I will hear determine on a note of finality TL Osborn just before he died few years ago I met him in London he was busy preaching he must be Bridget they said that is what I do to convince God to keep me living longer so I'll continue to be a blessing to people is I have discovered when you stop being a blessing your purpose for living suddenly ends suddenly I don't know why you should be alive because you are no more useful you are useless to yourself and to everybody else so why'd you be here your usefulness is in the impact you make in people's lives so I was so challenged or that I was watching one of the secular programs I don't know if it's the owner of Zen Ibaka somebody selected 3000 brains in Africa and brought them to his school to train them in skills the best brains in Africa 3000 imagine what will happen in generations to come with those 3000 brains we are that man is causing his legacy can end the problems we don't think we just think is all the judges art is my money is my money 50,000 in my money impact changing lives making our money available so through this ministry source can be brought in the kingdom friends let me be honest with you the gospel preaching requires a lot of money first would falsehood has been sponsored majorly sponsored fursuit truth has just a few sponsors so every money we can have we must have it to push it out when Jesus rose from the dead some Bush was among the Jews brought packs of money and paid the soldiers to go and say he didn't rise said that light is white till today in Israel Jewish people are still waiting for Christ they use lies to close the mouth of the gospel we need money to open the mouth of the gospel the more money you give to the gospel the more the gospel can be loud the voice of a poor man is not hard in a city I will together here it's not just giving in this meeting even after this meeting as a lifestyle as a lifestyle you see that an access have some punchin questions what will not be remembered for in 20 years when I appear before Jesus what will he say well done to me for based on the value of eternity you ignore the pleasures of this world like Moses lead and begin to make impact in the gospel of Christ somebody shot I hear you please this is very important and I pray for you tonight further in the name of Jesus under the unction of this conference at the greater increasing revelation Plata increasing revelation greater increase in revelation thank you father for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer shall determine on a note of finality [Music]
Channel: TREM VIC
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Id: pxe76s_TvCg
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Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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