Book Of Galatians 1

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Abel demeanor so we're starting a journey tonight I hope you have your barrels and notebooks were gonna explore the book of Galatians understanding the book of Galatians the Bible tells us in John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God in the beginning was the word actually means in the beginning was the risen the thought the essence or in other words in the beginning was the explanation of all things in John chapter 1 verse 14 he says that word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth that word became flesh and dwelt among us which word the explanation of all things the word is the explanation of all things meaning that the explanation of scripture is in a passing the explanation of scripture is in a pressing through that pressing the Scriptures makes sense to us the explanation of the Scriptures are in a passing through that passing the Scriptures makes sense to us let me just give you an illustration to help you understand what I just said Hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 to 6 talking about the correction of the law and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him next verse for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth and we've already said that you know in the Old Testament you will see the words cause from where the scripture was made reference to now you know some people believe that the chastening of the Lord has to be with the Lord trying to teach you a lesson through sickness or trying to teach you a lesson through poverty or trying to teach you and lesson through hard times you see some believers when they are going through hard they will say the Lord is trying to get my attention that must be some cruel father sometimes believers are going through a very bad situation with health their health is under heavy attack they say I'm sure the Lord is trying to teach me a lesson to teach me how to calm down how to meditate and how to study so they paint a picture of God as a cruel master you know meaning that they do not believe the words of Jesus because if we believe that everything that God says in the scripture is explained in Christ then you will not think of sickness as God teaching you a lesson you won't think of poverty has got teaching you a lesson so in order for us to understand a little bit of that and decipher the scripture we just read we have to go back to the Gospels and see the modus operandi of Jesus Jesus speaking in the gospel says he that has seen me has seen the father meaning I am the exclusive revealer of the father or I am the father made manifest or I give expression to the character of the father meaning if you cannot see Jesus you cannot see the father and if you don't know Jesus you cannot know the father is this I am the way no man can go to the Father except by me is not talking about Road of travel he was talking about nobody can access the revelation or the unveiling of the father except I am unveil to him again Jesus is the explanation of the scriptures all the Scriptures are explained in a passing the passing of the class explains the scriptures to us so let's watch this how did Jesus rebuked people when he was on earth he didn't rebuke people with sickness he didn't rebuke people with disease he rebuked people with words with words so the chastening of the Lord will be with words he never stormed anybody with with a fever to teach him a lesson Jesus never destroyed somebody with poverty to teach him a lesson he expresses the father to us he the father to us and the Bible tells us he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him so if Jesus reveals the father to us and Jesus never got anybody rebuked by sickness disease or poverty or going through a hard time then the father subtly does not rebuke people by sickness poverty disease and tough times how did Jesus rebuked people he rebuked people with words for example you know he said to Peter let us go over to the other side the instruction was let us go over to the other side the instruction was let us go over to the other side when they were on their way to the other side there was a great storm of wind and you know there was boisterous and Jesus was sleeping and Pizza walked to Jesus and said master carest thou not that we perish he didn't rebuke Peter he just to the first of all first of all he rebuked the wind and the waves he took care of the problem then in answer to them why did you doubt I mean look at Peter working in the water Jesus Peter said Jesus if you are the one master beat me to come to you on the water jesus said come that's exactly why I am working to show you what potentials you have so Peter got out of the boats and began to work on the water and then it began to sing Jesus didn't start to say I have been warning you Peter you mean all the teachings I have taught you you couldn't even walk on the water why did you keep it up it'll be drinking water Peter will be dead because while he is trying to scratch Peter he will destroy Peter but what did Jesus do when Peters that is sinking he moved to him and grabbed him he first of all helped him then when he has rescued him while they were walking back today what I see why did you doubt that means God does not look for how to get you at a point of advantage to the jealousy in fact if you catch in to a point of advantage he comes to a rescue fast before using words to rebuke you I'm teaching here so Jesus explains the father to us Jesus reveals the father to us and if you're watching oh you're in the service you've always thought that God will use calamities to teach you a lesson well you were misled actually somebody defrauded you somebody carried out a fraud on your passing because God does not use Satan's equipments to instruct his children he uses words to instruct his children if you understand that can I get your good amen and he does Mary buek you only with words he rebukes you with words in love he rebukes you with words in love for example bata is doubting him but first of all he comes his rescue that is love then after rescuing him as they walk together he now rebukes him with words he could have allowed him to drink the water as a rebuke but that is not in him it's not his nature somebody said well God sent it to another to destroy this city because they a lot of homosexuals in the city and a lot of drunkards in the city that is not consistent with the character of God because evil Sodom and Gomorrah that was given to a lot of adultery and immorality God still give them a chance even on the day of destruction he's to give them a chance the angels came to give them good message to give them the message but they rejected Christ and Sodom and Gomorrah was a typology of the end of the world that if you reject Christ then you will be consumed the Ark of Noah was a typology of the end of the world that if you refused to enter the app you refused to accept the message of salvation when the app is closed when the world ends then you will have to be swallowed by the floor these are all topologies of the end of time revealing what happens to people who reject the gospel I don't know if I'm communicating it so Jesus explains to us the scriptures or the scriptures explained in Christ I didn't hear somebody shout hallelujah I didn't hear somebody shout hallelujah so the Bible is explained in a passive to be able to understand the Bible you look at the Bible in a pressing John 5:39 such the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me in them you think because in them you don't have eternal life eternal life is not in the scriptures eternal life is in a passing eternal life is not in the scriptures eternal life is in a passing but the Scriptures testify of the passing the scriptures testify of the passing but eternal life is not in the scriptures eternal life is in the passing I don't know if I'm communicating here because verse 40 of that John 5 says and you will not come to meet the passing that you might have life life is not in the scriptures life is in a person the Scriptures cannot give life only Jesus gives life Jesus is life the book of 1st John chapter 5 verse 20 and we know that the Son of God is come and had given us an understanding that we may know him the Son of God has come to give us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true who is this him even in his son Jesus Christ who is Jesus Christ this is the true God who is the true God and eternal life so Jesus is the true God and Jesus is eternal life so what we say you have receive eternal life what do we mean you have received Jesus what do we mean you have received a true God complicate Jesus is the true God Jesus is eternal life eternal life is Jesus the true God is Jesus to receive Jesus is to receive the true God to understand Jesus is to understand the true God to understand Jesus is to understand eternal life John 17:3 and this is life eternal that they may know you the only through God so who is the only through God Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ is the only true God if you don't know Jesus you don't know the true God you can know religion you can know about God but you cannot know God till you know Jesus no man can come to the Father but by me why he is life eternal this is life eternal that they may know you so eternal life is a person eternal life is a person when we say you have received eternal life what we mean is that God or Jesus or eternal life the same thing has walked into you he that has the son has life life is in the Sun life is not in the scriptures but the scriptures revealed to us the Sun very important so knowing the Scriptures and quoting the scriptures doesn't give life that you memorize scriptures and you can cut sculptures doesn't give life the life that the Scriptures testify of can only be experienced in a passive I'm teaching you the life that the Scriptures testify of can only be experienced in a passive so life is in a person and the essence of the entire document called the scriptures is the revelation of Jesus the essence of the entire book the Scriptures is the revelation of Jesus that's why I said they are the Scriptures which testify of me if you're with me shout I hear you I say if you're with me shout I hear you in Luke chapter 24 verse 27 if all you're doing is to study the Bible so you can know the Bible you are in an academic pursuit if all you're doing is to study the Bible so you can know the Bible you are you and if you're not Janu doesn't know Jesus are the same your study of the Bible is not for just head knowledge your study of the Bible is to unveil God to you so you and God can have a more effective relationship this is the essence of teaching the essence of study is so that God can be unveiled because the more you know God the more effective you are in your relationship many can pray because they don't know Jesus so they are praying to the unknown God we're praying to the unknown God how can you pray how you have to know him I know the riches that he has provided in knowing him praise God who is he praise God look 24:27 and beginning at Moses of course we know the story on the way to Emmaus he met this gentleman who had disciples of his who we are discussing about his death and burial and they were talking to Jesus Jesus called them fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken to cure them of that kind of foolishness beginning at Moses of course you know Moses is Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy the first books of the Bible beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself the things in the scriptures what makes the scripture scriptures ad things concerning him why the Scriptures are explained in a person or Jesus is the explanation of the scriptures please is very important he said the Scriptures he expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself he is the message of the Scriptures so hence we say that the Bible is a Christocentric material he took them through the whole Old Testament because when he was expanding to them in all the Scriptures there was no look there was no New Testament so we re expounded to them was Genesis to Malachi and he said Genesis to Malachi testify of me and then to prove that beginning at Moses and all the prophets Old Testament he expounded unto them in all Genesis to Malachi the things concerning himself are you still here I said are you still here so pay attention they are understanding of the scriptures therefore the scriptures are understood therefore when they are pointing to Jesus the understanding of the scriptures is when the scriptures are taught in a way we are they point to Jesus anything else said that will leave you in limbo it will leave you in confusion in that Luke chapter 24 look our happen to them in verse 43 and it took it and did it before them and he said unto them these are the words which as we continue while I was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written we are in the law of Moses and where and in the prophets and where and in the Psalms how concerning me concerning me then next verse open here they are understanding that they might understand the scriptures when you see Jesus your understanding opens to understand the scriptures that testify of him then upon here they understand that they might understand the scriptures no wonder Paul said to his son Timothy in 2nd timothy 3:15 that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus that word known is the word acquaint to acquaint yourself or to be a friend of something to know something to be acquainted or to be afraid or to be familiar with something you have known you have been acquainted with the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 19 we have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto you do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shine it in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts next verse knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation the word private interpretation there means private origin or private source now said no prophet prophesied from what he felt or what he thought all prophets who prophesy from the same container all the Old Testament prophets pulled out their prophecy from the same container that means their prophesy is the same no private origin nobody professors from his own private source all of them professor from a collective source meaning that if you go through all their prophecies it is saying the same thing in different forms are we together here no prophecy of the scripture of the script no prophecy of the scripture is of any private source origin so the Scriptures have one origin the Scriptures have one origin referring to the singularity of the Scriptures or the singularity of the mind of the scriptures referring to the singularity of the mind of the Scriptures that no scripture is of any private interpretation look at the stretch one for the prophecy somebody said they prophesy a result for prophecies afford a prophecy for the prophecy not for prophecy meaning a particular class of prophecy talking about the prophecy of the scripture for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man minute Norma just stood up and prophesied what he thought it didn't originate from an individual's opinion when it comes to the scripture you don't have an opinion please listen carefully that's why the scripture must interpret itself you rightly divide it let it interpret itself why the Bible will never mean today what it never meant when it was written the Bible can never mean today what it never meant when it was written that's why it is of no private interpretation it was not a circumstantial prophecy it was not a man's opinion it was not the will of hema are the prophets pulled out their prophecy from the same origin because all of them we are moved by the holy ghost I'm teaching here please if you're with me say hey that's why the scripture has no respect for persons and it has no respect for situations we don't subject the Bible to future situation no we don't preach circumstantial messages we give you doctrine when you are established in doctrine from the docket opposition you handle situations we done neutralized the potency of scripture to become circumstantial no no no we give you the mind of God as revealed in Christ when you receive that can you see yourself in Christ then any situation now is standing whether we liberate them or not you can handle it in Christ so what we give you is doctrine what we give you stuffing we don't give you motivation we don't teach you in a promotion we don't teach you how to survive recession no such circumstantial messages we reveal Christ to you where you see yourself in Christ recession will avail you Mottola the body cream dang gangulu the goddess hylia no scripture is of any private interpretation therefore the Scriptures cannot be subjected to the will of a man because they never originated forma but they came from the same origin holy man spec as all of them we are moved by the Holy Ghost look at it now but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost so all of them spoke from the Holy Ghost pegye Bato all of them did what spoke from where from the Holy Ghost and you know the Holy Ghost has one mission to reveal Jesus so all of them spoke the revelation of Jesus as enabled by the Holy Ghost this is very important you understand this more when you look at first Peter chapter 1 verse 10 food salvation the prophets have inquired and such diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you they were searching that's why the professor didn't come from their will if the prophecy came from their will they wouldn't such they will have been prophesying what they know but because it was not originated from man after they prophesied it they had to such because this is not coming from me and I understand what I'm saying it doesn't make sense to me all the prophets look at it such a what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was invented signify when it testified beforehand what was the testimony of the Spirit the sufferings of Christ so a lot o Malita the content and context of their prophecy is summarized in the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow there are two basic things about Christ he will suffer and out of his suffering glory will follow and that is what Trev runs through the book called sketch shows it runs through the prophecy of the prophets so the entire Bible is christ-centered is Christocentric the Bible is not a teaching on ideas for technology we are not here to give you belladonna BA we are not here to give you ideas for technology the Bible is not for business enterpreneurship agricultural revolution no that is far from the Scriptures the scriptures are centered on a person so for a story of Galatians we already have a foundation we already a foundation for a story of Galatians now to further show you what this foundation is 1st Corinthians 3:11 for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ the foundation is a person is not the shining of village the foundation is a passive it's not the day that your village worships which some people have used in the name of deliverance to perpetually keep kristance in bondage ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth the foundation is a passive for other foundation can no man lay than that which is already laid we are not trying to lay a foundation for you the foundation has been laid and the foundation is surpassing what is his name Jesus Christ so if you are in Christ where are you you are already on a lay foundation so anybody actually to go to the village to break the foundation is insulting us dignity did you hear that anybody asking you to go to the village to break a foundation in the village is insulting what your saintly dignity there's only one foundation Jesus Christ and it has already been laid it is not going to be late so when you come into class you came into an already structured led foundation are you in the foundation and what kind of foundation show foundation what kind of foundation show foundation the believer in Christ is not in a dilemma at all his case was said to before you came into it his life was fixed before he came in he's a blessing to know Jesus praise the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation of all preaching and teaching Jesus Christ you are not a foundation of original teaching Jesus is the foundation we don't forget our messages on you our message is Christ when you see Christ Christ reflects in you revelation 19:13 and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God his name is called what the Word of God the same Revelation says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy the testimony of Jesus is what the spirit of prophecy meaning that Jesus is the explanation of all things associate all prophecy capitana that came from the prophets prophesy that care from the profits originated out of the testimony of Jesus the message of Jesus is what forms the prophecy of the prophets the message of Christ is what forms the prophecy of the prophets where the major prophets of minor prophets for the establishing that the Bible is Jesus's book there's a Christocentric material the Bible is a Christmas centric material when you read the Bible and you don't see Jesus you didn't read go back I read because Christ is the explanation of all things look at Philippine Samaria Acts chapter 8 verse 5 then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached what what was his message what was his message he preached Christ and after preaching Christ while he was celebrating miracles that happened because when Christ is preached he takes care of everything all things were made by him while miracles were happening the spirit said to Philip join the chariot when he joined the chariot he finally guided chariot was in Minister of Finance a rich guy and it was written from the book of Isaiah where the Bible says was let us have done before he share us and he opened not his mouth and as Philip joined a child Imelda married him Philip examine a billion dollar question understandest thou what thou readest they are many reading the Bible and cannot explain what the rhythm because they are not reading it please to sell Rick Ali if there's English language they are reading to look for solution to problem that's not the essence of the Bible the essence of the Bible is to have their price so if you are looking for Christ you will find him then you find him you know what to do with problems it's what problems faces Christ Fest is not afraid of problems so get in fast when you get in you form a team but seek you fast and what will happen and all these wretches don't want to happen these things are not team none of these things can measure to the value of Christ there's nowhere to even begin the comparison from glory to God I say glory to God Philip Axum understandest our Dow readers and the Messiah how can i except some man should guide me then the Bible says and beginning from the same scripture Philip didn't start from another one that means Philip was so so sound in the scriptures that anywhere even from if Allah finds you he will start from there to explain Christ because the whole Bible is Jesus's book is written about the sacrifices in Leviticus the total dose the kitchen if that's where you find him you start from the pigeon undertow to do to preach Christ because both the total dose and the pigeons were all concerning Christ the tabernacle all of them were Christ Joseph in the Old Testament was a type of Jesus in manifestation in parable that Joseph story Joseph story was Jesus his story in parables who was Joseph the beloved of the Father who is Jesus the beloved at the father what happened to Joseph his products rejected in what happened to Jesus he came unto his own and his own received him not what happened to Joseph he was sold a slip what of Jesus the father gave him up what happened to Joseph Joseph in slavery was interpreting dreams what happened to Jesus he was interpreting all our dreams in Redemption what happened to Joseph Joseph Breeden dreams became the prime minister second-in-command in fulfilling said in this drone I am just we go ahead it is you Dowell actually operate the throne what happened to Jesus we are for God has highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus so so so so Joseph was a type of Jesus but you see if you don't have a Christocentric understanding you will be living just a story on him sorry but no no it was prophesied in dramatization the summary he says they are they which testify of me the Bible is Jesus his book became a from the scripture Philip explained Christ to the man that's true Bible study to be able to stop from anywhere and preach Christ does true Bible study Jesus is the light is the life is the essence is the message of the Scriptures keeper tanaga 1st Corinthians 2 verse 1 we are still trying to study Galicians who are still trying to set the runway for the takeoff are you still in the house yes available and I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech of wisdom I didn't come with motivation I didn't come with the skills of public speaking excellency of speech I didn't come with human wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God natural acquired University the skills and degree to unveil Krause but watch this she said for I determined not to know anything among you I don't want to know what you studied in the university I don't want to know if you're a graduate or have that I don't want to let you graduated from which one again Cambridge no no no no I don't want you know the Chi you drove while you were coming to the Saudis I don't want to know whether you're the governor of a state or you are a federal minister all those things don't matter when Jesus shows up all that you think you are in the face of Jesus is nothing so I determined to know nothing among yourself Jesus Christ and him crucified why because that is the message in Madinah revealing Christ is wasting your time he's just wasting our time our resources there's no need to sit on that any man that can unveil Christ to you he's not what you're reading this right watch your attention there's no need because he's just making caricature of your time if he cannot resist I see means he doesn't know the book and if he does know the book why sit down under a rock they walk just like you have quack doctors when they crack doctor works on you he will you will have to be walked upon if you are lucky if you are not lucky before they will walk on you you will kick the bucket you know what kicking the bucket is how do they kick the bucket they cross over just like that why sit under a rock pressing why a man of God must must be sound in word and doctrine he mops if he does him don't let him use you fight very much you're not a guinea pig your pressures before God you sit on the a man that woke up on the book and show you Jesus because is the essence of preaching and as the essence of what teaching every time you come here I am Jesus have a covenant with each other we have an agreement that my responsibility is to reveal him to you no matter which subject of scripture we study it will be Christocentric say he became a eunuch was preaching what did Philip preached to him Christ it doesn't matter a was reading from it doesn't matter where was reading for that doesn't matter why I was ready he doesn't matter I was waiting for the message is a passing the message is not politics the message is not governance we teach you Christ and you in him we preach not ourselves but Christ that's what we preach preach ourselves we preach not ourselves we are not a message he is the message anybody preaching himself is trying to push Jesus out of the way and be our Jesus and he doesn't have the juice if it eat any cuttings approach not ourselves did my blood save a fly can I even be able to save a health my head what will I preach me there's nothing to preach about me I started to preach about me there's everything to preach about him here's a message glory to God it's all about Jesus hallelujah somebody shot nothing about me all about him so because you are in him when we started a Bible you see yourself in him cause the Scriptures testify of him now are you ready Galatians chapter 1 verse 1 now just before I read it keep it there most of the ignorance that we have today in the church world number one is how people understand or misunderstand the Pauline epistles does the first problem in the church world how people understand or misunderstand the Pauline epistles does the first problem sometimes I get one I get baffled when I hear a preacher preach a whole one hour not one epistle is read for a whole one hour not even one of the pistols not even by mistake do you hear and it is to mention and he's preaching to believe us shall we preach from the Old Testament is to light the Old Testament is to light because they are just portions of food portions of teaching scattered here and there the concentrated truth is the pistils CIU so it's one of the major ignorance in the body of Christ today is either their understanding of the Pauline epistles or the misunderstanding of that number to the Pauline epistles unlock the scriptures to us the Scriptures cannot be unlocked outside the Palani pistils number three the polarities news unlocks the mystery of the scriptures it unlocks the mysteries of the Scriptures so when you don't understand the Pauline epistles you will never understand the Bible that's what many people are fighting brother Paul they fight his teachings but what did Jesus say himself on the last public teaching of Jesus the last day Jesus did a teach in public what did Jesus say in John chapter 16 because I was Jesus's last public lecture John 16 verse 12 I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot be at them now that means what I want to say I have not said it because you lack the capacity to carry it the next verse happy it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into the truth the teacher the teacher so the epistles are the truth concerning Jesus revealed Genesis to Malachi passion potion potion of the truth the epistles are the truth to sing Gloria their pistols gives you the body of truth all the truth this is the totality of truth because the epistles unveils a passing to us in his full glory it unveils Jesus in his full glory the words of Jesus in the four Gospels cannot give you complete revelation itself yet many things us activist said it is also you can find complete result revelation in the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels but in the Epistle is where you find it watch this in the Gospels where Jesus II take up your cross and follow me take up your cross and full have you read that in the Gospels when you complete the pistil you will never hear him asking you to take off your cross in the epistles he took the cross on your behalf so that one was telling you to take was incomplete because they real passing that will take the crosses himself when he took the cross he took it on your behalf so you don't have the cross to carry anymore because he has carried the cross on your behalf and weighing him you and him carried it together I'm teaching here I met a pastor in Ghana bless his heart blade man of God came in from America great man been in ministry for years sat down to listen to me was also a guest speaker he decided that he must listen to the fascia and Tatiana open fire on the revelation of Jesus he'll ibaka the team was coming from every direction sometimes the thing is too much you know what I used my fingers to dispense it on my legs tinkers perfume it will happy when we finish it acts for all my nine books that night all my nine books he bought it the whole nine books he bought it I said anybody that can do Jesus like this must know what she's talking about he bought my nine books he bought it on Friday evening buy something even when he came to help me preach my last message he said I have finished within the whole nine books he said sleep left my eyes from that Friday I have not closed my eyes I made up my mind I was empty everything you are putting the books is I have read all the nine books and I'm carrying them to America I will be reading them and teaching it in my charge some of you have not read two of it taking things for granted right the man finished all the nine books in three days this I've read he said he said look dr. domina the illiteracy in the body of Christ is the lack of understanding the pistils a tolling you're correct I'm totally absolutely correct how we shall fellowship it was a beautiful time when people don't understand their pistols they begin to fight with themselves look at it Peter said it brother Peter he said it in second Peter chapter 3 verse 15 put it up is it an account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has original to you brother Paul had a wisdom with which he wrote which none of us have better see Jesus physically submitted to Paul Isabella brother Paul he spoke things by the wisdom given to him and we respect that wisdom and we bowed to that we stopped the look at Peter's acknowledgment of position as also in all epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things even Peter acknowledge that some things that Paul taught are hard to be understood which they that are unlearned step arrests as they do also the other scriptures but this is on to their own destruction there are super distance there are super these things they fight ignorant Lee galatians 1:1 hey and look Radha Paul when I get ready now will shake him and give him knock I'll tell him chop block who brought up knock knock Paul an apostle I like the way he started it don't you like that Paul and a posture then he now give it a qualifier not of men meaning nobody ordained me meaning nobody call me and say you on Apostleship is not a title can I talk to somebody night by man than me nobody give me the title of an apostle but this is how it came but by Jesus Christ and God the Father or Jesus Christ which is god the father who raised him from the dead what Paul is submitting here number one is that you don't put in an apostille you can attain peace shops you can attain Dickens you can attain elders but you don't obtain a postures you turn ordained prophets you don't open pastors teachers and evangelists these are offices which Jesus has given he that descended Reseda ascended and when he said what did he do he gave gift and what are the gifts opposed to profit evangelist pastor in teachers he gave them you don't owe them them they are giving but the church can recognize them okay in a concentration service where we see we recognize that you are set apart as a gift to the body of Christ but we don't ordained them their ordination is from Jesus himself but bishops can be ordained elders can be ordained okay Dickens can be ordained but you don't obtain the fivefold ministry so Paul is beginning to show you something here somebody in the house as a summary in the house yeah we recognize the fivefold ministry he said oh they're not of men in acts of the thirteen verse one we see a service taking place now they were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers as Barnabas and Simeon that was gone leader and Lucius of Cyrene and Mannion which had been brought up with Herod the Tetrarch and Saul and as the minister to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work we're on to have called see I have already ordained them I have already called them your job is just to separate them you are not the ones calling them I have called them you just separate them pray for them I released them today I have already called next verse and when they are fasting and pretty Lydia hands on them and send them away in acts of the sickness to to--for they set apart begins and the ordained them then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples on to them and said it is no reason that we should live the Word of God and serve tables we're forever looking out among you several men of honest report full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business but who give ourselves continually to prayer and to the Ministry of the world and the same please all multitude and they chose stephen a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost and Philip and pro cross and nicanor and timon and parmenas and nicolas a proselyte of antioch whom they set forth before the apostles and when they are played their hands on them does coordination the Kings were ordained but pastors apostles prophets teachers I a gift from Jesus they are a gift from Jesus to the body of Christ you can pray for them set them apart Paul said to Timothy in 2nd Timothy 1:6 wherefore I put in remembrance that the sphere of the gift of God which is indeed by the putting on of my hands first the motive for 14 neglect the gift that is indeed which was given me by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery you can pray for them a realism to the walk because they call didn't come by ordination it came from Jesus Christ it's not of men no man called these fivefold offices they are authors gifts given to the body of Christ by Jesus as one of the benefits of his resurrection because when he ascended that he give the gift is Jesus that gave it I'm teaching here I said I'm teaching here so an apostle not of man but by Jesus Christ vast of Galatians 1 and all the brethren which are with me unto the churches of Galatia all the brethren you know yes sometimes you say Paul is an apostle sent to the Gentiles beta is an apostille century Jews let's be careful how we copy statements we have to do a doctrinal search before we own statements you don't Jose it doesn't matter who said it doesn't make it authentic check if it is in Jesus check the Scriptures received a statement is in if it agrees with you if not don't see it so amen so let's look at the call of policy when Apollo's really truly silly gentle he may ox 96 and he trembling and astonished said Lord what will the help me do and the Lord said unto Him arise I'm going to the city and he shall be told thee what thou must do verse 15 of Acts 9 now this is when Paul met Ananias but a lot said unto him go thy way for his a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children so Paul was to be at a name before Gentiles before Kings before the children so it wasn't sent to the Gentiles alone he was sent to everybody kings Gentiles the children of Israel see that is from the core that is from the call now Paul was narrating me his vision himself this is an analyst an original now Paul is talking about it himself before the King in acts 26 13 look at the way Paul said II to Agrippa admit the Oh King I saw in the way a light from heaven above the brightness of the sunshine around about me and then would join it with me and when we were all falling to the earth I had a voice speaking unto me and said in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why persecutest thou me it is hard for thee to kick your legs against the pricks and I said who are the Lord and he said I am Jesus under persecutors but rise and stand upon the feet for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make the a minister and a witness but of these things which thou hast seen and are those things in the which I will appear on Geneva 17 delivering them from the people are from the Gentiles all to whom now I send II delivering the from the people one two from the gentes in the New Testament where you see the word people he means Jews so Paul himself said when Jesus appeared to me he said I am delivering you from the people and from the Gentiles on to him now I sent you to the people and ascend you to the Gentiles are you here praise the Lord and then was et to open their eyes and to bring them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me so Paul was in sent exclusively to non-jews all his materials can be read by Jews and non-jews having a few remarks of the 16 verse 15 the Commission is not to Jews or Gentiles go into all the world Matthew 28 going to other one make disciples of all nations in fact if you read acts 13 every city palawan - first of all he went to the Jews after preaching to the Jews he now went to the Gentiles every city he went to every city went because ours is called to bring the message of Jesus Christ to all of humanity not just a selected so there's no special message for Jews and there's no special message for Gentiles the message is one Jesus Christ hallelujah amen I said it messages are many the message is one when Paul enters a city he will go to the Gentiles he will go to the Jews fest then you will go to the Gentiles most of the places were Paul went the reason is because the message is one the actor is one the mission is one to reveal Christ the entire Bible is tied in one message Christ every prophets book became part of the Bible because when it was taught it it was in line in agreement with all the other rights that's when Jesus will teach you will be said Moses said about me David said about me he was confirming that all of them we are prophets pointing to him like I always say Jesus is not God's messenger Jesus is the message and when you get the message of the Christ you understand salvation when you understand salvation you understand who you are when you understand who you are in him you can say I am complete in him who is the head diploma the corporate headquarters of the Godhead bodily who is complete in Christ year can you stand on your feet are shot I am complete in him can I Jerry shot him very loud shouted like you know what you're talking about say in him there is no sickness in him there is no poverty in him there is no disease in him there is no failure I am complete in him therefore no disease no poverty no failure is permitted in my territory I taught you a shot a good amen now say I resist Satan his cohorts and every setup of the kingdom of darkness I resist you it is written when I resist you will flee right now I resist poverty I resist sickness I resist frustration I resist stagnation and I declare that always Jesus causes me to triumph I didn't hear powerful women say the remaining days of my life I will live a triumphant life in Christ I have no luck I have no need in Christ I am complete in Christ in Christ I am blessed beyond measure in Christ I am favoured favored by God I cannot be denied by man I am accepted in the beloved beautiful I am found the Virgin's love me I didn't hear your amen and I prophesied to the first 500 of you who will come swimming favored swimming favored swimming favored by the favor of God I decree your Mountain is standing strong every need is met according to his riches in glory I command that glory inside you to flow out of you a mission needs we're in the name of Jesus infinichi go this is melt this is melt this is melt discomfort go body be healed has be healed Korea be healed situation be healed business be healed what cannot be found in Christ cannot be found in him I decree by the finish work of Christ reign in life brazen I Victory station
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 53,692
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Id: UcmT5OQT-5A
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Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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