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[Music] feel the power welcome to rishi's invasion of truth with dr ebel damina hello facebook family and friends what a joy to be able to welcome you today to this wonderful broadcast you know it's always a joy to survey the grace of god to teach you the word of god remember this season we are on with riot live and the counselor every day teaching and teaching bringing clarity to god's word you must remember that every time we study the word of god the intent is to equip you so that you can also equip others brother paul said to timothy the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn commit to others the word of god is going to come with so much power revelation knowledge is going to come you know to you through the teaching of god's word on this broadcast and every day the word comes twice on this platform 12 noon gmt plus one and 10 p.m gmt plus one every day right here on facebook except when we go live each evening at 6 00 p.m gmt plus one and i'm so excited because we're examining very critical subjects of the scripture doctrinal exegesis bringing clarity and equipping you in the knowledge of christ just before we get into the service of today i want to also mention if you're in an area around the world where you're following these teachings and there is no christ-centered church where you can attend church two things are very important number one god doesn't want you to be in isolation the bible says god sets the solitary in families you need to belong to a local church a local fellowship where you're able to learn with other brethren and beyond learning where you're able to serve the brethren with the grace of god and the gift of god upon your life you know the word of god teaches us against selfishness when you begin to stay by yourself you're being selfish you're denying other brethren the grace of god upon your life so i want to encourage you to ensure that you are a part of a christ-centered fellowship and if there's none in your area send me a mail today dr ibel damina tell me where you are if you want to host or you want to be the coordinator of the campus we will train you equip you and help you start one in your country in your community so you become a lighthouse to the darkness in your community very very important i'm expecting to hear from you today and if there is a christ-centered church is good for you to belong there and make a difference if there's none we expect to hear from you remember also to order for our teaching materials both the books and the audio teachings so that you can equip yourself and establish yourself in the light of christ jesus fasting your seatbelts right now as i take you into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the seal hunger cannot break the seal farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and asks the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel daminer date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aqua bomb 90.5 rio yo fm 100.7 uyo and heritage fm 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight rangibo road oyo aquabomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abell domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel domino we're still on the father and his family matthew chapter 16 verse 13 when jesus came into the course of caesar in philippi his disciples saying who do men say that i the son of man and next month and they said some say that our john the baptist some elias and others jeremiah's or one of the prophets next verse he said unto them but whom say ye that i am next verse simon peter answered and said that were the christ the son of the living god 17. jesus answered and said unto him blessed are thou simon bragiona for flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee it is revelation this did not come from the five physical senses has not revealed this to thee but my father which is in heaven it takes revelation to know what god has done you can't rely on your senses to know what god is doing not by what i think not by what i feel not by what i perceive but by what i know what i know inside information revealed knowledge jesus said on him i also say unto you that thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church look at the personal pronoun in that verse i will build my i my personal pronouns i my i will build my god never asked for an offering from ebal god does not demand human sacrifice god does not use sacrifice god does not require any animal or human sacrifice he doesn't use it because god is not the kidnapper god is not the angry person that is looking for how to be appeased but you see humanity has a style of trying to take the place of what god will do we want to do for god we want to help god we want to assist god we want to work on behalf of god it's called walks the mentality of works and sometimes you just feel that this is your role for example people feel that it is their role to be holy it is their role to be righteous it is their role to be you know purified they think i have to do it so there's a works mentality and there's nothing any mortal man is capable of doing that qualifies for god's standard notice what he said i will build my i my personal pronouns i will build my church the gates of hell shall not refer to the resurrection from the dead the gates of death shall not prevail against the church i will build meaning that cannot stop the building of the church meaning it is his work it is his work the building of the church is the work of god he will build his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it which refers to his resurrection from the dead it's not a present tense occurrence it's not about to happen it's what god has already done in that he raised jesus from the dead it is his work the gates of hell not prevailing against the church it's not prayer it's not our prayer point oh father may the gifts of it no no no no it is what god has done jesus was just stating the obvious what god himself alone will do that god will raise jesus from the dead and death cannot keep him down and that resurrection was the defeat of death and the defeat of hell so that's what he was talking about he wasn't talking about a futuristic event he was talking about what has already happened so we can say the gates of hell did not prevail against the church hallelujah hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 look at the way the writer of hebrews puts it for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death is he not very clear that there was somebody who had the power of death from genesis until jesus died somebody was holding the power of death and that person was using that death it's not god that had the power of death so it couldn't have been god killing there's someone who had the power of death oh jesus said the fifth comment not but for to steal to kill and to destroy the bible says in john 8 44 he was a murderer from the beginning i mean the scriptures are very clear at the amount of two or three witnesses a word is established him that had the power of death that is the devil meaning satan cannot stop the resurrection look at verse 15 of hebrews chapter 2 and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage fear is a fertilizer for bondage there can be no bondage until there is fear he might destroy him that hard and i have news for you he has destroyed him already ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of god i will build my church so if he is building his church it means you will be his work you will be his work ephesians 2 19. now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of god you know church the truth of the matter is we have not had the realities of who we are in christ enough we have not had enough of our realities in christ yet we've not had ephesians 2 18 pay attention for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners hallelujah but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of god say with me very loud i am a saint say it again i am a saint now say with me i am a citizen citizen in the greek means where you were born from natural birth you are not an official member of the house of god you are a natural member of the house of god you're a natural you originated that's where you were born from ephesians chapter 2 verse 20 now pay attention and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone 21 in whom all the building did you observe the word built if your bible was mine i will underline build i will underline the building fitly frame together grow it onto unholy temple in the law you are built that word in the greek is a finished task a finished tax so that's why the next statement says after he says you are built it says you are now a building you are already a building we are built so there is a building there is a build look at verse 22 of the same ephesians chapter two in whom you also are builded that's another word to underline build building builded builded together for an habitation of god through the spirit notice all those things are in the past so there is a building already that building is a family the family is already in existence we are built already all those you know theology where people talk about going to heaven there is a construction site all that is rubbish we are already a built house we are already god's habitation we are already god's dwelling place we are already god's residence it's already a dawn walk and it is god's work and he did the work already he built us we are building we are a building of god hallelujah so jesus now when he was saying i will build my church i might i will build my church and the gifts of it shall not prevail against it what he was referring is i will raise my family i will build my family the church of god is the family of jesus matthew chapter 16 verse 18 pay attention and i say also unto thee that downward peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it i will i will you need to read the entire verse is to understand clearly what we're dealing with here ephesians again chapter 2 verse 18 for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father we both have access to the father through the spirit no need for intermediary we both have access to the further undeniable access because of the union that we have with the father the unlimited unrestricted unconditional union that we have with the father in john chapter 14 because the family is the father's family the family is the father's family so access is unconditional look at john 14 10 believers doubt not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he does the works he the way the walks look at verse 11 believe me that i in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very work's sake verse 12 verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater than this shall he do because i go unto my father so when he said i will build my church those are the words of the father because a son doesn't build a family jesus said i will build my church then he said the words i speak are the father's words the words i speak at the father's world those are the words of the father i will build my church because it's not just the church of christ it is the father's family notice again john chapter 14 verse 11 believe me that i in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very work's sake twelve verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater than this shall he do because i go unto my father verse 13 and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the song so the father is glorified in the sun so question who abused the family the father the father builds the family how in the song john 5 17 but jesus answered them my father walked he tattooed and i walk my father walked he tattoo and i walk that and is the tks rule of bible interpretation my father woke it that is i walk is the father that is walking and we see the walking of the father in the sun never forget it is a father walking what we see in the sun in this family the father and the son are not independent they are not separated the father worketh and i walk look at that john 5 19 then answered jesus and said unto them verily verily i say unto you the son can do nothing of himself but what he seared the father do for whatsoever he doeth this also donate the son likewise this also does the sun likewise he sees the word a gozo might in the greek a godzomai he uses the same term the father walked then i walk in other words my work is from the father's walk look at verse 19 of john chapter 5 then answered jesus and said unto them verily verily i say unto you the son can do nothing of himself but what he sees the father do for what things so ever he does this also donate the sun likewise see nothing underline those words see and nothing the son can do nothing but what he sees the father do see the father do the son can do nothing the son can do nothing but what he sees so the father's work is seen in the sun so whatever the son does is a response to what the father is doing the family is birthed by the father the word father in the hebrew is the word abba in the greek is the word pata pata used for someone who birthed something or the founder so the founder of the church is the father the father founded the church the father founded the family so go back to ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 again and with the explanation look at it again for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father the founder of the church is the father the son can do nothing of himself remember what the father said about jesus this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased he said it to john the baptist then he said it the second time when elijah and moses appeared on the mount of transfiguration but the second time he said it he said hear him this is my beloved son hear ye him because when you hear him you hear me you hear me in him he can do nothing so whatever you hear him say is what i am saying for the son can do nothing of himself but what he hears or sees the father do in other words if you are going to hear me hear him he is not a messenger he is the father manifest when we have taken time to painstakingly study these things and then we casually say jesus is god you hear people say quote the scripture show us where in the bible it's not show us it's not it takes hours and years of humble study and prayer to arrive at truth of scripture show us where it is okay you say jesus god show us sure it's not mouth calm down come down it takes it takes humility an investment of quality time to study so we are not in a showbiz we are here to study somebody say study we are here to learn where there is no this is beyond entertainment we are building the eternity of men it's not a joking matter it's not yours you can meet a doctor on the road and say you say you say you're a gynecologist or you open a woman on the road show me show me how you work on women no gynecologists will do that to you that you're a joker it takes them hours of going to school to learn how to open a goat before opening a woman he's not showing us even medical signs they don't show you on the road is it god we will show you on the road you're a joker you need to calm down you need to come it takes hours of listening and thinking very serious thinking when your head is together when your head is together not where your head is scattered your head is scattered you'll be seeing images you have to come down somebody said calm down tell the neighbor come down so jesus is the father manifest he's the father manifest look at ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 again for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father through him him who jesus we both have access by one spirit what is access that's why he said you are no longer a stranger you are no longer a foreigner you are now a native you are now a native a fellow citizen of the household of god you are now a native of the family of god god is the founder that's why it's called the household of god in other words you don't go through jesus you only come once once you are in christ you don't use jesus to access the father you now access the father directly you don't ask jesus to pray for you no we both have access to the father you only come once that's why we are one in christ we have access that access is once even in prayer you don't look for access you access the father directly that access is salvation the day you were saved was the day you had access we have come in we are now in the household how do we come into the household in christ who walks in christ the father you cannot be born by the son you are born by the father you are born by the father but where does the father walk he walks in the sun you are born by the father but where does the father walk he walks in the sun ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 for this course i bow my knees onto the father of our lord jesus christ let me begin for the purpose of pretext ephesians chapter 3 from verse 3 how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as i wrote a four in few words verse four whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit that the gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in christ by the gospel whereof i was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of god given unto me by the effectual walking of his power unto me who am less than the least of all saints is this grace giving that i should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world had been heed in god who created all things by jesus christ to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of god pay attention according to the eternal purpose which he proposed in christ jesus our lord pay attention in whom we have boldness and access with confidence did you see that boldness access confidence boldness access con oh my good if you preach the gospel without assurance it's normal the gospel of christ did you see the words for assurance here boldness access with confidence assurance any gospel that lacks assurance is not the gospel of christ all the words in the epistles are filled with so much assurance boldness with access with confidence now put it back boldness access confidence by the faith of him thirteen we wherefore i desire that you felt not at my tribulations for you which is your glory next verse for this cause because of these things because of these realities that we have enumerated from verse 3 down i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ next verse glory of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named he calls it a family so the church is firstly a family before a gathering the church is firstly a family before it is a gathering many people know of the church of the gathering but are not aware of the church of the family the church is a family is a family that guard us we are firstly a family that's why we are gathered it is a family that guard us the word named about my niece under the father of a lord jesus christ whom the whole family heaven and earth is named that word named on the line named dear means to call that is is god who called us family named we are named we didn't name ourselves we are named god himself calls us family we did not call him he put the label on us he put that label on us our same father is only a response to what he has called us when he called us family we call him father our calling god father is responding to him calling us family he named us he labeled us he called us family glory to god he initiates this we are named by the father if they say son him every member will be at the same surname he calls us family we are named by him you didn't make him your father he made you his son then in response to his making you call him father oh glory to god you didn't make him father he made you his family then in response to his making you now woke up and said abba abba you didn't call him abba until he called you family when he called you family what he initiated in you is his spirit so when his spirit entered you and called you family when you realize what has happened you now call him father all those calling him jehovah have not yet understood that they are born of god they have not understood who their father is the new testament is the revelation of the father and his family the new testament is the revelation of the father and his family oh hallelujah it is his work remember it is his work i will be to you a father and you will be to me sons and daughters so first of all i will be to you a father first then you will be to me sons and daughters so it is his work remember i will build my church i might and the gates of hell shall not prevail somebody sent me very loud i am the father's walk said very loud i am the father's walk i am the father's walk now show me i will build my church now show me i will build my family that's what the father meant i am the father's work so the church which is the father's family is the father's building and he called me family i call him father i'm your pastor does not determine who is in the family i don't determine it i am also a son in the family i am not the one that select who comes to the family it's not my family i'm a member of his family all of us members of his family when he gave us the spirit the spirit of god in us cried a cry what was that cry abba father you know the joy that comes on the face of a mother when for the first time her child looks at her and says mommy the spirit of mommy is inside the daughter all the daughter did was to recognize it's not the day the daughter said mommy or the son said mommy or daddy that the son was born the son has been born but the day the son said mommy was the day the son acknowledged when you grow in knowledge when you have acknowledged who you are the cry that comes out is not jehovah nec is father father father is the manifestation of spiritual growth that's why the spirit of adoption is a cry of fatherhood not missing not judging not seed canoe you are still far from growth when you grow into maturity in acknowledging what the father has done in you what it provokes out of you naturally is abba father spirit of adoption the spirit of his son the spirit that raised jesus from the dead abba father john 14 verse 2 in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you now you know we did we did a lot of explanation so this is what it is supposed to read in my father's household there are many temples in my father's household there are many temples verse three and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also that is the father's house look at verse six of that same chapter jesus said unto him i am the way the truth and the life no man comment unto the father but by me notice he put and before life and before life i am the way the truth and the life there are not three things what he's simply saying is the way is the truth and the way the truth is the life the way the truth is the life i am the way the truth that is the life that is the life jesus is not talking about three elements he is talking about their life so when he says no man commits to the father but by me the word come is used also for worship or to stand before no man stands before no man worships the father but by me bored by me so he explains what he meant when philip said show us the father show us the father then he said he that has seen me have seen the father he that has seen me had seen the father then jesus now said to philip how then sayest thou show us the father there is no father elsewhere he that has seen me i am the father manifest i am the father revealed i am the father in manifestation i am the father in the physical i am the father in tangibility if you are not satisfied with me then you will never see anything else i am the physical appearance of the father i am the father explaining himself i am the father unveiling himself i am the exclusive carrier of the father i am the absolute exact princess comprehensive total revelation of the father i am the exactness of the father i am the express image of the father i am the only one officially permitted to declare the father i am the father manifest that's jesus talking he that has seen me has seen the father no distance i am the truth about the father and i am the father's life i am the father's life i am the way the truth that is the life i am the life of the father i am the truth concerning the father i am the access to the father the access so to see me to see me jesus means to see jesus is to be with the father john chapter 14 verse 9 jesus said unto him have i been so long time with you and he has not known me philippe he that has seen me has seen the father and how says thou damn show us the father vast thing believe us now know that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he does the works he does the works the father which dwelleth in me jesus is a father's dwelling verse 12 of john 14. verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the work that i do shall he do also and greater than this shall he do because i go to the father verse 13. and while sarah shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the song verse 2 of that chapter 14 in my father's house on the line on the line in my father's house in verse 2 verse 6 no man commits unto the father on the line verse 7 and from henceforth you know him and have seen him on the line and have seen him you have seen the father look at verse nine jesus said unto them have i been so long time with you and yet has done known me philippe on the line he that has seen me has seen the father he that has seen me had seen the father verse 11 believe me that i in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very workseek question where is the father huh in christ the father is in christ verse 12 verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the words that i do shall it also and greater than this shall he do why because i go unto my father how do you go to the father john 14 14 if you shall ask anything in my name i will do if you shall ask anything in my name i will do now on the line i will do please on the line because i want to take you back and i want to grab your attention to something if you are accepting my name i will do go back to verse 12. verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the work that i do shall we do also and greater than this shall he do because i go unto my father thirteen and whatsoever i shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the song go back to verse 11 believe me that i in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very work's sake give me verse 10 now pay close attention to where i'm going believers don't know that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he does the works the father that dwelleth in me he does the works take note verse 14 if you shall ask anything in my name i will do the father that dwelleth in me he does the works if he shall ask anything in my name i will do why i am the father did you follow the way i calculated it because the scriptures explained themselves they are explaining themselves jesus is taking time because he's communicating to people that are not born again so he's breaking it in in faces to arrive at what he's communicating he first said the father that dwelleth in me doing the works they did not say anything you ask i will do meaning i am the father doing the works glory to god so he keeps emphasizing the work of the father look at verse 16 of the same chapter and i will pray the father he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you for how long forever look at verse 20 now and at that day glory to god you shall know that i in my father and ye in me and i in you glory to god i in my father and ye in me and i in you you shall know do you now know in that day talking of today you shall know verse 21 he that attacked my commandments question is it ten commandments what is the word commandment he that believes in the new testament commandment means to believe in what jesus has done the command is faith in christ so he that had my commandments and keeped them he it is that loving me and he that loved me shall be loved of my father hanging osaka and i will love him and will manifest myself to him faith in christ brings the revelation of jesus to the believer i will manifest myself to him i will manifest myself to him believe verse 23 jesus answered and said unto him if a man loves me hallelujah he will keep my world and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him we will come to him and make him our residents faith in christ makes the believer god's residential address we will come to him and make our abode give me the next verse he that loveth me not keep it not my sayings and the word which you hear is not mine but the father jesus kept emphasizing that this is all the father's work this is all the father's work this is not your effort this is not your struggle this is not you trying and trying not this is all the father's work the father's work the family is the father's work that is the emphasis jesus is making in this place give me the next verse glory to god these things have i spoken unto you being yet present with you next verse but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father the fathers walk whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you 27 peace i live with you my peace i give you not as the world give it give her unto you let not your heart be troubled not already be afraid 28. you have heard how i said unto you i go away and come again unto you if you loved me you will rejoice because i said i go unto the father for my father is greater than i alright next verse 29 and now i have told you before it comes to pass that when it is come to pass ye might believe next verse hereafter i will not talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh and have nothing in me next verse but that the world may know that i love the father and as the father gave me commandment even so i do arise let us go hands so he emphasizes the father so don't discharge what he's saying yet just keep what you are reading so the family again is whose work father's walk john 15 1 now i am the true vine and my father is the husband man husband man is not someone who has a wife that's not the meaning of husband one is the greek word girl ghost use 19 times for a farmer farmer husband man farmer why did jesus call the father husband man because of everything he said in chapter 14 where we read that it is the father's work the family is the father's work all right so it's about the father so he now says i am the vine it's not my work it's a father's work he is a husband man i am the vine now let's go to where the husband man is described in the bible for proper exegesis second timothy chapter 2 verse 6 the husband man that liberate must be first partaker of the fruit the husband man that labor it so by using husband man who does the work the father the father does the work that is the entire farmland is the father's walk the entire farmland is the father's walk so it is a father that labels it is the father that labels which means the father is the first partaker of what he does because what he does will be the reward of his work the reward of his work go to james 5 7. let's look at that same word husband man be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the lord behold the husband man waited for the precious fruit of the earth and has long patience for it until he received the early and the lettering so one of the threats of the husband man is patience he desires to see fruit of his work because if there's no fruit in his work he failed if the husband man has walked and the work does not have fruit the husband man who did the work has failed you didn't hear that please hear that very well if the husband man worked in the farm and after walking the farm does not produce fruit for the husband man the husband man has failed is it the farm that failed or the husband man talk to me power citizens is it the farm that failed or the husband man who worked on the farm who should have fruit from the farm if the farm produced fruit who succeeded so it is his work it is his work it is his work it is his work john 15 1. i am the true vine and my father is a husband man next verse every branch in me that beareth not fruit he take it away this is where the legalists who do not humble themselves to study will now say you can lose salvation that if you don't be afraid the father will chop you out question who is the liberal in the farm husband use the language now who is the laborer in the farm who owns the farm who labored in the farm if the farm produced fruit who succeeded if the farm did not produce fruit who failed so every branch in meadow bearing not fruit that means it is the husband man that has the problem not the branch if you follow the analogy properly he take it away there is a bad english that he take it away in the greek is he lifts up he lifts up if the branch is failing to produce he lifts the branch up to enable the branch produced not that he cuts off that word take it away means he lifts up because if the branch is not bearing fruit it is a husband man's work so he is not telling you that part of his work will not function well what he's saying is if any part of his work is having an issue with producing results he the husband man will look at that part and lift it up and help it produce because the branch is the work of the husband man he lifts up and every branch that bear fruit he he he because it is his work he projects it that it may bring forth more fruit the one that does not produce he will lift up the one that produces he will part because all of them are his work the husband man owns the farmland now you are clean through the world which i have spoken unto you you are what you are clean so question verse 2 where we read every branch in media there are no fruit you take it away and every branch of very fruit deposit that it may be out more fruit you know what is dealing with inverse 2 spiritual growth not salvation verse 2 is not salvation you are already in the vine you are already inside you already saved so fruitfulness is spiritual growth he's saying that if you are in him and you're not producing fruit he will lift up that is he will create circumstances and bring you around a teaching pastor like abel damina to teach you so you can produce fruit is his work that's why he brought you to power city that's why i brought you here that's why he hooked you up to facebook that's why he created youtube that's why he created television he worked he is working and you're not the only one there are millions out there he's still working because he's a husband man he's connecting them he's connecting them so that they can grow enough of playing church enough of playing church enough of it it's time for believers to stop producing fruit and if you observe very carefully those of you that are very observant there is an awakening going all over the world people are suddenly becoming aware that there's more to christ than playing church and people are hungry and seeking for true teachers through pastors to teach them the gospel people are waking up to truth now you a pastor cannot just say something now and go free with it people will cross examine it people will check people because spiritual growth is happening in the body of christ there's a punching going on the branches that are not producing fruit is lifting them all in a family the nurturing of the family is the responsibility of children talk to me the nurturing of the family is the responsibility of the children is it the children that determine what their mother should cook there are some foods your mother cook you don't like she will beat you to eat it because she knows what she put inside and it's good for your health true or false and then after you eat it you'll be shining you're 32 because now the food is working inside your body it is the parents responsibility to prepare nourishing food it may not taste nice but it is good for their health that's why sometimes i'm teaching you keep your face like that like bitter leaf i still push it i'm not moved because it is my responsibility to bring the food that the father has prepared for the family to eat i am the chef of this house whether the food look nice for you or not it is good for your health every food must not look nice amen and when you start eating it then you discover it's not as it looked then suddenly you're smiling yeah yeah more that's right glory the thing is entry now glory to god is a job of the husband man to not join his family it's a job of god to not show you you are his work god does not give birth and dump he doesn't dump his children he nurtures them he is a responsible father he said the one that does not bear fruit he will lift up relax friends is a family we are not in a competition we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works tell your neighbour we are not in a competition vast form abiding me and i knew as a branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you accept you abide in me the word abide is the same word for men why is he saying abide in me to them he cannot say that to you today because you're already in him he said it to them because they were annoyed in him he was speaking to them of a reality that his resurrection will bring to his family so because he was still talking to people that were not born again he told them to abide we that are born again we are in him hallelujah i said hallelujah somebody shot i am in him justified he is in me glorified i didn't hear a powerful amen john 14 12. verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me that's how to abide in him how do i abide in jesus he that believeth on me the works that i do shall we do also and greater than this shall you do because i go unto my father when you believe the gospel that day you start abiding in jesus you abide in him once because you believe once so that john chapter 15 from verse one to five is evangelistic message to get people born again it's not for people that are already born again because people that are already born again are already abiding in him we are in him we live in him we are his household we are the father's family is somebody excited here say with me god is my father i am his family say i'm a native of the family of god stand on your feet that's all i've got for you in this service praise god praise god praise god praise god glory to god shout it very loud i am in the father's family god is my father i belong to the family of god i am no more a stranger i'm not a foreigner i am a native of the father's family say very loud with me new creation new spirit new tongues see in the family we have our language zambo rotor me like anger so honey can't you see what god is doing he not only made you his family he not only made with his family he gave you his language he that speaketh in tongue speaking not unto men but unto god the father's family anger bojack angel animals anger this sign shall follow those that believe in my name they shall speak with new tongues okay amen i said amen we have the language of our father and we speak mysteries we speak mysteries born of god born of god where he is i am what he has i have and what he can do i can do what is not in him is not in me amen send me very loud i am in christ rooted grounded established in christ now say very loud what is not in christ is not allowed in my environment in the name of jesus no access to anything that is antichrist around my life i am secured complete kept preserved in christ jesus i didn't hear powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice in this building and those watching online and those around the world i ask that this revelation of the father and his family grows big on our inside until nothing else matters in the name of jesus revelation knowledge continues to grow in this house veils continue to fall off your people equipped edified built up jesus made manifest through every one of us and i take authority over sickness and disease every yoke of the enemy and everything that is contrary to what redemption has provided we resist you in the name of jesus we resist you now in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed be healed be healed in the name of jesus and i declare you blessed i declare you empowered i declare you built up i declare you edified and i declare you totally energized strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man you are strengthened with might by the spirit receive miracles now receive it in the name of jesus thank you father thank you father thank you father testimony is unrestricted testimony is unrestricted testimony is unrestricted zico la batana god praise your father it is dawn in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality go ahead and give jesus a celebration in this building is that how you celebrate your family's status is that how you celebrate your family's status glory tell me very loud i am god's walk i am the father's family shout him into that you are bought with a prize therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the seal farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael busch theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aqua bomb 90.5 ryo yunio fm 100.7 uyo and heritage fm 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight huangavu road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abell domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back oh my goodness what is service what a word i believe you've been impacted affected with the word of his grace listen very carefully it is god's intent for you to continue walking in this light so i'm going to encourage you to keep following remember every day we're live right here on facebook and youtube every day 12 noon gmt plus 1 10 pm gmt plus one and in this season when we're in the midst of a program riot live and asks the counselor you can also be a part of the meetings every evening 6 pm gmt plus one now listen carefully if you're in an area around the world where you're following these teachings and there is no christ-centered church where you can attend church two things are very important number one god doesn't want you to be in isolation the bible says god sets the solitary in families you need to belong to a local church a local fellowship where you're able to learn with other brethren and beyond learning where you're able to serve the brethren with the grace of god and the gift of god upon your life you know the word of god teaches us against selfishness when you begin to stay by yourself you're being selfish you are denying other brethren the grace of god upon your life so i want to encourage you to ensure that you are a part of a christ-centered fellowship and if there's none in your area send me a meal today dr ibel damina tell me where you are if you want to host or you want to be the coordinator of the campus we will train you equip you and help you start one in your country in your community so you become a lighthouse to the darkness in your community very very important i'm expecting to hear from you today and if there is a christ-centered church it's good for you to belong there and make a difference if there's none we expect to hear from you remember also to order for our teaching materials both the books and the audio teachings so that you can equip yourself and establish yourself in the light of christ jesus it's such a joy to be able to serve you the grace of god my prayer for you is that the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light that the reality of christ will resonate in your mind we rebuke sickness disease oppression we come against whatever is not planted by god in your heart today we command it rooted out and father we thank you for miracles healings and testimonies in jesus name amen victory station
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 931
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0-mn4y_tOkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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