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[Music] [Music] [Music] yucks and Bodines are destroyed nobody lives here the same way they came I give you praise and glory for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believers is a very powerful amen please lift your right hands let's release our feet together to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up and I declare after this service I will never be the same in Jesus name and every believers is a powerful a man well give Jesus a shout and you can be seated with your sweet smart self praise God whoa well I'm glad to be with you and headstone up you know I've been looking forward to come in finally I'm here thank you doctor Chris thank you for having us come thank you for this beautiful work you're doing here in the lives of God's people thank you for organizing this conference you know appreciate your label Bible says count them worthy of double honor they will label in word and doctrine I say to people all over the world second greatest blessing God has given to the church after Jesus is a gift of a pastor in the Book of Jeremiah he says I will give you pastors according to my heart who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding he didn't say they will visit your houses they say they will feed you with knowledge and understanding and he says it shall come to pass that when you are fed you will not luck you will not fear you will not be dismayed you know David will put it like this the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want when you find believers who are in luck who are in want it is because they have failed to receive from the Ministry of a shepherd God has given to them when you do not know how to receive I'm the minister of your past or you will languish in luck and wand and dismay that's why Jesus speaking in Matthew said he that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet prophets have to be received if you don't receive them you cannot enjoy what they carry Bible speaking of Jesus said he could not do mighty miracles because of their unbelief they dishonored him so they could get nothing from him so it's important to treasure the Greek the gift of the grace of God in this house because when you do then you can maximize the purpose of God planting a pastor among you in officience of the focus 11 says he that descended is he that ascended and when he ascended up on high he gave gifts to men he gave men two men and this is the purpose for the perfecting oh it's the perfecting of the saints they are sins but to be perfected for the perfecting of the Saints and when the Saints are perfected they will do the work of ministry so when you find a believer not excited about sudden in the local church not excited about commitment in the house not excited about ministry it is because he has refused to be perfected but when you are perfected the natural response of a perfected believer is ministry suddenly you hear it's you're Restless you want to do ministry you want to solve you want place you want to touch people you want to change when you come to that place where you are perfected you do the work of ministry and then it says for the editing of the body of Christ for the edifying of the body of Christ can somebody shout hallelujah so when you enjoy the minister of your pastor you come to a place where you become a blessing to other people I'm excited to be here this morning good to enjoy the Minister of Master Godwin it's been a while we saw but good to see you happy new year praise God and everybody else ourselves in this house I'm just like decided to be with you today and we're gonna have some great time are you ready for the Word of God Hebrews chapter 8 verse number six please I need your attention I'm gonna go as quick as I can because of time and I want to offload quite some stuff here Hebrews chapter eight verse number six but now how still obtained a more excellent ministry in as much as he is also mediator of a better covenant so we see a more excellent ministry we see mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises more excellent better better now in English that is comparison but in Bible grammar does not comparison what is dealing with here is the promise and the fulfillment in the Old Testament he is dealing with the Ministry of Moses here the Minister of Moses cannot be compared with the Ministry of crappies because what Christ has obtained is the completion of what Moses and the rest hoped for all right now the Old Testament is Jesus concealed the New Testament is Jesus revealed to understand the Old Testament you have to put on the binoculars of the New Testament you cannot understand the Old Testament by looking at the Old Testament in order to understand the Old Testament you have to look at it with the eyes of the New Testament alright the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed the Bible is one book that carries with it a progressive revelation that takes of a body in the Gospels and climaxes in the epistles what it simply means is that the epistles is a climax of Revelation or the epistles is the end of discussion when it comes to revelation knowledge wild because the epistles are called the revelation of the mystery the Old Testament is called mystery the epistles are called the revelation of the mystery Romans chapter 16 verse 25 Romans chapter 16 verse 25 Paul will put it like this Romans 16:25 now to here who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery so the New Testament is the revelation of the mystery the word mystery is a Greek word mysterion mysterion means secret to a man because of the limit of his understanding what it means is what was Papa was not a mystery but because their understanding was limited it became a mystery to them so in the Old Testament because of the limitation of the earth state because all Old Testament believers were not born again so they were limited in the estate so communication was done to them according to their capacity and according to their limitation that is why the Old Testament is a progression of Revelation but in the New Testament that progression climaxes by virtue of the state of the New Testament man because the New Testament man is born of God the New Testament man is born again the New Testament man houses immortality in mortality the New Testament man is an amalgamation of date riveted with humanity the New Testament man is a union of humanity with divinity so the New Testament man has a component of beta on his inside that is to seal the Godhead is incomplete without the burning in man because the demon is a part of the divine nature that you say divinity she has humanity with the bone akima what it means is what cannot fight God cannot fight you what cannot defeat God cannot defeat you as is so are you can somebody shout I hear you so to be born again means to be united with God kebaya top brother brother Peter will put it like this whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises that by this you have escaped the corruption that is in the world you have become partakers of the divine nature if my picker is one that has it bad you have a part in divinity now say divinity is incomplete without you you add a completion of divinity you share in the divine life Zapata Nakata am I talking to somebody here so in the New Testament your house immortality what it means is that in the New Testament God lives on your inside that is the same when you move God moves when you sit God sits when you stand God stands what it means is you and God cannot be separated why you share in the divine life that is what it means to be born again it's not a cliche for Christians no born-again is a union between man and God how did that become the possibility so that drives me to the prayer of brother Paul and you know Earth dr. Chris read that prayer pastor pastor Godwin read that prayer and I'd like to stay with our prayer to Ephesians chapter 1 let me begin from the 16 is gonna be a little bit of a long read but you will love this Ephesians 1:16 do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers so this is a prayer this is a Holy Ghost inspired prayer what was the prayer let's get to the point that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom which is revelation it's not wisdom separate revelation the spirit of wisdom that and in the Greek is what we we call the Chi rule of Bible interpretation it means the spirit of wisdom which is revelation wisdom is revelation revelation is wisdom aright wisdom which is revelation in the knowledge of him not just revelation revelation in the knowledge of him because you can have a revelation of of things but this is revelation of him regulation in the of him the spirit of wisdom which is revelation in the book of Corinthians he says no man knoweth the things that are in a man save the spirit of man that is in him so God has given us his spirit that we might know that we might know so it is possible to know that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God and those things given to us as a result of the knowledge of him revelation in the knowledge of him next verse the eyes of your understanding being enlightened flooded with light flooded with life that you may know that you may know the word know there is a Greek word epignosis a big gnosis means accurate exact precise revealed knowledge not trial and error not talking about nothing not as long shot no exact accurate meaning you can measure it because it's accurate its exact is precise it means it is revealed minute it is beyond natural understanding it means it godless knowledge Okubo Daaga that you may know what is the whole of your calling of his calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance there are the riches of the glory of his inheritance inside you you are a custodian of the riches of the glory of his inheritance kobata you cannot talk about inheritance until the guy give you the inheritance dies in the book of hebrews he says where a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is of force after been a day but in our case Shibata we are not inheritors of a testament of a dharma what it means is you cannot take your father's property as long as he's still alive your father must die before you took over his property by by the will you root kebaya in a case we are not inheritors of the property of a dead man so that's a the Scriptures to be studied carefully because Jesus didn't give us his inheritance in bed so we will talk about the so passing Lord as I can say for God so loved so look at the motion so loved the world that love is not feeling that love is the sacrificial walk that he gave he gave Romans who say he gave him up he does Fiat naughty son but gave him another what is betrayal he betrayed him by handing him over at the mercy of his enemy that God loves you so much that God decided to become a man Jesus is God who became a man to save man kebaya Jesus is not the errand boy of God Jesus is not a messenger of God Jesus is God Himself who became a man to save man as God he couldn't come to it does not have the capacity to parry God so says he has to save you because the father of Adam made man a destitute the fall of Adam mad man LF you G the father of Adam madman hopeless Adam committed global genocide as in Adam all died Kyah so in Adam man become hopeless hapless so God that man didn't have the resources to rescue himself man was bankrupt man was man or zero man couldn't lead em himself that's why when a man thinks by his guru oxic unqualified he doesn't know what he's talking about God saw the helplessness and hopelessness of man so God said but I love man even the man does not have the wherewithal to help himself God will become a man because the legality of redemption is that man's Road man was my rock God cannot die man because if God does YouTube injustice it's like using a nuclear weapon to kill a fly is the rest of Association so in order for God to save man God's step down God's step down compress himself in a body that can accommodate and come to address Christ so Christ is the neighbor of God's humanity Christ is the name of God humanity when God compress himself in a body and came to earth as Christ that was the demonstration of love the book of Romans says God commended the word commended is demonstrated God demonstrated his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners that is righteous God grace the workplace in the Hebrew is the word change the word chair means it means God best holding a man that is of no use can never be of any use in eternity his is his resources God came to me and said I know you're useless you can never be abused to me and to yourself but I have decided to bestow my love on you the word chain in the Hebrew it has another shade is called Canaan that is graciousness it has another shade it is called a seed that is loving-kindness so challenge' seat when the Hippolyta's transliterated that word in to pick it is a word carries or charisma carries or charisma the great philosophers people like Pluto who are the inventors of those words in Greek because Greek is all that an English English is just about 1,000 years now 800 to 1000 years old when the Bible was written the language that was available was the Hebrew and the Greek the reason why we use Hebrew and Greek in teaching is not to show off is because there are certain ingredients of understanding that you cannot combine till you go to the original language in which it was communicated sometimes even in helping yourself to express yourself English fills you you use vernacular because Vanna hula is mullet-head than English English is to surface I am talking now so that's why sometimes we go to the original to bring out certain ingredients now Greek and Hebrew and human languages the Bible was not written in a spiritual language the Bible was written in human language that means there were people who are using that language before it was used to write the Bible now those people died use the language like the Greek philosophers who gave us courage and charisma the word callus was huge in forgiving editor when people like philosophers the philosophers like Pluto use the word carries it was using to write a note or to look at a man that owes you and you say to the man even if I sell you and sell the things you have you can never pay for what you owe so I have decided to best all my calories on you that is I have decided out of the riches of my resources to release you and forgive you not only forgive you give you a little to help you start so when we said God command that is love what it means is God came to us God came to us we didn't reconcile with God to reconcile means you and God sat on the table and you pretend and discuss and negotiate every consolation we didn't reconcile with God God reconciled us God reconciled us by himself he took the initiative and came to also offended him and say whatever you have done I have overlooked it on the basis of a third party I have not overlooked what you have done I am not overlooking what you have done because I have injustice and I chose God but I have overlooked what you have done on the basis of a third party what it means is the punishment I will have put on you you don't have the capacity for it so somebody has carried it so the question is does God overlooked sin no what does it do to sin he punishes on whom on himself he punishes man seen on himself because nobody else can take the weight of the punishment so he put it on himself how he dies you're dead how first of all he changes shape and location the Greek word is genome I genome and means God stood up and God walked out of god and god looked at God and God said to God you see I go but in goring I changed shape squeezed myself into mortality why so that I can be punished if God had come as God nobody can kill him you can't even touch him so in order for him to be touched he put on immortality walk the face of the earth like an ordinary man that's a price of redemption that's a price to buy you God was walking the dusty roads God slept in the midst of mosquitos he at workman's eats and he went through what man goes to why love love surpasses in love love that person human understanding he means human understanding comprehended but revelation knowledge will unveil it as a human you can understand that love but as a man born of God you can understand enough because it's beyond human understanding how can a man I have offended with everything a man I've done everything to heart and even after Unforgiven I was still hot him because I don't have what it takes not to haughty I don't have it so even after I'm forgiven I was to make mistakes yet he has secured me past present future the love of God hangover sake you have about yourself why jesus also cried a kind of cry further take away the cop have a box what was in the stupid cop why when Jesus just kick the cop no he was not about the cop it was about what was inside the prize of risk win man Jesus looked at the weight of the pain he has to pay from eternity past to eternity future all of Manson God calculated everything man was capable of ever doing in mind all since that man could possibly commit put all together on Christ does a love of God and he died and he died and paid the price now follow me carefully the fall of Adam the fall of Adam brought suppression the pallor of Sita is the suppression of man from God outside separation Satan has no power that suppression is what we call death death God said to Adam the day you eat we shall surely die death is separation when Adam and he died that was not extinction because after he died he was the movie he was there hiding in darkness the odds in where Adel but that separation was what determine the outcome of man's life the prize Jesus had to pay was also separation you know sometimes you hear preachers get excited and they talk about the prize Jesus paid and they paint a picture of wrestling you know Jesus went to hell until Satan hates it as in hey there was there was no such thing in the pale of the price of redemption Satan was not even aware Satyam was not aware Jesus was in hell three days Satan didn't even know it it was it was happening Corinthians is had the princes of this world knew they wouldn't have crucified so they didn't know what's going on that is why he's a mystery Satan Dino so what was the price the friends of suppression who was a price paid to God why man sinned against God so since man sinned against God and justice must prevail God punished God for man to be excused from C on the third day he rose and Mary held him he said hold me not back and lo had gone to my god II oh god I've really gone to my father your father go tell my brother now reason he died as two goats in one and he rose as the high priest he was a scapegoat and a sacrificial lamb and only thought that when he rose he was no more goat eros as a high priest and the high priest goes to the Holy of Holies to present the blood all for you he didn't need to do it he did not in the warranted that but the love of God for man for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so Moses son of god we lifted up and I have news for you today he's been lifted he's been lifted on that cross he has died the death and your call to enjoy the inheritance all right so the inheritance therefore is the inheritance of a living man it's for the inheritance of a dead man because a heritage was not possible until after heroes héroes when before the father presented the blood the accepted the blood and upon the father accepting the blood we now became qualified who has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance we became fit to partake in the inheritance so the inheritance therefore is his resurrection life the life of Jesus that is our inheritance the life of Jesus the inheritance is not tough the inheritance is his life anybody can get stuff without Christ pastor talked about principle living anybody as are some of the richest people on the planet are no Christians they will know God they look at God and say you are stupid and they are rich they look at God and say you don't exist people like Bill Gates people like Warren Buffett they concluded that there is no God that God only exists in the figment of the imagination of a poor man that since a poor man cannot make money so he has decided to control himself with a god somewhere in his mind now these are people that had the worldís on the planet but they don't even care about God they just understand the principles that govern life they know what to do with this planet they know how to get about things Jesus said the children of this world and wise I India generation because they know how this planet runs believe us spiritual eyes everything they spiritual eyes everything okay and there are things you don't spiritual eyes you just under study how it works and what it Samana kolja dhaba now when you come to that place you won't know if you'll know before you not report because not because Jesus died you will not be poor because you know what to do not to be poor I'm teaching here somebody else me sorry so what is the advantage of a believer in making money no advantage is the same market the same principles oh you didn't hear me in the same business is the same market is the same principles is the same money is the same every soul do what they do get what they get the problem with Christmas is you going to business with Josh mind are you going to politics which or mind you go for politics my comforter Jesus they have carried all the ballot boxes you're standing and singing ba cover if I'm teaching shelter here and like I always say the only advantage you have as a believer in business in politics in any other secular institution is the leading of the Spirit they that are led by the spirit well everybody's running around looking for what to do you just sit down in your house Mottola ke rota sabia thank you Father what are you saying should I move now should I wait where should I move to thank you lord my steps are ordered by the Lord [Applause] you have the living of the spirit does the advantage you have but otherwise the principles are the same you have the leading of the Spirit and the Spirit is not going to give you the skill you've got to acquire the skills then the Spirit will lead you in the application of the skills the spirits is not going to operate the patient you will have to go to school and know how to operate a patient and pass all the necessary exams then when you come to operate the patient the Spirit will tell you know this doesn't meet your pressure it just needs a no hands so the patient is there you put your hand on the head as if you are checking the temperature by your Lomonaco Telia the passing get healed without nobody got here and they'll say there's something about that doctor when it touches you till seem to walk it is called Iannone somebody shot glory i prophesy over you this day on the premise of the finished work of Christ you will exhale your generation you will shake your Lord you will shake your world you will touch lies if your MN is louder receive it by Trish sit down cross your leg shot I am in charge to know to know the love of God the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light that you may know the hope of your calling that you may know the riches of your inheritance that you may know the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his right hand three very powerful exceeding greatness of his power three very powerful words where I use the raising Christ from the dead exceeding greatness of his power the word exceed him is the word Hoopa balloon in the greek it means to throw beyond target that their God God must study everything he has that is called power in reason Jesus oh he must study everything so in throw him is not throwing something in throwing the object it hit target and went beyond target because of the resources that were available Koopa balloon alright there's another world use them greatness of his power the word power there is Dunamis Dunamis is power that when it explodes it changes early arranges things number three energy ability so arisen Jesus from the dead the Whooper alone Dunamis and the Jew all of those three words have never been used anywhere in the Bible before that was a Festa those three words were combined in a sentence that arisen Jesus from the bed all of heavens resources were employed and when he rose from the dead kebaya that resurrection was the birth of the new creation so in debt Jesus conceived here we are conceived in death because is built on his sacrificial love that passes all understanding so it was in Betty conceived you okay on the resurrection was when he gave birth and you know women that that that put a bed the most vulnerable moment of a woman is when she's about to bring forth that's the most vulnerable that woman needs every help at that time all the midwives and everybody will be telling you can make it you can make it a heart is racing emotions are riot hahaha hormones are all right everything is working almost like a gangster she's exhausted she's in pain but this baby has to come out and then they give us some some little help madam push you can push you can push and then with the last ounce of strength she pushes the baby out on that day when Jesus rose from the dead that's exactly what happened everything that God had at that moment was used in pushing you out the born-again man who this man does not have a past he is a new kind of humanity that never existed before and the world don't know how to handle him cuz I've never seen this man before they don't know how to handle you why because they don't know to handle Christ why you are created after the image of him that created him glory to God first John chapter three verse one watch first John 3:1 put it up thank you lord first john 3:1 behold behold somebody shall behold dusky behold what manner what manner of love what manner of man is this that the wings and the waves obey what manner of love the father has half he's not going to he had already had bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God what manner of love Paul will put it like this way that we are not a people but now a people will be a strangers to the Commonwealth of Israel without hope and without God in this world but watch this the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because they knew him not to know me you've got to know him if you don't know him you don't know me if you cannot define Christ you can't define me why because to know me you've got to know him why I am in him If any man be in Christ in him in whom by whom to whom you are complete in him in him you live and move and have your being the world don't know you so when situations of life since you can't tell it you're talking to the wrong man I am NOT the other man you spoke to this is a new kind of humanity Oh glory to God what could you handle Christ cannot handle me he walked on the water I walk on the waters of life he rebuked the wind the wind stopped when I rebuked situations he obey why I am in him you know dr. Chris when Jesus walked the face of the earth what he actually did was he demonstrated the capacity of what his name is capable of doing He healed the sick he raised the dead open blind eyes open deaf ears turn water - I raise the dead and he calls some 70 men and he said you go in my name go in mind I give you right to my name use my name and that way I'm as expel demons and demons obeyed them cheaply and they came back and said who the Devils were subject to us in your name and he said don't be excited about that don't be excited about that is natural is that getting excited that I'm a man I wake up I look at the miracle I'm a man what was that casting out demons shouldn't be a testimony it's lifestyle when we walk into a demons our presence excuses them I feel a completion here if you're catching my flu shot I hear you yeah he says rejoice not that the demons were subject to you but rejoice that your names are written does the reason why the demons are subject to you because your names are written if your name is written a book of life demons will be subject to you you don't look for miracles you are miracle you walk in the miraculous that is an an after effect of the demonstrated love of God they are the effect miracles happen at will you don't look for them they follow you you command them naturally here you deal with situations and every natural solutions is impossible you can know what to do now because you're a dual citizen you operate earth and you operate heaven at the same time zahana what it can't handle you switch the moment you move it move it you apply all the principles and everything and is still looking at your face you change to lament Niccolo donna biebe or a katana tongs are the language of immortality it's not for natural man some of us your problem is you're too natural you're too natural but you're not in natural because natural men cannot receive the things of the Spirit neither can he know we are no natural man we are men of the Spirit born of God forgive Osaka born of God born of the world born of the Spirit same capacity with God what he can do you can do where he is you are what he has you have he can be limited you can be limited why the love of God made it so now to them he give right to you today the name of Jesus is not a right the name of Jesus for you today is not a right the name of Jesus is your name the name is your name it's nothing right not your name Jesus is named automatically has become your name you are Jesus if you be Christ's you are Christ's I'm able Jesus zabba doc I odd somebody says how do you prove that Ephesians 3:14 thank you lord Ephesians 3:14 God punish the devil Ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 are you still here for this cause I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ pay attention of whom of whom Netta's of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named Jesus is our name we walk in that name we eat in that name we live in that name we move in that name what that name is capable of doing is a reflection of what I am capable of doing that name is our family name Oh whom the whole family in heaven so there's a family in heaven on it who is that family you are that family you operate heaven and at the same time that's why we don't make heaven at last we make heaven at first the journey begins in heaven we continue in heaven we finish in heaven Loretta God right now I am in heaven I'm not going to make heaven and made heaven already I feel like I'm preaching here if you're catching my flu shot I hear brother Paul put it like this our citizenship is in heaven yeah hurt a lot so what is not in heaven is not permitted in my environment I create heavens culture around where I live God can be sick I can be seqable I can be poor he can be broke I can be broke he can lose I can't lose that's my mindset let this mind be in you which was also in Christ what Christ can't permit I can permit if you can't have accident I cannot have accident why I am in him justified he is in McClure five Christ in me the hope of glory somebody shotgun that devil is a liar B'Elanna I pray you will shake her generation if you're a man is louder you will shake her generation somebody shot grace for grace Sidon let's talk a little pastor Godwin you were saying it this morning out of concern that a problem with most Chris people is the thing can be callous because of grace anybody that says because of critical if any how has not understood grace in fact he is not in Greece some of the most disciplined people on earth agrees people and I'm serious about it hey he that is forgiven much love it more only a stupid woman I mean in every sense of stupid her husband will go out of his way to make her comfortable love her give her himself give her his resources put her on a pedestal and then she turns back to spite the man or less stupid woman naturally any woman that has a census impact that doesn't have a psychiatric problem when the husband displays some level of affection she responds to that affection and she will not allow anybody mess around her husband is natural when a label when you understand God's law when you understand it I'm not saying when you say I'm grace man some of the people who say they are grace people don't know Chris we know Chris that's why I don't try to defend weather gracefully to make you seen or not I don't bother it's like saying you say I'm not a man and I'm trying to say I'm a man should I remove my clothes I - I have identity crisis there's no point to prove no point I am Who I am by the grace of God and if you don't believe it forget it if it's not you believe in our ability nothing change Alya so you believe in it does not make any difference those of us that know it time will tell that we know when you come to a revelation of Greece you enjoy bliss is not had knowledge grace is a passive when you know him the person of grace Jesus the love of Allah Souls him another when you know him that's a power spring to know the love of God the present knowledge that is to say to have revelation beyond religion revelation beyond religion because a problem with Christianity in our country is Christian it is a human cause religion is amic belief many people and our churches don't know Christ they can't even defend him they've not met him before but when you meet the person of Christ he Coolatta the revelation of Jesus changes all the demographics when you see him in him you see yourself and when you see him what you can do you can do what he has you have when you see me become a reflection of what you see praise God are you in this building he says to know the love of Christ I hear that officials of the three where we are verse 15 pay attention I'll surround up officials 315 of whom the whole family in heaven on earth is named next verse and he will grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with mind in the enema by his spirit in the inner the Christ may dwell not visit data when Christians do program visitation 2018 is an insult visit so then person dwelling in you is visiting you is in the Old Testament were doing visitation in the New Testament with our visitation we have residence he lives in me I will live in you I will work in you I will be your God he will be Muslims and earth glory to God in the New Testament we don't come into his presence no we come with his presence we come with it and when we close we go with it the next time we gather we come with it in the New Testament we don't enter his gates with Thanksgiving and then tie his cause F that was David wanting to be you in the New Testament we live in the secret place of the Most High we live in God nothing can be more secret than God somebody shadow the Christ may dwell dwell in your hearts by faith that you be rooted and grounded we're in love that's our ground we stand a love ground with function on love ground we rooted and grounded in love Kay but I may be able so we come to the place where we have the ability to know yes we know the length the breadth the width the depth we know it is as I don't have time I will have open the lens the reach deep breath and death of God's love here right now from Scripture we know it to know he says we can know that the future of Bible study to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge that ye might be filled when you come to a revelation of the length the width the breadth the depth of God's love you function in the fullness of God you are filled with all the fullness of God you come to a place of epignosis accurate knowledge comprehensive inside of the love of God when you come there you know that even if you don't pray before you sleep no devil can touch you now that doesn't mean you will pray before you sleep by Islam because you pray before you sleep that you are life did you hear what I just did did you see what I just did you come to place when away you whether you pray before you sleep or you don't pray before your slip knot devil can touch it and you're not praying before you sleep because you don't want the devil to touch you you're just praying because you know fellowship in with your father you come to that place where you don't do things to get God to do something you just do things because of what God has done you come to that place we are your fellowship with God not because if you're done God doesn't love you when you fellowship because you can't live without fellowship glory to God you come to the place we are you naturally respond to what God has done without thinking you will come to a place of sacrificial living sacrificial living it becomes your lifestyle because as God's love God love more so much he sacrificed everything you know sometimes when we sing songs like I surrender all I love cuz you surrendered nothing have that is in gasoline that odd you drag your car home I surrender all you winter Mucha a checkbook not even a leave left that checkbook I surrender all all the money your pocket is intact your clothes are on your shoes your instead everything and you surrender all but your girl who ate everything you surrendered nothing my friend let me show you the person who surrendered all Jesus stripped himself of everything stripped himself of God took upon him the form of his servant that's a person who surrendered all he surrendered all he gave us everything there's nothing we give him other than what He has given us even the money we give it is either give us what do you have that has not been given to you it's of his fullness that we have all received grace for grace somebody shout I hear you i prophesy over you today in the service whatever cannot overcome the love of God will not be able to overcome here lift your right hand and say God loves me he's looking after me say God loves me we'll never like any goofy now say one more time God loves me and because of his love I am not limited in any area of my life now say the real love of God is so strong in my heart that devil can do nothing about it can I hear powerful a man
Channel: HeadstoneTv
Views: 34,107
Rating: 4.8012424 out of 5
Id: 9etP2o7rgsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 56sec (3356 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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