PRIESTHOOD - Pastor Chris Delvan @Northern Lights Conference (March 15th 2020)

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his courts with praise I will say of the Lord so it's a progression when we sing songs the songs are meant to accompany you on your christy journey it's just our medium of expressing the in sense that you need part-time the sons of korah they were a motley crew they were just acquire every instrument was their drums congas precautions bass guitars everything trumpets they made a lot of noise mummy so when you are approaching the church of David you first hear the sons of korah shouting they are the ones that encourage you I was glad when they said let us go to the house of the Lord so they encourage you to quicken your pace because there is no time you approach God that you are not faced with scorn mockery cynicism they are the voices that accompany you on the journey to worshiping God you should not be permitted to make it to God we have already learnt of a Christianity that doesn't make sense we hate opposition and pressure see what priesthood as the priesthood that one is not that the priesthood is for every believer but not every believer is called into the fivefold ministry offices your call is not to be a pastor not an insult electric cable cable metal avi what what do they call that company in Nigeria the cable no Kaku that cable is not the power if you connect it to power power will run through it if the cable loses or is ruptured at any point the same power that was flowing through it making it feel like it was something will burn it up and fry it that's when you know that the power can electrocute but he can also electrify your call is not ministry it's not my collar together you like this it's not a call this hotel was filled up with a bigger gathering last night three DJs they called it party jam rock from the gate to the wall cars were parked I think if there were a few people in this hotel you said maybe three four five thousand I'm not joking the hotel had to give me a room on the other side because they told me Jamrock will disturb you the tables went for 300,000 now somebody bought two tables for two million and he alone Saturday I would 15 girls I was told I didn't go so that you don't get don't get trouble because there are sons of Belial here you look at hydropower by DV TMZ I used to think I was a tough guy when I landed from the chi yesterday I went to minister to the youth cop was just about eleven three or four or five girls were standing by where the car landed and they saw me come out of the car the way he looked at me I felt like a chicken in front of hyenas I ran away from my life the Tormentor has now found tremendous I like to intimidate people well yesterday just with look because they were asking like hey is it for the same Jamrock let us follow you I ran upstairs I did come back down again the last guest I'd even see him of iris told him all right bye-bye and I locked my door put the bolt and I went to sleep so this is not ministry that's not your call your call is not to do ministry don't waste your time whether you do it or not God will do it it is even working in you both to do and to will there is one call all of us are called to the priesthood and the priesthood is for every saint you are called to be a saint your saint ministry is what makes your ministry anything the moment you stop working on the saint everything God has bought or giving you as an assignment begins to die are you following me the ministry will continue that is ministry pastor apostle prophet it it will continue without you sin talk stand up from your seat go away he has rejected his office immediately Judas did it they said his ministry or his office let another take the ministry the office does not have his name oh my god so on the day of Pentecost he is absent from his seat but they were twelve chosen the Bible says a hundred and twenty we're in the upper room which means out of the twelve or all the twelve produced ten oh my goodness his office was producing without him oh Jesus did you get that Judas was not on seat but he seat produced ten don't kill yourself all of you that are ministers pastors Reverend doctor I beg you don't kill yourself everything is killing you close it and I'm not joking go and sell from oil is a good business everybody will eat from your hand walk oh you did you think I'm joking I've told God many times you know we don't have to keep this charade going just any time you think it's just signal me the Bible says he will guide me with his you don't need to profit don't wait until they prophesy in public let him just do you like this my mother was a master guiding with the eye if you had a real mother if your mother looks at you you write several Bibles a lie every mother is a witch I knew it from my own mother not your mother Ezequiel I know and what I was a few to do holy ghost from her mother's womb my own mother sees it as ax so Caracalla I don't like this stop here it's good to have a song shiqiao say before we run up mountains and duties by way yesterday maybe today me too I'm learning and then these Hughton steps I don't know why do you do step that is so steep I'd take it to Mount Sinai don't let the ministry kill you been I beg you you know I can't call your name all these other men oh god I feel them you know that kinda thing if you see some man of God if you see space you feel sir that's not the call your first call is to be what is it in fact your only call is to be a saint that is the priesthood we wait that's why what is gum it's like a hood every believer is a Cobra the snake we have a hood and our hood protects you you alone if you are not protected you will not be attractive oh my god God saved you but until you enter safety nobody wants to be like you so you are called to be saved or you are saved but you have to label to be in safety don't waste your time Kalina ever pursue something that word apostle is not a noun oppose who this prophet that woman got tired he said ambassador DS I said where did you get it from he said with Christ ambassador I said to all of us ambassadors of Christ the city confusion one man said his elder statesman as how did you get that one is that the way you operate the grace of God and you reach one level of maturity you can't call you any office to become an elder statesman the one it was stupid little boy I gave him the title even me true one day I went to preach somewhere and one lying spirit profile ayah he said you know the man we want to introduce today in our church he's known all over the place as a singer but we in this church we know that his modern is Inga he's a prophet and people say yes Benny is an apostle and the people say yes as a mirror she is as an evangelist this is a teacher and is an apostle in fact tonight we have an elder statesman in the house and the people stood up I said yeah a few weeks later I told them gods that as you start touch then he preached a message of me the heart it should have just stayed with his ministry is he singer is the one that told the people I'm an apostle a prophet a vaster it ISA add a statesman only charge listen to me any come listen to me if I marry any turn today all we need to do is to be living together one day she will bomb boy one day to bungle another base who want twins so giving birth to church is not a call every believer she just do it is natural see everywhere you enter PK you should leave a church behind how many churches Honorable Commissioner did Paul plant do you even know the number they called a missionary journey after the first journey in other to Barnabas a Bonnie let us go back to Jerusalem but let us pass through all the churches we planted and see how they are faring church is not one committee let's form a committee and one plant shots in Jana no no no no if you are carrying your priesthood the moment you anti-union they said they led the seek like lie down they let the seek so that pizza passing by he's shot oh no no no no no no no no stand oza he did him plant to plant church he's sad - oh my god oh my god chicken saying his saddle and just his saddle you walked in here they don't need to announce your name your shadow announces you if you came in the power of the Spirit a little girl Kathryn Kuhlman she read it and she has the Lord was like what if the sun is shining at two o'clock and they mistakenly laid the sick people on the left and Peter shadow was on the right so the people will be healed she passed up the Holy Ghost until he said to her I am NOT talking of Peter shadow he that dwelleth in the secret to your your stuff hold it over me he that dwelleth in the secret place of the almighty will abide where hold it over me come on hold it sin talk hold it like an umbrella he will abide they see shadow listen to me the moment you receive Jesus an umbrella came over you the umbrella is made of two things the staff and the Brawley the stuff is Jesus the Word of God but the canopy is the Holy Ghost you cannot enter rain and lift up the stick of the umbrella and then switch difference this flick the switch and then begin to pray for the shadow to cover haha what kind of nonsense is that as you lift up the stuff and you press that button naturally the shadow comes [Applause] it is the shadow that is the issue and the shadow is the issue it will come but in a measure and God expects you to work it to expand it and most of us carry a shadow we don't cultivate so Kathryn Kuhlman God toda is that the shuttle can be worked and the shuttle is designed to grow and the shadow Dom is designed to grow as far as you want as far as you want the disciples asked him to give grow their faith increase my faith that's the wrong question when somebody dies and you want to raise them back to life it doesn't just happen because you it ever stop asking for things you are not ready for yeah one worked faith for something as Tiny as children we are telling God I don't want possum about to die further raise him from the dead just like that the team installed the sons of sceva Jesus we no no no they didn't say we were told we know that means he has taught them a lesson then far we have we have been taught about and we have experienced him so we know him too then the question was is up to you if God before you why so now the demons after they announced the two people known in heaven and on earth they asked you to ky1 [Music] demon-possessed person beat seven able-bodied young men sons of one father if a demon-possessed person if you see wrong unless you have something if you don't have it leave so who was it that was thinking about is my father it was you that was in something about the father and immediately said that to me as I sat here immediately I heard it I just knew the direction the meeting will go tonight and that's what I'm telling you every father less spirit tonight is cursed you know fatherless faretta daddy is is the spirit that gets believers to just mess up every time you see somebody do something wrong he just felt like he had nobody you know what you say I have no body they give you see guy you collect they give you a go girl you need fire to run down your throat because you have had a less but a copper never loses his hood is a priest hoot you are called to be a saint in fact amongst all of us Jesus elected me to be the head pastor tonight I am the senior pastor chief executive paeonia founder president of nothing because everything is his own oh no no no no I said I've not seen nothing my own is his room thank you my son thank you still a little boy claim this Alice he heard something not like some of you you d hear anything in case the case lee said thank god English was not the chosen language but I know the language that we speak in heaven because Jesus is coming down at kaguro shut up sit up sit up nonsense all ungass people are drunkards we're drinking a guru but ungass people their own Chi come on sit down nonsense you know angers people interrupt people do a drink competition to drink akuto then in the morning whenever duty the competition will be tomorrow so one young man came from fanship and he was walking like this he's already drunk oh so when he got to London the people said to him who are you he said no that the same thing from function to ask is the competition still going to hold he was already drunk then they said Oh consider yes let me give me a little pot of Brigadoon he was already drunk he finished it then they gave him another one then he finished it then they gave me a keg and he finished it and I wanted to talk they said to him Yoga is a is there more so then I asked him are you the champion of function is that know he's the Agena brother [Music] that is the one listen how much then the lantern people say if you are the messenger we don't want to see the champion all of them in punch in Wendy's dundies how this done because they don't have balance with you cinching talk the last person that drunk in his house was his great-grandfather but he still drunk that's how far the anointing is don't let me talk about stoner so let's just leave let us leave it at gin top don't you see keeps kicks me you know that his grandfather used to they used to wake up with a bottle of a guru number one let's not talk about Google boilers let's talk about this priesthood listen to me that spirit that frustration that comes to us that makes us abandon our priesthood and our sainthood tonight it is cust every fatherless spirit loses its potency its power its influence its capacity and ability to truncate your journey to dis to distract you it loses that power tonight the only secret of your victory is knowledge now you know that he just called you to be his daughter come you're just he is what the old me do like a daughter hey you are just his daughter this is how I hold my daughter these are I hold my son he's taller than me he's somewhere there I punch him and he enjoys me punching him my daughter loves it when I put in fact my daughter and my daughter sees me coming sometimes a daddy daddy Toto Toto daddy daddy she's the only one that knows I am Optimus chief because she's my daughter is a generational cause I don't need deliverance from it to visit comments upon how to oppress and harass her because one days you come and tell me he's here and now say who as you say him with him is it a him nothing about this him now or equina so before the rascal comes let me exact my pound of flesh sometimes I have asked my wife my son of my daughter and they run out of the house and leave me alone they both stand on the main road and say come as I am NOT coming come back because they know I don't want to disgrace myself in public so listen to me I'm not joking that father less spirit that's fair you too you know it it comes all the time and it makes you just waste everything you just duel a lot see it's cursed hazardous cars tonight it's not going to be cursed and the only secret is knowledge because now you know his name fatherless spirit so every time we are beginning to feel callous just the toe toe toe toe toe I've seen you you have comedy then you remind him Oh father he calls me he's all he calls he he's alone I'm seeing anyone keep yours again I keep yes for evil time even my life wasn't his hand I was he he says he knows he knows my name he knows my name [Music] [Music] because he [Music] the service the summers did not say the Lord is our Shepherd his room who will not want hi it is any of my wife there are they dully didn't say I am my on me no no no no the White was saying I will not lock the husband was saying I Zechariah said the priest will worship his own separate his wife separate his children each of them there's a place where you have to be individual he anoints who my and whose cup is running over I am saying that is your car you have an identity with him you are wasting too much time with people that's why you are stranding get out of that sheep and then tie him to another place Jesus didn't talk about us my father I'm enough everything I do is what I hear him say the father to Kevin said this is my beloved Son in whom i I not awesome if you don't like Jesus God has registered the father in whom I am it doesn't care about what you think about him all this way so don't let them kill you in that so true if you think gets too much about call me tell you what to do with them and just all these Rascals you see down you start touch then you begin to have trouble because you start a church what kind of nonsense is that just leave it and tell the people please God how you go and plant another in fact you can plant ten on the way to can oh we don't we don't understand that's why I met a commissioner of police sorry why did I tell you the rank because now you know and he said to me man of God I'm headed to Sousou place I've been posted there to go and take over and he said I know you and listen to you winners then I now move to Lottery and you came the I again he said bless me three for me and I prayed for him is that because by the grace of God everywhere they protect me I left behind the church I said police my son Elijah entered police every time I see a police is your friend if you have 20 naira is that no the police has moved off Nadia one 200 now you can say to hear the police is planting charge everywhere he is posted he plants evolution I said to him your life will never begin topless of Andy so some people become bank manager is a bank manager you guys are anything else is that my sister please I have a business I just want to buy 50 poultry chickens and then not them yes my prime all I need is 15,000 air to buy the chickens and the food that will mature them for sale see ya so what do you want I need a loan am I talking about Lunia you know all these people their eyes are on me that's a Christian it's always Christians that are talking their rubbish they are watching me nice day how did the Cobra lose his route sir when a corporal sees you he breaks his oh my goodness oh and they are majestic you see more attacking you is if you come within striking distance is a hoot Kathryn Kuhlman expanded her shadow it got to 2 kilometers do you know what that meant when she's in pea Hilton everything 2 kilometres and radios bowed to Jesus one day drunkards were in a bar and he decided that this silly girl is in town the barman gave everybody drinks to be drunk then they went and brought baseball bat all kinds of weapons whiskey bottles and he said let's go inside a stop the meeting and they all entered and walked to the front and came to give their lives to Christ just a common girl is one girl and then you are sitting down waiting for the angel of blood to come to your house as a Tom Tom amis so he will call you like they call you your village Tommy means so now Nike resume haka do you want to die before you know I've called you that's not you were called to be a saint you're not a music minister music Minister you want to be a music mister was a caricature nightclub go and be competing with DJ icebreaker MC disaster the Romina if I leave Church today and not the name I will take just go to shop owner hotel that's all I've told people I'll never be broke I can never be I saw something if you don't want me to judge Mike I will just do that query and our assassin the under something I can't even sing that one and I just got acquired people with color blah blah blah Papa in our muscles ah what is the music ministry there's no ministry like that I thought there's no ministry like that sit down sit I have not told you anything yet I have not told you anything you know we we used to dance every time I come to dance and sing you are carrying your book I hope you are not leaving cuz you you can only walk out if you have something superior I'm telling you the truth sometimes what you are hearing is life and death well he told me something is not only for the less purity as costo tonight I saw I've not heard that kind of thing before you know what he said to me is that today I bring to an end fake pregnancy I was all sitting down listening to you you freak I've seen before people have needed a child so badly that the symptoms came upon them of pregnancy if I have not experienced it sacredness everything you carry every desire you have that is not granted that brings fake symptoms upon you they distort you people have even a distended stomach and they thought they were pregnant oh my god I came with an authority tonight he didn't tell me before now it's just now as I was asleep to these people he said to me I'm ending fake pregnancy even even if the pregnancy is the burden to birth a church even if the pregnancy is a burden for you to just do one Li to righteousness do you understand me some of us like me is impossible for me to do a little right justice no no wait let me demonstrate it let me demonstrate pass of my coma beg you at all and it's somebody that is short and smaller come come come come my son no no that baby come come yes yes passed oh please climb up the stage can you claim these steps okay go you follow follow your daddy oh I had two of you stand here I want you to see something righteousness can look not to hold him you are two independent people XANA yes everybody was as far as me righteousness can be as big as well Mike righteousness can be as small as a tiny fruitful poop in the face of God they are both righteousness he has to receive you perfect you and accept you for you to be acceptable even if your righteousness is this big or this small it is people who have a righteousness like this like me but you know how I learned to pray I will keep clock because every time I pray I'd be sweating I believe that I prayed for one hour then when I put the clock one life five minutes then I hear people giving testimonies in fellowship by the grace of God hallelujah I say by the grace of God you can even hear the prayer voice we pray for four hours and after four hours we felt on the inside in hunger and then we play the e key so I decided that I should not be using clock so that I can see my progress on life for weeks the camera click okay ten minutes I'm not you and I will be sweating how many of you are like me because if you don't raise up your hands all these people think that I am a wicked man so you see that my clan is many so I kept the clock I never had any problem how can you be praying and looking at the clock when everywhere you go shall we pray bow down on your head and close your eyes the other day and you already crusade I said close your eyes and some people didn't fifteen of them went blind so why are you yeah those kind of testimonies you know you have to close your I am free then the Lord showed me something as you watch I'm praying so keep it close Allah Gaia baba yaga ready I was watching the clock according to the instruction of the world can even die thank you sir please come come thank you clap for them I will tell you the reason why I'm going like this Oh tonight because the conference has changed you know before I came in last week the Lord said to me don't you think that one day is not sufficient to teach worship and prophesy it's not so exact to me I think we should have two days so that on Saturday we teach and worship a little then on Sunday videos of prophetic rally what do you guys think now all of you got clubbed you must drop something because man shall not live by bread alone but at least man shall live by bread and you know one of the names of money is braved avoid I gave read for there don't mind me is our generation is different from you I said the name of money's bread some of your taking kind of bread in our time a light was red sharpie he said to me fake pregnancy one evangelist meters to pray is area Stadium is a Naboo evangelist is that as well as prayer tonight by the grace of God I'm going to lead you that Freya everything I say in eBook say Roomba everybody Simba as a Simba then is that homina homina is that some of you you are always beautiful only your dream then when you wake up you our world war so tonight to be fine only in your dreams amoeba gamma Mara so so some people don't have food to eat is only when they as with me in reality during the day is no Gary to smoke that's a curse from today fake pregnancies that is dreams that never come to fruition is a curse in your life free of charge just because you came into my shadow and the shadow of everyone that stood up here minister and the shadow of all of you that are seated I'm not joking you will see it oh no no no no it is Yemen before you can ask for God to raise your dead you have to have walked in faith sufficient for you to say I want this the Centurion said to Jesus I'd be watching you everything you asked for is done as you see me ladies I know we're uniform for nothing I understand your rank in that army and the army you belong to you know when you use Kingdom people think is one mystical world the Centurion law in new New Kingdom he doesn't talk about any easy soldier is enemy Centurion which means I have command over a hundred by the grace of God if I said come all those hundred begin to ask which one of us a follow me and me too if my Agha of 1,000 shots all of us that are over a hundred we Russia so I watched you everything you asked for they give you and I've been wondering why then I realized in your language your commander-in-chief has a unique special please you always say my father my father what me am here is my Agha my Agha my Agha so because you are submitted everything under you is submitted yeah then is a nun in the park where come from subject cannot cannot tell inspector to come to his house know if such aunt was to give inspectors on the use if we are bringing it is the inspector has to say and if these vectors is I'm coming to you say no no no you don't need to know da waka waka me and my wife will cook it and bring it to your house out of respect then he told Jesus you don't have to just give the instruction then Jesus said and what kind of faith is this I are not even a Jew so what is faith you think faith is to mount your desire Lord Rahl Lord Lord no no no no no faith is when you have observed God and you have made a record of his works and the way he works then you have put it in your heart and now decided based on these things I have seen what shall I do that's what's called faith when your observations of God produce intentions on the inside of you that you are ready to execute see another example the woman was losing blood for 12 years she stood she had been too many Crusades she stood there watching this man healed blind Hilda lame spoke words of wisdom that brought liberty to all kinds of prisons and she said hey is it possible I have been praying on this matter for 12 years and I have not obtained cancer and I know many like me but our lives are full of unanswered prayer and then here is God he has brought an open-toe then stand up open your hands stance and let him see you this is the okk fundo listen John in the book of revelations we'll see this dog he said I heard a voice behind me like the one I heard before it was the sound of many waters and when I turned to see I saw a dog standing up in heaven is an open door standing oh it was not a door John saw Jesus he saw but what he saw was a door every prayer answered every city given every people given every who needs to submit has submitted because in him all the promises and prayers the promises of God and the prayers of his people they award yay and a gave him is the open door no man can shot that's what that woman saw then she said wait whit whit whit whit this is power passing this is a river flowing when you scoop water from the river the level does not drop upon you even if is his dream you can never take water says he have reduced it this is channel that's what she saw so she was not waiting for them to say then Jesus will get to the person she ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba the anointing is here if you are see rise up and place your hand on the place that is paining you know some places you can touch it in public do you understand so when evangelist realized that is he okay just lay your right hand on your chest even if it's not your chest no you can see Jesus in come to Lazarus grape grape and say Allah but I know he ing gara me Sally no that's not what he said he'd even has got at the grave of Lazarus now give me power to raise the DA he said I only raised my voice so that these ones will know oh my god that's what he told me this week was going to be so that they will know that this kind of relationship exists where your son can talk to you know your will that's why Jesus prayed then he turn runs Allowed answer us come out it was not the shout that made Lazarus come out in fact some of the most powerful things we say they are whispered but they are very tough there's nobody has ever told Miguel was your name grace nobody has ever come to toasters okay I love you even bigger would think they are you are seeking is a whisper but it samples to be hot you don't say to again I appreciate the gift you gave me from Valentine I really love that thank you sweetheart you whisper look how are you laughs ena anytime they are talking love matter ha ha sido agrees that is also how when you want to abuse your husband in public women know how to cool down then they whisper is that all you can say you can do the understand then you see a man jump up jump up what is it then people will come and say why you shouting and he asked people help me ask him [Applause] since you said we were whispering no no no no some whisper is stronger than thunder before you marry your wife find out what she says when she's whispering because that's what will be making you explode like a broken man Akutan be she ask him she shouting that's how he dismisses us has he no he's not disgracing you it is the little and I advise women that when you want to talk to their husband lose this is awesome this should inject their tongue and reduce the poison before you shoot the man because men are made to look like concrete but we are not that strong well I took people alone and get to our heart and we will scatter the Holy Spirit and your wife and both of them are called your help hallelujah thus far our Cletus that's your help is your help yo you stand by your extra tank you're under something hmm so don't kill your husband in fact many men become impotent not because they can't perform because of the words D here a man has struggled struggled Rodin's is de all you can do say kata de Mouton color can Adam Hamilton who ally he will never move again then when he goes to office any team passed even if they fly if it was cat he will now be moving there and I now come as they don't mind him that is disgraced himself sleeping with most most most most most most organs well I want to sleep with most well Ivan Locke is much more he would have slept with tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny girls because of your mouth god is good you are called to be a saint a believer because your call and being a believer you plan churches everywhere and all the things you plant they try and I tell you how it is done I'll show you from Scripture I'm not gonna keep you next next month when when is due dates for next month 19th we have to look for 18 and 19 could Saturday and Sunday Kageyama that's how up-to-date back was shifted to the end of the month we are going to get six months in advance so that you know the dates ahead CDC is a special one don't worry yourself that I will not be able to go to Baba TV because our convention cancel the convention for your cha cha be attending every year this one is just for this year he told me 12 months being Kaduna Lagos and Abuja 12 months of the year once so is a prophetic journey I told them on 1st January I said 2020 is going to be the fastest year you have ever lived and from 2020 to 2025 this vide would be so much that five years will pass and we think in six months not listening in this this just three Monceau American Iran almost brought the war the world to a nuclear holocaust within the first few weeks you know our trauma had killed that general and Iran mistakenly sent some missiles if we tarnish mistakenly Eve America chose and you know Trump now you're not wrong this is why did he kill al-baghdadi Olivia's are the city's general what is Suleiman Suleiman or Solomon whatever you called why did you kill him without permission he said the guy was a nuisance ha ha did Nancy Nancy whatever her name is God angry she told his speech desert is calm cool Acharya attack enira thus do not wrong that means I know I live in new trees not dog much naira ill dog much naira eager to tell you see Karnataka couldi new dog doesn't know so and it's now we hear that over a hundred American troops we have brain trouble because of those missiles that Iran through I'm trump in the midst of Corona he's telling everybody that Iran has not escaped here - Corona - is in Iran and he's in America and Donald Trump is did everybody is dealing with Corona I don't know how people named Jesus Corona was one car before if when I get her Toyota Corona not be everybody to ride a cow you must be somebody it is a somebody somebody Karuna then Corolla the Saiga one be analytical on Karuna that people are running away from drinking it in Europe because they are suspecting that the virus is inherently is at the bottom Alice does good there are most sane people in the world just this yellow within the first three four five weeks we were on the brink of a Holocaust and guess what you know check the wall do Jews have you seen my brother me and my brother we fight when we don't have walk but when an enemy comes against us we automatically unite to fight the earth that's what the Jews do all the European nations II do like Trump immediately he killed the general the Raven challenge why did you do it you are telling us that angel in Germany and then all those people diversity then Iran through missiles all the European nations with America we stand - don't waste your time that's how easy it is for the world to do self-destruct if Trump threw missiles the European nations would have stood with him you follow me I'm trying to wrap wrap up the team so I'm looking for the door inside because an open door I've not forgotten where I was the woman with the issue for 12 years and I'm talking to you about faith because I'm talking to stranded visions ministries emissions things that God has given you that a stranded God told me to bring you release not only to you but to me too I brought it but I'm trying to tell you don't ask for what is not being given you girls and without because this is whatever you bind on earth it should be what has been bound where he does not be bound ask for something that you can handle this is these are the dick this the decade of speed if you are 40 you will be 50 before you dare call Jackrabbit if you are 50 you will be 60 in no time if you are 20 don't waste your time to be like four days and you already be touchy then you'll be asking over alpha coz i-20 you're ready saying oh Lord oh Lord nobody is asking me to marry them if we've 2020 fast without it will soon be 2030 so if you were feeling the desperate at 20 you can imagine how you feel a taxi and the taxi will pass like breeze just just watch it you will not know when you're busy is November of 2020 when you stand on the 31st of this year you know that you are in this high-speed train and you told me to tell you he actually sent me for three things to disciple the nation because he said make disciples of every nation and I asked him we're talking proverbially or are you talking specifically are you saying that Nigeria can be discipled can your tribe change can you go to car guru and not find Babu and everybody is so bad my people are not so bad they only sober when they are high every year we compose a new song in my tongue and everybody sings it and nobody knows who composed it but it is number one on the charts you just see people people go for drinking binge 20 kilometres they are tracking they are beating the drum in their mind with their mouth and it was tough as a kite so I brought an ocarina oh you're talking to themselves then you start again [Music] they are greeting each other and they are tracking 20 kilometres drinking and 20 kilometres back is to have an aunty when she comes back around 435 you hear her by the palace as you stop there then she has this song she always sings capsule impact sleep as she's talking to when I leave the house I wear you when I am returning you become so heavy I have to carry you on my head she stopped every day she tells me to slip us on her head as you drop it and sing for it then she will carry it and put it on her head because it's too heavy so can that happen that's what Saints are called to do not pastas not apostles not prophets any saint can disciple his nation early in this ministry nobody was invite him I didn't know nobody was inviting me and because I have too many scandals in my life and so if somebody doesn't invite you you create your own meeting so I started creating meeting this not is not now I started feeling abhors oh I just go to any place and just call the people and say I'm doing meeting you say what for I say come now let me tell you I've done meetings where template who came and nine of them stood by the door Mugabe Nicky and I preached from the one in front to the nine at the door and came back and I was talking to the chest I thought I was mad when I read you on key to get your story young Ito has the largest single assembly in the world and you know when he started a do the people will stand by the window and he'll be talking to em tgs his wife and children way in front he'll be tell in the chest I will send all of you to the world when I'm done with you you will infiltrate so they started telling each other comments in this madman he's preaching to empty chia and then any money he gets that week he will add more chess so after some time he put bends by the wall then the people that came first to the window entered and sat on the bench to hear him preach in two empty benches so when the others come do tell them now we can fresco go to the next bench that's how the field of the church until the he's not judge judge growth formula there's no formula stop following fat find God wear your hood and walk in it oh my god it's so simple see what I'm doing now no stress I'm tell you there is no stress do I look stressed I'm just talking any kind language self I'm abusing you and you're laughing he's no stress and it on the woman saw the open door and said this is power this is just free course do you understand me and she said what am I wasting time for I can't even wait for him to see there are nothing is here when the anointing is there people see into the spirit receive that grace tonight for when you stand for people to burst in into visions in tillable visions unquestionable visions clear visions decipherable visions you don't have to stand and minister and then I tell people you I you see and when you can eat people see it even words that describe the painting vividly receive it now the Bible calls them right words oh I said right words somebody needs to get it it is a curse for you to go for interview and fail is no question they asking you and you will answer goliath made the mistake of talking this actress all so why you sending it easily to rock then he said to divide come I swear to my god I will stab you with this fear and lift you up like a lizard so that the vultures will eat you up and he could do it he had the muscle to lift up David then David said ah you were a mystic he gave some apostles some prophets some evangelists some he gave out if you have just fought without talking you'd have won but now that you have moved it to mouth they say let me tell you you come against me with sword and spear how stick I come against you in death then he said lift up your eyes bully and you know Goliath looked up the city's vultures they with your flesh today today I will he will give you into man that's what he said he will give you into my hands I will cut off your head and lift it up in this battleground you will follow this verse Angola was wicked words because when it comes to words it is the power of a painter paint brush you paint victory you paint defeat I said receive right words I know your pastor doesn't know the gift so he can't give you so you better receive receive it and stop pretending that you know I said receive right words and not just receive right words receive the ability to fix them what that perfectly spoken sir this is it yeah if you break the iron you can turn it into a port what you fit is what you get so it would can be comfortable it can function it come from walking stick they come from baton next time you go for an interview sweetheart if it is interview if the thing is a talkin matter one word from you that is the gift that operated in Jesus the same jesus knew what was in their mind and then he give them the answer that is the gift that Paul used to divide his accusers the Bible says that the king most noble King I'm glad to make my defence before no other person than you then he said to the king it is I mean to the Centurion is for the hope of Israel heir to the king the hope of Israel that we will be resurrected that's why they are trying to kill me and then the Pharisees now said ah his resurrection what are we doing here because they believe in the resurrection and the Sadducees say there's nothing like resurrect us how the accusers scatter the code scatter is called right words and the ability to fix them speak them fix me to join them to create the picture some of you pastors ministers you want to tell people about hope and you are saying the word hope but people are seeing hopeless you are saying hope they are see hopeless the something wrong is a disconnect collected tonight as I collected tonight those of you in politics collectives everybody is saying I will help you but people are not hearing help so why are you saying the right words the fact but it is not translating to truth only somebody said I'm angry with you I said why is that because you just be saying he is a lie is a lie is a time we will sink it and we can finish it this really annoying him there is no fast one of us two of us three as at all that's army to a so simple it didn't drag meet us nine percent reserve is very cinematic ie as a I can do it you can do it when you are sitting on your couch and watching it on television I simply television hurt me so they slowed it down slow motion then I saw was him when I saw the effort as a comma lady I can't beat the anasazi how many of you have seen message Scott and his ever as very easy until they gave you ball then you fell down trying to press it so light to stand off rather lose your boy no be juku you understand me all of us are footballers when we are sitting on our card if I pass on to play Ronaldo now why leukorrhea yemassee empty coal scheanette how did you put you one day we played the next street who are playing with one Street and one of our brothers you can run especially when you don't shock so we told you is it - what we are going to do in this game because the street they gets on deadly strike us so we say ok we'll just put the ball on the run and then you just run like cuckoo nobody can catch you they use just one wire because we knew nobody can catch him talk but he doesn't run like that aunty he shocks and the problem with shock is there's no games you cannot tell where you have just sucked enough so I miss dinner he were attacked and then it rained so we put the ball on the road jack he took a G then he first of all and he was fighting till he entered beneath the bar ok so we said ok ok is it Calcutta as I Kazama so we simply the game played again there were not put the ball on the ground sake he took over him this time he didn't fall asleep very positive all because what I was slowing the ball do you understand me under some time with a high velocity strategy Naga work we sorry looking for a substitute that girls saw the open door and she knew that they don't need to make an invitation if you want to be healed come out now she broke protocol that is the reason why Pentecostals when we hold meetings you see people stand up now we have turned it into yeah yeah people only stand up like that when they have seen something they are collecting something the girl now said to herself I'm going to break protocol I will break the circle of his disciples I will break the security cordon I'm going to press through only one thing I don't need him to talk to me because she saw that this thing was available blind man said if you will let me see Jesus lazy about my wheel okay let me tell you the will of God is that you see and the guy saw no touch because the question if you will if you are willing some of us still pray the prayer today if you are willing Oh God winning yes already said then the girl pushed protocol on its first disciples and she got to his dress and touched it and immediately she touched it mother see what she did she just taught us that they're going no no no that's feet the pivot is not like that it is not fated fate induces you to act and then react without with faith a dog will tell you do something you have never done before when down check your back if your back is healed check the symptom and the girl touched His garment and she turns to go then she felt a hand in her womb locking the top she didn't even know there was stuff there before pappu somebody now locked the pump she felt it dry you know it modulus will tell you go to the toilet and check it and see if he's still there and if you need to it when she went to the toilet it was to throw away her menstrual rags she didn't wear another one and walk home to see whether they was still any trickle she felt the lock then Jesus was the one who stopped and say who touched me then you know Pierrot now you see a problem all of us are touching each other and you say who touched me oh shut up no be like don't touch no be touch this this one not talks they he explained what happened that she left me it is virtue that is coming to you tonight to quicken to energize some of you have 20 year old dreams 30 year old dreams 10 year old dreams that have not come to pass is a lie tonight I connect you with your dream I turn the dream to a vision a vision is not what you see a vision is what you teach you built you duty as I said your son's will all men will dream dreams and your sons will what your CV see vision means the young will build the dream they will build the dream the vision is what has already stood you see that hand lifts it up you see this hand this is the Horn of light Habbakuk saw it in your hand your pan Yahoo touch your bum Hans of what life recorded the hiding place of God's creative power a person is not a spirit - you following everything these hands touched did live I say everything you touch it lives these are the case when a grandmother my grandfather will outrun a teenager because if the teenager doesn't see it and the grandfather sees it so be it very magic moment Abraham was buying pampers for babies Isaac his son was also buying pampers why was that pray for me that God would bless me as okay you are blessed I said if you are so blessed that you even give birth to children there are no pastor above 65 wise like as you said you want God to bless you that's what happens when God comes to your house in 99 year old man gets the child the blessings of God they make you embarrassed if it is not God if it has not embarrassed you is not God I'm asking you in this season take a step from your chair you have entered into an embarrassing situation I'm telling the truth this step you took it permitted God to embarrass you sit back I'm not joking I'm not joking everything the doctors told you is a lie this step you took has brought you to embarrassing moments and I am not using bull face I'm just telling you as it is sit down some people just wait for you to say stand up and then that's when they think they can leave and I'm always laughing I'm not always laughing Pentecostals had the greatest problem may well depend coastal movement was one of the greatest gifts that God gave the earth it was when pentecost came that men began to worship the church has never worshipped God like when the Pentecostal move can look at the kind of worship we entered in tonight do you know Charles Wesley if you read some of these people their stories the kind of wahala they went through to sing some of those hymns and look at these guys all of you received Victoria arranged a residence her system anything you understand yeah she's the one that's angry Marilla with Nataniel bossy she's a mother and a wife a very humble very quiet when she said to me she landed she said what I'm leaving first thing in the morning I say one hour is enough perseverative sombody wife do you need two hours because you're a chief just one hour who is looking for 10 hours to Guernsey then I know I encourage my agent talk is even around your brother in fact I told them to put their rooms near each other so say the one I told you talk as anytime you say she said she was coming you know he's shocked because to move her is not easy no that's faith faith the woman saw the open door the opened always poking about in revelations chapter 1 but she was not a revolution yet they are imagine I just said if I'm a part gyro said follow me who lay hands on my daughter and she shall be well human is your blood gyrus is the head of the church who is the Pascal but I said unless you follow me and I won't look at fit for anything in fact as you were standing the other side don't trouble or gosh you don't have to pull him back and said ow stop stop the unbelief just keep on believing because jesus knew that anyone that believes in him though he were dead yet shall he live so we already played before you came and I must rehearse the prayers for you again this is the night to recover lost treasure that your soul is a treasure some of us have lost our soul because we've been distracted and we have lived left the Ministry of sainthood and we have entered into all kinds of things and because this the saint is destroyed every other thing you build is destroyed but tonight recover your soul recover the knowledge of how far we will you are that he left 90 named to find you that's how precious you are even if that's all you recover tonight and you stand up as my father's daughter my father's son it does all you recover tonight is sufficient one woman told every chair every bed in her house swept everything with the hard broom and with the softer broom she was looking for a coin a treasure that's how it is tonight goddess of turning everything in your cart these evil scattering your theology some of you are upset about the things I'm saying because you have believed Christ differently it doesn't matter embrace the new because as I'm talking your heart is enjoying it even though you don't agree you you are filling Chi can it be that cheap but your heart knows yield to your heart Kingsley said even if you don't understand it behave it everybody is out to you you are standing trial yeah before you can start in the flesh you will end up in the spirit behave it if you stand amongst intelligent people and they are talking how do are they intelligent people you understand me so if you are a fool and you stand in front of professors used to be doing say something gentle see the problem or Nigeria Kingsley caso you to say your owner then then the foolish is a team I also see your point so easy calcium they can hear you now hmm I also see your point Jerry yes yes today oh I see your point I see your point by the time you see their point all of them will still think you had the greatest professor a fool is a fool till he opens his mouth so behave it just do [Music] what people are praising about just behave it why do you want to die before your time is Ecclesiastes don't die before your time when people are laughing laughs if you don't laugh that's why you are sick that's why people like you said you were to kill who answer a fool you know those people there every service pocket pocket back Ricky back in pokey pokey pokey back pocket then when you dance you have a Jehova Jehova mm-hmm when you come out is that hair can the back ache has gone it's not anointing is exercise so instead of waiting for them to induce you with the exercise kuku laughs when everybody's laughing some people don't love to do research they laugh at home dizzy honey how are you hmm will you come out of home will you eat conflicts hmm yesterday got me toes laughs we say how many times have you sworn that car after hearing a message on unforgiveness all of us where the Chi has Cara Kaka I'm a fool I believe in all forgiveness I forgive everybody everybody only for you to enjoy your car with your wife you have sworn you will not keep malice like this like this you have not reached the gate she say honey you should have gone that we didn't you notice that they open that way unless she lets say anything move you reach home she's are you ready to eat now is you that just swore now that you will not leave you no forgiveness so Jim said there are 10 commandments if you break one you are broken all so there is no hope Kenai both the bus stop and the man of God stand up sir you're the one oh good my wife where our pastor we were fighting then we entered the church this was the one that really finished me Siddhartha then the pastor began to preach living the spirit don't grieve the Holy Spirit with who you are seated bear fruit the fruit of the Spirit the spirit the spirit and the finished service with a powerful him Jesus keep me near the cross and we sang it all in the cross in the cross be ABBA we were adding the one that is overrated in art then willingly we entered the car so don't want you making Saddam on Satan when I ask myself even the word of God didn't he received you dance is that even me I knew that we must continue this fight and I'm ready to take well I we will die let's die two of us we came fighting the water God came preah worship move of this village with till everything and we flirt with the charge if at some people were telling they were thinking my God is the fate of Christian and as giving me in this charge they are such a holy couple and we entered the car I said honestly unless Muhammad Obama today when we entered the house what lies like you have another with you loudly becky boo boo until gamma kieran question thundered that I came back I came Bruce Chang yaki boo boo so they can mimic I can't emphasize and she just sat down AHA if they know what you said last week you know my greatest mistake one order to marry I thought that Mary was small petite girl so that when I bring her to the house if I just recovered where there are hard as oh sorry here's your tea yes Edie yes sweet yes chicken if I had known and I'm going to go lads house to marry sister it was all of you that wasting your time marry slim slim slim girl is here one night she wake you my own does woke me up ooh so I woke up 2 a.m. I mean I thought even if she wants to fight you fight in the afternoon when the door is opened she can run out 2 a.m. we have locked the house locked everything the bedroom to lock she said to me I want to talk to you trust her I said what me is anything wrong and don't say I want to talk to you - he's just talking so I start off I said ok what is it I thought she was going to ask me to explain Luke chapter 2 then she looked at me she talks and she looked at me squarely in my eye this her height I follow me she said you are not my father karate coaching talk they call you dad oh but you are not my father and you are not my senior brother I am NOT your daughter so all these shouting you're shouting in the house I teach you stop do you know those emojis on your phone the nerdiest wonders like this and you know this one is ice like this I was that one my I was like this then when she finished no she said to nagamma that she's finished and she turned on and after three minutes at results she was already sleeping me why me I just morning just came this is at till tomorrow then I understood why does in my village they always suffer brain damage when an elder is passing your brother some samba then there wasn't so greet me say welcome Baba Samson how are you then tell me is not something oh no what's the difference [Laughter] his wife just finished talking to him dizzy walking like a Chinese boss somebody told you that is not something his chin talked he said he has no difference you know go school you're not even night school sin talk better I mean Kingsley better pass you there's difference between Sam and Qi and is different it's brain damage when a wife talks to you sometimes you don't you your medulla oblongata goes to Japan so listen to me let us wrap up this so what is fate stand up sit down stand off why did you stand on your legs because you understand the language and you understand when I said stand off it painted a picture that's why you are your legs you can't be sitting you can't be standing while sitting it means you don't understand so what is Fichte understanding god's word and making decisions that are informed on what you saw but Helios was sitting down they told him I never see this country brand new eyes in holes and tea sockets but mayor say who did it Ramana is name is Jesus then they say - Deena Wow but immune say would turn left us he just shouted to them at the junction and said go to church and show yourself and they were all cleaned on the route du matin yourself who they said Jesus then one day he heard footsteps from from from from watching and he said what is happening this is Jesus passing when he heard that his studio is that with Jesus do you want this idiot do you want this idiot the one decided as they were saying that he was removing a bar because his aguada was his baking uniform he resigned from Becky oh Jesus had not spoken to him he had resigned he knew it she if he said to them take me to him they will say nobody knows way easy to do is like the window yesterday was another at the other day he was in guitarra so who is going to carry you and he is blind so he can find his way not his eyes passing by do you know how it is you applause say all I need is what a torch but us remove this government I'm not begging anymore and he started shouting Jesus as they were telling him to cool down he was shouting the more he was violating protocol what is really wrong with you is that you have not been able to see enough to create actions actionable points out of what you have seen but tonight God has healed the things you carry inside and the things you see on the outside God has married them together tonight I put you on the same page with Jesus you you believe the things he has offered that's what's called the power of an endless life this life that is flowing before you is endless this priesthood that you carry gives you access to it you can tap into it you can drink it in the morning in the afternoon in the night if pharmacist doesn't give you a prescription until he has given you the drugs you can tell you take two panadol in the morning 2:00 in the afternoon 3:00 in the night when he is not giving you that there is a priest walking by and then all of us have access to upend ourself to eat just connect through your hook catch your fish throw your copper draw your water or nothing should you stagger that's what was meant when the cerebrum did not stagger the promises of God I follow him I said are you following me fake pregnancies are dead by reason of light that fatherless spirit is being bound by reason of insight are you following me don't say somebody provoked me and it was just the provocation is no what led you to scatter everything what really led you to scatter everything was despondency you just woke up and felt you are useless if you know you have a father can you feel you are useless oh please please is a fatherless spirit Satan visits him on us every time and yawn I'm not immune neither you immune to it there is nowhere you reach down in your walk with God well you see I'm so much short that's it and cannot is reliable is Eli without you know the 10 commandments they were not meant for man to keep it Roman said that the righteous demands of the law no man the Ten Commandments were not given for Israel to keep it you know why as they were given it all the tablet Moses stand here did the Ten Commandments as he was coming down he heard shouting become do you understand me the people had broken the commandments so he himself in Angus must-dos Mazda tablet young God did what he broke because they had broken it already he has not yet showed them the Ten Commandments no human being can keep it you passed oh that is trying to tell everybody that you're right Rose it is waiting for you just one small turn to me and you'll be flat on the ground then you will know no now what media pastor is not because you have kept all the commandments yes nobody that keeps them you rich young ruler said I have kept all of them hey funny boy the Bible said he loved him and then she was okay keep the one that if you keep all the time I kept love the Lord with all your heart don't share your heart with anything apart from God not even you Karuna because those little little viruses in the heart that are small like Karuna they are the deadliest they are like yeast a little leaven leavens the whole and the guys like hide that one is Haru you can say the laws were given to reveal to you how unfaithful disloyal and disjointed you are the laws were given so you are not the distance between you and God how far you fell that's why the laws were given then you will seek the door Jesus now let me close with this every one of you should know this today if you find yourself struggling there's something you have stopped doing the thing you have stopped doing go back to it it is called soul-winning every one of you remember when you first got burning here we asked one of the brothers in prayer yesterday what are the things you used to do is they immediately got born again that week he printed his story in campos printed into a magazine size kind of and told the story of his life do you understand me and how the Lord has saved him and this shared eating campus is that their fellowship was they were increasing by maybe four five six members per week because of his testimony so I asked him now yes after if I should read that story and I stand now and I'm teaching it and you are here would you be embarrassed yeah yes he's shared the story as a baby the campus was on fire now he feels is a mature believer if I tell the story of what he was not what he is now Jimmy is born again now he said it will embarrass me so I said that's the problem so anytime you find anything stranded go for souls and don't organize crusade do it the way you used to do it when you meet people let them hear your joy bubbling forth that bubbling is what is called in nabina be that is what the houses used as an AVI the Arabs are not be the under something that's the prophetic is the properly they are just bubbling to tell anything her you know what Jesus did for me you are bubbling to ask him talk where will you spend eternity you are bubbling to see have you found him the truth under living yet it's just above all if that bubble has died or if they cannot be over it that stops it from rising that's the problem that's the disconnect contracts they are not to be chased they pursue you is the Word of God is not a life some people by now are upset with me because we are not taking offerings see I didn't start this thing today I just started today and I'm not poor so why don't you just for a minute drop your reasons and just embrace this way I don't advertise myself what pleasure do I have in Shinto calling me my father for what I mean though Kingston for what what what what what do I derive from it nothing I need friends I don't need children when I'm climbing the stage chin talk helps me and I need him to know he has strength that I want to draw from all these inferiority problems that you have that that Jim you want your ego to be massaged say my daddy your daddy would want Mary him stop with the anybody's time now I'm daddy for life my son is driving me I just give him points boom is he that in your hand is hot I said yes let me burn you I can punch you and if you think evil against me it was small like this ten thousand year cost is on top of you are your children so he must arrange his hat even when I am punching him that's what I do fortune talk I'll call him to him as a I was happening name it is uh he's trying to tell me I'm sleeping that's when I'm getting more excited ah our service today then he has to wake up by force and tell me what lied to this I have you see the children they waited in the video watch me as I sent me the pictures now now now the only sense after I've woken up everything from the crown of his head to do as okay comarca which is always late it's late person is a generational cause me is his old age that is disturbing me sometimes I can't sleep so I transferred the high blood pressure why should I be sleepless and then he will be sleepy drowsy is wrong Dola bunny funding let me let me read I will read the last few statements for you if I will be so win souls and when you win souls you can only win souls when you tell them the gospel and the gospel is not is not what you thought it was one of my greatest challenges was to find ignorant Christians it's so upset me Christians don't even know the good news the gospel is called good news but you cannot tell the good news done but you can tell the bad news and the gospel usually starts with the bad news we said it yesterday and one girl met me and said thank you sir that's the problem with my brother his life is so unstable and I've not known what to say to him they were youth caucus now this is the gospel you tell them the bad news the bad news is what I just told you no man can keep the Ten Commandments so all of us have sinned and fallen short in fact what is called sin is falling short when you fall short Komachi that means you miss the back let's say me and them come where we are I just shoot your arrows shoot 10 of them the name gets then the last one see oh you miss once you miss the mark Jim said even if it is you one and you got 9 you have fallen short if I should learn and I miss and I get with one I have fallen short so the person who was transgressed or trespassed in name and the person who trespassed in one entire ruin Lalaji that's what James say so that no man can enter except by grace and grace is that Jesus says you are accepted that's the bad news tell it to anybody oh boy we are all finished does it meet somebody Isaiah escena they will start to argue asked him have you ever lied have you ever stolen had ever thought evil thoughts against somebody have you ever but bit by bit somebody have you gossiped have you where do you think evil thoughts we are all sinners that's the gospel and every sinner is going to the lake of fire who is wearing red somebody wearing red completely completely clembot clembot that's the lake of fire stand here yes this is the lake of fire you see this lake of fire is not hell that's our problem we mix words anyhow say you are going to hell somebody's hell we're all in Hawaii it was not going to hell hell is Satan's office all of us here are living in Hell have you ever lost a mother or a father and you were sitting on the aircon and then they said mama died and you started sweating and then you see what he held it means hell visited you hell is also an atmosphere oh my god do you understand say so he's a liar where is he inhale hold me you are a thief where are you hold me hold me is help she is the prison of everybody that is drunk with the habits that sit and sense hell is an imprisoning do you understand me now this lake of fire God is going to throw Satan inside the leak God will throw death the head of iniquity inside the lake and he'll the one that was a master imprisoning people he's also going to the lake that punishment was designed for the Godhead of iniquity that is the father of the Godhead as we say our Father in hell in the lake I mean in the pits of darkness when they say our Father they are talking about death they are approached early Satan just like Jesus is our own and hell is their heaven is the atmosphere the pipe this tree this punishment was designed for them for lack of any word to describe our terrible disease that's why Christians call it hell fire now listen this is the good news the good news is this nobody by his good works will find himself in heaven so stop laughing at people especially you wives whose husband is on the street oh don't begin to think that you are right your son you are okay and you always tell you can't look at you see the life you are living I'm really sorry for you see oh that's why he's not saved what you are telling him is that you have fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law and he sees you keep molly's he sees you speak Tamil something so he's thinking about everywhere in the same superbug just cool it now we are all headed to the lake of fire with Satan but the good news is God cannot stand you his son making it to the lake of fire because he gave birth to you what's your son's name okay now what sin can you go commit that you hurt him why are you shaking your head we cannot see anything you he can but I forgive you as he broken your costly plate sometimes I'll sleep late there are some friends you have cut off for less offenses no chicken I'm saying I know can't break has he I don't want to say this one let's not spoil Lucas me coz me do you know something so it's the same thing with you that's why I said today's net of recovery of treasure your soul is the first treasure to know that he left 9999 self I mean solid healthy Souls to pursue you that's to tell you how valuable you are I follow me so God cannot stand you so Dan come lie down in front of iniquity I mean of the lake of fire plain Bob just lie straight he's tall so he should find space across his legs ya know pastor Jerry this is the Sun one of God's sons Jerry go climb Bob this is what this is what this is the good news the good news is we are all headed for the lake of fire but God cannot stand any of us Jerry cohan it can't stand any of us going to the lake of fire so taro even if you are going the last thing you will see before the lake of fire is the dead body of his son so God is the one that invented the same oh my dead body so go go to the lake jelly when you can you match the song you see him on the cross you see him up there that's him on the cross that was why his body was slain it was not just to forgive sin it was to put the last reason why nobody should have the gods so they say you are inexcusable Omaha and then they ask how can you for six such a salvation when you present the gospel like this no blood G they never Bona match them with the Sun and anti Jerry can you oh you see the point when you reach the appeal is God lying down he says where the caucus is the vultures will gather this is the gospel that makes the Eagles gather to you it's not any effort what are you fast what are you pray whether you give offerings or not it is the gospel that draws nothing else forth this is the good news that nobody needs to go to the lake of fire it was not designed for men born of a woman because each one of us God has a record of us in his name he knew us before our mothers he knitters secretly and quietly all our seniors are written in a book that's why if he's a nervous breakdown God has extra sets he can recreate your nervous system it is muscular challenges and calling these things now receive your healing if his most bloody generation he has extra muscles the day he meets you he knows the specifics of your muscles if it is eyes he has house look of the same eye he made for you and you know not two of us have the same eye that's why when you go to embassies now they take pictures of your iris because it's uniquely you if it's paralysis he has extra legs hands fingers everything even as I'm speaking on receiving my healing livers kidneys pancreas is everything stomachs it's not by OSA chemical imbalances in your blood diabetics I mean everything good leukemia blood cancer everything he has radically your blood your particular blood is not the same as everybody's blood people have died because they give them the wrong blood so your own specific blood with the specific amount of salt this special unique taste God has it in jerrycans Noma needs to go to the lake of fire if you are making that decision tonight you can't just get up from where you are come to the altar and just kneel down talk to him and thank you while I close with these listen next month from this month every time we come we're going to do two days and you have already agreed if you are stared up in your spirit to support us cuz he told me that Congress form of Transco that's why I have not gone anywhere I'm not trying to show Mon you know when I came in four days ago Cabo I didn't have in the past one week people had all kinds of problems and I had to minister to them I flew from legals I came to Abuja miss D flight to EULA flew to Lagos immediately a misty flight to go and take care of fire there then I flew from uni goes to EULA to go on point a fire then I flew back here - come on quantifier not related to these things but then I returned from katana to come and do the meeting I was faint and I was looking at pastor Jerry and pastor Baba I wanted to tell them this meat you know hold I see let's go eat breakfast waiting breakfast in the Hilton normally when I have a room like I need free breakfast but now that I didn't have a room yet I was going to pay about $9,000 per plate and we ate because in my mind I was going to tell them after we finished that the meeting will not hold and I'm Pastor Bob Hakeem and you already went and booked a room for me and then told them that yes I'm around I'm coming to pay for the whole there was no money then each one sent me a text and said I've still not received my ticket she didn't know why I married you had to get so he's not magic and yet it's better than magic I'm just trying to tell you raw faith real faith true faith the only faith and then we sat down they came to pray with me and as we're praying God's I tell them tell them I'm coming in to train them in the things in which I've trained you my name is Wanda he says it's going to be now miss I didn't tell any of these people until somebody shouted the Lord in your list is mighty did you yeah did you yeah when they said that he's in our midst they were talking to me that was when I told you to as a as I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready to go Wanda means he does wondrous things but as an adjective but more than that he is a noun the noun to wonder unto us a child is born unto us a son is given his name shall be called whom Wanda that is me oh my god I'm excited for you tonight because your last step till now to hear these words so if if you want to be a part of making sure that we come every month it's not we don't have to beat you don't remove offering baskets there will be a basket as you are going a bag at the door it just you know oh no God you don't sponsor the ministry just partner with God who - monkey banana what you want responsible the dead body that is there is already the price for everything well you can partner is a privilege so partner and don't ask me how much do we need this partner let your give him cover up for the inadequacies of others there are people living tonight we wish they had but they don't so you to act like a prince stop gauging what others will give a list nobody here can't give 5,000 so let me give 10 so you you look at me to see me you see me finish [Music] the president of equi I was with him in Mena a few weeks ago vulnerable Kumar's mother passed and he said something that day I cannot forget and I'm coming to mean I a crew is April will do that meeting a lot told me today we are taking the stadium Amina want to gather all the buggies and remind ourselves what Jesus did in Mina for over 100 years all of you that registered tonight and give your names you've given us permission to invite you and you will come up in the studio is the Honorable Commissioner of Utah sports for Nigel State and we are going there now when we finish with Mina we are coming to Abuja in Abuja we are going to bring by gifts from NASA rawa from obesity from Mina from Kadena from everywhere he will come want to clean stop the studio not to make a name it's a god-given mandate I heard Reverend Baba Pina si let me read it sinto is my pocket is it to sit imprinted do you see it imprinted it's bigger than the other ones do you see do you see this line imprinted okay that's how I wrote it she talked any man is in not out till he has accomplished the Father's will in his life he was reading a quotation standard on the quotations is man is immortal until he has accomplished the father's purpose in his life you know what I heard that man is indestructible if his assignment is to fulfill the will of the Father and his life financial mountains cannot destroy you until you have fulfilled emotional mountains psychological mountains man and man man both man and woman is generic I heard him coat it I said what did this man say they said let me repeat it again that man is immortal until he has accomplished the purpose of the Father in his life he read it like English I can hear anything he came the funeral of your mother became a wedding I was wrestling there could have been a wedding you could have been anything that was all that I am indestructible as long as I am pursuing the fulfillment of my father that I am fresh on every side but I am NOT customer asked but I am NOT perplexed I don't suffer from depression that they question me they mock me cynicism every kind of vibrations are follow me but I am undeterred nay in all of these things does the Pavan endless life I'm more than a conqueror and immortal I saw people living this meeting and recreating their lives as they were walking to the gate they were saying this is out that is out this is in that is it they were changing their life I saw it I saw people lose 2/3 of their size both physical and spiritual just to fit into the new moon I saw it oh I've been excited every man you are immortal indestructible unstoppable nothing can microwave the moment you have found his will and his will is his word revealed the moment you decide tonight I have heard enough or heard something tonight shame dishonor disgrace of every print dies tonight he's dead all you need to do is invoke it man is what immortal indestructible unstoppable his fire unquenchable until he has fulfilled the purpose that he has found now listen to me the purpose of God is in his word are you now going to be studying only when they say less study reading the Word of God is not a chore it's just your delight I said tonight we are - we're excavators we will not stop till we have found water than Abraham found our Abraham is Jesus whatever give him 100% victory in his ministry we are called to it tonight from now on every time we say see we receive it rice of everybody and don't go out just rise up lift up your hands repeat the things that you have heard today that you are not immortal stop anybody at the doors nobody leaves just said that I am indestructible I'm unstoppable as long as I am pursuing the fulfillment of the Father's will in my life [Music] to say tonight I'm untouchable I can't be seen I'm invisible and then I'm invincible in battle I am supernatural I am indomitable and indescribably so I heard these words a few weeks ago and they just changed my life everything we have been able to achieve in the past two weeks has been hunkered on this reality man is immortal as long as he has found a Father's will and is committed to fulfilling it you are unstoppable every vision every assignment is completed all your enemies are vanquished a thousand on your left 10,000 on your right 11,000 slain and what is killing them is not coming now even death is conquered swallowed up in victory now nobody needs to tell you south ear are Isis from the inside of you naturally I said naturally naturally the lion cannot be caged not anymore a lion escaped from Cano zoo I want come home and they went review him is they were lying it a lie our Kalani Allah let me swear by everything he said no I in Cana will sleep till that lion is found a lion just escaped from this room the man saw I said buydig holy quran and by anything is our life sleep has been murdered in canoe until that lie on his found where the government was telling people that they should take it easy and become that they will soon find the lion the man say which come you say nobody is going to become or till they find a lion that lion is inside of you until that lion is let loose don't give yourself sleep just meditate on this what am I your problem is meditate on this that you are immortal as long as you have found it and you are pursuing it you are immune there's not written can do about you oh my goodness and you're still waiting for what if you are not filled with the Holy Ghost be filled as I be filled just obey about and begin to adjust just gosh for [Music] be filled with the Holy Spirit and if you get him began to rejoice and give him tongues speak with a new tongue he's already upon you belly Hayley Ahmad Hussain Mariah satella women Amakusa Vida let the high praises of God be in your mouth on a two-edged sword on your hand bless him [Music] the last priest has been recovered the lost priesthood syndrome began to say he has been recovered and is not recovered so that you'll have it that's a bit a bigger bed more supply of food drama lights a candle and hides it for pleasure you lift it up so that it will shine it's light so all in darkness can see you have recovered your soul winning soul winning you have recovered it your lost ship has been found your lost treasure has been found your dignity your honour your virginity is restored now your soul is fairer than ten thousand to him you know how much he loves you but he is also fairer than ten thousand to you you have found your true lava no more wandering no more malingering Murchison except to Abraham blessed be Abraham of God Most High that word off off Linda his offspring he gave birth to you you are not human Connor you are spiritual your sons of God everything or us you have everything God is you are you've been stranded for too long your release is now and we had rain upon me O God and the rain of the Spirit is falling has been falling since this service began he is the one running after you chasing after you and it'll proclaim is so eloquently the rain of the Spirit is here upon you you are revived you are not going to be revived revival is not in the future is here now he is restored you in power now you can proclaim this restoration you can proclaim your relationship with your father drop that phone call and talk to him [Music] drop those thoughts that are wasting your time receive this he is the God of all seasons he was God in January God in February March April May till December the God yesterday the God today and the God forever but that's how you are - you're an all-season person you are a multi-purpose tool yaaaaay screwdriver us - screwdriver you are a knife you are a razor blade you are anything God for every situation you are perfect your God is an all-purpose God and you are an all-purpose tool you deserve him and he deserves you God is timeless tonight I declared to you you are shameless [Music] this date is not just bringing the future his ring in the former and the latter the rains together today at once don't just thank him for restoring past things thank him for bringing the flood future is bringing the vermin DeLaughter together liberties here [Music] freedom is here victory is here your release is here you are escaped you are escaped I said you I escaped today ohonta we'll go hungry your soul is free there will be joy a house but his sorrow in his house your escaped the snare is broken [Music] she a not another choice [Music] rejoice rejoice [Music] we toys like cows that have been fed in his stall skip some rejoice shout runs that is the Barbie but it ties rejoice [Music] [Music] one of the challenge is killing us is we have not declared the gospel we are already trying to make the gospel to become comfortable we are trying to make the gospel a gospel that the world will be comfortable with so we are looking for what they call a crossover gospel both in teaching and in music nobody sent you when you are doing cross over gospel make sure you cross over with the cross don't leave the cross behind there's a cross I asked them to put up for us link up your hands all of us when you link up your hands like this that cross is not a piece of wood and another across no no no where's the cross this bullet you see that cross you see how many trees were put together how many pieces of wood we're put together is me and you all of us we were in the cross are you following me this is the cross I want to build in my house this is the cross I want to build in my ministry this is the cross I want to put in my heart this is the cross I want to give to the world to say to hit to them we were in him this cross is in is in North Carolina Billy Graham put it together you are in the cross that's your story your sins are there your victory comes from there that's the the the server of life uses out of this you cannot sleep when you have not shared the gospel how dare you how dare for me tell somebody this good news remain in the cross don't make it to the lake of fire one the world is your greatest opportunity in all of the earth everybody is suffering from Corona there are nations that are known for all kinds of gods only Donald Trump said today is the day of prayer Saudi Arabia Iran India Buddha Hindu nobody and the world is unanimous in mocking who told you the rapture will not happen every political case that we thought if they don't solve it we will die they had the digital we have not died people can travel so political matter can be solved everybody has cool down in Italy they showed them opening windows and sinking from their windows to each other the whole nation has become come the Bible said it that the ox and the wolf will dwell together peace has come by force the rat race has ended all the stock trading businesses are down by 10% 12% billions wiped out and people are happy they were rather lose money Karuna he's only fifty something thousand people worldwide that have died and we are acting as if 1 million has died my friends the Bible is true the warning signs are there for us the last meeting I asked Agatha to greet us and she began to talk to us about the rapture and the inevitability of the end I said let's not take it for granted sir that was prophecy two weeks after we were all running from Karuna my wife is in England my daughter she told me sir I'm yeah I'm coming home a woman went to visit her daughter in the same University of my daughter and she ran back home and I said she left the daughter my wife said yes well she didn't think about it because she too wanted to come back and live my daughter there Khurana can't divide family the Arras Donald Trump irascible they told him everybody damaged him Sienna was to kill dama and Democratic Party this that the president of Brazil visited him under the press secretary of the president of Brazil has Karuna so he must test and you know why is that because the press secretary sat with residential can imagine the president of Brazil came then his press secretary who was Karuna they said is he sucked with Trump who I was the president of Brazil for the press secretary to sit with Trump does it make sense now they are tested him and easily is negative listen much more is going to happen Delta Airlines canceled 50% of their flights in America domestic flights you don't know what that means 20 fly in America is modern Nigeria aircraft flew all over America without a passenger just the crew and if I load as I do with their swords into plowshares we are doing it now oil has collapsed our Minister of Finance announced to us today that the projected income from oil was going to be thirty nine billion dollars that now if we gave 14 billion we should tangle nobody even knows how long this thing will last but we had a church we stopped it I told them we break bread and we broke it and from our little corner in Kaduna we stopped it worldwide that's what you must do when you get to your house take bread and take wine coke if you don't have wine G if you don't have Coke water if you don't have tea then break bread together with your wife and children and declare Karuna you have ended from this house to the ends of the earth is that mustard from Jerusalem all Judea Samaria then there are two most parts of the earth and we will say that you are good that's what you are going to say immediately after that hallelujah the art is not endangered as long as you are here you are deliberate or demons Vito you are the freedom bringer exercise that authority have no fear concerning our nation the year is too fast for the troublemakers of our nation God has quickened the pace we are the only ones that can oscillates to this frequency open your mouth see God is satisfied you with a new song with a new sound with new vigor hallelujah I always thank all of you that came if you didn't register I like you to make sure you register because we want to reach you directly want to reach you directly and the next time we come on Saturday we're going to have let me be like three sessions of the world maybe like from four to eight or nine and then we just have shot bricks inside and it will be such such such teaching that you can you can ask questions it is send me to make you reach in terms of money cuz I was rubbish I bring things that are higher is some Chi cinto the prodigal son he left home wearing the link of the youngest son of his father in his prodigality all he had was the link of the last bond he didn't have the ring of the first bomb but when he returned the father fell on him and gave him whose ring the ring oh my goodness I saw that yesterday I ran in my room sir you have been protocol I have news for you you can go protocol 10,000 times more your father will still have enough to give you knowing this therefore beat your swords to plowshares kiss the song lesbian how come in your return from sin God is giving you his own ring the FATA that's right I see no but I was angry one boy saw where she had testimony of my life and he knew my story he came to me he said I just had to come and see you sir I say what happened is that I decided to leave my wife I said why he said because I don't have a testimony like you so I want to start sleeping around so that I can get a testimony like you because when you preach you make examples of yourself so there's always your wife is he left huh or I told her already and she couldn't stop me so I traveled to you if I tell you where he's coming from you will know the person so I will tell you and I said to him you're a monkey I said there are two testimonies in the Bible two sides of a coin some of us our graph is like unstable as the waters you will not exhale but some of us our testimony straight so keep your own tell the testimony of your life me I got few to do only goes from my mother's womb that's John the Baptist story no recorded sin against him in the Bible so that we too can be the other side you is by grace you made it like that we true by grace we can see way he left his wife he was and he already got girls in church oh he said they are ready but I he'll do you have the courage he wants to talk to me faster then I said we were in the airport in Legos and I was standing with one arm and I want my was saying to Pan Am she said you lucky you never seen like this Chris Delvin when he's sinking like the Holy Spirit she said he said me I smoked a shocking boo I did many many things so what I'm said who are you saying thank God for Chris see if you notice man she say about what is much more lies that I tell is that something but this man the girl didn't try to open him I said why wasting your time she's just giving testimony to the efficacy of the transforming power of the word of God it's transformed my life some people can't believe that's what he has done for us tonight you will get up and share your message and people are going to swear you're lying that's how perfectly he has restored you you are not wearing the ring of the last bomb you are not wearing the ring of the first bomb you are wearing the father has three I have his name let's hold hands I share the grace of fellowship to all of you that came my friends the badges are here I'll just greet them and then all of you all of you great men and women of God let me know brief protocol so you don't get upset and say I didn't call your name I called my brother's name is my friend is my brother his wife is my sister and my wife won't say if he dies but if he makes a mistake we will collect on tour tell him in the grave that were helping him take a what he left behind hallelujah but they are closed they are my family so so so you can say I don't think we have been in the meeting like this for over 20 years I don't think so widow he was here at the last meeting today he brought his darling so permit me to greet my family before all of you that came honestly my heart the joy lies in my heart doesn't know anyone when you come in April April we're going to knock down those walls and fill up this entire place how many of you agree so don't call me alone pay for people to enter boss from kuru to hear and tell the boss to come back that when you close you call them so you call them 30 minutes and then they start coming by that time when I say to you I'm cruising you know it's two more hours hallelujah a please when you give tonight give very generously and so on brother come with you adhere you know if you are giving it here I'll have to stand here and got it nobody at the door yeah yeah are you ready yeah yeah so at the door make sure you go out through this door police lock that door because some people who go out through here so that it will give I'm only joking it has to be free will if you want to pay for it just give us three four million and we do we won't disturb anybody if I will tell everybody to just go who were you blessed by the Ministry of King sneaky [Music] were you blessed by the Ministry of Jin taku taku were you blessed by the Ministry of Jerry Lawrence why you blessed by the Ministry of rosemary and juice are grace why blessed by our sister you are going to come back to cartoon ah and then to hear she's breathing hard because even this one less than God for her husband and the children God has so so blessed us so all of you are going to get invited to me an honorable commissioner Omar's campaign we are going to Mina I thought do you most common sleep inside Mouton is a B will sleep inside the cars what we was going take me now how many of you agree and then you follow me to coverage on and to car guru massive crusade no be joke if you're under all mad people like Jesus you will know that you cannot sponsor his ministry because when Jesus begin to make demand for giving yourself your pocket go Bob because your boy I'm gonna do this plan like this all of you will already have a bread and water we don't pass that level or DG they argue for our internet say tight is not necessary not 10% in they argue about you so above the plus 10 would have passed 30 40 50 60 100 people if my wife knows my giving without on divorce today there is a general one we give together as family but I tell even when we go to church would all sit in front with my wife will not pass tonight Suellen when we reached church I used to tell them everybody for yourself after service we're family because if your wife doesn't want to give your giving can save the family if your husband is the stingy you're giving can save the family so are you going to be waiting for somebody give Oh Lozano was giving 90 percent of his income as tight and he own private jets in the thirties private jet and God was showing him pictures of earth-moving equipment in his sleep and he will draw it and tell his engineers I saw a car when he drove up then it was pushing sand like googoo Akashi you know that be - that ain't a scout on then is a dream is a workable thing and they called it TIPA he saw it in a dream so it's moving greater everything saw it in a dream he was given 90% and when he died 10% was still billions he left for his family till today caterpillar equipment everything he owns the patent only priyada to save us let's learn enterprise food only the fool says in his heart there is no God how much did Enterprise the Ibrahim gate get to meet Melchizedek do you know the man we know his father do you know his mother do you know the name of his village is there with our father without mother somebody doesn't met you you gave him tight then he put his hand in his pocket brought a bottle of wine brought bread something you didn't know about it's out do communion see our God don't lose your prayer that's your thunder don't lose your praise that's your weapon of warfare Oh carry any crossover gospel without the cross you are finished so let's say a degree in fellowship together may the Grace and and the sweet fellowship of a Holy Spirit rest and abide with us now don't say let me to say after me see the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the Heavenly Father and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with us now and will remain with us till the end of time amen please make sure you greet somebody [Music]
Channel: David O Adebayo
Views: 8,914
Rating: 4.9796953 out of 5
Keywords: ChrisDelvanPriesthood, PRIESTHOOD - Chris Delvan @Northern Lights Conference (March 19th 2020),
Id: -nqE4Mqmd24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 21sec (9441 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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