Faith doesn't save, Grace does

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let's look at this Greece very carefully officials of the two from before read for me from before carefully but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ by grace he our saviours and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus yes for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God so what he is talking about here did not preclude anybody God who is rich in mercy for the great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead we we are dead inseams and Christmas has quickened us no preclusion available to everybody the second thing to note in that reading is that faith doesn't save faith doesn't say grace fees for by grace I saved you are not saved by faith you are saved by grace because if it is by faith then we will save some people have it and some people don't have preclusion will come in so it is not based on faith it is based on grace by grace are you saved and grace is for everybody whether you have faith or you don't have faith whether you believe or you don't believe salvation has appeared to all men glory to God salvation has appeared to all men you are not saved by faith you I saved by grace to sleep to sit meaning that grace that saved all of us for you to take personal delivery you used any balloon on under you use the conduits of faith to to to channel your own to a direction it is not that conduits of say that God you see it it is Grace but the conduit of faith is to channel your own passion into your own life I don't know if I'm talking to somebody so fed cannot take delivery of what grace has not supplied faith cannot cash what grace has not supply so salvation is my greece salvation is by grace what is the grace of salvation jesus died he was buried under toddy he rose again for who for all unbiased he rose again for all praise the lord as it praise the Lord so it means that we have received what Jesus did so fit for salvation it's not the gift of God it is the grace that is the gift of God it is what Jesus did that is a gift of God grace is the gift of God and this gift of God is not by us it's not restricted it does not preclude or exclude anybody it's not by us it's not restricted it does not preclude or exclude anybody Titus 2:11 the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men the grace of God bringeth salvation yesterday we established that in order for you to understand grief grace is from Jesus to Jesus any grace outside Jesus is arrow we see grace from Jesus to Jesus so Jesus is the grace of God that is why it is the gift of God because Jesus is a gift of grace you didn't hear me Jesus is the gift of grace let me have some of your question how many of you have qualified for Jesus in the state where you where what did you deserve the wages of fear exactly so if God had even allowed you to be alive without life you know what I mean - just merely exist instead of bringing the judgment of death separation from God which eventually culminate in eternal damnation if you're just even said I pity all of you anyway I will prolong the day of your judgment and your as long as you can that kindness that's kindness but God didn't do that God looked at man and said I must help not because they deserve it does a cracked-out Greece even though you are of no benefit to me you are of no profit to me and you will never be of any good to me yet I will best all my grease on you I will best all my courage on you I will best all my grace on you irrespective of Europe you are you are you are you are your bankruptcy irrespective of your your you are you are like just Lovins of plywood irrespective of your your your your your your debit you are gathered you are just on it an identity you are on eternal debit even if they sell you and the whole of your community and clan and village you can't pay for a percentage of your indebtedness so you are eternally useless to me in 50 lifetimes you will never recover enough to pay for one-tenth of what you who you are useless to me now you are useless to me before and you will be eternally useless to me yes I best all my cash on you shuttle Amaya he didn't supply you bliss expecting anything in return so when a man of God's a good money to be blessed is an insult to the work of redemption [Applause]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 24,286
Rating: 4.8940396 out of 5
Id: xec0sAyY7I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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