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they're so full you know what these are yours hey guys this is day job square we train for the job then compete for the job but only one of us gets the job welcome to day jobs what's up guys look in the day job I'm very special as you guys can see we're surrounded by pillows of heaven we're here at Blue Star donuts in Venice we're gonna be trained on to how to make these amazing donuts and we have a special person who isn't that help us and that's world donut expert all right guys so today I'm gonna teach you how to make our brioche donut which are these guys right here they look really good oh wow you're gonna fry them we're gonna glaze them and then I'm a really special challenge for you at the end so awesome I can't wait yeah how long does it usually take someone to perfect donut making at least like six months to really really be comfortable in this kitchen so what are we gonna be judged on at the end of the day all right so I'm gonna judge you on flavor the appearance and your listening skills so whoever follows the instructions the best kind of art and I struggle with this so I put your listening ears on today oh serious business before we get started huh you got to put on the rest of your uniform don't pass it down pass it down then we're gonna learn how to make some donuts all right I'm gonna go take the cash rush I'm gonna go pray [Laughter] when our Baker's come in they come in at 2:30 in the morning and I've gotta get going so the first thing when we get in we're gonna break down some dough all right so we're gonna Pat it out you want to get some of the air out or it's called degassing and then once it's like this I'm gonna give everybody a rolling can take your rolling head that's good then we talk about our listening here stop touching it okay we're gonna take a rolling pin like this and just like really focus in on like anybody who's made you mad today or people who won't stop touching their job Jay Jerry said don't touch your dough so I get your hands off the dough Pillsbury Doughboy doughnut with me keys the next step is to now just roll it out a little bit you want to do yeah this is the sheeter there's a little lever on each side you're gonna pass it through whoa reset it to seven pass it through the other way like this whoa then you're gonna put your hand at this end like this and catch it oh wow look at him oh I'm sorry okay Oh damnit way sorry I guess I'm really sure and I really can't see where it's going no but this means that positions not for you it means you're not good enough Olivia and that's okay well I really love how my team is so so I believe in you Olivier hope I don't win yo are you kidding me so then I go yeah oh no no no come back come back come back get over here this is what being a TSA agent feels like totally not getting the job he's totally not getting a job what's happening you might don't I catch it look Danny it didn't say that okay good job Cort yeah that was good I mean she only had three people golf ahead of her now we're gonna cut the donut that we hand-cut all of our doughnuts we press down you never turn it if you turn it that seals the edges and your Donuts will not fries they will just stay flat little dude don't twist it no I'm not twisting you're gonna twist it literally following her directions that's smart so now you're gonna do the whole but make sure you get it right in the center and again don't twist it or you're gonna feel it right in the center look at that beautiful is good Olivia good job just pull oh my god this is really cool as opposed to my other co-workers look at look here I got three six nine twelve I got 17 right here how many do you have Keith I have thirteen will you have thirteen really bad they look hungry so now we're gonna put yours on a tray I'm gonna take a look at them and we're gonna saran wrap them and slide it right into the prefer the burger has heat and humidity in it and that helps the dough rise evenly we make sure this is set the heater has to be turned on which it is the humidity has to be turned on which it is and then every 20 minutes when this goes out look it over flip it around can I eat one you cannot eat them there's raw eggs in there didn't your mother ever tell you that Wow sorry we've got about 30 minutes left on that so in the meantime I'm gonna show you guys how we make our creme brulee joke nice all right Laurel what are we looking at right here the first thing we need to do is fill them you put one on each little spike whoa yeah all the way in you push it and as soon as it starts filling you wiggle it so it gets in there and start pulling them out so I'm gonna hit it like this and you kind of like jiggle it great oh I think you held it down a little too long I'm just bumping it all right so I tap it real quick you tap it and then don't hold it down and pull it out as it's filling you got it Wow there you go Kim Kardashian come on you're getting it mole cancer I just wanted to hit it no Donald it not that that's so much oh there we go yeah they're so full you know my fever your whatever this is it was literally jam-packed oh I mean it's so much he did it like four times it's really good lick it hmm we're gonna put a little bit of glaze on top this helps the sugar stick to it nice you just brush you want to make sure you get around the edges too and then next you dip it like this and [Music] so you want to be really careful please don't burn yourself or the person next to you and it's gonna start to cook the sugar on top and they'll start to bubble a little bit like that I'll be great and you want it to be a nice golden-brown on the top when you're all done what is happening down here it's on fire it's on fire oh I just wanted to go over my doughnut to look like me alright Laurel who has the best creme brulee donut alright well let's take a look I mean there was a small fire down at this end yeah a small fire fire you took on more than I did before you did four and everybody else did too so if there were like an Iron Chef medal you would win that I'd like to just say that I made a little heart for you [Music] flirting with the boss that's HR problem recording you while I appreciate that beautiful heart we give no extra credit for brown-nosing oh wow you suck dude you did great it's even there were no fires it's all nice and like evenly browned I think these are probably the most beautiful ones thank you I do those are some absolute units all right Laurel with our doughnuts fully poof it is time to fry which we don't know how to do yet so we're gonna pick them up you drop them in half way like this and then drop them in face forward you can't be afraid of the fryer because that's when you get burned do it with confidence you're gonna be okay you sticks to flip them over you're just trying to get the color to be a nice even match to the other side and then we just use this little scooper like getting the Cheerios oh don't throw them yeah we might have to disqualify myself so drop it in halfway oh and then over to you towards that opposite no oh okay okay he's going straight in for two out of tiny brain jokes or so he gets it six six flip it flip it they're too Brown already flip it whoa buddy those are super dark wow they look like waffles they're so pretty oh my god oh I apologize I got in my eye I had a Titanic donut deep don't dance with hot grease yeah seriously I used to clean the pool at my dad's just shocked I needed it it's just like cleaning doughnuts out of the pool those are perfect really good I'm not gonna lie this feels like this could be my job forever all right everybody so this is the last step and then you get to yeah I'm so I'm going to show you how to glaze them which is the best part because it's where all the sugar is I'm gonna use our delicious blueberry glaze you're gonna dip them in facedown like this I'm gonna smush them down in there gently mingi Devon and you want to kind of swirl the extra glaze off the top of it get off whoa triple dog dare yeah that goes right there like that and then I just wanted be just try something maybe just do a little bit Oh God Oh God okay oh no it backfired on you so we're gonna start with the honey mustard oh no way you're doing so good I believe in you oh you beat my Jewish mother okay you're so cute as you do that I might have done a little too much I gotta put my I had eliminated for being great I had to do that I'm gonna do it Courtney I really liked what she did oh wait I did the wrong color hi she's okay do you want it spicy she's making a spicy doughnut hey don't tickle me that's not fair okay good job everyone regardless of what happens today just realized we're all champions in our own round huh cuz I'm gonna freakin win [Applause] [Music] but an interesting game with you guys it really has we did have a few issues with filling the doughnuts that was the one place the two ladies got a little out of control I go above beyond yeah Phoenix extra filling all the time we had a few problems with the sheeter yeah but you did light it a couple things on fire I did it on purpose you would you would get the award for biggest fire though most lit okay so just buy everything it all comes down to the final product I understand where you're supposed to put one doughnut but you know I just want to show that like I go above and beyond out of my way Sabrina those who want a little taste all right I like I like the way it looks you did a great job frying you really paid attention you didn't burn the sides they seem to be even we'll see how it tastes I'm gonna get just a little full baby peanut I'm right here it's nice and fluffy and squishy yeah it tastes pretty good Olivia you're up and you really focus in you're paying attention let's see how it turned out for you the bubbles are nice and even in the middle it's another thing we look for him Bom Bom calm is also very very tasting and you can I mean the glaze is a little uneven we're missing a little piece right here that's a thumbprint so you can identify who made that doughnut because I didn't know if you would get confused so it's just a verification I don't know if it's a positive say I don't think people look for thumb prints and they're donuts though you know you took some bold artistic chances here coffee are not bold he messed up on his abstract he tasted all the mix there's a priest I just wanted a little bit of the passion for very light I'm not a big passion for fan that is my favorite doughnut I love tasting so far she's that oh that's your favorite one so far no no no no passion fruit is my favorite daughter oh but I don't taste it in this one I'm gonna try this side all right well it kind of looks like nacho cheese what I was doing that on purpose mmm it's a bad it's really ugly but it tastes good Susie hashtag Keith's doughnut is ugly I appreciate again you went above and beyond painted too you decorated it put your own spin on it I'm a little afraid that was gonna kill me but I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try it too honestly Kourtney does not do well with spicy get the more spicy I like spicy huh - the Carolina Reaper dust we're gonna try it together okay I don't think this guy cuz that's like a clump of spicy all right ready okay right here is deep it's a beautiful doughnut oh that's a really good icing Oh oh the heat oh my god it's really spicy like a hot cheeto but oh it's hot I like it it's really good I like it I really like this place cortney's get out like we're gonna yell cut and cords get back all right Laurel you have tried every single one of the doughnuts you've watched us try to learn every single process of making a doughnut who do you think you would hire judging by the whole day everybody had their you know little hiccup some more than others yeah everybody had their strengths but I think today I'm gonna give the job to the person who seemed like they had the most fun and you really push themselves to go a little bit further so I'm gonna give the job to Courtney I'm sorry I'm gonna have to decline because I pick my nose way too much I can't be in a kitchen okay well then you're fired oh no all right well it's been things - pleasure working with you make beans to Laurel yeah yeah and bluestar for having a seriously the awesome place come check it out some Venice thank you guys for watching we love you too click the notification bell to see when we're doing this again and all that good stuff y'all one of their jobs you want us to do love you bye hey guys thanks for watching if you like day jobs hit that box on the left you can binge em all and then click the box to the right cuz we got a special video for you baby [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 8,461,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how donuts are made, hot to make donuts, donuts, making donuts, day jobs, smosh, smosh day jobs, smosh donut, smosh donuts, smosh pit, smosh pit day jobs, how its made donuts, how it's made donuts, doughnuts, doughnut, how doughnuts are made, how to, how to make doughnuts
Id: cgjGWJDePqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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