Rediscovering The Kingdom | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message and today we want to deal with the subject rediscovering the kingdom say that with me rediscovering the kingdom to get a clean page in your notebook because I want us to be a fresh connection to what you've been going through the series before now rediscovering the kingdom the goal of god is the restoration of man's earthly leadership that's what God is after and so as we take a look at this this morning I want to make a few comments about the purpose of our faith the purpose of our faith or our belief as we call it is the restoration of the rulership of God on earth through mankind can you write that one statement down because that is the heart of the faith the belief that we have the word faith simply means belief the purpose of our belief our faith is the restoration of the rulership of God on earth through mankind second thing I heard from him was this the message of Jesus was a message of a kingdom from heaven on earth that was the message of Jesus a very simple statement the message of Jesus was a message of a kingdom of or from heaven on earth third statement I heard the desire and passion of Jesus was the establishment of a kingdom on earth that was his passion his desire his passion and desire was not to get you to heaven that was not what motivated Jesus that was not his driving force that is the driving force of religion religion wants to get us off of Earth Jesus is passion and his deep desire was not to get man out of Earth but rather to establish a kingdom on earth and I heard this statement the purpose of Jesus was a kingdom on earth in the hearts of men the purpose of Jesus his ultimate intent was the Kingdom of Heaven in the hearts of men I was reading my newest week and Time magazine this week as I always do every week I read about five magazines a week try to keep in touch with what's going on and one of the major stories was the growth and the aggressive and even hostile attack of Islam in different parts of the world they are burning down churches breaking down statues they are killing Christians and Hindus and if you're watching this program you know what's happening probably the newscast coming on after me and I kept wondering do they serve the same God we serve anytime Christianity becomes motivated to take over physical territory at the point of killing people they have just ceased to be the church because God is not in the business of killing people burning up buildings and destroying property the kingdom of God is not an invasion of physical landmass we're not trying to take over Jamaica Guyana you're not trying to invade Grenada we're not trying to to invade Nigeria we're not going in to to stake out boundaries on physical land that's not the way God's kingdom works God's kingdom it wants to invade a territory but not physical land earth it wants to invade hearts and that's what separates us from the other religions and I think whenever Christianity reduces itself to physical territory attacks and trying to to stake out property for the kingdom of God then that ceases to be the church that Jesus started please listen to me carefully I heard this from the Lord this is not about taking over physical territorial boundaries our kingdom is bigger than that our kingdom belongs to the whole earth it's already in the hands of our Father God is not trying to get China he's not trying to get Barbados God is not trying to get kin but the earth is the Lord's already hey boys the earth the kingdom of God is not after Earth in the sense that it wants to own property the kingdom of God is after the world that affects earth and that is why our kingdom is not of this world I heard this the gospel of the kingdom is the good news about a kingdom the gospel of the kingdom is the only true gospel what he sure said this love to me anything else your breach is not the true gospel the true gospel is the gospel or the good news of the kingdom of God there's no other gospel and I must confess that I've been brought up in a religious environment here in my country where I've heard a lot of things preached most of my life but never heard the kingdom thirdly I heard this the kingdom is not heaven even though heaven is a kingdom the kingdom that Jesus preached is not us going to heaven as a matter of fact he preached the complete opposite he preached that heaven was coming to earth when they asked him how they should pray his answer was when you pray pray according to this patty he established a pattern for us first he says our Father that alone is loaded right there you never come to God and say my father because God is never selfish you bring people with you when you come it's always our Father he belongs to everybody who are rare in heaven that's an important pattern he's telling us that the father is not on earth our Father who art in heaven he located the father for us and he's not on earth he's when you pray do not address God on earth address him in heaven and heaven is not far away from you heaven is right in the next realm if you die you instantly there it's in the unseen world that's how close God is he said don't address God as being on earth he is in the other realm then he says respect God hallowed holy is your name holy means pure or without ulterior motive your name name is reputation or being God there is no ulterior motive in you you are pure he's when you approach God remember that God and play no games with you he mean exactly what he says he says exactly what he means and he keeps his word I approach him with that kind of conviction now watch the next thing he says when you pray pray this way thy kingdom come not leave but come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven two words to make a note of will the word will is the same word in the Hebrew and the Greek language that is the word purpose what is purpose the purpose be done purpose is what original intent God do on earth what you originally intended to do he says pray that every time you pray God let your original intent be done on earth just like it is in heaven don't take Earth to heaven Lord he says pray for what's happening in heaven to happen on earth God originally wanted to be just like heaven not earth to come to heaven how eclair are you listening thy purpose will be done on earth as it is in heaven God desire original purpose was to have happen on earth what's happening in heaven thy kingdom come I checked out my reference and my computer and discovered that over 100 direct references to the kingdom is in the gospel over 100 in other words Jesus only had one message it was this message the kingdom of God and when I checked again I noticed that everybody breached it I gave a list you wanna write them down John the Baptist preached the kingdom of God Jesus of course preached the kingdom of God Paul preached the kingdom of God would you believe Moses also understood and preached the kingdom of God to the people how about David David preached the kingdom of God Isiah preached the kingdom of God on the kingdom shall have no end Isaiah says on the government of the kingdom shall be upon his shoulders on off his kingdom there will be no end as Isaiah chapter 9 I mean everybody understood the message except us me keep reaching go into heaven everybody else had it right Daniel preached the kingdom of God Thank You Holy Spirit and Myles Munroe preaches the kingdom of God I'm glad I'm on the hall-of-fame that's a pretty good list to be with teh neighbor and I preach the kingdom of God from this day forward let's see a few examples of who preach the kingdom of God Exodus chapter 19 Moses preached the kingdom of God when Moses brought the people out of Egypt they gathered in the wilderness on his first instructions from God is found in Exodus chapter 19 in that discourse God said to Moses here's what I want you to tell the people in verse 1 of chapter 19 he says gather the people and say these words unto them and then verse 5 he gave most of these instructions telling of you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all the nations you will be my treasured possession God's talking to the multitude of people over a million of them although the whole earth is mine says the Lord you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words Moses you are to speak to the Israelites end quote can you please write in your notes kingdom of priests kingdom of priests whenever God says something it's always pregnant God says Moses my first creation was Adam and Adam was my kingdom on earth Adam took the kingdom contract committed treason and gave it up to an unemployed cherub and now there's another person ruling the earth Lucifer and he is the ruler of the kingdom of darkness I've called Abraham after that the great-grandson of Nohr who started the human race again and I want to to put my kingdom back on earth and so I told Abraham to leave his father's house and come to me Genesis chapter 12 verse one and two and three and I will bless him and I will make him what a great nation and this nation shall bless the nation's is that in your Bible Genesis 12 verse 1 through 6 and Abraham shall have a nation out of him and that nation shall bless the nations and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in that nation yes Holy Spirit God lost a nation named Adam he saved the nation named Noor now he wants to redeem the nations through Abraham who did God promised to do to redeem the nations through the nation didn't he you are looking at me oh you know sure please trying to Genesis chapter 12 oh he spoke to me you are sitting at the beginning of a global revolution I promise you don't take lightly anytime I get him to speak from this day forward because he spoke to me and those who receive it first are the ones who usually reject it don't be among them Genesis chapter 12 then the Lord said to Abraham leave your country your people on your father's household and go to the land I will show you I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you why I will make your name great why and you will be a blessing why Lord I will bless those who bless you why and I will crush those who curse you why Lord and all the people of the earth all the nations of the earth will be blessed through you whose God after who's he after the nations he's not really interested in Abraham he's trying to get the nation's back but he's going to set up a program to get him back he's gonna use this man as a conduit to provide a seed who will produce a nation and Abraham's son was what Isaac Isaac got two sons Esau and Jacob God told Jacob I'm gonna choose you he changed his name to Israel Jacob out 12 boys these were called the twelve tribes or sons of Israel because his name was changed to Israel so he had twelve tribes and this became the nation that went into Egypt so the nation that's supposed to win the world is in bondage in Egypt because of farming and of course you know how they got there through their younger brother Joseph who became the Prince of Egypt who fed them and protect them you see God was preserving what the nation that's supposed to win the nation but there are also Pharoah who did not know Joseph and this Pharaoh began to oppress God's nation that's supposed to win the nation's God told him because of your faithfulness and because of my faithfulness you would be in bondage for 430 years and on the very day 430 years after the king of Egypt the very day God went to Moses it said Moses the time is up let's go get the nation who supposed to win the nation so Moses comes he tells the people the message it takes a while to influence them they finally agree they come out God miraculously brought them out of Egypt we know the story and now they are in the wilderness and the words of God look at that God says now if you will obey me fully obey me and keep my covenant then out of all the nations you're going to be my treasured possession and although the whole world and the earth is mine you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation my friend's kingdom and priests are two opposite statements that's why I wanted to write it down the word kingdom you get it down is referring to rulership King Dome Kingdom is referring to the ruler the executive of the kingdom the king is the one who carries out the dictates and executes his judgment in the land or his territory the king is a royal position please write that down a king is a it's not ministry at all he is a a royal executive the King God says the whole nation shall be a king daang now the word priests creates a problem priests is not a king the priest is write this down the spiritual representative of God so the priest is responsible for the ministry of spiritual things the priest stands between God and the people the priests represents God to the people and the people to God the the priest is the one responsible for spiritual well-being of the nation I have a mystery here yes he spoke to me he said mired intent was for Adam to be both king and priest you know ever since the fall we've been trying to separate these two and God's original plan was for both of these to be in the same person Adam had no king and he had no priests because he was both talked to me God told Adam you dominate and then God says I walk and talk with you in the cool of the day one is administration and one is spiritual Adam lost and now God destroys the earth with water safe nor begins a new human race through nor his grace Abraham has called up gods who could create a new nation a new Adam and his first words to them was I still want what I always wanted I want a priest with a crown y'all hear me see the problem with democracy the reason why democracy is not biblical the reason why Republic's are not biblical the reason why no form of government on earth as we know it is biblical it's because they separate the king from the priests and they've done it so effectively that even the church is afraid to be king I was on a one-hour radio interview in Ghana last week I'm a powerful radio station in the country they say 40 50 million people listening to me and then they called in to ask me some questions because they heard that I had influence in some of the countries in Africa with some of the leaders of countries and they asked me a question shouldn't the church stay out of politics I asked them a question that was my answer was a question as I asked you a question if you vote an unrighteous man in and the unrighteous man creates an unrighteous legislation that stops worship who's responsible if you voted a unrighteous man in and he makes a policy that is legislation that puts homosexual teachings in your school and books with naked people in your school for your kids to learn from and then you get mad at the books who's responsible if you vote a man into power and he pass a law and legislation that teaches your children age 8 and 9 that they must protect themselves with a condom and to show them videos yes videos in the school on out of sex at age 8 who's responsible separation of church and state is basically separation of priest and King and God says that's not what I want I want a nation that is a kingdom of priests you know God don't want some of y'all to be kings and some to be priests that schizophrenia that means what I need when I need an offer never go look for you because you see I'm a king this is God's plan Moses preached a kingdom of priests I like the way the King James puts it it says for you shall be unto me a royal priesthood that's impossible that's like Queen Elizabeth being the head of the church see the British was trying to do it for they somehow got in there and they took away made Prime Minister and so the attitude now is the Prime Minister of the country democracy can say to the church I don't need to listen to you and so the Prime Minister who supposed to be the King representative he makes decision without spiritual advice do you know why David was such an effective King the man was a worshiper you don't talk to me the Bible says the only man you are listen to me the only King that God said would be the throne that Jesus sits on was not nebuchadnezzar was not gray upon Jeroboam all the booms it was not Solomon the only throne that God promised that shall continue forever and shall be the one that Christ sits on is the King David throne why because David was a priest and a king but I wrote the largest book in the Bible and it's a worship book he was a mystery let me tell you something God don't want you to leave business to become a pastor because you are a pastor of business he spoke to me he said we have to get it right in this generation or the return of Christ will be delayed again because we're not preaching the gospel I want to show you some scriptures that you never saw because he spoke to me look at Matthew chapter 3 in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the desert of Judea and he preached saying quote repent for the kingdom of heaven is near what did John preach the kingdom of heaven mark chapter 1 verse 14 to 15 after John was put in prison Jesus went into Galilee proclaiming and preaching the good news of God that is important what is the good news of God he's not going to heaven when you go out what you call witnessing what do you tell those people if you get saved you'll go to heaven wrong message that's not the good news that's why folks really ain't coming to Christ because they don't go to heaven they want to live on earth that's where life is for them now that's where their problems are that's what they're facing difficult they want an answer too now let me tell you where heaven emphasis came from slavery or the black plague in Europe whenever man is in the catastrophe start thinking about heaven whenever the epidemic heaven kicks in so during the black plague when millions were dying in Europe from this black plague that's when they really began to invent the gospel of heaven and there man slavery kicked in you know white folks in Europe they traded heaven during the Black Plague the black folks created during slavery everybody ended with the same gospel swing Lou got the cotton on the back Sweet Chariot coming for to carry me Oh that's not in the Bible ain't no chariot coming for you only one man in history went up in a chariot one man and there was no promise that coming for you none nowhere in the Bible no Chariot comin for you but you see on the hot Sun with a whip upon your back you want to relief you want to hope beyond the whip so you say Oh God in the morning send down a chariot I'm gonna try didn't come you start a new song nobody knew the struggle I see see if you want to get out when it's pain the good news of the of God is what the time has come he says the kingdom of God has arrived that's the good news you know it's tough when you own nothing and everybody has owns you they own your children they own your body they own your future you have no clothes but rikes no house but their huts I can understand why you could write a song like this I got a shoe you got a shoe all of God's children got a shoe I got no no but when I get to heaven I'm going to put on my shoe I'm going to walk all over God's heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven gonna walk all over God's heaven and those songs kept us in the dark hours but they were not the gospel let me tell you what they taught me when I was growing up in religion son just hang on he's gonna come to live in you someday just hold on tight one day he'll come and take you out of this that's not what he taught he taught us I have overcome the world and you can't overcome the world now that's Kingdom God don't want you to have a good week after you die I don't know about you but that's what the gospel teaches it teaches we have a good week this week I mean this week gonna be a good week for you nothing outside of you is bigger than what's inside of you that's a good formula for victory great is He that is in you now he is in the world you gotta believe that or not believe it and if what's in the world is greater than you then you ain't got what you're supposed to have something's missing I mean if life beats you then you either got the wrong good news which is bad news or you ain't got no news at all jesus said to his disciples be not afraid little flock for if they could not overcome me they will not overcome you look at this verse Matthew 10 this one was interesting he said to his disciples go rather to the lost sheep of Israel as you go preach this message the kingdom of heaven is near he told him what the bridge Matthew 11 verse 11 Wow I tell you the truth among those born of woman there's not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than john-boy this is good stuff he spoke to me last night I mean he spoke to me last night he opened this scripture to me he says from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing when from the days of John the Baptist until now and forceful men lay hold of it watch this for all the prophets in the law prophesied until John this is deep you got it in you hidden it he says look from Abraham to John the kingdom was never here my god they just talked about it they prophesied him he says oh my help me Lord he says even John was not in the kingdom John preached about it John is the last Old Testament prophet matter of fact that should have been on that blank page in your Bible between Malachi and Matthew that should have been a man with his leg like this one foot in Malachi one foot in Matthew that's John John was an Old Testament prophet who had a New Testament revelation all the other prophets spoke about the coming of the king and the kingdom they talked about the coming of the king in the kingdom but John actually introduced the king who introduced the kingdom so John actually saw it would never got into it John never received the Holy Spirit but he was standing next to it at the baptism it came down right in front of him but John never received it and that's why I Jesus said the least in the kingdom is greater than John cuz John only had the Holy Ghost come upon him and left he said but everyone after Jesus had the Holy Ghost come in them and live let me introduce you to yourself he spoke to me he said you are greater than Moses you are greater than Abraham you are greater than David you are greater than Shadrach Meshach and Abednego you are greater than Daniel you are greater than is there he was held to have a fit I mean when you open your eyes God wants the devil to say oh no come on infiltrate like that forceful men lay hold on the king this week back jelly back believers then got tired of us we can't even handle little hurt feelings little things in the church this thing is bigger than my personality bigger than my little flaws your problem we in something big this is Kingdom I mean you got a lot of weaknesses too but I keep truckin because you ain't my enemy Kingdom kicked in when John died oh he spoke to me last night read the first part of that verse I tell you among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than who Sean I want to show you he spoke to me last night look at mark 1:14 after John was put in prison then Jesus began proclaiming after John was put in prison then Jesus began proclaiming after John was put in prison then Jesus began to proclaim the kingdom has arrived after John was out of the way you can get it as long as John was present the kingdom couldn't come because he was the last one but it's putting the Old Testament come on somebody and that's why Jesus did not stop Herod from cutting the man hero it was the last shield lord have mercy hallelujah God Oh in that prison John says this disciple tell jeez they're gonna kill me and if he's the son of God if he is the Messiah I know he could save me and Jesus ignored the requests because John was holding you back what Satan meant for evil with that sword shoot God turned into good look at the anointed people who are greater than John but came out of that debt territory got rid of John but he raised up millions of Elijah's now Herod ain't got one man telling him he's committing adultery he got millions of them telling him he should have never killed John come on say Amen somebody the kingdom began when John let's put in prison my friends he spoke to me I'm gonna stop I'm not gonna close but I want to stop on a verse that's found in a place that you probably didn't expect we read one of these before Paul preached the kingdom acts 28 verse 30 for two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcome all who came to see him boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and then he taught the Lord Jesus Christ now look at acts 19 mind-blowing stuff verse 8 and 9 Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly for how long for three months about what arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God poor was a boring preacher one subject for three months because there was no other gospel my friend woody Boyd preached three whole months the manner one message every night that came together process we pick up our left off in the top of the kingdom of God tonight next day once again pick up we left off the kingdom of God he didn't only teach it he did it persuasively that means Paul used every philosophical ideological intellectual I mean he could find to explain one message he said this thing is about a kingdom this ain't about Rome is not about her audience it's not about Farah cynical and sad you silicon groups this is not about religion it's about the kingdom of God Paul preached like this Paul's passion acts 28 23 they arranged to meet Paul on a certain day and came in even larger numbers to the place where he was staying from morning till evening he explained and declared to them what not healing not prosperity not baptism in the Holy Spirit not tongues but he spent from morning until evening declaring to them the kingdom of God and he tried to convince them about Jesus from the law of Moses and from the prophets pauses look this thing is about a kingdom and Christ is the means to the kingdom from morning until night hey I got an example but Paul I could keep Paul's example don't tempt me Oh Lord Ramu see happy y'all couldn't attend Paul's Church I want to keep your little hours poor keep you there for rent morning till night some of y'all would have been dead by falling out of the window okay I guess what we've learned this morning so far is that they not not to talk about but the kingdom of God you are not a part of a religion you're part of the kingdom of God Shawn Chapter three I'm just gonna stop here listen carefully to this you're gonna pick up next time but listen to this Nicodemus came to Jesus look at me look very important and Nicodemus said to Jesus hey by the way he spoke to me last night friends I had never seen John 3:16 before I never saw John 3 verse 2 until he spoke to me Nicodemus said to Jesus how can I enter this kingdom hallelujah hallelujah he spoke to me jesus answered except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God do you understand what he meant I thought I did for that witches flesh is flesh he says that rich is spirit is spirit so do not marvel that I say unto you you must be born again water is the way you were born he came to me last night he spoke to me what were you in in your mother's womb water so that was your physical birth there was no Holy Ghost in that so when you were born from your mother's womb that was water that's why the water by had to burst and you were born by water but he says to enter the kingdom he said you need to be born by both oh he spoke to me last night so clearly this is why the angels cannot enter the kingdom of God on earth to be in the kingdom of God on earth you need a buddy so he says you must be born of water first you've got to have a human body then you must be filled with the Holy Spirit in other words to be in the kingdom of God on earth you need to have a body and the Holy Spirit hallelujah what did Adam lose when he sinned he still had his body but he lost the Holy Spirit he lost the contact with the government he lost their relationship with the headquarters so he could not make what was happening in heaven happened on earth cause he didn't know what was happening in heaven he was out of touch and so the king of God could not come on earth because God the king could not get through to her so Jesus came his blood for one purpose to cleanse you so you could be holy why because the spirit that you were lacking is a Holy Spirit so the blood was shared to make you inhabitable again that is why at the resurrection he told Mary tell my boys meet them in Galilee we have a meeting and the meeting took place in John 21 and the Bible says when he came in they thought he was a ghost and he said no ghosts don't have flesh and bone like you see me have touched me he says and they touched him and then he came to each one of them the Bible says and he breathed on them and said unto them receive the Holy Spirit well right in this flesh body well right on earth because the kingdom of God is not meat and drink and clothing but it is love joy peace thank you in the Holy Spirit except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven let me tell you what this really boils down to he spoke to me he said look the kingdom works on earth girl please help them to get even if when you die the kingdom can work no more these are the kingdom works because you want earth Monday morning don't be afraid of Monday the kingdom works on earth it works with that which is born of water and that born of the Spirit it combines it back again so you're not afraid of Tuesday Awareness Day you can face anything on Thursday Friday is no problem Saturday no joke at all you can handle it right because the kingdom works with blood and spirit it works with water and spirit you were born in the flesh and the kingdom works your Dominion on earth comes through your flesh without your body you are illegal do you understand the government you really do please tell me you smile at least fake it help me do you understand I'm talking about no did you understand what he's saying jesus said look Nicodemus you don't need to die to be born again you don't need to die for the kingdom to work matter of fact the kingdom don't work when you die he says he says it's gotta be born of water that's true you need that that's your body you need your body he said but now you need the spirit I'm trying to make it practical friends in other words stop planning to go to heaven this week take charge over your foot land this week and say Kingdom is ruling this spot when you walk into job work home car business this is where the kingdom isn't working it's working here it's working the kingdom of God is within you let's pray once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe Global possible please visit us online at [Music]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 72,296
Rating: 4.8319087 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 24sec (3324 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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