Cultivating The Attitudes That Affect Human Action Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message all right so let's get started we want to talk about the spirit of leadership focusing on cultivating the attitudes that impact human action that is another way of saying developing attitudes that make you a leader i want to begin by talking about the power of attitude everybody's the attitude in our session yesterday and last night i began to introduce to you what attitude is i hope you wrote those down i hope you will get a copy of the cds and the dvds and make sure listen to them seven times over you don't conceive a thing until you hear it seven times and so make sure you get all these cds get the package from the conference invest in that and invest in your life now what is the power of attitude that's first statement i want to make today is that there is nothing as powerful as attitude i didn't realize that until i began to study why people don't change there is nothing as powerful as attitude let me give you another thought to hang my hat on attitude dictates your response to the present and it determines the quality of your future your attitude is that through which you interpret the present whatever you're experiencing you experience it through your attitude but your attitude also controls your future how many people have lost opportunities that could have made their future better because they had a bad attitude at the moment let me put it another way you and your attitude is you you are your attitude in essence your attitude is you manifesting your true self we're going to get into this a little deeper today point number four if you do not control your attitude then your attitude will control you and in a real sad way it's difficult to control your attitude because your attitude is a manifestation of your beliefs and your convictions so you live out of your convictions and your beliefs and that is why people don't progress in life because their beliefs hold them back have you heard this before it does not matter what happens to you it matters what you do about what happens to you and that is directly related to your attitude point number five the power of attitude attitude creates your world and it designs your destiny i have seen people right before my life as i watch them destroy their lives with their own attitudes give me a man with no education and a good attitude than a man with a phd and a bad attitude people get promoted in life not because of their education but because of their attitude very important put it another way proverbs chapter 2 verse chapter 23 rather verse 7 solomon understood this uh of course his father was david so he understood this very well solomon says and this is what i want to focus on for a couple of minutes because this verse has been misquoted so often that we keep missing the point solomon never said as a man think it so is he he never said that we keep saying he said that but he never said that solomon said as a man think it in his heart so is he and the most important part of this sentence is not think the most important point by the sentence is heart now i gotta do a little bit explanation here for you because we gotta understand this as a man thinking in his heart that's who he is that's what he manifests write the word heart down please let's clear it up now when i did my research years ago i mean i was a young man when i figured this out because i wanted to know the truth i always want to know what's the truth what does god really mean and i discovered with great amazement that the word heart has nothing to do with your chest now i say that because religion always makes you believe that when you use the term come into my heart you are asking christ to come into your chest and that's what i thought too that's what they taught me in sunday school they would even tell you to put your hands on your chest and pray and jesus christ but under your chest no wonder why you never say was saved nor were you changed there's no place in your chest for him to stay your heart is a muscle that is controlled by impulses from the brain to pump blood it's not a place of resonance so i had to try and figure out what does god mean and the word heart here is the same word as mind everybody say mind but it is not just your mind as you think about it it is it is how can you just find it it is the below mind write that down be low mind it doesn't make sense to us in english but that's what it means as a man thinks in his below mind so is he now the word below in our modern english translation we use the word sub sub so really we're talking about what psychologists call your subconscious mind now your subconscious mind the word sub means what below that's why a submarine is called a below boat the boat that goes below the water a submarine subconscious mind means you are not conscious of it it's present but it's below your conscious mind it's your below conscious mind which is more dangerous than your conscious mind now solomon says as a man think it in his below mind so is that man so your subconscious mind which we call your heart sometimes the bible calls it the seed of reasoning that's where you store everything this is very important the heart is where you store everything that you've come to believe you do not store your beliefs in your mind you store your beliefs in your sub mind it's dangerous and you store them there over a long period of time that's why it's called conditioning you condition your heart to accept certain things as being true unright and proper and acceptable that's where you hide them you put them where in your subconscious mind your heart now solomon says whatever you stored there that's what you live out of so even though your mind may receive new information you could sit in a classroom for 10 years and get new information every day but you will never change because read it again as a man thinking where not in his mind but in his sub mind that's the man so you are not going to become what you heard you're going to become what you stored that's why you haven't changed yet that's why reading positive thinking books don't change people if it was able to change you you've changed a long time ago we're going to read the scriptures in a minute to show you how the heart is being misunderstood but let me give you this one preview jesus said out of the heart comes the issues of life you got issues you know where they come from they're old problems you stored them there 20 years ago 30 years ago let me give you a a concept to understand the heart the heart see the heart would be to find if you was a computer it would be called your hard drive your heart is the hard drive of your life and that's where you download stuff and you keep them now when you turn the computer on you don't see them people think you're okay and most people get married to computers not the hard drives and when they get mad all of a sudden they press certain buttons leave that right there that's how powerful the heart is and that's why people don't become leaders they read leadership books they go to leadership seminars they study leadership principles they learn leadership techniques leadership methods leadership precepts all this junk and they come back and they are still lousy followers because it never was downloaded so they keep living out of their heart you got two minds remember that you got the mind and then you got the spirit of the mind ah the word spirit of the mind check in the bible the word spirit there is a small s you got the mind and then you have the attitude of the mind that's the one below so when you ask christ to come into your heart you are asking him to come into your head the bible says how can a young man keep his way pure very simple download the word of god where in his self-conscious mind and that doesn't happen when you read the sentence the first time the bible says if you want to be successful in the kingdom it tells you how it says meditate on the word of god when day and night in other words meditate right meditate now meditate everybody say meditate the word meditate in the bible is the same word as write this down c u d i'm spelling c u d c u d one word c-u-d get it what is that word good that's what the word meditate means in the bible now the only certain animals that could and that's the word that the bible uses is if you want to be successful in god's kingdom you've got to meditate on the word when day and night now cutting is only done by a few animals cows cut goats cut sheep cut what is cutting here's how you could study those animals very important cutting is when the animal eats the fresh food and then he's full then he goes under a tree and he lays down and he brings the food back up see every cutting animal they say has two stomachs cows of two stomachs sheep have two stomachs ghosts got two stomachs one stomach is where you eat it up real fast you did get it in so you get it stored in this first stomach then you find a quiet place under a tree and check the cutting animals they always go off by themselves and you see them all day just chewing and you think they're chewing nothing they are chewing what they ate they regurgitate it and they chew it again and they chew it to the point where it assimilates into the second stomach and becomes a part of their whole body digestion so they got a a stomach and then they got a below stomach the bible says you want to be successful you do that with the word of god so you listen to me teach now you're eating fresh food when you leave here get away from people find a hiding place it might be your car every morning you put the cd in someone asks you what are you doing just tell them i ain't listening i'm cutting i already listened that's why you don't change because you only listen the first time here's the way jesus said it he said let those who have ears to hear that's fine let them hear he ain't finished yet he says and let these words sink down into your air that's the words he says download him he says it's not enough to listen so the heart is your hard drive now you know hard drives work in a computer don't you the computer comes with the hard drive so you were born with a heart and the moment you were born they started downloading and between age zero and nine they told you what to download you're stupid you're ugly you're black you're white you're you can't draw you can't spell you are second class and they start downloading they say that a a child's mind is set by age seven good lord no wonder why when a baby is born in a kingdom they take it away immediately from the mother and give it to tutors because they want that baby to get download of royalty immediately most of us are kings but we think like slaves how many times have i heard people say this we are kings kids and they're broke sick divorced frustrated depressed and they're kings kids that's a contradiction that's schizophrenia i'll tell you something how do you know you were born with a hard drive that's supposed to have on it leadership download i want to show you i call this the creation of leaders god did not create followers i say it again god did not create followers god only created leaders here's where god created you genesis 1 26 let's read it out loud read then god said who said god said let us make a species called man in our own image and in our likeness god is very clear of how this creature is supposed to be he says and here's why i'm going to make them let them have dominion over he's i'm going to create a ruler i'm not creating a servant i'm not trading a slave i am creating a dominator let these children of mine have dominion over what fish of the sea the birds of the air the livestock over the field and over what or the earth god even specified what they were created to rule and over all the creatures that creep upon the ground over all the earth so god is very clear these offspring of mine will be dominators they are designed to dominate destined to rule they are built and they have circuits of leadership but they are not designed to rule one another look at the list you are missing fish birds cattle and creeps first of all you ain't got no feathers secondly you ain't got no scales and fins thirdly no roots growing out of your shoe unfortunately you don't walk on all fours so you are disqualified for rulership you are not to be ruled now this is a very interesting experience here i'm going to get to therefore in that order and the word order in hebrew is the same word as world the greek word is cosmos kosmos and it means order of arrangement world in that world in that kingdom world you don't rule people so i want to talk to my pastor friend over here my cowboy friend this i want to explain it to you listen carefully read the bible don't read religion god said have dominion over everything except people which means that true leadership true leadership has nothing to do with people the chinese say he that think it he leadeth and had no one following is simply taking a walk i used to believe that until i studied jesus you don't need followers to be a leader you were created a leader who i wish i had more days to be here so much stuff going on my head i wish i could give it to you but you cannot take it now now you can't you can't download it right you gotta add some megabytes yeah that's good i remember that yeah some folks ain't got enough memory ah that's a memory yeah and some folks losing their memory too anyhow so leadership in this kingdom is not a matter of oppressing people or managing people there's a book i want to recommend for you to read within the next seven days and then write me a letter tell me what you think this book the book is entitled becoming a leader anyone can do it it's the name let's title the book everyone can do it that means you must read this book how's wife read this book mechanic read this book student read this book because leadership is not for an elite few leadership is not for people who have been called that's greek philosophy he created an entire specie of leaders but they called them man so you are he's not king and you are domestic servant he's king and you are queen but i gotta download i gotta download otherwise you think that you just been called to cook that's greek thinking i put it let me explain it to you the word dominion see that word dominion in that verse i'm going to define it for you from the greek and the hebrew language the word dominion first of all means to govern number two it means to control number three it means to rule number four it means to master something very important word there to dominate means to master number five it means to lead it's a powerful word let them have governorship let them have control let them have rulership let them have mastery over let them lead the fish the birds the cattle of the field all the earth all the creeps upon it the whole planet let them master you were created with all that stuff on the inside let me put it this way you came with that but you don't think like that so you got you got the equipment but you don't have the mentality the fall destroyed the mentality so now we got a king thinking like a slave so now you got a lion thinking like a sheep and you've been born in a house of sheep thinkers your mama is a sheep thinker your daddy is a sheep thinker your teachers in school are sheep thinkers and the curriculum is a sheep curriculum and you got a sheep degree but you are a lion that's the tragedy so you settle for less and you think you are succeeding they make you proud of what god's ashamed of that's why i'm very cautious of people giving me awards because you'll be amazed how low their measurements are see people are so average that if you do a little extra they think you're a genius and that's why you measure you never measure your success by comparing yourself to other people because most of them you're better than success is not measured by what you've done compared to what others have done success is measured by what you've done compared to what you know you should have done please buy the cd let's do it again all of that is in you repeat after me i am a leader now say this i am a governor i am a controller i am a ruler i'm a master say it again i am a governor i am a controller i am a ruler i am a master that's what you are problem is you don't think that way and as a man think it in his heart no matter what he is what he thinks is what he does help us lord everybody say master now i did a lot of research into this so i know this is not i'm just this is not just playing games with your mind this stuff is real what changed me is when i understood this you got to believe that at the belief level that's why you wouldn't change you still think that you are supposed to get a job and pay bills and according to god you're supposed to master something tiger woods has no job because true leaders have no jobs i don't have a job in this book i wrote a chapter on the marks of a leader and i made a statement in the book yes i yes i'd written a true leader doesn't have a career because his life is a career true leaders never retire why you cannot retire from yourself oh that's too much leaders don't do things they are things so tiger woods found a gift inside and he mastered it you were born to master something see i tell you you and i we know each other a long time in school together i was i was at your wedding and everything we went you know we did a lot of things together have you ever sat down by yourself debbie just sat down by yourself forget gary everybody stop by yourself and get quiet and just ask yourself what am i known for what do i master the answer is not quick and fast you got work to do because your mastery is your area of leadership don't tell how leadership works that's how leadership works a true leader never seeks followers why they're too busy busy what mastering their gift and when you master your gift the followers find you hallelujah hallelujah people pay money to fly to georgia to walk up and back up and down behind tiger woods spend hotel bill and everything cost them five thousand dollars for that week just to follow him up and down up and down the guy is mastering a gift and they're looking for the gift see they come looking for the gift they want to see the gift and they're waiting for yours and can't find you because you are a jack of so many trades look at god's word god says let them master something every one of you was born in this room to dominate an area of gifting write it down you were born to lead in an area of gifting everybody is a true leader's job is to help all those who follow him or her to discover their gift and to provide an environment for them to exercise that gift and release that gift to bless the world so they can serve the world their gift and according to jesus when you serve the world your gift you become great yes yes yes titles don't make you great service of your gift makes you great do you know why your battery is so important to you your battery doesn't say anything does it doesn't talk but your battery in your car is so important to you and you can always tell when it's missing that's the way people supposed to be in your organization if they are gone and you don't miss them then you are a defective leader because you did not develop them to contribute their gift to the organization i will never forget when my time has gone so fast i'll never forget when i heard this this is this little story when i was understanding all this stuff man i tell you the holy spirit is so wonderful the holy spirit said go back and read moses most is a good example to read about you know gifts here is god talking to moses exodus chapter four him and god are arguing you know arguing with each other right god's trying to convince him about who he is and he's telling god who he's not okay so having this discussion so it gets to the point now where moses insults god how do you offend god very simple and it's a shock to you you don't offend god by telling god you cannot talk you don't offend god by telling god you know give me proof or you know i put a fleece out of all this stuff and put my hand in leprosy and take it out and heal got it got it we've got to work with you through all of that he's working through all of that he stay he's patient he worked with you he's still trying to convince you to believe in yourself okay what gets god hot is when you get to the point and you tell god send somebody else now that got god hot very important now you see when you tell when the product tells the manufacturer that you made the wrong product for this job you are telling the manufacturer you are stupid and the bible says the anger of god burned against moses let me tell you something god didn't make a mistake and he created you for what he created you to do he built you for it designed you for it he gave you the personality for it he gave you the color of skin for it he gave you everything that you are required to have he built you with it the bible says how dare the potter say brought into the potter why have you made me this and when moses told god send someone else god lost it and that's when god took over the whole argument and god did something that you charismatics can't handle follow me carefully because we're going to go for lunch on this one god said to moses listen the moses says send someone else because i cannot talk and i cannot do this god's god just stopped discussing and he started commanding he said moses who makes men blind who makes men lame who makes men dumb is it not i that makes them that way now this is a deep statement because you see most of you've been taught at the devil the damn the devil the devil oh oh oh there goes your charismatic teacher into the window how do you deal with that verse as a theologian i'm going to write a book on this someday to help people understand it i'm going to call the book the benefits of divine defects god says every defect you have i put it there and this gets deep now he's dealing with leadership you see he said look moses he says the reason why you cannot talk is because i pulled the plug before he was born i made sure you came to earth with a defect i made sure you couldn't talk why because your defect is someone's gift it's too deep for you god's deep now he says look he says therefore go now in other words i am asking you to go no more i'm commanding you get up and go get those people why he explained it he says for even now your brother aaron is on his way to meet you and he was born to talk lord have mercy that's his gift so if if i if i lose your town he will lose his job power off anointed man you got it god set it up so that you cannot do everything right now hallelujah aaron's gift he was born to talk so god didn't make sure moses couldn't watch this now he says and when he sees you you can read that verse again it's a powerful verse he says and when he sees you moses he will rejoice you see when he meets you he'll finally identify why he could talk still don't understand what i'm talking about so your defect is another man's gift your defect makes another man valuable because everybody is a leader in an area of gifting god refused to heal moses to protect aaron my god what a wise master builder so god make sure you can't type so you can have a secretary [Laughter] yes sir god make sure you can't draw not even a straight line so you have a graphics artist god make sure you got a penis so a vagina could be valuable not a rectum i just thought i'd throw that in for good measure [Applause] [Laughter] hey boys they praise the lord say it again just say praise the lord that's right get over it real quick get over here hallelujah i say hallelujah yeah my wife got a gift fresh no i got one too praise jesus and you only give those gifts after you are married [Music] i just thought i'd throw that in for these young people now my point is you were born to lead well in an area of gifting that means everybody was born to master something and your leadership is in your mastery so stop trying to do everything that'll keep you poor stop being a handyman and find something you're supposed to handle i ask people what do you do i can do everything no i know why you broke the reason why a doctor is very wealthy he spent eight years plus another four in intern working on one thing you keep changing jobs every six months you wonder why you're poor some people don't stay one place long enough to master nothing keep changing churches you know keep changing ministries just bouncing around every new ministry they go after it just moving around they don't master nothing they don't become known for anything i believe god gives people churches like you know ministries to develop their gift yeah that's why god creates ministries for you to have a place to go and develop your gift and the best first step to developing your mastery is volunteer yourself i'm going to say it again because people still don't get this i keep telling people here's how you become great first you start by volunteer give your service free that's right that was a time when i never used to get paid for teaching people leadership i said just go just never ask for money nothing now they pay me plenty money five thousand dollars an hour i did it free for 10 years your problem is you don't get paid the first time and they don't know you you ain't no master yet there's a lady who i met in mount airy new jersey she was in a seminar just like this city now now teaching on gifts and potential he's getting booked potentially very good books of their potential and she caught that vision of potential i was teaching and in the meeting i said some of you can bake good cakes and cookies and it's your gift but you wouldn't use your gift and i mean she came to me she said dr munro please i'd like to meet you i'm mr so-so i work in the hotel i work as a maid in the hotel i make beds but i bake good cookies and tomorrow i'm going to bring you some of my cookies because you spoke to me today i'm reading that book on potential i'm taking these tapes what i heard today i'm going to do the next day she came to the meeting last night she bought a bag of cookies for me and now you know i get gifts from all kind of folks and all kind of stuff you know people like me get all kind of gifts i'm thinking just another gift praise the lord bless you you know thank you very much and i went to the hotel that night when i was preparing to go to bed i got a shower and i talked to my wife and i said cookies pass one of those cookies here let me just have a cookie and when i bit into the cookie i had an [Music] experience matter of fact i thought it has an orgasm or something [Laughter] cookies are good man that's a lot of mercy i said what is this cookie man that was some cookie she had dates raisins nuts figs i mean she this was this was a cookie a real cookie i tell my wife bring me another one british and i said this lady has a gift but she's working in a hotel making beds the next year i went back to the same city same building same conference to speak again and when i arrived there the limousine pulled up security came i came out folks came around to greet me the security was keeping them away that kind of thing i don't know why but they definitely do in america and uh so this lady showed up in the crowd and i saw i didn't know who she was this lady was standing there in a shop suit man she looked like a model get on a nice hat and she had this bag in her hand beautiful bag and she said dr monroe i bought you a gift i like gifts so she so i said let her through that one let her through she got it so she came in to meep me they had the car and she says i brought you a gift and i got a story to tell you i said who are you ma'am she said don't you know me i said no don't you remember me i said no she says uh i'm the cookie lady i said [Applause] give me the whole bag i want that experience again [Applause] so she gave me this bag and she says look inside dr munro i opened the bag she put a hand down picked up and there were these beautifully packaged cookies i mean manufactured package she said dr monroe you wouldn't believe what happened to me she says when you left i followed your instructions exactly what you told me i read the three books on potential i wrote down my dream and my vision i accepted my cookie as a gift and i began to bake cookies she said i followed your example because i told i said you know what you do is you give it away free first she says i bake cookies and i start giving it to my parents my family my cousins my uncles the folks who worked at the hotel where i worked you know and everybody felt i loved my cookies and they began to like them so much they said ask me can you make me a box can you make me some she says and i ended up with a kitchen i had to buy another stove and i had to bake hundreds of cookies every month every week she said so now i have a factory 112 people working for me i have a company it's worth 1.8 million dollars in one year i'm a millionaire and my cookies are being sold in walmart came out all the big stores distribution all over the city she said dr monroe i am in my gift [Applause] no more making beds cookies set a free i wonder what your cookie is today what do you do well what gift did god give you that you're sitting on and now she's the leader in the cookie business multi-millionaire now when i was about to leave she said oh just a minute sir i bought you something you ran in a purse i mean she looked like a million dollars now the first year when i saw her she looked like a maid now she looked like oh classy she went in this bag give me an envelope she says i just want this is a thank you note to tell you thanks for speaking into my life i said thank you very much i went in did the seminar that night went back to my hotel room opened the envelope ten thousand dollars so i told the folks the next day any more cookie people around here i want to help you make some cookies give a lot of cookie people [Applause] what are you supposed to master the bible says a man's gift makes room for him in the world the bible is the heat that turns his gift it prospers him he that what turn it turn it the hebrew word means to refine like to shine something he'd have refined his gift it will prosper him you will never ever become wealthy from your job your wealth is in your gift jobs are given to give you opportunity to develop your gift so stop going to your work to become rich i consider jobs a blessing god gives you employment for them to pay you to develop your gift so don't hate your job let them pay you to use your gift and if they are using it volunteer that area to them and work overtime without pay why because you ain't there for money you're there for refinement because your day is coming when you will become valuable so the cookie lady is one of my greatest supporters now sense that i met so many cookies all over the world like a cookie people who sat in a meeting just like this and they understood what i meant when i said discover your leadership and master your gift and they develop businesses all over the world there's a guy in south africa who sat in a meeting just like this heard this very same session and the guy on his job he began to work on something after work and developed a program a calendar of positive thinking statements and all kinds of positive he used all my books and developed everything i mean the guy didn't pay me royalty you know just develop everything but he got this calendar and all this stuff developing all my quotes and everything i mean the guy is making millions it's one of my partners now south africa i wonder what you're sitting on you ain't too old to find a gift that's why you're still on earth what are you master my time is gone let's pray father thank you all things work together for us because we love you we are called according to your purpose i pray for those watching this program worldwide that you will discover god's purpose and his cookie for your life now each one of you in this room find a quiet place today sit down in life and cut a little bit may you chew what you heard again and again until it brings revelation that changes your thinking about yourself it is my prayer that you would believe god's will for your life don't be afraid of your greatness embrace your greatness and your greatness might be cookies not being the president of a country just cookies but whatever your gift is the world needs it it's my prayer that you will refine it and stop being normal in the name of jesus i pray god's hand be upon you for good for he says that he's not here to harm you the lord you say that you are here to bring us to an expected end there's something you expect from us take us to that expectation for lord we are leaders in your kingdom we were born not just to make a living but to make a difference let this be our portion today in jesus name thank you lord thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 101,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 26sec (3626 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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