The Kingdom and The Church Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message the kingdom and the church that's your topic to write in your notes the kingdom and the church why do I even have to address such a subject is incredible but it is necessary because there's so much confusion in the body of Christ concerning what is the kingdom what is the church are they synonymous and because of that confusion we're not doing either of these justice so I want to begin with a basic conceptual review as to why we have to talk about this very important issue and it is the most important issue to Jesus and that is the kingdom I want to begin rid of few comments and that is number one the original purpose and plan of God was the extension of his heavenly kingdom on earth that is what God wanted I'm gonna repeat this for you to write it down because this is critical to keep reiterating in your own mind in your own heart the original purpose and plan of God was the extension of his heavenly kingdom on a physical planet called Earth that is God's original purpose second principle God's intent was to create a family of sons to accomplish that for him God's intent was to create a family of sons children after his own image and likeness to accomplish the extension of his kingdom of heaven on earth so now we see where man comes in thirdly God strategy was to fill that family of children with his spirit so that they would stay connected to heaven to dominate earth God's strategy was to fill those sons with his holy spirit so that they can stay connected to the heavens so that he can extend his kingdom on earth through them so the key to the kingdom coming to earth is that connection the Holy Spirit the assignment number four that God gave his children these sons of God he calls the man a plural word his first assignment of them was to have dominion over the planet the earth so his his directive is very clear his his instruction is very clear this is found in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 which says repeat with me and God said let us make man in our own image and likeness and let them rule have dominion over the fish of the sea birds of the air cattle of the field and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the ground that's verse 26 verse 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them verse 28 and God blessed them and said unto them here's how you dominate first she must be fruitful productive multiply reproduce your productivity replenish to distribute it and subdue control and have dominion the last thing that verse says over the earth so the mandate is clear principle number five the fall of man was not a fall from heaven but I fall from Dominion I repeat the fall of man was not a fall from heaven it was a fall from the assignment of dominion over the earth and that leads me to the final review principle the purpose and goal of God's Redemption plan was to to restore man back to where he fell from very important the goal and the purpose for God's Redemption plan was and is to restore the family of children mankind back to where they fell from where did they fall from he didn't fall from heaven they fell from Dominion authority over the earth man lost Dominion when he disobeyed God Genesis chapter 3 God's strategy for restoring the Dominion was to come himself and to pay the redemptive price when he came himself he was in a physical body and the body was called Jesus but the Spirit on the inside was called Christ God came in Christ to reconnect to restore man back to Dominion what is the key to man dominating the earth for God can anyone tell me the Holy Spirit go to the head of the class when man disobeyed God the Holy Spirit left the spirit of man which means that heaven was no longer connected to earth so the children was no longer in touch with their father so they could not carry out their father's instructions or desires because they did not have a connection with the father so the ultimate goal of the assignment of Jesus was to reintroduce the holy spirit back to man the problem with that plan is that the holy spirit is holy spirit and the man the children are unholy now and you cannot put a holy spirit into an unholy vessel so God has to make the unholy vessel holy again so he can put the Holy Spirit back into the holy vessel to do that he has to clean the children up that was the necessity for the blood the constitution of our kingdom says Leviticus speaks of it Hebrew speaks of it it says without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin and if you are still in your sins then you are unholy says the Lord so in order for God to make man his children holy again he has to provide blood the problem is the blood has to be efficacious as a big word for qualified and pure in order to a pure blood it cannot itself be contaminated by sin so in order for God to have blood that is qualified he has to have a human whose blood is not sinful that became the necessity for the virgin birth so that no human could contaminate the child in the womb and the blood will be disqualified so Mary had to have a baby without a man and so the Holy Spirit came upon her and she conceived by a miracle a seed direct from the Word of God and that seed became a man we call Jesus the Christ his coming to earth listen carefully was not primarily to die on the cross that was not really his major goal and that's why we got to talk about the subject of what he came to do what did man lose Dominion the concept of Dominion has to do with government matter of fact the word used in the Old Testament in this chapter of Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 the Hebrew word for Dominion means write these words down again please it means to govern to rule and to control it also means to master and to have authority over powerful word Dominion it ultimately means to lead so when God created you his children mankind his intent and motivation was for you to be can I go over the list a governor a ruler a controller a master an authority and a leader over planet Earth write this verse down please psalm 115 verse 16 just a reminder it says the highest heavens belong to the lord but the earth he gave to the children who happened to be man beautiful statement isn't it glasses heaven is my territory earth is the kids territory God says heaven is where I rule earth is where they rule write the word ruler down please ruler next to the word ruler please write the word King the word ruler is translated from the germanic word kunuk kon IG and it means king or standard it's a strange concept many of you who grew up going to school in our area you would know that when we were kids some of y'all are still kids they would give you a little stick to carry the school with some numbers on it what would you call that it was called a ruler sometimes was plastic if he was rich and the question never came up why did they call it a ruler do you know what most people don't take it a call it a measure or whatever but they call it a ruler the reason why they call it a ruler is because in the early in 15 14th century time there there was no standard measure in the world in other words everybody in every country had a different measure there are pounds in one country and kilos in one countries and you know mites in another country and so when you were traveling from country to country what was the dollar and this country wasn't at all in the next country so there was no standard measure in the world and during the French rulership of Europe when France was the Empire of note they decided because of all the countries that had been covered by that Empire that they wanted to have one standard ruler measure throughout the entire empire hey boys a standard very important word don't make a note of that very important were standing they wanted a standard measure so everybody could agree on the same thing so they brought some professionals together back then and they had big meetings and conferences on this you know how will they measure you know lengths how would they measure weight how would they measure size how would they measure so forth liquid and so forth and they discuss this big conference and the end of the conference they still couldn't figure out what would be the standard measure so one of those in the conference made a suggestion the most powerful King during that time was the King of France and they said what we will do is we will let the King who is the ruler establish the measure for the entire empire and whatever do is he would go to the king and we would ask him to give us a measure so they went to the king of France made him a part of the conference they said sir your royal highness we need a standard measure what would it be and the King of France is something strange he reached out his hands like this and he says it shall be the length of my hand from my elbow to my little finger so they went with a measure a little tape and they measured the length of his elbow to his little finger and it happened to be 12 inches and now you know 12-inches makes no sense in the world of measure have you realized that that's why they're trying to take us to what metric system metric is it's calculable 12 is not 12 is the odd number but that was the length of his little finger and his elbow and from that day forward we received a standard by which we measure everything in the Empire so that 12 inches became known as the ruler it was the Kings hand his right hand of course now you have heard the Bible talk much about the right hand of the Lord a ruler isn't referring to a person who sets the standards for everything they decide what is right what is wrong what is good and what is bad what is acceptable and unacceptable that's called a ruler so the rule of the king decides what's best for what's not best follow me God said to you man you are in my image and in my likeness measure the earth you decide for me my standard in the earth if you do what you were created to do it would seem as if I am there personally ruling it the standards on the earth would be just like the standards in heaven anybody here that means whatever the standards are in heaven under God's right hand the same thing should be on earth if man obeys God that is why listen carefully you don't decide what's right or wrong it's already decided so God told man if you break the measure you shall surely die you will no longer be representing me so they call the ruler the king the king is the one who controls governs and manages a domain with a standard that is in keeping with his kingship so God created a family of kings he called them mankind now I want to say that when Jesus came to earth he made some class statements about his intent what he came to do please turn with me if you will to the book of Matthew chapter 4 verse 7 verse 17 quickly please we're gonna use the Bible a lot of today before we close so get your fingers super okay Matthew 4:17 is the first public statement of Jesus I know I keep repeating this but that's how we become washed brain his first declaration was his mission statement the mission statement of Jesus was let's read it and from that time forward Jesus began to preach the word preach means to declare quote repent , for the kingdom of heaven has arrived hey boy say Amen say it again what was his mission he said yes where I came first I came to change your mind repent means to change your thinking he said because a kingdom from heaven has arrived he port back to us a kingdom not a religion I am intrigued by some statements made by Jesus this turn if you will to Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 another statement made by Jesus concerning his purpose for coming to Earth I want to stress again to our religious peoples the ones next to you not you but the one sitting next to you that Jesus did not come to earth to establish a religion he didn't come to even preach Calvary he didn't come to preach the blood he didn't come to preach all these things that we have been preoccupied with let's read what he says he came for now please hear me this is what he says verse 20 verse 42 at daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place the people were looking for him and when they came to where he was they tried to keep him from leaving them but he said I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to other towns also comma because this is why I was sent now the word why you know right now is the same word for purpose he says this is the purpose this is the motivation this is the reason why I was sent why was he sent reading aloud to preach the good news of the kingdom to all the towns this is incredible Jesus did not say I was sent to die on a cross even though he did it he does I was sent to be buried three days and rise again that's not why I was sent all those are parts of the program they are means to the end which is the kingdom he said the reason why I came the reason for all of this stuff that I'm going through is to declare that a king has returned with his king ruler was dong domain or Dominion in other words I've come back to give man when he lost where the man knows a king a ruler domain Dominion he lost a kingdom which Kingdom the kingdom that was from heaven that he was supposed to represent on earth let's take another look at something interesting Matthew chapter 24 please Matthew 24 another statement made by Jesus there is no mistake about his focus it's a matter of fact it would be in our best interests to read two verses one from 24 one from 25 let's read chapter 24 verse 14 of Matthew out loud please and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come we know when the end will come stop telling people we don't know when the end will come no man knows the hour that's all we don't know but we know when it will come it will come when this gospel not of born again not of healing not of faith not of prosperity not of the blue not of Calvary not even of the resurrection but when this good news of what the king was the kingdom the rulership and Dominion of God on earth again that's the good news man lost that he said the best news man could hear is that he can regain control over earth again he says when that is done in all the nations the end will come turn to chapter 25 let's see where it starts was 34 then the king will say to those on his right hopefully that includes you come out loud with me please you who are blessed by my father take your inheritance what is it the kingdom which was prepared for you how long since the creation my god he says look the kingdom was here before the earth but that in the good news the good news is it was prepared for you say to me the kingdom belongs to me now say it now I'd like you believe it the kingdom belongs to me what is kingdom rulership and dominion over a territory a domain do you know that all of your problems now this is a big statement of making I'm I'm being audacious here yeah that means I'm taking the audacity to say this all of your problems 100% of your problems are related to one thing one thing you don't control your circumstances all of your problems who controls your owns the bank who controls your car the bank who controls how much you make your boss who controls where you stay well or get sick the doctors who control them I teach you keeping you lose the dead is who control where to get cataracts or rock Eric the eye people I mean your life is in the hands of people and you hope they know what they do it come on talk to me you don't don't roll and that's why you get high blood pressure because when them phone bill Kim's and light bills come and mortgage payments due and rent payments due and the pressure hits you you ain't got no control so you get nervous depressed frustrated and the number one source of all sickness come on don't just talk to me is stress stress is the result of not being able to control your environment stressed out some of you were two jobs and you have dead some of you barb in right now even dive in count why two jobs you are controlled by needs that you cannot control circumstances you have no dominion over the environment you live in the earth Jesus came to restore there I just came from Jamaica Montego Bay last night and I would teaching them you know Jamaica is having some challenges right now and I get the Mayor was there and some other politicians other people were there and I would telling them not the answer to this whole problem is the Holy Spirit because he gives you the ability to take control of circumstances again and I told them the reason why we are attracted to Jesus is not because of cross we are attracted to Jesus I'm afraid to say some things in here and I can't say that you ain't ready for that yet no and I can't say that they would write me letters if I say that I won't say that but the reason why we are attracted to Jesus it's not because all these nice things we say about it tell me what it is keep in mind Peter James and John were businessmen they owned their own business these were busy people here their own efficient company and there was a downturn in the economy when Jesus met their their boats were empty they were in a crisis economic crisis but these are businessmen that wasn't the first time that they didn't catch fish they had a bad day bad night when Jesus showed up in their lives listen definitely he did something that made them shut the company down he took charge of the circumstances that was in charge of them use your mind and it blew their minds watch this the Sea of Galilee is so clear especially 2,000 years ago with no pollution that you could not fish in the day nowhere in the Bible will you ever find any reference to fishing in the day in Galilee it's nowhere it's always at night because the water is too clear and have you put that net in the water the fish can see the net and swim away so they always always fish that night any professional fisherman in Galilee knows you never fish in the day i'ma do the way the currents flowed from the north to the mountains and enter the Sea of Galilee from Syria it always caused a tide of current coming down the mountains into the Galilee Lake actually Galilee as a lake and the currents that would come would make the fish go with the currents so they always put their boats in the shallow part where the current edit the galilee lake and they also put their nets on always on the left side but that's where the current flowed and the fish would be driven into the net in the night these are professional people they studied that that was circumstantial it was circumstantial finally they always fished in the shallows to catch the most fish because of the river meeting the lake but they caught nothing in other words that is Cyprus new we have done everything that we know to do under the circumstances that's the Kingdom living now in other words if you are a victim of the environment you have to do what it says and if it says no fish no fish and here comes a kingdom man he says how you doing and they said we fished all night and caught nothing and we are professionals and we know what be doing we got a degree in fisheries and jesus said unto them some interesting statements he said number one let's go out again in the day number two go in the deep number three throw your net on the right side I think in the phrasing over here see the kingdom of God is not a victim of the earth the earth is a victim the other getness yet of the kingdom of God so this week in your life everything in the world is all set until you arrive I'm trying to tell you something they already decide when you can get promoted but that is when your government said they don't decide how much salary you don't get they get the scale or set but that ain't would your government said they were to decide what businesses will succeed and fail but that's not woody your government says they already says we're gonna happen in the industry you in but you gotta connect today somehow and say you know I'm in touch with a kingdom that defies circumstances I believe somebody just heard me and when they tell you to stop buying shares God simply says bye when they say cutback God says invest more not was you he began to follow a different set of rules that defies circumstances why because you are now dominating the earth how much fish did they catch now that's incredible now I got a little funny joke here though the Bible says we can read the story interesting story it says the other fishermen were on the shore and were amazed at Peter and John why would they do it out in the day so they everyone else punished the whole village was on a show tell your neighbor sometime when you follow the kingdom they got to go into deep by yourself now cop your hands and praise God somebody I enlisted man Oh God and sometime you look stupid out there but but see they don't notice there's somebody on your boat that they can see you might as well our one time Lord hallelujah and all they know is wrong time wrong place wrong side but on the boat you have the right place right time right side the stands impressive that's gonna happen to your life this week I says that happen to your life this week I believe God's gonna put up to you this week Oh hallelujah gear I'm telling you we ain't a kingdom that doesn't obey the rules that's why you depress victim of circumstances the Bible says that the fish entered the net plural no singular and you read the story Christ says put down your nets the boughs that Peter put down the net in other ways sometimes we still assuring a week so we kind of be the cautious and the Bible says the net began to break does the fish were fighting I was here for a spoof on the side listen Cooper type it here you better come up here now you don't move why was your voice I heard the master's voice don't go ahead and praise it for a second Oh hallelujah Charlene you're gonna pump in your business when everybody is losing business get ready for plenty when other people cut me back God's gonna add to you I'm telling you there's gonna be the best year you ever have a prophesy you might swap racing for a second it's what happened Kingdom living Oh drama haha Lindo bassoon dorama car all people say Amen and the Bible says that Peter and James and John beckoned to them on the shore to come out I got a revelation for you if you get under Kingdom living you love so much even those who didn't believe you you gonna give them something y'all better shout somebody hallelujah the chance and praise them this morning I feel somebody getting connected this morning to the Holy Ghost the kingdom will give you too much a prize that too much said again too much gotta give it away got a given away gotta give it away gotta give it away gotta give it away gotta give it away more than enough is our kingdom style Akeno works are more than enough tell your neighbor go with me or I'll call you later pop your hands just one more time [Applause] clapping come with me now or call you later but I'm gonna get blessed so where the kingdom works some of y'all feel lonely why because you're dead by yourselves gone but I've coming to tell you this morning you in the right spot I'm talking to somebody this morning I feel the Holy Ghost telling me say it again I say some of y'all are in a lonely spot and you feel like you're crazy but God says stare at it you're in the right spot clap your hands and find God he knows where you are you are right where he sent you [Applause] [Music] that's why we love Jesus the disciples minds were blown when the boats got back to shore almost sinking with fish the Bible says Peter fell on his face among the fish and said what manner of man are you tell your neighbor they gonna say that about me [Applause] lord have mercy there you're saying where did you come from what manner of man of you they say and then Peter said something interesting Peter says get away from me [Applause] some people just can't stand to be blessed see let me tell you why they believe they supposed to have no fish even when God bless them they see complaining but the blessing says I shouldn't have this I don't shut up even you deserve this eat the thing and wear the thing and drive the thing live in the tank you deserve it in Jesus name you deserve it you deserve what's coming to you I say you decide what's coming to you either you decide what's coming to you you got a right to have what's coming to you in the name of Jesus and it's going to come to you beginning this week I prophesied it's coming to me it's coming to me this week mine is coming to me this week I deserve to be bless you better say for yourself I don't know about you but I'm taking myself free I decided to be blessed Sally I'm supposed to be blessed [Applause] so Jesus stay right in my book you don't go nowhere I want to stay right on the boy hallelujah so Jesus Jesus told Peter said what you talking about what are you talking about man you excited but one boatload he said if you follow me I'm going to show you some keys I'm gonna teach you some principles Peter and when you learn them even if I leave you you only understand even if I in the boat physically greater works than these shall you do because you will control your circumstances lift your hands and praise God that's Kingdom living I will control all circumstances from this day forward it's my kingdom right clap your hands in praise and just one more time I tell you my time just above it's the kingdom that's what Jesus came to bring back he came to bring back the authority that Adam lost that's what man lost let me tell you something friends no I better don't tell you that they can't take that no can't take that so Jesus came to earth and he began to preach this wonderful message of the kingdom the restoration of control he came to bring back the power to have authority over your environment I mean that's why we love him so much I hope you get that point we don't love because he was gentle Jesus meek and Matt no then done because he was bad out there storm come shut up stop race totally I mean the guy took charge is I like this guy we like people who are in charge of their circumstances because deep inside we were born to do the same thing so we are checked into those kind of people that's why I mean like rich people all on your land get that we like millionaires because they can decide eat anything they want eat where whenever we're driving they won't drive live there they will live go ahead they wanna go buy whatever reason why like that that's why you're trying to be millionaire nah it isn't money you want what you want is the power to control your circumstances that's what the kingdom is all about that's why it's good news the good news is God has given you back that ability but we have been Church too much the two religious men religion is not Kingdom I say to you today my friend the best news in the world is the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived it's back on earth turn a minute Matthew chapter 16 and we're gonna pick up here next week but I want to just leave you with some thoughts we're gonna continue with the church in the kingdom because we gotta separate these two things they are not the same we find Jesus his entire message was the kingdom of God you read the Matthew Gospel you read Luke you read mark I mean all through them is one message the kingdom of heaven is like the kingdom of heaven is like and then in chapter 16 of Matthew he began to talk about his concept of how Kingdom people supposed to function in verse 13 he came to the region of Caesarea Philippi that's on the west coast by the Mediterranean side of Palestine and he acts as disciples that's a beautiful area around I can see why they talked in beautiful Beach area we went there many times in Caesarea Philippi beautiful area it's a beach like our beaches here beautiful beach nice and so Christ liked the beach that's why he lives in the Bahamas now Caesarea Philippi was a beach area and he acts disciples who do people say that I am and they replied some say you are John the Baptist others say Elijah still others say you Jeremiah or one of the big profits that come back and then he said but what about you who do you say I am and Simon Peter answered you are the Christ that means the anointed one with his anointing the yoke broken anointed the son of the Living God what a confession and jesus replied verse 17 blessed are You Simon son of Jonah for this was not revealed to you by man but by my father in heaven where's my father in heaven Jesus never put the father on earth never did that the father doesn't want to come to her there it is for the kids I tell you the truth you are Petrus write that down your Bible please on the side PE t ro s that's the word he use in the Greek language here of course she's a spoke Hebrew but the Greek Bible is where we get our translation from and the word pear trust right that's the right rut write the word pebble it means a little pebble Petros means pebble that's the way to use Peter you are a pebble and on this rock look at that word right another word the Greek word uses Petrus PE T a s of ptra Petra the word Petra means boulder or mountain important distinction here he says Peter you are a pebble but upon the boulder that you spoke the mountain that you spoke well he wouldn't wouldn't be to say thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God he says upon that confession that statement of Who I am I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail or be able to stop its advance now let me just say that your Bible in the King James says hell that doesn't refer to the hell you're thinking about the word then the Greek is Hades Hades is not the hell that you talk about with fire Christ did not use that word he says the gates of Hades will not be able to stop the growth of this kingdom remember the rock is the boulder he's referring to the fulfillment of Daniels vision when Daniel says I saw the kingdoms of the earth like a big statue all the different kingdoms he says but out of nowhere came a big boulder and smash all the kingdoms and then it says when they fell the brach began to grow knocking locks grow here it is he says when I establish this thing Jesus says nothing can stop it and it will take over every government system I'm about to shower before quit I said about the shop before I quit he said I don't care if you are after the Romans or the Greeks or the Egyptians or any serious whatever system you got when this kingdom gets into that system it overrules oh man where is communism democracy capitalism social he says once the kingdom gets in there oh I'm beginning to understand this thing that's why when they put Peter and James in jail that was under the Roman government and the church was in another little place starting to call up the government of heaven it's called prayer and they begin to say to the government two of our citizens are under another government's jurisdiction and therefore we want to report that they are illegally held by the other government the Bible says that the government of heaven sent some soldiers they couldn't see walked inside the chair of the other government unloose the shackles open the doors and they walked out that's what I called no gates can stop the kingdom lift me eyes and thank God this week nothing can stop your progress shut it nothing can stop my progress I don't care what pit they dig for you or what kind of plan ever against you I'm telling you by the power of God that your kingdom shall over rule and prevail in every government system Sharada loo you somebody Oh glory to God when they lock you up God and unlock you i say when they lock you up God's gonna unlock you I say when they lock you up God's gonna come behind and unlock you the gates of Hades cannot stop the growth of this rock Hades means the grave write that down it has to do with the graveyard in Hebrew and Greek that is called hell the three hell's this one Jesus uses the cemetery he says look this kingdom is so powerful that if the environment kills you this kingdom will come back and get you he says look this government that I'm building is beyond the cemetery that's why you will see your loved ones again because they were in the kingdom they are citizens and if they die in Christ when the trunk of the government sounds I'm about to share Olympus by myself all the dead in the government rise go ahead and press top of the tree over death this kingdom worked thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe global possible please visit us online at [Music] you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 88,984
Rating: 4.7798409 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: 83cBiiyYdd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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