Rediscovering The Kingdom Concept of Authority | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message so tonight i want to talk about authority though please get your your bibles and turn to the book of matthew matthew chapter 3. matthew chapter 3. i want to focus on rediscovering the kingdom concept of authority what did i say rediscovering the kingdom concept of authority write that down please everyone write it down look at the statement first do you see what it's saying what this topic is suggesting is that there are other concepts of authority but the kingdom of god has a very specific clear and in many cases unique definition of authority so i want to talk from the perspective of god's mind god's idea about authority the kingdom of god has its own concept of authority now i have to also contrast that with your country and my country countries have their own ideas about authority and one of the greatest challenges of this great nation of the united states and many other western cultures is that you have developed a culture that is suspicious of authority as a matter of fact your culture almost is afraid of authority the culture doesn't trust authority the very word frightens the average american because the very nature of the root of this great nation was built on rebellion against authority so the seed is in the culture for almost 300 years and that seed permeates not only the social culture and the economic culture and the political culture of the country but it also permeates sadly to say the spiritual culture where people don't even trust the authority of their pastor we would somehow instead of submitting to authority we would prefer to cooperate with authority cooperation means i'll trust you until i don't want to trust you anymore that's cooperation cooperation with authority is i will follow you until i don't like you anymore and so we have this very serious affair with authority it's an affair we we know we need it but we don't trust it we know it's good but we don't want it we know it's necessary but we only give it a certain amount of space in our lives and we basically have very serious difficulty with authority so my job tonight is to help you to fall in love again with authority to help you understand that authority is the greatest gift god gave you it's also your greatest protection and your safety i hopefully will also help you understand this brief time together that authority is the number one reason why the church is in such a mess because leaders in the church especially don't submit to authority and this is why many of them are fallen they have no protection they have no one who can exercise authority in their lives and bring correction and rebuke and even government and when you read the bible this this powerful unique idea but authority is so strong that we needed to return to its lofty place to introduce the topic tonight i want to take a look at some that you are familiar with and that is an aircraft you know aircrafts are amazing because when you see them and i talked about this at oiu earlier today but i want you to see the other side of this perspective every time i see an aircraft at the airport especially those massive ones those 747s you've seen them i am sure you wonder like me how does that fly am i right 700 000 tons of weight filled with 350 people who also bring two pieces of baggage each some three and then thousands of pounds of fuel stuffed in the wings and you see this metal giant on the ground in a few minutes it's flying like a feather and the question is how does this fly when we talked about the fact that it really flies because it submits to a law it's a law called gravity but also another law called aerodynamics the law of gravity keeps the aircraft on the ground but they say that when a when the aircraft hits the speed of 250 something takes over and creates another law and it's the law of lift or aerodynamics and that law forces the aircraft from the ground what did i say in other words when you connect to a law the law takes over your life the aircraft submits to the law of lift and lift takes it from the ground and the lift law becomes more powerful than the gravity law and that aircraft flies now to keep that aircraft flying or to make it fly there's a lot of hard work you need these massive engines built by rolls royce sometimes six of them four of them five of them to just get the thrust then you need to have all the mechanics in the wings to manipulate the flaps on the wing to catch the lift and then you need to have all the controls to make sure it stays straight and balanced and all of this work just to get it in a position to kick a law now there's another bird i want to see the other bird this bird is also a bird so we got two birds we got this bird an aircraft and we get this bird that's god's craft this bird is man's craft this bird is god's craft this bird is forced to fly this bird is built to fly this bird has to be sustained by a lot of people on equipment this bird needs nothing to fly follow me carefully i want you to learn a lesson this bird has no authority to fly because man was never created to fly i tried it once when i was a kid in the bahamas where i still live we lived in a very low-income area and we used to be so happy every christmas my father would bring uh sand in the yard to cover the dirt and every christmas i used to enjoy the sand before they spread the sand and i would climb on the roof to try and imitate the birds i even tied one of my mother's sheet around my neck and put an s on the back of it and i said i'm gonna jump because superman went up there must be something that happens when you jump so i jumped and on the roof of that house at the same time i was about to jump was a pigeon our neighbor was filled with pigeons one of them was around the roof he looked at me i'm sure he was wondering what are you doing i looked at him he looked at me he jumped i jumped he went up i am sure there was a laughing bird in god's skies and i had to learn a lesson the hard way when i landed on the sand my knees were all scratched up and bloody and and i was all broken up and hurting and i was like how come he can do it and i can't i got the will to do it i want to do it i have a desire to do it [Music] i even tried to do it but i couldn't do it i look back now when i learn a lesson from god don't attempt what you are not authorized to do listen to me carefully you see this bird was designed by the creator to fly but look at what this bird needs to fly this bird needs trucks catering mechanics technicians specialists it needs fuel trucks and air conditioned hoses and air conditioned trucks it needs generator trucks i mean look at that it's all that gotta be there for that aircraft to fly but what's amazing to me is this one needs nothing write this down when you are not in your thor your authority you need high maintenance when you are doing what you were not born to do you got to maintain yourself and the cost of maintenance will be high this bird needs massive maintenance but this bird needs none as a matter of fact here's the mystery everything that the natural bird needs exists already hope you hear not deep i'm talking when you find god's area of authority in your life everything you need is already added the trees to build a nest the twigs to make the nest the cotton to warm the nest the fruits to feed the bird the worms to take care of life the air to create lift the oxygen the bird to breathe the sunlight to enjoy the branches for the bird to land on everything the bird never creates when you find your authority everything you need is built in if you are struggling with what you're doing and it's causing you stress and heartache and things seem to be tough and difficult and seem as if no door ever opens and you keep trying you gotta force things you might need to check and have some introspective analyses with yourself as to whether i was born to do this the bible says the call of god doesn't bring grief it's not grievous listen friends i am having the time of my life i haven't had a bad day for 39 years and that's not to try and impress you i discovered that when you find what i'm going to call tonight your area of authority everything works with you you don't need false maintenance you don't need fake fuel you don't need people to prop you up and service you all the time oh boy when you find your authority it's like a bird flying i was shocked when i heard for the first time research done in national geographic i read the story they said that birds get energy from flying write it down that's very important i was shocked when a bird flies they say it creates energy for itself then they also in that report says that fish gets energy from swimming in other words when you are in your gift of authority it doesn't wear you out it gives you life it gives you energy this is why if what you are doing is killing you and you've said that many times this job is killing me you are correct because if you were in your gift of authority which you do would actually give you life as a matter of fact i i dread when i have to stop doing what i'm doing right now i dread it that's what i dread i dream now you have to stop doing it because when you are in your authority you can do it and never eat lunch how do you know you found your gift of authority in this book i give you 10 specific ways to find your gift of authority it's in the book one of them is the thing you could do and never be compensated for if you find something to do and you could enjoy it and never be paid for it you found your authority if you work for money you are not in your authority yet but if you work just for the joy of it you are a bird taking flight let's talk about authority from this perspective because these birds are different i want to share with you a little bit about how authority principles have been lost you might want to try and write some of these principles down number one the most powerful position on earth is under authority there's a shock in your culture you are taught the most powerful position of earth is to be free god disagrees freedom is an american ideal not a kingdom ideal i love freedom too but listen to me freedom without authority is anarchy there can never be freedom without boundaries there can never be freedom without law there has to be some authority to even define freedom so the most powerful position in life that i've discovered is under authority when you get under authority it is so sweet i'm gonna prove that in a few minutes number two authority is the safest place for all things to be it's not only the most powerful it's the safest and principle number three discovering your authority is the key to freedom look at the birds the birds seem to be free but they are free in their area of authority they are not free from creation they are not free from nature but they are free in the gift of flight that's why i couldn't fly i am not free to fly but the bird is free but he cannot fly to the moon there's a restriction there's a law a fish is free to swim but not outside of the water there's an authority in the fish's life i am authorized authority authorized to swim in water i am free to swim free but in water so there's a protection if he stays in the authority number four authority is the key to freedom from stress trying to keep that aircraft that that you fly up in the air do you know why your aircraft ticket costs so much money they got to pay an average of 27 people every time the air craft lands they run around that aircraft caterers mechanics engineers they got to pay for the trucks that bring them there they're going to pay for the gasoline in the truck that brings them to the plane they're going to pay for the holes they're going to pay for the electricity that connects the air conditioned to the plane in other words the cost for maintenance is so high it is stressful to fly an aircraft because we're not built to fly when you are not in your authority you are full of stress if you're not supposed to be a pastor the ministry will kill you if you are not supposed to be in the choir please leave why first of all it's stress on you because you can't hit the notes and for heaven's sake it's stress on the whole group they're praying for you to get out of there authority protects you from stress important and look at number five absence of authority brings self-destruction i hope you love authority after i leave this city you know the fish knows my authority is the water but if i leave submission to my authority i will self-destruct as a fish the authority of a plant is the soil that's its authority it cannot [Music] extract itself from submission to the dirt if you take it out of the dirt you don't need to kill a plant it self destructs you know i see many people who go into different careers and the career makes them sick high blood pressure stress growths cysts and they wonder why am i stressed out because the job or the vocation you chose is not your area of authority it's killing you god must have know exactly where you are right now he sent me at the beginning of the year because he doesn't want you to spend another year frustrated stressed out and trying to impress people write this down authority brings protection let me uh read something to you let's talk about authority from the kingdom jesus said a lot of things but authority i want you to read these verses very quickly with me matthew chapter 8 verse 9 everybody read together go for i myself i'm a man under authority with soldiers under me i tell this one go and he goes unto another one come and he comes i say to my servant do this and he does it now that sounds like a man who got a lot of power doesn't it but he doesn't start the sentence with power you missed him see it's power to say do this but there's something that gives you power what is it authority he said because i was given authority where look at the word under the last place an american wants to be is under anyone you've got the best health services in the world in america your hospitals your doctors and yet you got the highest sickness rate people are sick sickness comes from stress this man says first of all he recognizes look at the word myself in that verse you see it myself who's he talking to no who is he talking to at this time jesus when he says myself he's saying i recognize some about you and you missed the whole sentence he said jesus i recognize you never claim that you are the authority you always seem to refer to somebody else like my father said this my father he said i like the way you are he said everything you do seem to be because someone else sent you here so he says i myself got the same experience do you know why the devil don't obey you when you bind him and cast him out and and the devil says you you ain't under nobody he said i myself i'm just like you i am on authority so you don't need to leave this place and come to my servant caesar is my authority in rome and i am far away from him but because i am on his authority i can say to a man in my environment go and he goes because he hears not my voice he hears the authority amanda listen to me your power doesn't come from you your power comes from the authority you submitted to he said because i'm under authority i got power and i noticed that you are under authority jesus so you can also speak and things will happen just say my servant is healed now you remember what jesus said after this he said i have never found so great faith anywhere not even among the israelites now wait a minute the highest faith christ ever saw was not power the highest faith he saw was submission to an authority and yet we hate authority when my son came back from college and i said son you want to work in the family business i want you to run the business he said yes daddy i said i'm giving you a lot of authority i'm giving you all that i've built over the years i'm putting it in your hands so what did i do i took him to my banker introduced him and i transferred the authority and i said from now on you do business with my son in my name i went to insurance company i said do business with my son in my name i went to real estate brokers from now on you do business with my son in my name when you see him you see me and it was there was a handover he is under authority 27 years old can walk in a bike and give the manager instructions his power doesn't come from him he's only 27. it comes from the authority he's under his father look at this look at matthew 9 verse 6. take a deep breath and read go but so that you may know that the son of man has authority to do what to forgive sins he said to the paralytic get up take your mat and go home and the man got up and went home when the crowd saw this they were filled with awe and they praised god why because they saw a man not with power please you think it's power to cast out demons you think it's power to heal the sick power doesn't heal the sick power needs permission power without authority is energy without permission and no one wants more power than the saints i'm fascinated i get some power from god i believe in god my power give me the holy ghost to get power lord i need your mind give me power please praise me pastor master with with some power power what about authority gotcha the people says this man is authorized to do this when you are under authority you have a confidence you couldn't create when jesus told the demon come out he says i received this authority from my father even going to the cross and dying and being put in a tomb with a result of authority he says i receive authority from my father to lay my life down and pick it up again only because i got the authority i'm going to take a chance he says he had a confidence in death i'm authorized to die and authorized to come back in resurrection so death is in trouble because i am under authority i don't come and say i'll die and rise again i was sent to die and rise again under instructions amen i hope you're listening to me today that's why they saw the miracle read this one matthew 10 1 read he called his twelve disciples to him and gave them what authority to drive out demons and spirits and to heal every disease and sickness now they don't get power to do it you can always take power but you can never take authority it has to be given look at the word he gave them why because he got it also you cannot give authority you are not under. you know why god sent you here tonight because what you got to do in april on september and 211 requires this message this is the year that god had enough of people running around doing their own thing jumping up roofs and trying to fly read john 10 16 read verse 17 read the reason my father loves me watch this is because i lay my life down to take it up again no one takes it from me but i lay it down on my own accord why because i have authority to lay it down and authority take it up ladies and gentlemen when you are under authority your boldness explodes do you know why i am so confident tonight because i was born to do exactly what i'm doing to create a leader inside of you who understands how to impact your generation and change your environment without violating authority i was born to do that you are a great woman you are an awesome man but you are nothing without authority amen his confidence look at this one john 17 verse 2. i love it it says this read aloud for you granted him authority over all the people that he might give eternal life to those who give listen christ only gives eternal life because he's authorized even to save you he needed authority he doesn't say because he feels like it he saves you because he has been officially authorized to save that's why his name is yeshua he is called a savior authorized okay let's define it quickly because some of you never saw this word before authority write it down the way the thought from a latin word is the word octo write it down please teach it to your sunday school class share it with your children take it back to your staff in your office and your business and let them see what authority is like because it's the key to your business succeeding the word authority is the word octa and it means promoter how's that for a shock you've been taught authority means oppression oppressing people keeping people down it means the complete opposite wow in other words authority releases you to function it doesn't oppress you any authority that oppresses is not authority it's oppression true authority gives people freedom freedom to function in their gift the word authority also is defined as one that originates or creates the source well that makes sense the person who created the car also created what it can do authorizes it to do certain things so the authority comes from the author all the time the book that you're about to buy was authored by me that means the information that book uh that's downloaded in my genes in my bones i know that book i'm the author of it every sentence every concept every principle in the book is mine i have it it's mine so i'm the originator so i can promote those ideas i can promote them with confidence god is the author of creation he knows his aunt and his mosquitoes he knows them what they can do he knows their limitations and he knows their power he built the rat and the raccoon he designed the fish he knew that seed can produce a tree he built him in authority he knows his stuff and the beautiful truth is he knows you so well give him a hand praise god so authority is defined as the originator or the creator of a thing that promotes it wow and we are afraid of authority you know why your life perhaps is not moving the way you wanted to move and so slow and you've been working on an idea for 50 years still ain't been fruitful because there's no promotion listen to me authority can promote you in five seconds what it takes you five years to do some of you wonder why christ had come to earth and in three years saved the whole world and you've been around for 60 years and they saved nothing let me tell you something when you are authorized you can promote so quickly you can get it done in three years and go back and say it's finished the power of authority ladies and gentlemen let me show you something that blew my mind write this down the secret to success in life is finding and staying under authority you got to find authority and stay under it when god sent you to victory christian center years ago some of you moved to tulsa and ended up here some of you came to school and god told you to stay and you are here some of you left your former church years ago and came under pastor billy joe and you wonder god what's going on and now god is watching you still are you going to stay under there's a promotion for you but promotion comes looking for people who are under authority our spirit of individualism is dangerous to god i don't even want to tell me what god said i am god's woman i am god's man god called me god god god what about your pastor well you know you can't trust no pastor they're all hypocrites you kind of just you don't become no member just attend the church and don't connect to nobody just kind of tan what are you talking about that's why you can't be promoted in life you can never trust an uncommitted spirit write that down please that includes god himself he will not trust what he didn't see pay a price a price of submission look at number two every thing submits to something else in order to function grow and prosper very important statement what did i say everything submits to something else in order for it to function to grow and to prosper the fish must submit to the water in order to function and to grow the plant must submit to the soil in order for it to function and to grow the bird must submit to the air and the elements in order for it to function and fly and to grow and you will never find a fish look at me please out growing water this is very serious you do not outgrow your authority plants don't become so sophisticated that they eventually don't need soil birds don't outgrow the elements they stay under you know there are some pastors in the world who frighten me every time i go to visit them and invite me to speak my first question who is your pastor i am the pastor i say no no who is your pastor never trust a man without a head clap [Applause] that's the problem we think we are so anointed we outgrow submission in my life i have four people who can sit me down in the morning and tell me no more preaching they can call my wife and ask her if i'm living right without letting me know they can call my children and ask how is your daddy doing with his mom do you have that kind of authority in your life you are not safe and so they fall like flies because no one can correct them your anointing does not cancel authority as a matter of fact it makes authority more important because anointing attracts even the wrong kind of people i'll never forget dr all robbers called me aside one day and he held me by my hands my arms and they maybe sent her i had just finished speaking to the minister's conference that he hosted and he said son that was the best message i ever heard on that subject your future is bright he said but remember the anointing is attractive so be careful of the gold the girls and the glory i said yes daddy and i knelt down before him i said you are my father thank you for protecting me this church is as safe as the authority it's under and you are a safe write this down fish are successful because they know the authority sometimes you don't even know who authority is you know you better know if you are a member of victory then pastor sharon doherty is your authority stop debating it amen god never leaves his church without an authority legitimate one and your safety is submission you know i want to show you something before we leave in a few minutes uh but here's what authority is not i thought i'd just say because some of you had a bad experience with authority so write this down quickly especially those of you who are religious people first of all authority is not dominating other people overpowering other people dictating to other people oppressing other people ruling over other people it is not mastering people or forcing people to do what you want them to do authority is not manipulating people to do what you want and to frighten and threaten them that's not authority authority it's not controlling people or restricting people or terrorizing people or subjecting people to your will this is not authority and most of the time this been acts this is this has been our experience with people authority does none of these things please by the tape write this down it's very important right here there are two types of authority in the world one is called divine authority divine authority is god's established order in creation divine authority is god's established purpose for creation divine authority is god's designed assignment in creation or three of these are important if you want to know what divine authority looks like this is how it looks divine authority was not chosen by you divine authority is also built in divine authority is inherent in creation divine authority was established by god for example the capacity of the bird to fly is divine authority god established order in in the universe and also in creation he gave everything a purpose and then he gave that purpose an assignment that authority is divine what you were born to do put you in a certain order let me give an example of order if your car brought you here tonight i assume your car has a battery am i right are you sure now think about the battery the battery is it's a pretty big deal because the battery is the one that provides the power to ignite the ignition in order to generate the turning of the starting process to turn the car over and the pistons receive that spark and therefore the car turns on so the battery is the big boy you know the battery is like some people in church you know you can't start without me all right no problem but now here's the battery this is the powerhouse of the car and the battery decides look i've been starting things around here for the last 10 years i am not ready for a promotion i want to be on the roof of the car from now on i want everyone to see who runs things here i want a promotion so everybody could see how important i am i want to leave my location i want to be placed on the top because no one starts without me sounds like some people you know the meeting will start until i come yeah so no problem the barrier decides i'm out of here i i'm ready for promotion no one recognizes me i get no plaques no words they don't call my name in the bulletin and i'm the one that starts this car why they got me hidden down here under this engine under the hood i want the roof so the battery comes up on top of the roof i'm the big boy i'm in charge problem now watch the problem with the battery the battery still has all the power in it full of power but totally useless in other words your purpose and your assignment dictates your order in the scheme of things you can't be the pastor under janitors you gotta allow the janitors to do her job that's her authority now heaven help you when the janitors won't be the pastor she'll clean you out clean up the church in other words authority is established by the order that god created things to be in you are a woman not a man that's a divine order now you will cut your hair short and wear a suit you are still as far as god is concerned a woman and vice versa you are a man you know don't walk around hi brother settle down stay in order clap anyhow praise god give me five there's a second kind of authority and just the one that we talked about a little bit tonight please get the book and talk for both of these first personal authority prison authority comes from divine authority but place authority is the submission to god's order in creation secondly place authority is the discovery of god's purpose in creation and thirdly personal authority is when you begin to fulfill the assignment like the bird is doing that you were set in creation to do so you got divine authority and personal authority and when you find your personal authority you become free from other people's opinions it gives you a freedom from other people's influence and ideas because you begin to see this is my purpose this is my assignment and therefore this is my order ladies and gentlemen jesus understood all two of them divine and personal authority i want to close with jesus what you're about to hear please don't move until you hear the rest of this i'm gonna finish at nine o'clock this is the most important thing you'll hear all night return your bibles to matthew and let's talk about jesus why he was so successful i learned from jesus and i applied it and today there is no restriction to my gift influence these are four words i want you to become acquainted with and each one of these words is a chapter in the book that's how big these words are there are four principles of authority first of all the author secondly authority thirdly authorization and fourthly authentic uh-oh these words describe the heart of authority when you find your authority you found the area of life you are authorized to function in if you are functioning in the area you are authorized to function in then you have authority in that area which means your confidence and your boldness and your conviction is at a maximum level and when you are functioning in your authority in which you are authorized to function with powerful authority from the author then you are for the first time in our life our lives you are an authentic person don't look now there are people who are fake right around you they are doing things they are not born to do trying to be other people imitating other people listen to me friends this church the future of this church is bigger than its past but you must leave the past don't you ever expect pastor sharon to be billy joe i rebuke you he had his own authority he had his own authorization he was his own authenticity she is completely different she has own authority she's authorized to do something completely different let her be authentic clap loud especially the pastors stop saying that ain't the way he did it [Applause] if i do what you tell me to do i am not authentic very important words you know what the world is looking for from you authenticity it is hard to find a real person you all remember that lady miss boyles who was on uh the what's the british of that show britain got talent you remember that thing now in my book i did research on this woman and when you read that first two chapters you're going to be shocked at her i did research on her you know being a british subject you know we know these people and if you study her you remember i actually saw the show replayed when she walked out she looked like an old mother her hair was just kind of dr duh her dress my god her face yuck and all the judges began to smirk and smile and laugh and hit each other and the people were sitting there ready to laugh and they thought this was for comedy but they didn't know that this woman was gifted by the author of creation with an authority to sing and they didn't know she was authorized to do it just give me a mic and that night she became authentic hallelujah she was in her authority when you are in your authority they can never ignore you what a story she sung before the pope a few weeks ago your gift of authority shall bring you before great kings how she looked no more no longer married your gift may not be your looks but when you find it you look beautiful she sold 1.6 million albums of that song in four weeks what have you done lately let me close with this what is authority authority is not power authority and power are different power is ability it's energy it's might authority is legal rights for power to function you can be powerful and illegal to have a gun is power to have it illegally is dead the young man that shot your congresswoman had power he had no authority ladies and gentlemen power without authority is energy without permission authority is more important than power what did i say i want everyone here to get a copy of this cd and dvd please because the dvd has the notes on it you need to hear this seven times and give it to everyone you know if you plan to go into the ministry let this teaching be your foundation you've got to stay under authority or you can become illegal power authority protects power authority gives power permission to function authority is your legal area of domain that was established by god the manufacturer for which he designed and equipped you to perform it authority is natural gifting but it must have legitimacy it gives your power permission so i put it to you jesus christ let's talk about jesus turn to the book of matthew chapter what did i say what did i say matthew what matthew 3 you're listening tell your neighbor something good is happening right now so pay attention matthew chapter 3 verse 13 what you about to read the next two minutes is going to change your life matthew 13 3 13 says then jesus came from galilee to the jordan river to be baptized by john okay i put a little note up here my research showed me that the site of jesus baptism in jordan river is from the measurement they use is about 70 80 miles away from his hometown all the way down toward the south that's about two weeks walk through rocks and hills mountains and jesus didn't come to see john for a casual visit look at the verse again please underlined in your bible underline this verse in your bible please verse 13 underline it please very important verse it simply says and jesus left galilee and came to the jordan for what reason i can't hear you i can't hear you to be baptized by john okay that sentence is important he came from galilee to be what baptized by john look at me please you don't understand what you're reading you you're missing it don't miss the the sentence it says he came from galilee to the jordan for a reason to be baptized by john he left galilee came all the way through the desert looking for his cousin his cousin john was older than jesus listen to this deep stuff here he was six months older than jesus he was jesus elder cousin secondly they were family thirdly they grew up together their mothers were together when he was conceived elizabeth and mary were the ones who really had the babies leaping around they knew each other she told her son about her son and her son about her son they knew the stories about them but now they're both 30 years old by the way you can never be a rabbi which means a master teacher until you were 30 years old this is important to be a rabbi you must be 30 years old so now you know why he waited because you got to be qualified to be heard there's some people who want to jump out in ministry because they got a gift but you're not qualified he knew if he came out earlier they would listen to him because in the culture the qualification was you got to be 30 years old or even be qualified to be heard as a teacher that's why john came out the same time 30 years old six months apart and now john is preaching his message repent the kingdom of heaven is about to arrive it's here already the king is somewhere around here and then jesus knows it's time oh please listen to me what does he do he looks at his watch each time please don't miss this place i beg you because this is the most important thing to remember he knew who he was why he knew from age 12 he told his mom my father's business he knew who he was he knew his power he knew he was god in the flesh he knew his vision he came to redeem and save the world and bring the kingdom back to earth he knew his purpose he came to reclaim what adam lost he knew his mission to bring the kingdom back to earth he had the power to create the universe inside his body he had everything you could dream of and yet he did not seek ministry and that's our problem the minute we become aware of our gift and our power and our ability to teach well or to sing well or to play an instrument well or to counsel well or to prophesy just a few prophecies we began to think okay i got to print some cards now i'm going to create a brochure put a picture in it i'm gonna start handing cards out to get some people to call me to minister and you walk around handing out cards and advertising yourself promoting yourself jesus the ultimate god that all the power in the universe inside his body left galilee looking for his cousin john so he could get under him what a shock john knew who he was he didn't go looking for a ministry he went looking for authority and that's our problem look at the next statement it says when john tried to deter him john said wait a minute i know you what is what does john say say it loud i need to be baptized by you john says look you've got power everybody say power say it loud shake the roof come on everybody say it power saving power power see shawn knew jesus had power you should baptize me you've got all the power in the universe you created me you created the world all things are made by you it says in john 1. i know who you are what john didn't know was there's a difference between power and authority you got the power yes john but you have the authority come on you scholars malachi last chapter before the lord comes he will send before his face one who will prepare the way for him remember who will send him the lord will send him that means god the heavenly father sent john as the legitimate authority on earth so when christ was ready at age 30 his first act was not to find a ministry not to print cards not to advertise not to incorporate a ministry or a business or something his first act was let me go find the authority i got to get under authority my power needs authority can i say it again authority is more important than power and there it is what happens he said let it be so for now why it is what proper everybody say proper proper means order go look it up in the hebrew it is proper positioning matter of fact the word righteousness here means to be properly positioned i want to be properly positioned come here stand here john said you got the power christ is here but you got the authority and he says it is better for me and for both of us to understand that i have to position myself properly so that all my great power could be legally released imagine god bowing to a man that's impossible no he was bowing to authority he will never violate his own authority come here sir pastor come here a second yeah can you bow to him a second i want to show you something john is poor i'm talking john john i'm the one teaching okay i got the authority right now okay john has the authority jesus has the power so please face him so john put your hand to shoulder please john is about to baptize jesus what you have is authority about to release power now ready for this this is very important it says that when jesus went down into the water authority receiving power submission of power to authority suddenly it says something happened oh lord have mercy first of all it says the heavens opened ladies and gentlemen the minute you find authority and get under it heaven opens over your head that means access to everything in heaven number two it says on a voice spoke but if you read the statement the voice is not speaking to jesus the voice is speaking to the people this is important god himself introduces and promotes come on only smart one's gonna get me here when you get under authority you don't need to print cards you don't need to handle brochures trying to find somewhere to minister you ain't got to do no conniving to be promoted as a bishop or promoted as an elder or trying to be a deacon once you get under authority god himself a voice spoke and introduced him the third thing that happened it says and the spirit like a dove came upon god wait baby this is confusing isn't god the spirit of god that's the question he was conceived by the holy spirit so he was already the holy spirit so what is this spirit coming upon him after he submitted here's why there is an anointing you're already saved i know that but there's an anointing that waits for submission i call it the anointing of permission that spirit came upon god legitimizing his right to function on earth a savior of the world that spirit was waiting for submission there are people who've never done that and they're out ministering so they need those trucks and 27 men to tell them things to make them feel good about themselves they need false gasoline schemes they need to cover all kind of techniques to survive in ministry slick brochures fancy magazines gimmicks why they never submitted to an authority the last thing the bible says when he rose up john did something incredible now john was a rabbi kind of a wild one but he was a rabbi how do we know that only rabbis had disciples disciples is the word for students rabbi simply means master teacher so john oh there had a school and to join the school baptism was the process into the school you were telling the teacher that i am going to submit to your philosophy john's philosophy was repent look at chapter 2 verse 1. the kingdom of heaven is at hand john preached the kingdom and christ says that's the school i want so he went to that school and told john i am submitting to you watch this you are my teacher you are my pastor you are my rabbi there's a shock jesus had a pastor now watch the power of authority and watch the authority of power when he comes up john it says the holy spirit took jesus immediately who did okay and let him into the wilderness to be tested ladies and gentlemen listen to me carefully why didn't the holy ghost take him before answer you are not ready to face the devil until you are under you don't understand he couldn't go in that desert with his own name i wonder why the devil is having a heyday pastors falling in immorality homosexuality duology all kinds of theological problems why because the devil is having a heyday in the desert they come out there alone all they got is their degree from college and the devil says come come out here i'll have you for lunch and they build big ministries on their skills and then the devil takes him out in seconds no protection look at him or there by himself he better have some coverage and the bible says john then turned to his disciples everybody say promote say it again john turned his disciples that's all of you and john says do not follow me any longer this is in the bible he said his whole school he turned his whole school over to that guy the guy didn't work for the school didn't build the school didn't train the students but in one instant authority can transfer to you sometimes people say you didn't earn that didn't have to i submitted so you got a choice you can stay a lone wolf leave this church and go try it on your own or you can stay under authority and in god's timing god comes looking for you and he finds you in the right place and he promotes you instantly do you know my life was changed in just one day i was in the bahamas faithfully teaching 200 people for almost 10 years i taught this very subject those 10 years i taught about purpose in those 10 years i thought about potential in those 10 years with just 200 people matter of fact i began teaching on purpose when there's only 30 people i've preached it hard i had these principles down they were so part of my life i taught them just a couple hundred people and then one night i got a phone call and a phone call simply said dr munro i was a doctor then they said the guy just says miles we have a conference in tulsa and uh the speaker can't come i need a speaker can you fly from the bahamas and come to speak tomorrow i said sure i had no idea what that was and i flew to tulsa i landed at five o'clock went straight to the building and there was 15 000 people in the maybe center and the person simply said are you ready i said give me the mic man and the restless history it was the only night tbn showed up i wonder if you are faithful under authority so when god really is ready to promote you he'll find you under authority i have never invited myself anywhere i've never begged for invitations i pray actually for god to stop right now i received so hundreds of invitations every year and never ask for one are you under authority jesus come here jesus this is a good jesus all right here's my closing jesus is about to leave the earth i'm over time hey just realizing such a good time listen jesus is about to sort things out so john is in prison soon afterwards and john begins to doubt john says tell jesus you know hey the cousin is in jail come and get the curse and jesus says tell john i am the one because the blind is seeing the death is hearing the lame is walking the dead is being raised and the poor is something the kingdom gospel preached to them everything he authorized to me to produ to perform i'm doing so i don't need to go get him his work is finished tell my pastor he did a good job now are you ready for this john dies in the prison they cut his head off you know the story so now christ is on his own but he has authority are you with me are you sure i don't want you to miss this john 21 verse 23 read out loud go and jesus entered the temple courts and while he was teaching the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him and they said by what what authority are you doing these things and who gave you this authority now john is gone okay john is dead they attacked jesus not over the power he's using who authorized you thank you john [Applause] watch this the biggest lesson right here here we go by whose authority do you do these things now if they were asking somebody from tulsa that question by whose authority do you cast out demons heal the sick raise to death you know cleanse the leper the answer of a tulsian is that a word the answer of a christian the answer of a spiritual person like the one sitting right behind you not you the one behind you not you the answer we give people is god god gave me authority i was called by god god the lord has anointed me what was the question by what authority and who gave it to you that was the question jesus shocks us he never says god he says i'll answer you if you answer my question if you answer my question then you've answered your question where'd i get my authority from he says here's my question he begins his question with what john time to go home now close your bibles close your eyes time to go home i'm finished that's it close your bible it's over he began to crash him at what john he didn't say god who is your pastor whose name do you call when they ask you how are you so generous in this company how come you have such good attitude do you say god or do you say i had a good pastor pastor billy joe was my pastor for 25 years what i am today god blessed me with a good pastor do you call his name do you call her name pastor sharon is a blessing i am what i am today because of her ministry to me and her husband's late husband in other words do you call their name is a god my point is this jesus referred to his authority people think i talk about our robbers too much you never stop referring to your authority even after they are dead you always remember where you got your revelation anointing from stay under authority god will promote you overnight just stay under what you work so hard to do god will do it in seconds stay under authority and then he begins to brag about his pastor you will hear jesus bride he says who did you go to see a pastor dressed in fine linen no my pastor wore camel's clothes watch him now he says but i'll tell you what he says there has never been a greater pastor than my pastor there's no man born of woman anywhere he says greater than pastor john to say such great things about a man who authorized you john was older but jesus knew where the authority was and john transferred to jesus everything can i give you one last principle here it is whoever you submit to you become greater than get it yeah and that's what we miss john says he who comes after me is greater than me if you see somebody doing a good job go work for them if somebody's doing a great work don't get jealous submit to them and you become greater never compete with your authority submit to your authority don't worry about it you become greater jesus became greater than the one he submitted to thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 148,522
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Id: mh6yARXme3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 2sec (5642 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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