Cultivating The Attitudes That Affect Human Action Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message but i want you to focus tonight on the subject as we talk about leadership spirit we're going to talk about the cultivating the attitudes that affect human action cultivating the attitudes that affect human action that is what leadership is leadership is the capacity of an individual to affect human action you become a leader when you impact the actions of humans and what makes you a leader is when you develop certain attitudes that when they are expressed those attitudes inspire other people to cooperate with you those attitudes are very critical they're very unique and they are reachable by everybody let me give it a few statements you want to write down we talk about the hidden leader number one the capacity to lead and the ability to lead resides in every human the capacity to lead and the ability to lead resides in every human however most of them will die as followers you see leadership is like a tree trapped in a seed the seed has the capacity of a tree it has the ability to produce a tree but there's no guarantee it will so my philosophy of life which controls my attitude toward you and millions of people that i meet every year is this i believe that trapped in every follower is a hidden leader what is leadership like leadership is the manifestation of certain attitudes that separate you from the average person leadership manifestation requires the right environment it requires cultivation and it requires opportunity imagine in my hand i have a a mango seed from the bahamas it's where god lives and this mango seed has a mango tree in it am i right yes am i right yeah seeds get trees in them matter of fact it has more than a tree in this mango seed there's a tree that have mangoes it has more than that in this seed is the tree with mangoes that have seeds in them it has more than that in this seed is a mango tree that have mangoes that have seeds that have trees and those trees in those seeds in the mango in the seed also get mangoes and those mangoes have seeds that have trees that have mangoes that have seeds that have trees that have mangoes with seeds with trees with mangoes and seeds and trees what i really have in my hand is a forest now i'm going to take this mango seed and i'm going to place it on a tiled windowsill i'm going to leave it there for 500 years what's going to happen but it has a forest in it but it doesn't manifest its forest why it's the wrong environment no cultivation you see even though you as a young woman and as a young man or as an old woman or an old man or a middle-aged woman a man even though you are filled with awesome leadership capacity and potential that's no guarantee that you will become the leader that god designed you to be that's because you have never or maybe have not been given the opportunity to enter the right environment let me say something to you very important society is not designed to release your ability the average culture trains people to limit themselves that is why whenever god wanted to introduce or release a human's true leadership ability he always always had to take them away from their homes lord have mercy your community is your graveyard it buries your true self your community doesn't want you to manifest your greatness because people who ain't going nowhere want you to go with them people who ain't doing nothing want you to do it with them and so in order for you to become the awesome untapped leader that i know is inside of you you will have to monitor yourself your environment that's why true leaders control their environment they choose their friends very carefully they choose the books they read very carefully they choose the places they go very carefully they even choose the movies they watch let's talk a little bit about the attitude difference i mentioned in the afternoon session and i want to repeat it tonight first of all the difference between a leader and a follower is attitude now it took me 30 years to make that one statement 30 years i made that statement after many years of frustration you know our entire conference is built on the concept of a story that i tell in this book a story about a lion that thought he was a sheep until he meant another lion the word of god says purposes are like deep waters and a man of wisdom will draw them out i love that verse what that means is the purpose that you were born for is trapped in you way down like deep waters in order for you to bring it out you have to meet a wise man who will irritate you you got to meet a beast that makes you angry at your mediocrity people do not become great without agitation because average is so comfortable we need to be shocked out of our failure to experience success the difference between a leader and a follower is attitude let me tell you why i'm saying this i have been helping people for 30 years now really for 34 years i started very young training people and i have trained thousands of people to discover their purpose develop their potential i've discovered them to discover their dreams and to capture their visions i've taken all kinds of professionals through hundreds of seminars thousands of people went through our courses i created the first leadership institute in my country trained hundreds of people the last 20 years over 250 000 people went through our training seminars and what frustrated me is after all of that training people still still did not change and i was frustrated and so i had a long talk with my mentor my lord my king after being so frustrated and then pastoring a church for over 25 years now it was worse because you were with people for 25 years and they still don't change and so i was frustrated and i said god why don't people change and i went through a period of personal private disillusionment i said god i don't want to waste any more of my time with people if they're not going to change i said what is missing i've taught them principles precepts techniques methods all the things you teach people and they still don't change and he answered me in a very simple way he said people don't change until their attitudes change that was too simple for me and then he said attitudes don't change until thinking changes and thinking doesn't change until beliefs change so he says you got to go below education you got to get down under teaching you got to tap into something that the average human never gets to you have to tap in to the spirit of belief here's a thought you want to write down it is the unique attitudes that distinguish leaders from followers you can tell a leader from a follower simply by observing the attitude differences a follower sees a problem the leader sees an opportunity they look at the same thing their conclusions are different followers panic leaders plan so when chaos and crisis happens followers panic when chaos and crisis happens leader's plan attitude and you i'm talking to you young woman i'm talking to you young man the key to your future is your attitude i mentioned last night the first word that jesus spoke in his ministry it was an important word first public statement is found in matthew 4 verse 17. let me just say this please jesus came to earth to restore leaders the whole human race is supposed to be a race of leaders stay with me for the next two days i'll explain that to you his first words matthew 4 17 went like this repent for the kingdom the governing authority of heaven has returned on earth word repent means what to change your mind to go back to the original thinking re means to go backward pent means to think his first command is go back to the original thought patterns of god and then you can live in this kingdom write this down the attitudes of a leader produces behaviors and these behaviors stretch the leader beyond the limitations of the norm you see what what separates the leader from a follower is that something happened to her something happened to him that made him believe some things about him or herself that change the way they see the world so they behave differently their thinking is so uncomfortable that they attract people just by their thinking the way they think and it takes them beyond the limitations of being normal number four attitude is the product of belief you know you know you cannot create an attitude without a belief now there are people in this room that have bad attitudes that comes from bad beliefs negative attitudes comes from negative beliefs your attitude comes from your belief system that's why the focus of god is your belief system the word belief means what it's the word faith in the greek business it says faith comes by hearing what did you where did you hear what you believe now where'd you get that from where did your hearing come from it came from your culture your neighborhood your teachers your parents your politicians your preachers and you have become what they told you that is why for you to change you got to disrupt what you're hearing [Music] jesus said these words to disciples he was trying to train them to think like leaders he was trying to train him to think like kings and he said these words to them and i'm saying them to you now he said to them take heed what you hear in other words control what you allow to come into your air don't just listen to any and everybody don't just read any and every book don't listen to any and every take don't go to any and every seminar choose your information based on your destination if you want to be great don't listen to small people talk you know it's incredible you having problems in your marriage and you're getting advice from a divorcee that's dumb i i think that's dumb okay take heed what you hear write the statement down please no one can live beyond the limits of their beliefs you cannot live beyond the limits of your belief you are trapped by your belief system i don't care what you tell me you cannot live beyond what you believe because you think what you believe and i said man think it that's the man that's why you can go through a seminar on leadership and still come with a follower because the seminar never gets down to the level of beliefs they talk about techniques and methods and all these principles they don't get down to beliefs i am one who can say without question that i have concluded that you cannot become a leader by attending a leadership school because leadership is not something you can learn listen to me young man listen to me carefully leadership is not something you can learn leadership is something you discover and the discovery happens to you your life is what you think it should be you are exactly what you thought you've become exactly what you thought you can't go beyond that until you change your thoughts boy what a seminar i wish i was you i wish i had a teacher like me when i was you i am so proud of you young people you don't understand how blessed you are to be in this seminar because these old folks just getting this what is the heart of leadership let's talk about it for a minute true leadership is not a method a technique or even a science because if it were the world be filled with leaders everybody learning techniques the seven habits of effective people 10 ways to become a leader 21 laws of leadership people read them and still follow it because you have to get below that stuff leadership is manifested in an attitude the problem is your attitude comes alive only when you become aware of your true nature see and you can't teach that in a class that has to be discovered what i'm trying to tell you is when you connect with who you really are you don't need no one to make you a leader you automatically manifest write this point down please very important the beliefs and convictions of a leader regulates the nature of their leadership in other words the way a person acts as a leader is a manifestation of their beliefs and their convictions now the two words i'm using here please write these two words down please beliefs and convictions see your convictions and your belief system dictate your behavior let me say a word about oppression because 90 of you in this room are oppressed you don't believe that i know you don't believe it but i know it now oppression is very subtle let me give you the power of oppressors the power of oppressors is the maintenance of ignorance let me say just one more time the power of the oppressor is the maintenance of ignorance as long as they can keep you ignorant they control you so they literally tell you what to believe and you become convicted about what they told you and so you begin to believe in yourself that's why oppressors always control education do you know the number one problem of humanity i'll tell you what it is and you think it's sin and it's not you can always tell what's wrong with the patient by what the doctor prescribes so i assume if someone is taking tylenol what's their problem they got headache see you forget it all by yourself you're so smart is someone taking insulin what's their problem i didn't see i told you you can figure it out by the medication in other words whatever is prescribed reveals the condition when god looked at planet earth and he assessed the disease of humanity he didn't send power he sent word oh you're getting after i'm gone he said they are lacking knowledge so i'm gonna send them the word information let's talk about the spirit of leadership a little bit numbers chapter 14 verse 24. by the way uh this particular verse is very important to read the whole chapter please so go home that's your homework for tonight read numbers chapter 14 the whole chapter i'm going to read just one verse from it but this is the story the real story about moses giving instructions to 12 people he called them all together he said look god has already given us the land over there i want you to go in that land tell me what's there because we're going to take that land it's already ours it belongs to us we go there and just kind of review and survey the situation let us know what's there and then come back and tell us that's all he wanted and so the 12 men went they called them spies and they were spying on the land they went to check things out they all went the same place everybody's the same place say it loud they went to the same place they saw the same thing they saw the same people they saw the same villages they saw the same things then they came back to give their report ten of them gave their report first they talked about how big the people were one of them said that they were giants another one of them said this we were as grasshoppers in their eyes now i don't understand that statement that makes no sense to me how could i tell you how you see me oh you all understand how a negative attitude could mess your life they concluded how you saw them some of you laughing you suffering from the same thing you walk around trying to live according to the way you think people see you they came to conclusions they said they were grasshoppers they called themselves the giants didn't say they were grasshoppers they said it's amazing what you call yourself that's why you don't develop into greatness let me give you a little hint this is very important very very very important listen to me this is important i understand here it says young people listen to me all folks saying understand this so just listen jesus was a unique attitude man they called him names they call him a bastard that means born out of wedlock illegitimate child they call jesus that they call them belzebab that means he is the devil himself possessed they call him mary's child they call him the carpenter's son they said can any good thing come out of that village i mean they laid into him you are not unique watch this is important please jesus never repeat it anything they said about it that's important why here's the key he kept telling himself what he believed about himself i am the resurrection i am the bread of life i am the water of life i am the way i am the truth i am the dog i am the good shepherd i am the water of life i am i am i am not what they say i am he didn't say this is what they said i am your problem is you keep repeating what they said you are but you know my mom always said i was not good in maths you know my father i was slow i'm the slow one in the family but you know my auntie says you know that i am little but teacher says i'm a c student well the city you know the school council said but i should not even go into science i should go into music because i don't know what it takes what does your counselor know about you don't follow your counselor follow your passion if your counselor was so smart she wouldn't have been a counselor oh lord i'm in trouble now [Applause] i went to the university of tulsa for my master's degree right down the street yeah it's a good school and i went to take a class i did administration and business there one of my classes was economics class i didn't know the guy professor walked in the first class he had on a cut off short pants a t-shirt kind of a shirt kind of t-shirt little holes in his pants he pulled up in a an old car he was my professor the first class he said in this class we're going to have a good time i'm excited you know i'm saying yes economics he said i'm going to teach you how to become a millionaire i dropped the class come on use your brain this guy driving a votes viking rare shark press cut off and holding it you're gonna teach better be a millionaire something wrong with this picture [Applause] who are you learning from people who are losers if you want to be successful keep company with successful people and so they said we are grasshoppers and they are giants and we are insects in their eyes and we cannot take the land and the villages are big and the people are large i mean they just saw all this stuff and then caleb and joshua gave the report and caleb said we saw the same people we could whoop them we saw the same farms we got some of the grapes we saw the land and we are well able he said to possess the land [Applause] and caleb says and when we get it i want the mountain power and the lord said this i want to read it to you number 14. the lord said it's about caleb and joshua simply caleb here he says because my servant caleb has what a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly i will bring him into the land he went to and his descendants will inherit it and notice the term spirit it's a small s you see that there whenever the bible has a largesse it's referring to the holy spirit here god uses the smallest when you take this back to the hebrew language it's the same word we translate as attitude now this is an important statement god says the only thing that separated caleb from these other ten fools was not education joshua and caleb has god says a different attitude see leaders they think differently that's why david listen to me young people david was a teenager and when david saw goliath his brothers were right there 11 brothers trained soldiers that's why you shouldn't even trust people who are professionals i'm talking to myself now i thought because you weren't hearing me i'm talking to myself don't even believe experts i hate the word expert don't trust an expert because they'll intimidate you to stay mediocre his brothers were expert soldiers they got the training in the boot camp they're the ones with all the badges and all the regalia they're the ones that got all the stuff stand up for me a minute stand up for me turn around turn around see they got everything on [Laughter] that's how david's brothers were but they looked at goliath and they saw an impossibility all david had on with some blue jeans and a white t-shirt and slippers they looked at goliath and they said he's too big to fight david looked at him and said he's so big to miss everybody say attitude [Applause] [Music] what made david so confident as a teenage leader he hasn't made it confident they said how dare you believe that you can face him you have no training you have no armor you have no expertise you have no phd in killing people oh i'm talking some sense you know see everybody say attitude and david had a serious attitude completely different now watch this david said here is where my attitude comes from behind the mountain when a beer came to eat my sheep i killed it when a wolf came to eat my sheep i tore it apart when a lion came to eat my sheep i killed it with my bare hands as a teenager man he said and if god did that through me in the back of the mountain i'm gonna have the head of this guy my point is this his attitude was a product of his convictions behind the mountain he believed in something the brothers never experienced oh hallelujah has a different spirit god says the only difference between caleb and these ten guys is attitude i told you that leadership is just a matter of distinction of attitude but the attitude comes from a belief the spirit of leadership is the mindset or the attitude that makes the leaders different from the follower mindset mindset the oppressor has done a good job by the way the oppressor could be the educational system that educates you to get a job rather than own a business matter of fact you go to college to get a career careers are dangerous they are graveyards you are too smart for a career oh boy i'm getting in trouble again you see a career is something that you do to fit in to society that's why most of the great leaders in the world dropped out of school bill gates was a lousy student read his history they actually sent him to the headmaster so many times his mother was called in and they call a psychologist to check him out this is in his own book and he was sent for psychological assessment for being a student that had a imbalance bill gates why the teachers couldn't handle it let me tell you something most of the time it ain't you who's dumb it's a teacher because you wouldn't fit in stephen jobs found a computer dropped out of college abraham lincoln learned to read in a barrel in the forest became president i was supposed to be a case assessed by the british teachers who trained us they told me i'm a half breed monkey my books are now textbooks in the schools in the same school where i was called a monkey tell your neighbor mind your own business you don't know who i am praise god praise god don't let them judge you on the force that's right that's right don't let them judge you they don't know you you're too smart for their iq tests bless god caleb possessed what i call the spirit of leadership attitude that's what god called it god says he has a different word attitude this kid has a different attitude david had a different attitude god had to change gideon's attitude he didn't believe in god but had the wrong attitude see getting born again doesn't change your attitude all right let's go over some deep stuff here real quick before we quit what is attitude oh i gotta write this down everybody write this down everyone write this down this stuff you don't get in college so you're getting it in the kingdom embassy here what is attitude first of all attitude is the mindset of mental conditioning that determines our interpretation of and responds to our environment it's a long sentence very important what is attitude attitude is our mindset that interprets our environment you see the world through your attitude some see giants some see a victory number two attitude is your way of thinking three attitude is a natural product of the integration of your self-worth self-concept self-esteem and sense of value or significance what i mean by that is your attitude is a product of how you see yourself how much you believe your worth and how important you are to the world ladies and gentlemen i wish i could put this in you but i can you got to get it for yourself let me tell you something you will never change your attitude until you get a revelation of how important you are to your generation you were not born just to make a living you were born to make a contribution to the world i'm talking to you young man that's why you don't have time to join a game you ain't got time to follow no fashion and no fubu [Applause] i'm talking to you now you were born to make a difference not to make a living that has to happen to you everybody says significance see when you just it was tough for you congratulations by the way but a tough you they don't know what you went through when you were 13 years old how they treated you they don't know about that but i can imagine they don't know the transition you went through when you were 16 17 years old when you had to deal with the reality of who you were not who they said you were because they come to a place where you when you declare independence from everybody they don't know there was a point in my life i'm now giving you inside information where i had to argue with god about my importance it was the most significant moment in my life 90 percent of you in this room will not believe the prophecy about you if god told you tonight because you don't believe you are that important mercy jesus some of you think you're lucky some of you thinks some of you still thinking that you know i just want to make ends meet i just want to make it through i just want to survive let me tell you something you were born because there's a problem in the world that you were born to saul you were not born to pay a mortgage off oh i wish i could get this you have to you have to come to the point where you realize i'm important to the world i had that argument with god man i remember when the president south africa nelson mandela called to see me i was so afraid i said am i that important i remember when the president of israel called me to see him i became afraid i said am i that important you see i'm just a little dark-skinned boy who was born in a two-bedroom house with 11 children and one mother and father slept on the floor man now the head of countries want to see me i said i can't be that important and god rebuked me you were not born just to be a wife you were not born just to be a granddaddy significance significance you got to get a revelation about your significance your significance you see because when you understand your sense of value it affects your attitude oh i don't know how to explain this what makes me so confident is my revelation about myself that i got from god i am confident significance uh i'm gonna deal with this maybe on wednesday but let me just say it now it's just a preview if you want to be successful i gotta click what time is it nine what nine ten how can i go 9 30 okay thank you papa all right listen to me write this down i'm gonna give you the secret to success the secret to success this is god's secret to success everybody write this down the secret to success is not to seek success i'm not finished yet hang on but seek to become a person of value that's it it's that simple it is that simple going to college will not make you successful getting a phd in psychology zoology or theology will not make you successful getting a phd in finance on mba will not make you successful what will make you successful young man is when you become valuable to the world the reason why they're not looking for you is because you ain't valuable god i can't explain and how do you make yourself valuable i'll tell you on wednesday so next point your attitude write this down is the manifestation of who you think you are that's your attitude solomon said it so well as a man think it in his heart that's the man a lion doesn't think like a sheep a lion doesn't think like an elephant the lion has no fear of an elephant he doesn't care how big the elephant is the lion looks at the elephant and says you are my meal today his attitude is amazing that's why the the lion is the most feared animal in the jungle it doesn't matter how big a giraffe is doesn't matter how wild the monkey may be the lion doesn't care his attitude is anything i want to eat i believe what makes him the king is his attitude not his size he's a small cat but he doesn't care he believes he can eat anything they say when a lion is not hungry you are lucky that goes for every animal in the forest when you meet an animal pray when you meet a lion pray that he already just eaten pray i hope he just says write this down leaders think differently about themselves and that distinguishes them from followers they think differently about who themselves you are a great woman but your thinking is wrong about yourself and you got to be delivered from what they taught you about yourself you are a great man all these years man you just been making a living and god sent me to tell you the time for you now to live not just make a living leaders in his kingdom i have these two little cubs here i thought it was a very cute picture these two cubs are lions they're lions they're dangerous they're just like you right now just a cub but you're a lion trapped in every cub is a lion and they look very innocent very cute they ain't cute they're dangerous give them a couple of years hey neighbor that's me right now give me a couple of years i'ma show you something praise god give the lord a big hand you're going to show them something you're going to you're going to wake them up praise god all right write this down quickly attitude is learned behavior it's created by our beliefs which are produced by our thoughts that's why attitudes are so powerful and strong they are strongholds secondly we change our attitudes by changing our beliefs and we change our beliefs by changing our thoughts about everything and we change our beliefs by getting new information so your belief about yourself came from information that you got about yourself last night i quoted a verse from the book of psalm 82 verse 6. i'll quote it again it says god is speaking he says i said you are gods and sons of the most high the reason why god said it that way is because he don't want you to get information from anybody else i say that you are the gods you're in a god class when that hit me i changed do you know the first sin in history was the result of a temptation of self-denial listen friends wow god said in in genesis 1 26 god says let us make man just like us that's right so verse 27 so the lord god made man just like himself god took the man put him in the garden lucifer comes and said if you want to be like god now think about what's going on here they are already see i'm trying to get to your brain tonight your problem is you don't even believe who you are so it's still working it said if the temperature is still working that's the dumbest thing i ever heard if you want to be who you already are disobey god that was the temptation let me tell you what temptation really was write this down self doubt self doubt doubt yourself and that's what we're suffering from you dream of owning that business that you keep thinking about ever since she was 14 years old and every day you go to work you hate it because you're thinking about that business you should have started 27 years ago the reason why you haven't started the business because you keep believing that ain't you self-doubt self-doubt the most difficult person that god has for you to meet is you help us lord i tell you oh my god your attitude comes from your beliefs about yourself put it another way write this down this may be helpful to you statement that i thought made by emerson was very powerful emerson says what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny things compared to what lies within us and he's right the most dangerous thing in the world is what's inside of you because you see the outside based on what you believe on the inside either you see giants that you can't beat or you see a land you could conquer it has to do with what the spirit of the mind the attitude ladies and gentlemen listen to me please and then we're going to quit because some of you are leaving and i want to leave him on me listen god told moses this is amazing he said moses i have already given you the land control of moses in other words the land is history watch this that means that the people with moses as far as god was concerned already possessed in that i'm trying to get at something in other words they are already owners of the land but they didn't go in and get it because of their beliefs about themselves here's my point the spirit sorry the leadership spirit is the truth about you but the spirit of leadership the attitude is what you think about you please get it taped listen to it ten times you are already a leader the problem is your thinking doesn't agree with who you are and that's why god sent this conference because he wants to stop thinking like a sheep start thinking like a lie you are already a lion but you think like a sheep so when you see lions you run you are intimidated by lions but you are a lion but your thoughts are sheepish but god's going to change that this week i say god's going to change that this week [Applause] write this down training and leadership really means training and attitude because attitude has to do with how you respond to life and leaders respond to life differently i run an organization it takes millions of dollars to run that organization every year i get to pay salaries of over 63 people and i order our company we are worth millions of dollars i started with seven people and an idea and in 25 years we have offices in 21 countries we affect 800 million people every week our products are in 87 nations and i still live on the island seven miles wide you live in america we gotta import 98 of everything we consume in the bahamas we have to import it you live in the land of plenty and you broke you live in a line of plenty and you ain't done nothing but pay rent what's the difference if i lived in america i promise you i would have been the president a long time ago guaranteed first black president you laughing i mean that all the other guys who tried were not leaders they were opportunists had no vision you see if you get your attitude right your behavior changes you don't need to work on behavior because behavior is a product of attitude leaders behave differently because their attitude is different they see differently i have no problems in the world no problems none zero i haven't had any problems for the last 27 years why because leaders don't have problems they have opportunities house burns down leaders say oops i guess i gotta have a new house [Applause] one time i i hit uh someone in in the car you know i scratched the car and uh i was so sorry and i bumped in the back of the car so i came out and i said man i wanted to meet you all my life [Applause] we are best of friends right now remember my church now witness to him got him saved right there praise god leaders have no problem oh please don't miss day sessions how much i'm going to show you some things let me give you a hint about a leader and in the back of this book please please turn the tv off and read okay because your life depends on it in the back of this book i have a list of a lot of things to help you out i mean just list of things like that see a lot of this things of leadership thinking how to think right case i'm a leader see for example leaders don't take life too seriously see you know you don't understand leaders don't take life too if you take like the series it'll kill you if he leaves me i'll die then die then [Applause] you taking life too seriously girl no man to control your future [Applause] taking life too seriously man don't take life too seriously leaders don't take life seriously when they make a mistake they laugh at it that was a foolish thing i did let me try it another way you hear that let me try it out another way they don't quit and get depressed for 10 weeks everybody say attitude it makes a difference it makes a difference let me give you a couple more thoughts is it 9 30. at 9 30 or 3 minutes so you're begging for three minutes maybe some three minutes okay three minutes all right three minutes here we go how you see yourself is how you will see everyone else you relate to that's why your attitude is so important as a leader if you believe you are significant you automatically think everybody else is that's why you don't like people because you don't like yourself leaders have a healthy self-love they are madly in love with themselves you don't believe me ask me and their self-love comes from a revelation of their value write this down please you see all men through your own self picture so how you picture yourself is dangerous to me i like what jesus said jesus said these words he says the greatest commandment in the law is to love god and to love yourself and to love your neighbor the same way you love yourself that means your neighbor is in danger if you hate yourself let me quote it the way it's written in the original hebrew it says love the lord thy god with everything you are and have and love yourself and love your neighbor to the same degree you love yourself that means it's more important for you to love you than to love me that's right so if you really want to know if someone loves you never ask them if they love you you keep asking the wrong question the question should be not do you love me but do you love [Music] [Applause] so young people you talking about you going steady talking about courtship you better ask the right question that's right do you love you that's why marriages ain't working people hate themselves and they thought that marrying someone else would change it what marriage does is expose self-hatred i got a booklet there it's called the purpose and power of love and marriage read that book please it's a heavy book write this down please you cannot love anyone beyond your love for yourself that's why the first thing leaders do is discover their value their personal value they fall in love with themselves god reveals to them how important they are that's why they love themselves so much that's why they can love you let me tell you something about about true leadership true leaders want you to succeed because they are not intimidated by your success they love themselves so much that their security is intact so your success doesn't threaten their security true leaders do not need your approval and they don't need you to like them for them to function that's because they love themselves so much they don't need nothing from you that's why they can give you everything it's too deep so you got to fall in love with yourself and the only way to do that is for god to personally give you a revelation about who you are that's why he says the greatest commandment in the law is first to love the lord thy god with all your heart your soul your mind your strength and everything you have because when you do that you'll explore god that's what that means to love god means you explore him you study him you pursue him want to learn what he's like what is his nature what is his character what is his principles how does he think what is he like why he says and when you do that you you would be shocked because you would discover yourself because you're just like and so you fall in love with yourself automatically and then your neighbor is also made in his image so you fall in love with your name because you love your neighbor you love yourself if you hate your neighbor you hate yourself no man can say he loves god and hate his brother get it well last one the foundation of leadership is a sound self-image tomorrow we're going to talk tomorrow night about how to develop that self-image we're going to talk about the power of attitude tomorrow we're going to deal with the attitudes that make you a significant impact in the world the reason why you are still alive is because there's a lot more left for you to do remember that the greatest enemy of progress is your last success so never be impressed by what you've accomplished it's only a fraction of who you really are because we ain't saying nothing yet thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 160,101
Rating: 4.8667064 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 42sec (4722 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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