The Characteristics Of The Kingdom | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global calm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message I want to be speaking on the characteristics of the kingdom and this session may seem to be not too critical but I think it is probably the most important aspect of application of the concept of the kingdom that we to study in basically we can be talking about understanding the focus that Jesus had why he taught so much and focused on this subject of Kingdom life and let's begin with a few thoughts number one write it down please God's original plan was never religion and that's a concept of into just clear in our minds that's really a paradigm shift because we are all religious people and I'm talking about everybody Buddhists Muslims Hindus Confucius Scientologists Baha'i faith the Moonies unification Church yeah there's a whole lot of religions and I better throw in the part Christianity because Christianity has become just like all the others it's one massive complicated ritualistic religious experience religion is from the word which means to search so religion is a is the description you give of a person participating in a search so religion is an activity of searching and that is why religion is so overbearing it's a search you're trying to find something so Christians are also being reduced to a search that's why we're still not we I used to be one of them I'm not longer Christian I'm now a citizen we talked about that in a minute but religion makes you strive to please your deity religion makes you strive to appease your deity and these are important statements are making because they are so subtle we have become just like almost any other religion in the world we do think so God could like us that's what other religions do or are afraid to do they want to appease the deity isn't it strange that while you were yet a sinner Christ died for you so how can you try to appease him but yet religion does that Christianity the religion Christianity is a religion of keeping laws it's a religion of keeping expectations laid down by an organization called whatever your denomination is that's what Christianity has become to most people this is why Christians are always tired they tired working so hard to not break laws suppose you spend the rest of your life living in your country focusing are not breaking any law how could you enjoy living in that country citizenship is not the focus on keeping laws if you are a center of your country you enjoy your country you enjoy the environment you enjoy the resources you enjoy the atmosphere you enjoy the culture you enjoy the food you enjoy the the freedom to walk on the park or to go on the beach or to go swimming or or to go and watch a game and you enjoy your citizenship you don't focus on I wonder which law and break in now religion makes you tie it God's plan was never religion secondly God's plan was for you always to rule always rulership is on his mind thirdly your destiny is king Dominion these are concepts you need to get into your thought patterns fourthly the purpose of God is Christ in Christ rather was to restore his kingdom on earth that's why God sent Christ was to restore the kingdom on earth and then fourthly every man is searching for Kingdom Dominion now this statement is loaded every man is searching for Kingdom Dominion in other words every man is looking for power over his environment please write this statement down Christianity is a religion religion does not give you power over your environment religion gives you the tolerance to endure the circumstances religion also gives you comfort in the midst of your tribulation your trials it it makes you accept your environment without the prospect of changing it but the kingdom is different God intended for you and I to be dominators of our environment and I want to stress this power bit every human being in the world is looking for power every human being 6.2 billion of them whether they live under a bridge or they live in a palace they have the same desire they both want power am I right about that be honest what do you really want tell the truth and don't come to me at all that religious garbage about you want to be humble and you want to know just said the Lord no you want power and don't be ashamed of that desire as a matter of fact if you don't want power something's wrong with you some of y'all look shocked already I ain't started yet power motivates everything you do right now I can prove it power motivates you right now power motivates everybody that's why this corruption in the world the corruption is not the problem corruption is activity that the individual participates in with the prospect of getting power I want to prove it again you want power and we gotta settle this issue because if you don't settle this you gonna keep denying the truth about yourself you want power why is it every young person's dream even the man sleeping in the gutter on a cardboard box right now his dream is to be a millionaire at 40 why do all of us think that now we don't tell everybody that but we think that anybody never thought that don't lie all of you dreamt of being a millionaire is that true come holy Hannah if you ever dreamt the holy Hannah please if you ever thought of that hold your hand up keep them up keep them up keep them all go baby Turner stop lying lift your hand up I'm disappointed ohh 3 billionaire ok instead of one billionaire yeah we all want a lot of money let me tell you why let me tell you what we don't want money it's not money we want we want with money promises us money promises power power - where would we want Drive what we want live everyone eat anything we want buy what we want go where we want stay as long as we want play the sport we want I mean to do anything we want we want the power why do you try to be famous and don't lie everybody wants to be famous because it's not Fame you want what Fame gives you is what influenced and influences what power so that's what you want so you try to become a good singer a great basketball player a great hockey player or a football player a great preacher same issue why is not the activity is what it promises you what does it promise you power do you know why you want power because it's natural you know I'm gonna say this to you I have so much to say to you but you can't take it now but I say this much what was the last thing Christ promised you last promise it's found in Acts chapter 1 he knows just what you're looking for he promised you power magis power but power over circumstances he said give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy why because he knows that's what you want how are we settle this issue yet no we still in settle some your sin and get it I can see it power do you know why the poor people like Jesus and didn't like the Pharisees here's something crazy do you know why the rich people love Jesus and didn't like the Pharisees because the Pharisees and Sadducees represented religion remember now religion doesn't give you power it gives you toleration it teaches you to tolerate your circumstance that you can't control as religion does so religion says it's the Lord's will for you to be like this that's religion so it explains why you shouldn't control your environment but here comes this 30 year old rabbi from this little town in Nazareth and he has a message that's not religious he's preaching this King Doh minion he's preaching ruler domination come on don't get too spiritual about the word King means ruler and Dom is domination so a kingdom is a ruler that dominates he says you were born to be in a rulership dominion position when the people heard that they said my god you mean we could take control of our circumstances so they followed him by the thousands why he appealed to what their passion was and every one of you get it he appealed of their desire for power and then he then they demonstrated it and that made it worse because they didn't only hear him say you're gonna have power but now he said getting rid of disease they couldn't get rid of for years here's a guy sick for 38 years they were on a map and every time you tried to get up people run before him I mean the guy is what helpless his circumstances controls him and he lays on a map and the map becomes his prison here comes Jesus and the buyer said he preached the kingdom of God and then he told the man what can I do for you and the man says I've been laying here I try to get up I can get in and she's a girl what do you want he's not want to be here he's a good take your man up and start carrying your mat don't let your mat carry you no talk to me crap as I give this a clap what did he give the man power lepers man when you had leprosy you had to tie a bell around your neck or a bell around your feet a cowbell to the cacao when your leprosy you tie a bell around your neck they put you outside the city you couldn't come in and whenever you came close to a human you would ring the bell so they would know you are lepers and therefore you were literally an outcast you and you were you were not able to socialize with the community so to be a leper was to be an isolationist experience out of Community Christ meets these ten lepers and their own little you know isolation the colony and he says you guys need to go back to your family I can imagine him saying in but we cannot control our circumstances so he gives them what power he takes away the leprosy gives them power that all right if you don't get this right we can keep missing the kingdom hey neighbor I want power say it loud do you know why you get ulcers high blood pressure you get all kinds of skin disease do you know why you get cysts growing in your womb you got lumps in your breasts and you got all kinds of problems in your sexual organs brother do you know why you get I problems and and all kind of chest problems and your and your your arteries messed up do you know why you get some attention your neck so tight and your back aching do you know why you sick you sick because you ain't got no problem let me explain what I mean nothing makes you more depressed and frustrated then not being able to pay your bills the bank controls our lives they control the car they control the house they control how much groceries you can buy cuz you got to spin the salary up into payment for the house and for the food and some time you got to cut down on Mount Fuji because you're gonna pay more than one person that you make crater bill with and sometimes you take home stuff that don't belong to you because it belong to somebody else yeah Meredith my paycheck gone before I received it that's common what does that mean other people control your lives that's why it won't be a millionaire hey and so what do you get you got worry what is worry stress dr. Chris will tell you here this morning scientifically proven 97% of all disease is caused by stress what is stress worry what is worry concerned about circumstances you can't change what why do you think jesus promised us authority over sickness and disease he says his kingdom the kingdom gives you power over circumstances what that's what you want it goes all the way back to your original assignment isn't it Genesis 1:26 you knew it very well what is the same and God said let us make man in our own image and in our likeness next thing let him have dominion over what fish birds trees plants creeps all on the earth he said you appear to dominate the environment kingdom is rulership over the environment and whenever you cannot do that then you become depressed oppress suppress and compressed and that's why he came to set us free power how many of you could think of some things you want to do right now but you can't do it because you ain't got the resources let me see your hands no how do you feel about that thing frustrated not you you want to finish that church man the frustration is you ain't got what it takes the resources you got no power over the circumstances then you go to the bank and then they start dictating the terms now you under two prisons the worry not a stress then if they do give me the loan they add interest to that and then they put a little note this can be called in on demand that's prison so the Bible says the borrower is what he's a slave to minion you were not ready to be dominated like that you create to dominate and so the kingdom of God comes to restore that Dominion this other statement here the destiny of King Dominion is so important because power is where the kingdom promises now I want to show you how the kingdom works very important here Daniel chapter 7 some of you never read these before in your life so please write these down matter of fact we think that the Bible really is a deep book the Bible is a very simple book I'm going to show you a couple of scriptures of who the kingdom was designed for alright but remember now we are reading the Old Testament some of you think the kingdom of God is a New Testament subject no it says all at Genesis 1:26 but here we see Daniel Daniel got a view of the future of mankind remember he got the revelations by the future and here's what Daniel saw in Daniel 7 verse 17 and 18 he says but the Saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever forever and ever that's found in Daniel you should read the whole passage get the contract is beautiful he talking about when the Messiah comes he will create a nation of saints and then Daniel says the Saints of the Most High God will do what I can't hear you say it loud but that's what not a religion they possess the kingdom how long how long is forever that means you cannot stay in heaven if that statement is true Covino rulership in heaven for you check the Bible no one no human rules in heaven they no room there for you to rule that place already under rulership what is unruly is hurt he says that is your destiny the next statement I found very interesting Isaiah chapter 9 verse 7 a wonder we read last night of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end he will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from this time on and forever when Christ comes he says he will bring what a government little last night but look at what it said but the government says the government shall increase and it shall never stop increasing and then it says he will uphold his government through what justice and righteousness now write the word uphold down don't that's not it it's not a complicated word but you gotta know that means the word uphold means to maintain order to function by very important work to uphold means to maintain or to function by so when you put that meaning in there the verse changes it says this Kingdom that he will have he shall maintain it and I shall function by two things justice and righteousness by the way justice down the way justice is not a religious word it's a legal word from the courts and every time you read the Old Testament or the New Testament and you see the word kingdom mentioned it always has the word either next to it or not too far from in the word justice he says and he will rule with justice even read in the Bible the Bible even rule with justice everybody say justice say now say it now I do it justice down you got it down the word means ready for this it means I love it it means right righ T F this is important revelation he says this kingdom will not function on feelings religion deals with feelings religion deals with emotions religion makes you religion makes you fall under spirit and religion makes you dance and religion makes you feed you the anointing none of that gets you anything from God this kingdom doesn't function on feeling nor emotion it functions on what right why it's the literal government when you go into the courtroom friends to get something in the court system and you stand there in that witness box and the judge begins to talk about your case and your lawyer presents your evidence and then you begin to witness now here you are in the courtroom you ever seen this and you begin to break down and cry do you know what the judge said the judge stops the court he's a stop we will now take a break for 15 minutes please go and compose yourself and come back why this is not a place for tears there's a place for rights and rights are obtained by evidence of legitimacy - in other words the reason why you're pressing and said yeah you can print some things for a long time it's because you think God listen to you because you come at a funny sound Lord yeah cousin look this is a legal Kingdom you got to bring rights to me do you ever write to what you asking for its kingdom thinking let me tell you something listen carefully and it's gonna blow some of your religious minds and all night for a meeting could do nothing if you don't understand Kingdom hanging around the courtroom all night does not bring the judgment in your favor I finish my case you can you can stay in the front of the courtroom for three days mmm three days a judge said what are you doing here you got any evidence any new evidence do you have a right to claim what you're demanding look at that he says his kingdom will operate on rights and righteousness right do we write this down very important why is this word always mentioned next to the kingdom seek the kingdom and its righteousness righteousness means write it down it means right relating it means proper positioning Oh look at that verse he said this kingdom will function on two things if you are positioned properly you can demand any rights that's yours that's the way the kingdom works so he were out of position God's don't even acts for nothing let me tell you something you remember when Christ said then you come and bring your petition before the king and why do you present your petition you remember that someone has fought against you he said don't try and present that why you are not rightly related I'm so excited about living brother because I tapped into the secret of the kingdom that's why Christ call it a secret the secret the kingdom is not your your emotional cry and snot-nose running moaning order sweeping religion the most frustrated people on planet earth are religious people you might be sitting next to one of them they are frustrated and if they are honest they tell you they're frustrated not if we're on a show for a couple hours every Sunday but they're frustrated but the life ain't working your life ain't working why because religion deals with feelings but a kingdom is a government with a legal entity he's going to read the Bible all over again see there was a woman sitting in a religious organization for many years you are gone you are remember this woman she's interesting woman she was sick she couldn't been banged up she was bent over she was sick for a long time and she came in every week to that synagogue why because religion makes you comfortable in your circumstances every week she came to Saturday every week and these big long row bishops called Pharisees and scribes sort of the everyday read the scriptures deep stuff written by Isaiah and made their commentary from the Torah and the Pentateuch and they think they were so deep and the woman kept coming there with her sickness one day the King came in and they asked the King to read the scripture that's a rough thing to do because now he ain't gonna read it now he gonna demonstrate the thing and he walks up to the podium read the scripture and then the Bible says he fastened his eyes on the woman the leaders began to get nervous and they said oh my god he gonna do something he I know he gonna do something and it's the wrong day is the Sabbath day he supposed to work on this day and the Bible says Christ knowing their thoughts they might have been sitting behind him so he picked up something he said these words now he's about to send a woman up all right he said to the whole crowd under the leaders he said which of you if you're ox fell into the ditch on the Sabbath day would you not go and get him out of course he saw him do it so he couldn't answer the question now in those days an ox was like what was like your investment because an ox was what the farm was built around he moves an ox you can't make any money the Ox was like your tractor in the farm that's why you'd go with a ditch on the Sabbath day get your ox cuz you your your company yours fell into the ditch see it understand the thinking here so he said well this woman and he pointed out he said this woman watch this nun he's gonna shift in the kingdom thinking is she not a daughter of Abraham in other words I don't care how she feel right now I don't care how she moaning they're gonna do that nothing to do it morning I'm shifting into rights is she a daughter of Abraham that if she'd be a daughter of Abraham what's the words he uses och not not that is a heavy word she ought to be free from this infirmity lift your right hand stays with me I'm a citizen I ought to be debt-free see you know minute see you pretend I say it again I thought let me tell you something that hit me last year and this year I'm dead free you can get it yet see slick religious man I'm telling my friends I ain't got it yet it happened to me in record time I still can't explain how it all happened I'm debt free I own my house $600,000 house paid for all my cars don't nobody nothing I'm due next page and I got his kingdom it got to get here did you write on say I ought to be healed see if you ask Garfield and you ain't get healing you gotta go in there understand that I have a right to be come on say it I have a right to be said I can have a right to be roughly that's a different idea altogether she ought to be free from this he says God is not supposed to bless you as a favor that's religion man and I know it cuz I used to be in a religion I was steeped I was born into a hey pastor's family a preacher's family I'm a PK I know I can write books on religion I know how to keep religion real good it'll kill you nothing is more exciting than the Kingdom let me stress something to you do you know why I Jesus said go into the world and preach the gospel the kingdom do you know why he said go to the world because he knows that the world wants they want power how come all those unrighteous people love Jesus so much they attracted it to when he was teaching Oh matter of fact it was them who said no man speak like this man they said the Bible says they loved his words statement that they love this word then I was they love this message he was promising them power could you imagine us a peasant living in Capernaum under the Roman Empire being forced to pay taxes he got to carry the Roman soldiers shield which weighs 70 pounds one mile by law I mean the guy's a victim here comes this young guy saying you know you could you can control your circumstances if you come into this kingdom we get you want to see you you are you want to see why Peter was such a bull man one Kingdom put Peter in jail lock him up put him in Chains the guy had chains on his feet chains on his hands locked in the wall in that cell stinking cell man and there were soldiers outside the cell got in the cell that's one Kingdom there was a small group in a little room praying to another kingdom and they said to their government this government has arrested one of your citizens who King and we got a problem with that so that government sent their soldiers you know I better talk to me and this sword is walked right past the other soldiers who kicked open the gate i'm renata key that they made I love the chain and the citizen walked step over the sleeping soldiers walked out pressed not harmed came to the prayer meeting knocked on the door and the people says government answers that quickly tell your neighbor that's my government you see garden gotta meet your need the way you figure it out it's Kingdom power I said that's Kingdom power I said that's Kingdom power I said has Kingdom power when they tell you that you you ain't gonna get no more money listen 13 time to panic that's time to change governments I rest my case Matthew three I thought it was interesting in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the desert of Judea and saying quote say it out loud repent for the kingdom of heaven is now you never saw that before that's what John preached he had the right message notice the word near he was in the crowd the kingdom was in the crowd John I don't know writers but it's near in a couple of days I probably see it but it's somewhere around here he's there he said change of mind because the kingdom is about to come in on us why change your mind because you see there's only one way to pay a mortgage that's payment every month for 25 years that's one way John say repair your missed it man look at me free people say how to religious now shout see you got one way to pay tuition you gotta find money save it up or get it from somewhere or borrow it and then you play - you gonna say no change your mind I got a way to pay tuition you ain't never seen so you can keep your mind and not all Kingdom no understand what I'm talking about some of y'all already concluded you need money from the bike you ready concluded that I'm glad I said change your mind you've already decided there's only one way to get here and that is written medication gotta change your mind that boy see repent kitchen never say repent hit him again say repent there's only one way for a man who was put in prison to come out of prison and that is you gotta go to the local government and you got to appear to them an actress case to be brought up and then you bring evidence that he wasn't guilty and then you spent five days in the trial and then you got to go through all kind of customs all kind of instruction then you gotta appeal an appealing of hearing appeal under decided let him go Gaza change your mind I want you on a meeting the woman pray for five seconds I've already got to do and our sense of majors there open the place take off the cuffs bring him out there's another way to get a man out of prison Sean say it's near feed them there's only one way to feed them you got to go back into town three days walk we got to spend money buy enough for five thousand rolls and five thousand fishers we gotta feed these folks I'm not gonna take some costs to bring it back we need some cameras a total of bread we need to arrange three days war for the brave doesn't boil we gotta work hard and get the food back here it's a banquet he say change your mind that's the kingdom you live in there is another way to feed 5,000 people lift your hand up say Lord what I'm going through I have a right to be free fix it any way you want now praise them for a second kingdom stop telling the government how to do its business it's a different world some of you cannot believe that somebody would walk up to you and pay your mortgage off tomorrow morning you cannot believe that no you don't it's hard to believe it cuz you're religious it's tough to believe it matter of fact you don't believe anybody can love you that much and that's where you're mistaken it ain't got nothing to do with love it has to do it right Oh hallelujah you think those birds love Elijah no but they were sent to bring the cake I have had people tell me to my face you know I can't stand you you're so bold and confident you come over arrogant but I like what you're doing anyhow he has a check for $100,000 it's done that to me hey everybody say send them angels see the Angels gotta send them they come don't nobody come in here no good it ain't about them it's about the government sending them to bring it Kingdom you don't kind of take this that good well I got ten minutes oh lord have mercy look at this one here Matthew 25 look at that it's powerful it says come you are blessing my father take your inheritance what is inheritance right what is he all right the kingdom which was prepared for you how long not two thousand years ago when he died it was always yours before the earth was even made this was yours oh look at this verse she is powerful Matthew 4:17 from that time for Jesus began to preach what the kingdom of heaven is near or has arrived it's that he said it is in me but it shall be what in you we tell you some friends he says in Matthew 10 as you go verse 7 preach this message would message the kingdom its name he told disciples I don't even trust you about what the bridge i'ma tell you at the bridge God's visiting us again in this generation he's saying look I'm sick and tired of what your there's a preaching so i'mma tell you again with the bridge bridge the kingdom we preaching all kind of stuff I've been cleaning out my my files just dumping sermons he said that's not the he said that's not the message it's not a message you become what you learn so if you learn tolerance you tolerate all this garbage you're going through but if you learn Dominion you dominate it it's that simple as a man thinking Matthew 1318 says listen to me then what the parable of the sower means this important verse doesn't it's carefully pastor this is it says when anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart no you think you read that verse read it again read again meet a person get busy that's the most powerful verse already yes the devil is not afraid of your teaching on the blood you listen carefully he's not afraid how long you teach on prosperity you listen to me carefully he ain't afraid you teach a beautiful faith all the months of teaching on faith the devil said huh keep teaching I ain't afraid of none of that teacher the only one he's afraid of in the one of their Jesus said yes I know Dwight I can see your face in an amazing you never saw any look at that right it messed me up - when I saw it he said look the devil is afraid of one message he comes to snatch it away he said look I don't care if they believe in healing that's fine cause they don't believe in Kingdom because a kingdom gets you healing but makes you keep it see you can get he lets me get sick again but when you get Kingdom you get it and you keep it because now you did it right you get it that's why Satan will fight this message more than any other message because this message moves the power out of the pulpit and put it in you I must say one more thing about religion write this down religion runs on control religion gets its satisfaction from controlling the people in it that is why religious people hate this message of the kingdom the Pharisees enjoy controlling those people the Sadducees enjoy control those people and Christ came as that meddling with their control system he sat telling those peasants and those farmers and those fishermen if you follow me I'll give you an influence over men and women and families and children are given fluids over demons and devils and sickness and disease and the Pharisees say wait a minute religion likes to control people including Christianity it's called mass control mental control brainwashing this ain't about brainwash when I'm teaching I'm teaching you how to have your own government personal government where you have ruling in your heart the king of kings and the Lord of lords and as a citizen he gives the authority to demand rights from your government to control your environment that's what I call power Satan hates that Luke 12 says this but seek ye first the kingdom and these things will be added unto you do not be afraid of the flock for your father has been pleased to give you the kingdom God washed up the kingdom man so what is the kingdom characteristic the word kingdom is the word bacilli in the New Testament and this basilia it has three minutes it means sovereignty royal power and Dominion this is serious stuff Christ as I came to give you sovereignty I came to give you royal power and I came to give you Dominion well sounds familiar let them have what Dominion he said I came to give it back to you last night I showed you the yoke II was carrying a yoga the government and he did one he took it of him and put it back on you why because it fits you you were made for Dominion do you know why listen carefully brother a yoke that don't fit the animal kills the animal so anything other than Dominion is killing you you're not built for worried as well Christ don't worry don't worry stop worrying stop worrying why worry is torment the scriptures say torment what means what irritation until death has torment you every time I miss the irritation until death you irritate your neck until it kills you but what is kingdom is my father good pleasure to give you what sovereignty to give you what ROI your power to give you a Dominion come on don't read The pieman like religious person read it properly he says it's my father's good pleasure to give you what written to give you sovereignty to give you royal power and to give you a minion that's Kingdom it is my father's good pleasure to give you what shopping no man let's do deep y'all some of your dues let me stop right now I got two minutes so listen good it some of you believe God is threatened when you say you're sovereign God gets excited when you said acting sovereign I'm gonna control my circumstances today Gossett boy you just like your paw come on clap your hands that's a good place to clap hallelujah you say man aren't you afraid of that big situation he's not I'm not afraid you you saw do you think you think you control everything yes I do and then God says that's my boy she acting just like he daddybo her like that controlling situation hey boy say it pieces the father to give me authority that's why when Jesus nope not in that in that river and came out of that water the Bible said the father says this is my son I'm pleased with this guy why he speaks to winds and twigs and he's not afraid to speak to a tree and it dies he's not afraid to walk on water the guy is nuts he's just like his daddy man he believe he controls the whole thing we're victims and we can be calling it Christianity this is kingdom business 60-seconds all kingdoms are characterized by the following number one a king number two a territory number three a citizenship number four write them down fast a constitution number five every Kingdom must have laws and principles by which it functions number six every Kingdom must have a government that means the ruling authority system number seven every kingdom has privileges that means rights and benefits and number eight every Kingdom has code of ethics that means their princess by which you must live conduct yourself call him moral codes every Kingdom get these things he can't wait to get one and every Kingdom has this important issue it has an army we're gonna deal with that later on in the week because the Army is the sweet part right this country six down please and I'm trying to teach you now why the devil don't want you to learn about this write it down every Kingdom has the catalyst of what first it has an economy secondly it has an army thirdly it has authority to give you the kingdom has an authority fourthly every Kingdom has communication systems fit every Kingdom has educational system six every Kingdom has health programs seven every Kingdom has ambassadors hey every Kingdom has security systems I love this one whew don't I wish you learned that one before you leave number nine every Kingdom has a Commonwealth of sale system whether that the wealth is distributed equally among the citizens the Matane every Kingdom has a social life number eleven every Kingdom has a culture I'm a twelve every Kingdom has a purpose for existence and number thirteen every Kingdom has an ideology this list will blow your mind please write them down that's the characteristics of the kingdom every Kingdom you study has these elements in it which means that in the kingdom of God you've got to study and learn these elements in your own Kingdom give you a brief example number one every Kingdom has an army let me show you how getting revelation can change your life you couldn't take that anyhow I don't know you can take that you're ready for that you think y'all could take that now I won't close on this you think it'd take a lip isn't it Lupe's you sure hey buddy say citizenship now every Kingdom has citizenship let me ask you a question in it in your country in your kingdom you a citizen who's the army and that's where you're wrong all right you're about to get revelation see here's what's wrong the church has been claiming things it's not I'm asked the question again if you are a citizen who's the army I'm talking with young your country the army is a group of people who are no longer citizens your name isten to me shake it look at me these five seconds are going to change your life then a person joins the army or the Navy or the Marines they are no longer citizens okay mimicks minute to you they do they distinguish any one in that military with these terms he's not a civilian you're missing because the poison in the army protects the citizens fights for the citizens defenseless citizens serve the citizens and does what the citizens want they become the servant of the citizens citizens write it down do not fight you stay with me for a second citizens are not the army Ron Ronnie wrecks the hue and it used to be in the army right you know when he's an army wasn't a citizen you couldn't do what you feel like you and you did with the government told you to do I know listen to me the devil I want you to get it remember now he hates the kingdom message so he goes steal it from you he can make you dive and sleep listen carefully a citizen simply enjoys life when your army is out fighting what are you doing you playing golf you drinking a nice tall glass of lemonade you watching TV and sometime they show them on TV they show you on TV CNN they frighten what are you doing you drinking coke why are you watching them fight something wrong with that citizens don't fight so who was the army in the kingdom of God it can't be you you the citizen so now you go back and read your Bible all over again the Army is the angels about the destroy religion again that means never again should you ever say we are the army of the Lord it's not in Scripture anywhere it's in your religion and that's why you tie it and that's why you sick and that's why you're frustrated because you're fighting man you're fighting stuff you as opposed to find [Music] so push the right gospel to the people in the islands push the right cost of the Indiaman go and repent change of your message is the kingdom what do we do it visit man we can have a prayer meeting we're gonna do warfare warfare were you talking about no I never get in trouble for this but prove it to me in Scripture that's religion let me tell you what with citizens do already closed you can check up take home listen to me the police in your country our military the Navy military when you have a problem someone breaks into your house or does something then assaults you what do you do what's the power citizen ask the citizen picks up the telephone and cause the government and say look I got some problems here and I need the soldiers now now watch this they said no no she listened don't get excited listen they don't come they don't got many qualities they don't go this is amazing to me you ever wonder why the police has on the top of its car siren and lights why they don't just want to come to you no I have my say they don't want to just get there they want to get there without hindrance so they prune this you make them put on the siren you make them put the lights on and they tell everybody move out of the way right let's you just call you're looking at me funny man excuse me and bless myself they don't just want to get to you they want to get to you fast and when they arrive here's the first question what's your problem some of y'all didn't get it yet then you're not a problem thank you sir I got some Scituate here I don't like the circumstances I'm in right now it's a bad situation so Daniel picked up a telephone and called the government he's a citizen and he told the government I need some situations change down here immediately the government sent the Secret Service with the answer on their way down the angel ran into traffic and he couldn't get through to the citizen I'm so he called the Commission the police Michael my guess there was the problem he says they brought in traffic Michael said it was Michael fightin Danny was just waiting on their answer just waiting on and it took 21 days Daniel never fought because citizens don't know scream yet when the angel arrived just like any police angel says I have come because of your word tell your neighbor I got power with the government close your Bible clap your hands and praise God thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe Global possible please visit us online at [Music]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 46,255
Rating: 4.8429003 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: j8XhlosEfO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 15sec (3555 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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