Contrast in Kingdoms | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message get your Bibles and turn to the book of Genesis for my 31st year of preaching on that one book if you here this morning gonna get blessed I'm gonna be speaking on the subject that's up top there please write that in your notes we are going through what we call the kingdom series for the whole year and we're gonna be looking at accelerated progress through Kingdom leadership learning how to live in the kingdom of God we're gonna speak this morning on contrasts in kingdoms set up with me contrasts in Kingdom a time contrast in kingdoms very important subject this morning so please take notes and by the way it's important for you to take know so you can become a teacher of the words you learn alright what you learn it's not just for you but the Bible says if you must give to those who will in turn share it with other people as well and all of you in this place will be called on some time or the other in the future the Lord's gonna call on you to minister to somebody so you might as well learn to take notes now every time we meet it's Bible school it's seminary it's College in this place and so you sit as a disciple disciple main student you're a student of God's Word and of course of his work contrasts in kingdoms we're going to talk about that this morning I'm gonna use some of our information here on our PowerPoint so you can kind of learn pretty fast the scripture I want to start off with just a review is Matthew chapter 24 verse 14 remain in the book of Genesis please in Matthew 24:14 it says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to everyday chin and then the end will come Jesus was very specific about what we are supposed to be preaching then in Matthew 4:17 is his inaugural address the first public statement made by Jesus was this statement in his ministry is found in matthew chapter 4 verse 17 very important verse this is the first public statement made by jesus when he began his ministry he began with this word repent repent means what to change your mind it also means to change the way you think or the way you've been conditioned to think change your thinking then he says because the kingdom of heaven has arrived the King James Version says is at hand the original greek britain there is has arrived so he was saying repent or change your thinking because a kingdom of god has come to earth he has arrived look at the connection between the two statements one he says change your thinking why because the kingdom of God is here in other words before the kingdom of God came back to earth he says your thinking was okay but now that it's here you've got to change the way you think the word repent doesn't just mean to change your thinking but it means to reverse it completely in other words to repent means to turn completely around in the opposite direction in your thinking which means that to live in the kingdom of God you've got to think the opposite to the way you've been taught the kingdom of God takes everything that's been right-side up and turns it upside down so to live in the kingdom of God you've got to think and act and believe completely opposite to what you've been taught this is why repent is so important because repent is not feeling sorry about what you've done repent means to change your mind why because as a man thinketh in his heart so is the man so if your thinking doesn't change the man doesn't change Christ says to live in this kingdom you've got to change your thinking which will change your life will change your mind I think his first statement implies that the kingdom of God is a contrasting kingdom to the one you were born in and lived in all your life you've got to think differently to survive in the kingdom of God let's take a look at some of the thoughts concerning this kingdom number one God's original plan was to extend his heavenly kingdom on earth through mankind that's God's original purpose and still is number two God's purpose was to establish a family of sons and not servants and number three God's purpose was to establish a kingdom of sons and not subjects God didn't want to rule over slaves he wanted to have a family that shared his rulership and that's a different concept of kingdoms and then number four God's purpose originally was to establish a Commonwealth of citizens and not Christians I want to contrast these two terms because Christians are religious people but citizens are legal people God did not want religious people he wanted to have legal people people who have a legal right to be a part of his family so you will find Jesus distinction is - all through his teachings in the book of John chapter 8 in my mind I see it now going through my spirit in a chapter 8 jesus said that famous verse that you all know about it says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free when the verse just before that says that the servant is not a part of the house but the son belongs to the house very important declaration he makes in other words if you are a a a servant of the Lord that means you are not really a part of the house you just kind of doing things in the house but he says the son is in the house he's a part of the house he's a part of the family God wanted to establish a citizenry and not a religious movement and finally God's original plan was his desire to our relationship and not religion religion means to search relationship means you found him once you've become a believer in Christ and receive the Holy Spirit you are no longer religious person religious people are looking for the Father God those who have found him have returned home and they are sons this is expressed clearly by Jesus in the story of the prodigal son which again is an important story because it begins with the spirit of a son who left home became a servant to the slavery spirit out there and then came back and his desire was not to become a son but to come to become a servant Jesus tells the story that the father ignored that and said my son is home so God doesn't want servants nor slaves he wants sons he wants relationship here's where it all begins the kingdom attitude the kingdom concept begins in the mind of God in the book of Genesis 1:26 God creates the human being and he tells us why it says in the book of Genesis 1:26 and God said let us create man in our own image and in our likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air and the camel of the field and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the ground end quote this verse is the key to Kingdom thinking the word Dominion if you check in my notes there is in capital letters why because the the center of this sentence is the word Dominion God expresses his desire for you and for every one of the six billion people on earth right now and that is for you to have dominion over the earth God did not create you to attend church services or to our prayer meetings or to even have worship songs God's intent was for you to have dominion over this planet it's clear in his original mandate I want to call this the Dominion mandate write that down please the Dominion mandate that's what this particular verse is all about God's mandate to man is to dominate the earth that's God's intent and it never changes the intent is another word for purpose which means God's purpose is for mankind to dominate the earth and that's it it never says to dominate Heaven God said to dominate the earth Dominion is important here then let's find out a little bit more about mister Dominion spirit is the program of God then is simple one to rule the visible world from the invisible world through the invisible spirit living in the visible body on the visible earth that's God's program in other words God wants to rule the seen world from the unseen world where he is by living in the unseen spirit of man in the seen body that is on the seen earth God's programmed them was to rule the invisible from the invisible through the invisible living in the visible on the visible he is that indivisible put it another way God's program was to have his kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven through his children which is a family of sons and offspring that's God's program very simple very straightforward God therefore wanted you to have what I call the Dominion leadership mandate write these terms down please here's what the Hebrew word Dominion means Dominion means number one to govern secondly to control thirdly to rule Fort Lee to manage fifth to master something and six to lead all of these are important to you because that is what God intended you to do God intended and originally desired for you to to actually become a governor let's go back and put those words in the sentence God wrote about you it says in Genesis 1:26 and God said let us what make man in our own image and in our likeness and let them work govern rule lead master control and subdue the earth in other words every human being on this planet was created to do that list let me say one thing a very important very important whatever God creates something to do he designs it for I've said this for the last 25 years and people still miss it whatever God creates something to do he designs it with in other words when God creates the bird to fly he puts flight ability in the bird when God creates the fish to swim he put the ability to swim in the fish if God creates you to dominate he put the spirit of controlling governing rulership leadership and management in you that's why every human being naturally resists oppression because we are designed to rule not to be ruled we are designed to govern and not to be governed we are designed to manage things and not to be managed we are designed to lead and not to follow now you may not want to admit this but that is your experience every day that is why you hate to be told what to do am i right don't you hate them too even your spouse cook me some food wait a minute our office boss says type the letter and do it now and all of a sudden something goes off quietly on the inside even though you type in you think I'm crazy yeah you know you typing it but there's the spirit even as a child your mom's I sit down and you saying no and you said sit down and she you say no you might just I'll whoop you you said me no and you still say no I just said now I deep in your spirit there is the spirit of what government rulership control management and leadership and mastering you are designed for that that's why the Holy Spirit Himself will not violate God's original spirit he put in you the Holy Spirit does not really control your life he convicts you he will guide you he will lead you but never drag you can I hear an amen he himself would not violate is pretty put inside of you because he gives you whatever he designed you to do so leadership is not something you really have to tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu steady it's something you got to discover already on the inside everybody in this place was born to lead you were designed to master you were equipped to control and you have the spirit of leadership this is why every person that God has called through the Bible's history and story he always addresses them based on what he knows about them he told Abraham your father of great nation he told Sarah your mother of nation he told that that old coward Gideon you are a mighty man of ala he told David you are a king when he was a kid he told Joseph you are a ruler while he was a slave God always speaks to the real you not what people say about you tell your neighbor if you knew who I really was you'd be glad to sit next to me right now clap your hands and thank God you are a leader its birth on the inside on your job when you go to work in the morning stop walking around like as if you are unemployed you are a deploying in other words you are not born to be employed you were born to be deployed to release your leadership ability a job is God's opportunity for you to release your leadership in and they should be privileged to have you work in there with your anointed gifts they can pay you enough so don't complain about the salary because you work more than what they could ever pay you clap your hands somebody so work is not about salary it's about deployment because your leadership cannot be bought not paid for can I hear an amen that's why you feel good when people give you a title why because they're getting closely to real you when you get promoted you feel good why you feel good not because of the money you feel good because all of a sudden your spirit of this ship begins to rise a little higher that's why God calls you sons of God but you ain't there yet in your mind you see you are sons of God you're not just Christians you are sons of God that means you are royal blood you are a child of a king that means you are a prince and a princess but you ain't there yet because your mentality ain't there yet you still acting like the prodigal son you want to be a servant I'm coming to tell you here that God wants you to lead and to master and the government control and that's why my attitude is the way it is I have been convicted about this in my own life that's why you don't have to wonder about me I believe I am all of that my job is to get you to believe you are all of that ain't never I'm all of that come on sit up and why gets a law like that come on praise its name somebody I am all of that list that's what God says he created me to be can I hear an amen so when the fish see me they supposed to get it nervous look at that list when the birds meet the person bow and say yes chief that aint funny trees that grow in the fields supposed to respect me why I am their master I control them I am their governor this is why we should never oppress people control people depressed people oppress people suppress people we are tempted to do something that God wouldn't even do himself let's talk about what this kingdom is all about then God wanted you to be Kings over the dome of Earth daaamn means Dominion don't minion which means domain you can only dominate a domain that's why God specified your domain let them have what door minion over the earth so you are the Dominator and your territory or your domain is earth so your domain for dominating is Earth so you are a ruler everybody's a ruler the Wayne ruler is the same word for King and the word Dominion means to rule so you are the king of the domain so you are the king of this domain of Earth so you are the kingdom of God on earth the kingdom of God therefore is not earth the kingdom is the functioning of the rulers on the domain that's the kingdom so the kingdom is not the physical planet the kingdom is you carrying out the Dominion of God on this planet it's you who are the kingdom you are the king ruler dome domain you are the kingdom you are the kingdom you are God's kingdom on earth which means that every one of us are kings over the domain of Earth and that's God's property so the word domain means territory territory it's important to remember that territories is necessary to be a king God gave you a territory what was the territory he's found in the book of psalm 115 we read it last time verse 14 and 15 and 16 it says he who created the heavens and the world under whole earth is the God of heaven verse 15 says the highest heavens belong to the Lord but the earth he gave to man psalm 115 verse 15 and 16 powerful verse the heavens belong to the lord but the early gave to man heaven is god's territory earth is whose territory your territory that means your domain is boys that was born to dominate earth say it loud let your lungs get some excitement say I was born to dominate Earth not heaven that's why going to heaven is always a temporary excursion for a human spirit because that's not your territory your territorial domain is Earth that's why you're coming back here even if God got to create a new one and he will Kingdom is the domain under which the influence of the King gets its impact in other words a kingdom is the domain that is influenced by the king that's what Kingdom means now God's goal is the kingdom of God on earth some of you read the Bible many times you've read the New Testament and that for coffee you got confused right but you keep saying sometimes Jesus would say the kingdom of heaven other times he would say the kingdom of God then he was saying the kingdom of heaven then he will interchanges at the kingdom of God now whenever use the kingdom of God he's referring to headquarters get it he's referring to the actual impact and influence of God himself when he talked about the Kingdom of Heaven he's referring to its impact on earth so he's talking about transfer of power that's why he kept on saying the kingdom of God is like and then he would explain these things called parables so the kingdom of God in heaven are basically the same except one of them is referring to the actual rulership of God the other is referring to the transfer of that rulership to a territory so the kingdom of God is God's rulership within the heart of a spirit of man and the king of heaven is when that impacts the man's environment in other words we can take the king of heaven to our work every morning and influence that whole place with the kingdom of God by us taking the kingdom of heaven in us to that place and that's why Jesus said the kingdom of heaven has come to us it has arrived the fall of mankind was a problem in it in the statement of a new counterfeit kingdom called the kingdom of darkness very important statement in the Bible it calls this kingdom that man fell into the kingdom of Darla's king of darkness right away darkness down with his darkness man it means ignorance Hebrew word therefore ignorant the Hebrew word very important a Greek word is also the same word as absence of knowledge in other words the kingdom of darkness is a domain in which a king rules by ignorance interesting so who is the king of the kingdom of darkness obviously Satan the Bible says that the Satanic ruler of this world has blinded the minds of those least they see the glorious thoughts with the Lord Jesus Christ that's 1st Corinthians chapter 5 once again it says what the god of this world has what blinded the minds would you mind that's your source of knowledge he blinds your minds it never says he blinds your eyes the ruler of this world blinds the minds of those least they see the glorious gospel of the kingdom of God so we got two kingdoms going on here we got a ruler who rules by ignorance we call it darkness and we got a kingdom or the rules by knowledge which is light and that is why Satan is greatest power is what you don't know what you don't know is maybe he gets his strength from the first thing ready for this that Satan attacked in the Garden of Eden was Eve's and Adams knowledge you want to hear it the first thing God gave Adam to protect him was what information he says if you don't touch that tree and you obey my Commandments you shall live the day you eat from that tree just something like amendment you will die so what do they have information they had knowledge in Chapter three of Genesis Satan shows up his first statement was did God say what's he talking about did you get information did God say if you eat from this tree you will surely die and Eve responds God did say we did get information about the tree then Satan decides to attack the knowledge they had he said but God knows where'd he get that from he says God told you that because God knows that if you eat from that tree you won't surely die you will become like him they already were like him his first attack was to doubt the knowledge you have is that deep they're important Satan's greatest attack against you is to doubt the knowledge you got from God God says you are healed by His stripes Satan says but you still feeling the pain now now you got two different informations going on here God says you've been healed by His stripes 2,000 years ago Satan said but you feel the pain two informations coming into your bank of knowledge now so now you got a decision to make whether they believe one information or the other information and if you believe the pain part then you are in the dark concerning the heel part and this is why the kingdoms work against each other the kingdom of darkness is to destroy you the kingdom of light is to give you life that's why I should walk in the light as he is in the right but it's like knowledge the kingdom of darkness therefore gets its power from what you don't know this is why I encourage you everyone here to keep reading to keep studying to attend every opportunity to learn every time I open the doors of this sanctuary and stand up here to speak and every one of us began to open the word and preach to you if I was you I would attend every me do you know that I attend every meeting I get a chance to hear myself even from even if I'm not speaking I want to be here why because the Word of God constantly changes your darkness into light some of you miss great opportunity to come in on Sunday nights because you don't see the importance of it so you decided to stay home maybe do some other things relax whatever but you see if you understand the Word of God and what it is Satan hates the Word of God so he loves to lullaby you to a good rest on Sunday night he gives you 10 different excuses why you can't come to get the word on Friday nights Satan gets all the thing all worked out why no matter what you learn if it's not the Word of God it doesn't destroy darkness thy word is light man shall not live by bread alone but every one word a cousin amount of God it says I'm Satan came immediately to steal the word and I remember Jesus made a statement concerning what he says the power of the soul the kingdom of God is like a man who goes into a field and he souls to see out in the field and the Bible says what some fall on stony ground some fall on the soil some choke by weeds and some grow and become fruitful then he says he says but the birds came immediately and picked up the seed as soon as he souls to seed the birds came immediately he says and they picked up the seat then they ax him master explained the parable to us his first answer was the solar Souls to see and the bird is the evil one get the prank he said before the seed even gets set in the soil the evil one goes after the word please notice he doesn't go after you he comes immediately to steal the word why Satan ain't afraid of you if he's the ruler over darkness then you in his fear was his fear light if his kingdom is darkness his nightmare is light and you are not light you possess light when you possess the word the interest of your word bring it light thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light in other words it's the word you need to keep getting not fat on food saviors afraid of the word he comes immediately in the word so we got the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light because the kingdom of Revelation knowledge and the kingdom of ignorance that's what we are fighting in the Bible says you were born children of darkness in other words he was born stupid sorry you were born ignorant until you meet God and start to learn his word you are in darkness that means if you went to college and got a PhD but don't know Jesus you got a lot of dark information you'll hear me you can have a PhD DDD five PhDs but if you don't know God you are educated in doctors who are highly darkly educated the pharmacy said that prom they were doctors of the law the Bible says they had doctors degrees in the laws of their own learning and the Bible that they were ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth in other words it's probably go to school some folks never graduate you notice that some people got deep education into a doctor who got a PhD in physiological studies in the body of man and then he smoked cigarettes I thought that's always amazes me a dentist eating candy I mean that amazes me it's amazes me you can be totally educated in darkness I never see the light that is why Jesus said to Nicodemus who came at night he was a doctor in the law of his day she said Nicodemus you still must be born all over again because what you learn ain't no good you know it's kind of depressing for God to tell you you are a completely educated fool that's what he's really saying about the kingdom of darkness darkness is is absence of the information from God look at Romans 12:2 very important statement it says and Paul is speaking to believers that's important to begin with the book of Romans has written to the church at Rome is a powerful church that was braced up there and Paul really loved this church and Paul wrote them this note this letter and the letter is really about their redemptive access to God and in Chapter 12 verse 1 it starts this way I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice well pleasing unto God which is your reasonable service verse 2 and be no longer conformed to this world but be he what transform how by the renewing of your mind if I say repent say it again who's he writing to he is writing to Christians that means believers sons of God who already had the Holy Spirit but he says you have not been changed what's he talking about he says look you can be saved but not converted salvation takes place instantly conversion can take a lifetime it's like moving from an old dilapidated house to a palace in one day my god all your bad habits come with you hello you know I heard a story and this is the true story they say he and the Bahamas we're a family moving one of our islands years ago I'm not talking about your family they moved from the islands and they came to the capital island here in the in Nassau and the story when I heard the story I said now that is a graphic example of how the kingdom works they came here and all of their life they used an outhouse toilet an outhouse so they came here and they moved into a beautiful new home that was in it was an inheritance that it was left to them and all their life they used an outhouse when they came here the story goes that they didn't know how to operate the new house and when they used the toilet they stood up on top of the toilet bowl and stooped down you get a picture of this it's graphic isn't it and they did that for months until somebody was visiting under founded I was visiting them was wondering I saw your son a little boy in the toilet a little kid and they said what is he doing they said well I was the problem and the family member says they put the kid is standing up on the ball stooping down on top of the toilet bowl they said so what that's how we live in the kingdom we live in the kingdom of God but bring our old habits our mindset so Paul is saying be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind the word transform of the Hebrew is a Greek word metamorphic that means metamorphosis which means to be a complete change he's telling us that we haven't changed yet to live in this kingdom you need a complete revolution of mental state then change the way you think he says by the way the the next verse is important I'm not gonna quote it up here but it says and then you will know what is God's good acceptable and perfect will that's a powerful state he says look in order to capture God's perfect will for your life you got to change your thinking now I think poor OD three words because I think they're different levels God's good will is God's good way you know someone give you good will good with something means that they tolerate you you know they they kind of put up with you acceptable means that could pass and I think a lot of times God says okay I know you're in there but that could pass but the third one is God's perfect will you are now exactly what God wanted and the only way to get there Paul says is to have your mind transform of your life transformed by what renewing the way you think so that thinking brings the transformation the two kingdoms therefore are completing opposite to each other Jesus therefore came to introduce this kingdom and that's why there was such a conflict with him let's talk about briefly how he introduced the king of number one he came to reintroduce the kingdom of God to man on earth Matthew 4:17 very simple repent for the kingdom of God has arrived he also came to restore the righteousness and holiness of mankind it's a Corinthians 5:21 it says for we are a new creation in Christ Jesus it says for we have been made righteous by him he who knew no sin became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I write that word righteousness down please Jesus came to make us righteous again the word righteous doesn't mean to wear a long dress a long hat and ugly face and the white Bible white shoes and all them other things it doesn't mean at the put on lipstick and nowhere no earrings all that stuff that's not righteousness the word righteous is a legal word not a religious word and the word righteous means to position oneself it means right positioning Jesus came to make us righteous again which means he came to put us back in the position where we are in right relationship with God again so that we can be qualified to receive the promises of God this is very important the kingdom thinking you see when you live in a kingdom you're talking about a king dome a governing rulership and you are the domain so the kingdom of God is God's rulership over your life which is his domain and then when you rule the earth that's the kingdom of heaven having its impact through your life on the physical planet think about this when Adam sinned the Bible calls him on righteous in other words Adam went out of position with the government and therefore all the rights that he had as a citizen were canceled there may be some of you here who were in prison sometime ago or maybe you have a family member who's in prison or know somebody who may be imprisoned do you notice something whenever a government has a citizen that breaks the law and they are incarcerated what's the first thing they ask for would they ask for first a passport why can't travel no more now what is your passport your passport is your highest component of citizenship without a passport you are not a citizen anymore would you think about this now why does the government grab your passport as soon as you are considered improper in their Kingdom because they make you an unseasoned I didn't say non citizen because you're still in the country but you are an uncivilized they unn say honest not none this is very important you are still a citizen because you're in the country but now you are under the complete judgment of the government so the government takes away all of your rights you become out of position with the government now the government has what a lot of promises they give to us don't they if you are a citizen you got the right to own property to buy food to drive on the streets you got a you got the right to protect property you got the right to vote you got the right to own these things as a citizen if you are in prison you can vote did you know that if you are in prison you can't drive or you feel like you can't eat what you want to you can't sleep when you want to you can't go to bed when you want to when you are in prison they literally take over your life you are under the control of one judgment that's what happened to Adam when he disobeyed the government of God God took back his passport and Adam became a prisoner of darkness therefore he became ruled by a warden called Satan cat the pitcher heaven took his passport back and the warden Satan took off his life and Adam became what the Bible says we are slaves to sin we are imprisoned what Jesus say in Luke chapter 4 verse 18 he says I have come to set what the prisoners free why you are in prison when you're born here in this earth you are unrighteous unrighteous means that you are still God's image but you have no rights that's important Jesus came to restore your positioning so you can claim your citizen promises hallelujah God set up a separate a temporary government in the Old Testament it's called the covenant the Covenant became God's temporary government God gave that covenant to Abraham matter of fact he established that covenant Thrun offers and you know Noah's great-great grandson was Abraham and God say Abraham here's how I'm gonna rule I'm gonna give you a covenant if you keep my covenant then that'll make you what right chest what is righteous getting back in position with God that's why it's so important to read the Old Testament don't miss tonight because you see Abraham believe God's Word and the Bible says that was made unto him righteousness which means what it didn't mean a Brahmins and war turbans a war cross on his neck it meant that Abraham was now back in relationship and the government of God so now you could clean that were in the covenant praise god you're gonna say listen to me Abraham therefore became a qualified citizen again Paul talks with Abraham a lot do you know why because after Abraham came who Moses and by the time Moses showed up these people knew nothing about God they were in Pharaoh's prison for 400 years which means that they didn't even know God that's why Moses had to go to them back to Egypt I had to tell them introduce them to God the people asked him who's this God magis Pharaoh the Israelites didn't know God so does it look I got a big problem not only don't they know the Covenant of Abraham but they don't even know the god of the Covenant so he gave him around what a list of laws called what the Ten Commandments and God says the first thing to tell them is don't worship no other God he's trying to change their minds change their minds now this is important here because you see Moses ended up with a list of laws don't-don't-don't Abraham had no laws he just had a promise and he believed it and he became work righteous he became in line with God again now God says for for me to get them where Abraham was I got even getting to believe in me first see the difference now what happened was the last government element of God was the 10 commandments and so when Jesus came Christ didn't come to really talk about 10 commandments even he came to talk about what he Abraham God are you with me so when Paul writes Paul says a when God promised Abraham he was not speaking to Abraham but he was speaking to his seed which was Christ that he would come to make us righteous Jesus came to line you back up with the government of God so you can claim your rights in the United States just recently I'm afraid to talk because this big argument right now but in the United States recently the president of former President Bill Clinton took a presidential prerogative you all be hearing this on the news a lot right his prerogative is that he could pardon certain amount of P as the president before he leaves office he decided to pardon some people now pardon is a dangerous thing because no matter what you've done if the king or the ruler pardons you you pardon now the people who he pardoned some of them were in jail others were fugitives on the run the reason why there's so much argument about a few these people is because the crimes that they are guilty of people are saying ain't no way we can let them go but then the law says constitutionally if they are pardoned it's as if they have done nothing they get their passport back they could travel where they want to they could work where they want to they could do business they could buy and sell they have no limitation like they never did anything do you know what Jesus did on the cross for you some of your backgrounds are so terrible if folks find out about you they won't sit with you no more but there's a king who sat on a throne one day with blood dripping down his face and he said pardon tell your neighbor I am right with the government again full rights you know remember the Covenant of Abraham me Jesus did not use the old Lord helped me here the Covenant of Moses because that was an educational covenant he used the Covenant of what Abraham that's the cover of faith there was a woman sitting in a building just like this in a meeting just like this one day she was sitting in the center somewhere according to the Word of God and she was humph he was teaching and she was humped over she couldn't even look up she was hungover because she had a back problem Jesus was standing up speaking and the Bible says he fastened their eyes because she couldn't see him you know when he talks he want to see your face he's God so she's humped over and Jesus looks at this woman and the Bible says obviously he stared in such a way that everybody knew he gon do something it says the Father I see that the big bishops were sitting on the front row all them got nervous and they starts sip sip it and they said oh dear it's a Sabbath day what's he gonna do now he gonna do something he's supposed to work on the Sabbath the Bible says Jesus hurried them don't let God yeah you could do exactly the opposite would you sip sip and about it says he heard them and before he addressed the woman he took care of a righteousness problem he invested he said look I'm not here to talk religion he says I am here to talk government Citizenship legal stuff now let's talk he says he says this woman first of all isn't she a daughter of Abraham now ladies and gentlemen Abram was alive thousands of years before the sea man come on somebody he said let me tell you some people this woman citizenship is in order y'all better sit up straight there's some stuff he's supposed to get this week not because you are a bohemian [Music] thank you sister see the bohemian a society may have not some doors on you they may decide the straighten places you can go you can go up the ladder you can go out and start a business you can look that's alright that's their kingdom but you operating under a different government this woman was under a government of the Pharisees and scribes who said keep your disease until you die but here comes the king walking in the service one day and the king said let me tell you something that woman she has a passport and it doesn't say fry receipt glory hallelujah he said that woman passport says kingdom of God Abraham's daughter and then he says if she be a daughter of Abraham which you all agree with then ought not let me get out of here and they gotta go home he said I tell you never thought I'd be blessed say ought not I have VI be healed right now don't lift your hands and dance say or not all my diseases go away or not every bill is canceled and pain are not my business prosper ought not I'd be promoted from heaven go ahead and praise the Lord for second cop your hands glorify God or not this woman be healed and the Bible says they were quiet and he said the woman stand up hey bro J said to your neighbor stand up go ahead and do what they say now stand up they gonna get this anointing on us too we're gonna get that same blessing the woman that the Bible says all of those who are sons of Abraham are also in Christ Jesus and therefore the promises of Abraham are also the promises of the sons of God tell your neighbor I'm in the Covenant Lord hallelujah I feel anointing coming on me somebody gonna get blessed today hallelujah pick your Bible up please we gonna close with the scripture technical issues chapter 3 please tell your neighbor I'm in the kingdom my passport is in order and I'm going to the government right now I'm gonna get my promises Galatians chapter 3 oh my god that this thing is heavy Galatians chapter 3 verse 26 watch this hey buddy got it read out loud out loud I want the devil to hear you read your citizens rights it says in verse 26 together you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus for all of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed yourselves with Christ therefore there is neither Jew nor Greek slave nor free male nor female for you are all one in Christ if you belong to Christ then you are Abraham's seed and is accordin shot somebody come on prices knee lifts your hands and praise a lot of loud everybody just go ahead and shout the citizen try you are qualified to be citizens of the kingdom of God God's total will I want you to hold hands with your neighbor right now and tell your neighbor if you knew who I was going to become you'll be glad to touch my hands hold somebody's agree now in our kingdom in our kingdom keyboarding hands in our kingdom our King says wherever any two should touch could not mouth shut about and agree concerning anything in the Constitution it shall be done brother Pat let me tell you something you are not born again by the Spirit today your passport got the wrong stamp in it if you came to this meeting today and you don't have the Holy Spirit living inside of you by faith in Jesus you are illegal immigrant no I have my see that means you know illegal immigrant got a sneaker on high they have no rights to anything in the country if you here today don't know Christ as you say there get the wrong passport but please notice I didn't say that you are non righteous you were simply unrighteous on means that you supposed to be you got a right to be it's just that you ain't lined up yet that's why Christ has come he came to bring us righteousness and he does it by what restoring the holy spirit back to man his words there in the Book of Luke in Devon he says it is my father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom of God which is the Holy Spirit why the Holy Spirit reconnects us to the government religion doesn't do that and that is why it's important to receive the Holy Spirit not just go to these religious meetings and read books and sing hymns you got to receive the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit reconnects you to the government see the Bible said the kingdom of God is love joy peace we're in the Holy Spirit he reconnects you to the government he puts you back in line with the government then you can claim your rights I want you to leave this place today is going into this week I don't want you to think about fumbling with your rights as a kingdom of God citizen I want you to understand the rights you have I told someone last week when I was in Tampa Florida I'm telling this compass conference I was speaking at I said do you know that you have a right to go to see the president any time they were in shock I said in a democracy the citizens of access to see the Prime Minister the president anytime in our country you could demand to see the Prime Minister now whether you will see it is a different problem no I decided to say funny constitutionally he cannot say he don't want to see you I don't all go rushing there tomorrow but I'm telling you legally as a citizen you have a right to demand to see the highest executive in this country unlegal II if you take him to court if he doesn't want to see you the kingdom of God is the same way once you qualify as a citizen then the Bible says come boldly don't stop to see marry don't pay no dues to Saint Francis of Assisi y'all talked to me before go home he's a look you can come but don't come crawlin saying Lord if you will let me look at Grace squeeze mature Lord he got his facelift shut up he says just break down the door coming right you are a citizen a blackboard citizen oh I'd love to be audacious when I know I'm right hallelujah I say hallelujah some of y'all ain't being praying right the last four or five years you come to the Lord please Lord please I want you to get the kingdom mindset you go and say holy Lord king of the kingdom based on the Constitution no rep performer can be supposed to prosper and this one look I get prosperous when you please take care of that for me [Music] come boldly okay Lord us enough it is headache according to my rights in the kingdom none of these diseases come upon me that was upon Pharaoh and this was upon Pharaoh will you please handle this under Health Department counts you are a citizen of the kingdom of God don't ever miss a session in this series because you get this right you're gonna take over where you work in all the things you've been under you're gonna be on top of them he has overcome the world there for you he says but also overcome the world if you walk in his kingdom you can find that today let's pray thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 52,222
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: 48Az5Mh0wKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 58sec (3418 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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