24 HOUR Living As My Sim Challenge

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hey guys so I'm finally gonna do it I'm finally going to do the live like a sim challenge I've been wanting to do it ever since I watched Emma blackery z-- I wanted to take the time to build an exact replica of my house and I want to try and mimic the day as much as possible so as you can see here it's a replica of my house and here's the inside of my first floor well second floor our house is weird our main floor is on the top and our second floor is really on the ground floor I don't know I've never done a house tour so this is kind of like one enjoy so I created this and I actually added me Bobby and Dexter so I played through one full day before I started this challenge but just to show you real quick this is the top floor formal living room kitchen dining area bathroom hallway bedroom my closets my office and downstairs our guest room our laundry room our bathroom closets our family room there's a bar in our basement and Bobby's office area which is kind of in the family room and our backyard which I didn't fully deck out because I'm hoping that they don't go out there much because we're in December so it's not really the warmest also why I did not include a pool cuz I can't go swimming in it it's all closed up so sim us went to bed around I think 1:30 which is somewhat normal nowadays so I'm hoping they don't wake up at the crack of dawn so the main focus obviously is gonna be on me but I added Bobby simin because I did a trial run with me to see what the sim would actually kind of do and she pretty much watched TV all day so I'm adding Dexter and Bobby in to try it you know make it a bit more entertaining for you guys so I have my handy-dandy youtube notebook that I'm gonna be writing in all the times of all the activities and then I will set alarms on my phone kind of scared really scared alright let's speed up and see what time I got to get up I lose weight Oh No alright I mean not terrible we'll say 8:04 a.m. wake up slash get out right out of the bed [Music] ever do that and I'm going straight to go watch some TV it looks like alright so the only time I'm gonna deter from my sims schedule is right now I'm in the bathroom put my contacts and a little little bit of makeup on I have 10 minutes and then I'll be downstairs watch TV 8:18 watch what is sim Durr what kind of show is that oh it looks like a chick flick I would usually meet those I'm going yeah can't go downstairs to watch a chick flick I did not get to brush my hair either but that's okay oh I see Haven yes Nicholas Sparks chick flick ya see the beginning of safe haven okay what he would anyway you're moving too fast Sam 8:31 off TV so I literally get to watch like 12 minutes of a movie and or TV show now where are you going we're going outside to walk up stairs the stairs is right here oh god alright walk outside both TV and walk upstairs through the outside stairs that a normal person would use outside stairs that my sim used and now I gotta go outside at 8:30 in the morning in 30-degree weather what are we making have a quick meal okay let's see what I'm eating hey it is 8:45 in the board a girl 8:34 get chocolate cake for home fridge for breakfast the breakfast of champions this cake that I specifically went to the store and bought for this video you gotta just keep talking cake in my fridge I mean that seems like something maybe I would do but it's not alright and then I got a microwave it a thief do you want to microwave chocolate cake is Bobby still sleeping meanwhile yeah so I have 7 minutes before I could actually microwave this cake I don't know why we're microwaving it it's just what my son wants to do feelings update I have to go to the bathroom I really want coffee but I can't do either of those things because Simmi is the devil oh we can finally microwave the cake well part of the cake I'm not eating this whole cake so mine thrown in the microwave now but then I can't eat it for another 18 minutes so it's probably not gonna be warm anymore so this is gonna be nonsense but we're gonna do it anyway because it's part of the challenge we're gonna microwave the cake that doesn't need to be microwaved chocolate cake at 8:53 am living the dream over here it's finished its 854 I can't go eat it until 9/11 and now we wait oh I'm going in the fancy living room to e that's cute being a sim is totally not boring at all it's just mush sim Lauren yo need to microwave chocolate cake it was vide by itself it was fine cold now it's just mush I bet it's still delicious anyway let's go to a fancy room okay it's now 912 I don't finish this cake until 10 19 how am I supposed to eat this cake for an hour Dexter Dexter I can't give you any cake anyway because this is literally death for you mean at least it's cute in here just gonna sit and like take tiny nibbles of my gate oh god I got up Oh 9:40 get up what are you doing get up from chair and stand there like an idiot alright now I have to stand here for four minutes Oh Bobby's here is he coming to talk to me we haven't even got a 10 a.m. yet stop doing so much so at 9:18 no Bobby comes out and hugs me well I'll be my cake in the living room 918 button comes to home against his will Bobby yeah we're supposed to hug we have to do it three minutes yeah I continue to eat my cake we can stop hugging but you now need to stand there and for a minute you have to watch me eat cake okay 922 leaves okay and I'm just standing there not finishing eating my cake Oh 931 am so it's been 40 minutes since I microwave my cake I still have not finished eating it I guess I'm gonna sit with Bobby while he watches TV and continue eating my cake yep still not eating the cake okay here we go oh hey cake downstairs watch TV with Bobby okay next year let's go downstairs Bobby I've come to watch TV with you Bobby's crying and does not look uh uh 956 a.m. Bobby yells at me for being too loud oh my god you're so loud please be quiet trying to watch South Park 10:18 Bobby goes behind the couch to stretch oh you gotta go stretch behind the couch go stretch for a minute okay then you have to stand back there what when you go to here yeah 10:19 lauren gets up oh great and leaves dirty dish on table oh then continues to watch TV while standing up and Bobby creepily looks at her from behind the couch we haven't even gotten to 11 a.m. yet what the heck all right I gotta get up put my plate on the table and then continue to watch TV you all standing we have to continue to stand and watch TV now I think that's what you do I wasn't paying much attention to your sim aren't you glad you married somebody who does YouTube yeah alright my hands hurting imma put this down check back in with you guys when when we're on the move again Bobby leaps up Bobby you gotta go to the bathroom oh I don't care whether you have to go or not go to the bathroom why are you not sitting watching TV oh hey go how long do I have to stand and watch TV for and now I have to continue to stand for another 20 minutes uuugh more South Park okay but stare at it don't standing and Oh perfect timing turn off TV but continue to stare at it thanks just go stare stare TV oh this is some quality entertainment for you guys 11 a.m. Bobby's on the computer and I am still still staring at an empty fee I mean a blank TV okay we're moving okay at 11:10 a.m. I walk over and we I kissed Bobby on the cheek okay up make Bobby get up to kiss him on the cheek Oh Bobby yeah you gotta get up it'll be quick six minutes what did you add a cheek which would you have to stand up for for some reason yay but now we have to stand here for six minutes come again let's see that this is our life now some people just aren't cut out for the sim life 11:16 am hijack Bobby's computer up Bobby what hijack Bobby's computer to play black bloc I've 10 seconds with the play game nope no get off oh I got a play no pick me you're following me we're following the same stop exited the game you just stand there Tetris black block same thing 11:19 a.m. Bobby does sit-ups huh alarms going off Bonnie guys start doing sit-ups behind me there you go yay Sam life yo eleven more minutes keep doing sit-ups for eleven more minutes you're gonna ruin the video people aren't gonna unsubscribe like I said guys some people Disarmament to live the same life 1:30 Bobby will use how do you gonna leave for I leave - I just go smooth right 11:42 a.m. get off computer and I'm going back upstairs Oh Bobby is now in my office on my computer I think it's backwards get off computer okay how am I supposed to make it take like 13 minutes to walk upstairs I'm just gonna walk really slow guys I really have to go to the bathroom I also really want coffee hey buddy you happy I can't come in there yet I'm not supposed to be in there until 11:55 yeah I I understand uh what am I supposed to do Dexter what do I do this is the worst hey guys it's 1154 it's been so long that Dexter fell asleep sit on my office couch talk to Bobby who's on my computer Bobby we're supposed to sit here and talk it's gone terrible my stomach hurts I have to pee I really want coffee so misted over here with Bulbasaur and talk to Bobby while he plays games for the next 40 minutes and we still have all of this left I'm gonna die this is a terrible idea so I'm talking about beyond my office cow all right 12:38 Bobby leaves once again sitting in silence oh no you gotta leave a big tablet but you gotta do it it's the rules hmm good go go okay finally a bathroom break all right how long do I have to sit on the toilet floor so I think I have to sit there for like 10 minutes in real time oh my god guys I finally get to go to the bathroom so bad well that only took about a minute not even less than a minute like 30 seconds and I still have to stay here until one o'clock great at least there's a window I can look outside I'm so hungry finally give me a second yay 103 wash hands all right wash hands is his time so I don't want people yelling at me for wasting water so instead of continuing to wash my hands for three minutes I'm just gonna sit here with wet hands for three minutes oh yay let's go dry them 106 112 p.m. sit with Bobby on my office now each one who eats Oh ham and cheese I'm just gonna say sandwich I'll give him the option we don't really eat ham alright sit with Bobby on all this couch while he eats a sandwich while he eats a sandwich me index they're gonna watch you eat a sandwich this is mine this is so mean I regret my life choices what 137 looks like I'm going back to the TV oh it's like a crime drama thing I'm just so tired from no nutrition your chocolate chocolates the best nutrition there is it is very good for you it has a lot of sugar you had brownie so there was some bread in there Oh [Music] all right there we go and finally I get to actually do something for an extended period of time instead of just sitting for I mean I'm gonna be sitting for an extended period of time but at least I get to watch something entertaining I'm supposed to pick an action movie though yeah let's watch Pirates of the Caribbean I don't see that a long time [Music] 238 Bobby joins up Bobby you have to come watch the movie with me now okay 238 five joins and and you're lucky we're getting to the good part so when someone's in my seat 3:22 shut off TV but keep talking on the couch up we don't even get to finish the movie thanks boo oh well shut off TV but then we continue to sit and talk here oh I mean if anything Sims has taught us that uh we should sit and talk like all day yes all day 3:47 p.m. hijack Bobbi's computer again Oh hijack Bobby's computer 4:10 p.m. Bobby does sit-ups behind me Oh Bobby yeah it's 4:10 you gonna do sit-ups finding go sit up sit-ups you have to go until for six minutes you could do it for 60 nice top so it's Bobby for 16 you stop oh he's happy get up yes not like you did sit-ups that entire 417 I stopped for 15 I stopped I now need to stand for three minutes until I can hug you prepare yourself for the hug where'd you go is your body prepare for the hug it's okay if you're not because we still ready we still have like two or two more minutes oh it's the hugging sound slack alarm noise alright are you prepared for the hug okay let's hug do I hug you I don't we both hug and we go oh I don't know how to say some call my side boo boo boo boo it's perfect we both wobble now I have to stand here until the next thing you can you can do whatever you want now what do I want get water okay sink water wahey 4:29 get water from downstairs bathroom sink by the way are you starving girl Millie had chocolate cake that was it I'm gonna be so hungry now I'm just staring at myself in the mirror yeah water from downstairs bathroom alright I'm going so I made sure to put a cup in here look it's Christmas related I'm not really drinking the sink water so hopefully it tastes alright and and Here I am and here's my water nothing like sitting and staring at the mirror for 51 likely Dexter in bathroom ah play with Dexter in bathroom perfect Dexter I'm gonna have to come get you we got to make this real all right I got it Dexter she's so sad look our sims play bigger Dexter he were playing it's working friendship my god how long am I gonna sit in this bathroom drinking water ok 508 I got water at 4:29 I was in there until 508 I was in the bathroom for 40 minutes oh my god no wash glass Oh watch watch the bathroom sink by Bowie [Music] 5:13 I walked back out to the TV I'm so hungry guys I'm so hungry and I sell it to pee watch TV though that's more important yeah I'm just gonna flick through the actual cable channels and see if I could find anything good Titanic is on go watch Titanic Titanic it's about to sink young Leo ego died she's gonna steal the door you're not gonna be able to fit on the door leo hey 592 get back Oh Bobby kisses my god that's adorable [Music] baby walk the ient couch Bobby kisses cheek and leaves you make me get up and go behind the couch come here to give me a kiss on the cheek and then you leave me back here Mirror Mirror thanks for making me get up off the couch I was really comfortable and I got a stand and watch TV from back here thanks it was the best and now I'm stuck behind the couch watching please tell me I'm not standing here long Oh God really Dexter oh there she's like well whatever I'll take your spot at stand behind the couch for no real reason I will see you in a little less than an hour and 20 minutes you've gotta be kidding me okay then you shut off TV and go to the computer oh you keep doing the same things I'm gonna be starving girl right 6:41 play sims on Bobby's computer again guys I'm in the homestretch and the boat is going down motors going down oh there there go there goes perfect timing oh no I need to go play on your computer no yeah my phone's at 23% oh my be my makeup starting to come off non happy living the same life is great why I don't regret doing this video and I was like it's like somebody's controlling what I'm doing all day and it's weird and I was like oh well I guess that's the whole point of the video I've only peed twice I've only eaten once so I'm not doing what else guys good good it says she's hungry girl eat something please okay alright 735 she starts walking to the kitchen oh okay alright I gotta go to the kitchen you enjoy your computer what you're gonna make do not get kink my life and yep like microwave it yeah microwaving the cake girl you can't eat like this every day look what's back alright I think I'm gonna put it in for less time than last time so it doesn't become a molten mess she's not getting the cake stare at microwave please please girl please I'm gonna be so hungry just stare it at it guys okay okay she's she's okay she's getting it 8:30 I mean by that point it's not gonna be warm at all oh okay it ended and I can't take it out until 8:30 which is 40 minutes from now 40 minutes from now I guess I'll just chill with Dexter who is seriously judging my life decisions Dexter what am I doing with my life [Music] why are we still here just suffer finally it is 8:30 now yeah okay so me last time I microwaved it for 30 seconds this time I microwaved it for 10 seconds obviously not gonna microwave it as long as the sim because I will burn my house down I can't believe all I be in today's chocolate cake I lit I do have a headache and it's probably because all I've really had today is like sugar and that's it where are you gonna eat it I continue eating my cake and silence in that room and like clockwork here Dexter and technically I'm not supposed to finish the cake for an hour and 27 minutes I'm gonna starve to death I could do nibbles yeah oh nice she turned on the office TV I was wondering if people could even watch that in there 949 turn on office TV 950 turn off office TV I hate you so much similar still eating cake yes Oh turn on office TV yay turn off TV well that was nice while it lasted this is the worst day my stomach hurts real bad guys my body hates me today I don't blame it alright 950 where did you just put that plate where did she just put the bleep way to go finished cake and stand plate vanishes in couch the magic of editing it will vanish oh it's gone magic okay I'm getting up oh honey I'm gonna go take a shower okay 1015 shower all right it's time to shower at friggin 10:15 a night I'm not gonna be washing my hair because it's a whole process and the conditioner that saves my color needs to fit in my hair for at least 15 minutes so it's not gonna work so I'll go and rinse off and that'll be good enough they finish and then go directly to the bathroom 10:51 done with toilet 10:54 wash hands I hear Bobby crying somewhere alright so I also used it as an opportunity to change because I was wearing those clothes to bed and then all day today I was feeling a bit gross so I changed my shirt gonna go to the bathroom and sit there for 10 minutes you know what I'm gonna do that wash my hands for three minutes again and I will see you back in a half hour for the next part that does not involve going to the bathroom on camera again we're watching my hands Oh am I finally gonna go on my I'm finally going on my computer 11 p.m. Blake blog not doing work flick block play Blake block on my own computer finally I get to be on my own computer okay I line I'm not playing bleep block I'm playing overwatch cuz I feel like if my sim had overwatch on her computer she'd be playing it not bleep block and today's been a hard long day I'm dying inside guys I'm so tired oh God 11:19 done and perish go to bed said it that's that's the day look 11:26 bed wow she actually has like a pretty normal sleeping schedule guys I did it oh my god I'm so tired hey let's go to bed Oh guys I did it I'm going to hotel oh I didn't sleep good last night and then I woke up and I was like no I'm still gonna do the Sims video because I told myself I was and I'm really glad I did it but I am even more glad that it is over I am so tired I did not realize having it literally was like being like a sim I felt like I had no control over my life um I'm interested to see my progression during the day I feel like I woke up and was like really excited about it and then after like hours of doing it I started fading energy wise and motivation wise but I did it I did it I really hope you guys enjoyed it especially for all the time and effort and energy that went into it also as an added side bonus that I realized while filming this this might be going up right either the day or right around the day that I hit 1 million subscribers that was the thing that kind of pushed me through was like I gotta do it for you guys because this this video would be awesome and it was like a challenge that's perfect for my channel this is for you guys thank you for 1 million I'm still planning on doing another 1 million thing but I thought I had more time to get it together but I hit 1 billion are all be hitting 1 million quicker than I had thought so which is awesome but I'm unprepared so for now this is this is my 1 million thank you putting myself through hell for a day for the sake of an awesome video but as always guys if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like please especially if you appreciate all of the energy and time and work that went into making this video all day long leave a comment letting me know what your favorite moment of my sim day was subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day I'm going to sleep and I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 11,200,413
Rating: 4.9141016 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, sims 4, sims in real life, living like a sim, live like a sim, the sims, sims 24 hour challenge, sims challenge, sims 4 challenge, sims 24 hours, sims 24hr, living as a sim, live as sim, live as a sim, 24 hour challenge, 24 hours, sims 4 in real life, 24, hours, challenge, laurenzside sims
Id: 1V4hGBZ87zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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