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oh my god oh my god oh my god where do i go what do i do i just keep trying to run straight why is he so fast [Music] i have gotten so many comments telling me to play poppy playtime so many comments in fact that i'm scared because although you guys love me you also like to see me tortured but this looks like my aesthetic it's cute and colorful but i hear it's scary and has to do with creepy toys right up my alley so although i'm probably gonna scream so much that my throat bothers me i'm ready for this oh great oh okay so there's chapters i think only chapter one is out so far a tight squeeze oh look at him he's adorable as an ex-employee a playtime co oh they fired me why would they fire me burn this whole place down you finally returned to the factory many years after everybody within disappeared all right i got my backstory is this guy poppy because i just wanted to give him a squeeze is that what the chapter's about are we gonna are we gonna hug oh god you are about to see the most incredible doll ever invented her name is poppy oh and she's her first truly intelligent doll in the world she is the first doll actually able to have a conversation with a child the furbies were oh god poppy's as lovable as a real girl and she talks like one too hi my name is poppy i love you oh can you help me polish my shoes why of course how do you give me a job poppy like a real girl poppy always wants to look her bed her hair is sturdy and won't come out when you brush it well smells just like a poppy flower is there anything else you'd like to say poppy only six bucks a real girl just like you oh no if you've ever wanted to see how all of the nation's favorite toys were created playtime co is now offering factory tours at just 2.99 a person wow what a steal what are you waiting for come visit the factory okay i'm going to visit the factory okay so poppy's not that giant blue thing what's the giant blue thing everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago we're still here find the flower and a vintage poppy commercial oh okay so that flat the like last shot of the video got it we gotta find that place so i'm gonna go oh so i'm gonna go out on a limb here because they said the employees are still there that they're the dolls because that's just what happens in these games welcome okay ooh i can't jump no rules this is why i got fired i taped lath pr closing all right did i bring my portable vhs supplier ew there's one why do i hear a dog pant dog oh it's a train security what's the code oh oh can i crouch through the turnstile oh i can i'm so smart but i can't get in i did it hi hi my name is leith pierre and i'm the head of innovation here at the playtime code toy factory can't see you seeing this and you're trespassing this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which once set off we'll turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities so you've got my warning i just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it i mean i'm trying to save people's lives is that is that worth it this puzzle number one does it have to do with the floor tiles i'm a very smart person is it the colors of the train is that why that's running green pink yellow red green pink yellow red oh i'm a genius they should have never fired me they were always jealous oh there's another tick oh yes grab pack training my mom told me not to sit close to the tv but i don't listen to anybody tighten the straps oh okay what what in the world is this hand cannons okay what oh yes we're about to have so much fun so i can take people's heads this is great oh my god yes oh i know i know i know i know i know i know cause i'm a genius this thingy yes you know what this gives me oh nightmare versus the correct answer i was gonna say this gives me bendy in the ink machine vibes am i wrong going back to your place of employment try and save your co-workers having this smiley cute cartoony character that's evil oh my god i can slap him in the face can i take his head i'm gonna take your head is this annoying this is annoying you is this annoying what's your name hoggy woggy i knew you were made for hugs i said it from the start playtime co has designed hundreds of distinct toys but none connected with people more than that of huggy wucky our founder elliot ludwig aimed to create a toy which you could hug forever little ones oh whoops oh this one is missing eyes great all right where should i go first left or right oh this one requires two hands so i'm assuming i gotta go this way oh great of course another puzzle oh my god another puzzle where'd you put the keys huggy wuggy i'ma touch the booty oh he's got the key what i did not was that always there i feel like that wasn't always there i would have noticed give me what's happening give me the key huggy give me the cake okay so i had to restart this area because i think i glitched it out because i couldn't figure it out and i looked it up and yeah you're supposed to take the key from his hand so also this proves to me that he didn't have the key the whole time so i must have messed something up maybe touching his booty i don't know let's see if i can finally freaking grab this yay snap only i mean i was at one point is that huggy's girlfriend slap your face remember do be kind to others show up on time not hide behind doors to scare lady hair that's why i got fired oh what's this grab it pull it whoops too much force grab to divert power grab one oh where do i divert the power to oh they're showing me a picture don't show me a picture game i know what i'm doing i'm a genius member i did it now what another one there we go why didn't it work the last time right does that mean i can go oh my god i just noticed he's gone where did he go i'm gonna die i'm gonna die he's gonna hug me to death i mean i guess that's a nice way to go hugged to death make a friend well thank god i don't have any oh it's candy cat ooh are we gonna get to see all these characters i hope so what was that did you guys see that i just saw something but i don't know what i saw stairway to hell now i'm gonna go this way even though i saw somebody go in here i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared ah yeah it's giving me such bendy vibes oil scaring me every now and then for no reason okay let's go in here i see another vhs player where's the tutorial tape where is it remember to take breaks thanks huggy what's this oh i guess i put this here oh i probably need all of them all right i guess we're going down no idea how to get back up but there's got to be a way oh here we go oh god i want this baby head oh ah take it i guess i need a red hand yeah where's my red hand ooh did i get it all how do i get back up there a door there we go there we go i still need this yellow vhs okay did i find them all yeah it's the red glove gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme go ah you serious i gotta go back down there yes two hands can't be stopped unstoppable there we go and there we go that's creepy oh i don't like this oh i gotta go in there where's the yellow cassette tape am i ever gonna find it okay ooh roller coaster am i gonna roll oh my god i love it i have to complete the circuit oh this again got it okay puzzles oh i know no no no there we go lauren's good at puzzles so good at yeah buddy oh my god it's like a ride oh i thought we're going down oh no oh oh is this the incinerator is this the incinerator oh i'm so scared oh i hate this i can't see anything ah oh thank god i didn't get incinerated needs power make a friend the make a friend machine is one of the most creative impressive and advanced i feel like they say that about everything all it needs is to be fed the proper parts and it will then paint assemble and do a quality inspection of the toy all on its own nobody leaves without a toy nobody fostering happiness adopting our orphan today uh is playtime co in the business of also giving away children to people because we should maybe talk about that oh stairs okay oh okay pink cassette there we go oh i found it okay so the yellow cassette must be hiding somewhere let's watch so stella what made you want to work at the playtime co factory playing with toys when i was young was so magical being able to work at a toy factory somewhere that can provide kids with that same experience that's a pretty great feeling too sometimes though i really really wish i could go back to being a kid i mean and it's weird because adults are just kids but older i don't think anyone ever really feels like an adult but your body just gets older and older this is true and then you die and then you die did they find a way to make people into kids again and that's why they have an adopt an orphan sign down there they turn the adults back into kids and then they are like well we need somebody to adopt and take care of them because they can't take care of themselves because they're kids power multitasking oh okay didn't expect that but it worked let's make a friend i just realized back at the huggy thing i could have pressed the button if i would have just pressed the e button my bad oh my god are they making me a friend make me a friend please oh okay so we need to do one of each i guess let's take one of these okay and one of these and one of these make me a friend this process is taking forever there it is [Music] what in the world is that a it's a cat bug thing i'm so excited give me my cat bug ew the eyes follow me stop give me my toy please oh my goodness oh look at it okay so i guess i gotta put on this thing because it says no one leaves without a toy so i gotta prove that i got a toy oh she's so cute did i get to keep her oh i kept her good oh yay okay so there's stairway to hell or i can go into this black dark abyss hallway oh my god how did i know why did i know that it was gonna be a terrible idea going in there oh my god oh my god oh my god where do i go what do i do [Music] it's not your time get up i want to go to the stairway to hell please now their way to hell please oh i couldn't go anyway it was gonna force me into this dark abyss i kept looking in here i was like there's a reason why i can't see anything down there there's a reason okay i guess i gotta trigger him i can run i forgot i forgot i forgot i heard something okay i guess i gotta go in here because that opened up i can't see anything i can't see anything i can't this is horrifying i can't see anything i can't hang is he behind me oh god where is he help oh it's moving me okay help help where ah [Applause] oh god oh god oh my god i wasn't expecting it okay we're gonna run and then go go go go okay so he doesn't chase after me right here he comes somewhere else go go go go go go go this is so scary oh god there he is i think he comes in don't what do you mean don't where am i supposed to go oh god i got stuck there every time this is because i slapped your booty earlier isn't it oh just keep running we're not gonna look back this time we're not oh god there he is okay we're not gonna look back we're not gonna look back we're not gonna look back we're going this way no no no no no yep to the left okay thank god go go go go go down ah i don't know i'm not looking back please auto save so ah i just keep trying to run straight why is he so fast oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh god oh my god oh oh oh oh oh my adrenaline is kicking in why am i moving so slow oh god oh god oh god am i running against it is that why oh i think we're in the flower place aren't we oh god uh oh oh i'm stuck do i jump to my death oh okay here here here here i say look around quick go go oh i killed him oh i killed him bye huggy that entire chase scene i don't know how i functioned they're not joking like when you're in a moment of crisis and your adrenaline kicks in and you're just like trying to think as quick as possible oh there's the flower okay oh my god my heart oh i both loved and hated that so much oh there's another vhs yeah i'm gonna have to watch somebody else's that like is way better at finding things in this game to watch all the secret tapes and you guys too because you know me definitely not a completionist oh great they just you know hung all these toys by their necks no run stop go back run turn around oh this doesn't look good okay oh i don't like this at all i feel way more uneasy in this place than i did in the factory hello okay there's a door there a doll house and some pillows okay oh i don't like this please nothing pop out at me is this where poppy lives that's where poppy lives it's a poppy shrine okay oh it is poppy do we open her do we unleash her let's unleash her that's something you opened my case oh yeah what i love this yes oh my god the animations the guy crawling through the vents i haven't had that much adrenaline going through me it's so long the puzzles were like difficult but not too difficult and fun the art aesthetic is amazing i love this i can't wait for chapter two when does chapter two come out okay i just saw that it might not be till march i mean it seems like it's a lot of design for this game so i understand but i hope it's not march i hope it's sooner you guys let me know when you hear about the next chapter tell me on twitter comment on videos until i see it again but yeah that was super fun make sure if you want me to continue on this channel playing the rest of the chapters otherwise i'll just play it for myself then make sure to leave a like before you go so that i know you want me to continue and in the meantime if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos my heart is still it's weird doing my normal outro and being like i feel like i was about to die five minutes ago but there's other videos over here there's also subscribe button it will help my heart if you press it if you haven't yet and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,382,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy, poppy playtime, chapter 1, chapter 2, ending, laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, cute but creepy, cute, creepy, mr hopps playhouse, sequel, mr hopps 2, jumpscares, fnaf, full game, endings, bendy, toy
Id: v9M1XiuvzA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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