"Recent" Mutations In Humans

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like the video and subscribe right now and space stitch will take you on a ride what are some recent mutations in humans that most people didn't realize it's not extremely recent but many people in Africa who were diagnosed with sickle cell anemia were also found to be immune to malaria I believe this is incorrect partially the people who have this resistance to malaria are carriers of the gene that can give sickle cell if it is inherited from both parents they don't necessarily have to have sickle cell anemia if you open your hand with your palm up touch your pinky and your thumb together then bend your wrist up some will see an extra tendon slash muscle some won't from what I understand it's something we are losing that our ancestors had probably millions of years ago and we no longer need I started shooting webs out of my wrists please send help blue eyes are a very recent development evolution wise the mutation didn't appear until about 10,000 years ago does this make me a more recent model likewise white skin and lactose tolerance as adults the ability to sneeze when looking at bright lights it's like a superpower that only a few of us have one day when things seem hopeless Humanity is at its darkest point in the world needs us the most we who were so brutally shunned for our differences will take the burdens of the normal people upon our backs stand tall and proud and look up at the heavens and proceed to sneeze because it's a sunny day the only one I can think of is that people are now being born without wisdom teeth they don't serve a purpose other than an excuse for dentists to make more money I'm one of these I always thought my realest monus were my wisdom teeth so I went to my dentist once and asked about having my wisdom teeth removed before they started to hurt as opposed to after she looked at my x-rays and said you were born without wisdom teeth Congrats you're fully evolved edit the damn net you people LEM alone I tried to lighten the mood with an amusing anecdote in mine barks gets bombed gana disabled embarks replies now thanks to all who have replied whether good or bad PS how ducking ironic is it that I came back from a dental visit today to see this post get 400 more up votes than when I last checked it law the dry Jean developed in the Siberian area just before those people crossed the Bering Strait to the Americas now some East Asians and virtually all Native Americans have dry earwax and sweat very little bonus fact it's a recessive gene so if you are dry then that means you are Asian and/or Native American on both sides edit to reduce confusion an individual of any regional / racial population can carry this gene but that individual is necessarily a descendant of the group of ancient Asians in whom the mutation occurred and who spread from what is now Siberia any individual who carries the dry gene is of Native American or East Asian descent regardless of how far removed that ancestor is the vast majority of Native Americans carry this gene some a stations carry this gene also many people are asking about the sweat and earwax people who exhibit the dry Fenner type do not sweat profusely sometimes even when their bodies are very hot or creating lots of heat sweat does occur and rarely it can be profuse sweating is not triggered easily my mom brother and I all exhibit the dry Fenner type and none of us has ever had smelly Bo armpits my dad is only a carrier and has wet earwax and sweats and he sometimes has smelly armpits but not very much so the presence or lack of armpit Bo might be a clue if you're not sure if you have the gene that's just anecdotal but maybe it's interesting or helpful to some if you have dry air works then it is flaky and crusty / crumbly and sometimes hard it is not sticky or moist it is not like wax hope that's helpful Stanley did a show on people with real-life superhuman abilities there's some mutations that most people don't realize some examples of mutations like this include Dean Karnazes doesn't build up lactic acid in his muscles so never experiences muscle pain he has the record for longest distance ever run in one go 560 kilometers only stopped because he needed sleep Raj Mohan Nair his skin is extremely resistant to electricity he can be shocked by 30 times what would normally kill a person and it's like a 9v battery to him Dennis Rogers pound for pound strongest man in the world he has a mutation where the burst strength of his muscles is insanely above and beyond standards he can roll thrip and stingers he doesn't even look huge just standard most people probably already to realize this but our average height is increasing probably due to selection that is people tend to be more willing to mate with taller people because taller is often assumed to be better that is also due to diet cavemen were larger than early civilized people cavemen had a variety in their diet of meat fruit and grains but those that found lived off of just increased amounts of just grain lactose tolerance humans didn't really drink milk past infancy but when people started hurting goats / cows they started drinking the milk a lot of people couldn't handle it but there were always select people that could so that explains why some people are hereditarily lactose intolerant and some ant to expand on this one of my professors mentioned today that primarily people of European descent wear cheese and other dairy is a very common part of their diet tend to have an increased level of lactase enzyme that breaks down lactose while others such as Asians Africans et Cie tend to be more lactose intolerance edit genes still totally random but like other genes it became more prevalent through surviving cheese heads crab people they look like crabs but talk like people wait what the dark lactose tolerance into adulthood is pretty recent I've heard I read it's actually a mutation to be lactose tolerant I can't remember the reasoning and I'm too lazy to research right now interesting having four kidneys I'm not sure if this is actually a thing but I've kept seeing mentions of it every now and then and this article claimed the whole 1% of a British population have them although often with complications I used to have three kidneys donated one a couple of years ago to my aunt who had kidney failure well everyone in the Western world is pretty immune to the Black Plague since everyone who was susceptible died I'm pretty sure that you can still catch the bubonic plague even if you're in the Western world there was a case a few years back in Oregon USA where a guy got scratched by an animal and wound up with the plague especially if they are descendants of that Derbyshire village also means stronger immunity to TB apparently it is believed that until three to five thousand years ago humans either could not see the color blue or could not really distinguish it from green multiple languages have no distinction between those colours about 1/3 of people including me are born without wisdom teeth we don't need them anymore so we are gradually phasing them out as a species that isn't how eeveelution works little toes are getting smaller in humans as the need for them is non-existent other than finding furniture in the dark the increase in people with nut allergies so that's why girls run away from me is this actually a recent mutation or are babies and children dying less so when they get sick now it is more serious blue eyes are a mutation and have only been around for about 10,000 years and everyone with blue eyes descends from one specific person the hunters response most people when they are in cold weather for long periods of time will have the blood vessels in their extremities constrict this reduces heat loss by keeping most of the warm blood around your core if you have the hunters response every few hours or so of cold your blood vessels will open back up again for a few minutes which will warm up your extremities and help prevent frostbite it's relatively common in people of European descent holy crap I'm not sure if you're making this up or not but this would totally explain why sometimes my fingers and toes get frozen in the winter but other times I don't even need laughs because they're like creators muscle growth I am sure the booth at sky 2,000 years ago isn't even close to some of the guys now in both size and testosterone levels I'm willing to bet nutrition has a bigger role to play in this than genetics testosterone levels are actually rapidly dropping our understanding of how to gain muscle mass in particular is something we have learned a lot about over the last thirty years it has a lot to do with diet wasn't there something around 10 years ago about bone density a girl in a car accident here in the US led to a big study I vaguely remember hearing about it I might be wrong but definitively too lazy to look it up but I read that some people have a larger spleen that can make them go without oxygen for longer times than other normal humans I think it was tested I'm probably wrong on freedivers and those people who lived for generations freediving for mussels fish and such lactose tolerance didn't come about until cows woulda masticated about 5,000 I years ago in fact lactose intolerance is most common in Asia where drinking cow's milk is not as common a practice I hope by Asia you mean Far East because in subcontinent it's pretty common sickle cell disease is a blessing or curse it has negative drawbacks but makes you completely immune to disease that kill millions each year malaria alcohol dehydrogenase which helps breaking down alcohol and who s at all dehyde has a much more efficient version in East Asians meaning they possibly hold their liquor better and a slightly less functional enzyme degrading acetaldehyde the accumulation of it makes them appear very flushed when they drink this improved alcohol dehydrogenase cells seem to have been affected by a strong positive selection roughly matching the time when rice culture and rice alcohol became common in Asia ten thousand to seven thousand year not all people are born with wisdom teeth many like me are born with them only on one side and a lucky few are born completely without them next up when will the appendix be phased out some mind you very few individuals have developed the ability to merge into the right lane when driving slow the ability to see the color blue this is a relatively recent evolutionary tre not many creatures can see the color birds are one which is why you see some birds that decorate their nests with blue things they find it stands out to other birds but doesn't put them in danger since predators can't see this also explains why blue / gray colorblind is somewhat common in people since it's a new gene it's still getting the kinks worked out so to speak sweat that's more acidic then normal say you sweat acid and then it becomes normal sweat wisdom teeth being impacted or not coming in at all we don't need big powerful jaws anymore so our mouths are getting smaller the teeth being impacted should be something gradually corrected through natural selection but instead we just have them removed and forgo the process the people without wisdom teeth are reproducing regardless of advantage so we are keeping both mutations in the gene pool native Tibetan women have mutation which allows them to carry babies determine extremely low oxygen conditions China discovered this when they took over Tibet and started trying to colonize it when they brought their own hun wives they had something like a 90% rate of miscarriage while the Tibetan women were fine I've read before that people are being born without wisdom teeth people are certainly living longer not just in terms of lifespan but they seem to grow old much later than usual that might just be medicines fault though yep that really isn't evolution I mean we are living longer because of medicine and nutrition I'm not sure if it's evolution but a small amount of people including me can control their you statue and tube I can equalize pressure and hear my own heartbeat by opening them and if I breathe in quickly through my nose with them open and close them suddenly I can create a pressure difference that lowers my sensitivity to sounds very useful in a loud environment obesity it's an adjustment to our changing environment and socio economics obesity is not evolution or mutation though fat cells would be it is our body's ability to store excess food energy in our bodies it is an evolutionary mechanism all animals have it allows for thermal insulation as well as energy storage for when food sources are scarce the phasing out of our appendix we no longer dine on raw vegetables fruits seeds or grains as a part of our primary diet the appendix was responsible for the acid created to break down this food supply oh no idea where that information comes from can you provide a source last I read the appendix has a lot to do with gut bacteria also many people still eat raw vegetables fruits seeds and grains as a part of our primary diet white skin blue eyes blonde hair lactose tolerance HIV immunity why are you repeated the North is a harsh mistress hard to survive there for a very long time also there is a bias that they are studied more smartphone pinky look at your ID pinky chances are there is a divot from you holding your phone our brains have been getting smaller since around 30 cargo only the cerebellum the area primarily responsible for precise muscle movements is getting bigger it has been getting smaller yet increasing in surface area I don't have source and I'm on mobile so take it with a grain of salt but I heard within the next 400 to 600 years humans will have a poisonous bite after a quick Google search it seems that human saliva contains citta quines which cause irritation that are not venomous in humans this could be an evolutionary precursor to venom or an antibacterial agent however it would take significantly longer than a few hundred years to develop into full-blown venom you've been visited by classy Togo you will be blessed with good looks and classiness but only if you comment stay classy dog Oh thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos [Music]
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Id: MNujh2XH0ic
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Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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