Popular Kids Lives Falling Apart in Seconds

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if you once panja Bob to stop hitting and bullying Patrick like the video and subscribe right now when did the popular kids life fall apart in a few seconds lost control of his car when he and his best friend were driving to Taco Bell at night he came out of it with a fractured collarbone his friend died on the spot he was really close with his friend's parents too and vice versa he made a few posts on FAFSA book on how he was an idiot and how sorry he was the dead friend's sister and parents made it very clear that they didn't blame him it was winter black ice and he was 100% sober before he was like a stereotypical popular dude but in the wholesome way dropped out of school and became addicted to painkillers don't know what happened to him afterwards but it was just sad for everyone when he had an affair with his best friend's mom dad died a few years before and they got caught so the mom got arrested for sex with a minor the friend had to go live with other family with her younger siblings edit it was statutory rape he was 17 his dad died it was really shitty before that he was popular but also smart motivated a great athlete and actually a great guy in person as much as you can be till you're 15 then his dad died right before he was going to have a football game heart attack in the shower before they were gonna leave for it we heard about it later and basically from there everything seemed to decline he became angry as you could expect and I think looking back you'd expect a decline in everything at first but he just spiraled deeper and deeper we didn't see him for a while when I did catch up with him later in high school he'd been so into drugs his brain literally seemed fried it was sad for every reason her mum was diagnosed with dozens of brain tumors the beginning of our senior year and died before Christmas girl went from stable well-off and beautiful to Iraq then off the map after that we lost four students violently including two sisters stabbed by their stepford staff quit pretty much no one in our senior class made it in life suicides followed grad in 1999 was a really tough year for our school edit thanks for the awards our IP in barks this happened in snow Clemmy Washington acha Twin Peaks I'm doing ok these days despite a rough life can't say the same for the classmates that I did keep up with ongoing trauma race that much harder to process when literally everyone around you with grieving to no one gets support long enough between deaths to ever fully heal from any of them we did our best 1999 was a messed up year for so many people and I don't know why I think about that ah spring song kids aren't alright a lot one kid on school was popular only because he liked to start and bully everyone so most people were friends with him just to avoid being a victim one day he tried that on the wrong kid got beat up so bad to the point he started crying honestly I think it was a win for the bully because it gave him a pretty good wake-up call became less of a bully and is now quite humble got hit by a car went from bully to paraplegic she was a bully nothing good to say about her but that is a rough end he ended up becoming a second grade teacher and molested little girls in his class now he's in prison for an incredibly long time three popular kids went swimming in a quarry only two came out it sucks because the one that died was popular for all the right reasons he was a genuinely good dude I was the weird kid but his locker was right next to mine and he was friendly every single day to every single person rumor went around that his parents paid a hefty amount to ignore rape allegations and keep him on the football team edit no it never ended up on the news I'm not sure of the truth behind the rumors because my school likes to keep rumors hushed and there's too many kids at my school to get a single story when he hit and killed a state trooper on the freeway while the trooper was out of his car trying to remove debris from the road had this cliff that was really dangerous and to keep kids away the genius local spread around the room that it was haunted naturally the cool kids wanted to go there like all the time once the gang of those supposedly cool kids four in total went there and no one really knows what happened one kid jumped to his death the stories of the rest didn't pan out correctly each one had a different version they were high no one was child but all three were depressed and eventually spiraled out of control one or two years later one was in a car accident drunk and one committed suicide one of the most popular girls in my high school had a blood clot that killed her in her sleep in the middle of the school year he got made fun of because he wanted to wait to have sex with his new girlfriend popular girl so he caved and did it teen pregnancy I don't know that his life really fell apart because it turns out his home life was terrible all along but it definitely shifted how people looked at him and I went to a small school so there weren't too many divisions between people when you only have 40 something kids in a grade popular is kind of relative but a kid's mom decided to leave her husband the kids step-dad the stepdad who was known to faculty and was considered a good guy stopped by the school to deliver something to his stepson cool cool the secretary gave him a pass to drop it off at the step son's class rather than call him down to the office the step that actually had a gun and had no idea where the stepson was during that period so was roaming the halls luckily a friend of the stepson who knew what an abusive dangerous guy the step that was happened to be in the office and alerted everyone we all went on lockdown the police came we were stuck for a couple of hours as they swept the school after arresting the guy then it came out that the kid had been abused for the entire time his mom had been married to the guy and she only was leaving him after he started hitting her it was a whole thing and while everyone had pretty much always liked the kid he suddenly just had everyone feeling sorry for him teachers let him go back and redo assignments to boost his grade people gave him stuff to start over he just kind of really closed off and stopped joking around and only hung out with like three people after that he was known as the abused kid with a stepper who was going to shoot up a school and that's hard to get over I actually ran into one of the super popular kids at the local bar when I came home from college she would never give me the time of day in high school and I for sure thought she didn't even know I existed but she approached me at the bar super drunk and said hey didn't I go to high school with you she then proceeded to tell me she wished she had been nicer to more people in high school and that she has no idea what she's doing with her life honestly feels good to know that she's thought about how she treated people back then not sure if that's the norm or just a weird occasion well a super-popular chill at a girl at my school ended up falling down stairs and broke her back and got paralyzed and has to use a wheelchair ever since so yes that is one example answer stairs are not a joke he was an only child and his dad had died when he was 2 was really happy go-lucky and he was popular because he was outgoing supportive warm and kind to everybody without fail and although he was friends with the kind of kids who bullied people he was the first person to tell them to knock that off if he saw it when we were 16 his mom who was one of the nicest ladies I ever met in our small town was crushed to death by a semi-trailer that drifted into her Lane he dropped out of school he stopped talking to anybody and he refused to let anyone visit him I have no idea what became of him sorry Jay I hope your life got better his parents divorced and he started acting out he went from good grades and clubs to failing and drugs the stud quarterback about two years ahead of me has been narc and at least half a dozen times he might be dead now not sure if that was a problem for him in high school that I heard he had a nasty pain pill habit in college and probably transitioned to heroin from there guy on the football team sent a girl's nudes of the entire football team and a good portion of people in my grade got arrested during class I haven't seen him since he facetimed his girlfriend and she screened recorded him putting a baseball bat in his ass like in his ass in the fifth grade our terrible teacher at the time told the entire class that the reason the popular kid acted out was because he didn't get enough attention at home she did this in front of the entire class and he left the room sobbing my entire perspective of him changed that day and we all already knew that the teacher was a terrible person but that solidified it in all of our minds I heard this one from my brother resident popular kid an with fully paid scholarships proceeds to get drunk on Halloween crash through the French doors of somebody's house and passes out of their couch while covered in blood and puke while still dressed like Superman enter a horrified family finding him after they got home from their own Halloween party an arrest and no scholarships edit okay bow I take a nap and wake up to nearly 10,000 votes to answer questions a fake he did not crash a car into the building he was blackout drunk trying to walk home and stumbled through the window or threw something through it and then charged through the glasses the way I heard the story that's where the blood came from he lost his scholarships because of the arrest not quite sure if it impacted his ability to graduate on time or if the incident happened on or near campus he sent a video of him sucking his own dick to his girlfriend and then it was leaked to the whole school schools he wrecked his car into a wall and died on prom night she was in a terrible car wreck and came out of it covered in thick scars a wobble when she waked and mentally challenged she tried to fight me after our shoulders bumped in the hallway it was an accident but it was nice to see after a near-death collision she was still a massive unfortunately a cheerleader from my school had a full wheeling accident that left her in an almost vegetative state through years and years of hard work on her part she's been able to gain a little more independence however she'll never be exactly the same as she was before the accidents it's really sad and crazy how quickly your life can change from an accident a few of them shot at some tourists in a protected wildlife area two or three of them went to prison no injuries as far as I ever heard but it was still really stupid I'd moved out of town by that point so any information I got was hisae edit some people managed it at the report up it happened in LA in the BWC a six guys were involved and it actually turned out that the two kids that I thought were involved weren't and a different other popular kid was J Olsen got three years for it having a hard time finding much more information it's all very piecemeal when I made him cry he had been bullying me at school every day for nearly three years for two things I had no control over my poverty in my physical appearance I badly needed braces my family could not afford at that point and I had had enough I had discovered that he was adopted so I told him in front of our classmates that his real parents probably wanted no part of him because they could tell he'd grow up to be nothing but a piece of I got in trouble for that but it was worth it to see him cry for once and he left me alone after that I'm not sure I would call him the popular kid but in some circles he was he was a bit of an arrogant ass in my opinion but had money and like to spread it around his dad was a wealth manager lots of friends / family / community members were clients a few years after high school II came out that dad had embezzled millions their entire wealth was stolen from friends and family this rocked him hard dad went to jail and he changed his name and totally became a different person I saw him after that and barely recognized him his personality and even his posture was different I felt really bad for him I ended up having a really good talk with him and I can only imagine what he has gone through edit Wow lots of people have asked for details on location and was it so-and-so which tells me this has clearly happened before I won't give any more details other than it wasn't in the US you've been visited by a majestic dog Oh your life will become as majestic as this dog go but only if you comment thank you majestic dog oh thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
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Id: NxjgzEyT0N4
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Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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