How Can This Even Happen To Someone 😲😲 (Doctor Stories r/AskReddit)

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dr. Zull read it what is the most how the Frick did that happen to case you've seen lady with very poorly controlled diabetes and morbidly obese came in via D with a gaping hole on her thigh like so deep you could put your whole fist through it it was oozing ridiculous amount of blood so much so she had to be transfused her blood levels were rock bottom it transpires she'd accidentally cut herself when tryna to wriggle into gheens meantime the wound just kept getting bigger and bigger and she attempted to just sort it by packing the wound with socks single worst thing I've seen working India we had some interesting ones but the simplest and most intriguing one I've had was a man came in complaining about chest and side pains after a few tests to rule out heart issues we discovered through an x-ray that the man had 19 fractures throughout his rib cage when I asked him if he had been doing anything dangerous he replied with nope just dancing needless to say I'd recommend not trying to do leaping flops into the worm on repeat on concrete which is the only way I can fathom this occurring and know he didn't explain what kind of dancing well he sure wasn't doing the safety dance fold paramedic here I had a sixties male found on his hands and knees quite dead he was positioned to receive a toy dog mounted to the door lift her on a garage door opener the track was modified to run the length of a mattress powered by the one stroke two horsepower opener he used the remote button to forward and reverse the lift to with a plate adapter for a large rubber dong he had taken a massive heart attack training as an EMT so not a doctor but a mere old guy shuffles and with his girlfriend both mid-50s he is holding a Members Only jacket in front of his crotch and wobbling in we take him through trig to the back and get him on the exam table his scrotum was the size a large watermelon it hung below his knees and was easily 18 inches in diameter serious hernia issue just a big oblong mass of flesh that had overwhelmed the rest of his nethers I think every physician in the hospital came down to consult on it I mean everyone cardiologists intset cetera everyone made an excused come take a look this was clearly an issue he had been avoiding for years the prescribed treatment if I remember properly was to kevlar reinforced his belly and shovel his intestines back up and in they were going to transport him to a nearby hospital for the treatment but because it was across state lines he refused to go so he slid off the table pulled his jeans up around his crotch grabbed his jacket and his girlfriend and shuffled off to the bus stop doctor friend told me all the man with a flower stalk stuck up his dong he was trying to give his GF a birthday surprise unfortunately flower stalks have little angled hairs on them which make them easy to push him but impossible to take out end of nursing school did the rotation internship in the or large urban hospital get a call that the help is bringing in a 17 year old with a severe spinal injury but cool in the specialty surgeons and they get to work on this kid he has c3 through c5 fractures from a diving injury Ducks work on him for hours with very little hope that he will regain anything below the neck once the surgery is over we are all exhausted but the surgeon wants to see what will happen if we wake him up with respiratory standing by we bring him out of anesthesia he starts breathing on his own he opens his eyes and responds to his name holy crap awesome for some reason I was near his hand I saw small movement I said nothing I grabbed his hand and squeezed he squeezed me back holy frickin crap mind you and just a nursing student but I yelled the surgeons name and said he just squeezed my hand surgeon called BS until he saw the kid raised his arm the entire all was silent this kid should have been a court for life but by some miracle he was moving the feeling of seeing that kid's arm move ia something that I will never forget I tried to keep track of his progress but the last I heard he was killing it at physical therapy and had regained almost total control of his upper body just last week I had a guy over 400 pounds BMI 60 he was a hoarder and kept getting cellulitis in his legs because his house was so cluttered he kept hitting his legs into things and getting cuts and infections when he came in we had to remove his socks with scissors because he hadn't taken them off in over three months his socks had embedded into his skin and somehow become one I once had a patient that got pregnant despite never having intercourse she had severe vaginismus and was not able to ever have anything go into her birth canal but her significant other ejaculated onto her and apparently one little swimmer found an egg had a lady come to the morgan pieces for several days she had fallen off a catwalk thing into an industrial fan that had no guards due to a cleaning being performed on that area in a factory they were having trouble finding all of her it wasn't explained to me until three days after the first piece showed up so I thought there was a serial killer out there for a bit my friend is a doctor and worked in Africa for some time one day two people came in one with an axe in the head surprisingly he was still alive when trying to get the operation prepared my friend asked the other guy without an axe in the head who he was brother cousin dad friend no none of them he was the owner of the axe and just wanted his frickin axe back back when I was a medical student on the urology rotation we had a guy coming after butterflying his done with a fillet knife this occurred after consuming a lot of coke it was his third time doing it all three in a fit of coke induced psychosis you would think he'd steer clear of the old Bolivian marching powder after the first two times Nursia had a patient comin due to pain in her chest for months after having a mastectomy when we changed her dressings the site was so infected that I could see her lung inflating when she took a breath she died a week later still don't know why she didn't come an earlier a PA I work with saw this patient with an external fixator normally these are odds and screws outside the body holding a fracture stable until swelling or what-have-you goes down so they can operate and internally fix the fracture they're normally on for a few days cut to this guy's office where a patient walks in one day with an ex-fix on his leg that has been there for three frickin years the guy lived a normal life and just thought it was the way they fixed legs how he never got an infection I'll never understand I've heard surgeons refer to the trauma unit as relentlessly working directly against natural selection use your imagination they've seen a lot of Darwin Award candidates a farmer from a rural area was using a table saw on a hillside in the midst of cutting wood to build a shed he slipped on the hillside and lopped off his dong how plausible this is whether he was lying we will never know rather than seek medical attention he takes a castration ring used to stop bleeding from castrated goats he kept on the property and shoved it down around the stump if that isn't bad enough he also began to have horriffic swelling and decided to use a rabid water bottle feeder the kind you see in pet stores to prop open his urethra so he could pee he stayed like that for three days until he started to have fevers redness swelling etc due to infection a farmer from a rural area was using a table saw on a hillside you just know it's going downhill from here work in the IDI as a medical student had a guy the other day who let a leg infection get worse for years and when he finally came in his infected leg was at least four times the size of the other one and was draining copious amounts of foul-smelling pass if the infection had been seen earlier he would have just needed antibiotics because he waited so long he's going to lose the leg if not his life not me it's a nurse friend guy comes in complaining of pain sitting down pain in his rectal area she goes to take a look and this man's anus is so infected it was almost gangrenous the infection wasn't just around the anus it had traveled inches deep into his body literally oozing pus one nurse had to excuse herself and all just passed out due to the smell I was told no idea what caused it or whatever happened to the poor guy my cousin is a paramedic in a large city and had these stories one victim is a power lifter with a home gym tries to squat too much weight and on the upward push herniates his sphincter when he got there the man had 6-8 inches of his small intestine coming out of his ass apparently the medical street slang for this is red socking yourself to victim is a man with a flashing fetish late in the night he walks to a 7-eleven waits until the female cashier turns her back and then opens his jacket so his erect member is lying on the glass countertop by the register in a panic the cash Leigh grabs the first thing she could find a can of tomato soup and in an adrenaline rage brings the condone on his erect dong he said this apparently almost entirely severs the man's dong which fully erect is moving a lot of blood through it he said the man nearly bled to death in the 7-eleven looked like a murder scene when they arrived three victim is a morbidly obese man completely naked getting off with a can of soup lubed with honey he is shoving up his ass in the process he stimulates his prostate nerve too much as a heart attack and dies that's what he responded to a naked sweaty morbidly obese corpse with a honey Lube can of soup halfway up his butt he mentions they had to make efforts to keep the victims small dog out of the room as the dog was quite drawn to the honey not a doctor but former psychiatric nurse I have seen all manner of weird and wonderful things yet the most perplexing was a young girl we nursed in piccu with history of [ __ ] when we took her for x-rays due to her complaining her stomach was hurting we found a belt buckle a full sized spoon and butter knife as well as an assortment of batteries as far as I recall as it was some time ago now they had to operate immediately to remove and again if I recall correctly it was the batteries they were most concerned about as if one exploded started leaking it would have caused irreparable damage I have never seen a set of x-rays like it and seeing was believing incredible how the heck she managed to get them in there but under estimate the willpower of psychosis was working in A&E a few years ago the witching hour was upon us and a man came in looking in some discomfort he had a delicate issue in his nether regions he was very embarrassed so off we went to a cubicle where he told us that he had fashioned himself and not made for purpose conquering out of a large metal nut unfortunately there was no venous return possible and his dong had become edema TISS swollen and painful he thought hoped it might subside but then it started turning blue by the time we saw it it was extremely swollen and turning black if he thought he was saving himself embarrassment by waiting he thought again when we called the fire brigade to bring their large cutting instruments to free his strangulated member disclaimer I'm not a doctor I'm a paramedic my first week on my internship we responded to a fairly rural gas station for a male patient complaining of an altered level of consciousness when we arrived on scene the patient was sitting in a chair in the dining area of the gas station I introduced myself to the patient and was crouched on the floor in front of him trying to get him to answer my questions but he wasn't really giving me much I looked down and noticed a small white worm making its way across the floor I thought well crap sir I said I'm going to remove your shoe and I did as I did so a cascade of maggots tumbled onto the floor the entire sole of his foot was being eaten away by maggots the patient was completely unable to tell me about his medical history or how his foot had come to be a buffet for corpse fauna I double bagged his shoe along with several dozen maggots because I didn't know what else to do with it his blood sugar was fine and he didn't appear to have a history of diabetes and he had full sensation in the parts of his feet that weren't being chewed on I still wonder about that guy the only thing the patient was able to tell me was that he lived two states away and thought he was still in that state the most alarming thing to me about the whole situation was that he had gotten in his truck and driven two states over with no memory of doing so my mother is an emergency nurse and a while back a 90 year old woman came into the depart and complaining of pain and her leg below the knee after an examination my mother suggested an x-ray x-ray comes back and it turns out the leg had been broken several months prior snapped clean across both the tibia and fibula and she had somehow ignored what must have been excruciating pain and continued about her life and then the bones had healed but not straight at the top of the bones were to the left and about two inches below where they were supposed to be and they had fused to the lower parts at the side like that in the end there is nothing that could realistically be done as to sort the leg out would require a breaking it my doctor was very confused how nine year old me managed to completely rip my big toes nail out of three am I tripped running down the hallway on the way back from the toilet cause you know monsters and slid along my carpeted hallway the friction between my toe and the carpet ripped it out a very tame example but here's one mum an ex nurse told me one day a patient came in who had basically no social interaction whatsoever so he looked like a complete mess with hair nearly down to his hips as the nurses cleaned him up they noticed his hair was quite thick around his head and they couldn't cut through it turned out the guy had been wearing a beanie for the last ten years and his hair had just grown through it and over it nurse here a girl came into the ER with a retained bottle cap over her cervix that had been there two years two years I've had a patient with my ASIS on the nose who had flies coming out of his nose there was a patient in the hospital where I work and one if his legs had gotten so infected it split open and maggots were living inside off the open wound and he called them his pets my wife works her a man came in that had fallen off his roof holding a chainsaw and landed on it he lived my grandparents hired a professional to cut some trees down over their shed not only did they watch the guy kneel on his chainsaw that they then watched him jump with the chainsaw down to the ground and decide to go to the air my neighbor was an ex emergency room nurse whenever we would ask her about strange cases most answers were you don't want an the only story I have is really strange one day a morbidly obese woman rolls into the emergency room her legs couldn't support her weight anymore and complains about mild stomach pain after letting several people with mild ailments get treated before her she sits up and rolls to the staff only water-cooler behind the counter my neighbor tells our about how the Cougar is only for staff and she starts to go away Midway she stops and from under her skirt her baby falls on the floor apparently this woman was pregnant and didn't notice because of her weight how the heck didn't she feel giving the excruciating pain of giving birth WTF doctors were surprised when little thread grater me was brought in with a lacerated spleen and lungs gradually filling with fluid I tripped and fell off of an eight-foot bridge into a creek on my dad's property and a rather large rant caught my fall hitting my ribcage just right my dad thought I was just being a peon told me to sleep it off but eight hours later my mom found out they were divorced and rushed me to the hospital thankfully spleens are very good at regenerating and I made a full recovery with some physical therapy so my top moment of now the Frick did that happen was when I was on my internal medicine Ward's rotation I had this guy in his late 60s come in via told me it was an admission but they were stupid vague so whatever I go in and I notice on his left hand was this golf ball-sized blood clot with the bruise that extended to his elbow now I want to make sure this image is clear there was a black purple golf ball-sized oozing ball on the back of his hand I like with old patients asked what brought him to the hospital well you see I went to my psychiatrist cause I've been having problems sleeping I wanted a sleeping pill you see and I immediately stopped him right there and clarify so you are here for a sleeping pill he says yes so I my psychiatrist but and wanted I stopped him say haha no you are here cause of your hand what happened with your hand he kinda ignores me wanting to just blow it off I refused to let him talk to me about anything else till he tells me about his hair long story short he was on a blood thinner called warfarin there is a measure of how the blood clots called the INR normal people are around 1.0 people on warfarin are often aiming for a 2.0 3.0 INR his was frickin 9.0 and the dude wanted to leave when I told him that I had to put him under a legal medical hole to fix it so that he didn't turn his head too fast and have a brain bleed by the end of his admission he admitted to like taking all the random OTC her bullcrap online cause he read it was good for him if you see this image while scrolling you have been visited by the phat beagle of cozies comfy beds and good rests will come to you but only if your posts stay plump mr. beagle if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of, doctors of reddit, doctors, doctor, medical, hospital, nurse, medical school, patient, patients, emergency room, diagnose
Id: 4jAFv7Hk2qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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