Men, Would You Do This If You Could? - (r/AskReddit)

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our /oscar did by rediff eye men have read it what thing would you do if it wasn't so feminine or socially unacceptable be the little spoon sometimes I want to be the cuddly instead of the cuddler also boobs on the back is an underrated sensation are yes the most important tannin lesson of all edit are yes of course my highest rated comment would be about an Antilles if I didn't have a penis I would only wear yoga pants I bought some fleece long underwear that are more or less a male equivalent to fleece lined leggings I told my wife I now 100% understand why she wears yoga pants and leggings at every available opportunity delivery driver here I love fleece lined leggings I just buy the women's sort and could care less if anyone has an issue with it it's not like they're going to say anything to me laser hair removal on my ass actually I finally starting going I'm in my fourth session and OMG it is amazing I so should have just swallowed my pride and under sinner I have always had to shave between my butt cheeks because it was like hitting through a strainer if I didn't also as a side effect I saved so much more on TP now this is a bit ironic because I too would love to get my butt crack hair removed at least temporarily until I can have food permanently but that would mean admitting to someone face to face that I have got hair which feels unfeminine everyone has butt hair it's pretty recent for hairlessness to be considered feminine and even then it's almost entirely unnatural I have but hair you have butt hair we all have butt hair I don't know if this counts because I do it but leggings are amazing holy hit I lost a bet and had to go as a princess for Halloween and those leggings were so ducking warm that I now in several pairs and I'm no longer cold when I go out obviously I don't wear just the leggings on their own I'll wear them under pants or shorts because I'm not a [ __ ] edit clarification only dudes that we're just leggings are suits nobody wants to see that hit Under Armour compression leggings these are amazing I run in these in some seriously cold weather and my legs don't feel cold at all or the fruity drinks without being judged I used to be a bartender and honestly no one cares order what you want one of my fondest memories was when this big burly manly man walked in and ordered a ga pod current lemonade his buddy next to him also a huge burly man said without hesitating sounds delicious I'll have the same later some women were poking fun at them and they both said so what this tastes good as a woman who generally likes the manly man type it is extremely attractive to see a man who is so completely confident in his masculinity that he has no problem ordering girly drinks confidence is sexy and so is a man who goes after what he wants so order your fruity drinks all night long duck what society tells you to do being masculine has nothing to do with what drink you order it's about how you order it any reasonable woman knows that edit I don't mean that no one cares there are of course going to be people who give you hit but as someone who has stood on the other side of the bar for years I can tell you that those are usually the Dutch backslashes you don't want to hang out with anyway honestly no one cares later some women were poking fun at them you didn't care but clearly those ladies noticed and it's a lot easier to brush off if you're already a big burly manly man skirts we need the ballroom I'm actually for the revival of cloaks and such as well we should just wear I'm on board with this made myself a cloak type thing I'm a woman but all you have to do is watch Harry Potter to realize that cloaks are what fashion is missing right now yes exactly this other sources of amazing cloaks can be seen in Lord of the Rings and Ella Enchanted they are so cool I'm really tempted to make one myself and wear it all the time only problem is I'm a lazy procrastinator and it would never actually get finished where'm a cute for the dark circles into my eyes no one would know if you applied correctly trust me nobody knows 21 year old man here who uses a few choice items of markup nobody can notice except when they are seriously closed up and by then it's not like that'll put them off cry like a rich it's hard to keep things bottled up all the time edit internet hugs to everyone here I'm not saying I can't cry even if I'm alone it just feels good to cry in front of people who can understand and support you with what you're going through sadly it's like a built-in mechanism for us men to get a hold of ourselves especially in front of other people or risk losing macho points sounds stupid I know also I don't mean it as an offense to women same as how I don't use [ __ ] to address slash describe mentally challenged people duck that if I need to cry I'll cry seriously if I had a nickel for every time I cried at a TV show and I back in university my house had a celtic themed party my family is Scottish so I had a kilt from one of my relatives in the Attic that I used we cleared out and eventually went to the bar I was ordering a drink at the bar when suddenly I feel a very cold hand riding up my leg I turn around and it's this big burly Italian dude with one hand around his girlfriend and one hand riding up my leg our eyes meet and I think he realizes what he is doing and has this look of fear in his eyes his arm immediately disappears from my upper leg I feel so bad for girls at the bars anymore ie guys trying to cop a feel edit oh god this has blown up so much worse than I thought it would it was in reference to the skirt comment earlier I'm not trying to be racist to Italians and my legs are not hairy at all so he thought you were a girl and decided to molest you with one hand whilst his other arm was round his Jeff friend I think it was that the guy thought he was putting his hand up his GF skirt but kilt man was close enough to be the recipient of the wandering hand skirts they look nice and seem breezy they are so liberating and yet restricting at the same time I have to be careful not to climb things or flail my legs in the air to avoid exhibiting my fruit basket fruit baskets that's what you guys are hiding down there I already do it but when with female friends and they are like OMG that guy is some cute and then objectively agreeing / disagreeing without it being awkward like year I'm a straight man but if another guy is hot I shouldn't be able to not say it I love that you're comfortable enough with yourself to admit when a man is attractive there's nothing wrong with acknowledging how someone looks I mean good-looking dudes have a greater chance of passing down their genes we'll talk I didn't realize it was bad to say that another dude is a handsome dude if has a stud then has a stud it's not a secret to anyone so I didn't realize it wasn't generally accepted to say another dude is good-looking duck if it let a super hot dude duck me if he wanted to set his bar really really low take me to pound townn Ryan Gosling I'd knit so hard bro I recently took up sewing people are surprised sometimes but no one actually cares I say go for it man it's just building hit in a different medium my so sometimes gets funny looks when he mentions he can sew until he explains that it's just another form of fixing stuff d8 myself in velvet easy there Constanza not fix everything we fee duct I gotta fix it my gfs not starting I gotta fix it the sink the dishwasher the lights the garage door the kids toys the computer her mom's computer and when I'm not fixing I'm cleaning or grabbing something up high nobody picks it off the ground for me what the duck I'm a girl who likes fixing things married to a man who does not like fixing things I'm also tall so I grab my stuff I hate that it's assumed that I shouldn't be able to or shouldn't want to fix things or do home improvement or own power tools because of AG just say no to fixing it hire it done better yet hire a woman to do it brag about hiring a woman to do it my mother made me change your lightbulb once when I was a teenager because it's something men do I mean mom asks me to do something like that I should just do it regardless but that reasoning won't meet up I stopped doing my washing and when she asked me why I said because it's a woman's job she got so ducking mad hm before Christmas my wife mentioned a perfume she liked I went to the store and bought some it smells so good that I went into the store twice that week to use some of the accompanying lotion on my hands I was at lunch with my work friends and they were laughing about it I didn't want to say anything diversity and all yeah duck fat I'm going to rock the sexy smell like a boss hell I might have to put some on today it will make cleaning the garage much better what is it I regularly wear my wife's perfumes the concept of male and female fragrances is only a relatively recent concept never made sense to me if I'm a girl and like floral scents then a guy who smells like flowers should be awesome not a fan of artificial musk either express emotion and weakness more openly men can be just as emotional as the average woman but at any sign of vulnerability or weakness we are told to man up also openly enjoy romance fiction to be fair most of it is intentionally targeted to wood woman the unrealistically perfect man loves the screwed up and despite all her flaws theme that runs through most romance fiction doesn't quite appeal to us I'd love to see more romance fiction that doesn't target women exclusively I imagine it hasn't become much of a thing because the stigma attached to men liking romance fiction limits the market as a woman I wish I could enjoy porn because it's always an ungodly perfect woman ducks an ugly man despite all his flaws / let's join forces and make porn for women and romance novels for men edit as a human with eyes I know that porn stars are not actually perfect I said that to make a parallel with the post I commented on where he said the unrealistically perfect man please stop acting like you've unraveled all of my problems with the porn industry just by pointing out that porn stars are not perfect what's the deal with the men in porn anyways the woman is always some 19 year old attractive girl in the man is so often some old fifty-plus hog porn is so much more enjoyable for me when the guy is also young I don't really care about attractive specifically most young people are reasonably attractive tbh if you go to a teen category on a porn site it really only means the girl is a teen and even if you don't go to that category the girl is still probably a teen yet the guys and required to be a teen anywhere even the for women category is light on teen guys mostly you'll just see the same pairings except it's a little more on the softcore side I think it's mostly because older men would enjoy this pairing and out of all porn target groups they are the least likely to use ad blockers but even so pretty much all of the porn categories are about customizing the girl but the man almost always seems to fall back to this default carry a man purse I hate things in my pockets edit I'm buying a goddamn man bag I started carrying a messenger bag a while back just decided Duquette I'm tired of having my pockets for honestly don't see what's feminine about it if it's good enough for Indiana Jones it's good enough for me but Indiana Jones also had a whip complement a girl's sense of clothing and all wear it myself they have so many choices it's not fair woman here I hear you but on the flip side sometimes I wish women had more variety for the essentials like men do it's damn near impossible to find a plain t-shirt that is a dollar sign 20 plus or isn't super fitted to show off a woman's figure I would totally get those three packs of men's t-shirts for like $20 if they came in different styles also women's pants that at pockets don't exist we don't get pockets on our pants because it's expected that we'll carry a purse we carry purses because our pants don't have pockets wait what is this the fort is if I want to gush at a cute cat or play peek-a-boo with a baby or have feelings I'm going to ducking do it no you're not a man unless you have a cigar with those pancakes instead of syrup looks back down at Fortas newspaper and adjusts fedora sobs uncontrollably whilst pouring liquefied cigar over pancakes make sure to LIKE and subscribe so we can watch together [Music]
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 306,874
Rating: 4.9622545 out of 5
Keywords: Men, Would You Do This If You Could?, would you, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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