Reacting To Your Meanest Comments (Part 2)

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Tbh I'm surprised there's not more thirst comments for Keith! I think he's very good looking. This video was incredible as a whole

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bheadyourself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe there aren't more thirst comments for Keith because he attracts the type of lady/guy/non-binary pal who wouldn't necessarily share their thoughts on the internet!

Keith reminds me of my husband because they're both super tall, loud goofballs with a softer side at home. So, I guess what I'm saying is:

Keith is hot. 10/10 would do. Please don't come at me, Becky.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Echo952 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved that they flipped it around and talked about the staff too :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UndercoverWeasul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favorite part of the whole video was Eugene rearranging the compliments to fit the guys more accurately

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kipodino123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

if they were to read thirsty comments for Jonathan (who I also simp btw), it would probably take an hour lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xoxolilbunny πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok Wills eyes tho😍

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/startedthinkinboutit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He doesn’t attract thirsty comment because he is the perfect husband material. Nobody wanna play with that🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Unlucky-Cat- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The nice comments hit me harder than I expected

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soggyhairfollicle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- We're back again with some mean and thirsty comments. - I was just mesmerized by bouncing bulges. - Oh. - We're gonna have different members of our Try team come on and relay the different sorts of comments we're going to get. - Keith's Cockney accent was an embarrassment to the UK. - Come on now, give me a comment why don't ya? - I honestly would've killed Zach in this scenario. - Give me ways in which you wanna murder me below in the chat. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - [Miles] I've scoured the net for the meanest comments out there and I'm getting ready to take you down a peg, Eugene. - They were a little nice last time. - Yeah, I was a little nice last time, but now, I'm naughty. And the good news is, not many people have bad stuff to say about you. - As in me in particular or relative to the other guys. - No, the other guys, there's a lot. (both laughing) First freaking scorcher of the evening, this one is from "Dad Jokes." Ned's like Squidward but with Spongebob's personality added to his voice. - [Ned] That's a nice, isn't that a compliment? - Not at all! Blasted! The next, "Crossword" video. Zach barely did anything to help. - All right, mother(beep). This is where you want? Wow, you know what? This is one that cuts to the core. Out of all of the mean comments, saying that I'm not good at crossword puzzles? You know what? (beep) you. You don't know my life. You don't know how videos are edited. You don't know what's going on. - This is from "The Try Guys Recreate Makeup Looks." Their wives are out of their league, just saying. They are hot. Like the guys are good looking, but all the ladies are smoking. - Yeah, nailed it. - It's true. She is outta my league. - Their wives are out of their league, just saying. - I agree with that. - Yeah. (both laughing) Yeah, absolutely. This is one's from Archery. Uh-oh. I do archery, I am 10, and I am better than them. - That's probably true. I bet there's a lot of 10 year olds who are better. - People like watch our videos, thinking we're gonna succeed? Have we spent six, almost seven years like not being clear? - Everyone besides Eugene is my favorite. I just (beep) hate Tauruses so much. - Wait, is this person a Taurus or do they think I'm a Taurus? - They think you're a Taurus, I believe. - I gotta read this person back, because it is well-documented, in my many astrology videos, tweets, conversations, proclamations that I am the king of Capricorns. I love a good mean tweet, but that person needs to do their research. - Well, Keith, I've got a (beep) scorcher for you, 'cause you've been a bad bitch and you know it. This is from the "Bridgerton Dresses." I hope Keith gets this video demonetized. You all deserve it for making me watch him grope himself. Even "Try Guys episode 1" rank how much I like/dislike everyone. Ned is sitting at number two, because he made me laugh, for the first time ever, and then Zach and then Keith for the grope. Eugene is excluded from this. I love Eugene, my number 1 always, Keith also has a disgusting mouth. - [Keith] So I think I did lean over. I was trying to have boobs. I do have a disgusting mouth. - (laughs) That is a mean comment directed towards everyone but me. - That was a mean comment of me being their second favorite? - That's right, Ned. You're the second-worst, actually. - Oh, okay, second worst. - Get ready for this next one that's drilling you right in the freaking dick. - Oh my God, dick drill. - Zach looks like Mike Wazowski. (Zach laughs) - Do I? Editor, can you just edit my face to be one giant eyeball so we can see if that's real? (bell ringing) Hey, you know what, I think you're right, I like this. - This one's from "Drunk Vs. High Easter Egg Hunt," Ned's an absolute monster when he's drunk and I love it. - Chicken nugget! - [Ned] I think of myself as a role model, so that kinda hurts. But I also watch those videos back, and I'm like, oh, they're really funny. I'm a train wreck. You're (beep) sure there's 56 (beep) eggs here? - "The Try Guys" are like "The Wiggles," except for adults. You cannot convince me otherwise. - That's actually a common comment, and it's something that we said in our documentary. So I don't know that that's a mean comment so much as canon. - Yeah, I think that's in the universe, for sure. - I mean, it's also true. The original Wiggles had three white guys and one Asian dude. And also the Asian dude was in purple. - [Miles] Here we go. As a person who's been sewing since 10 year old, and has sewn many of my own clothes, I know that pants are one of the hardest to make. Why did you just guess it and not make this an informative video about fast fashion and the cost of fabric and all? - I guess we could've gone into the dangers of fast fashion. - More like the dangers of fast food. Diarrhea time after "Eat the Menu." - Actually, it's quite the opposite. I just don't poop. - Oh really, interesting. - Yeah. - Okay cool. You should get a colonic. I hear that's- - I think that might be in order sometime soon. - Speaking of fast fashion, Ned's popping these kids out, baby. - That went just off the dome? That was a Miles original? - From $750 on Tea Ads, here we go. There's something about Zach that sends a rage through my bloodstream. - Hey, thanks for subscribing. Really appreciate it. - Then someone commented on that, and they said, "um, that is both rude and unnecessary." - (laughs) I thought you were gonna say, "um, um, that is both rude and accurate." (both laughing) - Ned, this one's from "Without a Recipe," straightforward, to the point, I hate Ned! - Okay, that's just rude. You know, just keep that one to yourself. - Dunked on him. - But you know, before you go, I do need to surprise you. - Oh my God. - And flip the script a little bit, 'cause I've got some comments that I found on our channel as well that I'd like to read to you about you. From "Eat the Menu Dunkin Donuts," I hope to never see Miles again ever. - If you order a macchiato at Starbucks, there's (beep) caramel in it. I was a jerk about the coffee stuff, and I believe you forewarned me and were like, people are not gonna like this. The difference between a cappuccino and a latte. - Oh my God, you're gonna, everyone's gonna hate you. Goodness, Miles, why? I'm no so into the cringe humor and I do adore Miles, but I can't with his advice thing and voice. Not for me, no sir. - Honestly, Keith, to that I say, eat shit. (both laughing) - [Keith] All right, well, Miles was a real treat, wasn't he? But it's now time to move onto some funny comments about us. And to do that, our very own clown of 2nd Try, Will Witwer! - What's up, everybody? - Oh God, Will, your background. - Will, is that a mullet or is it not cropping you correctly? - No, it's a mullet. - Oh, there it is. Wow, Will, that is impressive. Will, make me laugh. - This is from "Eugene Catsits." Slender, graceful, sassy, check. Stylish, good taste, check, yup, Eugene is a cat. I guess I take issue with this comment a little bit. I don't know if that is accurate. Maybe with your public persona, you're more cat-like, but you just always were really nice to me. You helped me carry stuff to my car or push yacht stuff. Like Eugene is the nicest Try Guy, I'm here to say it first. (Eugene laughing) This is a comment from "Dad Jokes," Ned is such a I'll accidentally take over your Lego project dad. - Oh that feels a little meaner than all of the mean comments actually. - Really? - Yeah. I don't want to be that dad. - [Will] Is anyone going to ever say something about Zach's massive Keith crush? - Guys, don't tell him. Guys. No, you're being so ver- (Will laughing) Don't tell Keith. No, no, no, can we edit this out? You know? Sometimes you have a buddy and you're just in love? And that's beautiful. - This is also from "Starbucks." I know this is weird to say, but I have a super small mouth and I love to eat so I would be happy to have a mouth like Keith's. - When I mostly remember that I have a giant mouth, is sometimes I'll take a swig of water but I'll just store the water in my mouth and after I put the bottle down and it takes like six gulps to drink the water that I put in to my mouth. - Like you have a normal size throat with a huge mouth and so you have to take lots of gulp. - Actually, I have the widest throat and we've actually. That's canon. In "Food Babies Universe" - From "Paint Self Nudes." Why is everyone ignoring Zach's dick slap sound? - I don't think you can see me. - That's dude blessed. - [Zach] I wasn't aware that that was a moment in the video. Until Maggie said "What the (beep) have you done?" - Now this one has three point three thousand likes. So this seems like something that really resonate with people. Why is Ned so quick to remove his pants. Like, anywhere he's allowed to, he's only in underwear. And that also for without instruction. - Oh yeah, I remember that. I need an easy access to my goods. (Will laughing) - This is from "Date Night Souffle." Takes a cold, ruthless man to lie to his friends' faces in their own kitchen. - So airy, it's like eating a cloud. (Ned screaming) - I was totally shock by that tweet. I was like, what? He didn't like it? Seemed like he loved it. - Awarded y'all. 1.1 - What? - Ariel was pregnant. It's very hard for me, to be like, mean upfronts any of the try wives. - [Will] And had that same energy of a compliment that is like fully empty and it was very funny to see a play out. - Insult wrapped in compliments is one of the best gifts my mother had gave me. - When I see comments about myself appearing in videos, the compliments are always very back ended. A lot of the comments I see are like, "I feel weird about this but Will is actually not as disgusting as I thought." - I don't think that exist anywhere in the comments section. You know Will, what does exist in the comment section? A ton of thirst comments about you. And I actually - I've seen - have some right here that I can tell you. - [Eugene] Will has such pretty eyes. Here's another one. - Okay. - Why is nobody talking about Will's mullet? Three question marks. - That doesn't feel so much a thirst comment as it is. - Oh, that's a thirst comment. When someone says, "why is nobody talking about Chris Evans right now?" They say it that way because they want people to agree how hot. - Well, I appreciated the spin but i just don't, I can't compare myself to Chris Evans. - Here's another one. This one is pretty direct and from a lady. Is will single? Face with heart eyes. - Yes I am single. I am not looking for dates in the comments section, that feels weird. When people are like, "Wow, Will is so hot." I'm like, "All right, whatever, I don't believe you." It's just that - Hey, hey, hey. Don't let it land in you heart, let it land in your mullet. - I feel like the mullet is among the most sexual haircuts that a man can have. If they ever say so many nice things in genuinely, there's just always room for more nice words for me, you know? - Hey, so if you're watching out there right now, obviously all of the big ol' crush on Will. Will sees all these comments, just make sure you comment below about every single nice, sexy thing you can say to Will, it will be much appreciated. Let's flood the comments section with thirst comments about Will. Make it all about Will and those beautiful blue eyes and that pretty pony mullet. - [Ned] Up next is Sam with the thirsty comments. I'm scared, Sam is just too thirsty for words. - I hope you have a towel nearby and a big glass of water. - Well let me, I've got a full glass of water over here. (drum rolling) (drum rolling) (drum rolling) (cymbals clanging) - I've got to give it to you Ned, you have easily, the most thirsty comments and the easiest to find thirsty comments. - Really? - Did not have to look very hard. So this is from the "Bridgerton" video. And someone just commented, "We need more nakey Ned." - I mean, hey, look, I agree with you on that one. It's not a thirsty if it's just a fact. - Not gonna lie, seeing Zach and nothing but a thigh high socks, undies and a t-shirt is pretty freaking hot. He's working those socks. - Yeah. I love it, you know like we all have been put a lot of attention on the ankles but sometimes when you hide the ankles, then you're just left with your imagination. So like, often has beyond the internet makes you realize the things you hate about yourself but in that video some people commented on my collar bones being hot and I'm like, "You know what? They (beep) are." - Now, last time I didn't feel like I had enough thirsty comments. I wanna be undressed, I wanna be penetrated with words here. - This one is from the recent "In and Out" video. He is the most beautiful Try Guy by far and Eugene's ass is still broken. (Keith laughing) - Whoa, why is Eugene's ass broken? - [Sam] Maybe from sitting on your lap and it just like sent him to another dimension? And well, that's all we have for you specifically. So, I'm going to move on because that's only one we have for all of you. And that is my bad but I did look at every video from the past years, so. If you got a thirsty comment for Keith, leave it right here, right now, we need it. - Come on. What are we doing here? - This is from the recent "Crossword" video. That you guys did. It says, "Eugene just gets hotter and hotter in every episode," "like how?" - [Eugene] The Crossword video? I did nothing remotely sensual in that video. I was wearing a cardigan, I was wearing the opposite of like sexy. What it means like, that's different for you so I can see where someone might be like. - TA vibes. - Right. - Turn-in your papers. (both laughing) - I wish I don't have a ruler, I wish I have something I can like- - The professor would like to see you after class. (whip cracking) - If Ned wasn't married, he could be a total player. - Imagine, we are sitting at restaurant together. - [Sam] It's always about the if Ned was a married thing. - I have a wife and children. - Out of all my best friends, you have chose to (beep) the most married one. - I think that's what's most appealing to people. There like, "Oh, that's hot." This is the one that I saw and I was like, "you know who would read this?" Sam Jones from Sex and the City. It's always the little guys who have the biggest surprise. (both laughing) - I've got a big areola. That would be set over brunch in "Sex and the City." - [Sam] Okay, this one's for you and for Matt. Eugene's boyfriend has a stronger jawline than Eugene. - Matt has a crazy jaw. Like, Matt has one of those jaws that you kind of see from behind. You know what I'm talking about? - Someone commented, "Zach looks completely different without his glasses like he went from that guy in accounting to someone's cute brother. - What does that older brother say? Oh, hey, Michaela I didn't know you were sleeping over tonight. You gonna be in Cindy's room? All right, well, keep the noise down. - [Sam] Ned's twerk should be illegal, cause honey he's killing me. - I do love a good twerk. (retro music) - Something about watching nerds try on undies makes my butt pucker, dot, dot, dot, j, k. (both laughing) - Wow, that's so graphic. - "My butt pucker" I'm gonna use that from now on, I'm stealing that one. - J, k. - So it doesn't, we don't make your butt pucker? I think we do make their butt pucker. They were just- - I think so too and they were just little like- Eugene in the black lace thong is my religion. (Eugene laughing) - I don't see how any of use looks attractive in those. Oh god. Your dick is just poking out of the side. - Without the definition of like the butt cheeks and just having kind of like that you and butt. - That's why I like to announce my only fans page. Where who can come, watch the uncensored thong gloriousness, full out, full frontal. Let's go baby. No, I'm not starting only fans. Leave it to people who need that. - Well Sam, we're not done here because it's time to flip the script. I've got some comments about you. Oh let's start off with this one. Stephanie says, "Sam's eyes are like a cats." "They just draw you in and hold you there." You wanna leave? You can't. Sam's eyes, have you. Sam looks like a gay Ned. (both laughing) - [Ned] Up next we've got Nick reading this sweet comments. - Oh we've got some really good ones, we're gonna end this video in a nice positive note. This section is the hardest for you to listen to. - Sincere emotional intimacy is not my strong suit. It's hard to make jokes when someone's being extremely nice. So, I'm growing. - Eugene acts so hard but Matt being around turns him into a little dork and I'm here for it. - He doesn't turn me into a little dork. I don't do that. I'm still hard (Nick laughing) I'm still hard around Matt. (both laughing) - Keith is my grandma's favorite Try Guy. I introduced her to the Try Guys as a way of us hanging out together when her husband passed away last April and she always wants to watch the "Eat the Menu" videos. She walked in on me watching one of the videos the other day and she pointed at Keith and yelled in her old Filipino accent, "That's the one with the big mouth! The funny one!" He's brought her so much joy since my grandpa's passing. Thank you Keith. - That is so sweet. That is adorable. I've never would've thought that our videos would be a family affair but it's awesome. It's very cute to see people connect with their parents over the nonsense that we do. - This makes me so happy to watch. I recently went back to work after being a stay at home mom for 14 years. I kept a sourdough starter alive for about 12 of those years. Baking bread with my little boy was a ritual of life for years. I miss those days. It was delightful to see you and Wes making memories together like we did. Thanks for these warm feelings. May you treasure these memories forever too. They grow so freakishly fast. Thank you for sharing this with us. - That's nice. They do grow fast. Wes is almost three and I'm like "where did the time go?" - [Nick] When Zach said "Cocky bastard, love you" to his childhood self it made me so happy. - [Zach] That's the attitude I need. He's like, "Cocky bastard, love you." - [Nick] When he was younger he struggled with mental illness like depression and it gives me so much hope that one day I'll be able to look back too and say "I love you" to my younger, struggling with depression, downtrodden self. - That's awesome that's the whole reason that I share anything about myself whether it's mental health or my chronic pain. Is in hope that it helps someone else out there. That's how it means the world to me and thank you. And yeah you will, you just got to keep pushing. - I want Eugene's confidence, Keith's humor, Ned's heart, and Zach's whimsy. - I would take, Zach's confidence. You know, he's been very insecure about things in the past but he's grown to be an extremely confident person and I think having from that makes like him one of more confident people I know. And I actually think, my favorite thing is when Ned is in a certain mood, he's like the funniest Try Guy, like, hands down and I think that Keith is actually who I would most say is like embracing whimsical like he loves to build games in his backyard and plays with puppets like he is truly whimsical and you know for me I would say people might not know it but maybe Eugene has quite the heart, I agree with their statement but I would actually personally rearrange it but you know more it's about what we portray, so, you might seem more of that remixing the future. - That's cool - I'm (beep) nice, you stupid (beep) (both laughing) - Nick, now it's time for me to flip the script and read some sweet comments about you. I love when Nick is in the videos, he has such a great presence. His voice, it's like if santa was a sexy gay man. - I'm gonna assume this is from the video where I played santa. Gay rights. - It's a little thirsty too. They called you sexy. - Oh thirsty? (whistles) (rock music) (rock music) (rock music) - How Eugene's so thick? Tell me. - Probably, cause I was standing next to Zach?
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,605,100
Rating: 4.966825 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, comments, youtube, youtube comments, thirsty comments, mean comments, funny comments, funny videos, reaction, react, react to, youtubers, popular, worst, best, read, reading
Id: Ir2O2ysWaes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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