The Try Guys Wear 1800s Bridgerton Dresses

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"Depression is this nice feeling I keep around at all times" - Lady Fullbottom

made a separate post for this one, but might as well comment here

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wolfundermoon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ned was on fire in this one. So funny lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soggyhairfollicle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the crossover I didn't know existed, but now I need it so badly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EvieAugust πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay I haven't watched this yet, but please do watch the show, it's so good lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/heydorthea πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bridgerton was a mess!!! Not worth watching overhyped!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/breedingbabe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
just a trigger warning you're going to hear a lot of terrible english accents lady whistle yang oh your lady whistle yay goodness me today we're trying on historical women's dresses from the regency era which apparently is different than the victorian era is this like jane austen times billowy look at the bellows where is the help is this right beautiful aka bridgerton dresses hey hey excuse me not while the ladies getting ready you just talking you you [Applause] we're dressing up like eighteen hundred ladies today the try guys are gonna be trying on victorian era dresses no not victorian regency era dresses bridgerton is very hot on netflix and social media right now becky watched it in one day my wife has been watching all of bridgerton it's a lot of uh steamy glances we weren't quite sure exactly what the bridgerton era is many of us refer to everything as victorian whether it's tudor or regency or edwardian i think a lot of us just throw victorian out there without quite knowing exactly what the years are we also had a wonderful designer who rented these costumes from a hollywood costume studio this is as authentic of a complete look for a regency or a woman that we have access to i don't really know what we're doing today but i'm excited to become a fancy british lady [Music] it's my birthday today okay um let's begin uh i assume we start with socks just like me every day i start completely naked and in socks i don't watch a lot of old british tv shows i didn't watch downton abbey i didn't i don't even was that british i don't know i didn't watch it so i'm surprised we didn't have any like bloomers or anything when i watch british period films it's the women's stresses that started making me understand that this was more of the 1800s versus the 1400s wow look at these these are the longest socks that i have ever seen these are these are pants i don't know much about the 1800s british ladies i've avoided that art and literature my whole life i just don't care about the pride and prejudices and the emmas it's just a bunch of people with accents going oh mama do you think that the prince will like me at the ball written pretty cold you know it's pretty up there probably feels good to keep your toesies warm this is an era where the most important thing in life was who you're married to uh that still is the most important thing for me i'm married to my wife [Music] now we're doing dry guys videos baby okay so far these feel like high soccer socks bam they kind of fit like boots actually i have some shin guards let's see how they fit oh yeah oh those slide in nicely this is i've never seen socks so long first shane oh hell yeah i'm ready to go baby you guys see this i'm uh like a regency era soccer player [Music] all right we got eugene fact over here he says the regency was a period from roughly 1811 to 1820 that came before the victorian era so it was before the victorian era that's like uh nine years that's not that long it's like the flapper era oh it's considered to have been less morally strict than the prudish victorian era as evidenced in the women's dress oh we're gonna dress [ __ ] today so even though it was earlier in time it was actually more sexy so the victorian era has like a reaction to it and ankles were not considered too salacious ah so zach is gonna love this if you can show off some ankle he would have thrived i like this arrow you can show a little ankle little little tip ankles that's it the more you know next up the corset and chamaeze should mate chemist corset and chemise i used to be a chemist i'm saying chemise because i think it's a french word uh chemist all right let's do the chimsit this is probably the shabai's no that can't be the kami's that's the inner dress i like how light and silky this is it feels quite nice maybe this is just like underwear oh look at her look at me oh my boobs are out that's her horrified well let's be honest the titties aren't filling it out it seems so much more scandalous than if i were just naked i mean i love the billowiness i feel like if i jumped into the water i would drown wow this is very light and very soft okay here we go it's corset time now i know that they never put corsets on themselves oh this is gonna be tight this is a tight corset everything was going on like dance day do i step into it nope i'm stuck where is the help [Music] oh my butt get out of your butt oh it's stuck in the corset of course it is eh oh my i'm gonna get the dukes fancy guys the duke in bridgerton is so hot it's crazy how hot he is he's just like he only acts like this he just moves little muscles he goes [Music] he is one of the hottest people i've ever seen he is i'm the duke so hot i need to get my man servant mad i'd like to be cinched up in the back a little bit you would now i can see why ladies of this era required assistance when getting cool i had a lot of coffee oh yeah good good oh they got me a corset for a child oh yeah okay think pretty i need several ladies help oh wow this works really well oh you gonna breathe yeah i've done this before is it good does it make my boobies look good i gotta pull them out a little bit you do my chicken breasts yeah oh god it is so hard to tie things behind your back 1800's time they would be tying this so much tighter oh but the boobs look a little more boob-like do i have a little bit of and you also have to like push them together right okay thank you man sevens marriage was the utmost important for women of this time they have very little say that choice of husband as most marriages were arranged at this time and her gallery was commonly considered means by which a responsible family compensated a husband for their doctor's lifelong upkeep lots of runaway marriages happened during this time since parental consent was required all right hello hello i'm uh becoming a lady hello hey how's it going good good how are you with your try on oh darling it's going lovely lady feather yang i need your help okay tell me what the mata is oh my gosh i'm leaning over right now eugene in front of the camera and the corset is slightly pushing my little boobs up yeah i am cinched except uh from my stockings which are wreckagely down around my ankles oh oh do you know that maybe you could use the elastics for that oh that makes so much more sense yes first of all i'm guessing the what is it the chartres the the chamaese the chimes the same i put that on underneath the corset is that correct that is correct where did you put the course it's over the chemise i believe that is correct oh thank goodness because i could not do it again what shall i wear for shoes lady jangle down lady whistle yang what should i do about footwear it was not provided for me if you don't have like a low heel because that's not going to be quite accurate they they did like to wear ankle boots ankle boots i can't wait to see you at lord zoomington's gala tonight i can't wait to see that regish duke next up the dress itself the big humba jamba piece is false oh this is so exciting oh my oh ma'am excuse me man excuse me ma'am like wearing this dress is is a rite of passage it's like a bar mitzvah but instead of poorly reading a torah portion you're getting auctioned off to be wed hello sirs i like the uh empire waist i believe that's the signature of this time period feels very feminine but also very light and flouncy this looks nice billowy oh wow wow look at me look at me oh it's so beautiful showing off my collarbone quite sexy showing off muscoliosis and farmer's tan very hot could you help my i can't close the back of my dress and i've been like this for hours i've got these little tassels which you can ring for service you stood out spaceless person i could it i had to do it myself the reason sierra is not about tiny tiny waist specky it's about being a hottie bow body my good sir may i have this dance the incredible lady spider down flip flip flip kick thrip oh you're a prince so the fact is each year a small group of aristocratic british families descended onto london for the roughly six months social season when balls concerts dinners and other lavish parties brought together eligible young men and women pressure was on for the women as the real aim was to bring together wealthy influential families and keep the money in the power within a fairly small circle of society by controlling the pool of suitors oh my gosh uh still happens today keeping the money away from everyone else these classes baby it's still classes baby the aristocrats are still doing [ __ ] poor stay poor rich get rich attack the rich baby taxi rich especially when you see things like bridgette the balls are of utmost importance to make a grand impression i am fully dressed i feel sexy and now it's time to go be the british lady that i am right is it right yeah what do you say let me see to god oh oh it's lovely so bright that is coming in nicely i heard that lady haberstown was in the dark walk with a robe in my city hot day for a lady to be out hi perhaps well i should have a glass of champagne depression is just this nice feeling that i keep around at all times hello are you so scared it's just me the duke is here he's here the duke he's here well it's time to get on a zoom call with my boys and see how their day is going as well [Music] cheerio are we here here at lord zoomington's bowl oh i'm so excited to see you ladies and see what you look like why yes do you take tea with your tea darling cornwall here i am oh lady full bottom is here i'm ready to attend the ball ha ha hello ladies my father is oh you look ravishing my dear and now here comes plenty whistle yang oh yeah yeah how come we didn't get wings you look dope because i own this wig darling lady whistle shang at your service you know i learned that there are very different time periods in british history regency certainly is one of my favorites i'm just about the most uncomfortable i've ever been uh my my whole midsection hurts i'm very sweaty but i look so to you the light is uh pretty aggressively on your face you're quite right yes i too learned of the stresses of the dresses i just can't wait to get that cash dog give me that dowry money give me that big boy dowry money because this ass is worth it i don't think you get the money ned what yeah it's basically what they're paying your husband to maintain your lifestyle what i gotta pay money when i look like this zack's looking fancy in ned looking hot and eugene is really the truest thought and keith is romancing his every week yes all of these men are fish it's a drag reference saying we're super hot
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,631,418
Rating: 4.9699717 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, bridgerton, bridgerton netflix, bridgerton cast, bridgerton series, bridgerton season 2, daphne bridgerton, bridgerton costumes, shonda rhimes, bridgerton daphne and simon, bridgerton season 1, victorian dress, victorian fashion, 19th century, ball gowns, gowns, dresses, women's dresses, women's fashion
Id: byKv_EBOVeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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