The Try Guys Read Mean & Thirsty YouTube Comments

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today the try guys are reacting to comments we've gotten from all of you I am married uh-oh I now stinks like [ __ ] that's really me but we're about to go to pound town and these comments you tippity type them we read them and then we pretend to not be affected by them yes that's right we read your comments for the most part it is a wonderfully supportive and sweet and engaged comment section but sometimes sometimes you get to a nasty yes down below where you get to write everything anonymously we're gonna read those and we're gonna react to those but we're not just gonna be reading the comments no we are going to be personifying the comments we're gonna have our colleagues come in representing four categories of comments that will be sweet I'm gonna cry myself to sleep today I'm ready got thick skin I got focused welcome to the burn zone it's time to get nasty all right miles you have the mean comments yeah that's been right it's time to freakin get slayed by the mean comments cuz people out here have a bone to pick with you and your dog they don't know about this dog yet this is really cute yeah much like Ned's collar in college let's turn it up okay steam alert get ready to get roasted first off libras are extremely smart all we do is analyze and then be constantly this is why we'd love to learn a lot about everything so when I say I know it because I know what I'm talking about lol this we're able to talk to anything about anything so how does that make me fake the only thing fake is your knowledge about astrology funny cuz they kind of disproved their point with the way they rambled in the car yeah I really went on with it but it's so funny cuz didn't I like ranked libras like bird I write them super high but people who should matter cancers this one's from the Tri guys eat $1200 of gourmet seafood how does Zach's face look so clear it looks like a crab ate all the bacteria away that's not mean that kinda nice that's really nice that's great ROK's did it alright well here we go if you want to cut deep get ready for this next comment mitt has zero creativity he makes boring recipes yet he really does well on these it's a good thing I'm not judging this that's total [ __ ] the only reason why it looks like I'm not creative the other guys had to come up with wacky stuff to disguise their lack of skills you know sometimes they cut all the creativity out because they have to make it look like there's some element of suspense cuz it's not interesting if Ned just dominates the without a recipe competition so think about that mr. YouTube commenter this one's an absolute escorts fire Jesus Christ Eugene could you please do at least one thing wrong it's not fair than the guys played for the first time and he's so good at role-playing that's because Cate Blanchet is excellence personified yes it really wasn't me it was just which is Kate welcome back to the Scorch zone on Keith my hand was so aching to punch his face during the bite of the Wagyu because he was making so much [ __ ] chewing noises Jesus that was painful to hear the earlier ones were slightly tolerable but that was just face punching cringe-worthy ugh [ __ ] whoa they won't punch me in the face I got a lot of comments about people not liking my open mouth chewing my my loud chewing but also it's like not that gross is way grosser stuff naughty holiday costume zach is such a hairy individual and every time I see him wearing sexy costumes I noticed it even more close to being so mean why are you guys so nice like okay let's revise this look let me let me okay that gets such a hairy individual and every time I see him wear sexy outfits I become a lesbian that's easy or every time I'd see him my dick shrivels up deep inside my body that's great zach is such a hairy individual and every time I see him wear sexy outfits I realized like he has the least followers on Instagram that's how you be me eyes burn also please go follow me on Instagram I I want to I want to crack that to mill I'm gonna say this as nice as possible look my [ __ ] balls you uncultured swine these fries are awesome Wow I will not like your [ __ ] balls I will not that was not a nice way to phrase it I love that this is where this is what incites our audience to violence and like threats is just like disagreeing on a potato your potato preferences and my potato preferences don't align whoa we got a scorch alert get a get a scorch alert Sam alright this is from can four guys beat a blindfolded chess master the Tri guys are so [ __ ] ugly immune about chess no I like you guys but your thumbnails make me want to slap you across the face with the Dom with a dog that's right wow that started mean and then it got very complimentary at the end thank you um an honor to be dong slapped by you sir or madam you might get more views if you didn't put your face in the thumbnail just a friendly suggestion love the content smiley face was that directed at me yeah it's to you buddy specifically me yeah bucko but my face is a great thumbnail face and honestly we've done a lot of algorithmic testing I get it we don't like those faces you think I want to look like that click-through rate you can click on it all right if you start clicking on other faces will stop putting those stupid faces in the thumbnail but until then it's an epidemic and we're all sick go to our YouTube channel sort by most popular and see how many of the top 10 have this mean ol mug it's a lot of a lot of most of them tornado here we go can I get an amen Sam alright here we go Eugene seems like one of those people who thinks his [ __ ] doesn't stink well I Got News for You Eugene your [ __ ] stinks stinks like [ __ ] my [ __ ] does stink yes it doesn't stink last night I ate ramen poke a and ice cream for dinner now we have three separate places to get that fish pork and cream yeah that was the king that's what my [ __ ] smelled like today Thanks yeah this is on the drug I switched pets for a day don't don't do bean like that don't if they insult my dog also everyone besides Eugene just sucks have they always been so inseparable like damn Zack is more anxiety ridden Ned seems like a total frat douche including his outfit keith is unlikable it's a dog not an accessory there's an element of truth to that that I ain't mad at I don't know that I agree that I'm a frat douche I'm more in a frat I was not in the frat yeah but I wasn't improv group which you know I like that people think they can say things that actually make me more sad than I've been in my life dark to represent funny is our dear friend we'll wait what's your last name perhaps the funniest voice in our own office will Whitmer will serve only in your phone as well you know you air drop me cellphone clips a lot and in your phone my last name is spelled wrong will wit work yes yeah yes I think do I have you as Whitmer yes you do yeah I have to say I know that that's wrong I like it though that's a 20 extra points for making kimbap yes absolutely I think I have it right in my phone I think that's a point for you okay I'll come back from the boss video your name has been changed also a ww-what a thrill right this is from Keith eats everything at Pizza Hut you and your auntie hand-tossed agenda I happen to like hand-tossed pizza PU you're wrong it sucks pan crust all the way from pizza the hand toss sucks it's got no flavor it's it's like oh yeah left black you're wrong give pan a try give the thin crispy a try every now and then I don't think anyone can disagree Ned is a living commercial of a woman in a sweater drinking a cup of Folgers in a big-ass kitchen looking out the window oh my god that one's there true and I was wearing a giant sweater though but like its arms like your vibe yeah I'm a basic [ __ ] the try guys watch animal burrs for the first time Zac's hat reminds me of a condom in the beginning phase of being applied exactly what it looks like it's like the little condoms and you have to unroll it spot-on honestly I think it would be a good like if we made condom hats that you could unroll people would buy them dan you never know which side is the right way and you do it you're like that's when you flip it wrong every time you know maybe we'll just watch the movies instead okay this is from Eugene babysits Wes 2035 West's uncle Eugene pick me up I'm drunk don't tell my parents Eugene I'm outside and dad were coming no no I would never ever you wouldn't pick him up if he was drunk no I would inform the former's of the situation and not be the cool uncle okay here's some funny comments okay Keith is my favorite lol though he sometimes gross AF yeah well it's because I spent so much time with that food and that it becomes like it doesn't become food anymore I need the mini videos they become props my favorite thing is when I put something from my face like it's a mustache this is the last one we have I guess not a lot of funny comments about Zach okay um my ex and I used to watch every single one of the try guys videos he cheated on me I dropped him but still watch these videos religiously you see this comment tu Aaron and that that [ __ ] up our engagement middle finger emoji hashtag too deep question mark hashtag maybe hashtag what are the odds she sees this you know Aaron you're a [ __ ] Aaron you sug yeah a lot of respect to that you Aaron whoa that was good that one kept going Aaron if you're watching this video I want to say thanks for being a fan also yeah but she still watches us I appreciate it because no heartbreak is worth losing your true love us commenters please today in this comment just call somebody out somebody who wronged you put them on blast these are the best comments Alexander this is the sweet section are you ready good about yourself I do feel good I do feel good hi how sweet are these pretty sweet Oh No you might cry a little well see your fans are very nice most of our comments are nice if this feels like this is the general swath already it started yes is anyone else concerned for Ned he always seems so tired and has circles under his eyes sleep well med love you I had a baby nearly two years ago I'm sleeping fine now anything up here is just residual fatherhood in my 30s business switch this is a little upsetting if you're saying I look tired all the time there's those intentions well good are making me feel bad so we have a couple from why I'm coming out as gay hugs I will give you jean hugs wait never mind he doesn't like hugs he can have shoulder pads let's all give Eugene's shoulder pads that is so sweet and they make a whole much that is incredibly insightful and very nice I like that comment a lot you're all my reassuring distant dad that one was a little weird I was nervous this next one is one will the try guys die Oh Oh Zach this hit me so hard that I actually started to cry you're just so cute and you're already dealing with difficult times keep going strong with a muscle emoji my favorite try guy forever and always oh no it's been really wonderful and nice and relieving to be able to share things about my health and the way that you guys have been very supportive about it it means a lot I think those probably mean the most out of out of any type of comment they they give me strength okay we have a couple from I'm gay this was more than Eugene coming out as gay this was Eugene coming out as Eugene oh we cry don't cry Alex don't cry that's very sweet that's a very very genuine comment I think that's very nice don't all right what's next I was Andrea okay feel like keith is a son that kisses his dad on the lips and that's honestly adorable that's not the case I do not get married out on the lips I'm not sure if I've gives my dad on the cheek do you want to know Tom Brady doesn't people got really mad yeah I see celebrities kissing their children or people kissing the children on the mouth and I I get it but it's not for me let's keep it going I've never seen a dad speaking of his baby with so much love I wish your wonderful family the best of the world no that was nice nice I think I started off Rocky you made me think the entire video was a prank video this one's promised the worst ones also form I'm gay it's a long one oh my god Eugene beyond all doubt you may ever have please know that you are one of the most beautiful human beings to ever have bless the face of the planet you are both inspiring and unbelievably gorgeous I can only hope to grow to be half as truly wonderful as you are never stop being you I was a kid yeah she looks young I think it's important when you see the kids are responding to that type of messaging well last nice comment couldn't find any more I adore how they literally lack any toxic masculinity they honestly have so much fun doing this they're literally adorable oh yeah I mean we stand for a lot of things but if we could only stand for one thing in this world and this time right now it is to show that toxic masculinity is stupid and that there are a lot of ways to be a man and to be a good person in this world and that toxic masculinity ain't one of them it's pretty sweet pretty sweet thanks Alexandria that was nothing all right Eugene I know you just got back from the pound but we're about to go to pound town and these comments Sam have you been traveling the Sahara Desert cuz you're so thirsty you're parched I don't know why they were everyone was so excited for me to read the thirsty ones I know who made Sam thirsty oh wait I did good casting that's what you called great casting hmm I don't want Zack to get married to Maggie I want him to get married to me parentheses and almost 1313 not the illegal Thursday my brain out with the soap and arsenic everything eugene does he always looks hot no the other guys ever look hot when they're doing anything no offense but that's what I think at least love them although but mostly Eugene that's so funny and that's so mean either guys know the other guys look good it is satisfying how Keith bites into it like it's just so smooth it's like a hot knife through butter if anything should turn you on it should not be me eating Burger King can we just take a moment to appreciate how large Zechs penis sensor was guys my bulbs isn't that crazy sometimes the editors just put extra-large pixelation 'he's over me to make it look funny like like no don't please don't put a pixelation over me right now no guys that's not I don't have a bold right now it's not that big it's not it's not that crazy okay oh my god I need to tell off for this one I need to get Ned's concealer next three minutes I'm always so used to Ned being so cute and fine definitely didn't expect him to be the spark of my daddy King ah I am married uh please sounds too graphic that was very graphic really leaves little to the imagination I appreciate a good tasteful thirst and this person writes Keith got great legs cast egg sexy legs you know I've been complimented on my calf muscles I mean look at look at this look at he's massive they're huge they're huge gasp yeah this is another bartending one fun how was it doing the bartending video I was shaking very aggressively yeah okay beat me to the punch much man Eugene looks so hot what he was shaking it and then it's a bunch of sweaty face emojis like I was just looking in the camera while I was doing it also this movement is yeah we know [Music] that's all I got that's it that's it oh I know there's no no other thirsty comments wrong give this Noah Wow so handsome wanna take a drink of that toggle as a why not today just two comments about my legs yeah feel like this hits me worse than all the mean comments combined this is the lack of sexually promiscuous ones I got nothing to say to that neither do I well thank you everyone for your thirsty comments as well as your sweet you're funny you're mean comments we love them all comment below what favorite comment you got for the comment video and we'll comment right back [Music] I love him to death everyone loves him already he's already everyone's favorite ryedawg everyone leave a comment below about how much you love kimbap can be sweet can be thirsty can't be mean because look at this face look at this put them
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 5,309,682
Rating: 4.9547973 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, comments, youtube, youtube comments, thirsty comments, mean comments, funny comments, funny videos, reaction, react, react to, youtubers, popular, worst, best, read, reading
Id: AopuVtzNJo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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