Try Guys Try Drunk Vs. High Trivia

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- Do it, take the shot Ned. - Don't do it Ned. - Take a shot in your mouth. - Don't do it. - Take the shot, take the shot! - Take a shot in your mouth. - Don't do it, don't do it. - He's helpless to a chant. - (Kelsey) Yeah! - (Keith) Welcome one and all we are here. We're doing some drunk versus high trivia. - (Kelsey) How high are you? - I don't know. - I've never heard of that pasta dish, but it sounded more like pasta than yoga! - Ned, I wish I had one of those like little dog zapper collars on you right now, like just (Kelsey makes buzz noise) (theme music) - Today we're doing drunk versus stoned trivia and joining us today we've got Kelsey Darragh and Gerrick Bernard because the three of us have a brand new podcast coming out called Guilty Pleasures. - Guilty Pleasures is just a show about people loving movies. - Movies that you really don't want to admit you like, but you watch over and over anyways. Okay number one Bella's dad is so (beep) hot I would ride that mustache. - I've been team Jacob before the (beep) movie came out. - I'm imagining Anna Kendrick as Bella, she's like wait, what? You're a vampire? (laughing) - Zach, Kelsey are you sure you want to do a podcast with Gerrick 'cause that is one of the smoothest voices I've heard in a while. (Gerrick laughing) - Oh yeah! Coming from one of the smoothest faces I've ever seen in my life. Beautiful I love this. - (Kelsey) The way the game works is both teams have got to fill their pies with correct answers from each of the categories: geography, entertainment, science and nature, history, arts and literature, and sports and leisure. - And now it is time to indulge in our guilty pleasures. (hip hop music) - I'm not sure if I'm high, but do you guys wanna see the soap that I made? (laughing) - We are way too zoomed in on Ned. (laughing) - Guys I ingest a lot of weed, but I don't think people know quite how much I ingest, you know we played it as Keith was the cute innocent boy for so long. It turns out Keith probably parties harder than all the Try Guys combined sometimes. - Oh you definitely do, that's not a - You were never the cutest. - And playing for team drunk, Nedward Fulmer. - I'm gonna get responsibly drunk, which means on daddy's day off pretty irresponsibly drunk. - Well I feel sorry for your penis tonight. Moving on to your partner, Gerrick Bernard. - I think I'm gonna go straight from the bottle. - Ooh you go to the head. - Yeah! - Should I do that? Should I be a fucking miscreant? - Okay, what comet spotted last in 1986 is visible from Earth once every 75 or 76 years? - It's gotta be like the Kepler Comet. - It's Halley's, Halley's Comet. That's the only one that always made headlines. - Is that your final answer? - I like Halley's, no I think Halley's is right, yeah. - Ding ding ding! - Science bros. - Let's get it! - I was sober enough to know that my own answer was wrong, so that means I need to drink more. 'Cause if I'm really drunk, I'll double down on a wrong answer hard. - Moving on to team high. I'm shooketh to say so, but smoking weed this evening is Eugene Lee Yang? - In typical Try Guys videos for versus I am drunk, I have to be the drunk guy, but since Gerrick is here I'm allowed to be high this time. - You guys put your comment below right now what kind of high do you think Eugene is if the type of drunk he is equals sad. (laughing) - He's one of nine to eleven different people. - Yeah, we're horny. - That's called Dissociative Identity Disorder. - Thank you. - Moving on, Zach Kornfeld! - I'm here with all my friends genuinely I don't have any more other than who is here on this Zoom and I'm ready to party - As sad as that sounded, all of Zach's friends are right here right now. (laughing) - And finally our random extra player. He puts more things in his mouth than I do, which is saying a lot. Keith Habersberger! - So I'm playing for both teams today, but that means I have to imbibe in both toxins. One of the teams would've had an unfair advantage. It's best that both teams have a disadvantage by having me. - Keith for each team you get to overrule our answer. - Oh I commend that rule. One time you get to overrule the other. Okay, true or false? The longest and shortest days of the year occur on the same dates in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. - I don't even understand what that question's saying. (laughing) - It's like poetry. - I would say y'all are (beep) but its a 50/50. - The Earth is like this, right? So like this is like this. So when it's moving around so the dates would be the same in that they'd be the reverse dates, right? The short, the lower half's longest day would be the shorter half's shortest day or the upper half's shortest day. The question's tough. - It should be true because the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing winter while we're experiencing summer so the solstices should be on the same dates its just- - They're saying the opposite solstices right? - That's what I'm trying to figure out. - Can you ask the question again? I just want to make sure I understand what the question's being asked. - No! - I'm guessing true just 'cause I wanna move on. - I think it's a good idea. - I trust you more than myself. - I'm sorry it is false. - Wow! - The longest day in the Northern Hemisphere is the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere. - Yeah we know, but we couldn't figure out the wording of the question to answer it correctly because the same dates could've been meant all four fall on the same two. - That's exactly what I was thinking. - Maybe in your high brain. You guys got it wrong so you have to take a hit. - I'll be right back. - And Eugene you're drinking your weed? 'Cause you're like 2021 like that? - This is gonna hit you at like midway through the game and it's gonna be like everything is gonna be so wonky. - You're going to be what we call zooted. - Let's do history. - Which of the following was not involved in the world's first successful double organ transplant in 1981? The kidney, the lung, or the heart? - Good luck. - I think it's the lung. - We do heart transplants all the time, kidney transplants are super common, I've never heard of a lung transplant. - Yeah I've never heard of a lung transplant either. - Who the (beep) does that? - I don't even think you can do it. Take it out of there - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's just gonna deflate like a paper bag - You're right. - Yeah I don't think you can just trade lungs. Get rid of the lung. - Lungs, no way there's a lung transplant. - Let it ride. - I hope you're thirsty 'cause you gotta take a shot bitches. You are wrong! The answer was the kidney. - Oh (beep) that no. - What? You're kidding me. - Hell no! - (Beep) a kidney, dog. - Everyone who watches us knows I'm a sports guy so let's get a gimme. Let's do this. - Zach's our sports man. - Okay who has not performed at the Super Bowl halftime show? Is it Lady Gaga- - She performed, crushed it. - Rebecca Black, (laughter) or Britney Spears? - Rebecca Black, what are you talking about? That's an actual question? - This is fucking bullshit! - This is bullshit! - Bullshit! - Guys obviously it's Britney Spears final- no I'm just kidding. - Is that your final answer? - Rebecca Black is our final answer. - (Garrick) Goddamn it bro. - Correct, Rebecca Black has not performed at the Super Bowl. - Bullshit. - We love pie, yeah! - Yeah! - For arts and literature, this culinary dish is featured in Cardi B's hit song W.A.P. - It's a pasta. - Yeah, Macaroni in a pot. - Macaroni in a pot. - It's a pasta - Macaroni in a pot that's some wet ass pussy, boy. (laughing) - Macaroni in a pot. - Ding ding ding guys! - Yeah! I was replaying the music video in my head. - Yeah I was just like just scrolling through the mind palace of wet ass pussy. (laughing) - There could not be a better question for arts and literature for team high. I can't believe this happened this was not planned. Zach if you get this wrong the entire internet - I don't like this is going to hate you. What author wrote Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, a poem collection that inspired the Broadway musical Cats? - (Beep) this, (beep) this you're cheating. - Wow, guys - Wow that's pretty incredible. I feel like - This is bullshit. - so much of my life has been leading to this moment. It was based on poems by T.S. Elliot. - That is correct! - And if you wanna hear us talk about Cats, we're gonna be doing it on our podcast- what's it called? - (Everyone) Guilty Pleasures! - Sexy Gerrick. (laughing) - It looks like I'm jerkin' off two dicks. - Yeah me too, (beep) it me too. - Sports and leisure - Leisure, yeah I love leisure. - What is the state sport of Maryland? - States have their own sports? - You have a state bird, state flower, state sport. - All I know about Maryland is lacrosse is big there. - I'll go with that. Lacrosse sounds- - Polo. - If each sport gets their own, if each state gets their own sport (crickets chirping) It could be anything. - It could be (beep) canoeing. - Archery or some bullshit. - I had a good beef sandwich in Maryland once. - Lacrosse - Lacrosse - Lacrosse - Take a shot, boys. - The answer is jousting. - I would've guessed that too. (laughing) - See, but like see? Like I mean- - I thought polo for a moment - I don't care how sober I am, there's no way I'm ever guessing the state sport for Maryland is, I'm sorry jousting as in like castles. - I thought you went to Yale. - Kelsey, what did I say? Yale is a glorified brand name for high school achievement. - At what German gate did President Reagan say in 1987, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall." - They call that a gate? In what- it's a it's a wall. - It's a wall. - It's in the name. - Berlin Wall. - This might be like an architectural landmark in Berlin. - Okay you're 100% right - Whoa whoa whoa it turns out Eugene high is actually a little bit smarter than we thought he was gonna be. - Oh! I just looked it up on the Google y'all aint never gonna guess this. - Ned you're not supposed to do that. - Yeah, but it's not my turn. - No, I'm sorry when I went to Berlin it was the first location I went to. - So what is it Zach? - So what was that place called? - I don't remember I was high the whole time. - Well what part of Germany like a neighborhood. - It was by the Holocaust memorial, but that's not gonna do us any good. - We're gonna go with Heinrich's Beer Hall please. (laughing) - That is incorrect. The answer is Brandenburg Gate. - Aww! - What "James" directed both Titanic and Avatar? - Oh okay, all right. - Oh it's gotta be James Charles, baby! (laughing) - Oh come on boy! - Hi sisters! - Okay sisters we're gonna set up this shot. Now your boat's sinking, sisters. - Hi sisters so everybody dies at the end, spoiler alert! - Is James Charles your final answer? - No! No no no, no no no we still wanna win. - Don't do that to us; James Cameron. - Ding, ding, ding! Eugene you look so sweet, how high are you? - Yeah, all the time. - Um, I don't know. I don't know Kelsey. - Your little secret? - I don't have anything to compare it to. - 'Cause you don't really get high. - No I don't know. (laughing) - Oh it's hitting. - Zooted. - Who'd you say directed Titanic, James Charles? (laughing) - Are there any sisters out there? Any sisters alive out there? - We're gonna get in (beep) trouble. - Hey sisters, will the lifeboats be seated according to class? (laughing) - Gerrick is choking. Let me know you're okay by holding up a thumbs up please. Who did not play the villain Two-Face in the Batman movies? Tommy Lee Jones, - He played it. - Aaron Eckhart, - He fuckin' played it. - or Val Kilmer? - Val Kilmer. - Val Kilmer, come on give the man some respect say his name right! - Val Kilmer, come on. - You gotta say his name right! - I've never- - If you're gonna say Val Kilmer, you're gonna say his name right - Val, Val Kilmer. - Kilmer was Batman. - That is correct. - Wait you don't know who Val Kilmer is? - No. - Don't do Val Kilmer dirty like that. - Team drunk, I'm gonna really need you to step it up here on this one. I'm gonna need you to get one right, okay? - Look, Kelsey I'm focused. - Choose your category. - Look I'll do a shot just so- - I bet you (beep) won't, I bet you (beep) won't. - Don't do a shot right now, man. We don't need a shot right now. - Fine, fine. Your words, not mine. - Do it, Ned. Do it, take the shot, Ned. - Don't do it, Ned. - Take the shot in your mouth. - Don't do it, listen to your heart. - Take the shot! Take the shot! (all shouting) - He's helpless to a chant. - Come on, you wanna win? - Gerrick I'm doing this 'cause I wanna win (laughing) the people's hearts. - (Gerrick) Goddammit. - Yeah! (Beep) yeah, Ned! What sport includes a maneuver called a "ballet leg"? - Figure skating or something. - Hmm. - Fancy. - And also synchronized swimming is a good guess. - What are all the sports? Lets just go through all the sports. - Figure skating. - Keith, would you like to use your one time to overthrow their answer yes or no? - Yeah, its gymnastics! - You dumb bitch it was synchronized swimming you had it! - Oh no! - You already, you had it! - Eugene, my sweet angel. I've never wanted to like - Hi - cuddle with Eugene more in my life than right now. - He's very cute when he's high - He's in his little, his little sweatshirt and he's little, he just looks so cozy and cute. ♪History has it's eyes on you ♪ (Zach singing) Any Hamilton fans, okay. What is it that those who cannot remember are condemned to repeat? - The answer's the name of the category. - What? - Isn't it history? - If we don't remember history we're doomed to repeat it. - Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. - Are doomed to repeat it. - It could be the past. - No it's history. - Keith don't forget, you have the chance to overthrow one question. - The past, please. - Keith has officially overthrown team high's answer of history. I am so so sorry to say that you are correct, Keith! You are so good! (Keith screaming) - (Beep) - Ooh that is powerful! - I'm saying Spain. - Espana. - (Beep) correct, you genius Eugene! - And see when consequences happen. - What are you gonna do, reach through the internet and hurt me? - True. - True. - True, true! - Take a shot you dumb (beep)! - What? - I'm in control of the Zoom! I can kick you out! (Buzzer noise) - They didn't teach that at Yale. - What's the top called? - The numerator, duh! - Keith if you talk outta turn one more time, I'm making you take your shirt off! - Yeah, yeah! Team drunk! Oh should I put on my (beep) Try Guys sweater? Wait, one second - Oh yeah where's my Try Guys - let me put on my goddamn - Hold on, hold on - Let me put on my goddamn Try Guys sweater. - As game boss I'm implementing a rule that everyone has to go change into something else right now, go! - Wait where'd everyone go? Where'd everyone go? Why are you guys, where'd you guys go? (suspenseful music) - Wait, wait did we finish the game? - Are we done? - No, no no no. I'm coming back Eugene, no. - I said everyone has to go put on different clothes. - Oh I missed that. - Team player. - I did not, I don't know why you all ran away. I got so confused. - Oh no! - Zooted. - That scared me for a second. I thought it was like - Oh my god, the rapture? - Yeah, except knowing the people in this, Kelsey you would not have, you would be sitting right here. - Cheers! - Which is not a type of yoga? (Kelsey burping) Kundalini, Hatha, or Raita? - I hate this (beep) game. - There are so many sports questions. It's gotta be Kundalini. - It's gotta be cunnilingus, it's cunnilingus. - Yeah that's like a mix of Condoleezza Rice or something. - No self regarding Italian is like oh I- Gerrick and I both agree, we think its Kundalini. - I think you're right. - Kundalini is a type of yoga, in fact like one of the most common types. - Kundalini! - Wait its Kundalini with a "k"? - Yes. - Ohh. Yeah 'cause we were picturing "c-u-n". - Kundalini! - Kundalini. (laughing) - When you said it was Italian, I was like it must be Italian. - It's not Italian. (laughing) - And pasta like Kundalini! - Kundalini! - Kundalini with a "k" (beep) changes it just a little bit for me. - God (beep) dammit, Kundalini! It's Kundalini or something like that. - You really thought it was a like pasta dish? - Ow, Ned! - I've never heard of that pasta dish, but it sounded more like pasta than yoga! - I don't do yoga, dog. - I'm doing the White Claw for good luck. - Do it, you pussy. - Which of the following (laughing) is not a real animal? - What the (beep)? - The Cookiecutter Shark, the Poison Dart Frog, - That's what's real. - or the Smiling Platypus? - When you were a kid, what'd you love? Sharks. When you were a kid what else did you love? Cookies. You think if there was a cookie shark, we wouldn't know about that shit? - Yeah let's just say Cookiecutter Shark. - Is that your final answer? - Cookiecutter mother(beep) Shark. - For all the pie. - Gimme that pie. - It is Smiling Platypus, team drunk you've got a chance! - Oh my god! - We got a chance, baby! - What is the Cookiecutter Shark? I gotta look that up, I gotta look that up! (screaming) - Bring it on, Kelsey. We want the geography. We're gonna go down in flames or not at all. - You guys, the card that I picked would've been such a good sports and leisure 'cause it's finally, Ned, heterosexual male sports questions. The geography question on here, I am praying for you both. - Okay let's go back to sports then. - Nope we are on geography. - Game boss is giving us a little help. - Let's do sports and leisure. - She's giving us a little tip, little trick. - Okay I will cut a deal with you. I will absolutely give you this sports question if you do this geography question to end. - You're the game boss. - You're goddamn right, I feel so drunk on power. What is it called when you score three goals in a hockey game? - Holy (beep) shit! - You're telling me this could've been a question - this whole time? - This is your question. - This is your question. - The hat trick? - The hat trick. - Hat trick. - This could've been a fucking question? - Eugene looks frozen. Eugene are you high? - Fucking hat trick, everybody knows! - Ned's voice hurts my ears. - Oh my god, Maryland is known for its jousting. (laughing) - I will never forget. - You guys this is so intense. I was not expecting this to end on the final question for both teams. Team high, do you feel like you can do it? - Yes also they went first so we are technically still in the lead. (Gerrick laughing) - This is bullshit. - Meow. - Meow, meow. - Meow. - What- - Meow, meow. - Meow, meow. - color does litmus paper turn when it comes in contact with an acid? - Yes, bitch. - Doesn't, doesn't it turn blue? - Blue is one of the colors it turns, yes. - Now I'm back in my classroom and I'm just looking at my litmus test, my paper and I think it's, I think its blue. - What's your final answer? - Blue. - Ned, do you wanna answer this one? - Hell yeah, brother! It's red, bitch! - Ohh, right. - Red, he's wearing the goddamn color. (Ned cheering) It's been in your face the whole goddamn time. (laughing) - If you get this right, team drunk, because you went first, team high still gets a chance to answer their science question and if they get that right we will go into a tie breaker, but this is just very exciting this has been very exciting. What is the name of the currency of China? The Ruple - No, that's Russian. - We got this. - Well wait, don't you need the multiple choice? Do you guys just wanna say it? - Yeah yeah yeah, no no no. - You guys look confident, you guys look confident. - The renminbi - No that's India - Or the dollar? - Oh, wait no it is the renminbi. - Ruple's Russian. - Could just be the Chinese dollar. - They call it ren. - Oh. - I haven't heard of a Chinese dollar. - I've never been to China. - I'm gonna need a final answer. - You went to China, Ned. - I did go to China. - You went to China? - It's definitely not a dollar. (Keith laughing) I didn't know it was called renmenbi, but ren sounds familiar. - Is that your final answer team drunk? - I would, I'll agree on that. - Correct you guys completed your pie! (cheering) (Ned clapping) - This game is so insane. You guys have the chance to also complete your pie and then we will go into the final death question that I will make up. Which of the following animals gives birth instead of laying eggs? A whale, an ostrich, or a platypus. - Whale, that's so easy it's a whale. - This is (beep) bullshit bro. - It's a whale. - It's a mammal, everyone knows a whale's a mammal. It's the biggest one. - It's a whale, it's a whale. - That is correct! We've got two full (beep) pies are you (beep) kidding me? - I never thought I'd see the mother(beep) day of trivial pursuit drunk versus high going to a sudden death match question, wow! The death match question is going to be about me 'cause I'm the star of this (beep) show. What is Kelsey's favorite number? - I thought you were gonna say phone number and I was like this is fun. - Tell me we do this whole (beep) trivia show - Yep. - The final marbles are coming down to us guessing your favorite number. - Uh-huh. - Also who has favorite numbers? - Me! - I'm gonna change my number based on what Keith and Eugene say. - 27 - 14 - (beep) you that was my number. - All right I'm gonna say nine. - That was gonna be my other guess, good number. Love that number. - I'm gonna say six. - Well, Zach I wanted to say 14, but I guess you got the jump on me, so I suppose I'll say 15. - Ned I'm gonna give you the chance right now. Do you wanna switch numbers? - Hell no, brother. I'm gonna take my last, last place chance and do it correct. - Ohh! - My favorite number is 17 which means Ned was the closest. (cheering) - Team drunk won! - Let's go Kelsey! I've known you the longest, lets go! - Go ahead, baby! - Woo! - I'm sorry, is that Shake Shack for the loser? - Do we have Shake Shack? - I think so. - Oh my god, what? - I have it. - Did you not get it, Gerrick? - No. - Aww. - We definitely didn't get any. (laughing) - We got it baby! - I just got confirmation from Alexandria, everyone is getting Shake Shack you just don't have yours. - Well congratulations team drunk, but congratulations to all listeners everywhere 'cause you guys have a (bleep) podcast to listen to. Guilty Pleasures, it's out now. Thanks Gerrick and Kelsey for being here. - James Charles for president. (theme music) You guys should totally get me to model this 'cause I wear it every (beep) day. - I think you look better in that hoodie than any of us ever have.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,617,651
Rating: 4.9533238 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, trivia, trivial, trivia competition, trivia questions, trivia answers 2k20, pub trivia, 2k20 trivia, questions and answers, game, trivia quiz, music trivia, bar trivia, quiz, general knowledge trivia, trivia questions and answers, trivia about general knowledge, general knowledge, drunk vs. high, drunk, high
Id: 0-g8W_bVloo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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