r/JustNeckbeardThings · ok neckbeard

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I mean okay this is the pillow belong to the dog the pillow belongs to the dog right this wouldn't be so weird how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash just neck beard things why is it impossible to find a girlfriend most women only want to get with chad's and bad boys fair enough I guess thanks to tinder and dating sites women can hook up with the hottest guys at the touch of a button women are hyper Gama's creatures so they're always trying to date slash marry up the average woman feels entitled to a chad slash bad-boy experience but most of the time it ends in tears Chad's have an abundance of choice and it will often pump and dump one girl before moving on to the next this is the mindset that causes one to isolate themselves in their loneliness here's the thing dude there might be Chad's complex social structures etc but you were only looking at what you don't have what can you do to improve yourself you can do community service join a gym or participate in group activities in another capacity you will find a partner it is just a matter of time do you understand how arrogant it is to think that out of seven billion people and millions of successful relationships that you are the exception like get out of your pity party change your life for the better and make the most of your time on earth having to explain to people that work with the Hokage is hashtag relatable am i right all of your dead relatives you watching hentai Loel funny enough I'm an atheist : three killer game when dinner was served in the Chapman household son Daniel 22 told his parents he couldn't come to the table because he was in the middle of a computer game frustrated dad Stephen 56 told his son to look for somewhere else to rent the next day he then stormed into the family's office in their Sydney home and turned off the internet modem afterwards he went to Daniel's room and tried to remove the cables from the computer but Daniel who collected medieval weapons as a hobby picked up a hunting knife from under his bed and stabbed his dad in the back Christ I may look calm and cool at times but in my mind I've killed you 20 times in five minutes and ten different ways how to tell a girl trying to play you how to tell her what they all do at first or at least they try to why I do not know or perhaps I do but anyways considering my unparalleled generosity ie I give them ample chances to realize their messed up thought processes and how wrong it is however once is clear that they won't listen I do what I do best I turned them into maidens okay I UNAC ly prefer 2d girls than 3d I'm sorry bud Milady's kiss one I mean that's one thing to name your weapon I guess mclubbe lounge only for the finest of gentlemen of course I miss you she's devouring Chad's chicken right now dude this is about my dead brother but I oh my god he just nun me and started playing Halo 3 well duh the grind never stops I'm not a fan of attention hoes stop advertising that you're single but ignore any attempts of courting you you look stupid and bitter hashtag offended when applies oh my god I found it gamer City Fedora heck all the females on this freakin app you're all missing out on a nice guy yeah I'm sure oh boy so there's a chick in my class I like unfortunately I'm quiet calculated and intelligent and she likes big dumb jocks so anyway one day me and her boyfriend are walking among oh she has a boyfriend walking among a group of our fellow students when a gangbanger appears and friends with a gun her big and though boyfriend instantly freezes and loses the ability to speak I on the other hand squint my eyes and step forward pulling my katana for judo practice out in one fell swoop go ahead I say the gun is only four hundred years old while the sword is the child of many millennia do you fancy the odds instantly the gangbanger drops his weapon and runs my other classmates cheer while her jock boyfriend pretends the whole thing was funny she looks at me and sees what she didn't see before she thanks me with a kiss but I don't smile because I was only doing my duty safe to say she saw who a real man was that day I may be quiet and collected but raise a weapon against me and you'll face your worst nightmare our slash that happened guys with beards like this have a 125 percent chance of calling you sheeple and telling you to get woken online forums wait a second is this the guy who who scared away the gunman in front of the girl my god I'm starting to think the whole thing is a fake industry I mean toothpaste contains fluoride an industrial by-product and the only thing important about brushing your teeth is the brushing you don't need shampoo at all because hair cleans itself by way of our body's natural oils and a good rinse under a shower would probably clean you sufficiently well scroll that hygiene stuff eh so no it's definitely not okay stop using all that stuff well there's only one thing I have to respond to that with you search for flasher tunnel under Hillsboro Road white male 5-8 average build neckbeard yep get yelled at for playing smash and not helping set the table Thanksgiving dinner getting ready to eat grandma wants to say grace first everyone in my family starts thinking and non-existing didi made up three thousand years ago by ignoring goat-herders for providing us with food my face when I mean okay maybe playing smash is one thing but you know the grind don't stop you can tell you such a big SNK fanboy it's so wholesome to watch finally a cute girl in a video game comment section how are you doing this morning my lady whoa are you freaking serious dude excuse me I'm in the middle of a conversation I suggest you back off watch out he's gonna pull out his katana also how do you know it's a cute girl it's just a cartoon image as the profile photo senpai squad dude yeah you gotta have some balls to be able to drive that around in public I would be immediately terrified of anyone that I saw in the driver's seat also those are those paintings on the windshield wipers I just noticed nevermind I'm no longer scared if you gaze into the abyss long enough the abyss gazes back from berserk what a penguin fell in love with an anime cut out you see weaves aren't just humans don't respect her because she's a women respect her because you're a man it's funny because it's the Joker in the image the Joker does not respect women we're all Jokers ha ha ha speaking of which more Joker talking behind my back only means that you respect my presence enough to know better than to say it to my freaking face holy moly it's hard to believe that these are actually real like people make these and think oh yeah this this is cool my mom is trying to make me shower and wear deodorant at 16 why can't she respect I don't want to maybe because that's disgusting never ever made me thought about that anime and video games taught me how to be polite and respectful at an early age and middle school geeks were called wussies for being non confrontational and respecting women now as an adult they call me wussy because I'm drenched in it I'm not your senpai bro I'm your lab partner the Roses have wilted the violets are dead the demons run circles round and round in my yeah okay buddy censored or not the lollies in this episode were hot man I just I hate reading this stuff out loud Miku have you wake up honey did you sleep well me I did sorry for waking up late dear nightshift always drains my energy out Miku you've been working hard honey it's okay to rest a bit more if squiggly line me I should wake up right now mm whoa dear Miku what's wrong honey me I can see them Miku what do you mean me your breasts Miku oh yeah pervert honey blush blush it really is pleasant waking up next to my dear wife Miku I'm such a lucky husband man I I can't wait for this to be over when you see a solid freaking meme that makes you exhale considerably strong okay this is funny you know what I yeah funny laughed with this blade I pledge to take up arms against those who do not stand for the old ways of chivalry for those who would disrespect a female as if they were a bug on the underside of their shoe with this blade I pledge to fight the forces of misogyny the tyranny of ignorance and the plague of a poppy this is my pledge to you before she I want to believe that the the image in the background and like the photo was taken ironically but this whole image was made on ironically that worries me all right you know what I can respect you know without shame putting you know posters of things that you like up on your wall but when it's all just girls and yeah body pillows of them all on your bed maybe that's I don't know if that's so forgiving hey Queen I saw your tweet about how men are trash and I just wanted to let you know that I agree although I am myself I'm a man I know I am on your side one of the good ones quote unquote as some may say by the way I never even noticed how fat your boobies are until now but they're awesome well done dude you really you really made her liked men more just just from that Superman stop my wedding to Titan man I just found out the terrible secret his mask is hiding serves you right for choosing him over me Louis marry him holy cow I cannot believe Superman is a nice guy my housing is paid for I make a good salary I get health insurance 401k 700 pounds of beef a year and I live on a couple hundred acres I'm a puncher by trade with a bachelor's degree and I swear you women would rather have a looser than a provider it's sad I could show you some else's sad um this tweet every time you get a boner from an anime girl she comes to life start searching for animation anime Dana DeVito that's all I'm gonna read that's that's that's a good standing point for that image deodorants were created to solve a fake problem and thrive thanks to the patriarchy come to an anime convention and you will delete this tips had shredded mushrooms the black bushy entity below my chin and around my face is the infamous beard of apathy often characterized by me philosophers beard or barb EULA little beard unfortunately for me the entity is almost universally condemned it's a fashion choice and makes me look Amish see social norms low all kinds of reasons I'm a former Marine so I'm way freakin badass for a lot of reasons right there but the biggest is that you'll be very far removed from the possibility of any kind of danger so that's a big one I'm a grown-ass man and I have a genius-level intellect and highly developed social skills I'm hilarious as heck I know how to be fun and I'm very good at making people feel welcome and comfortable and at ease there are very very few quality men out there these days most men are crap going freakin nowhere and you may have a big pool of bad experiences to draw from that sucks so I can't blame you for not being able to recognize a good opportunity holy crap guys I I found the swag mobile it's right here look at that spoiler girls don't like me because of my intelligence starter pack my IQ is one away from genius stem major with a C average mean to people because he doesn't consider them smart profile photo is a cute anime girl or Pepe thinks he has obscure sense of humor even though it's just racist comments with no punchline relates to one of these mofos yeah this is pretty much in what if I obsess with my girlfriend while watching anime she judges me for it and gets uncomfortable but I think it's my business to watch anime is it weird to have guests while watching Naruto yes that is inappropriate especially if your girlfriend has expressed that she's uncomfortable with it if you truly care about your girlfriend you'll turn off the anime during discuss firstworldproblems folks call of duty modern warfare Mountain Dew and Doritos dinamita I have never seen this a day in my life and I don't want it for the Japanese culture she is chubby I have the same body as Pacheco hello m'lady I'm married yeah just just shoot him down let him off easy well that is the end of our slash just neckbeard things and the end of this video I have never felt so much pain going through my entire body at once while reading some of these posts out loud but thank you for watching and thank you for suffering along with me if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell see get notified every time you see PZ uploads and well until the next one I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 75,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/justneckbeardthinsg, r/justneckbeardthings top posts, r/justneckbeardthings best posts, just neckbeard things, reddit neckbeard, reddit niceguys, r/ neckbeard, r/justneckbeardthings emkay, r/justneckbeardthings chris cross, r/justneckbeardthings ezpz, ezpz, ez pz
Id: ubTa6OtFQ8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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