r/Crappydesign · THEY DON'T

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/marinefurryunit 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
the user looks very happy brilliant marketing oh what the hell vpn supernet unlimited access your favorite stream apps why is why is she crying and i this is very ominous i don't like it how's it going everybody welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're going to take a look at our slash crappy design ah yes i love to visit the new and see all the animals come on guys this isn't that bad but i saw i read new when i first saw it oh my god what are these people okay so it's a plumbing service but good lord you got as many stickers and decals on there as physically possible that that is ugly if i didn't see the drain under the spiral i would have assumed this was like a storm cleanup group or something reduce increase oh that's confusing because the arrows increase is like up but it's also curved so it's going kind of left so it yeah this isn't good world's step best mother it's true we checked yeah well you didn't check to see if this was a good design obviously ah off on but the off has the speaker without the cross and the on has the speaker with the cross good job guys well done now open 24 hours 6 a.m to 9 45 p.m guys that's not 24 hours chess before chess after chess that h barely looks like an h i i mean i guess i kind of get it but substance against abuse guys i get it but you couldn't have put um against at the top privacy shutter on laptop that doesn't block the infrared camera ah makes sense to me guys well done uh these little photo op cutouts are always hilarious they they never work as intended it's always they just look like aliens this flyer for the new taipei museum of arts oh dear lord that is wait new taipei museum farts that's what it looks like to me guys oh that is that's a pathetic excuse for a statue of liberty that is um what is that arm even now you're in new york oh dear that is um not even tony stark who would want this garbage stairwell in his house the way my son's alphabet puzzle has the knob placed directly over each letter oh goody i can barely see which letter is which great design fantastic it has two mouths oh you're right it does that the beak is not the nose the beak is like the mouth and the nose you can't have a beacon and a mouth under it truck uh yeah what what about him what about truck wouldn't cheaper headphones give a thicker wallet new release uh one dollar base 700 379 yeah that's a great point this just means this is how much money you need in your wallet to buy these headphones ah doctor who the doctor's words of wisdom for hashtag earth earthday people can save planets or them wreck that's the choice be the best of humanity i see what you guys are going for bbc but um that is uh that text is a little messy browsing flats and i wonder how do i get into that top left bedroom uh that's an excellent question you'll just have to go in through the window i'm sorry ah very glad to see that this uh little stairwell literally is pointless um there's no door there i shed um it is this just a this is a this is an eye test right no that's this is supposed to be like a book title i i don't know man i see you always in always be you thank you for seeing me this is bad we're open monday to friday 11 a.m to 10 p.m saturday and sunday 11 a.m to 10 p.m why would you separate them all caps except for the ll um oh yeah why would you rb rgb controller why would you not capitalize the l's ah um that's an interesting key holder is that the tail or i i i would assume it's the tail and not something else but bears don't have tails that long trying to teach us french revolution instead looks like french evoludio ah it's the classic um white font on white background didn't think they give it like a black stroke outline or anything keep going that's awful why would you jumble it all up like that you have more wall space guys antarctica is way too long on this globe oh my god yeah no that doesn't seem quite right you have to memorize the directions before you open it oh that's cool thanks wash your hands with ace wow what this mug's handle is inside the cup meant to warm hands but it's just scalding hot until the drink is basically lukewarm oh yeah no that's the i've never understood these mugs personally ymca abuse lawsuit if you or a loved one were abused while involved in the ymca you may be entitled to financial compensation for your pain and suffering no matter how long ago the abuse occurred you may be eligible to file a claim if you what are you talking about what it's good to know your beautiful lawn is coming wow that was way too harder that was way harder than it needed to be put a white outline on it or something it's a bar i think she's supposed to smell fresh coffee seeds but it looks like she is crying blood oh yeah no that doesn't look too great now does it arial font uppercase i lowercase l thanks ariel font this warranty card on my new prescription glasses isn't the whole point of like glasses you're supposed to be able to see and this card for your prescription glasses is impossible to see why the mac and cheese uh oh no why why are there contacts in this mac and cheese are you preparing to meet jesus that's that's horrifying uh load size extra small small medium or extra large wouldn't you want it to be like like extra small small medium large or small medium large extra large my shower in bellagio italy at the metropole showerhead faces the glass door that covers only half the shower water went everywhere ah what the hell is wrong with the shower that's what the hell um tempered ass i don't know why i said it like that you had meat coffee meat coffee what the hell ah the video inside of the book well maybe one day we'll have uh actual page books like paper based books with videos playing inside probably not this handicap parking meter that is inaccessible to anyone in a wheelchair ah fantastic great thanks for looking out for everyone guys heal thy smoothies why why why are smoothies two different words let the good let times roll them leave them brush you up in you rock the air and roll hair man my headache is growing by the second capri sun multivitamin limited animal edition animal edition what uh maybe i'm crazy but that looks like an actual door as a gate to a fence why this cup lid that pinched my straw so hard that i couldn't get any soda through it oh thanks subway yeah appreciate that thanks it's supposed to say goshen uh i wouldn't have known that if you have had you not told me man this looks i don't like this a little tiny sink just in the corner like why beautiful uh i i guess this is fine but that's not how you spell beautiful ah thank god there's a trail for bikers and such but um why is that there on both ends actually there's just a big slab of concrete uh i don't like this chimney this seems like a very unreliable dangerous chimney especially to park a car next to very nice i had to search google maps to find what this store is actually called oh my god uh i it's games toys candy collectibles i man i don't even i couldn't even tell you ah like captain america always says it's fun to me is captain america supposed to be the eye oh dear god what are those windows on this house what does it look like on the inside that's what i want to know the design in this fake airpod case makes it look like it's dirty that's that's intentional really gross the perfect look at his face what uh eat sl [Music] me oh music repeat eat sleep music repeat this is awful i that took me way too long to realize what this is what it was trying to say i didn't know elephants had their mouths on top of their trunks oh yeah that's not right this lampshade looks like there is hair on it oh yeah i've seen this one before not a fan ah another video inside of a book that's that's funny it's it's a it's a good laugh oh i i don't like this blanket no the stove knobs are next to the fire and kinda melted i see that yeah no those are way too close yeah that 60 degree angle is very useful yeah cool that's yup that's how i plug my stuff into the wall bow bow and tab apple eddie edit it bone apple tea is that what it's man this is awful uh toot two turno is it i think it's supposed to be toronto but that's awful this is very bad cheese tasting coffee uh i already don't like coffee and i certainly do not want coffee that tastes like cheese bathroom remodeling specialists mcmashad machad enterprises when quality is not an option wait what are these guys saying when you can't find something with quality call us because we're not quality what and well ladies and gentlemen with that we have reached the end of our slash crappy design thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button the bell so you get notified every time he's the pc uploads and hey if you want to hear more from me my personal channel zack exfoliator is linked in the description below thanks again so much for watching and until next time i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 37,751
Rating: 4.9851727 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Crappydesign
Id: popJMlVyYb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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