r/ChoosingBeggars | Girl FLIRTS to Turn 95% Discount to FREE

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there's something exciting about planning a special trip with a friend unless that friend is a choosing beggar that's what this woman found out when her trip almost gets ruined by a choosing beggar these house owners are trying to do some landscaping to accommodate their pet birds but a favor to a neighbor starts to spiral out of control as she keeps asking for more and more an employee decides they've had enough of their job and starts offering insane discounts to customers but you guessed it the discount isn't enough when a girl who is a choosing beggar comes along what does she want instead you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears choosing beggars this fan submitted story was called mum insists I take a friend with me on vacation a wild choosing beggar appears a bit of background choosing beggar and I had been friends since the 6th grade with similar interests we hadn't spoken as often after high school since our friend groups diverged but we were still on good terms I was actually going to be a bridesmaid in his wedding planned for the following year this factors in later I'm a relatively frequent visitor to a popular theme park and once a year they have a major event with actors and crew members from a certain magical film series visiting the park signing autographs posting panels and q and A's you get the idea it's a lot of fun and I had gone the past couple of years prices had been rising each year for the event and I had already decided I would only make it once or twice more before it was out of my price range so I definitely wanted to go while I still could the only problem was my mother insisted I didn't go on vacation alone she was paranoid I would disappear or something and none of my high school or college friends were able to make the trip enter choosing beggar Hey are you still looking for someone to go to that event with actually yeah are you interested we discussed price with airfare hotel Park tickets transport and event credentials for a five-day trip it came to about 1600 dollars each not too bad and choosing beggar looks uncomfortable he tells me he can't pay it all at once but could I do payments now at this point I've had no problems with choosing beggar in the past and he's always been reliable so I'm ok with that I put the trip on my card with everything under my name and set up a plan for choosing beggar to pay me $400 a month until a month before the trip we agreed it would be best to finish early so he could have time to get money together to buy souvenirs while on vacation the first month he's on time with full payment the second month he pays me half apologizing profusely because his car had needed a big repair but swears up and down he'll make it up by the next month things happen I get it but then it's three months before the trip and no sign of another payment ITEX choosing beggar with no response I try again the next day and again finally I get a response asking to meet at a fast food restaurant to talk about the trip great I get there a little early and get myself some lunch I'm sitting there minding my own business and sipping on a soda when choosing beggar enters it's been a while so this will be paraphrased Hey how's it going have you got the next payment for me yeah about that looks like I'm not going to finish paying you up before the trip these tickets are nonrefundable he knew that what yeah it's pretty expensive and I can't pay that much so I can pay a little bit more but the trip can't really be that much I'll still go with you though I had literally booked the trip in front of him and he had seen the price breakdown so I'm one thousand dollars plus in the hole on his share of the costs and trying to process his evolution into a choosing beggar now I don't enjoy being taken Vantage of and I got mad I excused myself to the restroom and called my mother from the hallway I knew she was also a fan of this movie series and had time off during that week I explained the situation and my plan and got her approval for my next step I walked back to the table smiling like the cat that just ate the canary sat down and pulled out my phone I put it on speaker and dialed the theme-park reservation helpline hello thank you for calling theme park reservation assistance this is oh how may I help you hello oh is it possible to change the name of a secondary traveler on a vacation reservation I'm the primary traveler and my reservation number is one two three four five six as long as you're the primary traveler of course I've just pulled up your reservation what would you like the second name to be changed to please change it from choosing beggar to my mom I spelled it out while choosing beggars stared at me dumbstruck Oh confirmed the changes asked if I needed anything else and I thanked her and said no next was the airline they didn't want to make the change at first instead telling me the funds could only be accessed by the traveler whose name was attached to the tickets choosing beggar looked incredibly smug at this until I told them to look up my frequent flyer number and my mother's frequent flyer number we've been flying this airline for years and choosing beggar had almost never been out of state as a one-time courtesy they allowed me to change the name for a small fee choosing beggar didn't make the trip my mum and I had a great time and I kept the money he had already given me to cover the change fees and the cost of the bridesmaid dress for his wedding his fiance had made us buy them over a year in advance and they ended up breaking up not long before the trip happened quite frankly no one was surprised by this normally when you deal with the choosing beggar it's a stranger there's usually no emotional attachment to the person so it's easy to shrug your shoulders roll your eyes and go well some people this will just suck it's a lot harder when the choosing beggar and the person trying to take advantage of you is a close friend in this case she was even part of the bridal party some people in this world always behave like this so it's easy to avoid or prevent being friends with them in the first place but for others they might usually be a really nice person he might get along with them really well and then all of a sudden out of the blue something like this happens that's why it's so important to choose your friends wisely the reality is at some point they're going to hurt you and you're going to hurt them the question is to what degree are you going to hurt each other and how are you going to repair the relationship do you have any stories of a friend who seemed really cool and they turned out to be a choosing burger let me know in the comments below or you can post your story and pass /vc here this story was called landscaping begging the backstory me and my wife bought our first house last year the house is a little bit on the scabby side and needed a lot of work done to it which we have slowly been working through as and when we have the money the garden is crazy overgrown however and I have been slowly working away at it when I can however it is doing my back end there are many trees and tree stumps that need to be removed all over the garden the garden is roughly 22 by 11 meters the main plan for the garden is to clear it all out so we can build a rather large aviary me and my wife taken unwanted and mistreated parrots with the intention of rehoming them while also offering support to anyone who may need it we currently have thirty to forty parrots budgies cockatiels love birds etc which are currently in my modified garage waiting for it to be built the main thing we need in place before we can start the aviary is a six-foot fence around the entire garden this is needed mainly to act as a windbreak as the area we live in can get rather windy it is also necessary to stop being walked into my garden as we are backed onto the woods I made sure to tell my neighbors what was going on months in advance as having good neighbors who you can speak to and have a laugh with is really important to me both neighbors were really happy with this and my garden was actually lowering the property value of the people don't want to live next to someone who won't look after their garden if you know what I mean great I hired a company to start the work straightaway this is where it started going downhill and the choosing beggary begins so we have neighbor one and two neighbor one is great with no problems and neighbor two is an ultimate choosing Baker and one and N two for short work started in the garden and things were all going pretty smooth and one and M two came out to meet the landscapers to discuss what the fence would look like which they had no objections to the fence would be a standard six foot picket fence that would not be painted as I can save money by doing that myself not a problem or so I thought while I was at work I got a few text messages from the landscaper saying that I needed to speak with neighbor two as she was pestering them constantly about things that needed to be done I got home and went straight over to see what the issue was neighbor two was saying to the landscapers that I had asked her to say I wanted ample trees planted between me and neighbor two's property I did not agree to this in the first place but I wanted to keep the peace and stay on good terms with my neighbors so I had the landscapers add in the trees as it wasn't going to cost too much more anyway everything carried on for a few more days when I got another text from the landscaper saying she's demanding more stuff I walked over to n two's house after work to speak and see what she wanted she had been demanding that the landscapers had a patio to her garden next to the fence the conversation went a bit like this if you want a patio you'll have to pay the landscape is once they've done the work on my garden but they can do it now it will look really nice I'm sure it will look nice but right now I'm paying them to work on my garden you can hide them afterwards but why would I do that they're doing all the work to your garden surely it wouldn't cause to do this little bit for me patios can be very expensive depending on what you want that's all pennies to you it's not me paying for a third why not it's not my garden but the amount of money spent surely this won't matter that's not how this works if you want your garden done you will be paying for it but that's not fair that's not my problem I left pretty ticked off and spoke with my wife and one about the situation I ended up planting the apple trees and too was demanding an N one's garden as they were extremely nice and I've never had an issue with anything I do they even take my bins out if I forget them they are over the moon dead happy with their new apple trees and to tried to argue with me about the apple trees a couple days later but I just kept doing my own thing and kept repeating if you want some tree so much go buy some the work in my garden is still ongoing and n2 likes to sit in her conservatory and stare at the landscape is all day she won't speak to me anymore but to be honest I don't really care n2 seems to have a really messed up view of what fair really means from her perspective it seems fair doesn't mean if you're getting the service you need to pay for it she seems to think if you're spending more money and I can't afford it you should be paying for my stuff but that's not what fairness actually means just because somebody earns more than you doesn't mean that you're entitled to their stuff this story was called customer not happy with a ninety five percent discount this happened a decade ago when I was working for Mervyn's a department store in America that went bankrupt I was one of the seasonal employees who was hired to work the holiday season September to December two weeks after getting hired the entire company declared bankruptcy and quickly went into a closeout sale we were told that our store would be closing for good by around January but most of the staff would be gone by January 1st at the start of December most of the staff stopped giving a crap thinking more about finding a new job than giving that excellent customer service that we were told to give I mean what were they going to do fire us early one employee Matt had been working there for a decade and felt cheated that he spent his entire 20s working for them and would have nothing to show for it so he decided to create his own discounts if you don't know at least that Mervyn any staff member could give a discount on any item in the store if they wanted to it was meant to be for like five percent of this ten percent that for special occasions in reality there was no limit to how much you could discount things this is where Matt gave zero craps and would start discounting entire purchases if the person was nice or a cute girl it started off with five to ten percent off but as the store got closer to closing and our hours were getting cut it went up with each passing week until it was fifty to seventy-five percent off one evening I'm working with Matt and this really cute girl walks up with what had to have been five hundred dollars in clothes Matt starts ringing it up making small talk about her job and what a stressful day she's had so she's treating herself when he goes to apply special discount he makes a point of saying that because she seems like a good person who deserves a break and to make the Dave and special and giving her a special discount of 95 percent he probably thought it would impress her her eyes light up and getting such a huge deal but then when he shows her the new amount jus she got extra flirty and was whining about her day and how it could be even better if it was a hundred percent off Matt obviously knew what he was doing was illegal and could blame the system for giving deep discounts but even managers who didn't care would notice 100 percent off so he laughed it off saying that even he doesn't get that good of a deal and he's the one dishing them out she stops being flirty and charming instead getting upset saying that if he doesn't give her the items for free that she'll talk to his manager and he'd be fired he says that she wins and she gets the smug look of satisfaction just before he takes off his nametag logs off the system and walks to the exit the whole time I'm watching this happen and the girl just seamlessly picks up the stack of clothes she wants to buy and puts it at my station next to his saying that she'd like the 95 percent discount with a smile like I'd honor that idiots theft I lie and tell her that I don't have the ability to give discounts but I'd be happy to call over another man Joe who has the clearance for that she stormed out muttering insults about retail workers and that it's no wonder the company is going under she does realize that if they were giving away free or even 95 percent off clothes that would guarantee any business to go under some people just don't know when to take a good deal when they've got it they always have to push for more well lesson learned here sometimes if you push too much you might lose the deal altogether this story was called friend wants me to pay for the repair of her boyfriend's car so I have this friend that I don't talk to often we were kind of close in high school but we kind of drifted apart after that we talked from time to time but nothing much there was some other incidents before with her being a Seabee but nothing so serious so let's get to the story in high school I was really poor but after that I became a programmer and I'm financially stable not rich but pretty good this friend let's call her choosing beggar from now on knows that a couple of months ago she made a new boyfriend after she dumped her previous for him this dude comes from a rich family they bought him a Range Rover as the first car which he still drives today and they were paying for everything he has while he doesn't work so fast-forward to today I get a message from choosing beggar hey how are you fine at work what about you well I need your help boyfriend's car has broken down and her parents about 1500 euros and we wanted to go to some city in the mountains great view kind of expensive without friends me not included so we need the car that must suck yeah and I was wondering if you could give him the money to fix it why aren't his parents fixing it he had a fight with his parents they want him to get a job so they won't pay well that sucks I could give him the money but how is he going to pay me back excuse me what I asked you to give him the money not lend him some money so you want me just to give him 1500 euros to fix his car so you can go on a trip just like that you have money you said you want to buy a Lexus yeah that's true I had some money and I want to buy Alexis as my first car but that's not a reason to just throw away 1500 euros so what I've worked with that money I'm not going to give it for free so all these years of friendship meant nothing well it looks like they're worth 1,500 euros for you you are so arrogant and full of yourself you were just lucky some people aren't as lucky as you guys I've been freaking poor my parents didn't have enough money to pay for my transport to school every day so I was missing classes because of that you are so stupid I won't waste my time with you after that she sent a wall of text that I didn't read I think some choosing beggars think that if someone has money that they've always come for money but the reality is most people have to work really hard to get there and unfortunately for the hero of our story there's no sense of congratulations well done good for you it's just a pure sense of entitlement because now he's got a little bit of money this choosing beggar like all choosing beggars hold that basic life philosophy what you've worked hard and earned more money than me well I guess because you have more I'm entitled to it somehow that makes sense in their mind if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit I'll slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 165,228
Rating: 4.8598576 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, entitled parents owned, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/ChoosingBeggars, funny reddit stories, r/ChoosingBeggars 26
Id: 2EoWkL6SJRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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