r/ProRevenge (ft. r/NuclearRevenge) | NOW SHE MAKES MINIMUM WAGE

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welcome to the evening show I'm your host captain Zach and today's subreddit is our slash Pro revenge don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story was called 14 people including me walk out in protest so Friday the 13th hop it was Glory's for all intents and purposes I run day-to-day operations for a decent sized company we have a president who runs the company in-house he can be tedious overwhelming and an all-around butthole sometimes other times he could be coolest can be this was one of those times he was an overbearing micromanaging but back at shop foreman I take my job seriously with morale if my guys aren't happy good product isn't produced if good product isn't produced customers aren't happy looking towards quality control it doesn't help when guys are overworked underpaid and underappreciated Friday it was one of those days that started that well but by 6:40 a.m. it had deteriorated to crap note we officially don't even start work until 7:00 after the start it was complained about this micromanage that several people being cussed at and belittled everyone just had enough once in our programming office the idea was floated by someone that we should walk out he can't fire us all now we've all joked about this time after time but it's never been more than a thought we grit our teeth and Barrett that day something was different after getting yelled at again for something out of my control I finally said screw it when someone asked if I was in and serious I said yes then it snowballed from there a total of 20 of us were supposed to walk out but due to cold feet in a few defecating only 14 made it at 10 a.m. we made our move I told everyone to wait until he would be distracted with the machine and we'd all clock out and leave we all waited when he was distracted I gave the roundup signal and everyone left a few stop for a beer to relax we weren't intending on going back to negotiate until Monday we all met at a guy's house and discussed why we walked what we wanted and what our terms were one thing was very clear we all came back or no one did after talking for two and a half hours and coming to our terms we decided to head back after a text from him we were going to corner him we were going to talk it straight or we weren't working anymore the talk lasted almost two hours with both parties flexing their giving muscles at some point but one thing was made clear things were going to change or we'd all go look for new jobs after several people were being threatened with being fired and none being let go we came to terms that benefited us for once our workplace had so much morale people were excited to work again we went back to work with purpose agenda and pride this is the first Monday I've looked forward to work in a year even the guys who couldn't come the people in the main office we stirred the pot we've made it known we're not going to go through this anymore I will vouch for any of my men and I would do it again in a heartbeat this story wasn't so much of a Pro revenge as a pro example of what can happen if you work together with people and that's pretty cool nice switch up this story was called fire me because I was sick have fun making minimum wage this took place a couple years back and one of my old co-workers said I should post it here so this happened during the beginning of my senior year of high school I was balancing out football school and work I worked at a convenience store chain that's only been around my region of the country the USA I had an incompetent store manager she was lazy he never wanted to do work and all the store associates including assistant manager were always stuck cleaning up her mess she took two-hour lunches and always thought it was appropriate to leave her shift early for some reason and I'll never understand why she did not like me a good example was her writing me up for using my cell phone on the floor when it was my mother calling me asking when to pick me up I didn't have my license when this was going on or the time she gave me crap for not fully stocking the fridge now she came in early in the morning and I would usually come in at the end of her shift because I had school and football practice then there was a night shift after me she would come in the morning and see the fridge not fully stocked this is just an example of how much of an idiot she really was how she should be giving the night shift guys write-ups for that but no I was her main target now I had gotten very sick one weekend and had to call in to work that I couldn't come in that day none of the managers or assistant managers were in so the team lead my message looking back at it I should blame him more than my idiot manager anyway I assume he never told the managers I was out because come the next week I had a football game on Saturday and I usually work Saturdays and when I had gotten that job earlier that year I gave her my football schedule so she wouldn't put me on for that day my boss calls me Friday night telling me I need to come into work Saturday because I missed work the previous week and no call no show is automatic termination I told her I did call in but she didn't believe me so instead of her telling me I was fired I said I quit right there on the phone so I guess she didn't fire me but I fired me I don't know now to the revenge I already had plans to get her fired or demoted either one would have made me happy over the course of the month prior to my departure I had taken video and pictures of how bad she had that store running by the time I had gotten to my shift I had taken pictures of filthy floors and bathrooms flies all around the food assembly area associates on their phone even the manager herself playing games or whatever right on the floor basically showing how she kept her store Iraq during her shift and I was left to clean up the rest I ended up sending this all the way up to our regional manager my manager was banging the district manager so if I had sent it to him I would have gotten Barry anyway I got a response back saying that the situation would be handled accordingly district manager ended up getting fired due to incompetence and he was also under fire initially for harassment allegations from other store workers my store manager got demoted all the way down to a basic store associate the icing on the cake was that a year later I was working at a warehouse that year after I graduated making almost $20.00 an hour there was another one of the convenience stores right down the road for my building I ended up going there for lunch only to see my old boss getting reamed out by that store's manager so with the knowledge that I was making almost three times her hourly wage store associates only make 835 an hour also the fact that she was still incompetent at her job made me quite happy we all know lousy management is Laozi I guess let us know in the comments below if you have a really bad manager and why are they so bad here's a post from our slash nuclear revenge it's called he grabbed me I took everything to start off I want to clarify that I went way overboard and at the time this story took place I was at a bad spot in my life but I do not regret what I did in any way so about four years ago I was working as a certified nurse's aide I later lost my job for unrelated reasons and never went back into the field for other reasons while I was there I was one of four who would train new people this is only relevant as the person this involves who will be called John was one of the guys I trained at our facility John for the most part was easy to get along with but had a temper and everyone was aware of it what I didn't know at the time was that he was also fighting for custody of his child one day about a year into him working there he had messed up some charting no big deal I fixed it and corrected him on his mistake he at first was confused but I just explained that he might have gotten the charting numbers mixed up and it was no problem now for reference we did our charting paper style at the desk located between two of the halls and occasionally our patients would be sitting in front of it while chatting with us as most of them were dementia care they never really remembered what would be said but regardless we never talked about anyone by name only room number or chart number about an hour after this I got done cleaning up from a resident shower and he came into the shower room and he asked to talk to me sure that's fine as it was a private area he made mention that he didn't appreciate me correcting him in front of people it made sense so I apologized and told him it wouldn't happen again I don't know where I went wrong but he started getting loud about how it was his hall and no one had the right to talk to him like that now I'm angry I told him that we don't have hall leads at our facility nor does any nursing home I have ever seen excluding maybe our nurses who are in charge and - I have been here four years longer than him and apparently nothing I said while training him stuff this didn't sit well with him he proceeded to pin me to the wall of the shower room with his arms across my throat and his hand holding my shirt as he held me there he told me if I ever talk to him like that again he was reporting me to the state for HIPAA violations now HIPAA is not something I take lightly one slip-up could cost you everything in this field with a HIPAA violation I was red with anger my thing is I am double this guy's size and didn't want to lose my job for fighting with the co-worker the place was terrible but I enjoyed helping the residents so I started thinking and immediately had an idea if there was one thing I knew it was that the only thing worse for your license than a HIPAA violation was elder abuse so I started my scheme we had a man in our Hall who had brain damage from football and as such he was highly combative and took two people to normally handle him I was able to do him on my own generally as I talked to him about football while taking care of him I played defensive line in high school that day he had developed a bruise on his chest and I had no clue where it came from but I had an idea of where I was going to say it came from I immediately called in John to help me transfer this resident to bed as we got done and went into the hall I said just loud enough for several CNAs and nurses to hear stated I don't care why you did it you never hit a patient he was taken aback by this whole statement it clicked after about five seconds what I just did to him the nurses had me write a statement in which I mentioned I had asked if he knew what that new bruise came from and John told me that while he was walking the resident to the bathroom he kept squeezing his arms so he hit him on the chest yes the guy would squeeze arms and wrists while being walked the next day I came in and found out that John had lost his job in police and Adult Protective Services were pressing charges on him I don't know if he was found guilty or not I did find out a few weeks later however that he not only lost his license he also completely lost custody of his child to his ex-wife and got no visitation on top of that he had to sell everything he owned in order to pay for his lawyer needless to say I could have been a little bit more fair with him but I loved watching his life burned down let it be learned don't grab or threaten people who can ruin your life with the drop of a hat oh boy okay that guy got obliterated do not assault your co-workers but goodness this guy really really went for the nuclear in the nuclear revenge all right this last story was originally posted on Pro revenge but then was posted again on nuclear revenge so it's a good little mix anyway so this last story was called catfish thief after having my wallet and cell phone stolen then destroyed their life when I was in college I had my wallet stolen this is where my six-month revenge story begins at the beginning of the fall semester I was working out in the college gym one morning and realized when I had returned that my wallet was not in the pants that I had left in my locker assuming that I had just left it in my dorm I didn't think too much about it and went to lunch when I got to the dining hall for lunch and sat down with some friends I heard that some other people who had been to the gym recently or missing things like watches cell phones wallets etc one of my best friends was missing his phone and we realized we had been robbed so we spent the rest of the meal complaining about gym security and just accepting our fate I later learned that this sort of theft from the gym locker rooms had been going on for months this is important later later in the evening we were sitting around playing Fifa and tried calling my buddy's phone just to see what would happen it rang the idiot thief didn't turn off the phone and we basically called him 100 times because we knew there was a limited amount of time to get in touch before the phone died this was before Find My Phone was as widespread as it is today so we were bombed when the thief never answered the phone about to give up I received a text on my phone reading what the f stopped calling me perfect my text back saying that I was trying to reach my buddy who had his phone stolen in that I had recently lost my wallet as well no response I text back saying I don't really care about the cash or the wallet but my ID was going to be a pain to replace because I'm from a state halfway across the country the thief starts texting back and to be honest I was surprised by how empathetic he was being with me about getting robbed I started sending friendlier and friendlier texts saying things like you're actually a pretty cool guy and I get why you would steal these things just laying around when he apologized directly I was like forgiven forget man don't worry about it at this point my only goal was to get my ID back after texting for a while I realized that the only way this guy would meet up with me is if he had something to gain so I started asking over texts if I could pay him for the stolen stuff he wasn't very interested in that probably because we didn't offer enough money but eventually the conversation led to drugs now this was after like ten days of texting back and forth so it wasn't super abrupt because we had talked about parties drinking and smoking pot we were essentially catfishing this guy to believe we were friends so there is a lot of filler conversation I'm leaving out the surprising part about his drug offer though was that he wanted to sell me acid which was pretty hardcore based on the conversation so far I'm not a narc but the acid dealer / grand larceny combo made me realize this guy is making 100 percent of his income off of criminal activities at this point I think I might be in over my head so I went to the campus Public Safety to see if they could help here was my pitch I am in contact with the guy who has been stealing from students at the gym and I am setting up a drug sting I want your help their response was was a Frick you cannot do this vine looks like we are going to have to go row I leave campus safety and proceed setting up a drug deal with the idea that we will pay him cash for the return of the stolen goods and some drugs he has pretty specific instructions because I think he realized he might stand to get his butt beat by showing up to a place full of people he had robbed his instructions were for us to leave cash under a trash can in the middle of campus into you would then throw away our stuff in the trash in a recognizable yellow bag we were never supposed to see his face I say that plan sounds great let's do it tomorrow the next day comes and I skip all my classes I called a friend who had grown up in the area and gone to a public high school near my college and then called another friend with a dorm room overlooking the trashcan where the deal was to go down then the stakeout began we watched for like three hours while listening to stand-up comedy in the dorm room and screwing around it was a fun reason to skip class finally I get a text from the guy that warrants not to try anything funny because he was with a friend with a knife sure enough we see a skinny white kid carrying a yellow bag approaching the trashcan along with a short squat guy in a big hoodie I called the stolen cell phone and see the guy pick up the next words I said were a total lie and probably risky to our overall plan but ended up working out hey man I called the cops and they're on the campus looking for a guy with the yellow back there's no cash under the trash can but if I were you I would ditch the bag and get out of there he cussed me out drop the bag where he stood and started running into the woods what he didn't realize is that we were only like 30 feet away in a second-story dorm room and my friend from the area recognized him from the relatively small high school they both attended she was like holy crap it's Cledus obviously I'm using a fake name here but honestly Cletus is not that far off from the hillbilly name the student actually had we go down to collect the yellow bag and find my ID credit cards and Friends ID and no trucks the lack of drugs was kind of a relief when the next part of the story started going down it's important to note that my friend's cell phone was not returned in the yellow bag even though that was the original deal so now I have what I need for real revenge I skip Campus Safety this time and go straight to the actual police and tell them the whole story - the drugs parked I give them the returned stolen goods the phone number and some account information for the stolen phone and the name of the thief the stolen goods in the name were the only things they really needed to go find this guy but the phone really sealed the deal for poor Cletus because they ended up fighting to get on him I give my statement to the police get my ID and my friend gets his phone all of this happened over a few weeks we celebrate our victory and life goes on six months later I get a letter in the mail it turned out that Cletus is home had a crap ton of drugs in it in a crap ton more of the items reported stolen by students a lot of the stuff stolen from my classmates was returned and that was given notice that a restraining order had been filed on my behalf that was to keep Cletus 500 yards away from me I wasn't too worried about keeping my distance though because the letter also informed me that Cletus would be spending the next 36 months in prison for the crap they found in his home I would be long graduated and out of by the time he was released the final kicker was that I also received a check for just around $180 for the wallet in cash stolen for me that were never recovered paid for by hours of labor from sweet sweet Cletus okay this is a very good example of redemption at the end of a story our hillbilly Cletus got what was coming to him don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 143,311
Rating: 4.8642325 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/ProRevenge, r/nuclearRevenge
Id: 4CuVqtezRW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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