r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom DEMANDS FREE Drinks...

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[Music] this entitled parent orders drinks for her kids at a bar and then thinks she can get away without having to pay for them but little does she know that the person taking her order is more than just the waitress happy birthday today's your birthday on with the revamped show some backstory i live at home with my family and while i'd be happy to stay inside during quarantine they insist i have to go outside for an hour a day while maintaining social distancing i'm pretty lazy so what i usually do is i walk to the nearby high school it's absolutely huge and i climb onto the roof and just sit there listening to podcasts and playing mobile games the part of the roof i usually sit on is a little ledge overlooking the parking lot and adjacent basketball court and it's only about a six foot drop onto some stairs not even proper roof so today i was listening to taz and playing play gank when i see a family ride in on their bikes in the parking lot i figure they're just getting exercise in same as me there's two kids each young elementary school age on little kids bikes and a mum entitled mum not on a bike just watching them supervising i guess so of course since it's super intriguing when someone's on a roof the little kids start pointing at me and waving and of course i wave back and smile then i look back at my phone and get back into my game about a minute later i hear em shouting i only ever have one earbud in in case there's emergency it's a habit i figure she's shouting at her kids but then realize she's saying hey you want your rule i take out my remaining earbud and say yeah what's up she proceeds to tell me that i should come down this instant that i'm distracting and influencing her children to do bad things and that climbing the roof is against the rules she was technically right about the against the rules thing but the school's been closed for months and i'm not endangering anybody except myself kinda but i know my way around the rooftop so i politely explain that i'm completely capable and safe and that her children are free to ask me any questions she repeats her previous points only now adding that i'm a stupid teenager and i'm just doing this for attention i say that the effect i may have passively affecting her young children's curiosity is not really my problem and that she should just explain why they're too young to climb the roof instead of yelling at me about it at this point em is just red in the face her kids aren't even paying attention anymore riding in circles on their bikes again she continues yelling at me and i try not to engage she says i'm harassing and assaulting them by refusing to listen to her and refusing to get down em has gone full karen at this point just screaming about how i'm ruining their time out of the house and that i'm a bee and i should be more considerate of people who have it worse than i do the section of roof i'm on has a staircase that leads up to it and then a six foot block that i hoisted myself up onto and was sitting on em walks up the stairs and starts trying to hoist herself up to six foot block she doesn't use the railing i use to help myself up probably because it overlooks a 30-foot drop the stairs bring you to the roof ledge on one side but on the other side there's quite a long drop to the pavement which she seems to be avoiding at all costs she continually does a running jump at the edge of the ledge and every single time can't pull up her body weight she continues this for about two minutes while saying things like i try to create a safe and secure environment for my children and you were threatening us by being up there you need to get down right now i of course am still saying nothing kind of just watching amused at this point cause like what's she gonna do throw me off this side after a while she gives up and angrily goes back to her kids who are still riding in circles on their bikes she turns says she's reporting me to the police and takes her two kids and leaves the parking lot i followed them with my eyes and she never once put the phone up to her ear she might have called later but there's been nothing about it if she did call they probably told her that she was overreacting i hope so or at least my little rooftop social distancing sanctuary will be more ruined than it is already the pandemic has seemed to bring out all the busybody carons anytime somebody does the tiniest thing that they don't like they threaten to call the police on them the backstory one shortly explained my mother had a very happy life with my father until she was killed in an accident which left her with two kids me and my brother after a long time trying to get her life back together and struggling financially until getting her widow's pension she was extremely lucky to meet my stepfather through a friend both of them fell for each other instantly and only a few weeks later they were dating backstory 2 my stepfather's backstory so my stepfather who is the most kind loving and caring person in the world was married to this karen in his early life and had a daughter with her but as karen's r she wasn't satisfied with only my stepfather and had an affair with another guy she felt had a bigger career ahead and after it came out my stepfather of course divorced her she moved with her affair across the country i want to say at this point that her affair later left her for a younger woman so karma for that but as they had a daughter together she was of age at the time of the divorce my father kept a friendly relationship with that karen only for his daughter so now that the scene is set let's get into all the things that have happened ever since my mother and stepfather have started dating from what i've been told karen was actually pretty nice at the beginning but everything changed when my mother got pregnant with my youngest brother and both my mother and stepfather were overcome with joy one big change that came from this was that we moved about an hour away at that point because our then apartment was too small for three little children and my stepfather had to drive about an hour to and from work every day then my brother was born and everything seemed to be fine as can be we moved and it seemed that nothing could stop our luck but that christmas had a surprise for our family waiting in the form of a 12-page hand-written letter from karen accusing my mother stuff like not using protection conceiving my youngest brother only to have financial support for me and my brother my father made good insurances that my mother was cared for and me and my brother get financial support till we either start working or reach the age of 27 and was bullying my mother for not getting an abortion no need to say that my mother was shocked about all of that she and my father sat together and started to write a letter back telling her to leave us alone and to never contact us again we thought that was it but as karens are they don't stop until they've spoken to the manager well karen's approach was to get her daughter no blame goes towards her involved and get her to spread her hate towards my mother and as manipulative as karen can be it worked it created a lot of friction between my mother and stepfather as my stepsister didn't say anything bad in front of my stepfather from what we all learned later my stepsister got pregnant during a semester abroad about the time my youngest brother was born and had gotten an abortion pressured into by karen and all without telling my stepfather a single thing and my stepsister was in shock about everything once she met my youngest brother and that piece of human waste karen used her guilt and her feelings for her own campaign telling her that my mother wanted to bind my stepfather to her by getting pregnant with his child and that she was standing in the way of karen and my stepfather getting back together after years of trouble when my stepsister was around for a visit me and my brothers were often at friends houses when this happened after years of karen sending hate letters to my mother even though we told the post not to deliver letters from her karen's web of lies and hate broke when she contradicted herself and the entire story was exposed this led to a long talk between my mother stepfather and stepsister which cleared up a lot of things and got them back to talking ground we banished karen's lies out of our lives and while my step-sister still has contact i don't know to which degree we were finally karen free you would think this story would end here but it doesn't karen's campaign while blocked from us directly was now being conducted through my stepfather's siblings as my stepfather's family has regular gatherings my step-aunts and step-uncles maintained a kind of good relationship with karen hearing nothing of her craziness as it is none of my relatives problems so karen starts feeding them some of the lies she told previously and some new ones to my relatives and some of them leak through towards my mother and all those feelings from years of harassment come back up leading to old arguments and to my mother stating that she won't come to family gatherings anymore while such blatant lies were spread about her so my father starts clearing up the lies that karen has spread and everything seems fine until about three years ago at the birthday party of one of my step aunts at most of the birthday parties it's a big family gathering and lo and behold guess who got invited because my stepsister became a mother just weeks earlier you guessed it it was karen and guess what that freaking bee says as a greeting to my youngest brother while he was standing next to me my other brother my mother and my stepfather she freaking greets him in her current tone of wanting to speak to the manager look how tall you've grown at that point we were all just standing there in shock trying to grasp what that bee just said after all the crap she wrote trying to bully my mother into an abortion she had the audacity to look my brother in the eyes and say that line as if she was a nice relative looking back i was so utterly shocked that someone would actually say something like that that i was just standing there dumbfounded unable to do anything until a few of my cousins they don't know the whole story got me away from there we stayed there for dinner but left quite soon after because that waste of space was not only insulting my brother bullying my mother but openly started hitting on my stepfather who was disgusted that she was invited to a family gathering while she was neither friend nor family after an enraged ride home he gave his siblings an ultimatum either invite karen to a party to never see him again or expel karen from all family related activities because he doesn't want her or her negativity anywhere close to his family i would love to say that this story has a happy ending as in getting her a rested or a restraining order on her but at least she's out of our lives best thing to come after graduation from uni ending my half orphan's pension my stepfather will legally adopt me and karen if you by any chance read this screw you what's so crazy is that this karen basically did this to herself she was the one who cheated in the first place and then when well that doesn't work out for her she comes back to try and ruin everyone else's lives that are trying to make some happiness for themselves so for about three years i was between 12 and 15 years old my dad owned a pub i'm from the uk and until my health got bad i used to chip in the majority of the time cleaning washing up serving waitressing etc so this story takes place when i was 14 on one of the busiest nights halloween for those of you who don't know halloween is chaotic for pubs because loads of adults dressed up in costumes and constantly come in to get hammered normally i would have stayed upstairs my dad lives above the pub just minding my own business sitting up at my dad's desk sometimes answering calls for him since he was downstairs helping the staff cope however on this day one of our servers had called up saying they weren't going to be able to do their shift since their kid had fallen ill that was understandable these things happen the shift they had is normally called the graveyard shift midnight until we're closed anyways so there wouldn't be many customers right so i could cover it wrong oh i was so wrong when i got downstairs to cover the shift there were still loads of people and this is where it began i was taking the drink order of someone when em entitled mother walks in with b1 brat 1 and b2 it was midnight mind you b1 was 4 year old girl and b2 was 7 year old boy i saw them made the mistake of making eye contact and then went back to taking the customer's drink order nc is nice customer me too and c so your table wants two list drinks correct yes thank you alright i'll add it to your bill already had four drinks between him and his buddy thanks em screamed from the other side of the room excuse me me and my babies are thirsty yes she actually said that um one moment and i'll take your order i go back to the bar and give the bartender nc's order as his order is being prepared i went over to em and her bratz hello how may i b1 cut me off give me a caller me a little annoyed one cola got it anything else i need lemonade now me looking at the em and what would you like ma'am em who was looking at her phone whilst her babies ordered ugh get me in orders the most expensive beer we have something like stella i can't remember too well okay so you want and i list the order would you like to pay now or open a tab he am looking at her phone i don't care tab okay i'll go get your drinks i went up gave the bartender her order and took nc's order to him after about three minutes her order of drinks were done and i brought them to her not moments after i set the pop on the table she screamed what's this that's your children's drinks ma'am excuse me i didn't order those for my babies yes but your children ordered them and when i read the order back you didn't say anything so i assumed you were okay with it i wasn't listening they're children can't you see they're too young for pop but mom i want a drink you said i could have anything i wanted i know baby but pop isn't good enough for you if you want something sweet have your packet of wine gums for those of you who don't know wine gums have one of the highest sugar contents of all sweets in the uk and are really bad to give kids then em turns her attention to me honestly i was expecting her to give me trouble and ask me to swap the drinks out and title customers have asked this before and i guess it's what she meant but em turning her attention to me take to pop i want two fruit shoots okay ma'am i'll grab them now with that i took the pop to the bar took the fruit shoots to her and asked would you like your bill e am still looking at her phone whilst b1 and 2 are eating a huge bag of wine gums yes yes cash or card cash she then hands me a 10 pound note before i can even tell her that her tab is 11.60 she looks at me when i don't leave and snaps why are you still here go get my change sorry man but you still owe 1.60 what do you mean i still owe money i paid for my drinks and my baby's fruit shoots but you still owe money for the pops your kids ordered now normally i would take the pop off the bill or let her only pay for one if she was a regular or if she had said something when they first ordered the drinks so we didn't make them but she was so rude and her brats had made a mess of the table leaving me with more cleaning up than i already had before my baby didn't even drink the pop so i don't have to pay for it i just looked at her then spoke ma'am in a firm tone you owe one pound 60. pay up or i'm getting the owner i was so done with her bullcrap and wanted to cry out my frustrations but i just gritted my teeth instead plus my dad would be able to handle her much better than me good then he'll explain while a child thinks she knows better than an adult that was it i had already dealt with one karen that week which meant i was on a short fuse so when she said that i was done with dealing with her i grabbed my radio from my apron pocket everyone on duty had one and spoke me into the radio dad can you come to x section we have a problem customer who won't pay all of her bill her face turned white when she realized she was in fact speaking to the owner's daughter before he could even come she opened the purse producing the money she owed threw it on the table it fell on the floor picked up b1 and stormed out with her brats barely touched her beer but b2 put the fruit shoots in their halloween sweet bag my dad came and asked where she was and i explained he let me in the bartender have the untouched pop and poured the beer away he was proud of me for how i handled this one without him and how i didn't cry the last karen i dealt with brought me to tears and my dad had to intervene submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right blissey veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 8,138
Rating: 4.9502072 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: A-MQ8jPhcog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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