r/EntitledParents | Mom LEAVES Kid Alone In a Club!!

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imagine working really hard and you decide to take a little break from this crazy world and grab something to eat at a food court now it would be pretty normal to just pull out your phone and take your mind off things yeah not when there's an entitled parent sitting at the table next to you apparently that's not allowed you won't believe what crazy reason this mom has for why she can't be on her phone in public this story was called entitled mom thinks her family's rules apply to everyone last week I was traveling for work it had been a long two days of meetings and I was exhausted I had just arrived at the airport for my evening cross-country flight home when I got the dreaded text from the airline saying my flight was delayed two hours due to mechanical problems I decided to pass the time by getting something to eat I found an airport restaurant and sat down to water I ordered my food and pulled my phone out of my bag to catch up on email and browse the web while waiting for my food to arrive while I was waiting a family with a mom dad little girl about five years old and a middle school-aged looking boy sat at a table near me I didn't pay them much attention as I was looking at email on my phone but then I hear the little girl exclaim in a rather loud voice look mom that lady's on her phone at the table I then hear the mother reply yes she shouldn't be doing that it is rude to have a phone at the table my GLAAD server and the mother says to me we have the rule that no phones are allowed at the table my first reaction was to say something snarky as exhaustion was definitely getting the better of me but then I thought better of it and decided to be polite I looked at the little girl and said we have the same rule in my family but since I'm here alone I am NOT being rude to anyone by looking at my phone now at this point the son looks like he wants to crawl under the table from embarrassment and the dad is trying to hand the mom a menu and says it's okay let's just order I think that'll be the end of it but no the mum says obviously you have a family so you know how important it is to follow rules I would appreciate it if you would put away your phone in a turn that a parent would use on a petulant teen the little girl chimes in and says yeah gift put your phone away my brother can't have his phone at the table so you can't die though I look at the little girl and say in a sweeter turn as I can muster well the great thing about being a grown-up is that I can do whatever I want so now I'm going to keep looking at my phone and turn back to my email the mother sighs loudly the team looks even more embarrassed and the dad again tries to get the mum to just order and leave me alone the mum calls the waiter over and asks to be reseated Hiba grudgingly moves back to a different table my food arrives and I eat in peace enjoying browsing reddit you might be a bit surprised but I reckon there'd be a lot of people don't feel too awkward to not do what the mum said and would just put away their phone especially if they're a pushover or if they're non confrontational I bet this mom doesn't get people often pushing back so I'm really glad this person stood their ground and they just said no I'm a grown-up I can look at my phone if I want to this story was called iam wants my ID so I work at a grocery store I'm also 24 years old but my family has chronic babyface this is important to the story it's my day off and I wanted to get some chores done like clean the garage and give my dogs a bath but I'm out of dog shampoo and the garage has a major spider infestation so I run to the store I work out for dog shampoo and bug killer I then pass the beer I'll and think to myself how awesome a nice beer would be after I get all my work done and pick out a couple single bottles of brands that I've been meaning to try out behind me I hear someone loudly exclaim him I look behind me and see a woman with a full cot and baby in the seat I assume I must have been in her way as I did have earbuds in and I take a while to read the labels when I decide to try a new beer oh sorry I say moving out the way you're not old enough to buy that all you she scoffs um yes I am I know I look really young I get it a lot don't lie to me I have three boys two of them a teens I know what you kids get up to she then points to the big killer in my cart I bet you're getting that to get high off aren't you miss I'm old enough it's my day off work and I'm getting some stuff done like killing spiders in my garage giving my dogs a bath and then relaxing with a nice beer then show me your ID No then you're lying lady I don't need to show you my ID unless you're a cop or an employee here it has my private information on there she Huff's and looks around possibly for an employee or someone else to back her up but no one was around so I just leave a few minutes later I'm at checkout in the self scan and guess who I see again p.m. she glares at me again and watches as I scan the beers and then wait for the employee to clear me for it when the employee walks up eeehm loudly says you better check his ID he's underage the employee just looks kind of dumbfounded at her um miss he works here I know for a fact he's over 21 I sold him beer before p.m. goes quiet she probably wasn't expecting that I did in fact work here she scoffs and says well can't ever be too careful these days and walks off the employee and I have a laugh about it as she scans my ID and I pay for my stuff I think that's the worst thing that ever happened about how I looked young I had in the past had a smoke shop employee a doubt me until he saw my ID but this was the craziest so far now if somebody's in a shop like that and they look too young there are two options they're actually underage and trying to buy a drink or they're the right age but they just look young in option a it's not actually your responsibility to check its the stores responsibility and they will get fined if they sell to somebody who's underage so they have a huge incentive to make sure they check in the second scenario there's somebody who has every right to be there and buy the drink but you going up to them and saying hey you look too young is incredibly awkward embarrassing for you but also for them too now unless you actually think someone's in harm's way probably best just to mind your own business and let the business mind there's this story was called you're closed so everything is free the back story so I work at a pretty big pretzel company but for privacy reasons I will call it uncle UNH's anyway I had worked there for a year already and this happened pretty early in my second this particular pretzel place was inside a small amusement park in Pennsylvania not Hershey Park important for later all right enough lame back story now on to the juicy story in the cast me am tired dad not entitled and tired kid so it was the last five minutes after my shift so I'm tired and want to go home we were busy cleaning and not paying attention to the window because normally most families would have left by this point then we hear a knock at our window now I'm the cashier so I walk up to the window and say the line I always say hi how can I help you today yeah hi are you closed we closed five minutes ago great do you have any leftover pretzels yes we do why can I have them how many would you like five alright that comes to 21 15 for dolls twenty three a pretzel what they aren't discounted if you have a season pass it's 15% off no you're closed so the pretzels should be half of may wanting to go home and stopped caring and why do you think that you're closed so that means that the pretzels are day-old and should be discounted we switch our pretzels every 30 minutes those pretzels are only 30 minutes old fine paint used to want them if they're full priced no I don't care hurry up so we can go home fine so I can get 15% off right if you have a season pass yes no I should get 15% off because you are closed ma'am no as you stated we are closed so we are no longer selling pretzels I'm only offering them to you because my boss wants as many sold as possible see you can't sell them so they are free no they are not I will take them home and eat them for my dinner I was too tired to Kaz I had just worked a 5 hour shift I know that's not a lot but it was 95 degrees Fahrenheit and I had to deal with kids the whole time plus I'm 15 and they can't have me on for much longer you don't need them my kids are hungry then buy them some food no they are free for me yes for you Thea for dolls 23 mommy can we go No eeehm starts screaming something that no one but dogs could understand and two leaves it's not uncommon for three places like doughnut places pretzel places but once they closed at the end of the day they might give away some of that stuff for free but they're under no obligation to do so yeah you can always ask there's no harm in it but demanding it being entitled expecting that you should get it for free that's not going to happen it's also pretty common for bakeries to give away their bread at the end of the day but that usually happens to charities and people who are in need but even then they don't under any obligation it's just something that they feel that they want to do so was it wrong for her to ask if there's any free stuff they're giving away no is it wrong for her to demand it because she thinks she's entitled to it absolutely this fan submitted story was called e/m leaves her child at a mini club well past closing time accuses op of kidnapping her angel at a mini club buy a vacation resort me and my team take care of about 200 to 250 children per day the club is open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. with the option of having lunch with the kids one day around 6:00 p.m. we see the parents coming to pick up their kids we talk with them say goodbye until 6:30 rolls around and everyone is gone I call my team to begin closing Judy and I noticed that a colleague is playing with the little girl now it's normal for some parents to be a little late the beach is somewhat far from the mini club I send the other colleagues home and keep company to the child and the other woman playing with her after half an hour I called the beach station to ask if the mother is there and tell her we're waiting for her but they informed me she isn't there forty minutes pass I tried calling her on her phone but the number is non-existent she doesn't answer from her room I contact the reception but she didn't leave them any number I sent my colleague to look for her in the bar at the pool in the spa on the playground nothing after an hour my boss informs me that the club needs to be closed and suggested me to take the child to the reception and stay there with her after an hour and a half the mother arrives 6 foot to 220 pound woman and starts yelling about me chin up in your daughter the moment she sees me she stomps closer and yells in my face I'm going to hue you I'm going to admit bad words you were going to a my little angel ma'am please get a hold of yourself I didn't kidnap anyone since you gave me a non-existent phone number and you weren't in your room or anywhere in the resort I just brought the child here telling half the resort to find you and tell you more swear words you telling me I'm a bad mother do you know what it means to have children I know therefore I'm right and remember only one being you swear as I haven't even heard in the worst bars you for your man you compensation for my emotional drama ma'am quit swearing at me right now you could have simply left me the correct phone number and none of this would have happened I'm not obligated to take care of your daughter past closing time this was a one-time favor and it won't happen again since because of your behavior your child won't be allowed to attend the mini club again have a nice day she starts yelling in a dialect about my hypothetical night job and pushes me very hard making me fall the child starts crying as she's very scared and the guide reception who already alerted security after the first swearword jumps over the counter to stand between me and her she's taken away to the hotel manager and I go to the reception to calm down moral of the story she was kicked out of the resort and blacklisted by the hotel chain at least I won't ever see her again what's scary to think is that there's actually a child out there being raised by someone like that and that's a little bit terrifying not only do people like us have no shame in their turtle negligence towards their child but when the other person is actually helping them out by taking care of the child longer than they had to rather than thanking them and apologising for the trouble they've caused they try and make out like somehow they're the victim and the other person has done something wrong it's just insane if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ha slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 99,973
Rating: 4.9293079 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, R/EntitledParents 114
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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