r/EntitledParents | Mom Gets FOOLED When Taking Computer

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this person is playing on his laptop during a train ride when he is interrupted by an entitled parent and their child naturally the entitled parent demands the laptop for her son but it's what happens afterwards that leads her to quit the carriage as fast as possible during a tournament for racquetball this person leaves their sporting equipment unattended which gives this EP the perfect opportunity to swing the tournament in his son's favor but what kind of action does the EP son take to help out our hero and our fan submitted story when an unexpected accident occurs to this entitled parent the company does their best to make things right for her but this unsuspecting worker ends up getting caught up in the fray what outrageous demands does the EP make you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and title parents this story was called EP broke and my computer little backstory before I start I was taking the train from my grandparents house to my family's and I decided to take out my laptop it's not terrific it costs about 600 pounds with the discount but it works perfectly for what I like to use it for which is mainly word and playing lower quality video games my laptop has a bit of a problem where if it is picked up from the left side it glitches out and it freezes making it look like it's broken I just have to reset it and finally UK trains tend to be four seats gathered around a table and they had quiet carriages which is the one I was in now then into the story with all the usual names so I was in the train with my computer on a table making sure to take up as little space as possible when entitled mum and entitled kids sat down eeehm said across from me where his EK set next to me wanting to have a look at the screen but because left 4 dead 2 is a bit inappropriate for someone of EK is aged I'd say he looks 10 or 11 I tried turning the screen toward the window so it made it more difficult for ek to see it but he still tried leaning over to see the screen I had earphones in so I didn't really know what ek said but he spoke to AM next thing I know PM is turning the laptop towards ek to give him a better view I hit escape and paused the game and asked PM what she was doing oh just let okay play I'm sorry just let ek have your computer for a bit no I honestly thought it was a jerk the jump from ek just trying to see my screen to e M trying to get me to give my computer to him why not because it has all of my GCSE revision stuff on it and this game is not for people of his age I'll admit I was being a bit loud fine just let him watch I liked that she was reasonable but the second I took my hands off my computer to put my earphones in she had grabbed it by the left-hand side and lifted it moving it towards ek throwing my wireless mouse at him - I sent that in a temporary shock but ek was already trying to hit escape to unpause the game but lo and behold my crappy computer had broken when she picked it up the left-hand side of the screen was glitched out mom he's done something to it eeehm turned to the computer and moved the mouse around and unplugged the earphone hearing the repeating sound of left 4 dead 2 glitching the freaked out I swear I wish I had my phone out to take a picture because her expression changed too quickly for me to enjoy them it was originally shock anger then horror as she realized she broke my computer within a second she had grabbed all her bags ek hand and she was waddling down the carriage into the next one a few people nearby asked what happened and if they should get some help from the staff but I said no because it was fixable and I wasn't being bothered anymore as I said before all I had to do was hard reset it and everything was fine most parents are really sensitive to their kids playing violent or horrific video games so it's really strange when you meet a parent who's was the complete opposite it's like they continually insist that their kids be exposed to it it's just strange when you've got the hero of our story who's like oh there's a kid there this is a pretty like violent horrific video game I'll do the pre reasonable feign just tilt my screen away I'm gonna keep playing but I just don't want to expose the kid to that if you know if it freaks them out meanwhile you've got the parent like now listen here ek you're gonna watch these zombies and you're gonna like it this story was called EP destroys my racket so I wouldn't defeat his son at a tournament so a little back story after the incident with my arm due to the entitled parent in my first post I decided to get into a sport to challenge myself and to practice more with it so I get all of my mobility back and I did so with racquetball for anyone who doesn't know it's more or less like squash or with a way bigger bouncy ball and also different racquet styles after almost two years of practicing when I was fifteen my trainer told me that I should enter a tournament since the winners would be getting a trip to play the state tournament and if they win also get in the national tournament so I did it let's meet the cast mum trainer entitled parent K is EP son cool adversary by the way Aras referee and me so this happened during the quarterfinals of the state tournament it was really hard to get there since many of the participants were experienced people but I managed to get that far however when it was around five minutes for my turn to play against my next opponent I feel someone tap on my shoulder and theory is a huge man who seemed to have changed all of his hair to his beard just staring at me with a sort of fake smile and an unnatural killing glare on his eyes dialog was something like this hi hello so you do play good boy thanks I suppose you know the boy you were about to face as my son he has been practicing for this for years me supposing it was just an attempt to be a good sport well me too I suppose it's going to be a really good match then yeah sure you will see I was actually wondering if you could just you know quit what yeah I mean it's not a big deal also you will actually do yourself a favor since I know my son would wreck you if you face each other I'm actually ticked with his attitude okay then we will see who the best player is are you from hey it's your turn now he P stopped his sentence and just walks away with a really bad mood I swear that if clare's could kill his could be the John Wick's version of them all so the game started and it was a really good game we were actually really tied however I was gaining the lead of it just a few minutes later into the game a horn is played this means that something has happened and the game needs to be stopped it appears that in the game that was at our side also to decide the semi-finalists one of the contestants fell off and got a lesion so he wasn't able to play and needs to get to the hospital as I got out of the game room to see what has happened I left my racket at the side of my competitors huge mistake so it appears that while everyone was distracted EP saw a chance to sabotage me so his son could win he literally entered the room and destroyed my racket as if a bowling bullet passed through it fortunately this wasn't unnoticed hey what the Freak are you doing there are nothing hey that is my son's record what are you doing oh well I was just assuring that nothing happens to them when I got here it was like this what I literally saw you breaking the chords sir I must tell you that this is a several infraction of the game rules your son can't play the tournament this isn't fair I didn't do anything shurl is just a portrait of him referring to my trainer to get his student to the semi-finals since he can't do a darn thing against my son will this can be arranged by simply looking at the cameras that are recording the matches suddenly every inch of security in ApS face vanished I just limited myself to observe the show okay sir I'm sorry but as the camera shows you were guilty so your son will be disqualified Tom no not this again thanks for not trusting in me dad even if I couldn't win it was because my opponent was better and deserved to win fairly now come on I was just trying to help you I'm sure you could win anyways then why did you sabotage me instead of trusting him this moment a mix of rage and embarrassment was shown in both ep's face and voice which doesn't concern you also don't be that confident you don't have a racket so you can't play anyways no dad this does concern him since you broke his racket and yes he does have a racket at this point I was actually surprised since Kay grabbed his own racket which was way newer than mine from what I could see it was way more expensive as well and gave it to me please take this as an apology for my dad's behavior I hope you win the tournament at this moment my mum and trainer arrived with security of the place so they take EP away with his son EP was enraged to this moment because his son was on my side of the dispute trainer asked mom if she wanted to press charges but she said that I was the one who should take that decision to which I happily said no since I actually won a new racket in that situation and felt bad for Kay having to deal with his dad what happened next was that I got myself into the finals but ended up losing against the one who actually made it to the semi-finals in the national tournament for what I can tell a VP he received obligatory parenting courses and is a way better person now also Kay is one of my best friends nowadays some parents take competitions that their kids are in way too seriously you can just tell that they're trying to live their projected failures into their children's lives as if they're trying to write some sort of wrong that they can't do in themselves now because they're too old and unathletic you know it's not that they just want the best for their kid because who would want to win a competition by cheating you don't actually get any satisfaction from that if you're cheating at a competition to win it's no longer about being successful at something you love instead all you care about is the prestige of what other people think about you and that's what this parent wanted they wanted to boast that their kid was the best and was the champion it didn't really matter to them how they got there ourthe even got there legitimately they weren't proud of their kid for being the best they just wanted to show off their kid as if it was some shiny medal at least the kid showed signs of humanity so the parenting isn't rubbing off too much this story was called entitled mother and soccer coach for theatres soccer game they winning I ripped soccer at the youth rec level for a couple seasons and that was all I could take roughing in under 12 girls game during check-in I noticed a girl has her ears pierced easy to see with a ponytail that is a big no-no and is just simply not allowed I tell coach coach this young lady has to remove her earrings coach knows better but does the they are fresh piercings bit I say sorry she can't play with earrings had the earring gotten caught and tore her earlobe I would have been responsible kid heads over to mom who starts yelling at me from the sideline I politely explained no matter what she can't play with earrings the game starts I see the girl on the pitch no ponytail I know what's up on a stoppage I walk over see she is still wearing the earrings a yellow card her and sent her off the field for an equipment violation coach is livid I explained to the coach she is welcome back to play once the earrings are removed other team coach chimes in ref is right this is a danger now coaches livid and mum is giving it to me from the sideline without actually crossing the verbal line halftime comes earring team is winning four to one and it is not that close should have been 10 won they were one of the two best teams in the league at that point second half game starts earring girl is on the field I walk over asked to see her ears there is a bandaid on each earlobe e/m is now screaming at me coach is like are you kidding me I tell her to pull down a band-aid and there are the earrings second yellow card for second equipment violation two yellow cards Eagles are red she is disqualified for the remainder of the game and misses the next two games by league rules I sent her off explained to her she is disqualified and his team will be playing a man down for the remainder of the game due to the red card p.m. has sprinted over to me saying to the coach are you going to let this happen by this time the head of ref scheduling for the league has walked over as I informed her at halftime of the issue coach trying to bully me says if you're going to read card her and she can't play that we will just forfeit I look at him I say coach I accept your forfeits wait would I didn't say that that is what you said I go and form the other coach that they have won their first game his kids start to cheer like they won the World Cup I grabbed my ref bag and walked to my car later I get a call from the ref scheduler apologizing for the idiots she assures me the red card and the forfeit will stand the entitle team ended up as a co-champs with a record of 91 that year as the second-best team who they beat also had a known 1 record due to the forfeit that p.m. to this day still stares daggers at me if she sees me around town I always make sure to pinch my earlobe and give it a wiggle when she does there are some parents who are so self-absorbed that they don't understand why the rules are there or they just think they don't apply to them obviously this particular rule was because in the past somebody's ear lobe has been torn because they wore earrings and yes maybe it's a minor risk but if the ref is the one who's going to be held responsible it's his job to enforce that it doesn't happen no matter what the risk you can't have everything in life if the girl's ears were recently pierced and she can't take them out then you have the choice I have the risk them needing to be repierced again or stop playing the game and keep the earrings in some people want to try and have everything they want in life at the expense of everybody else and they think that the rules just don't apply to them at least in this case they learn that's not always going to happen this fan submitted story was called entitled mother ruins her own boots and raises a storm over her own accident hi everyone I've been meaning to get this story out for a while now and I am finally getting to it quick bit of background info I am a 22 year old supervisor at a gas station I had been working there for just about a year when this incident happened this is not entirely my story but I did have a role in it it all started on a beautiful weekend afternoon I was working in the back of the store rinsing out some coffee pots when my assistant manager am from now on storms passed me on the verge of tears she rushes into our walk-in cooler and closes the door behind her I poked my head in to see if there was anything I could do and I was quickly told to get out I walked over to the registers and asked what had happened and this is what I was told last week a woman eeehm from now on was trying to grab an energy drink and accidentally knocked another can of the top shelf and as most cans of carbonated beverage do when they're dropped detonated all over ems boots am quickly hurries over to try and calm him down eeehm was understandably upset and am quickly offered to call our main store our station was linked to a larger retailer and have the boots cleaned at one of our partners a dry cleaners for free eeehm demanded to have the boots cleaned at a different dry cleaners a.m. and the main store manager agree to this demand and the company paid to have the boots cleaned all's well that ends well right wrong what had caused my assistant manager so much distress is that the entitled mom her boyfriend EB from now on and one of their kids had just come into the store looking for a.m. a.m. being the nice person that she is went over to see what was wrong eeehm upon seeing a.m. launched into a rant about how the dry cleaners did not do a very good job on her boots and she wanted the store to buy a new pair am tries to explain that she had no control over what had happened and couldn't really do anything about it as expected eeehm didn't take no for an answer and pulled her trump card she had called the main store director and he had agreed to have the company pay for a new pair of boots that's when the assistant manager catches on to something that the entitled mom wasn't expecting a.m. asks a.m. if the store director she talked to was male eeehm says yes a.m. then counters and says that our store director was in fact a woman IAM had called the wrong store and thus would have to go to that store to settle the matter a.m. and eb didn't like this and both of them begin rating a.m. and bullying her in tag-team fashion while their kid stands behind them rather sheepishly they demands that am called the main store director and get a new pair of boots for en they even had the guts to demand at a.m. pay for the boots herself a.m. calls the store director who thankfully was at work that day and she agrees to get him a new pair of boots not completely satisfied with this p.m. and D Bieber 8:00 a.m. one more time before leaving a.m. runs off to go vent in the cooler and one of the co-workers not me takes her to a nearby bar to try and calm her down now there were a few more things that happened that just add more fuel to the fire I almost wish I could start an EMS car the co-worker who was standing nearby and witnessed the bullying noted that e/m was actually wearing the birds that had been stained and the fact that they didn't look bad at all the biggest thing that some of you may have figured out already is that a.m. had no control over what happened eeehm nots the can over and not only that she chose what dry cleaners the store took the boots to EAM was just the middle man or woman in this case but did that matter to iam nope a.m. was the only actual manager that e/m dealt with although if I'd known what was going on eeehm would have had to deal with a very ticked off supervisor who would have had readily thrown them out for verbal abuse and thus became the target for a classic e/m tirade I know I am just ranting now but there is one final nail in this coffin I want to add eeehm and EB came back looking for a.m. after getting the new boots not once but twice both times a.m. wasn't there so they left and not happily I will add I'm sorry this story doesn't have the happiest ending but that's how it goes in retail not every case or rude and or entitled person ends in them getting sweet sweet justice sometimes they get what they want and move on to their next target here's hoping eeehm and DB get that karma back in full and M&D B if you happen to be reading this please know that if you come into my station looking for a.m. and you're not there to apologize you better be prepared to be banned from the stores premises nobody bullies my co-workers when I'm around if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit pause / Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 151,475
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 68
Id: 9KTBHssTopY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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