r/EntitledParents | She's After Daddy's Money!! But He...

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it's a slash entitled parents time she's after daddy's money and she's even willing to sacrifice her sister's wedding to get it voice yvette ER ins prepare your defenses in this episode of voice he hears and title parents this story was called you're getting married but what about my crews the cast good cousin good husband good cousins husband and entitled cousin good cousins twin sister you can call her evil cousin to birth work so this story doesn't involve me too much but i know quite a lot of evil cousins actions and behavior through stories family members and GC told me ever since we were little kids my cousin good cousin and I have been best buds we lived only a few miles away from one another so we would bike to each other's houses play in our backyards and play video games good cousin comes from an extremely wealthy family her dad my uncle started a business when he was 20 and it has been super successful to the point there are now several large locations across the globe even though this family is crazy rich they live a very modest lifestyle they live in a small two-story home on a few acres of land and a very large pond takes up most of it the one lavish thing they do is that every two or three years they go on a cruise GC is one of three children she has an older brother and her identical twin sister II see you may think the good twin evil twin scenario is only seen on the TV screen but GC and EC are the real world equivalent GC is kind and generous while easy selfish and entitled EC always had this idea in her head that because her dad was so wealthy she didn't have to lift a finger in life to get what she wanted good things just came to her GC and their brother but GC had the common sense to know that she can't always rely on daddy's money despite getting pretty much everything they wanted growing up GC and her brother never had entitled attitudes their parents are also super nice so EC was always the evil standout of the family he sees attitude only got worse as time went on eventually he got married and had a kid a boy he sees husband is just as nasty as she is so they were kind of made for each other evil cousin always wanted to rub her child in good cousin's face like she wanted to gloat about having a kid before she did good cousin had a history of bad relationships one time she came to her sister for advice after her boyfriend mistreated her he had the nerve to blame her weight and not using makeup to make herself more attractive GC was afraid to date anyone after her last relationship disaster but that changed when she finally met the man of her dreams gah I met gh personally and he's a giant teddy bear of a guy he's the perfect guide to help heal DC's old wounds and give her the loving happy life she deserves then nearly two years after they met GC and gh were engaged the entire family was thrilled that GC finally got the man of her dreams and her father wanted to throw a boatload of money to her to help pay for a beautiful wedding for future reference he did the same thing for ICI when she got married yet Eazy was not happy about how extravagant G C's wedding was going to be GC wanted to be married at Niagara Falls and invite basically everyone she knew and her father was going to pay for pretty much all of it ICI was furious she talked to GC and their father about the wedding and how all the money being spent better not interfere with the family's upcoming cruise yes they still went on cruises together every few years despite the children being grown and having families of their own their father said that because of the wedding and how expensive it was going to be the family cruise would have to be pushed back another year or two ec practically exploded she blames GC for taking the cruise away from her and her precious boy who was five at this point she said she told her son how they were going on a cruise and how now he's going to be upset because his selfish aren't wanted to get married instead of giving him a happy week in the tropics he even had the audacity to demand GC to reschedule the wedding for next year so they could go on the cruise instead GC who is normally not a confrontational person had it with her sisters attitude and told her if she wanted to go on a cruise she would have to pay for it herself EC and her husband we're nowhere near as wealthy as their father and was no way he was going to reschedule his own daughter's wedding just to give EC what she wanted he's ranting went on for weeks flipping back and forth between blaming her sister for ruining her son's year and begging her father for money to go on a cruise because she and her family deserved it she drove GC to tears and she ended up calling me up for advice my only advice to her was to give EC who normally gets everything nothing and by nothing I mean don't invite her to the wedding like most sisters would do GC wanted easy to be one of the bridesmaids as she was a bridesmaid for DC's wedding not inviting her would be a major upset for everyone involved but it just may be the thing to teach EC a lesson so she did just that GC called up her sister and flat out told her that if she didn't change her attitude she didn't want it leaving a sour taste at her wedding again PC blew up shouting at GC calling her all sorts of names and again blaming her for the cruise being cancelled GC hung up and decided not to invite her to the wedding the wedding was amazing and I ended up being the bridesmaid to take EC's place yes I was invited to the wedding originally but GC didn't want me to be a bridesmaid only because she knew I hated dresses and I'd rather wear a suit but I said I'd wear a dress just for her special day it's been a few years now and GC and gh have a beautiful little girl and have a baby boy on the way AC is still in their lives and is still nasty as ever but she doesn't come to her father begging for anything anymore because after her behavior towards him and GC he threatened to leave her out of his will if she continued to pester either of them maybe now that she's not going to get everything handed to her on a silver platter she'll change her attitude for the better or at least that's what we all wish to happen imagine working so hard your entire life to provide for your family only to have one of your children basically treating you like a big piggy bank that they can smash any time they want cash from you no wonder the father threatened to take her out of the will if she wouldn't chill because you know what's more important than my is having good relationships with those close by you treating other people how you want to be treated and that's not what AC did in the story this story was called entitled parent expects birthday girls mom to watch her kid at a pool party while she leaves this happened about two years ago when my daughter was in kindergarten we were invited to one of her kindergarten friends birthday it was a swim party at the local YMCA there were specific instructions on the invitation because this was a party for five to six year olds the parents must stay with their kids while attending there were about fourteen little kids running around the pool for this party so to put it all on one mother and one lifeguard would have been too much I knew some of the other mothers attending so we all were going to have fun sitting poolside watching over the kids with birthday girls mum enter entitle parent she comes in with her son to the poolside dressed in regular clothes she tells birthday girl's mom that she has to run a few errands and should be back in 20 minutes before abruptly leaving her kid standing there BG's mom didn't have time to respond before this EP was gone EP son was a known troublemaker in the kindergarten class and had often picked on all of our kids the BG's mum couldn't leave the pool side while the kids swam as a part of the agreement for renting the pool so she had to ask one of her oldest sons to show the ep's kid to the bathroom so he could change into his swimsuit meanwhile BG's mum vented to us as she was already understandably stressed and couldn't believe what had happened she told us that had she just asked me before the party we could have worked something out but I can't believe she just expects me to have complete responsibility of her kid when I'm clearly occupied to make matters worse the kid had disappeared when it was time to get everyone dressed to have cake and watch the birthday girl open presents eventually he was found bugging people back in the bathroom not sure how he was bugging them I heard that part later as I was getting my kid Dryden dressed to make matters worse the trunks he had been swimming in were his short pants and he had no towel luckily one of the other mums brought some spare towels to dry him off and sit on at the table and chairs inside a conference room area where the rest of the party would be held by this point it's been an hour since EP left him he was his usual rough self and fussing that he wanted a bigger piece of cake even though they were all the same size and the kids reluctantly included him in the potty games this part of the potty lasted another hour after cake was eaten games played presents opened and gift bags handed out this kids EP was still not back people were leaving and the bee gees mom had to deal with taking decorations and watching over her kid who was sweet and helping her and ep's kid who was running around like a bat out of hell people helped her take down the decorations they get all the stuff to her car while others watched over the kids when I left two hours 37 minutes into ep's disappearance bee gees mom was calling him trying to find this woman as she and BG were tired and ready to go home I don't know what eventually happened but one way or another the ep's kid got home I noticed at the next classroom party that the things were very strained between bee gees mom and EP wonder why all I could remember thinking was that if this was a constant thing that it was no wonder the kid was always getting into trouble in school if you're not getting any attention then I suppose any type of attention is good attention at that point I think that final point really hits the nail on the head there are a lot of kids who misbehave simply because they're not getting the right love care attention and discipline that they should be getting at home it's what continues the vicious cycle of entitle parent to entitle kid to choosing beggar back to entitled parents again so maybe just try and invest in your kids just a little bit and they won't turn out to be terrible people this story was called EP wants me to release the hounds I work at an animal resort we bought dogs cats and everything in between I've been working there for about a month and love working with all the animals that come through sometimes we get ones that are super skittish or doe aggressive and we have to take certain care with them we also give tours to people who are thinking of boarding their animals thus that sometimes lasts for hours because we work in an animal resort they have animals we have so much in common Sunday's are reserved for pickup of animals only we have a two-hour window where parents can pick up their fur babies but it costs a little bit extra the influx of people and the lack of people working the weekends always keeps us busy so normally we don't give tours I was working last Sunday when reception called to ask if someone could give a tour I was in the middle of cleaning kennels but would gladly take a tour to take a break I woke up super friendly like and as a woman there with her two children who are bouncing on their heels with anticipation I asked her all the normal questions what size is your dog what breed have you boarded with us before red flag number one is when she hesitated to tell me what kind of dog she had okay weird but it is what it is maybe it's a new dog I take them back to the runs and the kid instantly let go of their mother's hand and starts going over to the runs fiddling with the locks please don't do that I requested looking at the mother who looks like the cat who ate the canary it's fine she replies I told him they can come and play with the dogs today that's when it dawns on me she doesn't have a dog she wanted to come and look at dogs with her kids putting on my best smile I continued to walk her through the different areas that we offer in our most expensive area we have cameras that allow our clients to watch their dogs during the day they're usually full during the weekends but this particular one we only have one full of 290-pound Akitas one being very skittish and male aggressive they have a curtain over their run so they won't bark at the other dogs and the Sun runs over and tries to undo the lock because he can't see over the curtain wait don't I snap but it's too late the larger of the two Akitas is going ballistic jumping on the glass and basically scaring the pants off the boy he stumbles back and starts screaming and crying for his mum his mother rushed over scoops up her son and turns to me how dare you scare my son like that she snapped angrily the child's still screaming and his mother's those dogs should be locked up well in all technicalities ma'am they are locked up I responded trying not to let the sarcasm through she narrows her eyes and turns on her heel storming out towards the lobby I'm going to tell your manager how poorly you're looking after these dogs she yells right into my face you let a six-year-old boy almost get his face eaten off I'm scared at this point I don't want to get fired I've only been here a month and if I lost this job it would be a nightmare however our receptionist comes over tells me that it's okay she'll call my manager and she can make a report dread in my heart I go back and finish working on the kennels well it turns out since the whole thing was recorded on our security cameras they could see the woman was definitely in the wrong and requested that she did not come back unless it was in the company of an animal she wished to have boarded the resort got a nasty review on Yelp my name not included thank goodness but she hasn't come back with a dog or a cat what I would give to read that nasty review on Yelp my genetically inferior clone voic-- here two actually made a video a slash keren reviews which I highly recommend you go check it out I'll leave a link below they are all real reviews that I found on Facebook and Yelp and if you see a Karen leave their own review somewhere be sure to submit it on our slash Karen reviews this fan submitted story was called the entitled art and the golden egg okay so this was a few months ago on Easter for those of you who don't know what that is maybe overseas it's when Christians celebrate Jesus resurrection after being dead for three days and celebrate with coloring eggs and hiding and hunting them and taking pictures with a giant rabbit kind of weird now that I typed this out being from the south it's a pretty big deal down here anyway during this time my hosting aunt decided to have the Easter celebration party or egg hunt at her house now my family is huge like 100 plus people on my dad's side alone this means that at least 50 relatives showed up at the party this includes at least 20 to 25 percent of the people that showed up were children with me being in college I was now old enough to be put on egg hi detail with all of my other older cousins and the adults including my mum sister my aunt who's hosting the party and my dad's sister-in-law as we're outside hiding eggs the kids were doing activities in the garage with the remainder of the adults now this part is important as it is a tradition of my family to keep the kids from knowing where the eggs are as we hide three golden eggs these are very special because they contain five to twenty dollars in each of them in which the money is donated by various family members these eggs are specifically for the kids so it's mutually respected that the adults don't seek them out until this happened that is after hiding the regular eggs a mix of real and fake ones with candy outside we find a special place for the golden eggs my hosting arts house is your typical southern one large yard front and back with enough room for a grilling area a couple of trees a large porch with rocking chairs gravel driveway even the front door has a burlap faux hanging from it this is important as we actually hid one of the golden eggs in said bow after all the eggs were hidden we called all the children for the egg hunt time skipped to almost all the eggs being found except for the last golden egg which had the twenty dollars there were kids everywhere frantically searching for it with me my sister my mom and hosting art giving hints as each minute passed out then comes entitled aunt as she quickly opens the front door and snatches the golden egg right out of the bow mum sister dad dad sister cousin one and two and hosting aunt and pretty much everyone else outside of the time stares in disbelief did she really just do that yes yes she did but that wasn't for her she knows I then go inside to confront her as it was my twenty dollars that I donated for the egg followed by both cousins sister mom and dad sister entitled aunt sits there talking to another woman I didn't even know that wasn't for you it was for the kids so I am a kid and just a big one you are not a child ei yes I am I'm a child of God so still counts that's not fair ei it was meant for us yeah we're the kids you're going to take the money from your great nieces and nephews they don't need it but if they want th so bad I'll give it to them and keep the money and this time my mother was livid as well as hosting aunt and sister mom turns to my dad you need to get your sister ei give back the money please why should I you asked if anyone would like to join in the Easter egg hunt they can no he said if any of the kids would like to participate they can like we said before that egg was not for you and you claim yourself to be a child of God yet you would steal from children you should be ashamed after that we realized she wasn't going to give the money and just ignored us by turning and continuing to talk to the lady she was talking to you before everyone had left the room except for me to which I soon followed but not without giving her a dirty glance first the rest of the family soon left her in the house with the woman all gathering around the grilling area to share their disbelief I soon learned this wasn't the first time she had done something like this as she has nickel and dimed people before even charging my grandfather rest in peace who was very old and very sick at the time for a plate of food after he wasn't able to get food for himself all day especially after all he had done for her prior to his health deteriorating if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ha slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 82,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 112, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: 6SQErrkAZyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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