r/Hardwaregore | i'm LITERALLY SNEEZING

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i feel bad for this gamepad oh god oh gross oh man that's just look i know there's not a ton of luck for the wii u but but it but it doesn't deserve this the wi-fi port when my pc fell but uh actually still works perfectly not sure which is more painful calling this a wi-fi port or that angle the number of headphone dongles like the older 2.4 gigahertz like corsair dongles that are just broken i hate these my friend's computer the day before finals my question is was it studying for finals that caused this or was the computer trying to save them crispy oh oh hot damn what the what happened here was it something under the rammer to the ram itself good i'm so curious now feeling good right now uh oh that was sarcasm hey at least half your display is now a rorschach test a permanent one needless to say i'm not gonna be playing for a while and this is what happens when you set your refresh rate to plaid first gen iphone fix i did in 2010 using a gts battery yep if it wasn't a lithium ion cell i i i'd actually say you know pretty good job and good idea on using those terminals and like it works i'm impressed you found something with the same voltage i guess they're all 3.7 but still not bad scorched graphics card why and this class is why we don't cook grilled cheeses inside our computers ew ew ew no no look i'm not that good of a hardware guy but what i mean technically you can use whatever you want to lift the chip what they're doing here is heating the chip so the solder pops the chip off the board and you can replace it and usually you know use like you know actual forceps instead of i don't know a crab claw i just had crabs for lunch and i was like yes that doesn't work fun with hard drive disposal these are sufficiently destroyed now right yeah yeah that'll do it destroying old hard drives is just it's the only place that it people can let out all of their rage at end users that try to plug the usb cable from the keyboard into their ethernet ports and we sit there patiently on the phone walking them through which port actually goes where i do not miss help desk i think my headphones broke yeah yes actually this is what happens uh when your headphones uh get very shy they'll just retract into themselves it can also be caused by cold weather what happened to your phone did you hold it in front of tiger woods did chuck norris click okay did you think face id involved your literal face good lord your phone needs therapy ssd house ah it's cute you broke an ssd in half for this a 960 pro like an actual this isn't just some freaking knockoff install the cpu fan boss the cable goes over it i'm guessing they didn't actually start it up but i would be curious to know if it just burst into flames as the insulation melted off the fan cable my equipment to cool my iphone 6s uh uh uh why do you why do you need to cool your phone unless you're a mobile gamer in which case you know i understand but hear me out you could turn your phone off and play an actual game no i'm never going to stop taking the piss out of mobile games my friend's phone i i are you all okay i'm more concerned by the fact that that looks concerningly similar to the uh the samsung note 7 or at least with the edge display the one that would come out of the closet as fire every once in a while ah just restart it oh my god oh my god oh oh you broke the glass yeah yeah yeah just just just reboot uh did you back up your glass also i have that screwdriver and everybody i know in tech that has had to do any field work has that screwdriver it's like four bucks and will save your life get like four and just stick them in every bag you own i've prepared cert literal servers with it their first mechanical keyboard uh any tips slightly damaged what even happened here like look i i have been prone to keyboard mashing out of rage in games like this is the end user needs therapy or their hulk hogan i don't know any idea why my laptop isn't turning on all i can think of is the asdf movie of i have brain damage a lg phone what do you people do to your phones like don't get me wrong the corner of mine is cracked and i really should get it prepared but i just moved and i really don't want them to send it to my old house but like what's this the strip of stuff on the left and it's correct how many times did you drop this you can see the screws in the top left hand corner just a little scratch samsung a10 this is like the fourth samsung a10 i've seen with just absolutely traumatic facial injuries i realize it's it's the cheap version of the s series but but samsung just put 10 bucks more into the glass and like five bucks less into the processor or camera or something just a regular gaming setup for a mac user uh well first off why are you running it closed max vent through the screen hinge in the keyboard what the hell are you doing second off put the cooler under the laptop not on the screen i'm getting too technical about this aren't they i am i should just i should laugh the funny but no i thought meme is wrong ah needed a magsafe one charger when i only had magsafe 2 available an hour with a dremel later and uh may i present maxi 1.5 you monster windows me laptop that um that those look like bullet holes is is this the laptop that like the parent took outside and like shot does anybody remember this some tough guy dad was like trying to prove i don't know a point or something and took a laptop outside and shot it and his daughter was very upset and i'm sure they have a very healthy relationship now only a miracle could fix this and and i am not that miracle goodbye i came back out of morbid curiosity what the hell is that that's not thermal paste i could look up the chip but um but i'm too lazy for that but yeah now i'm intrigued oh it's solder i just i just realized the scale we're working with the uh surface mount stuff anyways yeah um i think that's solder and i think that's somebody attempting to solder something it's a mess it's a mess i'm spending way too much time in this let's go apparently it's advised to clean your pc more often than once every two years yes yes it is um actually this is not that bad don't don't let it get to this point but if you do it's not the end of the world the fins are doing what they're supposed to it's just a radiator maybe get a magnetic screen this is this is really not that bad actually and full disclosure my streaming pc was in a really inaccessible spot in my old studio and did not get cleaned out for at least two or three years the thing had not advanced so like there was but it had dust screens but still like you know i should have i should have cleaned it out sooner it actually wasn't that bad when i finally did but but yeah yeah once a year once a year totally fine unless you have you know high pile carpet and three huskies in which case stop use an ipad does it have any cooling vents i beat my brother with my ipad oh okay all right hang on uh if this is that was supposed to be a joke that that wasn't funny and holy i do appreciate the rorschachi inky display cracking that ipads appear to have now i don't think these are the mini led ones no they have they have the home button i don't know they just seem they look different i don't i don't know this goes beyond my scope but maybe somebody else can explain why my ipad screens i know they're made by samsung but why they're they they look goopy when they're broken and also don't be don't don't beat up your siblings the world is a terrible angry place why the hell would you beat up the person in your own house a google desktop max at my lowes see this is one of the cco it's all jagged like it's it's solid but it's it's got the jaggedy lines also why would somebody break a google nest hub max it's like beating up internet explorer like nobody cares it's an overpriced toy for people that will never use it just leave it alone actually i take the bag it's like beating up edge the equivalent internet explorer would be beating up facebook portal that's not how soldering works okay all right explanation time a thing on your left in his hand is a resistor it's it's one of the most common electrical thingies you don't need to do what it know what it does those are that's a component that goes into the board and on the right side is a is a soldering iron that's correct and very basically you stick the component into the board the lung lead wires through the board and then you take a third wire looking thing but it's not quite a wire called solder it's usually made of lead or other metals it has something in it called flux boils away you basically mash them all together at the same time making sure you get the right temperature and it melts around the connector and it forms a metal bond what he's doing here is just melting resistor wire for a picture it's a very pretty picture but it's clearly a very pretty stock footage picture that they didn't ask like somebody who's been through a high school electronics engineering class or something like find a robotics nerd and get a three minute check on this photo two minutes of that check are going to be spent with them laughing for those of you that knew all of that thank you for your patience and please accept these cookies i promise they won't be used to track you she lied vigorously i dropped my pc well we're gonna call that issue a and possibly b c and d i think it might just be the cooler though you might be okayish i don't know good luck my outlet your outlet to what the fourth dimension yeah the fire marshal is about to show up at your house don't worry it's perfectly normal they're just gonna take all of it away pc at work had a bugged bios dpsp at 100 running at 24 914 1897.92 gigahertz in this case the uptime at the bottom actually counts down until the pc melts down and wipes out everything in a 50 mile radius so i accidentally dropped my phone well that one's actually really pretty another a10 another samsung a10 party god the screens on these things just a few pins should be fixable oh my god this is the bottom obviously we're at the top of cpu is this one of those weird reverse sockets anyways all the pins are supposed to be straight they are not yeah this is the reverse uh server socket uh that one sata ports failed i'm actually i'm looking for damage or something i guess i just did this too many times wait no there's something peeling at the top i mean this is just this is normal to recover the data and then like replace the machine this is a business machine i think it's the optiplex something or other yeah yeah no this is this is how you i don't get it this is how you recover data when the data never mind stuck using this pos while my good laptop is being repaired you'd be able to hear the fan crying out in agony oh yeah toshiba always managed to make those machines that were just disappointments like no matter what they did it was it was like one notch above hp but it was still just still just disappointing no matter what they did my computer power supply it worked until it didn't oh okay yeah um always be super careful with the inside of these things they will kill you not even joking and i i think this is one of those stupid small form factors used too they're garbage they're garbage i hate them started my week with a 600 plus pound rack of av equipment falling off the wall onto me luckily i was able to catch it holy hell oh my god somebody put yeah none of this none of this is okay oh my god first off i'm glad you're safe taking off uh unless i'm mistaken that's a battery like one slot down the apc thing with the blue screen that's a battery you don't put batteries in wall mounted racks or if you do put very small ones you put the battery in a tower below or something you don't wall mount batteries why would i'm so sorry i'm glad you're safe but dear lord somebody put you in danger hopefully they they fix this up in a safer manner even if they just did a vertical mount below for the battery or something like ah that makes me nervous it took a bit of reassembling uh to make this photo work what why why or why am i looking at an old landline phone did did you just put it back together if this is i mean that's cool i take old electronics apart all the time it's actually really nifty but you also have wires coming off of it which concerns me i think there's more to this picture i don't know what you're planning and it makes me nervous the battery has been replaced i really hope you bought an official one ah because that doesn't look like an official battery to me or the shop that did it rip you off rest in peace gtx 770 you fought valently to the end oh oh we shall mourn them yeah i had a a 670 die after like six or seven years straight and uh yeah just started drawing triangles all over the place and then a wooden boot fan cleaning gross you can do this with fans but make sure to dry them for like 48 hours afterwards just be super careful i think there's a little scratch i immediately checked the top to see if this was another samsung a10 uh it doesn't look like it is s 8 something i think that's a retina scanner not sure but yeah you did a number on it booted up this game and it's lagging a bit any help have you tried turning it off and back on again the sim card tray on my colleague's iphone 11 seems to be corroding he has no idea why oh weird that yeah that looks like vaguely chemical almost i don't see a battery bulge or anything that's weird someone smashed this lenovo laptop to bits still works though hell yeah i have always been a proponent of lenovo laptops particularly think pads they were always my work go-to thing because i dropped them in construction environments and things still ran yeah so a microsoft phone i think yeah no that looks like microsoft is this is this a windows phone one of the last ones in existence or is this one of their new android this might be one of their android phones still interesting pretty lines mean phone very sick wreck somehow shoved a pen into his phone's led screen what the frack i'm so confused uh uh what i know you can you can do it from the front but like i don't understand this and the photo was apparently taken by someone riding a washing machine in space so of course it's too blurry to actually make anything out yes it's still turned on no it isn't a flip phone it's a zte some oh my god i remember these yeah um it's not supposed to do that after rigorous testing i have come to the conclusion that it is not a flip phone i'm glad you and the science team have made such great progress there's also an unscrewed nvme uh under the cpu cooler uh is this just like a testing bay or something or is this somebody's like permanent raid because if it's a permanent rig i'm just gonna cry i'm gonna sit here and cry i don't think that's healthy uh or one of these sensors is reading 148 degrees celsius it's probably the one by the crack in the bottom of your screen but still nice to know you could melt metal anytime you want my trusty gtx 750 ti decided to die i think this is like the range when all the 600 and 700 gtx oh my god that is pretty well for death screens that's uh that's kind of a cool one turning a 2070 into a 1080. please don't an explainer for anyone who doesn't get it the the 1000 series of nvidia cards were shorter than the 2070s and some of the 2070s didn't fit in people's cases uh this is just a giant shearer it literally just shears metal and stuff uh and yeah they're just shortening the card by cutting through it because that's how cards work don't put your pc against the wall i know my motherboard is misaligned nobody cares about your motherboard if they do tell them to shut the hell up but yeah give it give it a couple inches you know to actually get the air out of there i broke a lightning cable in the weird way cable is not plugged in don't worry oh you ripped out the the actual whatever that is jst i forgot the connector name well done also clean your fingernails [Music] and this ladies and gentlemen is how to properly take care of an hp
Channel: EmKay
Views: 534,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Hardwaregore
Id: dF0WbluusHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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